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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'évolution et la structuration des principes directeurs de la procédure civile du Québec, 1867-2016

Plamondon, Jacinthe 11 February 2021 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat étudie l’évolution de la procédure civile québécoise de 1867 à 2016 à travers le développement de certains principes dits «directeurs» . L’étude se centre autour de cinq «principes directeurs» codifiés dans le nouveau Code de procédure civile de 2016 : les principes directeurs de la contradiction (audi alteram partem), de la proportionnalité, de la maîtrise de leur dossier par les parties, de la maîtrise de l’instance par le juge et de la conciliation. La thèse retrace le cheminement des valeurs, concepts et manifestations qui témoignent de la présence, de l’absence, de l’épanouissement progressif ou sporadique de ces principes sur un siècle et demi. La thèse considère l’influence structurante de ces principes, notamment sur la pensée et la pratique procédurales. Ces principes sont-ils déjà présents dans la procédure ou dans la pensée procédurale, y ont-ils été importés et comment s’y harmonisent-ils? Des éléments, dans le Code de procédure civile ou ailleurs, attestent-ils de leur apparition ou de leur intégration dans les différents moyens procéduraux et dans le travail des avocats et juges qui utilisent la procédure civile? Leur présence et leur définition à un moment de l’histoire procédurale sont-elles semblables à celles des époques antérieures ou postérieures? S’ils y sont présents depuis un certain temps, ont-ils connu des changements? La thèse cherche ainsi à attester de différentes réalités révélatrices de la construction de la procédure civile québécoise : avancées, reculs, choix, changements d’orientation, etc. Par ce biais, elle participe aussi à la réflexion sur l’application de la procédure civile québécoise dans un contexte évolutif. Elle considère également le discours qui accompagne ces manifestations. Elle cherche à mesurer l’impact de ces faits sur l’application de la procédure civile en matière judiciaire. Implicitement, cette démarche utilise aussi les idées d’évolution, d’emprunt, de résistance et de changement culturel. Cette étude s’effectue à l’aide de l’évaluation de changements de nature et de perception subis par la fonction judiciaire exercée par les juges du Québec durant le siècle et demi étudié. Elle met en lumière des modifications apportées aux pouvoirs et devoirs des juges et explore le discours qui soutient et accompagne ces changements, en témoignant des orientations autant que de la représentation de cette fonction judiciaire. La thèse propose d’appréhender les principes directeurs, la procédure civile et la fonction judiciaire comme des éléments construits, dynamiques, en mutation / This thesis studies the evolution of Quebec’s civil procedure between 1867 and 2016 through thedevelopment of certain principles now codified in the Code of Civil Procedure of 2016 and called«guiding». It is centred on five «guiding principles», namely : adversarial principle (audi alterampartem), proportionality, control of their case by the parties, control of the proceedings by thejudge, and conciliation. The analysis considers the emergence and growth of values, concepts andother manifestations revealing the presence or absence of those principles, the progressive orsporadic interest for them during this century and a half. It also takes into consideration the defininginfluence those principles may have had on the philosophy and practice of the civil procedure. Werethose principles already present in Quebec’s civil procedure, or in its spirit? Were they importedand how did they adapt to it? If they influenced some specific procedures, would parts of the Codeof civil procedure, related laws or elements be noticeably altered by their apparition or integration?If they have been present for some time, did they evolve or change? Would there be modificationsin the presence and definition of those principles at different times? With those questions andothers, this thesis wishes to shed light on some aspects of the construction and structure of the civilprocedure : progress, drawbacks, choices, new and potentially contradictory orientations, etc. It alsoaims to participate to a wider reflexion on the application of civil procedure in an evolvingenvironment. The discourse about civil procedure and those particular events is also taken intoconsideration, as the thesis attempts to measure the impact of those facts on the use of the civilprocedure in a judicial context. Implicitly, the analysis draws from concepts like evolution,borrowing, resistance and cultural change to underlay the presentation of information. The study ismade through the evaluation of changes in the nature and perception of the judicial function ofQuebec’s judges. It enhances changes made to the powers and duties of the judges, and explores thediscourse which emerges from or supports those changes, revealing of the orientations as well as therepresentations of the judicial function at different times. Through this, the guiding principles, thecivil procedure and the judicial function are presented as constructed, dynamic and evolvingelements.

