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Automatic juxtaposition of source filesDavis, Samuel 11 1900 (has links)
Previous research has found that programmers spend a significant fraction of their time navigating between different source code locations and that much of that time is spent returning to previously viewed code. Other work has identified the ability to juxtapose arbitrary pieces of code as cognitively important. However, modern IDEs have inherited a user interface design in which, usually, only one source file is displayed at a time, with the result that users must switch back and forth from one file to another.
Taking advantage of the increasing availability of large displays, we propose a new interaction paradigm in which an IDE presents parts of multiple source files side by side, using the Mylyn degree-of-interest function to dynamically allocate screen space to them on the basis of degree-of-interest to the current development task. We demonstrate the feasibility of this paradigm with a prototype implementation built on the Eclipse IDE and note that it was used by the author over a period of months in the development of the prototype itself. Additionally, we present two case studies which quantify the potential reduction in navigation and demonstrate the simplicity of the approach and its ability to capture complete concerns on screen. These case studies suggest that the approach has the potential to reduce the time that programmers spend navigating by as much as 50%.
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Unifying abstractions and code with concern mapsCooney, Patrick January 2006 (has links)
People trying to understand, develop and maintain software have faced greater challenges as the complexity of software systems has increased. These challenges include the difficulty of cleanly separating different intertwined parts of a system, or relating parts of the system spread across many modules. This makes it difficult to neatly identify an area of interest, which in turn makes it difficult to understand or edit that area. The ability to separate these areas of interest, called concerns, into their own modules has been shown to improve the situation. Several approaches have been developed to enable this separation: aspect-oriented programming allows program code to be divided into smaller modules that better match areas of interest; reverse engineering tools help programmers extract information from an existing system; requirements traceability tools track individual requirements through the development process. This thesis describes a technique that works in a wide variety of circumstances. This technique allows users to create simple diagrams that describe the concern and then annotate this diagram with query expressions which link the diagram to related development artefacts like source code or documents. This research has used the tool in a set of common scenarios and compared the results to those achieved using other approaches.
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Examining the Impact of E-privacy Risk Concerns on Citizens' Intentions to use E-government Services: An Oman Perspectived.alabri@murdoch.edu.au, Dhiyab Al Abri January 2009 (has links)
E-privacy concerns are among the online transactions risks that influence the use of e-services and e-government services. Whilst there have been studies that have analysed the impact of e-privacy on the willingness of people to utilize the Internet, especially in e-commerce, there has been limited research in relation to e-government services for a specific demographic group. This study has examined the impact of e-privacy risk concerns on the acceptance of e-government services in Oman using an integrated model. The model is based on Liu et al.‟s (2005) privacy-trust-behavioral intention model, the broader technology acceptance literature, and recent work on e-privacy awareness and protection. The research used both quantitative and qualitative approaches: data collection by questionnaire and a series of semi-structured interviews. The sampling frame for the study was civil services government employees in Oman. The model was tested using partial least squares and the results were compared to those obtained from the interview data.
The study found that e-privacy awareness significantly impacts the level of e-privacy risk concerns. Social norms and perceived usefulness were found to play a significant role in influencing the intention to use e-government services. The study also found that e-privacy concerns and perceptions of the protection available against risks influence citizens‟ intentions to use e-government services via their influence on the perceived trustworthiness of these services. Thus trustworthiness is a factor that could be an obstacle to successful e-government services project implementation. Therefore the thesis recommends that governments pay greater attention to the role of e-privacy concerns and put in place security and e-privacy controls. Citizens should then be made aware of these in order to build the required level of trust and confidence in these services.
