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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Otahuhu B Power Station condenser in-leakage analysis and condensate monitoring system : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Electronics Engineering at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

Zhang, Heng January 2008 (has links)
Considerable ongoing risk of condenser in-leakage exists at Otahuhu B (OTB) Power Station. The condenser cooling water used at OTB station is corrosive brackish water with exceedingly high sodium and chloride concentrations. Significant signs of corrosion inside the condenser have been found recently. In the event of condenser in-leakage, the salt contaminants in the cooling water will directly enter the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) with the potential for significant and costly damage resulting in a long plant outage. A dynamic mathematical model was developed in the thesis to analyse the consequences of condenser in-leakage at OTB station. The analysis results show that the tolerance of the condenser to any leakage of cooling water is almost zero. Because the existing condensate monitoring system is not designed to detect contamination in this time frame, a new fast response system is required to detect condenser in-leakage immediately. A new dedicated fast response condensate monitoring system has been engineered and installed at OTB station as a part of the project scope. The new system dramatically reduces the response time to condenser in-leakage events. Critical instruments utilise multiple redundancy schemes to enhance the availability and reliability of the system. In addition, action level voting, timing, and alarming has been automated to assist operators in making correct decisions. The new condensate monitoring system is presently fully functional. The project has successfully achieved the objective of controlling the risk of condenser in-leakage events and minimising damage and negative effects on the plant.

Ultracold atoms in dressed potentials

Harte, Tiffany January 2017 (has links)
Time-varying fields are widely used to extend the accessible range of trapping potentials for ultracold atoms. This work explores two very different examples of such fields, in the radiofrequency and optical regimes, whose interactions with trapped atoms can both be described in terms of the dressed atom picture. Forming the basis of this work are radiofrequency dressed adiabatic potentials based on macroscopic trapping coils. Atoms are confined at the south pole of the resultant oblate spheroidal trapping surfaces. This work describes the extension of these potentials by two different methods: the application of multiple dressing radiofrequencies, and addition of a rapidly-scanned optical dipole trap. This is the first experimental demonstration of a multiple-radiofrequency dressed adiabatic potential, explored using ultracold <sup>87</sup>Rb atoms confined in a highly configurable double well. Due to the independent generation of each constituent dressing frequency, the depth of each trapping well and the height of the barrier are easily manipulated, enabling precise and reliable transfer of atoms between the available trapping geometries. Experimental work includes an exploration of the potential-shaping capabilities of the three-radiofrequency system, and characterisation of the potential landscape using radiofrequency spectroscopy with good agreement to the eigenvalues numerically calculated using Floquet theory. This initial exploration of multiple-radiofrequency techniques lays the groundwork for applications in studying double well physics in a two-dimensional system, and independent state or species selective manipulation of trapped atoms. The potential shaping capabilities of this method can also be extended by applying additional trapping frequencies. In a supplementary line of experimental work, an optical dipole trapping system has been constructed, and the trapping beam aligned to the lower surface of the radiofrequency dressed trapping shell in order to sculpt the radial confinement. Beam shaping is achieved using an acousto-optic deflector, which can be used to produce either a composite array of static deflected beams, a rapidly-scanned painted potential, or some combination of the two approaches. The development and extension of the experimental apparatus required to implement these enhanced dressed state potentials is explored, and the challenges of their experimental implementation considered.

Novel Integrative Methods for Sampling Environmental Contaminants

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Up to 25 percent of the operating budget for contaminated site restoration projects is spent on site characterization, including long-term monitoring of contaminant concentrations. The sensitivity, selectivity, and reproducibility of analytical methods have improved to the point where sampling techniques bear the primary responsibility for the accuracy and precision of the data. Most samples represent discrete concentrations in time and space; with sampling points frequently limited in both dimensions, sparse data sets are heavily extrapolated and the quality of data further limited. Methods are presented for characterizing contaminants in water (groundwater and surface waters) and indoor air. These techniques are integrative, providing information averaged over time and/or space, as opposed to instantaneous point measurements. Contaminants are concentrated from the environment, making these methods applicable to trace contaminants. These methods have the potential to complement existing techniques, providing the practitioner with opportunities to reduce costs and improve the quality of the data used in decision making. A conceptual model for integrative sampling of environmental waters is developed and a literature review establishes an advantage in precision for active samplers. A programmable sampler was employed to measure the concentration of chromate in a shallow aquifer exhibiting time-dependent contaminant concentrations, providing a unique data set and sustainability benefits. The analysis of heat exchanger condensate, a waste stream generated by air conditioning, is demonstrated in a non-intrusive method for indoor air quality assessment. In sum, these studies present new opportunities for effective, sustainable environmental characterization. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil and Environmental Engineering 2015

Termodinâmica do equilíbrio de fases no sistema condensado de gás natural (c5+) - água produzida / THERMODYNAMICS OF EQUILIBRIUM IN THE SYSTEM OF CONDENSED PHASES OF NATURAL GAS (C5 +) - PRODUCED WATER.