Banquet festif et banquet macabre : analyse narrative et structurelle d’Ap 19

Côté, Richard 07 1900 (has links)
À cause de son langage symbolique et de l’absence d’une trame narrative bien dessinée, l’Apocalypse de Jean constitue un gros défi pour l’exégèse, d’autant plus que ce livre réutilise un important matériel vétérotestamentaire mais sans jamais faire de citations explicites. La présente recherche se propose de traiter le chapitre 19 comme une unité littéraire significative à l’intérieur de ce livre complexe, même s’il ne montre ni un récit suivi ni une parfaite cohérence sur le plan narratif, présentant même des discordances avec d’autres parties du livre. Par contre, sur le plan théologique, un discours cohérent et significatif s’en dégage lorsqu’on joint à l’analyse narrative une analyse structurelle. La combinaison de ces deux méthodes synchroniques permet d’exposer des parallélismes frappants et de décrire une intrigue qui traite de l’accomplissement inéluctable de la justice divine, symbolisée par le contraste entre deux grands banquets, l’un festif et l’autre macabre. Enfin, cette recherche préserve le caractère évocateur des symboles et préconise une lecture ironique pour certains passages. / Due to its constant use of symbolism within a loose narrative framework, John’s Revelation poses a formidable exegetic challenge. Moreover, this book reuses a large amount of Old Testament material while never quoting from the OT. This M.A. thesis posits that Rev 19 is a significant literary unit encased in the larger context of the complex Book of Revelation, although its narrative frame is not closely argued, even displaying some contradictions with other parts of the book. However, on a theological level, a coherent, consistent message can be unveiled, when adding a structural analysis to the narrative analysis. The combination of these two synchronic approaches highlights some striking parallels and describes a plot that talks about the certain achievement of God’s justice, symbolized by the contrast of two feasts, one joyous and the other gruesome. Finally, this research leaves intact the evocative nature of the symbols and advocates an ironic reading of some passages.

Darwinism's applications in modern Chinese writings

Chou, Hsiu-Feng January 2014 (has links)
The core aim of this interdisciplinary research is to provide a critical analysis of the influence of Darwinism and Social Darwinism on a sample of modern Chinese writings. To achieve these aims, the researcher uses a range of both Chinese and English sources to explore their close affinities with Darwinism and Social Darwinism. Following this course, the research examines how Darwinian thought was introduced to the Chinese reading public in the late nineteenth century through a translation of Thomas Henry Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics by Yen Fu, and the subsequent impact of this work and Darwinian thought in general on seven literary and political figures: K'ang Yu-wei, Liang Qichao, Lu Xun, Hu Shih, Chen Duxiu, Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong. From an historical perspective, the Opium Wars and imperial invasions of China in the nineteenth century severely weakened the country’s political, economic, diplomatic, military, educational and cultural power. For these reasons and others, from 1840 to 1949, China experienced a tumultuous period of social and political transformation, which has eventually led to her revival in the twenty-first century. It will be seen that each of the literary figures examined here used evolutionary thought to justify revolution at various points on China’s long march to modernity. Progressive Darwinian ideas sharply contrasted with the old Confucian values upheld within Chinese communities. Nevertheless, the faults and weaknesses of Qing China awakened many pioneering revolutionaries who sought to reverse the status quo by initiating a series of radical reforms and revolutionary movements. Many within the Chinese intellectual elite looked to the tide of change and progress coming from the West, which they hoped might replace the recent historical stagnation and Confucian dogma embedded in Chinese culture and society. In this vein, many of these pioneering revolutionaries set about driving the historical transformation of China by selecting, translating and interpreting Darwinian ideas in their own writings. From Yen Fu in the nineteenth century to Mao Zedong in the twentieth century, evolutionary thought went hand in hand with China’s modernization.

La simulation du contrat. Etude comparée en droit civil français et vénézuélien / The simulation of contract. Comparative analysis between french and Venezuelian civil law

