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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevent the World's Doom, Consume a Healthy Legume : A Qualitative Study of Attitudes and Purchase Intentions of Health-Conscious Consumers

Da Silva Lernstål, Sara, Kiratsopoulos, Konstantin January 2017 (has links)
Background: Agricultural activities occupy a significant part of the world’s land area and the food systems are comprehensively reliant on fossil fuels, resulting in that the sector is responsible for a large percentage of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Changes are needed in order to meet the challenges of developing sustainable food systems. One change strategy would be to replace parts of animal proteins with greener plant substitutes. This thesis is part of a four-year transdisciplinary research project with the aim to, within four years, develop domestically produced products based on Swedish legumes. This paper will focus on exploring significant components affecting health-conscious consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions regarding legumes-based products. By the thesis, valuable information and insights regarding legumes as a protein substitute will be gathered amongst the growing consumer group of health-conscious consumers.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the attitudes regarding legumes, and underlying key components affecting health-conscious consumers purchase intentions towards legume-based products. Additionally, two research questions have been developed to reach valuable findings for this investigation.

Produção e comercialização de produtos em um modelo de economia solidária : dois estudos de caso em Porto Alegre, RS

Uieda, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
O modelo, ou modelos, de organização da Economia Solidária nasceu, aproximadamente, ao mesmo tempo em que surgia o capitalismo industrial e foi reinventado na década de 1990, enquanto alternativa ideológica de afronta aos efeitos excludentes do capitalismo e/ou alternativa de política de emprego e renda à população mais pobre, desempregada ou subempregada, com a formação de iniciativas por parte da população excluída do mercado. Esta “reinvenção” ocorre majoritariamente sob orientação de organizações religiosas, sindicais, universitárias e ONG’s. Segundo a SENAES (Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária) (BRASIL, 2004b), considera-se Economia Solidária o conjunto de atividades econômicas com as seguintes características: cooperação, autogestão, viabilidade econômica e solidariedade. Em 2005, a secretaria identificou 14.954 empreendimentos econômicos solidários no Brasil, dos quais 85 em Porto Alegre. Para estudar a Economia Solidária, pela ótica econômica, não é suficiente a teoria econômica tradicional, pois é necessário: entender o surgimento e a sobrevivência de associações que encerram concomitantemente as lógicas econômica, política e social; considerar a relação entre ética e economia, com uma aproximação das duas, e entender esta relação tanto na busca de outros princípios de comportamento econômico quanto no entendimento dos juízos de valores feitos pelas pessoas ao adjetivarem um comércio de justo; entender o mercado como uma forma de alocação, dentre outras e que as outras formas de alocação permanecem, além de entender o mercado como uma formação social; entender como se formam os preços “justos” e porque um consumidor escolheria um produto de Economia Solidária, mesmo tendo que pagar um preço mais elevado. Foram realizados dois estudos de caso em Porto Alegre (RS, Brasil): nas feiras da Cooperativa Ecológica Coolméia e nas lojas da Etiqueta Popular. Por meio de entrevistas realizadas com produtores cooperados e com consumidores dos dois empreendimentos, buscou-se identificar se estes percebem os empreendimentos como mais do que uma alternativa de emprego, se os consumidores são conscientes de que compram uma relação de compromisso junto com os produtos e qual é o reflexo dos anteriores na formação dos