Almeida, Sheyla dos Santos 07 September 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Produced water is one of the main wastes generated in oil exploration and its treatment is a challenge due to its complex composition and the great amount generated. Regarding to the environmental legislation concerning to disposal, it is important to create alternatives of reuse or treatment, in order to reduce its contaminant content and decrease the hazardous effects to the environment. In spite of the fact that some techniques to treat this wastewater are already in use, other actions can be done to improve the quality of separation processes, decrease oil losses and protect the environment. Extraction is a physical separation method in which a solvent is added to perform the separation of residual oil that is the objective of this study. Due to the high availability of natural gas condensate (C5+) in gas processing plants, this product was chosen to be used as the solvent in the extraction of residual oil from produced water, emulsified or not, once there is a good chemical affinity between the oil fractions and the added solvent. At first, a bibliographic survey was carried out to find a predictive model for electrolytes without the need of experimental data. A computational program was developed in FORTRAN, taking in account the group-contribution method in the presence of electrolytes, besides isothermal flash. Some adaptations were implemented at Kikic et al. (1991) model to get a good agreement with the system studied. This system took in account light hydrocarbons present in oil (pentane, hexane, heptane and octane) and strong electrolytes, which is mainly represented by NaCl. The validation of thermodynamics model showed satisfactory medium quadratic deviations when compared to real experimental systems. A pseudo-experimental planning was carried out to simulate the process and verify the influence of the studied variables on the proposed system, such as solvent and salt contents, temperature and BSW (Basic Sediment and Water). Through the obtained empirical model it was possible to check the influence of the factors on residual hydrocarbons contents, represented by TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon). Temperature and solvent content were the variables that more contributed to increase TPH, while salinity contributed to the decrease TPH in the aqueous phase. The simulations performed showed that the use of C5+ is a feasible alternative to recover residual oil fractions from produced water and oily sludges. The contributions of this work motivate future studies, mainly those that involve experiments related to this theme, regarding to evaluate the quality of the adapted model, decreasing significantly oil losses during the steps of oil production and primary processing, providing information to reduce environmental impacts of these activities. / A água produzida é um dos principais resíduos gerados na exploração petrolífera e seu tratamento é um desafio devido à sua composição complexa e à grande quantidade gerada. Diante das restrições impostas pela legislação ambiental quanto ao descarte, faz-se necessário criar alternativas de reuso ou tratamento com a finalidade de reduzir o teor de contaminantes e diminuir os efeitos nocivos ao meio ambiente. Apesar de já existirem algumas técnicas de tratamento desse efluente em uso, ainda há muito que se fazer para melhorar a qualidade dos processos de separação, reduzir as perdas de óleo e proteger o ambiente. A técnica de extração é um método físico de separação onde é adicionado um solvente que ajuda a promover a separação do óleo residual, que é objeto de estudo do presente trabalho. Devido à grande disponibilidade de condensado (C5+) no processamento de gás natural, optou-se por utilizá-lo como solvente para extração dos resíduos de óleos presentes na água produzida, emulsionados ou não, devido à grande afinidade química entre as frações oleosas e o solvente adicionando. Primeiramente, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, a fim de encontrar um modelo preditivo para eletrólitos que não necessitasse de dados experimentais. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido em FORTRAN, contemplando o modelo de contribuição de grupos na presença de eletrólitos, juntamente com o algoritmo de flash isotérmico. Algumas adaptações foram realizadas no modelo de Kikic et al. (1991), para obter melhor representatividade do sistema estudado. O sistema estudado contemplou hidrocarbonetos leves presentes no petróleo (pentano, hexano, heptano e octano) e água produzida, que possui em sua composição predominantemente o NaCl. A validação do modelo termodinâmico apresentou desvios médios quadráticos satisfatórios quando comparados a sistemas experimentais reais. Foi realizado um planejamento pseudo-experimental como meio de simular o processo e verificar a influência das variáveis estudadas no sistema proposto, tais como teor de solvente, salinidade, temperatura e BSW (Basic Sediment and Water). Através do modelo empírico obtido foi possível verificar a influência dos fatores sobre o teor de hidrocarbonetos residuais, representado pelo TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon). A temperatura e o teor de solvente são as variáveis que mais influenciam para o aumento do TPH, enquanto que a salinidade contribui para a diminuição do TPH do sistema. As simulações do processo de extração com solvente realizadas no presente trabalho produziram evidências de que o uso do condensado de gás natural pode ser uma alternativa viável para a recuperação de frações de óleo residuais presentes na água produzida, bem como de sistemas aquosos salinos contendo óleos, a exemplo de borras oleosas. As contribuições desse estudo motivam estudos futuros, principalmente os de natureza experimental ligados ao tema, a fim de avaliar a qualidade do modelo adaptado e dos resultados encontrados, reduzindo significativamente as perdas de óleo nas etapas de produção e processamento primário e proporcionando informações para redução dos impactos ambientais da produção de petróleo.