Saghy-Cadenas, Pedro 22 March 2012 (has links)
La simulation est un mensonge. Cette notion prend des caractéristiques particulières lorsqu’il s’agit de simuler un contrat. La simulation de contrat est une des plus fascinantes institutions du micro univers des contrats. Elle consiste en une convention par laquelle les co-contractants dissimulent soit une partie soit l’intégralité de leur vrai accord. Ni le législateur français ni le législateur vénézuélien ne se sont préoccupés de définir ce qu’on doit comprendre par simulation de contrat en droit civil. Ce vide n’a été rempli ni par la doctrine, ni par la jurisprudence. Chaque auteur, et presque chaque décision, a sa propre notion de simulation de contrat. Cette situation n’apporte aucune sécurité lorsqu’on veut identifier une opération de cette nature. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes fixés la tâche d’identifier les éléments qui confortent l’opération de simulation de contrat, tant en droit civil français qu’en droit civil vénézuélien. / Simulation is a lie. This notion takes on special characteristics when it comes to simulating a contract. The simulation of contract is one of the most fascinating institutions of the micro-world of contracts. A contract is a simulation when, by mutual agreement of the parties, it does not express their true intent. It is an agreement to hide all or part of the true agreement. Neither French law nor Venezuelan legislators have taken the trouble to define what we should understand by simulation of contract in civil law. This loophole has been filled either by doctrine or case law. Every author and almost all decisions have their own notion of contract simulation. This obviously provides no sure footing when seeking to identify a transaction of this nature. In this work, we have set ourselves the task of identifying the fundamental elements behind simulation of contracts, both in French and Venezuelan civil law.

Substitution visuelle par électro-stimulation linguale : étude des procédés affectant la qualité de perception / Vision substitution by electro-stimulation on the tongue Study of the processes affecting the quality of perception

Chekhchoukh, Abdessalem 23 October 2015 (has links)
Notre perception du monde est multimodale. Les différents sens (vision, audition, tactile, etc) sont coordonnés entre eux afin d'accomplir nos tâches quotidiennes. Dans le cas où un organe des sens connaît un dysfonctionnement, le système nerveux central est capable de remplacer ou de renforcer l'information manquante en faisant appel à d'autres modalités sensorielles intactes. Le cadre conceptuel de ce remplacement d'un sens par un autre est le paradigme de substitution sensorielle. Cette thèse se situe dans ce contexte et, pour explorer certains aspects de ce paradigme, exploite un dispositif d'électro-stimulation linguale, le Tongue Display Unit (TDU), une matrice de 12x12 électrodes destinée à restituer sous la forme de voltages variables des scènes visuelles sur la langue.L'efficacité de ce dispositif souffre de nombreux problèmes au rang desquels le problème de fading (atténuation) qui correspond à une perte rapide de perception du signal d'électro-stimulation par les sujets et celui de la fusion de perceptions multi-modales qui, nous le verrons, se complique avec l'usage du TDU. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'étudier l'effet sur la qualité de perception et sur l'atténuation du signal de l'adjonction au signal image de saccades et de tremblements, processus qui nous ont été inspirés par la vision. Nous étudions également la façon dont les sujets perçoivent un signal image en cas de multi-modalité perceptive (vision + substitution visuelle sur la langue) et l'effet que produisent des contradictions d'information dans ce contexte.Ce travail met en évidence l'importance de la présence de saccades ou de scintillement dans le signal d'électro-stimulation pour contrer les effets de fading : grâce à ces procédés, même lorsque les stimulations sont longues, les sujets continuent de percevoir correctement le signal image. De plus, les expériences de perception multi-modale et de contradictions nous ont permis de montrer que la perception d'informations de type image par l'intermédiaire du TDU était comparable à celle de la vision. Enfin, nous avons pu mettre en évidence un effet de fusion d'informations contradictoires entre la perception visuelle et linguale, connu dans le cadre de la fusion d'information visuo-auditives sous le nom d'effet Mc Gurck.La compréhension de l'effet de procédés destinés à améliorer la perception dans le cadre de la substitution visuelle et celle de l'importance des effets de fusion multi-modale dégagée au cours de thèse devraient trouver application dans de nombreux domaines où ces effets sont présents ou requis, en particulier dans le domaine émergent de la vision prothétique. / Our perception of the world is by essence multimodal. Various sensory cues (vision, hearing, touch, etc.) are hence integrated to allow us the execution of daily life activities. When one sense organ is missing or impaired, in some circumstances, the central nervous system can replace or reinforce the missing sensory information by using reliable sensory information coming from an other intact sense organ. This doctoral thesis was designed to explore this so-called ‘sensory substitution' concept through the exploitation of a visual-to-tactile sensory substitution device. the Tongue Display Unit (TDU) is made of a 12x12 electro-tactile matrix capable of rendering visual scences on the dorsal part of the tongue.However, the effectiveness of this device suffers from numerous drawbacks among which two main problems : (i) the problem of ‘fading' (mitigation) which corresponds to a rapid loss of perception of electrostimulation signal by the individuals and (ii) the problem of multimodal fusion. In the present work, we propose to investigate these problems and their effects on the quality of perception, by (i) applying some eye-inspired mechanisms (micro-saccades) to the electro-tactile signal on the tongue, (ii) studying how individuals perceive a picture signal with multi-modal perceptual (visual stimulus + substitution on the tongue) and (iii) the effect produced contradictions of information in this context.This work evidence the importance of applying saccades and sparkle mechanisms in electro-tactile signal to resolve the problem of fading especially when stimulation periods are relatively long. Furthermore, the experiments we have conducted on multi-modal perception and contradictions suggested that the perception of image information through the TDU was comparable to that of vision. Finally, we were able to identify a conflicting information fusion effect between visual perception and electrotactile tongue perception. This phenomenon is known as Mc Gurck effect (fusion of visual and auditory information). Understanding the effect of these processes to improve the quality of perception through the visual substitution paradigm and the importance of multi-modal fusion effects during this thesis could be applied in various areas where these effects are present or required, especially in the emerging field of prosthetic vision.