preços. A análise qualitativa das entrevistas demonstra um grau de aderência com as teorias discutidas anteriormente, mas também demonstra que há ainda um longo caminho a ser percorrido, o que é percebido pelos produtores entrevistados. O fato da maioria dos produtores afirmarem que estavam em melhor situação sócio-econômica com sua participação nos empreendimentos e o fato de alguns consumidores parecerem conscientes com relação ao efeito de suas decisões de compra podem apontar a Economia Solidária como uma forma alternativa à economia capitalista. A dúvida que permanece diz respeito à dimensão desta Economia Solidária, ou seja, se ela conseguiria incluir toda a população excluída pela economia capitalista, sem deixar de gerar os benefícios encontrados até agora nestes empreendimentos e até mesmo os aumentando. Ademais, há dúvidas quanto à relação da Economia Solidária com a economia capitalista e com o governo. / The model, or models, of organization of the Solidarity Economy was born, approximately, at the same time as the industrial capitalism was being developed. It has, however, been reinvented in the 1990’s as an ideological alternative of confrontation to the excluding effects of the capitalism and/or as an alternative of employment and income policies to the poorest, unemployed or underemployed population. This was made by means of initiatives of the population excluded from the market, under the orientation of religious organizations, labor unions, universities and NGO’s. According to SENAES (National Office of Solidarity Economy) (BRASIL, 2004b), it is considered Solidarity Economy the ensemble of economic activities with the following characteristics: cooperation, self-management, economic feasibility and solidarity. In 2005, the Office identified 14.954 solidary enterprises in Brazil, among which 85 are located in Porto Alegre. To study the Solidarity Economy, from the economic point of view, the traditional economic theory is not suitable, because it is necessary to: understand the emergence and the survival of association that enclose, at the same time, the economic, social and political logics; consider the relationship between ethics and economics, and, also, understand both the search of other economic behavioral principles and the understanding of moral judgments made by people when qualifying a trade as fair; understand the market as one form of allocation among others, which also continue to exist, as well as understand that the market is a social construction; understand how the fair prices are formed and why a consumer would choose a product of Solidarity Economy, even if he has to pay a higher price for it. We have analyzed two cases of Porto Alegre, Brazil: the open markets of Cooperativa Ecológica Coolméia e the stores of Etiqueta Popular. The assessment was made by interviews with producers and consumers of both enterprises, as a means to identify if the producers view the undertaking as more than an employment alternative, if the consumers are conscious that they buy a commitment relationship along with the products, and what is the reflex of the answer of the two previous questions in their price formation. The qualitative analysis of the interviews has demonstrated a degree of adherence to the theories discussed before. Also, it has demonstrated that there is still a long way to go through, and that the producers have realized. The fact that the majority of the producers has affirmed that they were better off because of their participation and the fact that some consumers appeared to be conscious of the effect of their purchase decisions might indicate that the Solidarity Economy is an alternative to the capitalist economy. However, doubt still remains as to the size of this economy, that is, could it include all the population excluded by the capitalist economy, without overlooking the benefits generated until now, and even enlarging them? Besides, there are doubts as to the relationship of the Solidarity Economy with the capitalist economy and with the government.

