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Koncentrationens betydelse inom skidskytte / The importance of concentration in biathlonLindgren, Sara January 2008 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med studien var att undersöka vilka faktorer som upplevs påverka skidskyttars koncentration positivt och negativt. Vidare undersöktes även...
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Collagen Solubility and Calcium Concentration and Their Effects on Tenderness in the M. longissimus lumborumGenho, Daniel Phillip 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Strip steaks from the McGregor genome project were used to evaluate the effects of sarcomere length, myofibrillar fragmentation index, 3 h postmortem pH, 24 h postmortem pH, marbling, electrical stimulation (ES), sarcoplasmic free calcium concentration, and collagen characteristics on tenderness as measured by Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS). The WBS values were measured prior to this project so the animals were able to be separated into “tender” and “tough” groups using a WBS value of 30 N as the separating point, steaks with a WBS value less than 30 N being “tender” and the others being “tough”.
It was found that ES sides had lower WBS values, however, “tough” steaks showed a greater response to ES than “tender” steaks. ES sides also had higher sarcoplasmic free calcium concentration and lower 3 h postmortem pH. Tenderness is best predicted by treatment (ES versus NON-ES), however, there is some efficacy in using total collagen and collagen solubility in conjunction with treatment.
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Erinnerungsort Flossenbürg : Akteure, Zäsuren, Geschichtsbilder /Skriebeleit, Jörg, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Technische Universität, Berlin, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (366-385) and index.
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Blank pages of the Holocaust : Gypsies in Yugoslavia during World War II /Jevtic, Elizabeta, January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of German and Slavic Languages, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 158-163).
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Dose-related selection of Pradofloxacin resistant Escherichia coliEriksson, Summer January 2007 (has links)
The study evaluated the Mutant Prevention Concentration (MPC) of Pradofloxacin on three Escherichia coli (E.coli) strains, 2 wildtypes and one first-step gyrA resistant mutant. We also measured the value of AUC (Under the Concentration)/MPC that prevents growth of resistant mutants. It is of importance to reach a concentration above MPC that prevent E.coli from developing resistance against the antibiotic. We used an in vitro kinetic model where we added bacteria? and antibiotic. The culture flask was attached to a pump with an adjustable pump-speed. This made it possible to dilute the antibiotics in a satisfying elimination half-life (t1/2= 7 hours) pace. Samples were removed with a syringe at different times in the study. The samples where then cultured on agar- plates to enable counting of the viable colonies after incubation. The optimal concentration to completely eradicate both E.coli wildtypes Nu14 and MG1655 with Pradofloxacin was Cmax ≥8 times MPC and AUC/MPC then became73. Additional experiments needs to be done on the resistant mutant LM378 before we can determine the optimal concentration. But results so far indicate that the concentration of Cmax would be about 8-12 timesMPC to completely eradicate that mutant.
