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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular ecology and invasive species management: unravelling the dynamics of Lantana camara invasions in the Kruger National Park, South Africa using a molecular approach

Vardien, Waafeka 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Non-native species are recognized as a major component of global environmental change. Their ecological impacts are numerous and include the alteration of whole ecosystem processes as well as the loss of native biodiversity. As such, understanding the processes that drive the invasion of non-native species is essential for the control and management thereof. Numerous research approaches have been used to provide insight on the history and ecology of non-native species invasions. However, recent approaches employing molecular techniques have greatly helped in solving taxonomic issues associated with some of these species; identifying sources of invasions; and shedding light on colonization dynamics. Lantana camara, a globally invasive and highly variable species complex, is one of the most notorious plant invaders in South Africa. The species has been associated with negative impacts in agricultural areas, decreased invertebrate diversity, livestock mortality, and where it occurs along riparian areas- decreased water quality and obstruction to accessing water sources. This project aimed to review L. camara invasions in South Africa and to unravel patterns of spread in L. camara along the Sabie-Sand catchment in South Africa’s flagship protected area, the Kruger National Park, using a molecular approach. The findings of the first part of the study highlight that L. camara has successfully spread across South Africa with only four known introduction events, and this can be attributed to the species’ broad ecological tolerance, its use in the horticultural industry, and a variety of dispersal vectors (birds, humans and rivers). Furthermore, although sale of the species is prohibited in the country, it will continue to spread naturally and also has the potential to expand its distribution under changing climate scenarios. The second part of the study highlights that spread along the Sabie-Sand catchment is primarily river-driven and that the Sand tributary is the invasion source in the system. Because the Sand tributary originates outside the Kruger National Park, and only a small portion is under park management, the implications for spread are important. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nie-inheemse spesies word erken as 'n belangrike komponent van die globale omgewing verandering. Hulle ekologiese impak is talle en sluit in die verandering van ekosisteem prosesse asook die verlies van inheemse biodiversiteit. As sodanig, die begrip van die prosesse wat lei tot die inval van 'n nie-inheemse spesies is noodsaaklik vir die beheer en bestuur daarvan. Talle navorsingsbenaderings is gebruik om insig te gee oor die geskiedenis en ekologie van nie-inheemse spesies invalle. Onlangse benaderings soos die gebruik van molekulêre tegnieke, help in die oplossing van taksonomiese kwessies wat verband hou met 'n paar van hierdie spesies,in die identifisering van bronne van invalle, en om lig te werp op die kolonisasie dinamika. Lantana camara, 'n wêreldwye indringende en spesie kompleks, is een van die mees berugte plantindringer in Suid-Afrika. Die spesie is geassosieer met negatiewe gevolge in landbou gebiede, afgeneem ongewerwelde diversiteit, vee mortaliteit, en waar dit voorkom saam oewer gebiede - afgeneem kwaliteit van die water en obstruksie tot waterbronne. Hierdie projek is daarop gemik om om L. camara invalle in Suid-Afrika te hersien en patrone van verspreiding te ontrafel in L. camara langs die Sabie-Sand-opvanggebied in Suid-Afrika se vlagskip beskermde gebied, die Kruger Nasionale Park, met behulp van 'n molekulêre benadering. Die bevindinge van die eerste deel van die studie wys dat L. camara het suksesvol versprei oor die hele Suid-Afrika met slegs vier bekende inleiding gebeure, en dit kan toegeskryf word aan die spesie se breë ekologiese verdraagsaamheid, die gebruik daarvan in die hortologie bedryf, en 'n verskeidenheid van die verspreiding vektore (voëls, mens en riviere). Verder, hoewel die verkoop van die spesie in die land verbied word, sal dit natuurlik voortgaan om te versprei en het ook die potensiaal om uit te brui onder veranderende klimaat scenario's. Die tweede deel van die studie wys dat versprei langs die Sabie-Sandopvanggebied hoofsaaklik rivier-gedrewe is en dat die Sand sytak die inval bron is. Omdat die Sand sytak buite die Kruger Nasionale Park ontstaan, en slegs 'n klein gedeelte onder park bestuur is, is die implikasies vir verspreiding belangrik. / Financial support from the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology and the Working for Water (WfW) Programme through their collaborative project on “Research for Integrated Management of Invasive Alien Species” and Stellenbosch University’s Subcommittee B Young Researcher's Fund

Systém controllingu v konkrétním podniku / System Controlling in a particular Firm

Poštolková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis specialize on the logistic activities, regarding using of the controlling in the sphere of logistics. The goal is to analyze what role should subserve the controlling of the company theoretically and compare this teoretical view in the company Intersnack Inc., the logistics department and according to the following facts suggest possible improvements in the department.

