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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A proteção jurídica do consumidor nos contratos de mútuo bancário e o direito à informação / The legal protection of consumers regarding loan contracts and the right of correct information

França, Bruna Simões 20 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-03-14T17:42:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna Simões França.pdf: 1589211 bytes, checksum: 1dad341b5fa496abdfccbc2de400367a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-14T17:42:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna Simões França.pdf: 1589211 bytes, checksum: 1dad341b5fa496abdfccbc2de400367a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-20 / The propose of this work is to analyze the right that the right that consumers have to be oriented and informed and the consequences of this right is not observed by the financial institutions especially in loan contracts and considering the vulnerability of the consumers. We will begin doing an explanation of the legal regime of the financial institutions on Brazilian Constitution, the Central Bank and the Monetary Authority, as well as the possibility for self-regulation. Then we will analyze the legal protection of the consumer in Brazil, with main focus on the information right. We will study the concept of good faith in legal terms and the responsibility of financial institutions in abusive loan contracts regarding consumers. There will be a highlight on de vulnerability of the consumer and de concept of consumers that are more vulnerable than others. This paper intends to demonstrate that loan contracts sign with disregard of the information right by the financial institution to not oblige the consumer. As a consequence of this violation, the contract should be considered as not valid and the parties involved must return to the previously situation / O objetivo deste trabalho será analisar o papel do direito à informação do consumidor e do dever de educação do fornecedor e a responsabilidade jurídica que as instituições financeiras possuem nos contratos de mútuo bancário no direito brasileiro, especialmente considerando a vulnerabilidade do consumidor. Iniciaremos fazendo uma explanação do regime jurídico das instituições financeiras na Constituição Federal, no Brasil pelo Banco Central e Conselho Monetário Nacional, bem como a possibilidade de autorregulação de suas atividades. Após, trataremos da proteção jurídica do consumidor, especialmente o direito à informação. Será analisado ainda o conceito de boa-fé objetiva, bem como a responsabilidade dos fornecedores nos contratos de mútuo no que tange aos consumidores. Neste ponto, serão destacados a vulnerabilidade do consumidor e o conceito de consumidores hipervulneráveis. Este trabalho pretende demonstrar que os contratos de mútuo celebrados com desrespeito ao dever de informação por parte do fornecedor não vinculam o consumidor. Como consequência desta violação, o contrato deverá ser considerado nulo e, assim, as partes deverão voltar ao status quo anterior à celebração do contrato

臺灣永續消費政策綱領之研議 / The study of Taiwan's policy guidelines for sustainable consumption

