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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Evaluation and Computer Analysis of Multi-Spiral Confinement in Reinforced Concrete Columns

Brubaker, Briana January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Asadollah Esmaeily / Bridge and building construction in areas that sustain frequent seismic activity require the use of heavy lateral steel reinforcement within concrete columns to handle the lateral loads. Multi-spiral lateral reinforcement has been recently introduced to the construction field to offer an alternative to the traditional hoop and tie reinforcement. This report evaluates the experimental data observed in multiple experimental studies done on different concrete specimens. These specimens include multiple rectilinear reinforcement and several multi-spiral configurations in both rectangular and oblong columns. Due to multi-spiral reinforcement being a relatively new design, traditional computer programs have yet to include design analysis for this type of reinforcement in computer programs. Dr. Asad Esmaeily developed the program KSU RC 2.0 that can implement multiple analytical models to evaluate different multi-spiral configurations, as well as traditional hoop and tie confinement, that may be compared with experimental data. This report illustrates the comparative data from several different reinforced concrete column models. The data clearly indicates that multi-spiral reinforced columns exhibit higher compressive strength in the axial direction as well as higher ductility capabilities when compared to traditional rectilinear reinforcement of similar lateral steel reinforcement ratios. The use of multi-spiral reinforcement is also shown to lower costs for both the work time needed to install the structures as well as lowering the required steel ratio; all while maintaining the structural integrity of the columns.

Análise teórica e experimental de vigas de concreto armado com armadura de confinamento / Theoretical and experimental analysis of reinforced concrete beams with confinement reinforcement

Delalibera, Rodrigo Gustavo 29 April 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a utilização de armadura de confinamento em vigas superarmadas de concreto armado. Essa armadura é constituída de estribos quadrados colocados na região de compressão da seção transversal da viga, aumentando a ductilidade. Para a análise numérica, utilizou-se programa computacional baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos e que leva em consideração o efeito do confinamento no concreto, possibilitando estudar criteriosamente a influência da armadura de confinamento em vigas superarmadas. Na etapa experimental foi investigada a influência da taxa volumétrica da armadura transversal de confinamento, sendo realizados ensaios de quatro vigas superarmadas -três detalhadas com estribos adicionais destinados ao confinamento e uma projetada sem armadura de confinamento. Todas as vigas tiveram deformações nas barras da armadura de tração próximas a 'épsilon' y e resistência média à compressão do concreto de 25MPa. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o índice de ductilidade pós-pico é proporcional à taxa volumétrica da armadura transversal de confinamento. Isso não aconteceu para o índice de ductilidade pré-pico, que teve variação aleatória com a taxa volumétrica de armadura de confinamento. Observou-se também que a resistência à compressão do concreto confinado no núcleo de confinamento diminuiu na proximidade da linha neutra. Considerando os resultados numéricos e experimentais, foi desenvolvido um processo simplificado para o dimensionamento de vigas de concreto armado com armadura de confinamento, onde a resistência à compressão do concreto confinado é função da taxa volumétrica da armadura de confinamento e da resistência do concreto não confinado / This work discusses the use of confinement reinforcement in over designed reinforced concrete beam. This reinforcement is composed by square stirrup placed on the compression zone of the beam transversal section, which improves the ductility avoiding fragile collapse. A Finite Element program was used to make a parametric numerical study. This program considers the non-linearity of the material and the confinement effect, making possible an accuracy study of those beams. In the experimental part, the influence of volumetric confinement transversal reinforcement rate was investigated by the test of four over designed beam, where three had addiction stirrup for the confinement reinforcement and one was designed without this reinforcement. All the beams were composed by 25MPa concrete. The experimental results show that the pos-peak ductility index is proportional to the volumetric confinement transversal reinforcement rate, however it was not observed for the pre-peak ductility index. It was also observed that effect of the confinement is smaller closed to the neutral axis. A simplified design process for reinforced concrete beam with reinforcement confinement was developed based on the numerical study that was performed. In this method the concrete strength is function of the transversal reinforcement volumetric rate and the non-confined concrete strength

Novo equipamento para realização de ensaios confinados e acelerados de fluência em geossintéticos / New equipment to conduct confined-accelerated creep tests on geosynthetics