Zeichenorientierte Landschaftsmodelle aus graphikfreien Landschaftsmodellen für Anwendungen im Hochwasserschutz

Siemer, Julia January 2004 (has links)
Die Hochwasserereignisse der letzten Jahre haben Mängel bei der schnellen Verfügbarkeit des klassischen Darstellungs-, Entscheidungs- und Analyseinstruments Karte offenbart. Die Erfahrungen von 1997 und 2002 verdeutlichen, dass eine homogene digitale Datengrundlage, die neben rein topographischen zusätzlich auch fachspezifische Informationen des Hochwasserschutzes enthält, für eine effektive Bekämpfung solcher Ereignisse notwendig ist. <br><br> Mit den Daten des ,Amtlichen Topographisch-Kartographischen Informationssystems&rsquo; (ATKIS) liegen topographische Basisdaten in graphikfreier Form als digitales Landschaftsmodell (DLM) flächendeckend für die Bundesrepublik vor. Anhand der exemplarischen Ableitung von nutzerorientierten Kartenmodellen aus diesen graphikfreien Daten wurde deren Eignung für den besonderen Verwendungszweck im Rahmen eines Hochwasserschutz-Informationssystems überprüft. Als Anwendungsbeispiel wurde das Gebiet der Ziltendorfer Niederung, die während des Oder-Hochwassers 1997 überflutet wurde, gewählt. <br><br> In Expertengesprächen wurden zunächst Inhalte identifiziert, die für einen wirksamen Hochwasserschutz Relevanz besitzen; diese Inhalte wurden anschließend analog zum ATKIS-Systemdesign strukturiert und als Objekte eines separaten Objektbereichs im digitalen Fachmodell (DFM) erfasst. <br><br> Bei der Ableitung von (Bildschirm-) Karten aus den graphikfreien Daten wurden jeweils unterschiedliche Kriterien für die Basiskarte und die Fachinhalte berücksichtigt. Dabei wurden verschiedene kartographische Regeln und Gesetze mit dem Ziel der prägnanten Visualisierung und damit der eindeutigen Lesbarkeit der Karten angewendet. Beispielhaft sei hier die Schaffung einer visuellen Hierarchie zwischen Basiskarte und Fachinhalten genannt. Die besonderen Nutzungsbedingungen von Karten im Einsatzfall erfordern u.a., dass die Karten auch von Personen, die nur über geringe oder keine Erfahrung im Umgang mit Karten verfügen, schnell und einfach zu lesen sind, um so eine sichere Informationsvermittlung zu gewährleisten. Voraussetzung dafür ist einerseits die Beschränkung auf die Darstellung der wesentlichen Inhalte, andererseits die Verwendung leicht lesbarer Kartenzeichen. Aus diesem Grund wurden einheitliche Kartenzeichen zur Darstellung der Fachinhalte entwickelt, die entweder aus allgemein bekannten Symbolen, aus den im Katastrophenschutz üblicherweise verwendeten sog. taktischen Zeichen oder aus Fachzeichen des Hochwasserschutzes abgeleitet wurden. <br><br> Die entwickelten Kartenmodelle wurden abschließend in qualitativen Experteninterviews in Bezug auf ihre Qualität und Verwendbarkeit im Hochwasserschutz geprüft. Die Auswertung der Interviews ergab eine insgesamt positive Beurteilung der Karten für den Einsatz in Hochwasserschutz-Informationssystemen. Damit leistet die vorliegende Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung von (Bildschirm-) Karten zur Unterstützung bei der Entscheidungsfindung im Katastrophenmanagement. / The flooding events of recent years have revealed shortcomings concerning the speedy availability of traditional presentation, decision-making and analysis instrument maps. The experiences of 1997 and 2002 show that a homogenous digital dataset comprising relevant information on flood control measures as well as purely topographical information is essential to effectively combat such events. <br><br> Data from the official cartographic and topographic information system (Amtliches Topographisch-Kartographisches Informationssystem - ATKIS) provide basic non-graphic topographic data as digital landscape models (DLM) for the whole of the Federal Republic of Germany. By means of the exemplary derivation of user-oriented map models from these non-graphic data, their suitability for deployment in the context of a flood protection information system was verified. The Ziltendorfer Niederung area, which was flooded by the Oder in 1997, was chosen as an example. <br><br> First of all, in expert interviews subject matter that was relevant for effective flood control was identified. This subject matter was than structured analogous to the ATKIS system design and recorded in the digital thematic model (DFM). <br><br> Different respective criteria for the basis map and specialist content were taken into account with the derivation of (screen) maps from the non-graphic data. Thereby the different cartographic rules and guidelines were used with the aim of succinct visualisation and thus clear readability of the maps. The creation of a visual hierarchy between the components basis map and specialist content is cited as exemplary here. <br><br> Maps also sometimes need to be read quickly and easily by persons who have little or no knowledge of how to do this in order to assure reliable communication of information. This is conditional on the one hand on the presentation of the intrinsic content, and on the other the use of easily readable conventional map signs. For this reason standard conventional signs for the presentation of specialist content were developed that were either derived from commonly known symbols, from so-called tactical signs commonly used in disaster control, or from specialist signs from flood control. <br><br> The developed map model was finally verified with respect to its quality and usability in flood control. Evaluation of the interviews showed an overall positive assessment of the maps for use in flood protection information systems. This paper thus contributes to the development of (screen) maps to support the decision-making processes of disaster management.

