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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Japanese American Experiences in Internment Camps during World War II as Represented by Children's and Adolescent Literature

Inagawa, Machiko January 2007 (has links)
This study examines the representation of Japanese American experiences in internment camps during World War II in children's and adolescent literature. This study focuses on a specific set of children's and adolescent books about one time period in the history of Japanese Americans. I have formulated two major research questions for this study. The first question: What are the characteristics of the selected children's and adolescent books about Japanese American experiences during World War II? The second question: How do the selected children's and adolescent books portray the experiences and responses of Japanese Americans during World War II?I selected fourteen books for inclusion in this study and analyzed the books related to my research questions. These books are organized into three genres: picture books, historical fiction, and nonfiction. The research methodology for this study is qualitative content analysis that includes methods for data collection and analysis and descriptions of the books and illustrations. I used the research questions to first examine books in each of the three genres and then make comparisons across the three genres.The findings based on the first research question include that the books are based on the research and experiences of both authors and illustrators and have a range of time periods from before the war to after the war. The findings also show that in the books, the authors and Japanese Americans express their criticism of Japanese Americans' experiences in the difficult situations related to the internment camps. They criticize the treatment of Japanese Americans by the U.S. government and discrimination against Japanese Americans.The analysis of the books based on the second research question provides insights into the experiences of Japanese Americans and how they felt, thought, and acted. The books portray the prejudice and discrimination faced by Japanese Americans from the point of immigrating to the United States and even after the war. The most important finding is that the books portray Japanese American children as creating lives of significance in the difficult conditions of assembly centers and internment camps.

Need for cognition, ambiguity tolerance and symbol systems: An initial exploration

Fountain, Amy Velita, 1963- January 1988 (has links)
This study explored the interaction between three individual variables, need for cognition and tolerance of ambiguity, and the symbol system used in messages. Goodman's (1976) dimension of notationality of systems is proposed as the continuum of interest upon which sources of information vary. It was hypothesized that high tolerance for ambiguity and need for cognition would lead to increased numbers of interpretations of nonnotational messages over notational ones, and over people low in these traits. Methods utilized in the study are overviewed. Results indicate that subjects high in need for cognition do generate more interpretations of messages in general than do others, however no effect was found for ambiguity tolerance or for message type. Reasons for these results are offered, and directions for further research suggested.

Föräldrar till prematurfödda barn. Orsaksförklaring och coping i den akuta fasen. / Parents of babies born preterm. Causal explanation and coping in the acute phase.

Garefalaki Kornaros, Katarina January 2013 (has links)
Förberedelsen till föräldraskapet avbryts vid prematur förlossning och ställer föräldrar inför svåra psykiska påfrestningar och frågor. Föreliggande studie har erhållit data från projektet "För tidigt födda barn och deras föräldrar - en tvärvetenskaplig longitudinell studie". Syftet är att beskriva hur föräldrar ser på orsaken till den för tidiga födseln (gestationslängd 24+0-35+6). Extraherade delar av 74 enskilda intervjuer (39 mödrar och 35 fäder) analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultatet gav temat "Inre eller yttre orsak - möjlig att påverka eller inte". Sub-kategorier var psykisk (inre-påverkbar), fysiologisk (inre-opåverkbar), bebis (inre-opåverkbar), fysisk aktivitet (yttre-påverkbar), information (yttre-opåverkbar och ödet (yttre-opåverkbar). Det tänkbara är att föräldrar som får en medicinsk förklaring av sjukvården mer frekvent anger en fysiologisk orsak och använder sig av problemfokuserad coping. Föräldrar som ser orsaken som påverkbar bär på en påtaglig skuld och använder sig mer av otillgängliga och ineffektiva copingstrategier. / Preparation for parenthood is interrupted by premature birth and parents are faced with difficult psychological issues and pressure. This study has obtained data from the project "Premature babies and their parents - a multidisciplinary longitudinal study". The aim of the study is to describe parents' views on what caused the premature birth (gestational length 24+0-35+6). Extracted information from 74 individual interviews (39 mothers and 35 fathers) was analyzed using content analysis. The analysis gave the theme "Internal or external cause - possible to influence or not". Sub-categories were mental (internal-responsive), physiological (internal-non responsive), baby (internal-non responsive), physical activity (external-responsive), information (external-non responsive) and fate (external- non responsive). Based on the results, it is reasonable to assume, that parents who receive a medical explanation more frequently indicate a physiological cause and use problem-focused coping. Parents, who judge the cause as being impressionable, carry significant guilt and use more of inefficient coping strategies.