Dynamique des gaz quantiques ultrafroids dans des milieux aléatoires corrélés / Dynamics of ultracold quantum gases in correlated disordered potentials

Alamir, Ardavan 17 December 2013 (has links)
La problématique de cette thèse est l'étude de la localisation d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein confiné harmoniquement et quasi-1D à travers lequel différents potentiels désordonnés sont transportés. Cette problématique qui se veut pleinement pertinente pour les expérimentalistes est à priori difficile à traiter. Cela est dû au caractère non-linéaire, inhomogène et hors-équilibre du système. De ce fait, la plage des vitesses du désordre est limitée d'une part par la vitesse critique de superfluidité et d'autre part par la configuration inhomogène du système. Des notions habituelles de localisation telles que transmission ou exposant de Lyapunov ne sont plus applicables. Donc, il a fallu apporter une nouvelle mesure de localisation pour notre problématique: le ratio du déplacement du centre de masse du condensat au déplacement du désordre qu'on a identifié à la fraction d'atomes localisés. De plus, nous avons des corrélations dans le désordre qui introduisent l'effet d'un comportement non-monotone de l'efficacité de la localisation du potentiel désordonné en fonction de l'énergie. Ainsi, les corrélations peuvent être un moyen pour mettre en évidence la nature quantique de la localisation. Chose que nous avont fait dans un premier temps avec du désordre de type Modèle d'Edwards et dans une seconde partie avec du désordre de type speckle, qu'on nomme le Random Dimer speckle. Pour ce deuxième cas, nous avons proposé une procédure pour contrôler les corrélations et introduire un pic de localisation dans une certaine région énergétique. Cette configuration pourrait être vérifié dans les expériences à l'aide d'un modulateur spatial de lumière. / The topic of this thesis is the study of localization of a quasi-one-dimensional and harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate through which various disordered potentials are transported. This problem, which wants itself to be fully relevant to experimenters, is a priori difficult to deal with. This is due to the non-linear, inhomhogeneous and out-of-equilibrium nature of the system. Because of this, the range of speeds of disorder is limited on one side by the critical speed of superfluidity and on the other side by the inhomogeneous setting of the system. Usual notions of localization like transmission and Lyapunov exponent are no longer applicable. Thus, we had to introduce a novel measure of localization for our problem: the ratio of the distance moved by the condensate center of mass to the distance moved by the disordered potential that we identify as the fraction of localized atoms. Furthermore, we have correlations in the disorder that introduce the effect of non-monotonic behavior of the localization efficiency of the disordered potential as a function of energy. A a result, correlations can be used as a tool to point the quantum nature of the localization. We did this in a first part with Edwards Model type disorders and in a second part with speckle type disorders, a new one that we call the Random Dimer speckle. For this second part, we propose a scheme to control the correlations and introduce a localization peak in a certain energy region. This device can be verified in experiments with the help of a Spatial Light Modulator.

Úprava cirkulačního okruhu inertní atmosféry 3D tiskárny SLM 280HL / Modification of inert atmosphere circuit of 3D printer SLM 280HL

Somora, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design modification of the circulation circuit of inert atmosphere in the 3D printer SLM 280HL. The aim of the proposed modifications was to increase the efficiency of condensate and flue gas removal and thus increase the quality of the production process. Based on experimental measurements of the velocity field at a height of 12 mm, it was found that in the original configuration of the build chamber, there are sites with reduced flow velocity. The test subsequently confirmed the increased porosity of the samples in the given localities. Subsequently, with the help of CFD simulations, a lower flow distributor was designed, which had the most significant effect on the porosity. Furthermore, an additional outlet and flow deflector were designed, which had the task of streamlining the drainage of condensate and fumes from under the protective glass of the laser. The designed components were manufactured and experimentally verified, which was able to prove the flow improvement and reduce the porosity on the platform. A test was also performed with a magnesium-based material, which proved more efficient removal of condensate and flue gases. The work managed to prove the influence of the flow velocity on the porosity of the component at differences in flow velocities above 0,3 ms^-1.

Tepelný a pevnostní výpočet výměníku / Heat and stress analysis exchanger

Jedlička, Rostislav January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of master’s thesis is a propsal of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is double way of water side with the integrated air-vapor mixture cooler. Another aims are heat computation, heat loss computation, solidity dimensioning and selection of a material for a major selection. The last task is about detection of a vapor pressure trought the tube bundle.

