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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efterpolering med våtmark : Hur kan det användas vid Haga reningsverk?

Carlsen, Inger-Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this report is to present a proposal for a constructed wetland as a complement toHaga treatment plants, Surahammar. First, a literature study in the subject was made andthen a case study was conducted, where Ekeby and Trosa wetland was visited. Parallel anarchival study was performed and several field visits were made to the proposed site toinvestigate the local conditions for constructing a wetland adjacent to Haga treatment plants.Finally, a proposal for the design of the constructed wetland was made. The proposalincludes an oxygenating area for reduction of ammonium to nitrate followed by a system ofdams and channels to convert nitrate to nitrogen diffuses into the air. Phosphorus removaltakes place throughout the residence time in the wetland, as well as reduction of the bacterialload. Expected results for the outgoing water from the wetland is that P-tot can be reduced to0.10-0.11 mg / l, N-tot can be reduced to 11-14 mg / l, a reduction of E. coli, fecal streptococciand intestinal streptococci by 70-99% and a little reduction of residues from drugs take placedue to oxygenation and the UV-irradiation of the water. / Allt vatten här på jorden ingår i den hydrologiska cykeln, så även det renade avloppsvattnet.Avloppsvatten innehåller bland annat kväve och fosfor vilka bidrar till övergödningen avsjöar, vattendrag och hav. Övergödningen är ett utbrett problem och i Västmanland är 53 %av länets sjöar och vattendrag utsatta för det.Syftet med den här rapporten är att ta fram ett förslag till våtmark för Haga reningsverk,Surahammar. Först har information om hur en våtmark kan användas för efterpolering avrenat avloppsvatten tagits fram för att därefter nyttjas som grund i ett förslag till våtmark förHaga reningsverk, Surahammar. Först gjordes en litteraturstudie inom ämnesområdet ochdärefter gjordes en fallstudie där Ekeby och Trosa våtmark besöktes. Parallellt utfördes enarkivstudie och flera områdesbesök på den tilltänkta platsen för att få fram vilkaförutsättningar som finns för att anlägga en våtmark i anslutning till Haga reningsverk ochsist gjordes ett förslag på en våtmark.Anledningen till att anlägga en våtmark kan vara flera, men att avskilja fosfor, kväve samtbryta ner organiskt material är vanliga orsaker. En våtmark fungerar som ett kompletterandesteg till det ordinarie reningsverket och minskar belastningen på recipienten. Hur mycketutsläppen reduceras beror på många faktorer och egenskaper där utformning, vattnetsuppehållstid, syresättning och tillgång till organiskt material är viktiga men även parametrarsom förbehandling av avloppsvattnet och belastningen på våtmarken spelar stor roll. Ävenväxtligheten i våtmarken påverkar det slutliga resultatet, både vad det gäller vad och hurmycket som avskiljs. Avskiljningen av fosfor och kväve sker främst genom sedimentation ochnäringsupptag till växter samt att kväve även avskiljs vid denitrifikation. För den långsiktigaavskiljningen av kväve från vattnets kretslopp är nitrifikation och denitrifikation de som harstörst betydelse. Nitrifikationsprocessen är när ammoniumjoner omvandlas till nitratjoneroch det kräver god tillgång på syre, därefter följer denitrifikationen när nitratjonerna undersyrefria förhållanden omvandlas till kvävgas som diffunderar upp i atmosfären. För attnitrifikationsprocessen ska kunna fungera krävs antingen att det finns ennitrifikationsanläggning i reningsverket eller en syresättningsfas i våtmarken. Det kan skapasgenom att börja våtmarken med en översilningsäng, där det renade avloppsvattnet får strilaner över en bevuxen äng. Vattnet syresätts av luften och nitrifikationsbakterier som trivs bra iväxtligheten utför nitrifikationsprocessen och omvandlar ammoniumjonerna till nitratjoner.Därefter följer ett system av dammar och kanaler där denitrifikationsprocessen tar vid ochomvandlar nitratjonerna till harmlöst kväve. Även i dammar och kanaler har växtlighetenstor betydelse eftersom det bildas biofilm, ett tunt lager av bakterier på växterna, som deltar iden biologiska processen av nedbrytning av organiskt material samt avskiljning av fosfor ochkväve i vattnet.När vattnet passerar genom våtmarken sker också en reducering av antalet bakterier somfinns i det renade avloppsvattnet. Mätningar av E. coli, fekala streptokocker, Koliformabakterier och intestinala enterokocker visar på att halterna kan reduceras kraftigt. Även vissaläkemedel visar tendenser till att brytas ned, men läkemedel är en komplex grupp och detfinns begränsad kunskap om deras omvandling och påverkan i miljön. Det finns dock indikationer om att nedbrytningen av läkemedelsrester är högre i de våtmarker som harsyresättande delar som till exempel översilningsäng.Haga reningsverk är beläget strax utanför Surahammars tätort och har idag en kulvert somleder ut det renade avloppsvattnet från verket till recipienten. Mellan Haga och recipientenligger ett markområde på cirka 750 gånger 750 meter som skulle kunna utnyttjas till envåtmark. Redan idag ligger utsläppsvärdena för Haga reningsverk under de tillåtna halternamen en önskan att ytterligare minska belastningen på miljön finns. Vid analysering avutsläppsvärden för Haga reningsverk framkom att ammoniumkväve utgör en stor andel avutgående totalkväve samt att halterna av totalfosfor, BOD7 och suspenderade ämnen är lågatill måttliga. Ett förslag på våtmark anpassat till de förutsättningar som råder vid Hagareningsverk har tagits fram och presenteras i rapporten. Våtmarken föreslås innehålla tvåsektioner med först en översilningsäng för att reducera den höga andelen ammoniumkväveoch därefter ett damm och kanalsystem för att reducera nitratkvävet. Under hela processensker avskiljning av fosfor samt reducering av bakterier och en viss nedbrytning avläkemedelsrester. Förväntade resultat för det utgående vattnet från våtmarken är att P-totkan reduceras till 0,10–0,11 mg/l, N-tot kan reduceras till 11–14 mg/l, en reducering av E.coli, fekala streptokocker och intestinala streptokocker med 70-99 % samt att en vissminskning sker av läkemedelsrester tack vare syresättning och solens UV-bestrålning avvattnet.

