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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lärande genom feedback : En kvalitativ studie om lärares uppfattning- och elevers upplevelse av feedback / Learning through feedback : A Qualitative Study of teachers' and students' view on feedback

Nienkerk, Andrée, Svensk, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka lärares och elevers syn på feedback i ämnet idrott och hälsa, samt om och i så fall hur denna feedback påverkar elevernas upplevda lärande. Detta skedde utifrån följande frågeställningar; Anser eleverna att feedback är viktigt för det upplevda lärandet i ämnet idrott och hälsa och hur tänker de kring detta? Anser lärarna i ämnet idrott och hälsa att feedback är viktigt för utvecklingen av elevernas lärande och hur tänker de kring detta? Har lärarna ett medvetet användande av feedback och uppfattar elever lärarnas feedback som konstruktiv och utvecklande? Använder lärarna formativ bedömning i sin undervisning och är det i så fall ett medvetet val? Metod. Detta är en kvalitativ studie med intervju som metod. Vid datainsamlingen genomfördes totalt åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fem lärare med gedigen erfarenhet intervjuades enskilt samt tre elevgrupper bestående av totalt tolv elever. Urvalet skedde enligt bekvämlighetsprincipen. Vår teoretiska ansats grundar sig på tre lärandeteorier; sociokulturellt-, behavioristiskt- och konstruktivistiskt lärande. Vi har valt att använda grounded theory som analytiskt verktyg och teoretisk koppling till dessa teorier. Resultat. Studien visar att lärare och elever är överens om att nyttjandet av feedback är viktigt för att nå till upplevt lärande hos elever. Lärarna påstår sig ha ett medvetet, individ-, och situationsanpassat användande av feedback och detta speglar sig i att eleverna uppfattar lärarnas arbete med feedback som konstruktivt och framåtsträvande. Lärarna uppger att de känner sig trygga i användandet av formativ bedömning och att de litar på metodens funktionalitet men de efterlyser resurser för att kunna använda formativ bedömning i ökad utsträckning. Slutsats. Lärarfeedback tenderar att utmynna i en enkelriktad kommunikation och utgör således bara en bråkdel av lärandet som helhet i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Utöver att kunna ge feedback bör en skicklig lärare kunna skapa lärandemiljöer som även möjliggör för elevers lärande utifrån elevens egna erfarenheter och i samspel med andra elever. / Purpose and issues The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' and students' view regarding the role of ‘feedback in physical education’ and if such feedback affects a person’s perceived learning. This study was based on the following questions: do students believe that feedback is important for their perceived learning in physical education and what are their thoughts about it? Do teachers of physical education believe that feedback is important for the development of student learning and what are their thoughts about it? Do teachers have a conscious use of feedback and do their students perceive such feedback as constructive and stimulating? Do teachers use formative assessment in their work and if so is that a deliberate choice? Method A qualitative method was used for data collection throughout this study. Eight semi-structured interviews were carried out; five teachers with extensive experience and three student groups consisting of a total of twelve students. The selection of who to interview was made according to the principle of convenience. Our theoretical approach is based on three learning theories; ‘sociocultural’, ‘behaviorist’ and ‘constructivist’ learning. We have chosen to use grounded theory as an analytical tool and theoretical links to these theories. Findings This study shows that teachers and students agree that the use of feedback is important to experience learning. The teachers claim to have a conscious, individual, and situational use of feedback and this is reflected in the students' understanding of the work of teachers with feedback as constructive and progressive. The teachers say they feel secure in the use of formative assessment and that they trust the method's functionality, but they call for resources to use formative assessment to a greater extent. Conclusion Teacher feedback tends to result in a one-way communication and thus represents only a fraction of the overall learning in physical education. Beside the ability of giving the right feedback, a skilled teacher should be able to create a learning environment that also allows for learning based on the student's own experience and in their interaction with other students.