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Do you even care? : A quantitative study on personalized smartphone advertisements and privacy concernsWallgren, Joel, Nordmark, Nicklas January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explain how privacy concerns impact the relationship between personalization and the factors of advertising value on smartphone advertising. Design/methodology/approach: A explanatory research design with a quantitative approach was conducted, utilizing an online questionnaire with a total of 103 respondents. Conclusion: The result indicates that privacy concerns only moderates the relationship between personalization and entertainment. It was also shown that privacy concerns had a direct impact on irritation Research limitations: The result is not generalizable as a non-probability sample was used, and only respondents between the 18-35 answered the questionnaire. Originality/value: A new perspective of how the moderation of privacy concerns impacts the relationship between personalization and the factors of advertising value. Keywords: Smartphone advertising, advertising value, informativeness, entertainment, irritation, credibility, incentives, privacy concerns. Paper type: Research paper
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FENOMENET MED DEN KVINNLIGA STRAFFRABATTENAhlberg, Jessica, Ahlin, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Föreliggande studie undersökte skillnader i straffrättsliga beslut och skillnader i hur olika rättsliga faktorer värderas för män och kvinnor i Sverige som begått samma typ av brott. En enkät med en vinjett av ett fiktivt misshandelsbrott där en förövares kön manipulerades mellan två versioner av enkäten, besvarades av 220 personer bestående av domare (n=68), nämndemän (n=61) och juriststudenter (n=91) från 12 olika län i Sverige. Huvudresultatet visade att män rekommenderas signifikant längre fängelsestraff än kvinnor med en skillnad på 1,5 års fängelsestraff. Resultatet indikerade också att oavsett om en man eller en kvinna ger en straffrekommendation skiljer sig inte rekommendationerna, och inga interaktionseffekter mellan kön på respondenten och kön på förövaren kunde säkerställas. Vidare visade resultatet att en kvinnlig förövare värderades signifikant lägre på rättsliga faktorer än en manlig förövare. Resultatet diskuterades utifrån tidigare forskning och teori och särskilt betonades vikten av att arbeta aktivt mot helt objektiva bedömningar inom rättssystemet, inte minst för att kunna arbeta brottsförebyggande då längre fängelsestraff resulterar i högre återfall i kriminalitet. / The present study examined differences regarding sentencing outcomes and how legal factors are valued for men and women who committed the same crime in Sweden. A questionnaire with a fictitious assault case, where the perpetrator's gender was manipulated between the two versions of the questionnaire was completed by 220 participants, consisting of judges (n = 68), the Swedish counterpart of a jury (n = 61) and law students (n = 91) from 12 different regions in Sweden. The main result showed that men were recommended significantly longer sentences than women, with a difference of 1.5 years of imprisonment. The result indicated that whether a man or woman handed down a sentence recommendation, the recommendations did not differ and there were no interaction effects between the participant’s gender and the gender of the perpetrator. The result further showed that a female perpetrator is valued significantly lower on legal factors than males. The result is discussed in view of previous research and theory, and emphasizes the importance of working actively towards a completely objective judicial judgment in order to prevent crime, as longer prison sentences result in a greater propensity to recidivism.
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Um método de refatoração para modularização de interesses transversais / A refactoring method for crosscutting concerns modularisationSilva, Bruno Carreiro da January 2009 (has links)
Sistemas de software bem modularizados podem trazer diversos benefícios como reu- sabilidade, compreensão, adaptabilidade, manutenibilidade, entre outros. O conceito de separação de interesses está diretamente ligado à ideia de modularização e consiste na capacidade de manter cada interesse em sua própria unidade modular. Um interesse pode estar relacionado tanto a requisitos funcionais como não-funcionais e em diferentes níveis de abstração. Algumas das técnicas que têm sido utilizadas para modularização de interes- ses são a Programação Orientada a Aspectos (POA) e Refatoração. Entretanto, a maioria das propostas de refatoração que envolvem a POA possui limitações para a modularização de interesses transversais: muitas delas são de granularidade fina; algumas são definidas imprecisamente e possuem sobreposição de intenções. A seleção e composição de tais refatorações para a modularização de interesses é uma tarefa difícil e não-trivial, além de variar em cada contexto específico, o que dificulta o reuso. Algumas das propostas de refatorações são voltadas especialmente para interesses transversais, no entanto possuem um nível de abstração pouco elevado e encontram-se acopladas a mecanismos específicos de linguagens de programação OO e OA. Adicionalmente, a aplicação de refatorações deve ser planejada e acompanhada sistematicamente durante o desenvolvimento e manu- tenção de um software, pois envolve alocação de recursos e avaliação de custo/benefício. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um método de refatoração para modularização de interesses transversais, através de refatorações de granularidade alta, baseado em padrões recorrentes de estruturas transversais (chamados de sintomas). Além disso, como parte do método, propõem-se algoritmos para análise de impacto a fim de apoiar desenvolve- dores no processo decisório de aplicação de refatorações candidatas. Inicialmente, dois estudos bibliográficos foram conduzidos: o primeiro sobre propostas de refatorações que envolvem aspectos e o segundo sobre trabalhos de medição de interesses. Dois estudos de caso foram realizados totalizando 22 interesses de dois sistemas alvos. Este trabalho de avaliação possibilitou uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos resultados onde foi possível verificar a aplicabilidade do proposta. / Well-modularized software systems can bring several benefits such as reuse, com- prehension, adaptability, maintainability, among others. The concept of separation of concerns refers to the idea of modularisation, which consists on the ability to keep every concern in its own modular unit. A concern can refer to functional and non-functional requirements and can also be in different abstraction levels. Some of the techniques which have been applied for crosscutting concerns modularization are Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and Refactoring. However, most of the aspect-oriented refactor- ings have limitations regarding the modularisation of crosscutting concerns. A number of them presents fine-grained transformations. While some of them are well-documented catalogues, a number of them are defined imprecisely, addressing the same situation and having overlapping intentions. They do not allow the designer to holistically reason about the elements involved in a crosscutting concern. It becomes difficult and non-trivial to choose a set of fine-grained refactorings and organize them in a feasible order to achieve the concern modularisation in a specific context. Some of the refactoring techniques are particularly focused on crosscutting concerns, however they are not placed in a suf- ficient abstraction level. Moreover they are coupled to specific OO and AO language mechanisms. Additionally, the application of refactorings should be planned and realized systematically during software development and maintenance since it involves resource allocation and tradeoff analysis. The goal of this work is to present a refactoring method for crosscutting concerns modularisation, through coarse-grained refactorings based on recurring patterns of crosscutting shapes (called symptoms). Also, as part of the method, algorithms for change-impact analysis are proposed in order to support developers during the decision process of the application of refactoring candidates. Initially, two biblio- graphic studies were made: the first one about refactoring approaches which involve as- pects, and the second one about concern measurement techniques. Two case studies were carried out totalizing 22 concerns of two target systems. This evaluation work allowed a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results. Thus it was possible to verify the applicability of our approach.
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Propriedades métricas do inventário de preocupações de carreira de adulto-versão para atletas : validade de construto e consistência internaFerreira, Alexandre Ortiz January 2009 (has links)
O objeto deste estudo é a verificação das propriedades métricas (validade de construto e consistência interna) do "Inventário de Preocupações de Carreira de Adulto - versão para Atletas" (IPCAAt 0 - 61) (Balbinotti e Balbinotti, 2008). Trata-se de um inventário de 61 itens (15 itens por dimensão, sendo 5 para cada subdimensão mais um item que avalia os projetos de uma provável mudança de carreira). O inventário analisa quatro dos cinco estados de desenvolvimento de carreira (a primeira foi excluída em razão da idade) conforme a teoria de Super (1957). Estes 4 estados e seus subestados se apresentam, em ordem, como segue: exploração (cristalização, especificação e realização); estabelecimento (estabilização, consolidação e avanço