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Koncentrationssvårigheter hos barn i förskolan. : En intervjustudie om hur pedagoger i förskolan gör för att träna barn med koncentrationssvårigheter att bibehålla sin koncentration.Littorin, Marina January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how preschool teachers are doing to train children with concentration difficulties to maintain their concentration. That children with concentration difficulties increases is something that emerged in this study. In order to facilitate and help these children in the best possible way, you have to know the underlying causes and the factors that contribute to lack of concentration.Iam usinga qualitativeinterview method withsemi-structuredquestions to getanswersto my questions.Threeteachers fromtwodifferent preschoolsparticipated in the survey. What emerged in the study was that large groups of children, long days at preschool and today’s society with stress are major causes contributing to the increasing number of children with concentration difficulties according those interviewed. The teachersworkedprimarilyonan individualizedmannerin which theyassumed thatallchildrenare different andreact differently to theimpressions andstimulipresent in the environment. They have learnedthrough their experiencesto preventconcentration problemsby dividingthe children intosmall groups, adapt activitiesforindividualsworkingin short sessions, providingdensefeedbackandstructuredexistence.Theseare importantfactors that givethe child agreaterchance ofbeing able tomaintain theirconcentration a little longer. / Syftet med den här studien är att få djupare kunskaper om hur pedagoger i förskolan gör för att träna barn med koncentrationssvårigheter, att bibehålla sin koncentration. Att barn med koncentrationssvårigheter ökar är något som framkommit i den här studien. För att kunna underlätta och hjälpa dessa barn på bästa möjliga sätt, så måste man veta de bakomliggande orsakerna och vilka faktorer som bidrar till koncentrationssvårigheter. Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ intervjumetod med halvstrukturerade frågor för att få svar på mina frågor. Tre pedagoger från två olika förskolor har deltagit i undersökningen. Vad som framkom i resultatet så är stora barngrupper, långa dagar på förskolan och dagens samhälle med stress stora bidragande orsaker till det ökande antalet barn med koncentrationssvårigheter enligt intervjupersonerna. Pedagogerna arbetade främst på ett individuellt anpassat sätt där de utgick från att alla barn är olika och reagerar olika på intryck och stimuli som finns i omgivningen. De har lärt sig genom sina erfarenheter att förebygga koncentrationssvårigheter genom att dela in barnen i mindre grupper, anpassa aktiviteterna efter individerna, arbeta i korta pass, ge tät feedback och en strukturerad tillvaro. Dessa är viktiga faktorer som ökar chansen till att kunna bibehålla sin koncentrationsförmåga lite längre.
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Industrial policy, exports, and industrial concentration of South Korea and TaiwanJeong, Se-Yeol. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Yale University, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 165-172).
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Concentration of measure, negative association, and machine learningRoot, Jonathan 07 December 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we consider concentration inequalities and the concentration
of measure phenomenon from a variety of angles. Sharp tail bounds on the deviation of Lipschitz functions of independent random variables about their mean are well known. We consider variations on this theme for dependent variables on the Boolean cube.
In recent years negatively associated probability distributions have been studied as potential generalizations of independent random variables. Results on this class of distributions have been sparse at best, even when restricting to the Boolean cube. We consider the class of negatively associated distributions topologically, as a subset of the general class of probability measures. Both the weak (distributional) topology and the total variation topology
are considered, and the simpler notion of negative correlation is investigated.
The concentration of measure phenomenon began with Milman's proof of Dvoretzky's theorem, and is therefore intimately connected to the field of high-dimensional convex geometry. Recently this field has found application in the area of compressed sensing. We consider these applications and in particular analyze the use of Gordon's min-max inequality in various compressed sensing frameworks, including the Dantzig selector and the matrix uncertainty selector.
Finally we consider the use of concentration inequalities in developing a theoretically sound anomaly detection algorithm. Our method uses a ranking procedure based on KNN graphs
of given data. We develop a max-margin learning-to-rank framework to train limited complexity models to imitate these KNN scores. The resulting anomaly detector is shown to be asymptotically optimal in that for any false alarm rate α, its decision region converges to the α-percentile minimum volume level set of the unknown
underlying density.