廖世机, Liao, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
從原始社會以物易物的交換開始,人為了生活需求就已離不開「消費」,也逐漸產生消費者保護的議題。但由於近代人類大量消費和相關的生產活動,大量的截取自然資源,造成自然環境破壞,反而危害人類的生存環境,促使消費者保護關切到環境保護的課題。 由於環境迅速惡化的問題愈來愈獲國際社會重視,為了追求人類社會的永續發展,1992年聯合國環境和發展會議通過《廿一世紀議程(Agenda 21)》,並於其第四章「改變消費模式」中提出「永續消費(sustainable consumption)」理念及相關行動方針;1999年國際消費者保護聯盟(CI)並促請聯合國將1985年訂定的「聯合國消費者保護指導綱領」增加第G章「推動永續消費(Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption)」,從此「永續消費」成為國際推動消費者保護工作的一個新主題。 台灣由於社會經濟環境的演進,因消費行為而影響環境或反過來影響消費者健康事件也愈趨頻仍,但目前尚無這方面具體的消費者保護政策。為了維護居住環境品質,確保台灣的永續發展,以及身為國際社會的一員,共同分擔國人消費行為對全球環境影響的責任,我國有必要制訂推動「永續消費」的消費者保護政策。行政院消費者保護委員會雖自2009年已依筆者的初步研究,正式開始推動「永續消費」,但缺乏具體的政策架構及推動內容,影響推動進展,有需要加以建立,而這也是本論文主要的研究動機與目的。 本論文先透過對國內外「永續消費」及消費者保護發展資料的蒐集、彙整、探討及分析比較,建立「消費者保護—推動永續消費」的操作性定義、政策原則及目標等政策架構,再依據政策規劃理論研訂出政策綱領(初稿)。為確保此一綱領的具體可行,運用問卷調查及焦點團體法廣泛蒐集消費者及各界學者專家的意見並加以彙整分析、評估及研處後,據以修訂完成綱領“草案”,將提供政府機關參採。 在以上的政策規劃及評估過程中,本論文有很多重要的研究發現,包括:對永續消費意涵的重新界定並建立我國的政策架構;就國際推動永續消費的困難,提出因應對策;「永續消費」應視為消費者應盡的「義務」或延伸責任;台灣應重視中高齡者環保商品和服務的開發、產業的轉型,以及加強因應食品、娛樂教育及文化服務、水資源、交通運輸及通訊、醫療及保健等產業的永續消費課題;透過問卷調查分析,獲知多數的受訪者雖認同「永續消費」的理念,但亦認為自己個人的能力有限...等。 針對以上研究發現,本論文提出的建議主要有:在政策理念發展方面,包括:將「永續消費」理念納入並研修消費者保護法令、基本政策及永續發展行動計畫等重要政策文件;關注國際永續消費及消費者保護的推動進展,積極參與並分擔消費對全球環境影響責任;以「永續消費」作為未來我國消費者保護新時代的推動方針;加強弱勢消費族群的經濟扶助及消費教育;獎助公務人員進行與業務有關的進修及研究並提供行政協助等。在未來政策綱領推動執行方面,包括:加強綱領觀念的推廣與宣導;強化推動組織的職能;參考焦點座談與談者所提涉及未來執行方面的建議,研議執行細節。 另就「永續消費」未來可繼續研究的方向,本論文建議包括:發展「永續消費」的其他政策面向;研究發展本土性的政策工具;及針對特定議題或推動困難進行專案研究。 / From the beginning of people exchange goods in primitive society, people need to consume for living, so there were some issues related consumer protection raised. Because of people had consumed too much and the related production activities in modern society, massive amounts of natural resources were consumed and that result to hurt the environment which human live, compelling the area of consumer protection be expended to environment protection. Due to the problem of environment getting worse be paid attention gradually at global society, for pursuing the sustainable development of human society, the idea of “sustainable consumption” and it’s related action guidelines were addressed in the 4th chapter “Changing consumption patterns” in "Agenda 21" which had passed in United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Then after, Consumers International(CI) promoted successfully that “United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection” which had passed in 1985 be added the Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption in 1999, so “sustainable consumption” has become a new subject in consumer protection area from now on. As a result of the evolution of Taiwan’s society and economy, the events that consumer behavior affect the environment and the affected environment affect the consumer health in turn are becoming more often, but there is still not having the related concrete consumer protection policy in Taiwan now. In order to maintain the environmental quality to live and guarantee Taiwan’s sustainable development, being one of members of global society, Taiwan should share the duty of global environment affected by our people’s consumer behavior, so it is necessary to set up the consumer protection policy related sustainable consumption in Taiwan. Although the CPC (Consumer Protection Commission, Executive Yuan) has begun to promote consumer protection affairs related sustainable consumption according to my preliminary study since 2009, its progress is limited because of lacking a concrete policy framework and content, so it is necessary to establish the policy guidelines that is also the main research motivation and purpose of this dissertation. I established a policy framework which include the operational definition, policy principles and goals of the policy guidelines for “Consumer Protection - Promotion of sustainable consumption” through collecting, arranging, exploring, analyzing and comparing domestic and foreign information related sustainable consumption and consumer protection development at first, then draw up the first draft of this guidelines by applying the theory of policy formulation according to the policy framework. In order to guarantee the policy guidelines are indeed practicable, I collected extensively the opinions to this guidelines from consumer, scholars and experts by using questionnaire survey and focus group method afterwards. Finally, I integrated, analyzed, evaluated and studied these opinions to revise the first draft as a protocol which will be provided the government as a reference. There are some important discoveries in the policy formulation and evaluation process in this dissertation, including: redefined the meaning of sustainable consumption and established Taiwan’s policy; to create resolutions to the difficulties of promoting sustainable consumption ; regarding sustainable consumption as consumer’s responsibility or the extensive duty; Taiwan should pay more attention to develop environment friendly product and service for medium-elder people, industry reforming, as well as the issues of sustainable consumption in food, entertainment, education and cultural service, water resources, transportation and communication, medical service and health care, etc; by way of the analysis of questionnaire survey, we realized that most of interviewees not only identify with the idea of sustainable consumption, but also considered that individual ability to improve environmental quality is limited, etc. According to the above discoveries, the main suggestions of this dissertation are: firstly, at the aspect of development of policy idea, including: to revise consumer protection law, consumer protection basic policy, national action plan of sustainable development and other policy documents; to pay attention to the international development of sustainable consumption and consumer protection, and take part in and share positively the duty of impacts of global environment which is caused by consumption; to regard sustainable consumption as a guidelines in the new consumer protection era of Taiwan; to provide the disadvantaged consumer with economy assistance and consumer education; to encourage the servant pursue further education and have a study related their practice, as well as provide the administrative assistance. At the aspect of the execution of the policy guidelines later, including: to propagate and promote the idea of the policy guidelines actively; to intensify the function of promoting and executive organization; to explore the detail of execution, according to experts’ suggestions in the focus group meeting. In addition, at the aspect of the continued study for sustainable consumption in the future, the suggestions of this dissertation are including: to develop other policy aspect than consumer protection; to study and develop policy tools which are fit to Taiwan; and to conduct special research to specific issues or difficulties of promoting.

