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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O uso da informa??o cont?bil no setor sucroalcooleiro: um estudo nas ind?strias de Alagoas

Lima, M?rcia Maria Silva de 06 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:53:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarciaMSL.pdf: 322446 bytes, checksum: 203286e3af33a383fa6c793e54e94821 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-06 / This study has the purpose of discussion and reflection of how the accounting information in the managemental area are used by the sugar & alcohol industry, located at State of Alagoas, aiming to identify if them please their managers expectations in the process of taking decision. Ahead of an existent universe of 27 (twenty seven) companies registered at the Sugar & Alcohol Labor Union of State of Alagoas SINDA?UCAR files, were collected 14 (fourteen) questionnaires to support the current research classified as explorative and descriptive. The junction of these two kinds of research resulted in a quantitative and perceptive analysis of the use of the accounting information in the process of taking decision of the Sugar & Alcohol industry in Alagoas. The results demonstrated in this research indicate that, although the managers consider relevant the information at cost area, they do not use them in the process of taking decision. The reports emitted by accountancy are only financial, such as balance sheets, income statement, financial flow, among others factors. The importance order that the managers give to the accounting information and the kind of information that they use in the process of taking decision do not indicates that they use the accountancy in administration level. The statistics analysis of the files collected allows infer that the information provided by accountancy are considered important, however are few used at the manager process / Este estudo tem como objetivo a discuss?o e reflex?o sobre a forma como as informa??es cont?beis na ?rea gerencial s?o utilizadas pelas ind?strias sucroalcooleiras, localizadas no Estado de Alagoas, visando identificar se aquelas atendem ?s expectativas dos gestores no processo de tomada de decis?o. Diante do universo de 27 (vinte e sete) empresas cadastradas no banco de dados do Sindicato da Ind?stria do A??car e do ?lcool no Estado de Alagoas SINDA??CAR AL, foram coletados 14 (quatorze) question?rios que deram suporte ? presente pesquisa classificada como explorat?ria e descritiva. A jun??o desses dois tipos de pesquisa resultou na an?lise quantitativa e perceptiva da utiliza??o das informa??es cont?beis no processo de tomada de decis?o dos gestores das ind?strias sucroalcooleiras de Alagoas. Os resultados demonstrados nesta pesquisa indicam que, apesar dos gestores considerarem relevantes as informa??es na ?rea de custos, os mesmos n?o as utilizam no processo decis?rio. Os relat?rios emitidos pela contabilidade s?o apenas de natureza financeira, tais como balan?os, demonstra??o do resultado do exerc?cio, fluxo financeiro, entre outros. O grau de import?ncia que os gestores d?o ? informa??o cont?bil e o tipo de informa??o que utilizam no processo decis?rio n?o indicam que eles utilizam a contabilidade em n?vel gerencial. A an?lise estat?stica dos dados coletados permite inferir que as informa??es fornecidas pela contabilidade s?o consideradas importantes, por?m s?o pouco utilizadas no processo de gest?o

Obten??o e caracteriza??o de di?xido de estanho nanoestruturado pelo m?todo de s?ntese cont?nua por combust?o em solu??o