Describing differences between overlapping databases

Müller, Heiko 12 August 2009 (has links)
Die Analyse existierender Daten ist wichtiger Bestandteil moderner Forschung. Das Thema Datenqualität gewinnt deshalb im Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Forschung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Existierende Verfahren zur Datenbereinigung sind für wissenschaftliche Daten jedoch nur bedingt einsetzbar. Dies liegt zum einen an der höheren Komplexität der Daten und zum anderen an unserer oftmals noch unvollständigen Kenntnis der Regularien in den entsprechenden Domänen. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist leistet folgende Beiträge im Hinblick auf Datenqualität und Datenbereinigung wissenschaftlicher Daten: Im ersten Teil der Arbeit geben wir einen Überblick über existierende Verfahren zur Datenbereinigung und diskutieren deren Stärken und Schwächen. Aus unseren Ergebnissen folgern wir, daß überlappende Datenquellen großes Potential zur Verbesserung der Korrektheit und Genauigkeit wissenschaftlicher Daten haben. Überlappende Datenquellen decken Bereiche potentiell minderer Datenqualität in Form von (Daten-)konflikten auf und bieten gleichzeitig eine Möglichkeit zur Qualitätsverbesserung durch Datenintegration. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Integration überlappender Datenquellen ist das Auflösen existierender Konflikte. In vielen Fällen treten die Konflikte nicht zufällig auf sondern folgen einer systematischen Ursache. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir Algorithmen, die das Auffinden systematischer Konflikte unterstützen. Wir klassifizieren Konflikte dabei anhand charakteristischer Muster in den überlappenden Daten. Diese Widerspruchsmuster unterstützen einen Experten bei der Festlegung von Konfliktlösungsstrategien zur der Datenintegration. Im dritten Teil dieser Arbeit verwenden wir ein prozeßbezogenes Model zur Beschreibung systematischer Konflikte, um Abhängigkeiten zwischen Konfliktgruppen aufzeigen zu können. Wir verwenden hierzu Sequenzen mengenorientierter Modifikationsoperationen die eine Datenquelle in die andere überführen. Wir präsentieren Algorithmen zur Bestimmung minimaler Modifikationssequenzen für ein gegebenes Paar von Datenquellen. Die Komplexität des Problems bedingt die Verwendung von Heuristiken. In unseren Experimenten zeigen wir die vielversprechende Qualität der Ergebnisse unserer Heuristiken. / Data quality has become an issue in scientific research. Cleaning scientific data, however, is hampered by incomplete or fuzzy knowledge of regularities in the examined domain. A common approach to enhance the overall quality of scientific data is to merge overlapping sources by eliminating conflicts that exist between them. The main objective of this thesis is to provide methods to aid the developer of an integrated system over contradicting databases in the task of resolving value conflicts. We contribute by developing a set of algorithms to identify regularities in overlapping databases that occur in conjunction with conflicts between them. These regularities highlight systematic differences between the databases. Evaluated by an expert user the discovered regularities provide insights on possible conflict reasons and help assess the quality of inconsistent values. Instead of inspecting individual conflicts, the expert user is now enabled to specify a conflict resolution strategy based on known groups of conflicts that share the same conflict reason. The thesis has three main parts. Part I gives a comprehensive review of existing data cleansing methods. We show why existing data cleansing techniques fall short for the domain of genome data and argue that merging overlapping data has outstanding ability to increase data accuracy; a quality criteria ignored by most of the existing cleansing approaches. Part II introduces the concept of contradiction patterns. We present a model for systematic conflicts and describe algorithms for efficiently detecting patterns that summarize characteristic data properties for conflict occurrence. These patterns help in providing answers to questions like “Which are the conflict-causing attributes, or values?” and “What kind of dependencies exists between the occurrences of contradictions in different attributes?”. In Part III, we define a model for systematic conflicts based on sequences of set-oriented update operations. Even though we only consider a restricted form of updates, our algorithms for computing minimal update sequences for pairs of databases require exponential space and time. We show that the problem is NP-hard for a restricted set of operations. However, we also present heuristics that lead to convincing results in all examples we considered.

