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Some Theoretical Contributions To The Mutual Exclusion ProblemAlagarsamy, K 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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O conjunto excepcional do problema de GoldbachDalpizol, Luiz Gustavo January 2018 (has links)
Seja E(X) a cardinalidade dos números pares menores ou iguais a X que não podem ser escritos como soma de dois primos. O objetivo central desta dissertação é apresentar uma demonstração de uma estimativa para E(X) dada por Hugh L. Montgomery e Robert C. Vaughan em [22]. Mais precisamente, estabeleceremos a existência de uma constante positiva (efetivamente computável) tal que E(X) X1 ; para todo X su cientemente grande. / Let E(X) the cardinality of even numbers not exceeding X which cannot be written as a sum of two primes. The main goal of this dissertation is to present a proof of an estimate for E(X) given by Hugh L. Montgomery e Robert C. Vaughan in [22]. More precisely, we will establish the existence of a positive constant (e ectively computable) such that E(X) X1 for all su ciently large X:
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Aspects modulaires et elliptiques des relations entre multizêtas / Modular and elliptic aspects of relations between multiple zeta valuesBaumard, Samuel 23 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la famille des nombres dits multizêtas, et sur les relations qu'ils vérifient.Le premier chapitre est une introduction générale au domaine et se donne pour objectif de présenter brièvement les différents cadres dans lesquels s'inscrivent les résultats des trois autres chapitres, et d'énoncer ces résultats.Dans le chapitre 2, on étudie les relations linéaires entre zêtas simples et zêtas doubles, en établissant un lien rigoureux entre ces relations, les relations linéaires entre crochets de Poisson d'éléments de profondeur 1 de l'algèbre de Lie libre à deux générateurs, et l'espace des formes modulaires. Il s'agit en grande partie d'algèbre linéaire élémentaire sur des matrices définies explicitement.Le résultat principal du chapitre 3 a trait à une algèbre de Lie de dérivations déduite de l'étude de la catégorie des motifs elliptiques mixtes introduite par Hain et Matsumoto. Il démontre l'existence de relations linéaires observées par Pollack dans cette algèbre et provenant elles aussi des formes modulaires. Les démonstrations consistent majoritairement à adapter des techniques introduites par Ecalle à l'étude des propriétés de certains polynômes non commutatifs.Le quatrième et dernier chapitre propose une construction d'une algèbre de multizêtas elliptiques formels, en analogie avec les travaux de Hain et Matsumoto sur les motifs elliptiques mixtes et d'Enriquez sur les associateurs elliptiques. Celle-ci se place dans le formalisme écallien des moules ; on prouve deux résultats partiels qui corroborent la validité de cette dernière construction. / This thesis deals with the family of numbers called multiple zeta values, and on the relations they satisfy. The first chapter is a general introduction to the field and has the goal of briefly presenting the different settings into which the results of the three other chapters fit, and stating these results. In chapter 2, we study the linear relations between simple and double zeta values, establishing a rigorous connection between these relations, the linear relations between Poisson bracket of depth 1 elements of the free Lie algebra on two generators, and the space of modular forms. The proofs consist mainly in performing elementary linear algebra on explicitly defined matrices. The main result of chapter 3 involves a Lie algebra of derivations derived from the study of the category of mixed elliptic motives introduced by Hain and Matsumoto. We prove the existence of linear relations observed by Pollack in this algebra and which also come from modular forms. The bulk of the proofs rely on applying techniques introduced by Ecalle to the study of the properties of certain non-commutative polynomials. The fourth and last chapter proposes a construction of an elliptic formal multizeta algebra, in analogy with work by Hain and Matsumoto on mixed elliptic motives and Enriquez on elliptic associators. The latter falls within the écallian formalism of moulds, we prove two partial results which support the validity of said construction.
