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A Views-Based Design Framework for Web ApplicationsBrown, David January 2002 (has links)
Web application design is a broad term that refers to any aspect of designing a Web application, including designing Web interfaces to data. There are a number of commercial software tools available that employ various techniques for implementing Web access to databases. However, these techniques apply only to portions of Web application implementation and lack a common design paradigm. We believe that defining an approach to designing and implementing Web applications based on views, frameworks, and patterns allows us to extend an object-oriented design representation and develop reusable and extensible design solutions for a class of Web applications in which the concerns are separated. The major contribution of this thesis is the development of a new approach to designing Web applications, producing the following visible contributions: a model for Web applications based upon a separation of concerns using views; a framework for system elements so that object-oriented design patterns can be used to build the application; a reusable design approach so that many Web applications can be built around the same framework; a coherent and organized framework representation using extended UML; and an implementation approach that can be implemented on a number of different platforms using a range of software and tools. In support of this solution, this thesis shows the design and implementation of a proof-of-concept Web application using this design technique. We believe that the approach to Web application design promoted in this thesis has proven itself useful in a practical way for the case studies discussed herein and points the way to a wider range of design and implementation possibilities.
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A Formalization of an Extended Object Model Using ViewsNova, Luis January 2000 (has links)
Reuse of software designs, experience and components is essential to making substantial improvements in software productivity, development cost, and quality. However, the many facets of reuse are still rarely used in the various phases of the software development lifecycle because of a lack of adequate theories, processes, and tools to support consistent application of reuse concepts. There is a need for approaches including definitions, models and properties of reuse that would provide explicit guidance to a software development team in applying reuse. In particular there is a need to provide abstractions that clearly separate the various functional concerns addressed in a software system. Separating concerns simplifies the identification of the software components that can benefit from reuse and can provide guidance on how reuse may be applied. In this thesis we present an extended model related to the separation of concerns in object-oriented design. The model, called views, indicates how an object-oriented design can be clearly separated into objects and their corresponding interfaces. In this model objects can be designed so that they are independent of their environment, because adaptation to the environment is the responsibility of the interface or view. The view can be seen as expressing the semantics for the 'glue' that joins components or objects together to create a software system. Informal versions of the views model have already been successfully applied to operational and commercial software systems. The objective of this thesis is to provide the views notion with a theoretical foundation to address reuse and separation of concerns. After clearly defining the views model we show the formal approach to combining the objects, interfaces (views), and their interconnection into a complete software system. The objects and interfaces are defined using an object calculus based on temporal logic, while the interconnections among object and views are specified using category theory. This formal framework provides the mathematical foundation to support the verification of the properties of both the components and the composite software system. We then show how verification can be mechanized by converting the formal version of the views model into higher-order logic and using PVS to support mechanical proofs.
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An Evaluation Of Aspect-oriented Programming For Embedded Real-time SystemsKartal, Yusuf Bora 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Crosscutting concerns are the issues in software that cannot be modularized within a software module. In this thesis work, a detailed evaluation of the use of Aspect Oriented Programming for the implementation of crosscutting concerns in embedded real-time systems is presented. The pilot Audio Switch project implementations are first evaluated in terms of software quality attributes. Then a detailed analysis of the two implementations, according to embedded real-time performance metrics has been carried out. Evaluation results show the benefits of Aspect Oriented Programming in embedded real-time systems.
