Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contente analysis"" "subject:"contented analysis""
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Team-based learning (TBL) is one strategy for improving team-work and critical thinking skills. It has proven to be an engaging teaching pedagogy in face-to-face classes, however, to our knowledge, has never been implemented online in a 3-D virtual world. We implemented virtual TBLs in an online undergraduate anatomy course using Second LifeTM, and evaluated whether it engaged students. This study was conducted over 2 semesters with 39 total students. Surveys and content analysis of transcripts were used to evaluate student engagement. Our results indicate virtual TBLs were engaging for most students. The average engagement score was 7.8 out of 10 with 89.2% of students reporting a score of 6 or above. Students exhibited high levels of cognitive engagement during the clinical application portion of the TBL process. Males felt more emotionally engaged than females, however, most measures of engagement indicated no differences between groups of students (mode of communication, previous technology experience, gender, and performance); therefore, virtual TBLs may be engaging for a broad range of students. 95% of students agreed that this was a worthwhile experience. In light of this evidence, we feel that virtual TBL sessions are valuable, and could be implemented in other online courses.
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Sverigedemokraterna och skolans värdegrund : En jämförelse mellan Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram och skolans grundläggande värderingarCarlsson, Christin January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats kommer värdegrunden i Sverigedemokraternas parti att granskas utifrån de partipolitiska program som finns tillgängliga sedan 1989. Sverigedemokraterna kom in i Sveriges riksdag år 2010 och gör nu stora politiska framsteg som tredje största partiet i svensk riksdag. De är hyllade av många och kanske precis lika fruktade för sin historiska bakgrund. Syftet är att undersöka om de värderingar som utgör skolans värdegrund uttrycks i SD:s partiprogram. Metoden som har använts är en innehållsanalys med intresse för partiets formulerade värdegrund och hur Sverigedemokraterna förhåller sig till värdegrunden. Resultatet som presenteras är att Sverigedemokraterna har en historisk bakgrund som de inte kommer ifrån. De har utvecklats från år 1989 och de har blivit mer rumsrena. Idag företräder Sverigedemokraterna ett konservativt samhälle som har kristna värderingar. / In this essay the core values of the Sweden Democrats Party will be reviewed on the basis of political party programs available since 1989. The Sweden Democrats entered the Swedish parliament in 2010 and are now making major political progress as the third largest party in the Swedish parliament. They are acclaimed by many and perhaps equally feared for their historical background. The purpose is to investigate if the values that make up the school´s values are expressed in SD´s party program. The method used is content analysis with the interest of the party’s formulated values and how the Sweden Democrats relate to the core values. The results that will be presented are that Sweden Democrats have a historical background that they never can escape from. They have made progress from the year 1989 and have become more accepted. Today Sweden Democrats represent a conservative society with Christian values.
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Politiska skandaler! : Behandlas kvinnor och män olika i massmedia? / Political Scandals! : Are female politicians portrayed and described differently than male politicians, in the Swedish print media?Bromander, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
Granskning av makt och makthavare är ett av mediernas viktigaste uppdrag och i en jämställd politisk miljö bör uttalanden och ageranden bedömas utifrån lika villkor. Det för ingenting gott med sig om medierna gör en orättvis skillnad på kvinnor och män i deras rapportering om politiska skandaler. Det finns många påståenden om en genusdimension i mediernas rapportering, men relativt få vetenskapliga belägg för detta. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning det förekommer likheter och skillnader i hur nyhetsmedier rapporterar om kvinnor och män i svenska politiska skandaler samt bidra med en förståelse för förekomsten av dessa eventuella likheter och skillnader. I en kvantitativ innehållsanalys analyseras 4345 tidningsartiklar fördelade på 92 svenska skandaler med förtroendevalda politiker på den nationella och den europeiska nivån mellan åren 1997 och 2010. Utifrån teoretiska antaganden om mediernas dagordningsmakt, gestaltningsmakt och medielogik undersöks nyhetsmedierna Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet. Studiens resultat visar på flera stora könsskillnader som är till kvinnornas nackdel, men i datamaterialet framträder också många likheter. Som grupp betraktat missgynnas dock kvinnor i flera avseenden gentemot män vilket kan innebära att kvinnor kan få sämre möjligheter till att hantera och överleva politiska skandaler än män. En slutsats är att huvudpersonens kön är en viktig aspekt i strävan efter förståelse för hur politiska skandaler tar sin början, utvecklas och kommer till avslut.