Lógicas paraconsistentes de um ponto de vista filosófico

Dias, Diogo Henrique Bispo 07 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Diogo Henrique Bispo Dias.pdf: 817652 bytes, checksum: a9c449589ddd37e8416ba66f62fb6285 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This master' s thesis comprehends the philosophical aspects of paraconsistent logic. It will analyze the history of the fundamental logical principles to this particular logic, namely: the law of non-contradiction and the principle of explosion, as well as the history of paraconsistency. Moreover, an interpretation of paraconsistency that defends the existence of true contradiction, known as dialetheism, will be discussed, as well as the criticism to' this position, and, in general, to paraconsistent logics. The philosophical character of this thesis does not mean that the text will be exempt from theorems, formulas, demonstrations and other formal questions. But this formal aspect will not be treated as a end in itself. The formalism will be used to present two proposicional paraconsistent systems, namely: paraclassicallogic and paraclassical logic with inclusion, and to compare them with classical logic. The theoretical framework built for such aim is philosophically relevant, for the discussion on central points in logic, such as the existence of logical laws, its a priori character, and even the very definition of logic. Finally, a method will be proposed in order to find, from a given logic, its paraconsistent version. Due to the multiplicity of paraconsistent systems,' I this study is important in order to explore the general features of paraconsistent logics, their specificities and, mainly, abstract methods for generation of paraconsisent logic / Este trabalho abordará os aspectos filosóficos das lógicas paraconsistentes. Analisaremos a história dos princípios lógicos fundamentais para esta lógica, a saber: a lei de não-contradição e o princípio de explosão, bem como a história do surgimento da paraconsistência. Ademais, discutiremos uma interpretação da paraconsistência que defende a existência de contradições verdadeiras, denominada dialeteismo, e as possíveis críticas ao dialeteismo e, de forma geral, às lógicas paraconsistentes. O caráter filosófico do trabalho não significa que o texto estará isento de teoremas, fórmulas, demonstrações e outras questões formais. Porém, este aspecto formal não será tratado como um fim em si mesmo. O formalismo será utilizado para apresentar dois sistemas proposicionais paraconsistentes - lógica para clássica e lógica para clássica com inclusão - e compará-los com a lógica proposicional clássica. O arcabouço teórico construído para tal fim é filosoficamente relevante para discutir questões centrais à lógica" como a existência de leis lógicas, seu caráter a priori e, até mesmo, a própria definição de lógica. Por fim, será apresentado um método para encontrar, a partir de uma lógica dada, sua versão paraconsistente. Face à multiplicidade, de sistemas lógicos paraconsistentes, este estudo é importante, pois permite explorar as possíveis características gerais das lógicas paraconsistentes, suas especificidades e, principalmente, métodos abstratos para gerar lógicas paraconsistentes

A relação entre o principio de razão suficiente e o principio da contradição em Leibniz / The relationship between the principle of sufficient reason and the principle of contradiction in Leibniz

