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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Esperanza y Engagement en obreros de construcción de una empresa peruana / Hope and Engagement in construction workers of a peruvian company

Zorrilla Montalván, Mariana, Llanos Neira, Roxana Vanessa 10 May 2020 (has links)
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar si existe relación entre las dimensiones de engagement y la esperanza en obreros de construcción de una empresa peruana. Los participantes fueron 195 obreros de construcción de género masculino. Los instrumentos empleados fueron la versión en castellano del Dispositional Hope Scale de Snyder (1991) y de la Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES 17) de Schaufeli y Bakker (2003). Se realizó el análisis factorial exploratorio, la prueba de normalidad y el análisis de correlación de Spearman. Como conclusión, existe una relación positiva y moderada entre esperanza y engagement, así como también entre estas variables y tiempo de permanencia. / The aim of the study is to determine if there’s a relationship between engagement and hope in construction workers of a peruvian company. The participants are 195 construction workers, all of them male. The instruments used were the Spanish version of Snyder's Dispositional Hope Scale (1991) and the Spanish version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES 17) by Schaufeli and Bakker. Exploratory factor analysis, normality test and Spearman’s correlation analysis were performed. The results show that there is a positive and moderate relationship between hope and engagement, and between this constructs and tenure. / Tesis

The impact of compensation on public sector construction workers in Jigawa State of Nigeria

Bappa Salisu, Jamilu January 2016 (has links)
Compensation is the remuneration which workers receive for their services or contributions to the organisation. The literature reviewed showed that compensation packages have relationship with workers’ motivation, job satisfaction, attraction and retention. On this basis, this study established a conceptual framework based on equity theory and used it to examine how compensation might be influencing workers’ motivation, job satisfaction, attraction and retention in the Ministry of Works and Transport of Jigawa State of Nigeria. The dependent variables considered in this study are limited to salary, allowance, gratuity, and pension as independent variables while the corresponding motivation, job satisfaction, attraction and retention are the dependent variables. The Positivist paradigm guided this empirical research; which holds the principle that knowledge is arrived at through the gathering of facts that provide the basis of laws. Thus, a quantitative research design was employed. A questionnaire was developed, pilot-tested and administered to gather data on workers’ motivation, job satisfaction, attraction and retention regarding four job compensable aspects, namely: salary, allowances, gratuity and pension. A total of 265 questionnaires were administered and 260 were collected through the early and late response technique. This represents a response rate of 98%. The respondents were selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The data collected was analysed using both descriptive statistics and structural equation modelling. The findings revealed that gratuity and allowance do positively and significantly influence workers’ motivation whereas salary and pension have no impact on workers’ motivation. Likewise, gratuity and pension do positively and significantly influence workers’ job satisfaction while salary and allowance have no impact on the job satisfaction of workers. Further, gratuity and pension do positively and significantly influence workers’ retention while salary and allowance have no impact on the retention of workers. Moreover, salary, gratuity and pension do positively and significantly influence workers’ attraction while allowance has no influence on the attraction of public construction workers in Jigawa state of Nigeria. Consequently, a framework was developed to reflect the factors that emerged for improving the motivation, job satisfaction, attraction and retention of the and equally address the pay disparity in Jigawa state. 67 respondents who participated in the main study were administered a second questionnaire to validate the framework. The subsequent findings revealed that the framework was relevant and could serve as a guide towards enhancing compensation practices and policies in the Ministry of Works and Transport. Thus, this study and its framework offer important policy recommendation to the Jigawa state government such as introducing new or improving the existing compensation packages of their workers.

Jämförelse av mätmetoder för hand- och armvibrationer i arbetsmiljön / Comparison of methods for measuring hand-arm vibrations within a working environment

Åström, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Hand-arm vibration syndrome because of working with hand-held vibrating machines, is increasing in the work environment and have in the last decade contributed to an increasing number of people with irreversible injuries. Risk assessment is legally required by the employer and an important part of the risk assessment is to calculate the daily vibration dose, A(8), for the workers. Knowledge of the validity of different methods for measuring the daily vibration dose A(8) and exposure time of hand-held vibrating machines is lacking. To investigate the validity of different methods, a field study was performed on 12 construction workers, at a construction site in Northern Sweden. Measurement methods included were: self-assessment questionnaire, field observation and a vibration clock. The study showed descriptively and visually indications, and statistically significant differences between all measurement methods. Compared to observation (golden standard), the self-assessment questionnaire overestimated vibration dose A(8) and exposure time. As a result of the overestimation in the self-assessment questionnaire for exposure time, more participants exceeding both input and limit value for vibration dose A(8). The vibration clock agreed better on average to observation than self-assessment questionnaire, with fewer participants above the input value and none above the limit value. Over- or underestimation of A(8) can result in uncertainties of a risk assessment according to AFS 2005:15 of hand-arm vibration. Increased use of observation may increase the risk of injuries being misjudged, since today´s input and limit value are based self-assessments. Further studies of the validity of different methods are therefore necessary.