The Online Sharing of Human Milk: A Content Analysis

Papanicolaou, Alicia 29 July 2013 (has links)
The benefits of human milk are well-known, as human milk provides optimal nutrition in facilitating the growth, health, and development of infants and children. There are circumstances when a mother’s breast milk may be unavailable due to maternal illness, insufficient milk supply, contraindications, or geographical barriers (Dempsey & Miletin, 2010). Global recommendations support the use of donor human milk in situations where a mother’s own breast milk is unavailable (World Health Organization, 2009). Due to the limited supply, the pasteurized product is allocated to high risk infants within the hospitalized setting (Human Milk Bank Association of North America, 2008). Based on the allocation priorities, many individuals are unable to access donor human milk. In response to the growing demands for donor human milk, Internet based organizations have facilitated peer to peer human milk sharing. Given the fact that sharing human milk has been practiced as a covert activity, there is a lack of prevalence data (Thorley, 2008). To date, minimal research has examined this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to explore the description of sharing human milk utilizing an online commerce-free approach. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 13 research participants and analyzed using an inductive approach to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative content analysis was selected based on the recognition of the importance of obtaining a rich description when exploring this phenomenon. Outcomes generated from the research study resulted in emerging concepts and categories. The concepts from the data analysis consisted of the following: commitment to human milk; virtual nature of relationships; and making the private public. The identified categories include: 1) infant feeding practices; 2) experience with sharing human milk; 3) selection of donors or recipients; 4) relationships among donors and recipients sharing human milk; 5) shared doctrine; 6) use of the Internet to share human milk; and 7) informing health care professionals and others regarding sharing human milk. Findings generated from this study provide an increase in understanding of this phenomenon. The cultivated knowledge will assist health care professionals in working in partnership with families to ensure optimal outcomes. / Thesis (Master, Nursing) -- Queen's University, 2013-07-27 20:26:30.206

”De e ju lite sunt förnuft å så...” : Om lärares perspektiv på fostran

Olsson, Anna Maria January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att se hur lärare i årskurs 1, 3 och 6 i olika socioekonomiska områden resonerar kring fostran i skolan. Studien grundar sig i en fundering som framkom i och med min C-uppsats: hur ser lärare på begreppet fostran? I den svenska läroplanen talas det om en fostran som inte är definierad och då det är lärarna som senare ska implementera sin tolkning av begreppet i sin verksamhet, är det intressant att se hur lärare resonerar kring begreppet. Denna studie utgår ifrån sex stycken forskningsfrågor som syftar till att belysa hur de intervjuade lärarna ser på fostran i skolan: vad fostran är och hur det kommer till uttryck; vad lärarna utgår ifrån när de fostrar; om det är någon skillnad mellan olika årskurser och sociala områden samt om de anser att det finns någon gräns mellan skolans och hemmets ansvar i fostran av eleverna. Studien bygger på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sex stycken lärare på låg- och mellanstadiet i olika socioekonomiska områden. Empirin har analyserats med semantisk innehållsanalys genom att det insamlade materialet har kodats och tilldelats tematiska rubriker. Resultatet visar att lärarna har reflekterat relativt lite över begreppet fostran och vad det kan innebära. Tre huvudkategorier gällande fostran framkom: att föra över samhällets normer och värderingar till eleverna; att eleverna ska lära sig att umgås tillsammans i grupp och att eleverna ska lära sig hur man beter sig i klassrummet. Inga betydande skillnader framkom mellan hur de intervjuade lärarna resonerar kring fostran, varken i de olika årskurserna eller i de olika sociala områdena men i området som var mindre kulturellt homogent fokuserade lärarna lite mer på att försöka överbygga dessa skillnader. Det framkom inte heller någon skillnad angående lärarnas utgångspunkter för fostran utan de tog alla upp sunt förnuft och personliga erfarenheter som utgångspunkter. Angående forskningsfrågan om var de intervjuade lärarna upplever att en gräns mellan hemmet och skolans ansvar går var svaren varken entydiga eller tydliga. Den egentliga enda gemensamma uppfattningen bland lärarna var att det är elevens grundläggande fysiska nödvändigheterna som definitivt ligger på föräldrarnas ansvarsområde. Lärarna uttrycker en önskan om att inte behöva fostra eleverna och menar att det egentligen inte ingår i deras yrke, även om verkligheten dock ser annorlunda ut. Lärarna upplever att det över tid har blivit mer fostran för dem och mindre för föräldrarna då lärarna också får hantera och lösa saker som händer utanför skolans domän. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av läroplansteori och utifrån teorier om den dolda läroplanen. Analysen visade att lärarnas uppfattning om fostran är relaterat till det som händer i samhället samt att fostran inte bara handlar om att skapa demokratiska medborgare utan det handlar även om att skapa normaliserade människor som har en förmåga att anpassa sig till och följa regler. Förslag för framtida forskning är bl.a. studier över hur elever och föräldrar ser på fostran för att på så sätt kunna få en mer heltäckande bild över vad fostran i dagens skola innebär.