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Principes de grandes déviations pour des modèles de matrices aléatoires / Large deviations problems for random matricesAugeri, Fanny 27 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le domaine des matrices aléatoires et des techniques de grandes déviations. On s'attachera dans un premier temps à donner des inégalités de déviations pour différentes fonctionnelles du spectre qui reflètent leurs comportement de grandes déviations, pour des matrices de Wigner vérifiant une propriété de concentration indexée par un paramètre alpha ∈ (0,2]. Nous présenterons ensuite le principe de grandes déviations obtenu pour la plus grande valeur propre des matrices de Wigner sans queues Gaussiennes, dans la lignée du travail de Bordenave et Caputo, puis l'étude des grandes déviations des traces de matrices aléatoires que l'on aborde dans trois cas : le cas des beta-ensembles, celui des matrices de Wigner Gaussiennes, et enfin des matrices de Wigner sans queues Gaussiennes. Le cas Gaussien a été l'occasion de revisiter la preuve de Borell et Ledoux des grandes déviations des chaos de Wiener, que l'on prolonge en proposant un énoncé général de grandes déviations qui nous permet donner une autre preuve des principes de grandes déviations des matrices de Wigner sans queues Gaussiennes. Enfin, nous donnons une nouvelle preuve des grandes déviations de la mesure spectrale empirique des beta-ensembles associés à un potentiel quadratique, qui ne repose que sur leur représentation tridiagonale. / This thesis falls within the theory of random matrices and large deviations techniques. We mainly consider large deviations problems which involve a heavy-tail phenomenon. In a first phase, we will focus on finding concentration inequalities for different spectral functionals which reflect their large deviations behavior, for random Hermitian matrices satisfying a concentration property indexed by some alpha ∈ (0,2]. Then we will present the large deviations principle we obtained for the largest eigenvalue of Wigner matrices without Gaussian tails, in line with the work of Bordenave and Caputo. Another example of heavy-tail phenomenon is given by the large deviations of traces of random matrices which we investigate in three cases: the case of beta-ensembles, of Gaussian Wigner matrices, and the case of Wigner matrices without Gaussian tails. The Gaussian case was the opportunity to revisit Borell and Ledoux's proof of the large deviations of Wiener chaoses, which we investigate further by proposing a general large deviations statement, allowing us to give another proof of the large deviations principles known for the Wigner matrices without Gaussian tail. Finally, we give a new proof of the large deviations principles for the beta-ensembles with a quadratic potential, which relies only on the tridiagonal representation of these models. In particular, this result gives a proof of the large deviations of the GUE and GOE which does not rely on the knowledge of the law of the spectrum.
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Concentração de rejeito de manganês por flotação. / Concentration of manganese tailings via flotation.Helder Silva Souza 12 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a rota de concentração de manganês através da flotação reversa de caulinita, presente na forma de ganga, em um rejeito proveniente do beneficiamento de minério manganês do Azul. Tem-se como objetivo o desenvolvimento da rota de concentração por flotação de finos de manganês através de coletores e depressores que conduzem a separação seletiva entre os minerais de manganês e de ganga, o que, possivelmente, contribuirá para o processamento de minérios atualmente considerados como marginais, aumentando a vida útil de reservas existentes e futuras, e promovendo o aproveitamento de minérios finos de manganês depositados em barragens. Inicialmente, realizou-se o estudo de caracterização mineralógica, subsidiando os estudos de flotação em bancada na definição da rota de concentração. Verificou-se que o rejeito é composto por caulinita (71% em massa) e, em menor proporção, por criptomelana-holandita (17% em massa). A caulinita apresenta liberação global de 88%, e os óxidos de manganês apresentam liberação de 52%, com aumento para os finos, sendo um aluminossilicato comum nos minérios brasileiros. Tendo em vista a tendência de exaustão dos minérios ricos, é quase inevitável o aumento da relevância de operações unitárias complementares de concentração no beneficiamento de minérios que serão explotados nas próximas décadas. Neste contexto, esta dissertação antecipa uma necessidade da indústria mineral. Estudos de flotação em escala de bancada, com amostras previamente deslamadas em 10 m, foram realizados para a definição da rota de concentração. A melhor condição obtida para a concentração foi a de flotação catiônica reversa a 20% de sólidos, em pH>10, usando como depressor fubá ou Fox Head G2241 (na concentração 227 mg/L ou 900 g/t) para a depressão dos minerais de manganês e o coletor amido-amina Flotigam 5530 (na concentração 