Spelling suggestions: "subject:"condensation""
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Eneregy Management In Industries : Analysis of Energy Saving potential by Steam conedensate recoveryKifleyesus, Biniam Okbaendrias January 2017 (has links)
When speaking about energy it means speaking about life, activity, economy, growth and environmental issues. The issue of energy has been the main article all over the world in recent years, this is due to the importance of energy to life and its impact on the environment. For example, Paris climate change meeting in 2015 is one of the recent global meeting which directly related to the energy use by nations. The meeting was mainly focused up on the restriction of greenhouse gas emission which implies that industries should think about other alternative energy resources rather than fossil fuel for positive impact on climatic change. This is one of the cases that led industries into greater competition in the global market. Industries must consider energy alternatives which is safe for the environment and by using such energy a competitive product with better quality and quantity should be produced. This challenge has motivated industries to look and study the energy that they are using currently. Studies and researches show that one of the main and most abundant energy resources that most of these industries can get is by improving the energy efficiency or managing the energy that they currently use. The main aim of this thesis is to provide Arizona chemical plant (Kraton) at Sandarne on the potential energy saving by managing their energy use. The first wisdom in energy utilization is managing and using the energy they possess efficiently. In Arizona plant at Sandarne, the product named “Pitch” (a natural viscoelastic polymer or rosin) is a fuel used as the primary energy supply for the production of steam by boilers. The steam may be utilized well but the energy in the condensate (after steam loses its latent heat) is not addressed well enough. Hence this paper has studied on how significant is the energy lost by the steam condensate is and how its recovery can be used to save energy and cost. The plant produces about an average of 11.42 ton of steam each hour in a year. This steam can be returned or fully recovered (100%) as condensate from the law of conservation of mass since only energy is lost from the steam. But the plant returns a maximum of about 3ton of condensate each hour. This amount is relatively low compared to the amount of condensate recovery possibility. Recovery possibility of condensate return showed that the plant at Sandarne can return at least 8.5 ton of condensate each hour. In comparison with the current return estimated 5.5 ton of condensate is being lost simply as waste each hour leading to about 400 SEK minimum cost loss. The calculation of cost is in minimum because the charge from water supply and condensate effluent disposal charge are not considered. In this paper only recovery from the easily recoverable steam condensate is being considered (25% of the system) which resulted in payback time of the proposed investment 1.88 years without considering the above explained charges. It is much motivating study considering the generalized approach and over simplified method. If a deeper investigation is made on the potential, it can be clearly shown that how significant the potential is in securing and sustaining energy and environmental issues. Ensuring the security and sustainability of energy which addresses the environmental issue precisely will help the plant to stay on the race of global market competition. Keywords: Energy efficiency, Boiler efficiency, Energy management, Condensate recovery,
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Desenvolvimento de algoritmo de clusterização para calorímetro frontal do experimento ALICE no LHC / Development of clustering algorithm for foward calorimeter in the ALICE experiment at the LHCDanilo Anacleto Arruda da Silva 22 September 2014 (has links)
O Grande Colisor de Hádrons (Large Hadron Collider - LHC) é um acelerador de prótons e íons pesados localizado no CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire). Em um de seus experimentos, ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment ), está sendo projetado um detector dedicado a explorar os aspectos únicos de colisões núcleo-núcleo. A principal finalidade do ALICE é estudar a formação de um novo estado da matéria, o plasma de quarks e glúon. Para isto devem-se ter medidas precisas de hádrons, elétrons, múons e fótons produzidos em colisões chumbo-chumbo. Assim está sendo proposto um calorímetro frontal (Foward Calorimeter - FoCal) como um upgrade para o ALICE. A função deste calorímetro é o estudo das funções de distribuição de pártons (Partons distribuction Functions - PDF) no regime de pequenos valores do x de Bjorken. Nesta região é esperado que estas PDFs tenham um comportamento não linear devido ao processo de saturação de glúons. Para o estudo desta região é necessária a medida de fótons diretos produzidos na colisão. Estes, por sua vez, ficam mascarados pelo fundo de fótons provenientes do decaimento de píon, o que leva a uma necessidade de suas identificações. Com isto surge a oportunidade para a utilização do método de clusterização que é uma ferramenta de mineração de dados. Este trabalho contribuiu para o desenvolvimento inicial de um algoritmo de clusterização para o calorímetro FoCal. / The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a CERN\'s accelerator that collides protons and heavy ions. One of its experiments, ALICE, is building a new detector to explore new aspects of heavy ions collisions. The Alice\'s main goal is to study the formation of quark-gluon plasma (QGP). To do that it\'s necessary to get accurate data on hadrons, electrons, muons and gammas created in lead-lead collision. So, to accomplish that a new calorimeter is in study to scan the foward region of experiment, the Foward Calorimeter (FoCal). It\'s proposed to study Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) in a regime of very small Bjorken-x, where it is expected that the PDFs evolve non-linearly due to the high gluon densities, a phenomena referred to as gluon saturation.But to do that it\'s required to measure the direct gammas created on collision. These fotons are blended on by fotons descendant of pion. So there\'s a need to separate it from the direct gammas. One way to solve this problem is to use clustering methods (a type of mining data algorithm). This work helped on early stages of development that clustering algorithm.