Sjukgymnasters upplevelser av arbete på särskilt boende för äldre : En intervjustudie / Physiotherapists’ Perceptions of work in Housing for the Elderly : An Interview Study

Linde, Elin, Gustafsson, Lina January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förutsättningarna för sjukgymnasters arbete på särskilt boende ser olika ut beroende på brukarantal, möjlighet att vara tillgänglig samt resurser från kommunen. Flera studier visar på att resursbrist försvårar sjukgymnasters arbete och att det är svårt att tillgodose brukarnas behov när sjukgymnasterna har det medicinska rehabiliteringsansvaret för ett stort antal brukare. Rehabilitering sker på specifik och allmän nivå, och till stor del genom omvårdnadspersonal. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjukgymnasters upplevelser av sitt arbete på särskilt boende för äldre. Metod: Datainsamling skedde genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjukgymnaster som arbetade på särskilt boende. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Vid analys framkom fem huvudkategorier: styrande faktorer, prioriteringar, samarbetet runt brukaren, arbetets bredd samt självbild och status. Konklusion: Deltagarna upplevde sitt arbete på särskilt boende för äldre som roligt och varierande, men påverkat av stress och resursbrist. Arbetet upplevdes bestå av mycket prioriteringar men vad de grundade sig på varierade, liksom upplevelsen av stödet från riktlinjer. Deltagarna uppgav att det är önskvärt med ett väl fungerande samarbete med omvårdnadspersonalen eftersom de sjukgymnastiska insatserna i stor utsträckning delegeras till dem. / Background: The conditions for the physiotherapists’ work in housing for the elderly vary depending on number of care recipients, the availability of the physiotherapists and the resources provided at the county level in Sweden. Previous studies have shown that the lack of resources makes the work difficult for the physiotherapists. Moreover, it is hard to meet the needs of individual care recipients when physiotherapists have the medical rehabilitation responsibility for a large number of care recipients. Rehabilitation is carried out on a specific level and a general level and often delegated to care assistants. Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine physiotherapists’ perceptions of their work in housing for the elderly. Method: Seven physiotherapists working in houses for the elderly were interviewed with the help of a semi-structured interview guide. The interviews were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis revealed five categories: controlling factors, priorities, cooperation around the care recipient, the breadth of the work and self-image and status. Conclusion: The participants’ perceptions of work in housing for the elderly were that the job was fun and varied but influenced by stress and lack of resources. The work was perceived as consisting of a lot of prioritizing; however, the grounds on which the decisions were made varied as did the perception of support from guidelines. The participants reported that they desired a well-functioning working relationship with the care assistants because the physiotherapy inputs were often delegated to them.