"Man har inte säkerhet i tankarna när man gör det, utan man gör det för att det ska göras". : Byggnadsarbetares upplevelser av säkerhet på arbetsplatsen kopplat till risken för olyckor och dödsolyckor

Lundquist, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Title: “You don’t do it to be safe, you do it to get it done” – Construction workers’ experiences of safety in the workplace linked to the risk of accidents resulting in injury or death Author: Anna Lundquist Program: Occupational Health Sciences 60 credits. Master thesis in Occupational Health Sciences 15 credits. University of Gävle Background: Construction workers work in high risk environments, where a combination of factors contribute to increase the risk of accidents resulting in injury or death. Between 2009 and 2018, 89 accidents resulting in death happened in the Swedish construction business, but despite this there is a lack of research on the subject. That is why it is important to explore construction workers’ experiences of safety and risks in the workplace. Aim: The aim of this study is to explore construction workers’ experiences of safety and risks linked to accidents resulting in injury or death. Method: Eight construction workers were recruited to the study. Semi-structured interviews were done over telephone with the eight construction workers, after which the interviews were transcribed and analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Result: The overall theme that was identified from the experiences of the construction workers concerned health factors and risk factors in the workplace. Health factors such as participation, communication and preparation fit within the health factors, while physical and social risk factors, time pressure and vulnerability fit within the risk factors. Conclusion: This study has described construction workers’ experiences of safety and risks in the workplace, but the area is still unexplored. Further research is needed to chart construction workers’ experiences of safety and risks more clearly. In future, interventions can be adapted to decrease construction workers’ risks of accidents resulting in injury and death for both individuals and groups. / Titel: ”Man har inte säkerhet i tankarna när man gör det, utan man gör det för att det ska göras” – Byggnadsarbetares upplevelser av säkerhet på arbetsplatsen kopplat till risken för olyckor och dödsolyckor. Författare: Anna Lundquist Program: Arbetshälsovetenskap 60 hp. Examensarbete i arbetshälsovetenskap, magisternivå 15 hp. Högskolan i Gävle Bakgrund: Byggnadsarbetare arbetar i riskfyllda miljöer där en kombination av faktorer bidrar till att risken för olyckor och dödsolyckor är högre än i andra branscher. Mellan 2009 och 2018 inträffade 89 olyckor med dödlig utgång inom svensk byggverksamhet, men trots det saknas det forskning om ämnet.  Därför är det viktigt att undersöka vilka upplevelser byggnadsarbetare har av säkerhet och risker på arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad byggnadsarbetare har för upplevelser av säkerhet på arbetsplatsen kopplat till risken för olyckor och dödsolyckor. Metod: Åtta byggnadsarbetare rekryterades till studien. Semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer gjordes med de åtta byggnadsarbetarna, varpå intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det övergripande temat som kunde identifieras utifrån byggnadsarbetarnas upplevelser berörde friskfaktorer och riskfaktorer i arbetet. Inom detta tema rymdes friskfaktorer som delaktighet, kommunikation och förberedelser, medan det inom riskfaktorerna rymdes fysiska och sociala riskfaktorer, tidspress och utsatthet. Slutsats: Denna uppsats har beskrivit byggnadsarbetares upplevelser av säkerhet och risker på arbetsplatsen men ämnet är fortfarande outforskat. Fler studier behöver göras för att tydligare kunna kartlägga byggnadsarbetares upplevelser av säkerhet och risker, vilka i sin tur kan användas till att anpassa interventioner för att minska risken för olyckor och dödsolyckor för byggnadsarbetare på individ- och gruppnivå.