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Distriktssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande samtal med föräldrar till överviktiga barn inom barnhälsovården / District nurse's experiences of health promotion talks with parents of overweight children in child carePersson, Malin, Reinesdotter, Therese January 2017 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Weight issues in children are a growing global health problem. Overweight and obese children are one of the greatest public health challenges we face nowadays. In health promotion, the child's healthy lifestyle is of great importance to their health and development. ISO BMI over 25 is defined as overweight and ISO BMI over 30 is defined as obese. The District nurse assists, supports and guides parents to make responsible decisions for their children, and their own health. AIM: The aim of this study was to describe the district nurse's experiences and practices of giving health advice to parents with overweight children. METHOD: The study had a qualitative approach. The study was based on individual interviews, with ten participants. Data analysis was then done using qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: District nurses had, in many cases, similar experiences of health calls. The reactions they received from the parents were varied. Because of the various reactions, the district nurse was required to adapt her/his working and personal tools. The present form of communicating also had impediments and difficulties were experienced in health calls. CONCLUSION: District Nurses working in the area of health promotion faced several difficulties. These places a high requirement on her/his knowledge and puts demands on her to deal with these challenges.
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Review of Whistleblowing Studies in Accounting Research Examining Corporate Internal Whistleblowing PolicyGao, Lei 01 January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three studies. The first study provides a review and synthesis of past accounting research regarding factors that influence whistleblowing. The second study is a content analysis to examine the variation of organizations’ internal whistleblowing policy, including both the content characteristics of the policy and the linguistic characteristics of the policy. In terms of the content characteristics of the whistleblowing policy, this study focuses on who is covered in the policy, where to report, employees’ responsibility, corporate investigation procedures, disciplinary action against the wrongdoer, and anti-retaliation policy. In terms of the linguistic characteristics of the internal whistleblowing policy, this study focuses on the types of pronouns, the language uncertainty of the policy, and the tone of the policy (positive or negative). Furthermore, the overlaps between the content characteristics and the linguistic characteristics are also identified.
The third study is a 2 by 2 between-subjects experiment to investigate the best design of companies’ internal whistleblowing policy. By breaking the internal whistleblowing policy into the reporting policy (responsibility to report and reporting channel) and the anti-retaliation policy (protection against retaliation), the experiment manipulates the type of pronouns for the reporting policy (first-person pronoun reporting policy or third-person pronoun reporting policy) and type of pronouns for the anti-retaliation policy (first-person pronoun anti-retaliation policy or third-person pronoun anti-retaliation policy). Results suggest that first-person reporting policy is better than third-person reporting policy at encouraging reporting unethical behaviors and this is mediated by the language vividness effect.
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Law and order in Schools? : A comparative study on legal regulations of the social interaction between teacher and students in Finland and Sweden.Yilmaz Ruhmén, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
The following thesis investigates differences and similarities in the social aspect of teachers’ professional work, as described through teachers’ rights and responsibilities regulated in national school law of the social interaction teacher-student in Finland and Sweden. This thesis is written as a pilot-study in the Swedish Research Council project concerning teacher autonomy in Sweden, England, Finland and Germany. Teacher autonomy is seen as a multidimensional concept in recent research made, and in an analytical matrix developed by Wermke and Salokangas (2016) teacher autonomy can be analyzed on different levels and in different domains of teachers’ professional work. This thesis connects to the social domain in the analytical matrix, which concerns disciplinary policies in the social interaction between teacher and students and thus explores the social part (or dimension) of teacher autonomy. The methods adopted in this thesis are content analysis and comparative method where documents on a national level (i.e. school law) and local level (i.e. rules of conduct) from Finland and Sweden are analyzed. Three terms (i.e. rights, responsibility and offensive actions) guide the analysis together with three analytical questions drawing on Ingersoll’s (2003) research where decisions concerning the social aspect of schooling was proven to be the most important area of teachers’ decision-making power. The results of the investigation indicate that there are both similarities and differences in how the social aspect of teachers’ work is described on national and local level in Finland and Sweden. On national level for example, both Finnish and Swedish teachers can take disciplinary measures to maintain a safe study- and classroom environment, although it is more regulated in the Finnish school law. The investigation also shows that there is a clearer connection between the national level and the local level in Finland, a connection which cannot be perceived in the Swedish case. Lastly, the possibility of reporting teachers divides the two countries apart where in Sweden this is described in the school law, which is not expressed in the Finnish school law.