Effectiveness Of Constructivist Approach On Students&amp / #65533 / Understanding Of Chemical Bonding Concepts

Uzuntiryaki, Esen 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of instruction based on constructivist approach over traditionally designed chemistry instruction on ninth grade students&amp / #65533 / understanding of chemical bonding concepts. In addition, the effect of instruction on students&amp / #65533 / attitude toward chemistry as a school subject and the effect of gender difference on understanding of chemical bonding concepts were investigated. Forty-two ninth grade students from two classes of a chemistry course taught by the same teacher in METU Development Foundation Private School 2000-2001 spring semester were enrolled in the study. The classes were randomly assigned as control and experimental groups. Students in the control group were instructed by traditionally designed chemistry instruction whereas students in the experimental group were taught by the instruction based on constructivist approach. Chemical Bonding Concept Test was administered to both groups as a pre-test and post-test in order to assess their understanding of concepts related to chemical bonding. Students were also given Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry as a School Subject at the beginning and end of the study to determine their attitudes and Science Process Skill Test at the beginning of the study to measure their science process skills. The hypotheses were tested by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that instruction based on constructivist approach caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to chemical bonding and produced significantly higher positive attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject than the traditionally designed chemistry instruction. In addition, science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts related to chemical bonding. On the other hand, no significant effect of gender difference on understanding the concepts about chemical bonding and students&amp / #65533 / attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject was found.

Effectiveness Of 5e Learning Cycle Model On Students&#039 / Understanding Of Acid-base Concepts

Akar, Elvan 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of instruction based on 5E learning cycle model over traditionally designed chemistry instruction on tenth grade students&rsquo / understanding of acid-base concepts. Fifty- six tenth grade students from two classes of a chemistry course taught by the same teacher in Atat&uuml / rk Anatolian High School 2003-2004 spring semester were enrolled in the study. The classes were randomly assigned as control and experimental groups. Students in the control group were instructed by traditionally designed chemistry instruction whereas students in the experimental group were taught by the instruction based on 5E learning cycle model. Acid-Base Concepts Achievement Test was administered to both groups as a pre-test and post-test in order to assess their understanding of concepts related to acid-base. Students were also given Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry as a School Subject at the beginning and end of the study to determine their attitudes and Science Process Skill Test at the beginning of the study to measure their science process skills. The hypotheses were tested by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and t-test. The results indicated that instruction based on 5E learning cycle model caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to acid-base produced significantly higher positive attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject than the traditionally designed chemistry instruction. In addition, science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts related to acid-base.

Immersive virtual reality learning environment : learning decision-making skills in a virtual reality-enhanced learning environment

Yahaya, Ros Aizan January 2007 (has links)
New advances in computer programming and more powerful technology have opened up new opportunities for learning though immersive virtual reality simulations. This research highlighted the importance of the role of a lecturer in fostering learning in a technology rich learning environment. Undergraduate business studies students worked collectively to try resolve a problem depicted through an immersive simulation involving a burning factory. The simulation provided a rich personal experience that enabled students with lecturer support to generate effective strategies to address the problem.

Learning physics in a Taiwanese college classroom: a constructivist perspective

Ying, Wai Tsen January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to use a constructivism as a referent to investigate how students learn physics in a Taiwanese career college classroom. Forty-nine first year, engineering major first students participated in this study of teaching and learning in my college level classroom. The theoretical framework for the study was based on the five dimensions of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) (Taylor & Fraser, 1991: Taylor, Fraser & White, 1994; Taylor, Fraser & Fisher, 1997), namely Personal Relevance, Student Negotiation, Shared Control, Critical Voice, and Uncertainty. These dimensions were employed as analytic themes to examine the qualitative data. / A total of six lessons were observed: two lecture classes, two laboratory practice sessions, and two group discussion sessions. My qualitative observations, supplemented by video- and audio-recordings, of these six lessons were used to produce six classroom narratives. These six narratives were analyzed individually and then comparatively using a cross case analysis whereby the five dimensions of the CLES were employed as analytic themes. The CLES questionnaire was administered at the commencement of the semester and again at the end of the semester in order to determine any quantitative changes in students’ perceptions of their classroom environment. The various analyses were used to make several propositions about the constructivist nature of my classroom. I conclude the study with a discussion of the implications of the study and my reflections on the thesis experience. / The study found that, in my Taiwanese career college physics classroom, (a) the teacher plays a central role in establishing the overall classroom learning environment, (b) student group dynamics are important in the classroom learning environment, (c) the central role of content often works against the establishment of a constructivist classroom, (d) cultural factors play a large role in determining the constructivist nature of the classroom, (e) language plays an important role in the construction of the learning environment, and (f) the students’ learning attitude affected the classroom environment.