Araujo, Micheline dos Reis 07 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MichelineRA_DISSERT.pdf: 3734590 bytes, checksum: b9c518dbcf57b2b63cf9d386db2a5df1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Continuous Synthesis by Solution Combustion was employed in this work aiming to obtain tin dioxide nanostructured. Basically, a precursor solution is prepared and then be atomized and sprayed into the flame, where its combustion occurs, leading to the formation of particles. This is a recent technique that shows an enormous potential in oxides deposition, mainly by the low cost of equipment and precursors employed. The tin dioxide (SnO2) nanostructured has been widely used in various applications, especially as gas sensors and varistors. In the case of sensors based on semiconducting ceramics, where surface reactions are responsible for the detection of gases, the importance of surface area and particle size is even greater. The preference for a nanostructured material is based on its significant increase in surface area compared to conventional microcrystalline powders and small particle size, which may benefit certain properties such as high electrical conductivity, high thermal stability, mechanical and chemical. In this work, were employed as precursor solution tin chloride dehydrate diluted in anhydrous ethyl alcohol. Were utilized molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 with the purpose of investigate its influence in the microstructure of produced powder. The solution precursor flux was 3 mL/min. Analysis with X-ray diffraction appointed that a solution precursor with molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 leads to crystalline powder with single phase and all peaks are attributed to phase SnO2. Parameters as distance from the flame with atomizer distance from the capture system with the pilot, molar ratio and solution flux doesn t affect the presence of tin dioxide in the produced powder. In the characterization of the obtained powder techniques were used as thermogravimetric (TGA) and thermodiferential analysis (DTA), particle size by laser diffraction (GDL), crystallographic analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specific surface area (BET) and electrical conductivity analysis. The techniques used revealed that the SnO2 exhibits behavior of a semiconductor material, and a potentially promising material for application as varistor and sensor systems for gas / A S?ntese Cont?nua por Combust?o em Solu??o (SCCS) foi empregada na obten??o de p?s de di?xido de estanho nanoestruturados. Basicamente, uma solu??o precursora ? preparada, sendo posteriormente atomizada e aspergida na chama, onde ocorre a combust?o, levando ? forma??o das part?culas. A t?cnica apresenta um grande potencial na produ??o de nanopart?culas, principalmente pelo baixo custo de insumos e equipamentos. O di?xido de estanho (SnO2) nanoestruturado tem sido amplamente utilizado em diversas aplica??es, principalmente como sensores de g?s e varistores. No caso dos sensores ? base de cer?micas semicondutoras, em que as rea??es de superf?cies s?o respons?veis pela detec??o dos gases, a import?ncia da ?rea superficial e do tamanho de part?culas ? ainda maior. A prefer?ncia por um material nanoestruturado deve-se ao fato de que essas entidades apresentam alguns pontos fundamentais tais como, o aumento significativo da ?rea superficial comparados aos p?s microcristalinos convencionais e o reduzido tamanho de part?cula, que pode beneficiar certas propriedades como alta condutividade el?trica, alta estabilidade t?rmica, mec?nica e qu?mica. Neste trabalho, foram empregados como solu??o precursora cloreto de estanho dihidratado dilu?dos em ?lcool et?lico anidro. Foi utilizada a raz?o molar cloreto/solvente de 0,75 no intuito de investigar sua influ?ncia na microestrutura do material obtido. O fluxo da solu??o precursora foi de 3 mL/min. A an?lise por difra??o de raios X da solu??o precursora com raz?o molar cloreto/solvente de 0,75 indicou a obten??o de um p? cristalino e monof?sico e todos os picos s?o atribu?dos a fase SnO2. Par?metros de s?ntese como dist?ncia da chama com o atomizador, dist?ncia do sistema de capta??o com a chama piloto, raz?o molar e fluxo da solu??o precursora n?o afetaram a fase di?xido de estanho no material obtido. Na caracteriza??o do p? obtido, foram utilizadas t?cnicas como an?lises termogravim?tricas (ATG) e termodiferenciais (ATD), granulometria por difra??o de laser (GDL), an?lise cristalogr?fica por difra??o de raios X (DRX), morfologia por microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV), microscopia eletr?nica de transmiss?o (MET), medida de ?rea superficial espec?fica (BET) e ensaio de condutividade el?trica. O conjunto de t?cnicas revelaram que o SnO2 apresenta comportamento de um material semicondutor, sendo um material potencialmente promissor ? aplica??o como varistor e em sistemas de sensores ? gases

Influ?ncia da areia argilosa na recupera??o de petr?leo por inje??o de vapor

Barbosa, Janaina Medeiros Dantas 12 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Janaina Medeiros Dantas Barbosa_DISSERT_01_35.pdf: 3284535 bytes, checksum: 7cd819680331f233db6c8299e7522b7b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-12 / Petr?leo Brasileiro SA - PETROBRAS / Continuous steam injection is one of heavy oil thermal recovery methods used in the Brazilian Northeast because of high occurrence of heavy oil reservoir. In this process, the oil into the reservoir is heated while reduces, substantially, its viscosity and improves the production. This work analyzed how the shaly sand layers influenced in the recovery. The studied models were synthetics, but the used reservoir data can be extrapolated to real situations of Potiguar Basin. The modeling was executed using the STARS - Steam Thermal and Advanced Process Reservoir Simulator - whose version was 2007.10. STARS is a tool of CMG Computer Modeling Group. The study was conducted in two stages, the first we analyzed the influence of reservoir parameters in the thermal process, so some of these were studied, including: horizontal permeability of the reservoir and the layer of shaly sand, ratio of horizontal permeability to vertical permeability, the influence of capillary pressure layer of shaly sand and as the location and dimensions of this heterogeneity can affect the productivity of oil. Among the parameters studied the horizontal permeability of the reservoir showed the most significant influence on the process followed by diversity. In the second stage three models were selected and studied some operational parameters such as injection rate, distance between wells, production time and completion intervals. Among the operating parameters studied the low rate and intermediate distances between wells showed the best recoveries / A inje??o cont?nua de vapor ? um dos m?todos t?rmicos de recupera??o de ?leos pesados utilizados no Nordeste Brasileiro, devido ? grande ocorr?ncia de reservat?rios contendo este tipo de ?leo. Este processo consiste em aquecer o ?leo existente no reservat?rio diminuindo substancialmente a sua viscosidade melhorando assim, a sua produ??o. Neste trabalho foi estudada qual a influ?ncia da presen?a de camadas de areia argilosas no reservat?rio para este tipo de recupera??o. Os modelos s?o sint?ticos, por?m com dados de reservat?rios que podem ser extrapolados para situa??es de aplica??es pr?ticas na Bacia Potiguar que apresenta reservat?rios com essa heterogeneidade. A modelagem foi implementada no simulador de recupera??o t?rmica STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) vers?o 2007.10 da CMG (Computer Modelling Group). O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, na primeira foi analisada a influ?ncia dos par?metros de reservat?rio neste processo t?rmico, sendo assim, alguns desses foram estudados, dentre eles: permeabilidade horizontal do reservat?rio e da camada de areia argilosa, rela??o da permeabilidade horizontal com a permeabilidade vertical, influ?ncia da press?o capilar da camada de areia argilosa e como a localiza??o e as dimens?es dessa heterogeneidade podem afetar a produtividade de ?leo. Dentre os par?metros estudados a permeabilidade horizontal do reservat?rio foi o que apresentou maior influ?ncia significativa ao processo seguido da heterogeneidade. Na segunda etapa foram selecionados tr?s modelos e estudado alguns par?metros operacionais, tais como: vaz?o de inje??o, dist?ncia entre po?os, tempo de produ??o e intervalos de completa??o. Dentre os par?metros operacionais estudados as baixas vaz?es e as dist?ncias entre po?os intermedi?rias foram as que apresentaram as melhores recupera??es