Vertical-flow constructed wetlands for the treatment of wastewater and stormwater from combined sewer systems

Arias Lopez, José Luis 30 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
French vertical-flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) directly treating raw wastewater are known to perform well on for SS, COD and nitrification. They are also known to robustly cope with hydraulic overloads during rainfall events. Although numerous systems have been installed in areas equipped with a combined sewer, the limits of stormwater acceptance remain ill-defined and need to be improved. Looking at the various VFCW designs and usages reported in the literature, it is difficult to draw any consensus on their hydraulic limits. Consequently, designing VFCW to accept hydraulic overloads is a complex task, as local context strongly impacts inlet flows produced during rainfall events. Dynamic models appear a requisite for filter design in such cases. Numerical CW models have essentially focused on horizontal flow, with few attempting to study VFCW dynamics which are more commonly tackled via mechanistic models. Although mechanistic models are powerful tools for describing processes within the VFCW, they are generally too complicated to be readily used by designers. The choice between detailed description and easy handling will depend on the modelling aims. If the aim is a global design tool, simplified models offer a good alternative. However, the simplified models geared to studying VFCW dynamics are extremely reduced. They are easy-handling for design and well-adapted to specific purposes (combined sewer overflow -CSO- treatment) but not necessarily to VFCW treating combined sewer wastewater, where long-term infiltration rates vary significantly. Consequently, this PhD thesis work focused on developing a simplified hydraulic model of VFCW to guide designers through the process of adapting VFCW systems to treat domestic wastewater in both dry and rain events. The simplified model makes it possible to link (i) hydraulics, by simulation of ponding time variations, (ii) biological performances, by establishing "dysfunction alerts" based on treatment performance assessment and variations in online N forms effluent from the young VFCW. These "dysfunction alerts" plot the maximal hydraulic load that a filter can accept without compromising its biological activity. The simplified model was used to model long-term hydraulics in the VFCW (i) to analyze the impact of local context and filter design on hydraulic overload acceptance (using "dysfunction alerts" and bypass discharges) and (ii) to propose VFCW designs for accepting hydraulic overload in different contexts. The modelling demonstrates that VFCW can limit days with bypass discharges to less than 20 times per year without jeopardizing filter performances. Moreover, the most problematic scenario on stormwater treatment remains a watershed with high imperviousness coefficient and low slope under a Bretagne-type climate, demonstrating that the filter is more sensitive to periodicity and duration than to intensity of rainfall events.