Produção e comercialização de produtos em um modelo de economia solidária : dois estudos de caso em Porto Alegre, RS

Uieda, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
O modelo, ou modelos, de organização da Economia Solidária nasceu, aproximadamente, ao mesmo tempo em que surgia o capitalismo industrial e foi reinventado na década de 1990, enquanto alternativa ideológica de afronta aos efeitos excludentes do capitalismo e/ou alternativa de política de emprego e renda à população mais pobre, desempregada ou subempregada, com a formação de iniciativas por parte da população excluída do mercado. Esta “reinvenção” ocorre majoritariamente sob orientação de organizações religiosas, sindicais, universitárias e ONG’s. Segundo a SENAES (Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária) (BRASIL, 2004b), considera-se Economia Solidária o conjunto de atividades econômicas com as seguintes características: cooperação, autogestão, viabilidade econômica e solidariedade. Em 2005, a secretaria identificou 14.954 empreendimentos econômicos solidários no Brasil, dos quais 85 em Porto Alegre. Para estudar a Economia Solidária, pela ótica econômica, não é suficiente a teoria econômica tradicional, pois é necessário: entender o surgimento e a sobrevivência de associações que encerram concomitantemente as lógicas econômica, política e social; considerar a relação entre ética e economia, com uma aproximação das duas, e entender esta relação tanto na busca de outros princípios de comportamento econômico quanto no entendimento dos juízos de valores feitos pelas pessoas ao adjetivarem um comércio de justo; entender o mercado como uma forma de alocação, dentre outras e que as outras formas de alocação permanecem, além de entender o mercado como uma formação social; entender como se formam os preços “justos” e porque um consumidor escolheria um produto de Economia Solidária, mesmo tendo que pagar um preço mais elevado. Foram realizados dois estudos de caso em Porto Alegre (RS, Brasil): nas feiras da Cooperativa Ecológica Coolméia e nas lojas da Etiqueta Popular. Por meio de entrevistas realizadas com produtores cooperados e com consumidores dos dois empreendimentos, buscou-se identificar se estes percebem os empreendimentos como mais do que uma alternativa de emprego, se os consumidores são conscientes de que compram uma relação de compromisso junto com os produtos e qual é o reflexo dos anteriores na formação dos preços. A análise qualitativa das entrevistas demonstra um grau de aderência com as teorias discutidas anteriormente, mas também demonstra que há ainda um longo caminho a ser percorrido, o que é percebido pelos produtores entrevistados. O fato da maioria dos produtores afirmarem que estavam em melhor situação sócio-econômica com sua participação nos empreendimentos e o fato de alguns consumidores parecerem conscientes com relação ao efeito de suas decisões de compra podem apontar a Economia Solidária como uma forma alternativa à economia capitalista. A dúvida que permanece diz respeito à dimensão desta Economia Solidária, ou seja, se ela conseguiria incluir toda a população excluída pela economia capitalista, sem deixar de gerar os benefícios encontrados até agora nestes empreendimentos e até mesmo os aumentando. Ademais, há dúvidas quanto à relação da Economia Solidária com a economia capitalista e com o governo. / The model, or models, of organization of the Solidarity Economy was born, approximately, at the same time as the industrial capitalism was being developed. It has, however, been reinvented in the 1990’s as an ideological alternative of confrontation to the excluding effects of the capitalism and/or as an alternative of employment and income policies to the poorest, unemployed or underemployed population. This was made by means of initiatives of the population excluded from the market, under the orientation of religious organizations, labor unions, universities and NGO’s. According to SENAES (National Office of Solidarity Economy) (BRASIL, 2004b), it is considered Solidarity Economy the ensemble of economic activities with the following characteristics: cooperation, self-management, economic feasibility and solidarity. In 2005, the Office identified 14.954 solidary enterprises in Brazil, among which 85 are located in Porto Alegre. To study the Solidarity Economy, from the economic point of view, the traditional economic theory is not suitable, because it is necessary to: understand the emergence and the survival of association that enclose, at the same time, the economic, social and political logics; consider the relationship between ethics and economics, and, also, understand both the search of other economic behavioral principles and the understanding of moral judgments made by people when qualifying a trade as fair; understand the market as one form of allocation among others, which also continue to exist, as well as understand that the market is a social construction; understand how the fair prices are formed and why a consumer would choose a product of Solidarity Economy, even if he has to pay a higher price for it. We have analyzed two cases of Porto Alegre, Brazil: the open markets of Cooperativa Ecológica Coolméia e the stores of Etiqueta Popular. The assessment was made by interviews with producers and consumers of both enterprises, as a means to identify if the producers view the undertaking as more than an employment alternative, if the consumers are conscious that they buy a commitment relationship along with the products, and what is the reflex of the answer of the two previous questions in their price formation. The qualitative analysis of the interviews has demonstrated a degree of adherence to the theories discussed before. Also, it has demonstrated that there is still a long way to go through, and that the producers have realized. The fact that the majority of the producers has affirmed that they were better off because of their participation and the fact that some consumers appeared to be conscious of the effect of their purchase decisions might indicate that the Solidarity Economy is an alternative to the capitalist economy. However, doubt still remains as to the size of this economy, that is, could it include all the population excluded by the capitalist economy, without overlooking the benefits generated until now, and even enlarging them? Besides, there are doubts as to the relationship of the Solidarity Economy with the capitalist economy and with the government.