Estudo de modelos composicionais de ?leo na inje??o cont?nua de vapor

Cavalcante, Liara Tavares 22 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LiaraTV_DISSERT.pdf: 1753803 bytes, checksum: 5e53187cb6e33e84a341ab8ca9fd48da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The objective of the thermal recovery is to heat the resevoir and the oil in it to increase its recovery. In the Potiguar river basin there are located several heavy oil reservoirs whose primary recovery energy provides us with a little oil flow, which makes these reservoirs great candidates for application of a method of recovery advanced of the oil, especially the thermal. The steam injection can occur on a cyclical or continuous manner. The continuous steam injection occurs through injection wells, which in its vicinity form a zone of steam that expands itself, having as a consequence the displace of the oil with viscosity and mobility improved towards the producing wells. Another possible mechanism of displacement of oil in reservoirs subjected to continuous injection of steam is the distillation of oil by steam, which at high temperatures; their lighter fractions can be vaporized by changing the composition of the oil produced, of the oil residual or to shatter in the amount of oil produced. In this context, this paper aims to study the influence of compositional models in the continuous injection of steam through in the analysis of some parameters such as flow injection steam and temperature of injection. Were made various leading comparative analysis taking the various models of fluid, varying from a good elementary, with 03 pseudocomponents to a modeling of fluids with increasing numbers of pseudocomponents. A commercial numerical simulator was used for the study from a homogeneous reservoir model with similar features to those found in northeastern Brazil. Some conclusions as the increasing of the simulation time with increasing number of pseudocomponents, the significant influence of flow injection on cumulative production of oil and little influence of the number of pseudocomponents in the flows and cumulative production of oil were found / O objetivo da recupera??o t?rmica ? aquecer o reservat?rio e o ?leo nele existente para aumentar a sua recupera??o. Na Bacia Potiguar existem v?rios reservat?rios de ?leos pesados cuja energia de recupera??o prim?ria nos fornece uma vaz?o de ?leo pequena, o que torna tais reservat?rios ?timos candidatos para aplica??o de um m?todo de recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo, especialmente o t?rmico. A inje??o de vapor pode ocorrer de forma c?clica ou cont?nua. A inje??o de vapor cont?nua ocorre atrav?s de po?os injetores, pr?ximos aos quais se forma uma zona de vapor que se expande, tendo como conseq??ncia o deslocamento do ?leo com viscosidade e mobilidade melhoradas na dire??o dos po?os produtores. Outro mecanismo poss?vel de deslocamento do ?leo em reservat?rios submetidos ? inje??o cont?nua de vapor ? a destila??o do ?leo por vapor, o qual quando alcan?am altas temperaturas, suas fra??es mais leves podem ser vaporizadas alterando a composi??o do ?leo produzido, do ?leo residual ou impactar na quantidade de ?leo produzida. Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetiva estudar a influ?ncia de modelos composicionais na inje??o cont?nua de vapor atrav?s de uma an?lise de par?metros como vaz?o de inje??o de vapor e temperatura de inje??o. Foram realizadas diversas an?lises comparativas levando os diversos modelos de fluidos, variando de um bem elementar, com 03 pseudocomponentes at? modelagens de fluidos com n?meros crescentes de pseudocomponentes. Foi utilizado um simulador num?rico comercial para o estudo a partir de um modelo de reservat?rio homog?neo com caracter?sticas similares ?s encontradas no Nordeste brasileiro. Algumas conclus?es como o aumento do tempo de simula??o com o aumento do n?mero de pseudocomponentes, a influ?ncia significativa da vaz?o de inje??o na produ??o acumulada de ?leo e a pouca influ?ncia do n?mero de pseudocomponentes nas vaz?es e produ??o acumulada de ?leo foram constatadas