Harmonisation européenne du crédit hypothécaire: perspectives en droit comparé, en droit international privé et en droit européen./European harmonization of mortage backed loans from a perspective of comparative law, private international law and european law.

Van den Haute, Erik 02 October 2008 (has links)
La réalisation du marché intérieur européen par une meilleure intégration des marchés financiers est aujourd’hui devenue une réalité. L'objectif est toutefois loin d'être atteint en matière de crédit hypothécaire, nonobstant de nombreuses initiatives européennes. Compte tenu de ces difficultés et du postulat selon lequel il serait impossible d'harmoniser le droit des suretés immobilières en raison de leur ancrage culturel et national, une proposition alternative consistant dans la création d'une sûreté immobilière commune (euro-hypothèque), venant se superposer aux systèmes nationaux, a été formulée depuis un certain nombre d'années. La recherche analyse dans un premier temps la réalité du postulat précité à la lumière du droit comparé et conclut qu'en réalité, les différents systèmes trouvent non seulement leur origine dans un modèle identique, fondé sur le caractère accessoire de la sûreté, mais ont en outre connu une évolution similaire au cours de ces dernières années. Il apparaît que ce modèle constitue la meilleure base pour toute harmonisation européenne. Après avoir examiné l'interaction avec le droit international privé, sous l'angle de la protection du consommateur, et le droit européen, sous l'angle de la question de la compétence communautaire et du principe de subsidiarité, des pistes sont proposés pour opérer un rapprochement des législations nationales relatives au crédit hypothécaire. La proposition consiste à intégrer dans un seul instrument juridique contraignant (une directive européenne) les différentes propositions permettant d'opérer un rapprochement des législations nationales à trois niveaux : celui de la sûreté immobilière et de la publicité foncier, celui du contrat de prêt et enfin, celui relatif à la procédure de réalisation de l'immeuble.

Eco-Labeling: An Argument for Regulation and Reform

Sherman, Lauren 01 May 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of various types of eco-labels, focusing primarily on differences between mandatory and voluntary eco-labeling programs. I argue that many of the problems with eco-labeling could be addressed by improving regulations. The current regulation of eco-labeling in the United States is discussed, especially the shortcomings of the FTC’s Green Guides. I recommend creating enforceable national legislation to regulate environmental claims that includes involvement of key stakeholders, a list of acceptable environmental claims, enforceable national definitions of environmental terms, an avenue for manufacturers and consumers to challenge environmental claims, consumer education, and periodic review and revision.