Produção e comercialização de produtos em um modelo de economia solidária : dois estudos de caso em Porto Alegre, RS

Uieda, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
O modelo, ou modelos, de organização da Economia Solidária nasceu, aproximadamente, ao mesmo tempo em que surgia o capitalismo industrial e foi reinventado na década de 1990, enquanto alternativa ideológica de afronta aos efeitos excludentes do capitalismo e/ou alternativa de política de emprego e renda à população mais pobre, desempregada ou subempregada, com a formação de iniciativas por parte da população excluída do mercado. Esta “reinvenção” ocorre majoritariamente sob orientação de organizações religiosas, sindicais, universitárias e ONG’s. Segundo a SENAES (Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária) (BRASIL, 2004b), considera-se Economia Solidária o conjunto de atividades econômicas com as seguintes características: cooperação, autogestão, viabilidade econômica e solidariedade. Em 2005, a secretaria identificou 14.954 empreendimentos econômicos solidários no Brasil, dos quais 85 em Porto Alegre. Para estudar a Economia Solidária, pela ótica econômica, não é suficiente a teoria econômica tradicional, pois é necessário: entender o surgimento e a sobrevivência de associações que encerram concomitantemente as lógicas econômica, política e social; considerar a relação entre ética e economia, com uma aproximação das duas, e entender esta relação tanto na busca de outros princípios de comportamento econômico quanto no entendimento dos juízos de valores feitos pelas pessoas ao adjetivarem um comércio de justo; entender o mercado como uma forma de alocação, dentre outras e que as outras formas de alocação permanecem, além de entender o mercado como uma formação social; entender como se formam os preços “justos” e porque um consumidor escolheria um produto de Economia Solidária, mesmo tendo que pagar um preço mais elevado. Foram realizados dois estudos de caso em Porto Alegre (RS, Brasil): nas feiras da Cooperativa Ecológica Coolméia e nas lojas da Etiqueta Popular. Por meio de entrevistas realizadas com produtores cooperados e com consumidores dos dois empreendimentos, buscou-se identificar se estes percebem os empreendimentos como mais do que uma alternativa de emprego, se os consumidores são conscientes de que compram uma relação de compromisso junto com os produtos e qual é o reflexo dos anteriores na formação dos preços. A análise qualitativa das entrevistas demonstra um grau de aderência com as teorias discutidas anteriormente, mas também demonstra que há ainda um longo caminho a ser percorrido, o que é percebido pelos produtores entrevistados. O fato da maioria dos produtores afirmarem que estavam em melhor situação sócio-econômica com sua participação nos empreendimentos e o fato de alguns consumidores parecerem conscientes com relação ao efeito de suas decisões de compra podem apontar a Economia Solidária como uma forma alternativa à economia capitalista. A dúvida que permanece diz respeito à dimensão desta Economia Solidária, ou seja, se ela conseguiria incluir toda a população excluída pela economia capitalista, sem deixar de gerar os benefícios encontrados até agora nestes empreendimentos e até mesmo os aumentando. Ademais, há dúvidas quanto à relação da Economia Solidária com a economia capitalista e com o governo. / The model, or models, of organization of the Solidarity Economy was born, approximately, at the same time as the industrial capitalism was being developed. It has, however, been reinvented in the 1990’s as an ideological alternative of confrontation to the excluding effects of the capitalism and/or as an alternative of employment and income policies to the poorest, unemployed or underemployed population. This was made by means of initiatives of the population excluded from the market, under the orientation of religious organizations, labor unions, universities and NGO’s. According to SENAES (National Office of Solidarity Economy) (BRASIL, 2004b), it is considered Solidarity Economy the ensemble of economic activities with the following characteristics: cooperation, self-management, economic feasibility and solidarity. In 2005, the Office identified 14.954 solidary enterprises in Brazil, among which 85 are located in Porto Alegre. To study the Solidarity Economy, from the economic point of view, the traditional economic theory is not suitable, because it is necessary to: understand the emergence and the survival of association that enclose, at the same time, the economic, social and political logics; consider the relationship between ethics and economics, and, also, understand both the search of other economic behavioral principles and the understanding of moral judgments made by people when qualifying a trade as fair; understand the market as one form of allocation among others, which also continue to exist, as well as understand that the market is a social construction; understand how the fair prices are formed and why a consumer would choose a product of Solidarity Economy, even if he has to pay a higher price for it. We have analyzed two cases of Porto Alegre, Brazil: the open markets of Cooperativa Ecológica Coolméia e the stores of Etiqueta Popular. The assessment was made by interviews with producers and consumers of both enterprises, as a means to identify if the producers view the undertaking as more than an employment alternative, if the consumers are conscious that they buy a commitment relationship along with the products, and what is the reflex of the answer of the two previous questions in their price formation. The qualitative analysis of the interviews has demonstrated a degree of adherence to the theories discussed before. Also, it has demonstrated that there is still a long way to go through, and that the producers have realized. The fact that the majority of the producers has affirmed that they were better off because of their participation and the fact that some consumers appeared to be conscious of the effect of their purchase decisions might indicate that the Solidarity Economy is an alternative to the capitalist economy. However, doubt still remains as to the size of this economy, that is, could it include all the population excluded by the capitalist economy, without overlooking the benefits generated until now, and even enlarging them? Besides, there are doubts as to the relationship of the Solidarity Economy with the capitalist economy and with the government.