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Non-equilibrium dynamics of a trapped one-dimensional Bose gas / Dynamique hors d'équilibre de gaz de Bose unidimensionnel piégéGudyma, Andrii 28 October 2015 (has links)
Une étude des modes d'oscillations d'une gaz de Bose unidimensionnel dans la piège est présentée. Les oscillations sont initiées par une changement instantanée de la fréquence de piégeage. Dans la thèse il est considéré d'un gaz de Bose quantique 1D dans un piège parabolique à la température nulle, et il est expliqué, analytiquement et numériquement, comment la fréquence d'oscillation dépend du nombre de particules, leur interaction répulsive, et les paramètres de piège. Nous sommes concentres sur la description spectrale, en utilisant les règles de somme. La fréquence d'oscillation est identifiée comme la différence d'énergie entre l'état fondamental et un état excité donne. L'existence de trois régimes est démontrée, à savoir le régime de Tonks, le régime de Thomas-Fermi et le régime de Gauss. La transition entre les régime de Tonks et de Thomas-Fermi est décrite dans l'approximation de la densité locale (LDA). Pour la transition entre le régime de Thomas-Fermi et le régime de Gauss l'approximation de Hartree est utilisée. Dans les deux cas, nous avons calculé les paramètres pour quelles les transitions se produisent. Les simulations extensif de Monte Carlo de diffusion pour un gaz contenant jusqu'à N = 25 particules ont été effectuées. Lorsque le nombre de particules augmente, les prédictions des simulations convergent vers celles d'Hartree et LDA dans ces régimes. Cela rend les résultats des modes d'oscillation applicables pour des valeurs arbitraires du nombre de particule et de l'interaction. L'analyse est complétée par les résultats perturbatifs dans les cas limites avec N finis. La théorie prédit le comportement réentrant de la fréquence de mode d'oscillation lors de la transition du régime de Tonks au régime de Gauss et explique bien les données de l'expérience récente du groupe d'Innsbruck. / A study of breathing oscillations of a one-dimensional trapped interacting Bose gas is presented. Oscillations are initiated by an instantaneous change of the trapping frequency. In the thesis a 1D quantum Bose gas in a parabolic trap at zero temperature is considered, and it is explained, analytically and numerically, how the oscillation frequency depends on the number of particles, their repulsive interaction, and the trap parameters. We have focused on the many-body spectral description, using the sum rules approximation. The oscillation frequency is identified as the energy difference between the ground state and a particular excited state. The existence of three regimes is demonstrated, namely the Tonks regime, the Thomas-Fermi regime and the Gaussian regime. The transition from the Tonks to the Thomas-Fermi regime is described in the terms of the local density approximation (LDA). For the description of the transition from the Thomas-Fermi to the Gaussian regime the Hartree approximation is used. In both cases the parameters where the transitions happen are found. The extensive diffusion Monte Carlo simulations for a gas containing up to N = 25 particles is performed. As the number of particles increases, predictions from the simulations converge to the ones from the Hartree and LDA in the corresponding regimes. This makes the results for the breathing mode frequency applicable for arbitrary values of the particle number and interaction. The analysis is completed with the finite N perturbative results in the limiting cases. The theory predicts the reentrant behavior of the breathing mode frequency when moving from the Tonks to the Gaussian regime and fully explains the recent experiment of the Innsbruck group.