Field Development and Performance Evaluation of a Constructed Wetland System in the Tropics

Hummel, Adelaide Pereira 08 November 2013 (has links)
This study is part of a project that was conducted by Florida International University (FIU), which designed, built, and characterized a constructed wetland (CW) wastewater treatment system in El Salvador, Central America. This study focuses on the detailed performance of a field-scale CW in the tropics, consisting of a subsurface flow wetland (SSF) and a surface flow wetland (SF). The SSF had a total area of 151.2 sq. m., filled with gravel and planted with Phragmites, Thalia, and Brachiaria, along three independent cells operating with a flow in parallel and receiving the influent domestic wastewater from a facultative lagoon and preceded the SF. The SF was a shallow open basin containing alternating regions of open water (195 sq. m. total) with submerged aquatic plants (Elodea) and regions of shallower water (605 sq. m. total) filled with emergent wetland vegetation (Typha, Thalia, and Cyperus). The design, construction, startup and operation phases of the field scale CW in that tropical setting are thus described with detail, including both SSF and SF characterization of influent and effluents. The SSF average hydraulic detention times during the wet and dry season were 2 days ± 0.9 days and 4 days ± 0.4 days, respectively; and the SF average hydraulic detention times during the wet and dry season were 20 days ± 11.1 days and 77 days ± 19.5 days, respectively. Brachiaria/Cyperus presented better results during the wet season with average BOD5 residuals of 36% ± 25%, and Thalia/Thalia during the dry season with average BOD5 residuals of 33% ± 22%. Phragmites/Typha presented better results during both seasons with average TSS residuals of 2% ± 3% (wet season), and 2% ± 2% (dry season). Residuals are also presented for COD, Oil & Grease, Total Fecal Coliform, Total Phosphorus, and Total Nitrogen. In addition, an assessment of the empirical models used in the design of the system is completed, having the EPA methodology as the preferred for BOD5 removal and three methodologies for TSS removal under tropical climate conditions. A comparison of the differences in treatment associated with each one of the selected plants and their combinations is also discussed. In summary, results strongly suggest that the CW system can effectively reduce contaminants in wastewater to levels that are comparable with the objective levels (i.e., secondary treatment levels).

Construção participativa de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto doméstico no Assentamento Rural Olga Benário-MG / Participatory development of wastewater treatment systems in the Rural Settlement Olga Benário-MG