França, Fagner Alexandre Nunes de 20 January 2012 (has links)
A fluência dos geossintéticos encontra-se entre as propriedades mais relevantes no projeto de estruturas de solo reforçado com esses materiais. A caracterização desse fenômeno emprega ensaios normalizados e de baixa complexidade, que apresentam dois aspectos negativos principais: a duração e o fato de não considerarem o efeito da interação dos geossintéticos com o solo circundante. Ensaios conduzidos em temperatura elevada e em câmaras que simulam o confinamento do solo apresentam-se como alternativas para solucionar cada um desses empecilhos, mas apenas separadamente. Diante disso, esta pesquisa visou desenvolver um novo equipamento para realização de ensaios de fluência em geossintéticos que incorpora, simultaneamente, ambas as medidas utilizadas para mitigar esses dois aspectos. Cinco tipos de geossintéticos (duas geogrelhas, dois geotêxteis não tecidos e um geotêxtil tecido) foram submetidos a ensaios de fluência em diferentes condições de confinamento e temperatura, de maneira combinada ou não. Ensaios de ruptura por fluência em condição confinada e a determinação da resistência à tração residual de corpos de prova submetidos à diferentes períodos de fluência também foram incluídos no programa experimental. O novo equipamento mostrou-se bastante versátil, permitindo a realização de quatro tipos de ensaios: convencionais, confinados, acelerados e confinado-acelerados. As deformações por fluência mostraram-se dependentes do confinamento nas geogrelhas e nos geotêxteis não tecidos e independentes no geotêxtil tecido. Assim, destaca-se que as geogrelhas tiveram um comportamento em fluência diferente daquele previsto na literatura técnica, uma vez que as deformações por fluência desses materiais são comumente referidas como independentes do confinamento. A elevação da temperatura de ensaio mostrou-se eficaz para a aceleração das deformações por fluência em todos os geossintéticos testados. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que a resistência residual dos geossintéticos é pouco afetada pela ocorrência de deformação por fluência. O novo equipamento para realização de ensaios de fluência em geossintéticos permite considerar um dos aspectos mais controversos no projeto de estruturas de reforço de solo com geossintéticos sob uma nova perspectiva. / Creep behavior plays an important role in geosynthetics reinforced soil structures. Its characterization is commonly performed by means of standard tests in which in-isolation specimens are subjected to a constant load while their elongation is measured over time. Despite their widespread use, standard creep tests present two main negative aspects. Firstly, they may last up to 10.000 hours. In addition, they do not consider the possibly significant effect of soil-geosynthetic interaction. Therefore, tests conducted under standard procedures may increase the costs of full creep behavior characterization and result in conservative parameters. Tests conducted at elevated temperature and with special chambers in which the specimens are subjected to confining stresses may be used provide an insight on the soil-geosynthetic interaction in accelerated tests. Both measures have been broadly published in the technical literature, but only independently. In this regard, this dissertation presents a new piece of equipment developed to conduct confined-accelerated creep tests on geosynthetics. Five different geosynthetics were subjected to creep tests with the new equipment (two geogrids, two nonwoven geotextiles and one woven geotextile). In addition, creep rupture tests were performed with both geogrids and the residual tensile strength of specimens were determined by tensile tests performed after creep tests in different conditions. The new creep test equipment was found to be able to performed four different types of test: conventional, confined, accelerated and confined-accelerated ones. The creep behavior of the geogrids was found to be confinement-dependent. This is not mentioned in technical literature. On the other hand, both types geotextiles behaved as expected regarding their confined creep behavior. The woven geotextile creep behavior was independent of confining stresses in sand whereas the nonwoven geotextile creep deformations were strongly reduced by confinement in sand. In addition, the creep deformations of every tested geosynthetic increased with temperature. The tensile tests performed after creep tests showed that the residual strength of the geosynthetics was approximately equal to the values found with virgin specimens. The new creep testing equipment performance was adequate, since it was able to simultaneously address both main concerns of standardized creep tests on geosynthetics.

Confinamento dado por vigas e lajes a pilares feitos com concretos de diferentes resistências ao longo da altura. / Confinement provided by beams and slabs in columns made with differents concretes throughout it´s height.

Azevedo, Pedro Ribeiro 18 November 2013 (has links)
Para melhor aproveitamento da resistência do concreto, utiliza-se concreto de maior resistência à compressão em pilares e concreto de resistência inferior em vigas e lajes. Considerando o método construtivo adotado tradicionalmente no Brasil, a região do pilar que cruza o nível do pavimento é moldada com a utilização do mesmo material que é lançado no pavimento. Essa mistura de materiais no mesmo pilar gera dúvida em relação ao seu dimensionamento. Dado que essa região está confinada pelo pavimento pode-se considerar, no caso em que uma laje lisa circunda o pilar, dentro de determinados limites, que esse pilar se comportará como tendo resistência uniforme. Este trabalho levantou pesquisas anteriores e normas vigentes com o objetivo de saber o que já foi estudado e quais são as recomendações atuais para a situação em que se tem laje apoiada sobre vigas e não uma laje lisa, isto é, uma situação menos confinada. Com base nessa pesquisa, formularam-se modelos a serem ensaiados em escala reduzida no laboratório e modelos de elementos finitos com a finalidade de aprofundar o estudo dessa situação. / Aiming the better use of the concrete strength a high-performance concrete is use in columns and a less resistant concrete in slabs and beams. Considering the constructive method adopted in Brazil, the region of the column that crosses the floor is executed using the same material that is used at the pavement. When used in columns, it is blended with a less resistant concrete in the floors, which is not considered during the column design. Is it possible that this less resistant concrete can confine the column to the point that its strength turns out to be the same of the rest of the members? This paper has studied earlier researches and up-to-date standards with the goal of know what have been studied and the actual recommendations for situations that the floor has beams and slabs instead of only slabs, in other words, a less confined region. Based in this research was formulated models to be tested in the laboratory and models in Finite Element Models to studie further the stresses.

