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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Congruency of Identity Style in Married Couples

Cook, Jerry L. 01 May 1999 (has links)
This study assessed the importance that similar identity style plays in the relationships within recently married couples. To assess the congruency of similar and dissimilar identity style, three postulates were analyzed. These postulates included: (a) Is there a gender difference in reports of marital intimacy? (b) Is similarity of identity style related to marital intimacy? (c) Is there an interaction effect between gender and similarity of identity style in relation to reports of marital intimacy? A sample consisting of 84 couples completed a survey containing questions relevant to identity and marital intimacy. Demographic information was also requested in the survey. Analyses indicate that (a) males generally report greater marital intimacy than females, (b) couples with similar identity style tend to report greater marital intimacy than their dissimilar counterparts, and (c) females' reports of marital intimacy are more influenced (than males) by similarity of identity style.

Cross-modal Effects In Tactile And Visual Signaling

Merlo, James 01 January 2008 (has links)
Using a wearable tactile display three experiments were conducted in which tactile messages were created emulating five standard US Army and Marine arm and hand signals for the military commands, namely: "Attention", "Halt", "Rally", "Move Out", and "Nuclear Biological or Chemical event (NBC)". Response times and accuracy rates were collected for novices responding to visual and tactile representations of these messages, which were displayed either alone or together in congruent or incongruent combinations. Results indicated synergistic effects for concurrent, congruent message presentations showing superior response times when compared to individual presentations in either modality alone. This effect was mediated by participant strategy. Accuracy similarly improved when both the tactile and visual presentation were concurrently displayed as opposed to separately. In a low workload condition, participants could largely attend to a particular modality, with little interference from competing signals. If participants were not given instructions as to which modality to attend to, participants chose that modality which was received first. Lastly, initial learning and subsequent training of intuitive tactile signals occurred rapidly with large gains in performance in short training periods. These results confirm the promise for tactile messages to augment visual messaging in challenging and stressful environments particularly when visual messaging is maybe preferred but is not always feasible or possible.

Emotional Responses Evoked by Paintings and Classical Music in Artists, Musicians, and Non-Experts

Barnas, Adam J. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Congruency and typicality effects in lexical decision

Loth, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes basic research into visual word recognition and decision making. Determining the best matching lexical representation for a given stimulus involves interactions between representations. The standard task for studying these processes is the lexical decision task (LDT), but there is still debate regarding the factors that affect how individuals make lexical decisions. The nature of lexical interactions and the processes underlying lexical decision-making were addressed here by testing response congruency effects in the masked priming variant of the LDT. The results of seven masked priming experiments showed a robust response congruency effect that depends on the difficulty of the word-nonword discrimination. This finding resolved apparent inconsistencies in previous research. The experiments were simulated using the Bayesian Reader and the Spatial Coding Model (SCM). The probability based Bayesian Reader model failed to accommodate the findings. However, a good fit to the data was provided by a modified version of the SCM in which the assumptions regarding the nature of lexical interactions were changed such that word nodes inhibit only (closely) related competitors. The model also assumes that the difficulty of the word-nonword discrimination affects the degree to which stimulus typicality informs lexical decisions. A critical issue for these experiments involved the definition of orthographic typicality. An algorithm for measuring orthographic typicality and for generating nonwords with a specific level of orthographic typicality (OT3) was developed. An unprimed LDT experiment showed that OT3 affected decision latency even when other standard measures of orthographic typicality were controlled. Two additional masked priming experiments showed that highly typical primes lead to faster word responses and slower nonword responses than less typical primes. Overall, the results of this research enhance our understanding of the processes underlying visual word recognition and lexical decision making, and also have important methodological implications for the field.