?Never short of a smile?: A Content Analysis of Travel Guidebooks

Quinlan, Sarah January 2005 (has links)
Guidebooks are argued to be significant elements of the tourism infrastructure (Koshar, 1998), influencing the perception of destinations and the travel practices of millions of tourists (Gilbert, 1999). Guidebooks have been depicted as mediators, interpreters, and communicators of place and people, yet the examination of these texts as part of tourism has received little attention in the academic literature. There are few studies focusing on what information guidebooks are presenting to tourists (Bhattacharyya, 1997; Lew, 1991; McGregor, 2000). <br /><br /> In pursuit of cultural, environmental, and leisure experiences, tourists are going all over the world and there is increasing concern over the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts of this activity. Information on these impacts can be found in academic literature and government reports, but rarely is it presented to tourists. <br /><br /> The purpose of this study is to analyse and describe how travel guidebooks communicate information on socio-cultural, environmental, and other destination specific issues. The republic of Peru was the case study area for this research. <br /><br /> Destination data was collected through interviews with tourism representatives in Per??, Destination Management Organisation (DMO) website analysis, and participant observation. This data was analysed to provide a coding scheme for the current issues and impacts in Peru relating to tourism. This coding scheme was used to analyse the content of the most commonly used commercial guidebooks for Peru (Lonely Planet, South American Handbook, Rough Guide) to understand if and how guidebooks are addressing current issues in Peru tourism. <br /><br /> Qualitative content analysis of destination data resulted in 29 emergent categories which were evaluated based on theme distributions (socio-cultural, environmental, and other) and source information. Categories were grouped based on importance values to allow for further examination of the main issues and impacts involved in Peru tourism. <br /><br /> Qualitative analysis of guidebook content resulted in 4 additional categories for a total of 33 items. This was followed by quantitative analysis of guidebook content to better understand theme distributions, statement types, marketing communication types, and relationships with original category intentions. Guidebook content was organised into groups based on importance values and compared with the importance groups found in the destination data to determine differences in category relevance. <br /><br /> The implications of this research in presenting information to tourists are discussed in terms of their relevance to socio-cultural and environmental interpretation, marketing and communication theory, and responsible tourism. Similarities and differences found in comparing destination and guidebook data are examined. Findings and discussions based on this research indicate that the role of the guidebook is multi-dimensional. These texts, juxtaposed between host and guest, mediate and interpret ecological, cultural, and social information. Findings of this research suggest that though guidebooks are involved in persuasive messaging which raises issues of power and representation, guidebooks are the only popular tourist information source in Peru attempting to influence tourists to reduce cultural and environmental impacts. This discussion is followed by suggestions for future research in this area.

Against the grain : the battle for public service broadcasting in Taiwan

Lin, Chun-Wei January 2012 (has links)
Over the last two decades public service broadcasting (PSB) around the world has faced increasing pressures from accelerating commercialisation and the fragmentation of the broadcasting landscape. This has led a number of media commentators in the system's traditional heartlands to ask whether the idea has now outlived its usefulness. Against the grain of this international trend, Taiwan has moved in the opposite direction, democratising its state-owned television system and introducing a form of public broadcasting for the first time. Against the grain of growing enthusiasm for a privatised solution supporters presented PSB as a necessary counter to the perceived deficiencies of the existing system, in serving a society moving from authoritarian to competitive party rule. This study sets out to explore how the expansion of PSB in Taiwan has been socially defined and constructed, and by whom. The various constructions in play were mapped through in-depth interviews with a range of claim-makers involved in the process. A systematic content analysis of the mainstream Taiwanese press was then conducted to explore the ways contending positions and issues were presented in the public domain and to identify the key voices given a public platform. This analysis demonstrated that the opinions and concerns of the general public were largely missing from a debate dominated by political and academic elites. Against the grain of their own claims to be representing the public key actors constructed public debate as a series of monologues, advancing their own sectional and paternalistic interpretations of the public interest. These findings point to the supremely ironic conclusion that a process ostensibly dedicated to reconstructing broadcasting as key element in a new, democratic, public sphere, excluded the public from active participation and relegated them to the role of spectators.

Hugget i sten : En kvalitativ studie om hur Gud och Moses framställs i tre nutida filmadaptioner av exodusberättelsen / Written in stone : A qualitative study of how God and Moses are depicted in three contemporary film adaptions of The Exodus story

Kling, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine how God and Moses are depicted in three contemporary American film adaptions of The Exodus story. The films I have analyzed are: The Ten Commandments (2006), The Bible: Exodus (2013) and Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014). For this, I have used a content analysis and Bruce Lincoln’s theory of religious maximalism and minimalism. This study has shown that the first two films are characterized by an almighty God who helps Moses from the very first step, while the third gives a more scientific explanation of e.g. the ten pledges and the crossing of the Red Sea. While God in The Bible: Exodus (2014) is also portrayed as a god who acts out of love and compassion for his people, this is not the case in the other two films which instead portray him in a much more negative light. My conclusion is therefore that these three films do not only differ in how God and Moses are depicted but that they provide us with different messages about God and religion in general.