Pires, Felipe Jacob 30 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 5265265 bytes, checksum: 6ea4809ccb3b5d8cb07a565ff0282116 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In Brazilian rural areas there is still a lack of basic sanitation, especially concerning to wastewater treatment, exposing the communitis to all sorts of contamination. The participation of rural communities in the decision making for choosing an adequate technology for wastewater treatment is essential to guarantee the access of information to the community and ultimately the success of the proposed treatment system. In this context, the present work aimed at the development and construction of wastewater treatment systems with fundamental participation of families of the Rural Settlement Olga Benário, Minas Gerais. The methodology based on research-action was used in order to approximate the research to the community needs. The wastewater treatment plants were composed of two units: evapo-transpirator tank and constructed wetland used for black and grey water treatment, respectively. The plants used for the evapo-transpiration tanks were banana-nanica (Musa paradisiaca) and taioba (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott). The plants used in the wetland units were lirio do brejo (Hedychium coronarium). They were built in three households, in a dynamic self-managed collective effort. The systems were monitored physical-chemical and microbiological analyses. The evapo-transpirator tanks achieved efficiencies above 90%, in terms of turbidity, COD, BOD5, TSS, VSS and FSS removals. The vegetation used in the evapotranspirator tank had a desirable development and absence of total coliforms and E. coli. in analyzes performed on the cocoyam´s leaves and stems. The constructed wetlands achieved a satisfactory performance in the grey water treatment, obtaining an organic matter removal average above 80%, reaching 86% and 88% for COD and BOD, respectively. In terms of suspended solids, the treated wastewater showed a concentration in a range of 19 and 37 mg.L-1. / No Brasil, o saneamento básico em zonas rurais encontra-se ainda em situação precária, sobretudo em relação ao tratamento do esgoto domestico, expondo as famílias a focos de contaminação. A participação das comunidades rurais no processo decisório para a escolha das tecnologias de tratamento torna-se essencial para o acesso às informações e o sucesso dos sistemas a serem implantados. Neste contexto, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de conceber e construir, de forma participativa com famílias do assentamento rural Olga Benário, MG, sistemas de tratamento de esgoto mais apropriados à realidade local. No que se refere ao tratamento de efluentes domésticos, destaca-se a gravidade da realidade das famílias, principalmente, nas zonas rurais, onde a situação de saneamento é precária, as quais ficam constantemente sujeitas e vulneráveis a focos de contaminação. A participação da comunidade no processo decisório para a escolha das tecnologias de tratamento é de suma importância para garantir o acesso às informações e a indissociabilidade entre o usuário e o produto. A metodologia com base na pesquisa-ação foi utilizada de forma a aproximar a pesquisa aos anseios da comunidade. O sistema de tratamento de esgoto domestico, composto de duas unidades: tanque de evapotranspiração e wetland construído, foi selecionado para o tratamento de águas negra e cinzas, respectivamente, e construído em três residências do assentamento pelos próprios moradores. A vegetação utilizada no tanque de evapotranspiração foi banana-nanica (Musa paradisiaca) e taioba (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) e na unidade wetland construída foi lírio do brejo (Hedychium coronarium). Os sistemas foram monitorados em diversos parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos. As unidades de evapotranspiração alcançaram eficiências médias acima de 90%, em termos de remoção de turbidez, DQO, DBO5, SST, SSD, SSV e SSF, obtendo desenvolvimento foliar desejável e ausência de coliformes totais e E. coli em análises realizadas nas folhas e talos das taiobas. As unidades wetland construídos obtiveram bom desempenho no tratamento de águas cinzas com remoções médias de 86% e 88% para DQO e DBO5, respectivamente, e concentrações de sólidos suspensos totais no efluente variando de 19 e 37 mg.L-1 .

Devenir du phosphore dans les filtres plantés de roseaux : Etude de sa rétention / libération et des facteurs d'influence / Phosphorus dynamics in vertical flow constructed wetlands : Study of its retention / release and influencing factors