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Aspects of Dark Matter PhenomenologyVandecasteele, Jerome 24 September 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Bien que représentant plus d’un quart de la distribution en énergie de notre Univers ainsi que la majorité (84\%) de la masse de celui-ci, la nature de la matière noire n’a pas encore été percée à ce jour. Dans cette thèse, il sera supposé que la matière noire est une nouvelle particule élémentaire, stable et dont la connexion (hors interactions gravitationnelles) avec le secteur visible est réalisée grâce à une autre particule, le médiateur. Au sein de ces lignes, la matière noire sera supposée être un fermion de Dirac et le médiateur un boson (vecteur ou scalaire), ce dernier étant choisi comme étant plus léger que la matière noire. Cette thèse propose d’explorer les aspects infrarouges de la production de la matière noire dans l’Univers primordial, le potentiel de détection d’une importante classe de candidats dits \enquote{freeze-in}, caractérisés par de très faibles interactions avec le Modèle Standard, auprès des expériences de détection directe et l’effet des auto-interactions de la matière noire sur son comportement superfluide dans les régions de haute densité de matière noire (halos, capture par des astres compacts) asymétrique. Sous ces hypothèses, premièrement, une étude exhaustive des différents mécanismes de production de la matière noire est réalisée, illustrée dans un modèle où le médiateur est un photon du secteur caché, issu d’un nouveau groupe de jauge U(1)’, qui mélange de façon cinématique avec le photon du Modèle Standard. En particulier, de nouveaux canaux de production sont mis en avant, nommément \textit{freeze-in from mediator} et \textit{sequential freeze-in}. Ceux-ci correspondent à des scénarios où la matière noire est très faiblement couplée au Modèle Standard, n’atteint jamais l’équilibre avec celui-ci dans l’Univers primordial et est produit petit à petit par des annihilations de médiateurs (en équilibre ou non avec le Modèle Standard). Il est ensuite montré que pour l’important et très attractif cas d’une matière noire milli-chargée (ainsi que pour des scénarios où le médiateur n’est pas plus massif que 40 méga-electronvolt), l’expérience de détection indirect Xenon1T contraint aujourd’hui l’espace des paramètres de la phase de freeze-in de ces modèles, et est, dans cette région de l’espace des paramètres, la contrainte la plus importante. Une réinterprétation des limites sur les interactions indépendantes du spin matière noire – nucléon est par ailleurs nécessaire, détaillée et validée. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, l’effet des auto-interactions dans les scénarios de matière noire asymétrique est exploré. Sous l’hypothèse qu’un halo (galactique ou non) de matière noire atteint l’équilibre thermodynamique à très basse température (comparée à sa masse) et développe donc un potentiel chimique fini, des interactions matière noire – matière noire au voisinage de la surface de Fermi peut entraîner la formation de condensats, de transitions de phase du milieu et dès lors modifier drastiquement l’équation d’état du halo. Un système d’équations auto-consistant pour les condensats est présenté et résolu numériquement. Ensuite, la thermodynamique du système de gaz interagissant est explorée. Finalement, les interactions gravitationnelles sont considérées et les configurations auto-gravitantes, prenant en compte l’ensemble des auto-interactions, sont déterminées et leurs aspects phénoménologiques sont explorés.Even though dark matter represents more than a quarter of the energy budget of our Universe and the majority (84\%) of its mass, the nature of dark matter has not yet been unravelled. In this thesis, it will be assumed that dark matter is a new elementary particle, stable and whose connection (on top of gravitational interactions) with the visible sector is realized through another particle, the mediator. In this thesis, dark matter will be assumed to be a Dirac fermion and the mediator will be a boson (either vector or scalar). This thesis proposes to explore infrared aspects of the production of dark matter in the primeval Universe, aspects of detection of the important class of feebly coupled \enquote{freeze-in} candidates at direct detection experiments and aspects of condensed matter physics such as superfluidity in region of high dark matter density (halos or inside compact objects such as neutron stars). Under these hypothesis, we will first detail an exhaustive study of the possible thermal mechanism of dark matter production, illustrated in a model where the mediator is a dark photon, arising from a new $U\left(1\right)'$ gauge group, which kinematically mixes with the Standard Model photon. In particular, new production channels are put forward, namely the \textit{freeze-in from mediator} and \textit{sequential freeze-in}. They correspond to scenarios where dark matter is very feebly coupled to the Standard Model, do not reach equilibrium with the visible sector thermal bath in the Early Universe and are slowly produced by mediator annihilations (in-equilibrium or not with the Standard Model). It is then showed that for the popular case of a millicharged dark matter ( and for scenarios in which the mediator mass is not bigger than $40$ mega electronvolt), the direct detection experiment XENON1T constrains today the freeze-in parameter space of such models and is the strongest constraint overall for such candidates. A recast of the bounds on spin-independent dark matter$-$nucleon interactions was needed and we validate our procedure against other recast. In the second part of this thesis, the effects of self-interactions in asymmetric dark mater scenarios are explored. Under the hypothesis that a dark matter halo reaches thermodynamic equilibrium at very low temperature (compared to its mass) and develops a finite chemical potential, dark matter$-$ dark matter interactions at the vicinity of the Fermi surface can lead to the formation of condensates, to phase transitions and therefore modify drastically the equation of state of the halo. A self-consistant set of equations for the condensates is presented and solved numerically. The thermodynamics of the interacting dark matter cloud is also explored. Finally, gravitational interactions are considered and self-gravitating configurations of halos, taking into account self-interactions, are determined and their phenomenological aspects is explored. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Selective exhaled breath condensate collection and competitive fluorescent biosensor for non-invasive glucose detectionDivya Tankasala (9183446) 30 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Two thirds of patients with
diabetes avoid regularly monitoring their blood glucose levels because of the
painful and invasive nature of current blood glucose detection. As an
alternative to blood sample collection, exhaled breath condensate (EBC) has emerged
as a promising non-invasive sample from which to monitor glucose levels.