L’intégration de modalités sensorielles : l’influence de l’olfaction sur la vision

Blanchette, Mylène 02 1900 (has links)
La plupart des études sur la perception isolent une modalité sensorielle pour mieux l’étudier et la comprendre. Malheureusement, aucun de nos sens ne représente la seule source d’information, car une intégration sensorielle se fait en tout moment lors de la perception de l’environnement. L’information d’un sens est donc plutôt en accord ou en conflit avec l’apport d’information des autres sens. Le but de la présente étude était d’investiguer, par IRMf, les activations cérébrales d’une intégration visuelle et olfactive lorsque ces deux perceptions sont congruentes. Pour ce faire, une image et/ou une odeur étaient présentées au sujet et ce dernier devait identifier si le stimulus perçu était congruent. Ce protocole permettait d’observer les activations cérébrales lors de l’analyse d’un stimulus et la prise de décision selon la congruité du stimulus présenté. La condition de congruence vision-odeur activa les zones visuelles et olfactives plus fortement que lors des conditions contrôle (image seule, odeur seule). Ces résultats illustrent une potentialisation des aires visuelles et olfactives par une intégration d’information congruente venant de ces deux modalités. Par conséquent, l’intégration d’un stimulus visuel et odorant congruent semble rehausser la perception du stimulus. / Most studies on perception isolate one sensory modality in order to better study and comprehend it. Unfortunately, none of our senses represents the only source of information, since sensory integration is underway at all times during environmental perception. The information from one sense is therefore usually in agreement with or in conflict with the input of information from other senses. The goal of the present study was to investigate, by fMRI, the cerebral activations caused by visual and olfactory integration when these two perceptions are congruent. To do this, an image and/or an odour were presented to the subject who then had the task of identifying whether the perceived stimulus was congruent. This protocol allowed the observation of the cerebral activations during stimulus analysis and decision-making depending on the congruity of the presented stimulus. The vision-odour congruent condition activated the visual and olfactory areas more strongly than the control conditions (image only, odour only). These results illustrate a potentialization of the visual and olfactory areas by an integration of the congruent information coming from these two modalities. As a result, the integration of a visual and olfactory congruent stimulus seems to enhance the perception of a stimulus.

L’intégration de modalités sensorielles : l’influence de l’olfaction sur la vision

Blanchette, Mylène 02 1900 (has links)
La plupart des études sur la perception isolent une modalité sensorielle pour mieux l’étudier et la comprendre. Malheureusement, aucun de nos sens ne représente la seule source d’information, car une intégration sensorielle se fait en tout moment lors de la perception de l’environnement. L’information d’un sens est donc plutôt en accord ou en conflit avec l’apport d’information des autres sens. Le but de la présente étude était d’investiguer, par IRMf, les activations cérébrales d’une intégration visuelle et olfactive lorsque ces deux perceptions sont congruentes. Pour ce faire, une image et/ou une odeur étaient présentées au sujet et ce dernier devait identifier si le stimulus perçu était congruent. Ce protocole permettait d’observer les activations cérébrales lors de l’analyse d’un stimulus et la prise de décision selon la congruité du stimulus présenté. La condition de congruence vision-odeur activa les zones visuelles et olfactives plus fortement que lors des conditions contrôle (image seule, odeur seule). Ces résultats illustrent une potentialisation des aires visuelles et olfactives par une intégration d’information congruente venant de ces deux modalités. Par conséquent, l’intégration d’un stimulus visuel et odorant congruent semble rehausser la perception du stimulus. / Most studies on perception isolate one sensory modality in order to better study and comprehend it. Unfortunately, none of our senses represents the only source of information, since sensory integration is underway at all times during environmental perception. The information from one sense is therefore usually in agreement with or in conflict with the input of information from other senses. The goal of the present study was to investigate, by fMRI, the cerebral activations caused by visual and olfactory integration when these two perceptions are congruent. To do this, an image and/or an odour were presented to the subject who then had the task of identifying whether the perceived stimulus was congruent. This protocol allowed the observation of the cerebral activations during stimulus analysis and decision-making depending on the congruity of the presented stimulus. The vision-odour congruent condition activated the visual and olfactory areas more strongly than the control conditions (image only, odour only). These results illustrate a potentialization of the visual and olfactory areas by an integration of the congruent information coming from these two modalities. As a result, the integration of a visual and olfactory congruent stimulus seems to enhance the perception of a stimulus.