Projekční návrh ohříváků topné vody pro výměníkovou stanici 200 MW / Design of heating water heat exchanger, capacity 200 MW

Vašíček, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the design proposal of thermal heaters for heating water in heat-exchanger station with a total output of 200 MW. The aim of the work is conceptual design of heat exchangers, thermal and hydraulic design of individual heaters and preview of flow of mass and energy. The outputs of the work are written calculations, design drawing of one heater and design of a heater arrangement in exchanger station. The objectives of the work are filled completely. The work is focused on issues directly related to the actual design of heat exchangers, does not give a general overview of the topic. Thermal calculation is limited to the calculation of heat transfer surfaces for condensation of steam and condensate hypothermia.

Arsenic Removal From Flue Gas Condensate with Ferrihydrite Precipitation.

Waldenström, Louise January 2014 (has links)
At the Idbäcken combined heat and power (CHP) plant waste wood is combusted. The flue gas from the combustion is condensed and heavy metals and other toxic species ends up in the condensate water. Since the condensate water in this way contains many toxic substances it needs to be treated before it is sent to the recipient Kilaån (the Baltic Sea). Arsenic (As) is one substance that needs to be removed, and this thesis aims to find the optimal conditions for As removal by using precipitation with iron(III) chloride (FeCl3). When FeCl3 comes in contact with water it forms ferrihydrite, an efficient sorbent due to its high specific area. The adsorption of As to ferrihydrite is dependent on different variables; pH, Fe(III) dosage, competitive ions et cetera. Lab-scale experiments have shown that a pH value between 3 and 8 is required for efficient As removal. Concerning the Fe(III) dosage further experiments are needed in order to tell what dosage that is the optimal in this case. Further, the removal of metals has also been studied. A comparison between two chemicals (TMT 15 and MP 7) used for metal removal has been made, which showed that TMT 15 is to prefer for metal removal. Also, it was found that efficient removal of metals require pH &gt; 5, preferably in the slightly alkaline pH range.

Towards testing Bell's inequality using atoms correlated in momentum / Vers la réalisation du test d’inégalité de Bell avec les atomes corrèle en impulsion

Imanaliev, Almazbek 30 March 2016 (has links)
Ce manuscrit décrit des expériences d’optique atomique quantique utilisant un détecteur résolu en impulsions d’atomes uniques d’hélium métastable. La première partie du manuscrit décrit la mesure de cohérence de deuxième ordre de la superradiance à partir d’un condensat de Bose-Einstein d’helium métastable. Bien que le condensat soit cohérent et le gain du processus de superradiance élevé, celle-ci montre toujours une statistique thermique comme celle de l’émission spontanée. La suite du manuscrit est dédiée au test de la non localité d’une source atomique corrélée en impulsion. Le schéma du test s’inspire d’une réalisation faite par Rarity et Tapster sur des photons intriqués en impulsion. Les ingrédients principaux d’un tel schéma sont la source atomique générée par instabilité dynamique du condensat dans un réseau optique en mouvement, le contrôle cohérent des atomes par diffraction de Bragg et la mesure de la corrélation des atomes dans les différentes voies de sortie du schéma interférométrique. Un point clé est le contrôle et la manipulation de la phase des ondes atomiques. Le chapitre 3 décrit les tests sur le contrôle cohérent par diffraction de Bragg et leurs résultats encourageants. La nature non classique de notre source atomique est démontrée par l’observation d’une interférence à deux particules en les envoyant sur une séparatrice atomique. Cet analogue atomique de l’expérience de Hong Ou et Mandel est le sujet du dernier chapitre de ce manuscrit. Le résultat de cette expérience ouvre la possibilité du test d’inégalité de Bell avec des particules massives corrélées sur des degrés de liberté externe. / This manuscript describes quantum atom optics experiments using metastable helium atoms with a single-atom momentum resolved detector. In the first part of this manuscript, the second order correlation measurement of the superradiance from a metastable helium Bose-Einstein condensate is presented. The superradiance effect is the collective radiation of dense ensemble where a strong gain of the radiation is expected. We have shown the thermal like statistics of the emission even in the presence of the strong gain. The next part of the manuscript is devoted to the quantum nonlocality test using a pair of atoms entangled in momentum. The protocol we came up with is inspired from the one of Rarity and Tapster with pairs of photons entangled in momentum. The essential ingredients of this protocol are the atomic pair produced by dynamical instability of the Bose-Einstein condensate in a moving optical lattice, the coherent control of the atomic pair by Bragg diffraction and the correlation measurement of the atoms in different output modes of the interferometric protocol. The experimental characterization and preparation of coherent control by Bragg diffraction are presented showing the proof of principle of such a protocol. The last part of the manuscript discusses the realization of the atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment using the same atomic pair with an atomic beamsplitter. The non-classical interference result of this experiment has opened an opportunity for us to realize Bell’s inequality test with massive particles correlated in external degrees of freedom.

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