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Centre de Bernstein stable et conjecture d'Aubert-Baum-Plymen-Solleveld / Stable Bernstein center and Aubert-Baum-Plymen-Solleveld conjectureMoussaoui, Ahmed 16 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse aux liens entre la correspondance de Langlands locale et le centre de Bernstein. Pour cela, un cadre a été introduit par Vogan puis développé par Haines : le centre de Bernstein stable. Nous commençons par étendre la correspondance de Springer généralisée au groupe (non connexe) orthogonal. Ensuite, nous énonçons une conjecture concernant les paramètres de Langlands (complets) des représentations supercuspidales d'un groupe p-adique déployé que nous vérifions pour les groupes classiques et le groupe linéaire à l'aide des travaux de Moeglin, Henniart et Harris et Taylor. Nous définissons à l'aide des travaux de Lusztig sur la correspondance de Springer généralisée une application de support cuspidal pour les paramètres de Langlands complets. Avec certains résultats d'Heiermann, nous obtenons un paramétrage de Langlands des représentations irréductibles d'un groupe classique. Par ailleurs, nous énonçons une conjecture « galoisienne » analogue à la conjecture d'Aubert-Baum-Plymen-Solleveld, que nous prouvons à l'aide des résultats précédents. Ceci est une nouvelle preuve de la validité de la conjecture ABPS pour les groupes classiques et explicite ses relations avec la correspondance de Langlands. En conséquence, on obtient la compatibilité de la correspondance de Langlands avec l'induction parabolique pour les groupes classiques. / This thesis focus on links between the local Langlands correspondence and the Bernstein center. A framework was introduced by Vogan and developed by Haines : the stable Bernstein center. We start by extending the generalized Springer correspondence to the orthogonal group (which is disconnected). Then we state a conjecture about (complete) Langlands parameters of supercuspidal representations of a p-adic split group and we prove it for classical and linear groups thanks to the work of M\oe glin, Henniart and Harris and Taylor. Based on the work of Lusztig on generalized Springer correspondence, we define a cuspidal support map for complete Langlands parameters. Referring to some results of Heiermann, we get a Langlands parametrization of the smooth dual of classical groups. Moreover, we state "Galois" version of the Aubert-Baum-Plymen-Solleveld conjecture and we prove that with the previous results. It gives a new proof of the validity of the ABPS conjecture for classical groups and it provides explicit relations with Langlands correspondence. As a corrolary, we obtain the compatibility of the Langlands correspondence with parabolic induction for classical groups.
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Ordinary and modular characters for normal inclusions of finite groups : Application to alternating, special linear and unitary groups / Liens entre caractères ordinaires et modulaires de groupes et sous-groupes distinguésDenoncin, David 14 December 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons aux liens qui existent entre les théories des caractères ordinaires et modulaires de différents groupes finis. Nous nous sommes concentré principalement sur deux moyens d’établir de tels liens : l’utilisation de matrices de décompositions et l’étude d’une conjecture de comptage qu’est la conjecture d’Alperin-McKay. Nous étudions alors ces lien ssur des exemples proches des groupes symétriques et des groupes linéaires sur un corps finis.Nous complétons en particulier la démonstration d’une version inductive de la conjecture d’Alperin-McKay, énoncée en 2013 par Späth, pour les groupes alternés. Ceci constitue un élément nécessaire dans l’espoir d’obtenir une preuve de cette conjecture en utilisant la classification des groupes finis simples. Ce travail a mis en évidence des liens forts au sein de la théorie des caractères d’extensions centrales du groupe symétrique. Ces liens se manifestent cette fois sous la forme d’isométries parfaites entre des 2-blocs de même poids. Nous avons alors entrepris de vérifier sur des cas explicites ces liens en codant, avec le logiciel GAP4, la combinatoire sous-jacente à la théorie des caractères de ces extensions centrales. Nous énonçons alors, sous la forme d’une conjecture, un résultat d’existence d’isométries parfaites.L’étude des matrices de décomposition d’union de blocs d’un groupe fini nous amène à chercher un ensemble basique unitriangulaire pour ces unions de blocs. Si de plus un groupe d’automorphismes agit sur les caractères de cet ensemble basique, on cherche naturellement à ce que cet ensemble basique soit stable pour cette action. En supposant que l’on dispose d’un ensemble basique unitriangulaire et stable, nous démontrons un résultat général permettant d’obtenir pour un sous-groupe normal un ensemble basique vérifiant les mêmes propriétés, et ce simplement par restriction des caractères. Signalons que ce résultat se limite aux cas où les caractères sont sans multiplicité, mais que cette condition est vérifiée dans de nombreux cas utiles en pratique. Nous appliquons alors notre résultat dans le cadre