Efeito da estimula??o transcraniana por corrente cont?nua an?dica sobre o controle do movimento em para-halterofilistas / Effect of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on movement control in para-powerlifters

Rego, Jeferson Tafarel Pereira do 21 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:44:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JefersonTPR_DISSERT.pdf: 1206303 bytes, checksum: 925c332309b72a390145b34b32b2ac27 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Introduction: The sport practiced by people with disabilities has been growing in recent years. Consequently, advances in assessment and training methods have emerged. However, the paralympic sport keeps in tow these advances, with few specific studies that consider disability as intervening factor. The transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a technique that has proven to be capable of modulating brain function. Studies show beneficial effects of tDCS on muscle strength, power and fatigue during exercise. Objective: Investigate de the effect of tDCS on movement control in para-powerlifters. Methods: Eight subjects underwent two sessions of motion capture, which previously applied the anodic tDCS or sham sessions in the cerebellum. Three movements were performed with increasing load between 90-95% of 1MR. The movements were recorded by an 10 infrared cameras system which reconstructed the 3D trajectory of markers placed on the bar. Results: There have been changes between the anodic and sham conditions over bar level (initial, final, maximum during the eccentric and concentric phase) and in the difference between the final and initial bar level. Moreover, there was difference in bar level (final and during the eccentric phase) comparing athletes amputees and les autres. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that tDCS applied prior to the exercise over the cerebellum in para-powerlifters acts differently according to disability / Introdu??o: O esporte praticado por pessoas com defici?ncia vem crescendo nos ?ltimos anos. Consequentemente, avan?os nos m?todos de avalia??o e treinamento t?m surgido. Por?m, o esporte paral?mpico segue a reboque destes avan?os, com poucos estudos espec?ficos que considerem a defici?ncia como fator interveniente. A estimula??o transcraniana por corrente cont?nua (ETCC) ? uma t?cnica que vem se mostrando capaz de modular a fun??o cerebral. Estudos mostram efeitos ben?ficos da ETCC sobre a for?a muscular, fadiga e pot?ncia durante exerc?cio. Objetivo: Investigar o efeito da ETCC sobre o controle do movimento em para-halterofilistas. Metodologia: Oito sujeitos foram submetidos a duas sess?es de captura de movimentos, sendo aplicado previamente as sess?es ETCC an?dica ou sham no cerebelo. Foram realizados tr?s movimentos com carga crescente entre 90-95% de 1RM. Os movimentos foram gravados por um sistema com 10 c?meras infravermelho e tiveram reconstru?da a trajet?ria 3D de marcadores colocados na barra. Resultados: Houveram mudan?as entre as condi??es an?dica e sham sobre os desn?veis inicial, final, m?ximos durante a fase exc?ntrica e conc?ntrica e sobre a diferen?a entre o desn?vel inicial e final. Al?m disto, houve diferen?a no desn?vel final e durante a fase exc?ntrica ao comparar os atletas amputados e les autres. Conclus?o: Os achados do presente estudo sugerem que a ETCC aplicada previamente ao exerc?cio sobre o cerebelo em para-halterofilistas atua de forma diferenciada de acordo com a defici?ncia

Avalia??o da aplica??o de modelos para a secagem de pastas e suspens?es em leito de jorro com alimenta??o cont?nua / Evaluation of the use of models for pastes and suspensions drying in spouted bed with continuous feeding