Innovation in university computer-facilitated learning systems: product, workplace experience and the organisation

Fritze, Paul A. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This thesis reports on the development of a generic online system to support learning and teaching at the University of Melbourne. New online technologies, the fostering of innovation at national and university levels and my position within a central educational unit provided the opportunity in 1996 to adapt a previous software package for online use. My observations of the problematic nature of computer-facilitated learning (CFL) production led me to take an open approach to the development, seeking both a practical product and enhanced understanding. A series of formative questions defined the scope and goals of the study, which were to: *produce a generic online learning system; *increase understanding of the workplace experience of that development; and *develop an organisational model for the further development of generic CFL systems. Given this multi-disciplinary focus, many paradigms in the literature could potentially have guided the study. A number of these aligning with the research purposes, context and constructivist philosophy of the study, were reviewed from the perspectives of learning, CFL development and the organisation.

Musicalização coletiva de adultos : o processo de cooperação nas produções musicais em grupo

Kebach, Patrícia Fernanda Carmem January 2008 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender os processos de musicalização de adultos em situações coletivas e qual o papel das interações sociais nessa construção. Desse modo, o principal problema de pesquisa está relacionado à análise dos processos de aprendizagem musical e das formas de cooperação nas produções musicais de adultos, em ambiente construtivista e interacionista. Questiona-se, ainda, se as interações entre universos simbólicos e estruturações lógicas diferenciadas sobre a música, ou seja, interações sociais diversificadas podem mobilizar o sistema de significação individual dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de musicalização levando-os a posturas mais criativas e a um descentramento progressivo, em termos de cooperação e autonomia na produção musical. O corpo teórico para a análise dos dados está centrado na Epistemologia Genética piagetiana e no que a pesquisadora chama de estruturalismo psico-sócio-genético, fusão entre alguns pensadores da Escola de Genebra. A metodologia utilizada para o recolhimento de dados foi inspirada no Método Dialético-Didático, desenvolvido durante uma Oficina de Musicalização Coletiva com duração de 60 horas (vinte encontros de três horas semanais), que foi registrada em vídeo para posterior análise. A pesquisadora lançou tarefas e desafiou os nove sujeitos desta pesquisa a agirem de modo criativo e reflexivo sobre atividades musicais que envolveram apreciações musicais ativas, recriações e criações variadas de organizações sonoras em forma de música. Lançou também questionamentos a fim de possibilitar tomadas de consciência, através das reflexões coletivas sobre as atividades e exercícios realizados. Para mapear as estruturas mentais dos sujeitos antes e após a participação da Oficina, a pesquisadora utilizou-se do Método Clínico em forma de provas musicais como pré-teste e pós-teste. As provas foram criadas durante sua Dissertação de Mestrado. O estudo visa a contribuir para fornecer dados sobre as condutas psico-sociais musicais para que se possa pensar sobre os modos de procedimento em um ambiente de Educação Musical construtivista e interacionista e na importância de se trabalhar a cooperação para a inclusão de todos em processo de musicalização. / This study has the purpose of understanding music learning processes of adults in collective situations and the hole of social interaction of this construction. The main objective of this research is the analyses of adult processes of learning and how they cooperate to produce in an interactive and constructivist environment. Furthermore, this study argues about the relationship among symbolic universes and differentiated logical structures about music, and how such relationship could encourage the individual system of signification and promote a more creative production and a progressively decentralization process to cooperate and get autonomy on musical inventions. The data analyses are focused in Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and what the researcher calls as psych-social-genetic structuralism. This concept is a synthesis of some School of Geneva’s studies. The methodology used for the data collect was inspired on the dialetic-didatict method, developed on a musical education workshop. The workshop had consist of twenty classes of three hours each. The classes were recorded on video. The researcher provided challenging scenarios for the subjects in order to verify creative and reflexive proceedings. The activities were about active musical audition, recreations and compositions to arrange musical sets. The researcher made some questions to allow the grasp of consciousness through collective thoughts about the exercises and the activities. To comprehend the thinking structures of the subjects, the researcher used the Piaget’s Clinical Method applied in pre-tests (before the workshop) and pos-tests (after the classes). These tests were created during the Master Degree Course. This study wants to extend the thoughts about musical psych-social conducts inside a constructivist and interactive environment. This new picture of musical education brought new perception to work the cooperation concept, considering everyone on the musical education process.