des groupes spéciaux linéaires et unitaires finis et démontrons donc que ces groupes possèdent un ensemble basique unitriangulaire stable pour l’action des automorphismes.Ceci généralise et étend un résultat de Kleshchev et Tiep de 2008 concernant le groupe spécial linéaire fini : nous trouvons un ensemble basique différent du leur qui lui est stable pour l’action des automorphismes.L’utilisation d’outils plus récents comme la théorie de Deligne-Lusztig nous permet d’appliquer la même méthode pour obtenir le même résultat pour les groupes spéciaux unitaires finis. / In this thesis we study relationships between ordinary and modular character theory of several classes of finite groups. We focused mainly on two tools: decomposition matrices and the study of the Alperin-McKay counting conjecture. We study those on groups closely related to symmetric and finite general linear groups.We finish the verification of an inductive version of the Alperin-McKay conjecture, stated in $2013$ by Sp\"ath, for alternating groups. This work is necessary if one wishes to obtain a full proof of the Alperin-McKay conjecture using the classification of finite simple groups. Moreover it has underlined strong links between characters of double covers of symmetric groups. Those links appear in the form of perfect isometries between $2$-blocks of same weight. We verified on explicit cases that such isometries exist by coding the combinatorics behind the character theory of these groups using GAP4. We then state as a conjecture the existence of perfect isometries.The study of decomposition matrices of union of blocks of a finite group leads to the search of a unitriangular basic set for those blocks. If moreover a group of automorphisms acts on the characters, we naturally look for a stable basic set. Assuming that we have one, we prove a general theorem allowing one to obtain, by restriction of characters, a stable unitriangular basic set for a normal subgroup. We note that our theorem holds only in the case of multiplicity-free characters, a condition that is adapted for numerous applied cases. We apply our result in the case of special linear and unitary groups which allows us to prove that these groups possess a unitriangular basic set that is stable under the action of automorphisms. This result generalises and extends a theorem of Kleshchev and Tiep from $2008$ regarding finite special linear groups: we find a different unitriangular basic set which is now stable under the action of automorphisms. We use more modern tools such as Deligne-Lusztig theory which allows us to apply the same method to obtain the result for special unitary groups.
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Distribution of Critical Points of Polynomials / Fördelning av kritiska punkter för polynomForkéus, Ted January 2021 (has links)
This thesis studies the relationship between the zeroes of complexpolynomials in one variable and the critical points of those polynomials. Our methods are both analytical and statistical in nature, usingtechniques from both complex analysis and probability theory. Wepresent an alternative proof for the famous Gauss-Lucas theorem aswell as proving that the distribution for the critical points of a randompolynomial with real zeroes will converge in probability to the distribution of the zeroes. A simulation of the case with complex zeroesis also presented, which gives statistical support that this holds forrandom polynomials with complex zeroes as well. Lastly, the previous results are then applied to Sendov’s conjecture where we take aprobabilistic approach to this problem.
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Eigenvalues of Differential Operators and Nontrivial Zeros of L-functionsWu, Dongsheng 08 December 2020 (has links)
The Hilbert-P\'olya conjecture asserts that the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ correspond (in a certain canonical way) to the eigenvalues of some positive operator. R. Meyer constructed a differential operator $D_-$ acting on a function space $\H$ and showed that the eigenvalues of the adjoint of $D_-$ are exactly the nontrivial zeros of $\zeta(s)$ with multiplicity correspondence. We follow Meyer's construction with a slight modification. Specifically, we define two function spaces $\H_\cap$ and $\H_-$ on $(0,\infty)$ and characterize them via the Mellin transform. This allows us to show that $Z\H_\cap\subseteq\H_-$ where $Zf(x)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty f(nx)$. Also, the differential operator $D$ given by $Df(x)=-xf'(x)$ induces an operator $D_-$ on the quotient space $\H=\H_-/Z\H_\cap$. We show that the eigenvalues of $D_-$ on $\H$ are exactly the nontrivial zeros of $\zeta(s)$. Moreover, the geometric multiplicity of each eigenvalue is one and the algebraic multiplicity of each eigenvalue is its vanishing order as a nontrivial zero of $\zeta(s)$. We generalize our construction on the Riemann zeta function to some $L$-functions, including the Dirichlet $L$-functions and $L$-functions associated with newforms in $\mathcal S_k(\Gamma_0(M))$ with $M\ge1$ and $k$ being a positive even integer. We give spectral interpretations for these $L$-functions in a similar fashion.