Moraes Filho, Francisco Canind? de 06 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoCMF_DISSERT.pdf: 2311444 bytes, checksum: 85931d2109432c72956fc554bf2cff9d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This work studies the development, implementation and improvement of a macroscopic model to describe the behavior of the spouted bed dryer with continuous feeding for pastes and suspensions drying. This model is based on the CST model (Freire et al., 2009) and the model of Fernandes (2005), whose theoretical foundation is based on macroscopic mass and heat balances for the three phases involved in the process: gas, liquid and solid. Because this technique is quite relevant, the studies of modeling and simulation of spouted bed drying are essential in the analysis of the process as a whole, because through them it is possible to predict and understand the behavior of the process, which contributes significantly to more efficient project and operation. The development and understanding of the phenomena involved in the drying process can be obtained by comparing the experimental data with those from computer simulations. Such knowledge is critical for choosing properly the process conditions in order to obtain a good drying efficiency. Over the past few years, researches and development of works in the field of pastes and suspensions drying in spouted bed has been gaining ground in Brazil. The Particulate Systems Laboratory at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, has been developing several researches and generating a huge collection of experimental data concerning the drying of fruit pulps, vegetables pastes, goat milk and suspensions of agro-industrial residues. From this collection, some data of goat milk and residue from acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) drying were collected. For the first time, these data were used for the development and validation of a model that can describe the behavior of spouted bed dryer. Thus, it was possible to model the dryer and to evaluate the influence of process variables (paste feeding, temperature and flow rate of the drying air) in the drying dynamics. We also performed water evaporation experiments in order to understand and to study the behavior of the dryer wall temperature and the evaporation rate. All these analysis will contribute to future works involving the implementation of control strategies in the pastes and suspensions drying. The results obtained in transient analysis were compared with experimental data indicating that this model well represents the process / No presente trabalho estuda-se o desenvolvimento, a aplica??o e o aprimoramento de um modelo macrosc?pico para descrever o comportamento do secador leito de jorro com alimenta??o cont?nua para a secagem de pastas e suspens?es. Tal modelo est? baseado nos modelos CST (Freire et al., 2009) e de Fernandes (2005), cuja base te?rica ? fundamentada em balan?os macrosc?picos de calor e massa para as tr?s fases envolvidas no processo: gasosa, l?quida e s?lida. Pelo fato dessa t?cnica ser bastante relevante, os estudos da modelagem e simula??o da secagem em leito de jorro s?o fundamentais na an?lise do processo como um todo, pois atrav?s deles ? poss?vel prever e compreender o comportamento do processo, o que contribui significativamente para um projeto e opera??o mais eficazes. O desenvolvimento e entendimento dos fen?menos envolvidos no processo de secagem podem ser adquiridos atrav?s da compara??o dos dados obtidos experimentalmente com os provenientes de simula??es computacionais. Tal conhecimento ? de suma import?ncia para que haja a escolha adequada das condi??es de processo, a fim de se obter uma boa efici?ncia da secagem. Ao longo dos ?ltimos anos, a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de trabalhos voltados ? secagem de pastas e suspens?es em leito de jorro vem ganhando espa?o no Brasil. O Laborat?rio de Sistemas Particulados, localizado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, vem desenvolvendo diversas pesquisas e gerando um enorme acervo de dados experimentais relativos ? secagem de polpas de frutas, pastas de legumes, leite de cabra e de suspens?es de res?duos da agroind?stria. Desse acervo foram coletados dados para secagem de leite de cabra e res?duo da acerola (Malpighia glabra L.). Pela primeira vez esses dados foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento e valida??o de um modelo que consiga descrever o comportamento do secador leito de jorro. Com isso, foi poss?vel modelar o secador e avaliar a influ?ncia das vari?veis de processo (vaz?o da pasta, temperatura e vaz?o do ar de secagem) na din?mica da secagem. Foram realizados ainda, experimentos de evapora??o de ?gua a fim de entender e equacionar o comportamento da temperatura na parede do secador e da taxa de evapora??o. Todas essas an?lises contribuir?o para trabalhos futuros que envolvam a implementa??o de estrat?gias de controle na secagem de pastas e suspens?es. Os resultados obtidos nas an?lises em regime transiente foram comparados com dados experimentais indicando que o modelo representa bem o processo

The impact of adopting continuous integration on the delivery time of merged pull requests: an empirical study