profissional); manutenção (manter posição, atualizar-se e inovar); e desengajamento (desaceleração, planificação da aposentadoria e vida de aposentado). Participaram desta pesquisa 336 atletas, brasileiros, de ambos os sexos (masculino, 255; feminino, 81) com idades variando de 16 a 56 anos, de 16 modalidades esportivas. Cuidados éticos foram tomados de forma que se obteve o consentimento de todos os sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. Primeiramente, foram analisadas as estatísticas de consistência interna do instrumento, de cada dimensão e subdimensão das preocupações de carreira. Os índices de média e de correlações item-item e item-dimensão (e subdimensão) apresentaram-se satisfatórios. O resultado do alpha de Cronbach apresentou índices considerados desejáveis (superiores a 0,80), o menor índice observado entre as dimensões foi de 0,90 e nas subdimensões foi de 0,84. Ao analisar o modelo fatorial exploratório, os valores indicaram que todas as correlações parciais estavam adequadas para proceder à análise fatorial exploratória, de tal modo, os resultados confirmaram a unidimensionalidade de cada dimensão. Posteriormente, com a intenção de verificar se as quatro dimensões são realmente compostas por três subdimensões cada, testou-se a validade confirmatória através dos indicadores Quiquadrado, razão entre Qui-quadrado e graus de liberdade, GFI, AGFI e RMS (que foram estimados para a amostra geral e para sexo). Os resultados indicaram estar de acordo com os critérios padrão para a amostra geral e sexo masculino e parcialmente aceitável para o sexo feminino. Assim, o IPCAAt-61 apresentou, fortemente, precisão em suas medidas e que se trata de dimensões consistentes e que avaliou de forma fidedigna aquilo que elas propõem avaliar. Ainda foram exploradas estatísticas descritivas de tendência central, de dispersão e de distribuição da amostra. Finalmente, comparações de médias, com o propósito de verificar a necessidade de criação de tabelas normativas de acordo com os subgrupos de sexo e idade, foram conduzidas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram ser necessário à criação de tabelas normativas diferentes para os subgrupos da amostra, o que efetivamente se fez. / The object of this study is the verification of metric properties (construct validity and internal consistency of) the "Adult Career Concerns Inventory - version for Athletes" (IPCAAt - 61) (Balbinotti and Balbinotti, 2008). This is a list of 61 items (15 items by dimension, and 5 for each subdimension one more item that assesses the projects of a probable change of career). The survey examines four of the five states of career development (the first was ruled out on grounds of age) as the theory of Super (1957). These 4 states and their states sub are presented in order, as follows: holding (crystallization, specification and implementation), establishment (stabilization, consolidation and professional advancement), maintenance (maintaining position, update it and innovate), and disengagement (deceleration, planning for retirement and retired life). 336 athletes participated in this research, Brazilian, both sexes (male, 255, female, 81) with ages ranging from 16 to 56 years, from 16 sports. Ethics of care was taken so that the consent is obtained from all subjects participating in the research. First, the statistics were examined for internal consistency of the instrument, each dimension and subdimension the concerns of their career. The indices of average correlations and item-item and item-scale (and subscale) were satisfactory. Thus, the results of Cronbach's alpha showed indices considered desirable (above 0.80), the lower rate was observed between the dimensions of 0.90 and subdimensions was 0.84. The figures indicated that all the partial correlations were adequate for the exploratory factor analysis, so the results confirmed the unit dimension in each dimension. Later, with the intention to verify whether the four dimensions are actually composed of three subdimension each, it was tested the validity through confirmatory indicators chi-square, ratio of chi-square and degrees of freedom, GFI, AGFI, and RMS (which were estimated for the overall sample and for sex). The results indicated that in accordance with standard criteria for the overall sample and males and partially acceptable for females. Thus, one can assume the validity of the inventory, since the construct validity was established for the total sample and by gender. The IPCAAt-61 shows, strongly, precisely in its measures and dimensions that it is consistent and reliable way of assessing what they offer value. Descriptive statistics were also used for central tendency, dispersion and distribution of the sample. Finally, comparisons of means in order to verify the need for setting up tables in accordance with the normative subgroups of sex and age were conducted.