O ideário construtivista e a formação do pedagogo: uma análise na perspectiva da crítica marxista / The constructivist ideas and teacher training: an analysis from the perspective of the Marxist critique

BARROSO, Maria Cleide da Silva January 2009 (has links)
BARROSO, Maria Cleide da Silva. O ideário construtivista e a formação do pedagogo: uma análise na perspectiva da crítica marxista. 2009. 151f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-30T15:09:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Dis_MCSBarroso.pdf: 723459 bytes, checksum: 99a92689f1410a139f1e8a70311dfab6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-08-01T14:59:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Dis_MCSBarroso.pdf: 723459 bytes, checksum: 99a92689f1410a139f1e8a70311dfab6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-08-01T14:59:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Dis_MCSBarroso.pdf: 723459 bytes, checksum: 99a92689f1410a139f1e8a70311dfab6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / In the beginning of the years 1990 of the XXth Century, we watched a strong speech, in the national and international scopes, about the necessity of public education improvement. This way, the decade which precedes the century changing had been instituted as the “Education Decade”; place in which congresses, forums and meetings have happened. These events have resulted in declarations, recommendations, aims and plans of actions established by the international organisms, mainly by the World Bank. According to this situation, the constructivism emerges as dominant Pedagogy, to be assumed by the orientating guidelines of the teaching formation process, demanding, by this time, an educational proposal – the constructivist – that could understand the intelligence as an adaptative process, essential condition for the capital’s (re)production process. In face of this context, our research assumes as objective to analyze, by the Marxist criticism, the relation that exists between the constructivist ideary and the main guidelines of the politics of educators formation, specifically the teachers’ one, investigating the determinations which are imposed to the teaching praxis. In this direction, based on the marxian perspective, we search the discovering and the critic appropriation of the elements that show us the real meaning of constructivism in the teachers formation course, analyzing the relations between constructivism and contemporary teaching formation, particularly, of the teachers formation course. According to this theoretical perspective, we developed a theoretical-bibliographical and documental investigation about the teachers formation directed, particularly, to the Pedagogy Courses, in the face of the current educational paradigms, hanging the constructivism and the reach of this perspective in the teachers’ formation process. Towards this, we took care, first of all, about making a theoretical revision of the labor centrality, emphasizing its relation with the other social complexes, specially the education. Having done this study, we analyzed the piagetian basis of constructivism, retaking, moreover, an analysis of the theoretical presupposed of constructivism in Piaget, basing ourselves in authors who guide themselves by the marxian perspective. Concerning to the particularity of the teachers formation and its relation with the constructivist ideary, we initially sketched a brief retrospective of the Pedagogy Course, advancing, thorough this way, to the analysis of the DCNs - National Curricular Guidelines for the Pedagogy Course (2006) and its theoretical-practical entwining with the constructivist ideary. For the ending, we emphasize the great power of seduction practiced by the constructivist ideary and the consequences of this adhesion in the sphere of the teachers’ formation, particularly, and of the teaching practice, in general, deepening, this way, the alienating character of the politics of teaching formation, in face of the fact that this theoretical model has emerged as a strongly current practice in the education. / No inicio dos anos 1990 do século XX, presenciamos um forte discurso no âmbito nacional e internacional da necessidade de melhoria da educação pública, sendo, a formação de professores, um dos eixos norteadores dessa perspectiva. Desse modo, a década que antecede a virada do século fora instituída como a ‘Década da Educação’, espaço de acontecimentos de congressos, fóruns e encontros sobre educação que resultaram em declarações, recomendações, metas e planos de ações estabelecidas pelos organismos internacionais, sobretudo o Banco Mundial. Nesse quadro, o construtivismo desponta como pedagogia dominante, a ser assumida pelas diretrizes orientadoras do processo de formação docente, exigindo, por esse turno, uma proposta educacional – a construtivista – que compreendesse a inteligência como um processo adaptativo, condição absolutamente indispensável para o processo de (re)produção do capital. Diante desse contexto, nossa pesquisa assume como objetivo analisar, à luz da crítica marxista, a relação existente entre o ideário construtivista e as principais diretrizes das políticas de formação do educador, especificamente, a do pedagogo, investigando as determinações impostas à práxis docente. Nessa direção, com base na perspectiva marxiana, buscamos o desvelamento e a apropriação crítica dos elementos que nos apontam o real significado do construtivismo no curso de formação de professores, analisando as relações entre construtivismo e a formação docente contemporânea, particularmente, do curso de formação do pedagogo. Consoante com este referencial teórico, desenvolvemos uma investigação de cunho teórico-bibliográfico e documental sobre a formação de professores encaminhada, particularmente, aos Cursos de Pedagogia, frente aos paradigmas atuais da educação, enfocando o construtivismo e o alcance deste referencial no processo de formação do Pedagogo. Para tanto, cuidamos primeiramente de realizar uma revisão teórica acerca da centralidade do trabalho, enfocando a relação deste com os outros complexos sociais, especialmente, a educação. De posse desse estudo passamos a analisar as bases piagetianas do construtivismo, retomando, ademais, uma análise dos pressupostos teóricos do construtivismo em Piaget, apoiados em teóricos afinados com a perspectiva marxiana. No que se refere à particularidade da formação do pedagogo e a sua relação com o ideário construtivista, tratamos inicialmente de esboçar uma breve retrospectiva da história do curso de pedagogia, avançando, por essa via, para análise das DCNs-Diretrizes Curriculares para o Curso de Pedagogia (2006) e seu entrelaçamento teórico-prático com o ideário construtivista. Por fim, destacamos o profundo poder de sedução exercido pelo ideário construtivista e as conseqüências dessa adesão no campo da formação do pedagogo, em particular, e da prática docente, em geral, aprofundando, desse modo, o caráter alienador das políticas de formação de professores, já que esse modelo teórico tem despontado como um forte modismo na educação.