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Voices of Sri Lanka's Youth : Aspirations and Perceptions of Freedom and PossibilitiesLundell, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>During November and December 2007 a Minor Field Study was conducted in the southwest</p><p>of Sri Lanka with the aim of exploring the aspirations and perceptions of freedom and</p><p>possibilities among a sample of Sri Lankan youth and also how their situation is viewed upon</p><p>by people in their close surroundings. The aim was also try to discern the main concerns and</p><p>indicators of unfreedom that in the eye of the informants are viewed as obstacles to</p><p>development, to personal human development as well as to the development of Sri Lanka as a</p><p>nation. The theoretical framework that was used as inspirational ground and basis for the</p><p>formulation of the project, was Amartya Sen’s concept of “development as freedom” and his</p><p>“capability approach” which focuses on the human potential and what freedom an individual</p><p>enjoys to convert capabilities into desired functionings or the realization of aspirations. This</p><p>modern economic theory was tested in this context to find out if it is applicable and relevant</p><p>in ethnographic development studies. Despite its lack of numerical metrics, the “capability</p><p>approach” seems very relevant to describe the reality of at least the Lankese youth in this</p><p>study. As methodology for the qualitative field work, Hadley Cantril’s “aspiration-model”</p><p>and his “self-anchoring striving scale” was used which provides a simple, easily applicable</p><p>interview technique for exploring the unique reality of an individual and what it shares or</p><p>don’t shares with that of others. The results show that there are many strong aspirations</p><p>among the Sri Lankan youth; aspirations of being a good person that achieve something in</p><p>life, aspirations of being able to take the best care of the family, to go through a qualitative</p><p>education and to get a good job with a good salary. Many youth want to go abroad. Of course</p><p>there are aspirations of peace in the war-torn country. There are concerns and feelings of</p><p>unfreedom that relate to the unemployment situation, a very difficult economic situation in the</p><p>country, underdevelopment and inadequate facilities, the ongoing war, and political</p><p>unfreedom.</p>
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Privacy paradox or bargained-for-exchange : capturing the relationships among privacy concerns, privacy management, self-disclosure, and social capitalHsu, Shih-Hsien 16 January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation seeks to bridge the gap between privacy and social capital on SNS use by bringing the essential elements of social networking, privacy concerns, privacy management, self-disclosure, and social capital together to examine their complex relationships and the daily challenges every SNS user faces. The major purposes of this dissertation were to revisit the privacy paradox phenomenon, update the current relationships among privacy concerns, self-disclosure, and social capital on Facebook, integrate these relationships into a quantitative model, and explore the role of privacy management in these relationships. The goal was realized by using Amazon.com’s Mechanical Turk to test a theoretical model that used survey data from 522 respondents. The findings from the dissertation show the impact of the structural factor—Facebook social network intensity and diversity—and the impact of individuals’ self-disclosure on Facebook on their perceived bridging and bonding social capital. This dissertation employed various measurements of key variables to update the current status of the privacy paradox phenomenon—the disconnection between privacy concerns and self- disclosure on social media—and found the break of the traditional privacy paradox and the existence of the social privacy paradox. Findings also show that private information about personal information, thoughts, and ideas shared on Facebook become assets in using Facebook and accumulating social capital. Meanwhile, higher privacy concerns reduce the level of self-disclosure on Facebook. Therefore, privacy concerns become a barrier in Facebook use and in accumulating social capital within these networks. This dissertation further examined the mediating role of privacy management to solve the dilemma. Findings confirmed that privacy management is important in redirecting the relationships among privacy concerns, self-disclosure, and social capital. People who have higher privacy concerns tend to disclose fewer personal thoughts and ideas on Facebook and miss the opportunity to accumulate social capital. However, when they employ more privacy management strategies, they are more willing to self-disclose and thus accumulate more social capital on Facebook networks. Lastly, the proposed integrated model examined through SEM analysis confirms the delicate relationships among the social networking characteristics, privacy concerns, privacy management, self-disclosure, and social capital. / text