Kim, Boram 10 July 2014 (has links)
La gestion « durable » des ressources en phosphore est aujourd’hui un enjeu important du fait de l’épuisement des réserves naturelles et des besoins croissants de l’agriculture notamment. En parallèle, la protection des écosystèmes conduit à des réglementations de plus en plus strictes des rejets de phosphore. L’objectif scientifique de cette thèse est de contribuer à décrire les mécanismes de rétention et de libération du phosphore dans le cadre du traitement des eaux usées domestiques par filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical, notamment de mieux comprendre où et sous quelle forme le phosphore est retenu dans le système. Plus particulièrement, les travaux ont porté sur le procédé Azoé NP® proposé par la société française SCIRPE, lequel comprend un prétraitement biologique sur lit bactérien, une précipitation du phosphore par injection de chlorure ferrique, puis deux étages de filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical partiellement immergés. Dans une première phase, nous avons étudié la plus ancienne station de type Azoé NP® située à Vercia (Jura) qui a été suivie depuis 8 ans. Les résultats ont montré les bonnes performances du procédé et leur maintien sur le long terme malgré la forte augmentation de charge organique en automne provenant d’effluents viticoles. Il a été montré que le phosphore était principalement retenu au sein du premier filtre, essentiellement dans la couche de boues organiques qui se forme en surface du 1er étage. L’utilisation de techniques analytiques complémentaires a permis de montrer notamment que leur minéralisation progressive entrainait une évolution des espèces de phosphore au cours du temps, avec par exemple formation de phosphore apatitique. La rétention du phosphore dans les boues a ensuite été étudiée à l’échelle du laboratoire à l’aide de lixiviations successives dans des conditions extrêmes de pH ou d’oxydo-réduction. Les résultats ont montré une très bonne stabilité en conditions de fonctionnement normales. Des essais pilotes ont enfin été réalisés pour approfondir l’évaluation de l’influence du potentiel redox en faisant varier la hauteur d’immersion du milieu filtrant qui influence les conditions d’oxydoréduction. Ces études ont confirmé la stabilité des procédés Azoé NP® et Azoé P® (correspondant au procédé Azoé NP® sans zone d’immersion) en fonctionnement normal. En conditions d’immersion totale prolongée simulant un dysfonctionnement du système, les performances sont dégradées en une semaine, mais le retour en mode totalement insaturé permet un rétablissement très rapide indiquant la bonne résilience du système. / Nowadays, sustainable management of phosphorus resources is an important issue due to the depletion of natural reserves and growing of its agriculture need. In parallel, the protection of ecosystems leads to stringent regulations concerning treatment of phosphorus in wastewaters. The scientific objective of this thesis was to contribute to describing the phosphorus retention and release in domestic wastewater treatments by vertical flow constructed wetlands, especially to better understand where and in which form the phosphorus is retained in the system. In particular, the work focused on the process Azoé NP® proposed by the French company SCIRPE, which includes a biological pretreatment on trickling filter, precipitation of phosphorus by injection of ferric chloride and two stages of partially flooded vertical flow constructed wetland. First of all, we studied the oldest Azoé NP® type station located at Vercia (Jura, France) which was monitored for 8 years. The results showed that the Vercia treatment plant provided robust year-round treatment of municipal wastewater and winery wastewater during automn. It was found that the phosphorus was principally retained within the deposit organic sludge layer on the surface of the first stage of filteration. The use of additional analytical techniques showed that phosphates species within this deposit layer changed during the mineralization of organic matters over time. The formation of amorphous apatite species was also discussed. The stability of the retention of phosphorus in sludge was then studied at laboratory scale using successive leaching under extreme conditions of pH or redox potential. The results showed a very good stability of sludge from the Vercia plant in normal operating conditions. Pilot tests were finally performed to evaluate the influence water saturation level within the filter medium which affect redox conditions of the system. These studies confirmed the stability of processes Azoé NP® and Azoé P® (corresponding to the process Azoé NP® without water saturation within filter media) during normal operation. Under conditions of prolonged immersion simulating a malfunctionning of the system, the performance was degraded after one week of flooding. However, the return to fully unsaturated mode allowed a very fast recovery of the filter, showing a good resilience of the system.

Modelování biochemických pochodů ve filtračním prostředí kořenových čistíren / Modelling of the biochemical processes in the constructed treatment wetlands

Pumprlová Němcová, Miroslava January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the modeling of biochemical processes in saturated vertical filter (which is often part of constructed treatment wetland) using software HYDRUS 2D and the module Constructed Wetland CW2D. The introductory part of this thesis is the literature research of expertise that are introduce with the theme constructed treatment wetlands and should also provide a basic overview of the mathematical or numerical modeling issue. The last chapter describes the theoretical introduction of software HYDRUS 2D and CW2D module, it is the practical part used to create a numerical l model. The practical part is based on theoretical knowledge and demonstrates the creating process of mathematical model in program HYDRUS 2D, simulating the real biochemical processes on the vertical saturated filter. The model is created in the program HYDRUS 2D CW2D and based on real operated constructed wetland. The thesis describes the calibration and followed verification of this model. The final model can well simulate the real filter behavior and allows user to get information about the output concentrations of waste water emission, such as ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4+) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The results should in the future contribute to create software intended to draft and layout constructed wetlands.