Fluência de geotêxteis / Creep of geotextiles

Costa, Carina Maia Lins 08 July 1999 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta resultados de ensaios de fluência confinada e não-confinada de geotêxteis não-tecidos agulhados. Algumas dificuldades encontradas durante o desenvolvimento dos equipamentos utilizados para realizar esses ensaios em laboratório são também apresentadas e discutidas. A etapa de investigação sem confinamento envolveu a utilização de geotêxteis de poliéster e de polipropileno. Os resultados confirmaram o grande potencial desses materiais em apresentar fluência assim como a maior susceptibilidade dos geotêxteis de polipropileno. No caso de ensaios com confinamento, tentativas de se tracionar um geotêxtil de polipropileno entre duas camadas de solo revelaram grandes dificuldades para manter a carga aplicada constante ao longo do corpo de prova, em virtude da existência de atrito nas interfaces solo-geotêxtil. Ensaios alternativos retirando-se o solo e envolvendo-se o geotêxtil em uma membrana de látex lubrificada apresentaram bons resultados, comprovando a redução da fluência em relação aos ensaios não confinados e denotando tratar-se de uma solução viável para investigar o real papel do confinamento na fluência dos geotêxteis. / This work presents results of confined and unconfined creep tests on nonwoven needle punched geotextiles. Withdraws found during the equipment development used to perform these tests are also highlighted and discussed. The unconfined tests encompassed the use of polyester and polypropylene geotextiles. Results confirm that these materials have a great potential to creep, being the polypropylene geotextiles the material with the greatest susceptibility. The confined tests where geotextile was placed between two soil layers revealed difficulties in keeping the applied load constant throughout the specimen due to soil-geotextile interface friction. Alternative tests performed without the soil and embedding the geotextile in a lubricated latex membrane showed good results, proving the decrease of creep in relation to unconfined tests. Thus, one can conclude that this is a viable solution towards the investigation of the real role that confinement plays in geotextile creep.

Perfil metabólico de bovinos de corte da raça Purunã / Metabolic profile of Purunã beef cattle breed

Lipinski, Leandro Cavalcante 30 July 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a influência dos fatores etários, do puerpério, da castração, bem como a influência do confinamento no lipidograma e nas funções hepática e renal. Foram mensurados os valores séricos de colesterol, triglicérides, ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA), β-hidroxibutirato (B-HBO), ureia, creatinina, proteína total, albumina, aspartato-aminotransferase (AST), gama glutamil transferase (GGT), creatina quinase (CK) e glicose. Para realização do experimento foram utilizados 370 bovinos da raça Purunã. Os animais foram dispostos em 4 diferentes experimentos. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA, usando o procedimento GLM do SAS. Concluiu-se que os constituintes metabólicos foram consideravelmente influenciados pela idade, sexo, puerpério e sistema de criação. Devido à grande quantidade de amostras estrategicamente colhidas, obtidas de diferentes manejos, também foi possível sugerir valores de referência para os análitos, nestes experimentos mensurados, para bovinos da raça Purunã de diferentes idades, sexos, fases do periparto e do puerpério e em confinamento. / The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of age, after childbirth, castration, as well as the influence of confinement on lipid profile and in liver and kidney function. We measured the levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (B-HBO), urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine kinase (CK) and glucose. For the experiment we used 370 cattle breed Purunã. The animals were assigned to four different experiments. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, using the GLM procedure of SAS. It was concluded that the constituents were considerably influenced by metabolic age, sex, and postpartum creation system. Due to the large amount of strategically collected samples, obtained from different management, it was also possible to suggest values for the analytes, measured in these experiments, Purunã to breed cattle of different ages, sexes, and stages of peripartum and postpartum and confinement.