1.360 mg/L ou 5.333 g/t.). No que diz respeito à cinética de flotação, após o condicionamento com os reagentes, o tempo de flotação do estágio rougher deve ser de 5-6 minutos, e do estágio scavenger-1, de 6 minutos, sem adição de reagentes. Os concentrados dessa 1ª etapa, após o condicionamento com o depressor (amido ou Fox Head na concentração de ~90 mg/L ou ~500 g/t) e o coletor (Flotigam 5530 ou Lilaflot 811M na concentração de ~364 mg/L ou ~2030 g/t) em pH>10, devem alimentar uma 2ª etapa, composta por um estágio cleaner realizado em 6 minutos, produzindo uma espuma que alimentará o próximo estágio, o scavenger-2. Este deverá ser flotado por 4 minutos, sem adição de reagentes. O estudo com reagentes indicou que o Fox Head G2241 e o fubá apresentam desempenhos semelhantes, e podem ser usados como depressores dos minerais de manganês. Em relação ao coletor catiônico, o coletor do tipo amido-amina (Flotigam 5530) é o mais indicado, pois apresentou melhores resultados de recuperação metalúrgica comparativamente à éter amina Lilaflot 811M. O rejeito, composto por caulinita e outros minerais argilosos apresenta notável capacidade de alterar as propriedades reológicas da polpa de flotação, prejudicando a mistura dos reagentes, influenciando a cinética de flotação e tornando extremamente relevante a realização da flotação em baixo percentual de sólidos (20% de sólidos). / This paper presents the route of manganese concentration through the process of reverse flotation of kaolinite present in the tailings from the ore beneficiation of Manganese taken from the \'Mina Azul\' mine located in Para Brazil. This research aims to develop a route of fine manganese concentration by flotation through the study of collectors and corn starch, that conduct the selective separation between the manganese minerals and gangue, This process could possibly contribute to the beneficiation of ores currently deemed marginal and consequently extend the useful life of existing and future reserves, as well as, make viable the exploitation of the fine manganese ores deposited in dams. Initially studies of mineralogy were conducted in order to obtain grants for laboratory scale flotation studies on the definition of the concentration route, where the waste is mainly composed of kaolinite (71 wt%) and smaller proportions of cryptomelane - holandita (17 wt%) . Where kaolinite presents a global liberation of 88 % manganese oxides present a global release of 52 %, increasing the fine. The growing increase in the ore presented as a kaolinite contaminant motivated the execution of this research which focuses on the concentration of manganese ore tailings and evaluates several types of reagents, some already presented in the literature and others suggested in this dissertation. Kaolinite is an aluminosilicate common in Brazilian ores and considering the tendency for the exhaustion of rich ores it is almost inevitable that additional unit concentrations should be increasingly relevant in the beneficiation of ores to be exploited in the coming decades, this dissertation anticipates the future needs of the mineral industry. Flotation Studies on a laboratory scale with samples which had previously undergone 10m desliming were performed in order to define the concentration route where the best condition was obtained for the concentration of cationic reverse flotation at 20 % solids at pH > 10 using as a depressant ( or Starch Fox Head G2241 227 mg / L or 900 g / t ) for depression of the minerals manganese, collector and starch - amine ( 5530 Flotigam 1.360 mg / L and 5.333 g / t). With regard to the kinetics of flotation, after conditioning with reagents, the time of the rougher flotation stage should be 5-6 minutes and the scavenger1 - should be 6 minutes, without the addition of reagents. The concentrates during this 1st step, after conditioning with depressant ( starch or Fox Head on the concentration of ~ 90 mg / L or ~ 500 g / t ) and collector ( Flotigam Lilaflot 811m in 5530 or concentration of ~ 364 mg / L or ~ 2030 g / t ) at pH > 10 should feed a 2nd stage consisting of a cleaning process. This in turn is followed by a scavenger-2 stage, where the cleaner flotation should be performed for 6 minutes, producing a foam which feeds the scavenger- 2 stage. It should be floated for 4 minutes without the addition of reagents. The study of reagents indicated that the Fox Head G2241 and corn have a similar performance and can be used as manganese mineral depressants, while in relation to the cationic collector starch - amine (Flotigam 5530) is the most suitable collector reagent. This is because it provided higher metallurgical recovery compared to 811m Lilaflot ether amine. The waste is composed predominantly of kaolinite, thus like other clay minerals it shows a remarkable ability to change the rheological properties of the flotation pulp thus damaging the mixing of the reactants and influencing the kinetics of flotation. This consequently makes it extremely relevant to the achievement of the flotation with 20% of solids.
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