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Investigating medication adherence in psoriasis : exploring the role of illness perceptions, medication beliefs, and emotional distressThorneloe, Rachael Jane January 2014 (has links)
Objectives: Psoriasis is a long-term inflammatory condition associated with considerable psychological and social morbidity. There are multiple psoriasis treatment modalities and regimens making medication adherence particularly demanding. The Self-Regulatory Framework has not been widely applied to investigate adherence by people with psoriasis. This thesis reports research into psychological factors associated with medication adherence in psoriasis. Methods: A systematic review of adherence to treatments (Phase 1) was followed by a qualitative investigation of measures of adherence and treatment beliefs (Phase 2). A large-scale multisite quantitative survey of levels and determinants of adherence to systemic psoriasis treatments was carried out by linking new psychological measures with data from a national treatment registry (Phase 3). Finally a mixed-methods investigation into self- regulatory approaches to the understanding of adherence was undertaken (Phase 4). Findings: i) Adherence difficulties are prevalent in psoriasis, however poor methodology quality of previous studies limited conclusions of the systematic review ii) Patients using topical preparations described significant day-to-day variations in medication use as well as complex treatment decision-making processes; however, key behaviours and cognitions were not accurately reflected by corresponding scores of the standardised scales iii) Patients using systemic treatments reported high levels of adherence which were associated with: biologic rather than a traditional systemic; fewer concerns about systemic treatments; and lower PASI and DLQI scores. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviours were also prevalent iv) Effective treatment usage in psoriasis conflicted with the management of the physical and psychological demands of living with psoriasis. For patients using topical preparations, non-adherence was a strategic decision to reduce distress and gain control. Patients using systemic treatments expressed strong beliefs in the necessity of their treatment, yet reported high levels of anxiety and depression. Systemic treatment usage conflicted with the management of illness controllability and psychological adjustment. A more negative illness belief profile and greater appearance concerns accounted for the most variance in both anxiety and depression, even after controlling for disease severity. These findings have major implications for the measurement of adherence and treatment beliefs, as well as researchers’ ability to determine clinical outcomes and treatment response. Conclusions: Psoriasis treatment adherence can be practically challenging as well as emotionally charged. The construct of self-regulatory failure proved to be illuminating and improves understanding of the psychological processes that underpin medicines adherence and other aspects of self- management in people with psoriasis.
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Propriedades métricas do inventário de preocupações de carreira de adulto-versão para atletas : validade de construto e consistência internaFerreira, Alexandre Ortiz January 2009 (has links)
O objeto deste estudo é a verificação das propriedades métricas (validade de construto e consistência interna) do "Inventário de Preocupações de Carreira de Adulto - versão para Atletas" (IPCAAt 0 - 61) (Balbinotti e Balbinotti, 2008). Trata-se de um inventário de 61 itens (15 itens por dimensão, sendo 5 para cada subdimensão mais um item que avalia os projetos de uma provável mudança de carreira). O inventário analisa quatro dos cinco estados de desenvolvimento de carreira (a primeira foi excluída em razão da idade) conforme a teoria de Super (1957). Estes 4 estados e seus subestados se apresentam, em ordem, como segue: exploração (cristalização, especificação e realização); estabelecimento (estabilização, consolidação e avanço profissional); manutenção (manter posição, atualizar-se e inovar); e desengajamento (desaceleração, planificação da aposentadoria e vida de aposentado). Participaram desta pesquisa 336 atletas, brasileiros, de ambos os sexos (masculino, 255; feminino, 81) com idades variando de 16 a 56 anos, de 16 modalidades esportivas. Cuidados éticos foram tomados de forma que se obteve o consentimento de todos os sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. Primeiramente, foram analisadas as estatísticas de consistência interna do instrumento, de cada dimensão e subdimensão das preocupações de carreira. Os índices de média e de correlações item-item e item-dimensão (e subdimensão) apresentaram-se satisfatórios. O resultado do alpha de Cronbach apresentou índices considerados desejáveis (superiores a 0,80), o menor índice observado entre as dimensões foi de 0,90 e nas subdimensões foi de 0,84. Ao analisar o modelo