Studie pro návrh malé kořenové čistírny na konkrétní lokalitu / Study of small vegetable waste water treatment plant design for specific locality

Netopilík, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Constructed wetland is one of ways of domestic wastewater treatment that allows reuse of treated water. The thesis acquainted with run principles, with a design for a family house, that includes different solutions of technologic parts with advice for a reliable run and theoretical financial costs.

Influence de l’hydraulique sur l’efficacité des zones tampons végétalisées à réduire les teneurs en pesticides et métabolites en sortie de drains agricoles / Hydraulic influence on the constructed wetland effectiveness to reduce the pesticides and metabolites amounts from agricultural drained waters

Gaullier, Céline 21 November 2018 (has links)
Les teneurs en pesticides mesurées dans les eaux de drainage agricole peuvent atteindre 10 µg/L voire 395 µg/L. En Lorraine, des Zones Tampons Végétalisées Agricoles (ZTVA) ont été installées en sortie de drains agricoles afin de limiter le transfert de ces eaux de drainage vers la rivière. L’objectif de ce travail était d’évaluer l’influence de l’hydraulique sur l’épuration des pesticides et métabolites en phases dissoute et particulaire des eaux de drainage, en discriminant les processus associés. Pour cela, une approche multi-échelle intégrant des expérimentations au laboratoire en batch et en bacs pilotes ainsi qu’un monitoring pluriannuel de deux ZTVA sur le terrain (un fossé et une mare) a été mise en place. Les expériences de traçages in-situ ont montré que quel que soit le débit, la ZTVA peut être divisée en différentes zones hydrauliques : un chenal principal et des zones isolées, qui se comportent différemment vis-à-vis de l’épuration. Les efficacités d’épuration dans les deux ZTVA varient de (i) -1176% à 96% pour les pesticides dissous, (ii) -20% à 3% pour les métabolites (chloroacétanilides) à l’état dissous, et (iii) -580% à 79% pour les pesticides sous forme particulaire. L’adsorption sur les sédiments permet l’épuration des pesticides à l’état dissous dont le coefficient d’adsorption (Koc) varie de 364 à 1424 L/g (entre 7 et 65% d’épuration), et est favorisé au sein des zones isolées. Cependant, ce processus est réversible et la désorption peut expliquer les efficacités négatives mesurées sur le terrain. Par ailleurs, les pesticides plus hydrophiles (Koc varie de 54 à 401 L/g) et les métabolites (Koc varie de 0 à 0.77 L/g) sont peu épurés (entre -20 et 8% d’épuration). Enfin, les pesticides entrant dans la ZTVA sous forme particulaire sont épurés via la sédimentation des matières en suspension, plus importante dans les zones isolées que le chenal principal. Ce processus est réversible, pouvant conduire à la resuspension des sédiments. Par ailleurs, les débits entrants vont fluctuer au cours de l’année, pouvant entrainer une variation de l’épuration des pesticides. En effet, les études en batch et en bacs pilotes ont permis de souligner l’influence de l’hydrodynamique (débits, etc) sur l’épuration des pesticides à l’état dissous. Ces ZTVA jouent donc un rôle de puits (adsorption, sédimentation) et de source (désorption, resuspension) vis-à-vis de certains pesticides à l’état dissous ou particulaire, en lien avec l’hydrodynamique de la ZTVA / Pesticides amounts measured in agricultural drained water can reach 10 µg/L up to 395 µg/L. In Lorraine, Constructed Wetlands (CW) were set up between drained fields and the river to limit pesticide release. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of hydraulic on the mitigation of pesticides and metabolites in both dissolved and particulate phases of drained water, by discriminating associated processes. To do so, a multi-scale approach was performed by integrating both laboratory experiments, such as batch and dynamic conditions in pilots, and a plurennial monitoring of two different ZTVA (ditch and pond). In-situ tracing experiments highlighted that the volume of CW was not homogeneous, independently of the flow rate. CW are divided in two hydraulic zones: a main channel and isolated areas. Moreover, these two zones behave differently regarding pesticides mitigation. Annual mitigation efficiency in both of the CW studied, vary between (i) -1176 % and 96 % for dissolved pesticides, (ii) -20 % and 3 % for dissolved metabolites (chloroacetanilides), and from (iii) -580 % to 79 % for particulate pesticides. Adsorption on sediments allows the mitigation of dissolved pesticides whose adsorption coefficient (Koc) varied from 364 to 1424 L/g (mitigation ranging from 7 to 65 %), and occurred mainly in isolated areas. However, this process is reversible and desorption can explain negative efficiency measured on the field. Additionally, hydrophilic pesticides (Koc between 54 and 401 L/g) and metabolites (Koc between 0 and 0.77 L/g) are few or not mitigated (mitigation ranging from -20 and 8 %). Finally, pesticides entering CW under particulate phase are mitigated through sedimentation of total suspended solids, higher in isolated areas than in main channel. This process is also reversible, leading to sediments resuspension. Otherwise, inlet flow rates vary throughout the year, which could allow a variation of pesticide mitigation. Indeed, batch and pilots studies highlighted the influence of hydrodynamic (flow rate, etc) on mitigation of dissolved pesticides. CW act as a sink (adsorption and sedimentation) and a source (desorption and resuspension) towards specific dissolved or particulate pesticides and related to hydrodynamic of CW