However, the inconsistency in the methods used to collect EBC significantly
impacts the reliability of reported analyte concentrations in EBC. Furthermore,
this dilute sample matrix requires a highly sensitive glucose biosensor to
enable robust and accurate glucose detection at the point-of-care. Together, a
reliable collection method and sensitive detection system can enable accurate
modeling of glucose transport from blood to breath that is reflective of airway
glucose homeostasis.</p>
<p> I address
this research gap by simultaneously designing a standardized EBC collection
method that allows for separation of dead space and alveolar air and developing
a competitive fluorescent biosensor that can resolve micromolar glucose
concentrations changes. First, I develop a low-cost, automated condenser that selectively
collects exhaled breath that has been exchanged with lung fluid based on the
detection of higher breath temperatures that are characteristic of the lower
respiratory regions. Using this device, I investigate the relationship between
blood and EBC glucose in diabetic and normoglycemic human subjects. Next, I
engineer the exquisitely sensitive <i>E.
coli</i> glucose binding protein (GBP) with a chemo-enzymatic tag to
selectively conjugate it to highly photostable quantum dots (QDs). Finally, I
take advantage of the competitive binding of glucose (K<sub>D</sub>=0.35 µM)
and galactose (K<sub>D</sub>=1.4 µM) to GBP to develop a fluorescent glucose
biosensor using the GBP-QD conjugate.</p>
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Význam stanovení markerů oxidačního stresu v kondenzátu vydechovaného vzduchu pro hodnocení progrese plicního onemocnění u pacientů s cystickou fibrózou / The importance of determination of oxidative stress markers in exhaled breath condensate for the assessment of lung disease progression in patients with cystic fibrosisFila, Libor January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship of oxidative stress (OS) marker s in exhaled breath condensate (EBC) in adult patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) to the severity of lung disease, nutritional status and systemic antioxidants and inflammatory markers, as well as to short - and medium - term development of pulmonary function and nutritional status, and finally to assess the response to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Methods: CF patients were examined in a stable phase of the disease during routine outpatient controls. EBC was collected using E C oScreen device (J aeger) in CF patients and in control group members. Nitrites and nitrates and 8 - isoprostane were examined using liquid chromatography and competitive enzyme immunoanalysis, respectively, in EBC as OS markers. Demographic data including the dominant pathogen of airway colonization and ICS treatment were recorded in CF patients. Lung function tests, chest X-ray s, nutritional statuses and systemic antioxidants and inflammatory markers were also examined using standard methods. The values of OS markers in EBC in patients with CF were compared with the control group and correlated to clinical parameters. Lung function tests and nutritional status es in CF patients were examined in one, three and five years intervals...
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Propagating exciton-polariton states in one- and two-dimensional ZnO-based cavity systemsMichalsky, Tom 05 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Production of Quantum Degenerate Mixtures of Alkali and Alkaline-Earth-Like Atoms / アルカリ原子とアルカリ土類様原子の量子縮退混合系の生成Hara, Hideaki 23 January 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第17973号 / 理博第3917号 / 新制||理||1565(附属図書館) / 80817 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 高橋 義朗, 教授 田中 耕一郎, 教授 石田 憲二 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Novel heat exchanger fin surface design for improved condensate managementYu, Rong 13 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Phenomenology and Astrophysics of Gravitationally-Bound Condensates of Axion-Like ParticlesEby, Joshua 30 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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