En studie om hur utbildningsinsatser påverkar yrkesarbetares medvetenhet om fallsäkerhet / A Study on How Educational Interventions Affect Professional Workers' Awareness Regarding Fall Safety

Somi, Josefin, Okeke, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Byggsektorn är en utsatt bransch där många arbetsrelaterade olyckor inträffar, inklusive olyckor med dödlig utgång. Fallolyckor är en av de vanligaste förkommande typerna av olyckor, trots säkerhetsåtgärder som fallskyddsutrustning och säkerhetsrutiner. Totalt nio byggnadsarbetare omkom på grund av fallolyckor 2018 och åtta 2019 i Sverige. Arbetsmiljöverket och Sveriges regering har länge arbetat tillsammans för att motverka dödsolyckor genom deras nollvision. Trots att mycket arbete har gjorts för att förebygga fallolyckor finns det mycket kvar att göra inom arbetsmiljöområdet. Arbetet genomförs i samarbete med Cramo AB, specifikt Cramoskolan, och kommer undersöka yrkesarbetares inställning till fallsäkerhet innan respektive efter ett utbildningstillfälle inom fallskydd. Målet är att utvärdera hur utbildningsinsatser påverkar yrkesarbetares medvetenhet om fallsäkerhet utifrån de fem nivåerna: 1) individen, 2) fysisk miljö, 3) systemet, 4) organisationen samt 5) säkerhetsklimat och säkerhetskultur. Metod: I studien användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att besvara syftet och frågeställningarna. Datainsamling utfördes genom intervjuer och en litteraturgenomgång. Studien innefattade tolv intervjuer totalt, där sex personer från olika befattningar inom byggsektorn intervjuades både före och efter ett utbildningstillfälle. Resultat: Resultatet visade att fallskyddsutbildning hade en effektiv påverkan på yrkesarbetares medvetenhet om fallsäkerhet, däremot i varierande grad beroende på vad deras attityd samt bakgrund var sedan tidigare. De nivåer som yrkesarbetarna ansåg viktigast att arbeta vidare med för att öka fallsäkerheten var individen samt säkerhetsklimat och säkerhetskultur. Analys: Synen på fallsäkerhet förändrades mest hos de yrkesarbetare som inte hade några större erfarenheter kring att arbeta med säkerhet sedan tidigare, i kombination med en allmänt bristfällig syn på fallsäkerhet. Synen på fallsäkerhet förändrades minst hos de yrkesarbetare som dagligen arbetar med säkerhetsfrågor och som generellt har ett gott säkerhetstänk sedan tidigare. Diskussion: Studiens ändamål har uppnåtts med hjälp av undersökningens kvalitativa datainsamlingar. Resultatet från den insamlade empirin ansågs trovärdig eftersom informationen gav en relevant beskrivning som besvarade undersökningens samtliga frågeställningar. Några väsentliga brister som framkom var att några av de intervjuade relaterade till säkerhet generellt i stället för att specifikt anknyta till just fallsäkerhet, samt att vissa inte hade haft tillfälle att omsätta kunskaperna de innefattade från fallskyddsutbildningen i praktiken. Nyckelord: Bygg, byggnadsarbetare, fallolycka, fallsäkerhet, olycka, säkerhet, säkerhetsutbildning, utbildning. / Introduction: The construction sector is a vulnerable industry where many work-related accidents occur, including accidents resulting in fatalities. Fall accidents are one of the most common types of accidents, despite safety measures such as fall protection equipment and safety procedures. In Sweden year 2018, a total of nine construction workers lost their lives due to fall accidents and eight in 2019. The Swedish Work Environment Authority and the Swedish government has long been working to combat this with their zero-tolerance policy towards fatal accidents. Despite much work being done to prevent fall accidents, there is still a lot of work that needs to be accomplished in this field. The work is conducted in collaboration with Cramo AB, specifically Cramo School, and will investigate the attitudes of professional workers towards fall safety before and after training in fall protection. The goal is to evaluate how educational interventions affect professional workers' awareness regarding fall safety based on the five levels: 1) the individual, 2) the physical environment, 3) the system, 4) the organization, and 5) the safety climate and culture. Method: The study utilized a qualitative research method to answer the purpose and research questions. Data collection was carried out through interviews and a literature review. The study included a total of twelve interviews, where six individuals from different positions within the construction industry were interviewed both before and after a training session. Results: The results showed that fall protection training had an effective impact on professional workers' awareness regarding fall safety, but to varying degrees depending on their attitudes and previous backgrounds. The levels considered most important to work on to increase fall safety were the individual and the safety climate and culture, according to the professional workers. Analysis: The perception of fall safety had changed the most among professional workers who had no significant experience working with safety before and had a generally poor perception of fall safety. The perception of fall safety had changed the least among professional workers who had already worked with safety issues and generally had a good safety mindset before. Discussion: The study's purpose was achieved through the qualitative data collection of the survey. The result from the collected data was considered credible because the information provided a relevant description that answered all the survey questions. Some relevant shortcomings that emerged were that some of the interviewees associated safety in general instead of specifically relating to fall safety, and that some had not had the opportunity to apply the knowledge they gained from the fall protection training in practice. Keywords: Accident, construction, construction worker, education, fall accident, fall saftey, fall protection education and saftey.

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