Musicalização coletiva de adultos : o processo de cooperação nas produções musicais em grupo

Kebach, Patrícia Fernanda Carmem January 2008 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender os processos de musicalização de adultos em situações coletivas e qual o papel das interações sociais nessa construção. Desse modo, o principal problema de pesquisa está relacionado à análise dos processos de aprendizagem musical e das formas de cooperação nas produções musicais de adultos, em ambiente construtivista e interacionista. Questiona-se, ainda, se as interações entre universos simbólicos e estruturações lógicas diferenciadas sobre a música, ou seja, interações sociais diversificadas podem mobilizar o sistema de significação individual dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de musicalização levando-os a posturas mais criativas e a um descentramento progressivo, em termos de cooperação e autonomia na produção musical. O corpo teórico para a análise dos dados está centrado na Epistemologia Genética piagetiana e no que a pesquisadora chama de estruturalismo psico-sócio-genético, fusão entre alguns pensadores da Escola de Genebra. A metodologia utilizada para o recolhimento de dados foi inspirada no Método Dialético-Didático, desenvolvido durante uma Oficina de Musicalização Coletiva com duração de 60 horas (vinte encontros de três horas semanais), que foi registrada em vídeo para posterior análise. A pesquisadora lançou tarefas e desafiou os nove sujeitos desta pesquisa a agirem de modo criativo e reflexivo sobre atividades musicais que envolveram apreciações musicais ativas, recriações e criações variadas de organizações sonoras em forma de música. Lançou também questionamentos a fim de possibilitar tomadas de consciência, através das reflexões coletivas sobre as atividades e exercícios realizados. Para mapear as estruturas mentais dos sujeitos antes e após a participação da Oficina, a pesquisadora utilizou-se do Método Clínico em forma de provas musicais como pré-teste e pós-teste. As provas foram criadas durante sua Dissertação de Mestrado. O estudo visa a contribuir para fornecer dados sobre as condutas psico-sociais musicais para que se possa pensar sobre os modos de procedimento em um ambiente de Educação Musical construtivista e interacionista e na importância de se trabalhar a cooperação para a inclusão de todos em processo de musicalização. / This study has the purpose of understanding music learning processes of adults in collective situations and the hole of social interaction of this construction. The main objective of this research is the analyses of adult processes of learning and how they cooperate to produce in an interactive and constructivist environment. Furthermore, this study argues about the relationship among symbolic universes and differentiated logical structures about music, and how such relationship could encourage the individual system of signification and promote a more creative production and a progressively decentralization process to cooperate and get autonomy on musical inventions. The data analyses are focused in Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and what the researcher calls as psych-social-genetic structuralism. This concept is a synthesis of some School of Geneva’s studies. The methodology used for the data collect was inspired on the dialetic-didatict method, developed on a musical education workshop. The workshop had consist of twenty classes of three hours each. The classes were recorded on video. The researcher provided challenging scenarios for the subjects in order to verify creative and reflexive proceedings. The activities were about active musical audition, recreations and compositions to arrange musical sets. The researcher made some questions to allow the grasp of consciousness through collective thoughts about the exercises and the activities. To comprehend the thinking structures of the subjects, the researcher used the Piaget’s Clinical Method applied in pre-tests (before the workshop) and pos-tests (after the classes). These tests were created during the Master Degree Course. This study wants to extend the thoughts about musical psych-social conducts inside a constructivist and interactive environment. This new picture of musical education brought new perception to work the cooperation concept, considering everyone on the musical education process.