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Three essays on contract theory and applicationsHwang, Sunjoo 04 September 2015 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay examines a general theory of information based on informal contracting. The measurement problem—the disparity of true and measured performances—is at the core of many failures in incentive systems. Informal contracting can be a potential solution since, unlike in formal contracting, it can utilize a lot of qualitative and informative signals. However, informal contracting must be self-enforced. Given this trade-off between informativeness and self-enforcement, I show that a new source of statistical information is economically valuable in informal con- tracting if and only if it is sufficiently informative that it refines the existing pass/fail criterion. I also find that a new information is more likely valuable, as the stock of existing information is large. This information theory has implications on the measurement problem, a puzzle of relative performance evaluation and human resources management. I also provide a methodological contribution. For tractable analysis, the first-order approach (FOA) should be employed. Existing FOA-justifying conditions (e.g. the Mirrlees-Rogerson condition) are so strong that the information ranking condition can be applied only to a small set of information structures. Instead, I find a weak FOA- justifying condition, which holds in many prominent examples (with multi- variate normal or some of univariate exponential family distributions). The second essay analyzes the effectiveness of managerial punishments in mitigating moral hazard problem of government bailouts. Government bailouts of systemically important financial or industrial firms are necessary ex-post but cause moral hazard ex-ante. A seemingly perfect solution to this time-inconsistency problem is saving a firm while punishing its manager. I show that this idea does not necessarily work if ownership and management are separated. In this case, the shareholder(s) of the firm has to motivate the manager by using incentive contracts. Managerial punishments (such as Obama’s $500,000 bonus cap) could distort the incentive-contracting program. The shareholder’s ability to motivate the manager could then be reduced and thereby moral hazard could be exacerbated depending on corporate governance structures and punishment measures, which means the likelihood of future bailouts increases. As an alternative, I discuss the effectiveness of shareholder punishments. The third essay analyzes how education affect workers’ career-concerns. A person’s life consists of two important stages: the first stage as a student and the second stage as a worker. In order to address how a person chooses an education-career path, I examine an integrated model of education and career-concerns. In the first part, I analyze the welfare effect of education. In Spence’s job market signaling model, education as a sorting device improves efficiency by mitigating the lemon market problem. In my integrated model, by contrast, education as a sorting device can be detrimental to social welfare, as it eliminates the work incentive generated by career-concerns. In this regard, I suggest scholarship programs aimed at building human capital rather than sorting students. The second part provides a new perspective on education: education is job-risk hedging device (as well as human capital enhancing or sorting device). I show that highly risk-averse people take high education in order to hedge job-risk and pursue safe but medium-return work path. In contrast, lowly risk-averse people take low education, bear job-risk, and pursue high-risk high-return work path. This explains why some people finish college early and begin start-ups, whereas others take master’s or Ph.D. degrees and find safe but stable jobs. / text
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The poetics of demonization : the writings of Juan de Castellanos in the light of Alonso de Ercilla's Le araucanaMartínez-Osorio, Emiro Filadelfo 24 March 2011 (has links)
In this dissertation I offer an analysis of the ideological significance of Juan de Castellanos' writings in light of the epic model provided by Alonso de Ercilla's La Araucana. My main goal is to demonstrate that, unlike Ercilla, Castellanos embraced and manipulated the resources at the disposal of epic poets not only to praise the deeds and defend the rights of the first wave of colonists, but also to challenge the policies of Hapsburg monarchs concerning the administration of the recently established Viceroyalties in the New World. Hence, this dissertation aims to foreground the complexities and ambiguities of a text that bears evidence of an internal ideological fissure that significantly shaped Spain’s political and territorial expansion and contributed to the emergence of a new type of literature. If epic, as has been persuasively argued by Elizabeth B. Davis "was invaluable to the ruling circles of the imperial monarchy, who used it to forge a sense of unity and to script cultural identities during the period of expansion and conquest" (10), then the heroic poems written by Castellanos on behalf of the conquistadors and encomenderos represent the boldest attempt to turn the most prestigious vehicle of Spanish imperial propaganda, epic poetry, into a tool for the expression of colonial political concerns, a project which included but was not limited to the deployment of aggressive practices of poetic imitation, the expression of a new sense of selfhood, and the demarcation of a new sense of patriotism. Nevertheless, from its inception Castellanos' project was also plagued by many contradictions, most of which are the result of his nostalgia for the values and practices commonly associated with the warrior nobility of the feudal era, and by the constraints imposed by simultaneously having to point to and erase the trace of Ercilla's text. / text
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Automatic juxtaposition of source filesDavis, Samuel 11 1900 (has links)
Previous research has found that programmers spend a significant fraction of their time navigating between different source code locations and that much of that time is spent returning to previously viewed code. Other work has identified the ability to juxtapose arbitrary pieces of code as cognitively important. However, modern IDEs have inherited a user interface design in which, usually, only one source file is displayed at a time, with the result that users must switch back and forth from one file to another.