Kiernicki, Kristen M. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Although direct-to-consumer (DTC) prescription drug advertising is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, content analyses (Baird-Harris, 2009; Frosch, Krueger, Hornik, Cronbolm, & Berg, 2007; Kaphingst, DeJong, Rudd, & Daltroy, 2004; Wilkes, Bell, & Kravitz, 2000) and other studies (Davis, 2000, 2007) have suggested that advertisers may not disclose drug risks to the same extent that they describe drug benefits. This study builds on previous studies by Baird-Harris and Smith and Shaffer (2000) and aims to test the relationship between image congruency in televised DTC advertisements, recall of risks and benefits, and perceived ad persuasiveness. Advertisements for Nexium, Advair, and Lunesta were shown to college students in either their original (i.e., image incongruent) or modified (i.e., image neutral) form. In general, risks were easier to recall with image neutral advertisements (which were considered to be less persuasive), although results were not statistically significant. Gender had a significant interaction effect, suggesting that males and females process risks differently depending on images in a DTC advertisement. Despite its lack of significant findings, this study explores an underdeveloped area of research and provides a model for future studies.

Quantifizierung und Klassifizierung der kaninen Ellbogeninkongruenz auf Grundlage einer standardisierten Röntgen- und Messmethode

Starke, Andreas 20 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Andreas Starke Quantifizierung und Klassifizierung der kaninen Ellbogeninkongruenz auf Grundlage einer standardisierten Röntgen- und Messmethode Klinik für Kleintiere der Veterinärmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig (79 Seiten, 27 Abbildungen, 8 Tabellen, 132 Literaturangaben) Zielstellung: Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die objektive Quantifizierung der knöchernen Konformation des Ellbogengelenkes gesunder und erkrankter Hunde unter standardisierten Bedingungen. Dazu sollte eine Methode entwickelt werden mit der Röntgenaufnahmen von Ellbogen unter Belastung angefertigt und anhand von Messungen an markanten Knochenstrukturen evaluiert werden können. Diese standardisierte Röntgen- und Messmethode sollte an einer Kontrollgruppe getestet werden, um die Eignung der Methodik zu untersuchen und Referenzwerte zu erstellen. Besonderer Schwerpunkt war die Überprüfung der Reliabilität der Messungen in Abhängigkeit von Lagerungsartefakten und Messwiederholungen. Danach sollten Ellbogengelenke klinisch erkrankter Hunde untersucht und mit den Ergebnissen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen werden, um herauszufinden, ob sich die Messergebnisse signifikant von gesunden Gelenken unterscheiden. Zudem wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass sich die dysplastischen Ellbogengelenke anhand der röntgenologischen Messparameter in unterschiedliche Formen der humeroulnaren und humeroradialen Inkongruenz unterteilen lassen. Material und Methode: Bei 27 lahmheitsfreien Hunden wurden von 47 Ellbogengelenken Röntgenaufnahmen mit und ohne Belastung (mediolateral, kraniokaudal; Aufnahmen am liegenden, narkotisierten Tier) sowie Aufnahmen im Stehen (kraniokaudal) untersucht. Digital gemessen wurden subchondrale Gelenkspaltenabstände, subchondrale Knochenabstände und ein Winkel. Anschließend wurden 149 Hunde mit ED der Röntgen- und Messmethode unterzogen und mit den Ergebnissen der Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Anhand von gehäuft auftretenden Messwertabweichungen wurden die 149 Hunde in Untergruppen eingeteilt und erneut mit der Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Danach wurden 4 Gruppen mit jeweils unterschiedlicher Osteotomie an Radius bzw. Ulna zur zwei- und dreidimensionalen Gelenkumstellung erstellt (euthanasierte Hunde ohne Ellbogenerkrankung), der gleichen Röntgen- und Messprozedur unterzogen und mit der Kontrollgruppe und den Gruppen der kranken Hunde verglichen. Ergebnisse: Eine standardisierte und reliable Lagerung sowie Längen- und Winkelmessungen an definierten Knochenpunkten konnten mit und ohne Belastung bei gesunden und kranken Hunden etabliert werden. Mittels Normalisierung der Parameter der Längenmessungen gelang eine Vergleichbarkeit zwischen unterschiedlichen Gelenken und Projektionsebenen herzustellen. Messwerte von Aufnahmen im Stehen zeigten viele Lagerungsartefakte und eine geringe Reliabilität. Von den einzelnen Messparametern der Aufnahmen mit und ohne Belastung konnten aufgrund ihrer geringen Streuung Normwerte von der Kontrollgruppe abgeleitet werden. Eine deutliche Abgrenzung auf Grundlage signifikanter Unterschiede führte zur Bildung der Untergruppen Typ I (n=60), Typ II (n=40) und indiff (n=49) innerhalb der 149 Hunde mit ED. Unterscheidungskriterien für die Einteilung eines kranken Ellbogengelenkes in Typ I, Typ II und indiff waren 3 subchondrale Gelenkspaltenabstände (mp3, mp4, mp6), 3 aus Gelenkspaltenabständen errechnete