Constructed Wetland/Filter Basin System as a Prospective Pre-Treatment Option for Aquifer Storage and Recovery and a Potential Remedy for Elevated Arsenic

Lazareva, Olesya 11 June 2010 (has links)
The efficiency to improve the water quality of industrial and municipal wastewater in a constructed wetland/filter basin treatment system was investigated. The wetland system was constructed in a closed phosphate mine used for clay settling and sand tailings in Polk County, Florida. During 18-months of monitoring the chemical/microbiological composition of treated wetland water remained relatively constant, despite significant seasonal variations in temperature, rainfall and humidity. The following changes in water quality between input and output were observed: substantial decrease of water temperature (up to 10°C), reduction of As, SO4, F, Cl, NO3, NO2, Br, Na, K, Ca, and Mg, change in pH from 9 to 6.5-7, increase of H2S (up to 1060 micrograms/L), and a change from positive to negative ORP. There were no exceedances of the primary drinking water standards, volatile organic compounds, synthetic organic compounds, and radionuclides, but a number of exceedances for the secondary drinking water standards (Al, F, Fe, Mn, color, odor, total dissolved solids, and foaming agents). The concentration of fecal and total coliform bacteria in the wetland water was high, but subsequently reduced during filtration in the filter basin from 30 - 730 and 1000 - 7000 count/100 mL to < 2 and < 100 count/ 100 mL, respectively. To resolve the complex hydrogeological conditions a combined isotope/chemical mass-balance approach was applied. The results were the following: (1) the composition of water in the wetland varied throughout the period of the study; (2) a change in isotopic composition along the wetland flow path; (3) the wetland contained mainly wastewater (88 - 100 %) during normal pumping operations; however, hurricanes and inconsistent pumping added low conductivity water directly and triggered enhanced groundwater inflow into the wetland of up to 78 %; (4) the composition of water in monitor wells was mostly groundwater dominated; however periodically seepage from a water body to the north was detected; and (5) seepage from adjacent water bodies into the wetland was not identified during operation, which would indicate a potential water loss from the wetland. To test if the wetland system could be a prospective pre-treatment option for water used in aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) scenarios, a set of bench-scale leaching experiments was carried out using rocks from the Avon Park Formation, the Suwannee Limestone and the Ocala Limestone. Since As in the Floridan Aquifer was mainly present as an impurity in the mineral pyrite the elevated iron and sulfide concentrations in the wetland water were thought to prevent pyrite dissolution. The experiments which covered a range of redox conditions showed that the amount of As released from the aquifer matrix was not perfectly correlated with the bulk rock As concentration, nor the redox state of the water. The following important results were obtained: (1) the highest concentration of As was leached from the Avon Park Formation and the lowest - from the Suwannee Limestone, although the Ocala Limestone had the lowest bulk rock As; (2) minor to no As was released using native Floridan groundwater; (3) Tampa tap water, which chemically and physically resembled the ASR injection water, caused the As leaching of up to 27 micrograms/L, which was higher than the As drinking water standard; (4) the wetland and filter basin waters caused the highest release of As (up to 68 micrograms/L), which was unexpected because those water types were less oxygenated than Tampa tap water and thus should be less aggressive; (5) the in-situ filtration of the wetland water through a 0.2 micrometer membrane resulted in a reduction of As from 30 microgram/L to 16 microgram/L; and (5) the UV treatment significantly reduced both fecal and total coliform bacteria, but facilitated the increase of DO in initial waters, a change from negative to positive ORP, and the increase of As concentration in leachates. The experiments confirmed that perturbations of native aquifer conditions caused the release of As from the Floridan aquifer matrix, although the reaction may not be as simple as the dissolution of pyrite by oxygen, but additionally governed by a complex set of factors including the ORP of the system, SO4²?/S², Fe³?/Fe²?, dissolved organic carbon and microbial activity. In addition, the trend of As leaching could be governed by a set of factors, such as the porosity and permeability of the aquifer matrix influencing the rate and degree of free water saturation, amount of pyrite to be exposed to the preferential water flow paths, limited surface reactivity of pyrite with favored reactions on fractured mineral surfaces, the concentration and the selective leaching of As from individual pyrite crystals. To characterize and verify the geochemical processes in the column experiments, the Geochemist's Workbench reactive transport models (React and X1t) were developed. Results from the models correlated well to those from the column experiments and confirmed the following: (1) the water-rock reaction between the aquifer matrix and native groundwater was favorable for pyrite stability preventing the release of As into solution; (2) the injection of oxidizing surface water into reducing native groundwater caused a change in redox potential of the system thus promoting the dissolution of pyrite, and (3) 1D reactive transport model of water-rock reaction between the aquifer matrix and surface water indicated a diverse behavior of As along the column, such as the oxidative dissolution of pyrite, mobilization and simultaneous sorption of As onto neo-formed HFO, followed by the reductive dissolution of HFO and secondary release of adsorbed As, and the potential non-oxidative dissolution of pyrite contributing the additional source of As to the solution.