Bernardo, Jo?o Helis J?nior de Azevedo 31 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-01T21:17:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoHelisJuniorDeAzevedoBernardo_DISSERT.pdf: 3484130 bytes, checksum: f8c6117ef3a3facccdfb4317e8e41c61 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-07T22:16:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoHelisJuniorDeAzevedoBernardo_DISSERT.pdf: 3484130 bytes, checksum: f8c6117ef3a3facccdfb4317e8e41c61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-07T22:16:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoHelisJuniorDeAzevedoBernardo_DISSERT.pdf: 3484130 bytes, checksum: f8c6117ef3a3facccdfb4317e8e41c61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) / A Integra??o Cont?nua (IC) ? uma pr?tica de desenvolvimento de software que leva os desenvolvedores a integrarem seu c?digo-fonte mais frequentemente. Projetos de software t?m adotado amplamente a IC com o intuito de melhorar a integra??o de c?digo e lan?ar novas releases mais rapidamente para os seus usu?rios. A ado??o da IC ? usualmente motivada pela atra??o de entregar novas funcionalidades do software de forma mais r?pida e frequente. Todavia, h? poucas evid?ncias emp?ricas para justificar tais alega??es. Ao longo dos ?ltimos anos, muitos projetos de software dispon?veis em ambientes de codifica??o social, como o GitHub, tem adotado a pr?tica da IC usando servi?os que podem ser facilmente integrados nesses ambientes (por exemplo, Travis-CI). Esta disserta??o investiga empiricamente o impacto da ado??o da IC no tempo de entrega de pull requests (PRs), atrav?s da an?lise de 167.037 PRs de 90 projetos do GitHub que s?o implementados em 5 linguagens de programa??o diferentes. Ao analisar a porcentagem de merged PRs por projeto que perderam pelo menos uma release antes de serem entregues aos usu?rios finais, os resultados mostraram que antes da ado??o da IC, em mediana 13.8% dos merged PRs tem sua entrega adiada por pelo menos um release, enquanto que ap?s a ado??o da IC, em mediana 24% dos merged PRs tem sua entrega adiada para futuras releases. Ao contr?rio do que se pode especular, observou-se que PRs tendem a esperar mais tempo para serem entregues ap?s a ado??o da IC na maioria (53%) dos projetos investigados. O grande aumento das submiss?es de PRs ap?s a IC ? uma raz?o fundamental para que projetos demorem mais tempo para entregar PRs depois da ado??o da IC. 77,8% dos projetos aumentam a taxa de submiss?es de PRs ap?s a ado??o da IC. Com o prop?sito de investigar os fatores relacionados ao tempo de entrega de merged PRs, treinou-se modelos de regress?o linear e log?stica, os quais obtiveram R-Quadrado mediano de 0.72-0.74 e bons valores medianos de AUC de 0.85-0.90. An?lises mais profundas de nossos modelos sugerem que, antes e depois da ado??o da IC, a intensidade das contribui??es de c?digo para uma release pode aumentar o tempo de entrega de PRs devido a uma maior carga de integra??o (em termos de commits integrados) da equipe de desenvolvimento. Finalmente, apresentamos heur?sticas capazes de identificar com precis?o os PRs que possuem um tempo de entrega prolongado. Nossos modelos de regress?o obtiveram valores de AUC mediano de 0.92 a 0.97. / Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that leads developers to integrate their work more frequently. Software projects have broadly adopted CI to ship new releases more frequently and to improve code integration. The adoption of CI is usually motivated by the allure of delivering new software content more quickly and frequently. However, there is little empirical evidence to support such claims. Over the last years, many available software projects from social coding environments such as GitHub have adopted the CI practice using CI facilities that are integrated in these environments (e.g., Travis-CI). In this dissertation, we empirically investigate the impact of adopting CI on the time-to-delivery of pull requests (PRs), through the analysis of 167,037 PRs of 90 GitHub projects that are implemented in 5 different programming languages. On analyzing the percentage of merged PRs per project that missed at least one release prior being delivered to the end users, the results show that before adopting CI, a median of 13.8% of merged PRs are postponed by at least one release, while after adopting CI, a median of 24% of merged PRs have their delivery postponed to future releases. Contrary to what one might speculate, we find that PRs tend to wait longer to be delivered after the adoption of CI in the majority (53%) of the studied projects. The large increase of PR submissions after CI is a key reason as to why these projects deliver PRs more slowly after adopting CI. 77.8% of the projects increase the rate of PR submissions after adopting CI. To investigate the factors that are related to the time-to-delivery of merged PRs, we train linear and logistic regression models, which obtain sound median R-squares of 0.72-0.74, and good median AUC values of 0.85-0.90. A deeper analysis of our models suggests that, before and after the adoption of CI, the intensity of code contributions to a release may increase the delivery time due to a higher integration-load (in terms of integrated commits) of the development team. Finally, we are able to accurately identify merged pull requests that have a prolonged delivery time. Our regression models obtained median AUC values of 0.92 to 0.97.

Multipatch: um m?todo para tessela??o da superf?cie excludente do solvente

SILVA, Felipe Augusto da 29 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-12T18:05:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Felipe Augusto da Silva.pdf: 12688361 bytes, checksum: 9f1ec0867eb071ebf8dbb7f89606cf25 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-12T18:05:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Felipe Augusto da Silva.pdf: 12688361 bytes, checksum: 9f1ec0867eb071ebf8dbb7f89606cf25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-29 / To understand the behavior of molecules in liquid fase is fundamental for comprihend many chemical and physical process, became reference to severa! areas of scientific and tecnologic knowledge. Methods using polarizable continuum model (PCM) have been proposed and revised to achieve more acurated results and the aplicability of the method. MultiPatch is a analitic and eficient molecular smface tesselation method. This smface is necessary to calcule the eletrostatic component of the interaction energy between solute and solvent Delta G s. The method was tested by comparing the results for the smface area and the energy Delta G s obtained using internai methods of the software GAMESS. / Entender o comportamento de mol?culas em fase l?quida ? fundamental para o compreender diversos processos qu?micos e f?sicos, sendo assim refer?ncia para diversas ?reas do conhecimento cient?fico e tecnol?gico. M?todos usando o modelo de cont?nuo polariz?vel (PCM) tem sido propostos e revisados com o objetivo de melhorar a acur?cia dos resultados e a aplicabilidade desse modelo. MultiPatch ? um m?todo anal?tico e eficiente para se obter uma tessela??o da superf?cie molecular necess?ria para o computo de uma das componentes, de origem eletrost?tica, da energia de intera??o entre soluto e solvente Delta G s:. O m?todo foi testado comparando seus resultados para ?rea da superf?cie e a energia Delta G s com o m?todos internos do software GAMESS.