Indizes (LI 3, LI 4, LI 6) und ein Winkel. Diese Parameter wiesen in der Kontrollgruppe eine hohe Reliabilität auf. Durch die Osteotomiemodelle konnten Parallelen zwischen Typ I und einer short ulna sowie zwischen Typ II und einem short radius ermittelt werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Röntgenaufnahmen am stehenden Hund sind nicht praktikabel, nur bedingt auswertbar und daher nicht geeignet. Anhand von Röntgenbildern mit und ohne Belastung lassen sich dagegen die Knochenverhältnisse im Gelenk beschreiben und Normwerte erstellen. Die untersuchte Methodik ist geeignet 67% erkrankter Tiere einem Inkongruenztyp (Typ I oder Typ II) zuzuordnen. Die Ergebnisse der dreidimensionalen Ulnaverkürzung und dreidimensionalen Radiusverkürzung weisen auf dreidimensionale Bewegungen der Knochenoberflächen bei Typ I bzw. Typ II im und am Gelenk hin. Ob Ellbogengelenke des Typ I (40%) von einer dreidimensionalen Osteotomie der proximalen Ulna und Ellbogengelenke des Typ II (27%) von einer Radiuselongation profitieren würden, müssen weitere Untersuchungen zeigen. Die Inkongruenz selbst konnte nicht näher quantifiziert werden. / Andreas Starke Quantification and classification of canine elbow incongruency using a standardized method for radiography and measurement Department of Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitiy of Leipzig (79 pages, 27 Figures, Tables, 132 references) Objective: Goal of this paper was the objective quantification of elbowjoint conformation for healthy and diseased dogs under standardized conditions. Therefor we developed a method for taking x-rays of the elbow joint under load to facilitate measurements using bone-landmarks. For this we aimed to test a standardized X-ray- and measurement methodology on a control group for evaluation of the developed methodology and to compile reference values. Emphasis has been placed on the validation of the reliability of the taken measurements especially were positioning artefacts and repeat measurements were concerned. Subsequently we examined elbow joints of clinically affected dogs and compared the results to that of the control group to determine whether signifikant differences can be found in the measurements compared to those taken in joints of healthy dogs. Additionally we formulated the hypothesis that displastic Elbow joints can be grouped into humero-ulnar and humero-radial incongruencies using the developed method of measurement. Material and methods: Plain x-rays and standardized stressed x-rays (medio-lateral, cranio-caudal taken under sedation; cranio-caudal views taken while standing) of 47 elbow-joints of 27 lameness free dogs were examined. We digitally measured subchondral jointgaps, subchondral bone gaps and an angle. Afterwards 149 dogs with ED were examined using our standardized X-ray method and we compared the results to the control group. The 149 dogs were divided into subgroups using frequent measurement deviances and the subgroups again compared to the control group. Afterwards we created 4 groups based on the kind of radial or ulnar osteotomy for two- and three- dimensional joint adjustment, took measurements based on our standardized X-ray method and compared the results to the control group and ED group. Results: A reliable standardized X-ray methodology as well as length and angle measurement on defined bone landmarks with and without load could be established on healthy dogs and those with ED. Using normalization of length-measurements we were able to establish comparability between different joints and projections. Measurements from x-rays taken in a standing position showed a lot of positioning related artefacts and low reliability. We were able to compile standard values from x-rays of the control group taken with- and without load due to the low deviation of the norm values. Due to marked delination based on significant differences we were able to establish subgroups Typ I (n=60), Typ II (n=40) and Group indiff (n=49) in the ED Group. Distinction Criterions to classify an ED elbow joint in Types I, II or indiff were 3 subchondral jointgaps (mp3, mp4, mp6), three indices calculated out of joint gaps (LI 3, LI 4 and LI 6) and an angle. In the control group these parameters showed a high reliability. Using an osteotomy model we were able to draw parallels between Typ I and a short Ulna, as well as Typ II and a short radius. Conclusions: X-rays taken in a standing position are not feasible. Using x-rays taken with and without load we were able to adequately describe bone-marker relations and could compile norm values. Using our developed method we have been able to assign 67% of the examined diseased joints to a type of incongruency (Type I or II). The results of three dimensional ulna and radius shortening indicate three dimensional movement of the bone surface in Typ I or II in the joint. Whether elbow joints of Typ I (40%) benefit of a three dimensional proximal ulna-osteotomy or joints of Typ II (27%) would benefit of a radial elongation needs to be shown in further studies.