fatorial exploratório, os valores indicaram que todas as correlações parciais estavam adequadas para proceder à análise fatorial exploratória, de tal modo, os resultados confirmaram a unidimensionalidade de cada dimensão. Posteriormente, com a intenção de verificar se as quatro dimensões são realmente compostas por três subdimensões cada, testou-se a validade confirmatória através dos indicadores Quiquadrado, razão entre Qui-quadrado e graus de liberdade, GFI, AGFI e RMS (que foram estimados para a amostra geral e para sexo). Os resultados indicaram estar de acordo com os critérios padrão para a amostra geral e sexo masculino e parcialmente aceitável para o sexo feminino. Assim, o IPCAAt-61 apresentou, fortemente, precisão em suas medidas e que se trata de dimensões consistentes e que avaliou de forma fidedigna aquilo que elas propõem avaliar. Ainda foram exploradas estatísticas descritivas de tendência central, de dispersão e de distribuição da amostra. Finalmente, comparações de médias, com o propósito de verificar a necessidade de criação de tabelas normativas de acordo com os subgrupos de sexo e idade, foram conduzidas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram ser necessário à criação de tabelas normativas diferentes para os subgrupos da amostra, o que efetivamente se fez. / The object of this study is the verification of metric properties (construct validity and internal consistency of) the "Adult Career Concerns Inventory - version for Athletes" (IPCAAt - 61) (Balbinotti and Balbinotti, 2008). This is a list of 61 items (15 items by dimension, and 5 for each subdimension one more item that assesses the projects of a probable change of career). The survey examines four of the five states of career development (the first was ruled out on grounds of age) as the theory of Super (1957). These 4 states and their states sub are presented in order, as follows: holding (crystallization, specification and implementation), establishment (stabilization, consolidation and professional advancement), maintenance (maintaining position, update it and innovate), and disengagement (deceleration, planning for retirement and retired life). 336 athletes participated in this research, Brazilian, both sexes (male, 255, female, 81) with ages ranging from 16 to 56 years, from 16 sports. Ethics of care was taken so that the consent is obtained from all subjects participating in the research. First, the statistics were examined for internal consistency of the instrument, each dimension and subdimension the concerns of their career. The indices of average correlations and item-item and item-scale (and subscale) were satisfactory. Thus, the results of Cronbach's alpha showed indices considered desirable (above 0.80), the lower rate was observed between the dimensions of 0.90 and subdimensions was 0.84. The figures indicated that all the partial correlations were adequate for the exploratory factor analysis, so the results confirmed the unit dimension in each dimension. Later, with the intention to verify whether the four dimensions are actually composed of three subdimension each, it was tested the validity through confirmatory indicators chi-square, ratio of chi-square and degrees of freedom, GFI, AGFI, and RMS (which were estimated for the overall sample and for sex). The results indicated that in accordance with standard criteria for the overall sample and males and partially acceptable for females. Thus, one can assume the validity of the inventory, since the construct validity was established for the total sample and by gender. The IPCAAt-61 shows, strongly, precisely in its measures and dimensions that it is consistent and reliable way of assessing what they offer value. Descriptive statistics were also used for central tendency, dispersion and distribution of the sample. Finally, comparisons of means in order to verify the need for setting up tables in accordance with the normative subgroups of sex and age were conducted.
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Bases valorativas da preocupação masculina com a aparência / Valeu basis of male concern with appearanceFreires, Leogildo Alves 21 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The current thesis aimed at knowing the value basis of male concern with appearance. To accomplish it, two empirical studies were conducted. Study 1 aimed at adapting a measure of male concerns with appearance (Adonis Complex Questionnaire - ACQ) and other vanity (Vanity Questionnaire - VQ) for the Brazilian context, knowing evidence of factorial validity and internal consistency. Participants were 211 students from a public university in João Pessoa (PB). All were male (100%) and the mean age was 22 years (sd = 5.58). The ACQ, after checking its semantics validity, discriminative power and factorability of the correlation matrix (having followed the criteria of Kaiser, Catell and Horn), presented structured in three components: esthetic concerns (α = 0.78), physic-sexual concerns (α = 0.71) and dedication to diet / exercise (α = 