Passengers' protection and rights in international civil aviation

Balasubramaniam, Usha. January 2007 (has links)
Air transport is of critical importance to move passengers and cargo from one place to another on a global scale. Subsistence, sustenance, growth and profitability of the air transport industry are dependent on the demand for transport from passengers and cargo as the main sources of revenue of the airline industry. The forces of globalization and liberalization, coupled with the very rapid development of low-cost operators, have tempered the growth and profitability of the aviation industry whilst, at the same time, greatly increasing the consumer (passenger and air freight user) advantages in terms of expanding the gamut of their choices, better quality and lower prices. The ever-expanding markets in the Asia and Pacific region hold great promise for a rapid growth of the aviation industry in years to come. / Currently, the international civil aviation community is faced with many challenges evolving from globalization, liberalization of economic regulations, privatization of airlines and airports, commercialization of government services providers, increasing environmental controls, and the emerge of new technologies. To deal effectively with these challenges and issues will require a high level of cooperation among civil aviation authorities, airlines, airports, and providers of air services and products. Airlines under the new free trade regimes have been exposed to many changes and although GATS has an important role to play in this important field, the convergence of economic, safety, security and environmental issues makes a strong case for keeping regulation in these critical issues under the ICAO aviation umbrella. / As air transport experiences structural, policy and regulatory environment changes, in the era of free trade it would be interesting to critically examine the impact of the aforementioned changes on the rights and protection of passengers. In this relation, it becomes very important to review the international, regional, and national efforts which have been made to enhance consumer protection and also have an important bearing on the rights of airline passengers. The thesis also addresses some emerging, non-traditional consumer protection issues, such as health, racial discrimination and the rights of disabled passengers. / In view of the above, the well-developed consumer protection regimes in the United States and the European Union (EU) would be examined in depth and the results of its analysis would be used to develop a suitable model airline passenger protection in the rapidly expending economies of the Asia and Pacific Region.

Ochrana spotřebitele v oblasti finančních služeb / Consumer protection in area of financial services

BOBKOVÁ, Hana January 2015 (has links)
Graduate work focused on the current situation on the consumer credit market. The aim was to map the current market and the experience of the provision of financial services, in particular in the non-banking sector. On the basis of the results of the research were analysed experience and problems of the consumers, and also views of the lenders.

Dynamické balíčky na trhu on-line nabídky v cestovním ruchu z pohledu ochrany spotřebitele / Dynamic packages on the market online offer in tourism from the perspective of consumer protection

POKRÝVKOVÁ, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on protecting consumers, especially in the individual tourism. Interested mainly on legislation that covers this. The study also evaluated the current situation of the Czech consumer protection in individual tourism and then compared with the situation of the British consumer. And last but not least, the thesis examines whether Czech consumers cares about their rights in this area, and whether it is sufficiently informed about the differences between individual tourism and organized tourism.

Mimosoudní řešení spotřebitelských sporů / Alternative Dispute Resolution

DŮLOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is an analysis of ADR among Czech consumers and consumer Czech and Czech dealer. ADR System Analysis is performed using a questionnaire survey among respondents - consumers and controlled depth interviews with the staff of ADR. Based on analysis of collected data will be provided suggestions for improvement.

Vybrané problémy ochrany spotřebitele / Chosen problems of the consumer protection

KARLOVCOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with chosen problems of consumer protection, particularly with the problem of the presentation events. The main goal is to understand a principle of presentation events and why it is so successful among senior citizens and also to ascertain the approach of state authorities and public opinion. The aim of this thesis is the overall analysis of the issues of the presentation events on basis of applicable methods especially to ascertain the knowledge of the Czech public of their consumer?s rights and the public opinion on presentation events and also to examine thoroughly process of the direct promotion including practices which are used to manipulate customers and consequently to suggest ideas leading to the possible enhancement of the current situation.

Spotřebitelské značky ve vztahu k ochraně spotřebitele / Consumer brands and consumer protection

OUŘEDNÍKOVÁ, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Thesis deals with analysis of two consumer eco-labels, specifically BIO - organic farming product and Environmentally friendly product. In the practical part is made. The result of the marketing research is the identification of knowledge and awareness of consumers of selected eco-labels.

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