Consumo consciente: em busca de um instrumento que determine o perfil deste consumidor

Fernandes, Vivian Duarte Couto 11 June 2012 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / An investigation into who is the conscious consumer, demographic and psychographic characteristics, a measure of environmental awareness, attitude and behavior of people, has been the subject of many works in marketing study. They do research on effective ways to reach these consumers. In Brazil, the increase of studies in this area took place mainly in the last decade. But, as well as the international work, the results were not conclusive. In this sense, the purpose of this work, contribute to the study of behavior, conscious consumption, in order to create an instrument that can identify it. For this, the first part of this dissertation seeks to integrate and rescue the consumer behavior studies from environmental issues, identify and analyze the research tools suggested by other authors to understanding conscious consumption. A second part suggests a proposition of a scale encompasses how variables of knowledge, attitude and behavior with the goal of consumer\'s profile. Using descriptive research, this quantitative study was conducted based on a sample comprised of 621 students from graduating from Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. The proposed instrument can be operated by a scale of 25 items, composed in 7 dimensions: attitude of purchase, environmental awareness, knowledge, recycling, replacement, waste and responsibility. Despite the limitations of this research, it is believed that it contributes to the debate on sustainability, from the actions of the individual. Suggest reapplying the scale to improve and refine their psychometric properties. / A investigação sobre quem é o consumidor consciente, suas características demográficas e psicográficas, a medida de consciência ambiental, atitude e comportamento das pessoas, tem sido objeto de estudo de muitos trabalhos na área de marketing, que buscam ainda, a investigação sobre formas efetivas para atingir esses consumidores. No Brasil, o aumento dos estudos nesta área se deu, principalmente, na última década. Mas, assim como os trabalhos internacionais, os resultados não foram conclusivos. Neste sentido, pretende-se com este trabalho, contribuir para o estudo do comportamento do consumo consciente, no sentido de criar um instrumento que possa identificá-lo. Para isto, a primeira parte desta dissertação busca integrar e resgatar os estudos de comportamento do consumidor a partir das questões ambientais, identificar e analisar os instrumentos de pesquisa sugeridos por outros autores para compreensão do consumo consciente. A segunda parte sugere a proposição de uma escala que engloba as variáveis de conhecimento, atitude e comportamento com o objetivo de traçar o perfil deste consumidor. Utilizando de pesquisa descritiva, este estudo quantitativo foi realizado a partir de uma amostra composta por 621 estudantes de graduação da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. O instrumento proposto pode ser operacionalizado por uma escala de 25 itens, compostos em 7 dimensões: atitude de compra, consciência ambiental, conhecimento, reciclagem, substituição, desperdício e responsabilidade. Apesar das limitações desta pesquisa, acredita-se que ela contribui para a discussão sobre a sustentabilidade, a partir das ações do indivíduo. Sugere-se a reaplicação da escala com o objetivo de aprimorar e aperfeiçoar as suas propriedades psicométricas. / Mestre em Administração