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Distriktssköterskors upplevelser av tolksamtalBabic, Zeljka, Andersson, Camilla January 2016 (has links)
I och med att invandringen i Sverige har ökat så har behovet av tolkade samtal blivit större. Kommunikationen är grunden för en säker och fungerande vård. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva distriktssköterskors upplevelser av tolksamtal inom primärvården. Resultatet i studien baseras på ostrukturerade intervjuer med nio distriktssköterskor. Intervjuerna analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier: Att planera inför samtalet, att skapa förutsättningar för ett lyckat samtal, att tolken är koncentrerad och objektiv, att rätt översättning är en förutsättning för trygg omvårdnad och att se fördelar med att välja en auktoriserad tolk. Resultatet visar att tolkade samtal tar längre tid och kräver mer planering. Att både distriktssköterskans och tolkens bemötande och förhållningssätt har betydelse för ett lyckat samtal. Distriktssköterskor känner osäkerhet att det de sagt tolkas rätt. De framhåller trygghet för patienten som en viktig del i samtalet och de föredrar auktoriserade tolkar framför kollegor och närstående till patienten. Sammanfattningsvis så visar resultatet av studien att det med tolksamtal både finns möjligheter och svårigheter där både distriktssköterskan och tolken ansvarar för att samtalet blir lyckat. Mer forskning behövs där tydliga rutiner med åtgärder och rekommendationer vid tolksamtal bör tas fram för att övervinna språkbarriärer i framtiden.
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The state of local journalism : A comparative study of local journalistic output in three Swedish municipalities.Hellekant Rowe, Erika January 2016 (has links)
Journalism plays a central role in the liberal democratic society and it enables the citizens to make informed decisions. In a local community it also holds many social functions such as creating a common local identity and a geographical belonging. This study investigates different aspects of local journalistic output such as news outlets, news topics, democratic value dimensions, framing, original reporting and sourcing. The output includes all types of published material from legacy media organizations. The method has been to make a quantitative content analysis of all the journalistic output produced in seven randomly picked days between July 1 of 2014 and June 30 of 2015 in three different municipalities - Malå, Tranemo and Sandviken. They are all manufacturing municipalities and represents one small, one medium sized and one large community within this type. The result of the analysis shows that a majority of the news items is produced by the local newspapers. They are the key stone media in these municipalities and without the newspapers there is a low number of local news produced by public service media. Sports is the biggest news topic in total but it is especially Sandviken who has the highest ratio of sports news. The democratic values of reporting on societal actors who disagree, decision-making authorities, policy plans and actors concerned are not commonly used. The framing of the news is mostly individual and episodical but that can be explained through the high ratio of sports news. In the more democratically relevant news about politics, economy and social issues, the framing is mostly public and thematic. A large proportion of the news is produced by original reporting with a byline. Letters to the editor is also a common type of content. When it comes to sourcing one third of the news content is not mentioning any sources at all. Sourcing is mostly common in the sports news. The study finally discusses how the local journalistic output seems to relate to democratic functions and social identity. Future studies of more municipalities or qualitative studies of citizen views or journalistic working methods would be ways of creating a deeper understanding of the state of local journalism.