Common People : Physical health, lifestyle and quality of life in persons with psychosis and their striving to be like everybody else

Wärdig, Rikard January 2015 (has links)
Background: As psychosis is often a lifelong disorder, improved health-related quality of life (HRQoL) can be a relevant treatment goal. Persons with psychosis have significantly reduced physical health. Research has demonstrated a great excess of mortality due to cardiovascular diseases, as psychosis may lead to an inactive lifestyle and difficulties making healthy lifestyle choices. Metabolic side effects of second-generation antipsychotics are also common. Many are therefore affected by the metabolic syndrome. The overall situation calls for action by developing health promotion interventions suitable for this group. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the physical health of persons with psychosis. However, efforts have not been optimally tailored to the needs of this group, and health care services have not done enough, despite being aware of the problem. Aim: The general aim of this thesis was to study HRQoL, and metabolic risk factors in persons with psychosis, and by a health promotion intervention and through the participants’ own perspective contribute to an improvement in lifestyle interventions. Methods: Study 1 had a cross-sectional cohort study design that was carried out in specialised psychiatric outpatient departments in Sweden. The patients (n=903) were diagnosed with a psychotic disorder and invited consecutively to participate. A prospective population-based study of public health in the south-east of Sweden (n=7238) served as reference group. Patients were assessed using psychiatric questionnaires, including the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF). Health-related quality of life was assessed using the EQ5D, both for patients and the population. Several other health status outcomes relevant to the metabolic syndrome were measured, together with lifestyle habits and clinical characteristics. Study II, III and IV were based on a lifestyle intervention for persons with psychosis. Study II was a longitudinal intervention study with a matched reference sample. The purpose of the lifestyle intervention  was to promote a healthier lifestyle by combining theoretical education with physical activities. The intervention group consisted of 42 participants. A matching procedure was made in which two individuals per participant were matched (n=84) into a reference group. The reference sample was matched for sex, BMI class, and being of as similar an age as possible. Socio-demographics were collected and metabolic risk factors relevant to the metabolic syndrome were measured. Symptom severity was measured using Clinical Global Impression (CGI), and HRQoL was assessed using EQ5D. Measurements were made at baseline and at a one-year follow-up. In study III, a qualitative exploratory study was conducted in order to explore prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle. Data were collected through individual interviews (n=40), using a semi-structured interview guide with participants who had undergone the lifestyle intervention. Data were collected 6–7 months after the intervention had been completed. Conventional content analysis was used. Study IV was also based on these 40 interviews and aimed to describe how persons with psychosis perceive participation in a lifestyle intervention. A phenomenographic analysis approach was used. Results/conclusions: Persons with psychosis are at great additional risk of physical comorbidity. Almost half of the patients met the criteria for metabolic syndrome. In addition, persons with psychosis had significantly lower HRQoL in all dimensions in the EQ5D, except for the pain/discomfort dimension. The only risk factor included in the metabolic syndrome that was associated with lower HRQoL was elevated blood pressure. Raised LDL-cholesterol was also related to lower HRQoL, together with low GAF, older age, high BMI, and female gender. The intervention study demonstrated that HRQoL was significantly improved in the intervention group when comparing EQ-VAS at baseline and at the one-year follow-up. It can be concluded that our intervention was not powerful enough to influence the metabolic factors to any greater extent. The key prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle seemed to be a wish to take part in the society and a longing to live like everybody else. However, many became stuck in a constant state of planning instead of taking action towards achieving a healthy lifestyle. Support by health care professionals is therefore also a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle. This support should target the transition from thought to action and facilitate the participants’ ability to mirror themselves against healthy people in society by introducing activities they perceive that “common people” do. The challenge for health care professionals is to find a moderate intervention level that does not underestimate or overestimate the person’s capacity. This can facilitate continued participation, and participants can thereby find new social contacts and achieve health benefits.

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