Conscious consumers, thoughtless behaviour : A qualitative study of conscious consumers and the attitude behaviour gap

Lahti, Jessica, Moshref, Yalda January 2024 (has links)
The phenomenon of sustainability is one of the hottest topics in today's society because ofthe ongoing climate crisis that threatens the well-being of the planet. The fast fashionindustry is one of the world's most polluting industries that is continuously faced withchallenges when it comes to implementing sustainability in its operations. The main purposeof this industry is to produce large quantities of clothing at low prices with a short life cycleto be able to regularly launch new fashion campaigns, which triggers impulse buyingbehaviour among consumers. In order to protect the planet, it is important that there is achange in consumer attitudes, while demands must be placed on fast fashion companies thatcan make them integrate sustainability into their business models. According to previousresearch, there is a weak correlation between sustainable consumers' attitudes and theiractual purchasing behaviour regarding apparel consumption, which leads to the creation ofan attitude-behaviour gap. The fundamental purpose of this study is to find out how internal and external circumstancesinfluence sustainable consumers' buying behaviour and make them turn to fast fashioncompanies despite the positive attitude they initially had. This will contribute to increasedknowledge and understanding of the attitude-behaviour gap and the circumstances that leadto the emergence of this phenomenon. Thus, the study intends to answer the followingproblem formulation: What circumstances influence conscious consumers to purchase fast fashion? The literature review of in the study is based on previous research in the areas of attitude-behaviour gap, consumer decision making process, theory of planned behaviour, externaland internal circumstances. In order to be able to answer the research question, the thesisauthors have chosen to start from a qualitative research method. In the study, a total of 8female respondents between the ages of 24-28 participated and these respondents have beenselected using a so-called snowball sample, in order to be able to include individuals with asustainable mindset, which is relevant for this study. In order for the interview participantsto feel comfortable talking openly about the topic, thesis authors have therefore avoided toinclude family and friends in the interviews. The authors have instead used their contactnetworks to get in touch with relevant respondents to this study. The results of the study show that external and internal circumstances- compromisingproduct attributes, limiting conditions and perceived risk, collectively contribute to thecreation of an attitude-behaviour gap and cause sustainable consumers to choose to turn tofast fashion companies when buying clothes.

Green Consumer Behaviour in Ordering Food Online : A Study of Generation Z’s Green Consumer Behaviour in the Chinese Online Food Delivery Markets

Le, Nghi, Jiayi, Li, Jun, Yang January 2022 (has links)
Background: Ordering online food delivery has become an urban lifestyle for many people around the world, especially in China. The booming of this online-to-offline market has brought lucrative profits to online food delivery industry players, while consumers are enjoying the diversity of food available through this convenient delivery way. However, the environmental issues are also alarming with huge impact on every aspect of human development. This paper is interested in whether the Chinese Generation Z is thinking green when ordering food online. Purpose: The study aims to examine the effect of different influencing factors on Generation Z’s green consumer behaviour in three stages: purchasing, using and disposing for a holistic view. This also serves the purpose of an adaptation of relevant theories in green consumer behaviour studies such as theory of planned behaviour and ecological conscious consumer behaviour framework into the Chinese online food delivery industry. Method: A quantitative research was conducted based on a hypothesised model aiming to analyse the causal relationships between 5 factors (perceived consumer behaviour, environmental control, altruism, narcissism and subjective norm) and ECCB, together with the purchasing, using and disposing stages. 326 valid responses were collected from an online survey for the data analysis procedures in SPSS and SPSS Amos. Confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression were among the analysis methods conducted. Conclusion: Subjective norm, narcissism, and perceived consumer effectiveness were found to have significant positive effects on green consumer behaviour among the five proposed predictors for Chinese Generation Z. The most impactful determinant is narcissism, followed by subjective norm and lastly, perceived consumer effectiveness.

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