Taking advantage of the increasing availability of large displays, we propose a new interaction paradigm in which an IDE presents parts of multiple source files side by side, using the Mylyn degree-of-interest function to dynamically allocate screen space to them on the basis of degree-of-interest to the current development task. We demonstrate the feasibility of this paradigm with a prototype implementation built on the Eclipse IDE and note that it was used by the author over a period of months in the development of the prototype itself. Additionally, we present two case studies which quantify the potential reduction in navigation and demonstrate the simplicity of the approach and its ability to capture complete concerns on screen. These case studies suggest that the approach has the potential to reduce the time that programmers spend navigating by as much as 50%.
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Security concerns and trust in the adoption of m-commerce / Saugumo klausimai ir pasitikėjimas įsisavinant mobilią komercijąVasileiadis, Alexios 13 January 2014 (has links)
This work is of theoretical and practical importance, that is, generation of new knowledge associated with mobile commerce adoption in terms of security concerns and trust which will help not only future researchers but also e-businesses.
Despite the fact researchers have examined the adoption of m-commerce in a holistic way, the author found there was no research focusing solely and in-depth on the determinants of trust and perceived risk. The problem was to examine how the above determinants affect the intention to adopt m-commerce.
The objects are mobile commerce, security concerns and trust. The purpose of this study is twofold, namely, empirical and explanatory. As for the objectives, it was necessary to review the literature, propose a research model, analyze the results, and verify or reject the proposed hypotheses. When it comes to the hypotheses, there was a test on whether trust, perceived risk, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use negatively or positively affect the constructs of the proposed model.
The author used theoretical and empirical collection methods. As for the theoretical ones, analogy, generalization and modeling methods were used. Concerning the empirical ones, due to the fact that quantitative approach was chosen, a survey instrument, that is, questionnaire was used. After the results had been collected, SPSS 22 was used to perform descriptive data analysis of Likert summative scales. At last, the results along with the research limitations... [to full text] / Šio darbo teorinė ir praktinė svarba yra naujų žinių, susijusių su saugumo ir pasitikėjimo problemų sprendimais mobilios komercijos kontekste, kūrimas kuris pasitarnaus ne tik mokslinei bendruomenei, bet ir e-verslui.
Nepaisant to, jog mobilios komercijos įsisavinimas plačiai analizuotas holistiniu požiūriu, magistrinio darbo autorius nerado atliktų išsamių tyrimų išsamiau aptariančių pasitikėjimo ir saugumo veiksnių poveikio mobilios komercijos kontekste. Darbo problema formuluojama, kaip patikimumo ir saugumo veiksniai daro įtaką mobilios komercijos įsisavinimui.
Tiriamieji objektai yra mobili komercija, saugumas ir patikimumas. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra dvejopas: empirinis ir aiškinamasis. Siekiant tyrimo tikslo, buvo išstudijuota literatūra, pasiūlytas mokslinio tyrimo modelis, išanalizuoti rezultatai ir įvertintos suformuluotos hipotezės.
Mokslinio tyrimo eigoje autorius panaudojo teorinius ir empirinius duomenų analizės ir rinkimo metodus. Teorinėje dalyje buvo panaudoti panašumo, apibendrinimo ir modeliavimo metodai. Empirinėje dalyje įgyvendintas kiekybinis tyrimas, duomenys renkami apklausos būdu struktūruoto klausimyno pagalba. Surinkti duomenys apdoroti SPSS aplinkoje atliekant aprašomųjų duomenų analizę pagal Likerto suminių vertinimo skales.
Galutinis šio tyrimo tikslas buvo patikrinti suformuluotas hipotezes. Kalbant apie išvadas, privatumo rizikos suvokimas, mobilių mokėjimų, mobilios komercijos įstatymų ir gaunamų produktų kokybė turėjo neigiamą įtaką mobilios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Essays on the economic effects of vanity and career concernsDenrell, Jerker January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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