Mariana Magalhães Ribeiro da Cruz 25 April 2013 (has links)
De acordo com Leibniz, nossos raciocínios estão fundados em dois grandes princípios, o Princípio de Razão Suficiente e o Princípio de Contradição. Apesar da reconhecida relevância de tais princípios para sua filosofia, muitas são as interpretações sobre o real papel que eles desempenham dentro dela e sobre a relação deles entre si. Nosso estudo pauta-se não só pela interpretação de Leibniz como pela visão de alguns de seus comentadores, especialmente três deles: Russell, Couturat e Deleuze. Iremos pesquisar, entre outras coisas, se tais princípios são independentes um do outro; se são aplicáveis a todo tipo de verdade; se o Princípio de Perfeição é uma particularização do Princípio de Razão Suficiente ou se é irredutível a ele; e se as verdades da razão são regidas pelo Princípio de Contradição e as verdades de fato são regidas pelo Princípio de Razão Suficiente. A articulação entre tais princípios remete a um terceiro ponto: a concepção da verdade como inclusão do conceito do predicado no sujeito, tema este que iremos analisar com base nos diferentes pontos de vista acerca das proposições essenciais e existenciais. Em relação a esta última, investigaremos se representam ou não uma exceção ao caráter analítico de todas as proposições verdadeiras. / According to Leibniz, our reasonings are grounded upon two great principles, the Principle of Contradiction and the Principle of Sufficient Reason. Despite the recognized relevance of these principles to his philosophy, there are many interpretations about the real role they play inside this and about their relationship with each other. Our study is oriented not only by the Leibniz interpretation, but also by the vision of some of his commentators, especially three of them: Russell, Couturat and Deleuze. We will search, among other things, if those principles are independent of each other; if they are applicable to all kinds of true; if the Principle of Perfection is a particularization of the Principle of Sufficient Reason or if it is irreducible to it; and if the truths of reason are headed by the Principle of Contradiction and if the truths of fact are headed by the Principle of Sufficient Reason. The articulation of these principles brings us to a third point: the conception of truth as the inclusion of the concept of the predicate in the subject, which we will analyse based on the different points of view about the essential and existential propositions. With regard to the last one, we will investigate if they represent or not an exception to the analytical character of all truth propositions.

The Political Struggle On And At Public Space: The Case Of Kizilay Square

Ilkay, Yasemin 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, by 1980, a transformation has been observed on both the character of the societal opposition and the meaning, function, and spatial form of public spaces, which were characterized to be essential political spaces of a period. Kizilay Square was &lsquo / the preferred space&rsquo / by the opposition during the struggle against Democrat Party in 1960&rsquo / s / however demonstrations were expelled out of the square by legal regulations and sanctions. On one hand, legally, Kizilay Square could not be the scene of societal opposition / on the other hand the meaning on the base of being a &lsquo / political scene&rsquo / has continued. However, spatial implementations, regulated by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, occurred as an attempt to turn the square from a possible pedestrian zone to a junction. Since the period it has been conceived and designed as a socio-spatial project of new established republic in 1925, Kizilay Square has been transformed within its (historical) meaning, (urban) function and (spatial) form through changing contradictions and actors within political, social and economic context. This transformation has been experienced through political contradiction and struggle. Between the years 1960 and 1980, during which the societal opposition arouse, with respect to differentiating actors and movements, the conflict over meaning, function and form of the square also has differentiated from the meaning, form and function determined in the nation state construction process. Through this research, it is aimed to examine how the political contradiction and struggle on three dimensions of Kizilay Square has been transformed, within a historical perspective.

Banquet festif et banquet macabre : analyse narrative et structurelle d’Ap 19

Côté, Richard 07 1900 (has links)
À cause de son langage symbolique et de l’absence d’une trame narrative bien dessinée, l’Apocalypse de Jean constitue un gros défi pour l’exégèse, d’autant plus que ce livre réutilise un important matériel vétérotestamentaire mais sans jamais faire de citations explicites. La présente recherche se propose de traiter le chapitre 19 comme une unité littéraire significative à l’intérieur de ce livre complexe, même s’il ne montre ni un récit suivi ni une parfaite cohérence sur le plan narratif, présentant même des discordances avec d’autres parties du livre. Par contre, sur le plan théologique, un discours cohérent et significatif s’en dégage lorsqu’on joint à l’analyse narrative une analyse structurelle. La combinaison de ces deux méthodes synchroniques permet d’exposer des parallélismes frappants et de décrire une intrigue qui traite de l’accomplissement inéluctable de la justice divine, symbolisée par le contraste entre deux grands banquets, l’un festif et l’autre macabre. Enfin, cette recherche préserve le caractère évocateur des symboles et préconise une lecture ironique pour certains passages. / Due to its constant use of symbolism within a loose narrative framework, John’s Revelation poses a formidable exegetic challenge. Moreover, this book reuses a large amount of Old Testament material while never quoting from the OT. This M.A. thesis posits that Rev 19 is a significant literary unit encased in the larger context of the complex Book of Revelation, although its narrative frame is not closely argued, even displaying some contradictions with other parts of the book. However, on a theological level, a coherent, consistent message can be unveiled, when adding a structural analysis to the narrative analysis. The combination of these two synchronic approaches highlights some striking parallels and describes a plot that talks about the certain achievement of God’s justice, symbolized by the contrast of two feasts, one joyous and the other gruesome. Finally, this research leaves intact the evocative nature of the symbols and advocates an ironic reading of some passages.

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