Investiga????o sobre as pr??ticas e tratamento dos passivos ambientais das empresas de energia el??trica listadas na Bovespa

Berner, Carlos Vicente 19 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos_Vicente_Berner.pdf: 489994 bytes, checksum: 2d2ea5521c530a792113964ccd154944 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-19 / This research addressed the disclosure process of treating environmental liability practices in a group of 18 companies in the segment sector and subsector of electricity. To fulfill the research questions, it was selected all companies listed in the ISE (Corporate Sustainability Index), from 2002 to 2006. Moreover, it was randomly selected the same number of companies, but not listed in the ISE. Such companies were chosen because the responsibility and the risks of the segment are relevant to environmental aspects. Through the literature, it was possible to understand some issues relating to the main topic of this research, including concepts, sources and forms of disclosure of environmental liabilities. Such research was mostly done by means of essays and articles relating to the subject. It was applied the content analysis to find the results, and it was verified whether the companies listed in the ISE were committed to the treatment of environmental liabilities or not. Those companies were reviewed by the Program Disclosure of BOVESPA stocks and foreign sites of private companies that were part of the sample. It can be stated that the companies do not show -by means of reports - the disclosure process demanded by the Manual of Accounting regulated by ANEEL, through Resolution 444. However, they all demonstrate being committed to the environment, as well as show some information related to the environment. Nevertheless, after examining the reports, it was not possible to identify the commitment to environmental liabilities, even when those are not legally demanded. Furthermore, it was not possible to detect any spontaneous processes adopted by companies that use the Accounting theory. But the companies listed in the ISE were more concerned with environmental issues, as they show this kind of information more often. To conclude, it is not possible to state whether the environmental liabilities were hidden or not, because the companies only mention the environmental liabilities through fines, indemnity and the reconstruction of degraded areas. / A presente pesquisa aborda o processo de evidencia????o do tratamento das pr??ticas do passivo ambiental num grupo de 18 companhias do segmento setor e subsetor de energia el??trica. Para atender ao problema da pesquisa, foram compulsoriamente selecionadas todas as companhias que estavam listadas no ISE (??ndice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial) no per??odo de 2002 a 2006, e selecionadas aleatoriamente o mesmo n??mero de companhias listadas que faziam parte do universo da pesquisa, mas que n??o estavam listadas no ISE. A escolha por essas empresas se deu pelo fato de que a responsabilidade e os riscos do segmento s??o relevantes perante aspectos ambientais. Na fundamenta????o te??rica, buscou-se conhecer os assuntos relacionados ao tema, incluindo conceitos, origens e formas de evidencia????o dos passivos ambientais. Essa coleta de informa????es foi, na sua maioria, efetuada por meio de disserta????es e artigos ligados ao tema. Buscaram-se os resultados pela an??lise de conte??do, atrav??s da verifica????o do compromisso das companhias listadas no ISE quanto ao tratamento das pr??ticas do passivo ambiental, e essas foram analisadas a partir do conte??do extra??do do Programa de Divulga????o Externa da BOVESPA e sites particulares das companhias que fazem parte da amostra. Percebe-se que as companhias n??o demonstram, por meio dos Relat??rios, o processo de evidencia????o, exigido pelo Manual de Contabilidade regulamentado pela ANEEL (Ag??ncia Nacional de Energia El??trica), atrav??s da Resolu????o 444. No entanto, todas elas demonstram o compromisso com o meio ambiente e fazem men????o ??s informa????es inerentes ao meio ambiente. Entretanto, na an??lise dos relat??rios, n??o foram identificados os compromissos com o passivo ambiental, ainda que n??o haja exig??ncia legal quando da evidencia????o do passivo ambiental, e n??o se observou nenhuma pr??tica espont??nea adotada pelas companhias aderentes aos fundamentos da teoria da contabilidade. Por outro lado, as companhias listadas no ISE demonstram estar mais preocupadas com as quest??es ambientais, a partir do momento em que evidenciam com mais frequ??ncia as informa????es. Por fim, conclui-se que n??o se pode afirmar se os passivos ambientais s??o ocultos, uma vez que as companhias apenas evidenciam os processos ambientais atrav??s de multas, indeniza????es e recupera????es das ??reas degradadas.

A relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis com a ado????o das normas internacionais: uma an??lise das empresas listadas no Brasil

Castro, Tiago Morais de 20 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago_Morais_de_Castro.pdf: 1342136 bytes, checksum: bf015b66106a0b404f6f9a7b695bbf36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-20 / The study of the relevance of accounting information has come to prominence with the development of capital markets and the pursuit of timely information, quality and which are able to influence its users. As relevant accounting information, this essay adopts the concept of quality that the information owns to influence prices in the capital markets. Taking advantage of the timely convergence of brazilian accounting standards to IFRS (International Financial Reports Standards), this study aimed to determine whether the adoption of international accounting standards (IFRS) affected the relevance of accounting information of non-financial companies listed in Brazil and whether there are differences in the relevance of accounting information among the published statement sunder IFRS on a voluntary and compulsory way. The first objective examined whether there were differences in the relevance of the information through an analysis of ordinary least squares (OLS) of the financial statements of 2009 prepared in BR GAAP and IFRS, and through the analysis of panel data from the annual financial statements period 2005 to 2010. The second objective of the analysis used panel data from annual financial statements for the period 2005 to 2010, and considered as those published in voluntary IFRS for prior periods to fiscal the year of 2010. All analyzes used models of Ohlson (1995) and Barth, Cram and Nelson (2001). The models were used as dependent variables price (P) and stock returns (RET), however the results were suitable only to the dependent variable (P). The analysis indicated that there are differences in the relevance of the information of non-financial companies listed in Brazil, on its financial statements prepared in BR GAAP and IFRS. The analysis of the model of Ohlson (1995) in OLS and panel data confirmed this difference and pointed to the financial statements prepared under IFRS as the major importance. The model of Barth, Cram and Nelson (2001) in OLS also revealed differences in the relevance of the information prepared in BR GAAP and IFRS, but pointed to statements in BR GAAP as the major importance. The model of Barth, Cram and Nelson (2001) on panel data found no differences in the relevance of accounting information between BR GAAP and IFRS standards. The second objective, the results indicate that there are no differences in the relevance of accounting information between the statements prepared under IFRS on a mandatory or voluntary way, from non-financial companies listed in Brazil / O estudo da relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis vem ganhando destaque com o desenvolvimento dos mercados de capitais e com a busca de informa????es tempestivas, de qualidade e que sejam capazes de influenciar seus usu??rios. Como informa????o cont??bil relevante, esta disserta????o adota o conceito da qualidade que a informa????o possui de influenciar os pre??os praticados nos mercados de capitais. Aproveitando o momento oportuno da converg??ncia das normas cont??beis brasileiras para as IFRS (International Financial Reports Standards), este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar se a ado????o das normas internacionais de contabilidade (IFRS) afetou a relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis das empresas n??o financeiras listadas no Brasil e se existe diferen??a na relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis entre as demonstra????es publicadas em IFRS de forma volunt??ria e obrigat??ria. O primeiro objetivo verificou se haviam diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es atrav??s de uma an??lise em M??nimos Quadrados Ordin??rios (MQO) das demonstra????es cont??beis do ano de 2009 elaboradas em BR GAAP e em IFRS; e atrav??s da an??lise de dados em painel das demonstra????es cont??beis anuais do per??odo de 2005 a 2010. O segundo objetivo utilizou da an??lise de dados em painel das demonstra????es cont??beis anuais do per??odo de 2005 a 2010, e considerou como demonstra????o cont??bil volunt??ria aquelas publicadas em IFRS para per??odos anteriores ao exerc??cio 2010. Todas as an??lises utilizaram dos modelos de Ohlson (1995) e Barth, Cram e Nelson (2001). Os modelos utilizados tinham como vari??veis dependentes o pre??o (P) e o retorno das a????es (RET), por??m, os resultados foram adequados somente com a vari??vel dependente (P). As an??lises apontaram que existem diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es das empresas n??o financeiras listadas no Brasil, relativo ?? suas demonstra????es cont??beis elaboradas em BR GAAP e em IFRS. A an??lise do modelo de Ohlson (1995) em MQO e dados em painel comprovaram esta diferen??a e apontaram paras as demonstra????es elaboradas em IFRS como as de maior relev??ncia. O modelo de Barth, Cram e Nelson (2001) em MQO tamb??m revelou diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es elaboradas em BR GAAP e IFRS, por??m apontou para as demonstra????es em BR GAAP como de maior relev??ncia. O modelo de Barth, Cram e Nelson (2001) em dados de painel n??o encontrou diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis entre os padr??es BR GAAP e IFRS. Quanto ao segundo objetivo, os resultados apontam que n??o existem diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis entre as demonstra????es elaboradas em IFRS de forma obrigat??ria ou volunt??ria, das empresas n??o financeiras listadas no Brasil

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