Initial nutrient retention capacity in a constructed wetland : Evaluating the effectiveness of a newly constructed wetland to reduce eutrophication symptoms in a Baltic Sea bay in northern Sweden

Eriksson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Since the turn of the last century, a substantial increase in nutrient load to the Baltic Sea is apparent. Adding the ongoing environmental change with raising temperatures and increased precipitation, this will continue to have a prominent environmental impact on our coastal ecosystems, especially in northern latitudes. Constructed wetlands are becoming more important as a mitigation measure to retain nutrients, however, they are until this day not well studied in northern latitudes. In this paper, nutrient retention in a newly constructed wetland is studied during its first month after activation, as well as potential downstream effects in associated sea bay. An additional literature study compiles information about the current knowledge, use and functionality of wetlands surrounding the Baltic Sea. This is done to widen knowledge regarding effectiveness of wetlands as nutrient traps in general, as well as to compare with the studied wetland. A net retention of 30 % for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total phosphorus (TP) was found, as well as 27 % for total nitrogen (TN), 25 % for phosphate (PO43-) and 21 % for nitrate (NO3-). TP was found to be within range of expected retention capacity, when comparing with wetlands included in the synthesis. TN retention, however, seemed to be somewhat greater than in other wetland studies. Furthermore, the retention varied and seemed to be highest during an increased discharge, in the beginning and end of March. This was partly reflected by greater inlet concentrations and transports in most of the parameters during the initial time period. Decreasing temporal trends was seen in concentrations of DOC, total nutrients and NO3- concentrations in the sea bay, indicating an immediate downstream effect of the wetland installation. Findings from the synthesis indicate that there are very few studies in, and thus little knowledge about, wetlands in northern climate. Overall, the results from the pioneer northern wetland in Sörleviken suggest that net retention is possible during its first month post-activation.

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