Study of gradon confinements in graded elastic and plasmonic lattices. / 弹性和等离子体梯度子禁闭研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Study of gradon confinements in graded elastic and plasmonic lattices. / Tan xing he deng li zi ti ti du zi jin bi yan jiu

January 2009 (has links)
Controlling fields and properties has attracted ever increasing interest over past decades due to the rapid advancement of nanofabrication techniques. In the field of nano-optics, to overcome the limit of signal processing speed and device scale of traditional electronic devices, optical devices using photon as the signal carriers have been chosen as the potential candidates. However, the diffraction limit of light has limited the integration of the micro-meter photonic components into electronic chips. Plasmonics offer the possibility to control electromagnetic fields at the subwavelength scale. Moreover , this controlling become tunable by introducing gradient into the material and/or structure, i.e., taking the concept of functionally graded materials (FGM) to design materials. / Gradon confinements in graded materials and/or systems open a door for tunable fields-controlling, which have potential applications in a variety of fields. Our research methods and results provide an effective way to understand field localization in a variety of systems, and they can be applied to design and manufacture thermal devices and even on-chip plasmonic-optical devices. / Gradon confinements, or referred as frequency-controlled localization of fields are investigated in various graded plasmonic lattices. The correspondences between gradon confinements and Bloch oscillations as well as nonBloch oscillations are explored. By taking into account retardation and loss effects, the asymmetric localization behavior and broadband localizat ion due to graded host permittivity are studied. / This thesis will concentrate on gradon confinements, which make controlling fields and properties tunable in graded materials and/or systems. We start with investigating gradon modes and their properties in graded elastic lattices. Using the quantum-classical analogue method, the analytic envelope function is obtained and can be used to analyze the system-size dependence of inverse participation ratio of gradon modes. In damping graded elastic lattices , the frequency-dependent behavior of relaxation rate are studied analytically and numerically. / We continue to study the three-dimensional graded plasmonic lattices with fully retarded electromagnetic interactions. A generalized Ewald-Kornfeld summation formula is developed to deal with the long-range interaction. In the quasistatic limit, various plasmonic gradon modes are investigated. Taking retardation and loss into account, field localization and enhancement are calculated in three-dimensional graded plasmonic lattices with graded size, spacing, and/or host permittivity in one direction. / Zheng, Mingjie = 弹性和等离子体梯度子禁闭研究 / 郑明杰. / Adviser: Kin Wah Yu. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-11, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-124) and index. / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese. / Zheng, Mingjie = Tan xing he deng li zi ti ti du zi jin bi yan jiu / Zheng Mingjie.

The cloudy bag model / by Anthony William Thomas

Thomas, A. W. (Anthony William), 1949- January 1985 (has links)
`A compilation of published papers` / Includes `List of contents` (2 leaves) / Includes bibliographies / 1 v. (various pagings) : / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (D. Sc.)--University of Adelaide, 1986

Mise au point d'un essai de compaction dynamique. Application au béton

Safa, Kamal 20 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Influence de la morphologie du gel sur la cinétique d'altération des verres borosilicatés : rôle du calcium et du zirconium

Cailleteau, Céline 02 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude s'inscrit dans la problématique du comportement à long terme des verres de confinement des déchets nucléaires. La couche d'altération formée lors de l'altération du verre par l'eau, appelée gel, peut limiter les échanges entre le verre et la solution. Les verres étudiés sont du type SiO2-B2O3-Na2O-CaO-ZrO2. Deux séries de verres ont été synthétisées en substituant CaO à Na2O et ZrO2 à SiO2. Les altérations ont montré que le calcium améliore la réticulation du réseau vitreux, aboutissant à une diminution du degré final d'altération et que la présence de Zr limite l'hydrolyse du silicium, conduisant à une diminution des vitesses initiales de dissolution. En revanche, le zirconium a aussi pour effet de retarder la chute de vitesse d'altération et conduit à une augmentation du degré d'altération. Afin d'expliquer cet effet paradoxal, la morphologie des gels a été sondée par diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles. Ces expériences montrent que la réorganisation du réseau poreux du gel au cours de l'altération est limitée par la présence de Zr. La restructuration du gel est donc à l'origine de la forte chute de vitesse d'altération observée dans les verres à faible teneur en ZrO2. De plus, le suivi d'éléments étrangers dans le gel par spectrométrie de masse (TOF-SIMS) et l'expérience de diffusion de neutrons avec variation de contraste ont montré que la porosité se fermait au cours de l'altération dans le verre sans ZrO2, alors qu'elle restait ouverte dans les verres aux fortes teneurs en ZrO2. Ces expériences, couplées avec des simulations de type Monte Carlo, établissent un lien entre les transformations morphologiques du gel et la cinétique d'altération.

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