Musicalização coletiva de adultos : o processo de cooperação nas produções musicais em grupo

Kebach, Patrícia Fernanda Carmem January 2008 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender os processos de musicalização de adultos em situações coletivas e qual o papel das interações sociais nessa construção. Desse modo, o principal problema de pesquisa está relacionado à análise dos processos de aprendizagem musical e das formas de cooperação nas produções musicais de adultos, em ambiente construtivista e interacionista. Questiona-se, ainda, se as interações entre universos simbólicos e estruturações lógicas diferenciadas sobre a música, ou seja, interações sociais diversificadas podem mobilizar o sistema de significação individual dos sujeitos envolvidos no processo de musicalização levando-os a posturas mais criativas e a um descentramento progressivo, em termos de cooperação e autonomia na produção musical. O corpo teórico para a análise dos dados está centrado na Epistemologia Genética piagetiana e no que a pesquisadora chama de estruturalismo psico-sócio-genético, fusão entre alguns pensadores da Escola de Genebra. A metodologia utilizada para o recolhimento de dados foi inspirada no Método Dialético-Didático, desenvolvido durante uma Oficina de Musicalização Coletiva com duração de 60 horas (vinte encontros de três horas semanais), que foi registrada em vídeo para posterior análise. A pesquisadora lançou tarefas e desafiou os nove sujeitos desta pesquisa a agirem de modo criativo e reflexivo sobre atividades musicais que envolveram apreciações musicais ativas, recriações e criações variadas de organizações sonoras em forma de música. Lançou também questionamentos a fim de possibilitar tomadas de consciência, através das reflexões coletivas sobre as atividades e exercícios realizados. Para mapear as estruturas mentais dos sujeitos antes e após a participação da Oficina, a pesquisadora utilizou-se do Método Clínico em forma de provas musicais como pré-teste e pós-teste. As provas foram criadas durante sua Dissertação de Mestrado. O estudo visa a contribuir para fornecer dados sobre as condutas psico-sociais musicais para que se possa pensar sobre os modos de procedimento em um ambiente de Educação Musical construtivista e interacionista e na importância de se trabalhar a cooperação para a inclusão de todos em processo de musicalização. / This study has the purpose of understanding music learning processes of adults in collective situations and the hole of social interaction of this construction. The main objective of this research is the analyses of adult processes of learning and how they cooperate to produce in an interactive and constructivist environment. Furthermore, this study argues about the relationship among symbolic universes and differentiated logical structures about music, and how such relationship could encourage the individual system of signification and promote a more creative production and a progressively decentralization process to cooperate and get autonomy on musical inventions. The data analyses are focused in Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and what the researcher calls as psych-social-genetic structuralism. This concept is a synthesis of some School of Geneva’s studies. The methodology used for the data collect was inspired on the dialetic-didatict method, developed on a musical education workshop. The workshop had consist of twenty classes of three hours each. The classes were recorded on video. The researcher provided challenging scenarios for the subjects in order to verify creative and reflexive proceedings. The activities were about active musical audition, recreations and compositions to arrange musical sets. The researcher made some questions to allow the grasp of consciousness through collective thoughts about the exercises and the activities. To comprehend the thinking structures of the subjects, the researcher used the Piaget’s Clinical Method applied in pre-tests (before the workshop) and pos-tests (after the classes). These tests were created during the Master Degree Course. This study wants to extend the thoughts about musical psych-social conducts inside a constructivist and interactive environment. This new picture of musical education brought new perception to work the cooperation concept, considering everyone on the musical education process.

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