The role of self on ethical consumption in a religious culture : a case of consumers in Thailand

Srisaracam, Nattida January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of the self-concept on ethical consumption behaviour within the Thai consumer context. Religiosity has an influence on a person’s self and morality as Thai people place high importance on religious values. Ten consumers are studied through in-depth, phenomenological interviews, focusing on ethical consumption experiences and meanings. The self-concept is viewed as an experiencer and a moral entity that is dynamic and contextual between internal and external values. The study has extended knowledge on the self-concept and self-image congruency in the context of ethical consumption. It found the existence of a self-ethics relationship through processes of internalisation and externalisation. Personal value, emotion, moral salience, religious beliefs and social values are internalised into the self-concept. On the other hand, externalisation allows consumers to express personal meanings onto society. Self-monitoring functions in these processes to control ethical behaviour. Ethical consumption helps consumers to construct and enhance moral identity, underpinned by the moral self. This thesis has found self-ethics congruency, where meanings of the self and ethical consumption are symbolised and encouraging ethical consumption. Moreover, the multidimensional self has emerged from the study. This finding offers insights on different aspects of the self-concept through ethical consumption. Consumers intuitively engage in ethical consumption when emotion is involved. The implications of this study suggest “who ethical consumers are” by looking at the consumer’s self. Organisations and marketers can use different selves and moral identity to segment and target potential ethical consumers while creating brand image corresponding to consumer’s self-image.

Transposition des valeurs des voitures européennes à travers la bande-son des spots publicitaires produits à l'année 2012 / Transposition of the values of European cars through the soundtrack advertising

Ansari Dezfoul, Mona 06 December 2016 (has links)
Le son, sur un support audio-visuel, est le vecteur d’un sens supplémentaire pour l’image. La captation de ce sens concerne trois attitudes de l’individu vis-à-vis de la bande-son: réaction affective, cognitive et comportementale. Cette recherche aborde la réaction cognitive de l’individu par rapport à une bande-son publicitaire produite, en 2012, pour les voitures européennes. Ce travail de recherche vérifie quelles modalités des éléments constitutifs d’une bande-son sont adéquates aux valeurs « dynamisme, modernité et sécurité» des voitures européennes. La méthodologie de cette recherche comporte deux parties. La première partie est l’analyse de la structure narrative de chaque spot publicitaire afin de découvrir les stratégies narratives de chaque spot publicitaire de notre corpus. L’autre partie consiste à effectuer une expérimentation dans le cadre d’un entretien directif avec deux échantillons: l’un comprend des consommateurs potentiels quelconques, et l’autre sera constitué de consommateurs potentiels experts. L’entretien avec ces deux groupes nous permet de faire une comparaison entre la réaction cognitive des experts et celle des non experts vis-à-vis de la même bande-son. / The sound, on an audio visual support, is the vector of meaning to the image. The capture of this sense covers three attitudes of the individual vis-a-vis the soundtrack: emotional response, cognitive and behavioral. This research addresses the cognitive reaction of the individual in relation to soundtracks advertising produced in 2012, for European cars. This research verifies what terms the constituent elements of a soundt rack are adequate values "dynamism, modernity and security" of european cars. The methodology of this research has two parts. The first part is the analysis of the narrative structure of each commercial to discover the narrative strategies of each commer cial of our corpus. The other part is to perform an experiment in the context of a structured interview with two samples: one comprises any potential consumers, and the other will consist of potential consumer’s experts. The meeting with these groups allows us to make a comparison between the cognitive response of experts and of noun experts vis-a-vis the same soundtrack.

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