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"Män är fruktansvärda, fåfänga och högmodiga; de har hår över hela kroppen!"(SOMMARNATTENSLEENDE, 1955) : En studie om representationen av maskulinitet i 1950- och 2010-talsfilmer. / "Men are horrible, vain and conceited; they have hair all over their bodies!" (SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT, 1955) : A study about the representation of masculinity in movies from the 1950s and 2010s.Tapper, Rebecca, Holmén, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
Genusforskning inkluderar oftast inte maskulinitet, speciellt inte hur det reproduceras i samhället. Utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv utgår därför denna studie från den socialisation som dagligen sker mellan media och samhällsstrukturen. Den här studien beskriver den kulturella representationen av män med hjälp av 80 analyserade filmer och 239 analyserade manliga roller från Sverige och Amerika under 1950- och 2010-talet. En kvalitativ- kvantitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes för att kunna placera de analyserade manliga rollerna i redan existerande maskulinitetskategorier. Resultatet visar att maskulinitet inte får tillräckligt med utrymme i dagens samhälle och kan därmed inte alltid kategoriseras in i dessa maskulinitetskategorier. De största förändringarna av män från 1950-talet och 2010-talet är att vikten av familjen har minskat, samt att mannen har blivit mer känslosam. De största skillnaderna mellan den amerikanska och svenska mannen ligger i hur den amerikanska mannen dominerar i arbetslivet samtidigt som han är familjefar, medan den svenska mannen lever ett ungkarlsliv och lägger stort fokus på sina vänner. / The study of Gender does not often explore masculinity, especially with regards to their role in reproduction in society. The social psychology perspective of the daily socialisation that occurs between media and the social structure is therefore the outset of this study. A cultural representation of men has been described from a dataset of 80 analysed films, and 239 analysed male characters from Sweden and America during the 1950s and 2010s. A qualitative- quantitative content analysis was conducted to place the analysed male characters in already existing categories of masculinity. The results showed that masculinity does not have enough space in today’s society. Due to these findings, many men no longer fit the profile into the existing categories of masculinity. The biggest differences between men from the 1950s and 2010s, was a shift in the importance of family life. Over the years, men have developed a more emotional and sensitive side to themselves. When comparing the difference between the American and Swedish man; The American man tended to dominate his work life while being a family father. Whereas, the Swedish man lived a life of a bachelor and devoted a great deal of time to his friends.
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Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av mobbning bland elever / The school nurse's experiences of bullying among pupilsDahl, Anna-Carin, Shatri, Teuta January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Ingen elev ska behöva vara rädd för att gå till skolan. Elever som är utsatta för mobbning riskerar en sämre hälsa på kort och lång sikt. Syfte: Att beskriva skolsköterskors erfarenheter av mobbning bland elever i årskurs 4-9. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats. Tio skolsköterskor intervjuades och intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Analysen utmynnade i tre kategorier: Att vara lyhörd för att kunna agera, Att se och upptäcka mobbning och Att samverka för att förebygga. Resultat: Skolsköterskornas erfarenheter var att trygghet och tillgänglighet var förutsättningar för att elever ska gå till hen. Elever sökte skolsköterskor främst för psykiska- och fysiska åkommor, innan den egentliga orsaken, mobbning framkom. Skolsköterskor samarbetade med andra professioner på skolan i mobbnings- och kränkningsärenden. Slutsats: Skolsköterskor uppgav att de var en del av samverkan i team, men hade ingen ledande position trots att de är högst involverade. Vidare framkom att hälsosamtalen och hälsobesöken var redskap för att identifiera utsatta elever. Nyckelord: erfarenheter, kvalitativ innehållsanalys, mobbning och skolsköterskan / Summary Background: No pupil should be afraid to go to school. Pupils who are exposed to mobbing risk lowered health in the short and long term. Aim: To describe school health nurse’s experiences of bullying among pupils in grade 4-9. Methods: The study was conducted with a qualitative method with an inductive approach. Ten school health nurses were interviewed and the interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis resulted in three categories: To be responsive to act, To see and detect bullying and To cooperate to prevent. Results: School health nurses experiences were that safety and availability are conditions needed in order for pupils to visit them. Pupils came to the school health nurses mainly with psychological and physical problems, before they revealed the actual reason, bullying. The school health nurses cooperated with other professionals at the school, in matters regarding bullying. Conclusion: School health nurses expressed that they were parts of cooperation in teams, but they did not have a leading position although they were involved in cases of bullying. Furthermore, the health conversations and visits were tools for identifying exposed pupils. Keywords: bullying, experiences, qualitative content analysis and school nurse
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