0.72). The three factors explained jointly 41% of the total variance. The VQ (after following the same procedures used for the ACQ) was structured in four components: physical concerns (α = 0.87), view concerns (α = 0.81), achievement concern (α = 0.79) and achievement view (α = 0.67), and the three factors together explained 57.3% of the total variance. Therefore, it was concluded that these results allowed gathering evidence of factorial validity and internal consistency of the measures employed. Study 2 aimed to confirm the factor structure of the ACQ and VQ, providing more robust psychometric evidence for such measures and identifying the human values that are associated/predict the male concern with appearance. Participants were 205 men attending bodybuilding gyms in João Pessoa (PB), with an mean age of 25 years (sd = 6.31), most were heterosexual(88.3%), and single (75%). They answered the ACQ, the VQ, the Basic Values Questionnaire (QVB), the Scale of Satisfaction with Life (ESV), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RAS) and a Sociodemographic Questionnaire. The results of confirmatory factor analyzes (CFA), allowed to prove the three-factor structure of the ACQ and four-factor the of QV, both identified in Study 1, and presenting satisfactory indexes of goodness of fit and composite reliability (CC). The analyzes of Pearson correlation and multiple regression (stepwise) provided subsidies for the development of a theoretical model involving the promotion values and suprapersonal values explaining vanity and these, in turn, explaining the Adonis Complex. Overall, this model had adequate fit to the empirical data: ² / df = 5.47, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.95, CFI = 0.98 and RMSEA = 0.07. In conclusion, the proposed objectives have been achieved in this thesis, presenting a contribution to a field of study scarcely discussed and considered in Social Psychology: male concern with appearance. / A presente dissertação objetivou conhecer as bases valorativas da preocupação masculina com a aparência. Para tanto, realizaram-se dois estudos empíricos. O Estudo 1 objetivou adaptar uma medida de preocupações dos homens com a aparência (Questionário do Complexo de Adônis - QCA) e outra de vaidade (Questionário de Vaidade - QV) para o contexto brasileiro, conhecendo evidências de sua validade fatorial e consistência interna. Participaram 211 estudantes de uma universidade pública da cidade de João Pessoa-PB. Destes, todos eram do sexo masculino e com idade média de 22 anos (dp = 5,58). O QCA, após ter checado sua validade semântica, poder discriminativo e fatorabilidade da matriz de correlações (tendo seguido os critérios de Kaiser, Catell e Horn), apresentou-se estruturado em três componentes: preocupações estéticas (α = 0,78), preocupações fisicossexuais (α = 0,71) e dedicação a dietas/exercícios (α = 0,72). Os três fatores explicaram conjuntamente 41% da variância total. O QV, após terem sido aplicados os mesmos procedimentos do QCA, apresentou-se estruturado em quatro componentes: preocupação física (α = 0,87), reconhecimento físico (α = 0,81), preocupação com a realização (α = 0,79) e reconhecimento da realização (α = 0,67), sendo que os quatro fatores explicaram conjuntamente 57,3% da variância total. Portanto, concluiu-se que tais resultados permitiram reunir evidências de validade fatorial e consistência interna das medidas empregadas. O Estudo 2, por sua vez, teve como objetivo comprovar a estrutura fatorial do QCA e do QV, fornecendo evidências psicométricas mais robustas para tais medidas, bem como conhecer os valores humanos associados à preocupação masculina com a aparência. Contou com a participação de 205 homens frequentadores de academias de musculação da cidade de João Pessoa-PB com idade média de 25 anos (dp = 6,31) sendo a maioria heterossexual (88,3%) e solteira (75%). Estes responderam as medidas empregadas no estudo anterior e ao Questionário dos Valores Básicos (QVB), a Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (ESV), a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAR) e um Questionário Sociodemográfico. Os resultados das Análises Fatoriais Confirmatórias (AFC) permitiram comprovar a estrutura trifatorial do QCA e tetrafatorial do QV, identificadas no estudo 1, ambas apresentando indicadores de ajuste e confiabilidade composta (CC) satisfatórios. As análises de correlação de Pearson e regressão múltipla (stepwise) forneceram subsídios para a elaboração de um modelo teórico envolvendo os valores de realização e suprapessoal na explicação da vaidade e esta, por sua vez explicando, o Complexo de Adônis. No geral, este modelo se mostrou ajustado aos dados empíricos: ²/gl = 5,47, GFI = 0,99, AGFI = 0,95, CFI = 0,98 e RMSEA = 0,07. Concluindo, confia-se que os objetivos desta dissertação tenham sido alcançados, apresentando-se nesta oportunidade uma contribuição para um campo de estudo pouco tratado na Psicologia Social: a preocupação masculina com a aparência.
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