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Locally compact property A groupsHarsy Ramsay, Amanda R. 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In 1970, Serge Novikov made a statement which is now called, "The Novikov Conjecture" and is considered to be one of the major open problems in topology. This statement was motivated by the endeavor to understand manifolds of arbitrary dimensions by relating the surgery map with the homology of the fundamental group of the manifold, which becomes diffi cult for manifolds of dimension greater than two. The Novikov Conjecture is interesting because it comes up in problems in many different
branches of mathematics like algebra, analysis, K-theory, differential geometry, operator algebras and representation theory. Yu later proved the Novikov Conjecture holds for all closed manifolds with discrete fundamental groups that are coarsely embeddable into a Hilbert space. The class of groups that are uniformly embeddable into Hilbert Spaces includes groups of Property A which were introduced by Yu. In fact, Property A is generally a property of metric spaces and is stable under quasi-isometry. In this thesis, a new version of Yu's Property A in the case of locally
compact groups is introduced. This new notion of Property A coincides with Yu's
Property A in the case of discrete groups, but is different in the case of general locally compact groups. In particular, Gromov's locally compact hyperbolic groups is of Property A.
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Goldbach’s Conjecture – Numerical ResultsEdqvist, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
The Goldbach conjecture states that every even number greater than 2 can be written as a sumof two prime numbers. This thesis will go through the necessary theory and the backgroundto the problem at hand. Some numerical results connected to the Goldbach conjecture suchas displaying Goldbach partitions will be presented visually and interpretations of what theseresults yield will be made. How the Goldbach partitions behave for large even numbers will bestudied as well as patterns within these results. The tendencies in the graphical results supportthat the Goldbach conjecture could be true.
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Combinatorial and Computational Methods for the Properties of Homogeneous PolynomialsSert, Büşra 01 August 2023 (has links)
In this manuscript, we provide foundations of properties of homogeneous polynomials such as the half-plane property, determinantal representability, being weakly determinantal, and having a spectrahedral hyperbolicity cone. One of the motivations for studying those properties comes from the ``generalized Lax conjecture'' stating that every hyperbolicity cone is spectrahedral. The conjecture has particular importance in convex optimization and has curious connections to other areas.
We take a combinatorial approach, contemplating the properties on matroids with a particular focus on operations that preserve these properties. We show that the spectrahedral representability of hyperbolicity cones and being weakly determinantal are minor-closed properties. In addition, they are preserved under passing to the faces of the Newton polytopes of homogeneous polynomials. We present a proved-to-be computationally feasible algorithm to test the half-plane property of matroids and another one for testing being weakly determinantal. Using the computer algebra system Macaulay2 and Julia, we implement these algorithms and conduct tests. We classify matroids on at most 8 elements with respect to the half-plane property and provide our test results on matroids with 9 elements. We provide 14 matroids on 8 elements of rank 4, including the Vámos matroid, that are potential candidates for the search of a counterexample for the conjecture.:1 Background 1
1.1 Some Properties of Homogeneous Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hyperbolic Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The Half-Plane Property and Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Determinantal Representability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Spectrahedral Representability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2 Matroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Basic Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Some Operations on Matroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The Half-Plane Property of Matroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2 Some Operations 43
2.1 Determinantal Representability of Matroids . . . . . . . . . . . 43
A Criterion for Determinantal Representability . . . . . . . . . 46
2.2 Spectrahedral Representability of Matroids . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.3 Matroid Polytopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Newton Polytopes of Stable Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3 Testing the Properties: an Algorithm 61
The Half-Plane Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Being SOS-Rayleigh and Weak Determinantal Representability 65
4 Test Results on Matroids on 8 and 9 Elements 71
4.1 Matroids on 8 Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
SOS-Rayleigh and Weakly Determinantal Matroids . . . . . . . 76
4.2 Matroids on 9 Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 85
5.1 Spectrahedral Matroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.2 Non-negative Non-SOS Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.3 Completing the Classification of Matroids on 9 Elements and More 89
Bibliography 91
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