A Auditoria de Desempenho e suas diferenças metodológicas com o GESPÚBLICA: uma contribuição para a melhoria das atividades de controle interno realizadas na Marinha do Brasil / The performance audit and their methodological differences with the GESPUBLICA : a contribution to improving internal controls in the navy of Brazil

Roosevelt Fitzner do Nascimento 07 June 2010 (has links)
A auditoria de desempenho tem sido muito discutida pelos órgãos de auditoria governamental em diversos países, tendo em vista a grande importância de seu resultado na melhoria das atividades de gestão das organizações públicas. Nesse sentido, o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), a Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) e a Secretaria Federal de Controle Interno já emitiram diversas orientações que fundamentam as atividades dos Órgãos de Controle Interno de cada Ministério. No entanto, tendo em vista a verificação de diferenças metodológicas existentes entre as orientações para a medição da avaliação do desempenho oriundas do TCU e dos outros órgãos de controle e as oriundas do Ministério do Planejamento, pelo programa GESPÚBLICA, os benefícios propostos pelo uso de indicadores de desempenho pode não ser plenamente atingido. Dessa forma, o propósito fundamental desta pesquisa foi realizar um estudo de caso promovendo uma discussão a respeito dos pontos de divergência e convergência existentes entre as metodologias empregadas na avaliação do desempenho realizada pela Diretoria de Contas da Marinha nas UJ, que se baseia na Instrução Normativa n57/2008 do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), e na empregada pela Diretoria de Administração da Marinha, que se baseia no Programa Nacional de Gestão Pública e Desburocratização GESPÚBLICA, a fim de contribuir para a melhoria dos serviços de auditoria realizados pela DCoM. Para a consecução desse propósito, inicialmente foram detalhados os aspectos teóricos e práticos da metodologia de Avaliação do Desempenho da Gestão utilizada na auditoria de desempenho promovida por iniciativa da Diretoria de Contas da Marinha (DCoM) em suas Unidades Jurisdicionadas (UJ), cujos fundamentos são diretamente baseados nas Instruções expedidas pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) e Secretaria Federal de Controle Interno. Em seguida, foram abordados os aspectos específicos relacionados à metodologia de avaliação de gestão divulgada pela Diretoria de Administração da Marinha (DAdM), cujos fundamentos são diretamente baseados nos conceitos balizadores do estado da arte em gestão pública existentes no Programa Nacional de Gestão Pública e Desburocratização GESPÚBLICA. No final, foram realizadas discussões das hipóteses levantadas e apresentadas as sugestões para a melhoria da metodologia atualmente aplicada pela DCoM com vistas a uma maior convergência com a metodologia de avaliação do desempenho da gestão preconizada pelo GESPÚBLICA e divulgada pela DAdM e que, além de não contrariarem as normas emanadas do TCU, cuja obediência é obrigatória pelos órgãos de controle interno da MB, aperfeiçoam a metodologia de auditoria de avaliação do desempenho utilizada pela DCoM e criam um ambiente de gerenciamento de gestão nas UJ e nos órgãos de controle interno que poderão permitir uma melhor tomada de decisões dos gestores públicos, sempre buscando o desempenho ótimo. / The performance audit has been much discussed by the organs of government auditing in several countries, in view of the great importance of their activities result in improved management of public organizations. Accordingly, the Court of Audit (TCU), the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) and the Federal Secretariat of Internal Control has issued several guidelines that support the activities of the Organs of Internal Control for each ministry. However, in order to check methodological differences between the guidelines for measuring the performance assessment derived from the TCU and other organs of control and those from the Ministry of Planning, the program GESPÚBLICA, the benefits offered by the use of indicators performance may not be fully achieved. Thus, the fundamental purpose of this research was to conduct a case study of promoting a discussion of the points of divergence and convergence between the two methodologies employed in the performance evaluation conducted by the Board of Auditors of the Navy in UJ, based on the Normative No 57/2008 of the Court of Audit (TCU), and employed by the Board of Directors of the Navy, which is based on the National Public Management and Debureaucratization - GESPÚBLICA in order to contribute to the improvement of audit conducted by DCOM. To achieve this purpose, were first detailed theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology of performance assessment used in the management performance audit initiative promoted by the Board of Auditors of the Navy (DCOM) units in their court (UJ), whose foundations are directly based on instructions issued by the Court of Audit (TCU) and the Federal Secretariat of Internal Control. Were then addressed the specific aspects related to management assessment methodology disclosed by the Board of Directors of the Navy (DAdM), whose foundations are directly based on the concepts guide for the state of the art in existing public management in the National Public Management and Debureaucratization - GESPÚBLICA. In the end, there were discussions of the hypotheses and presented suggestions for improving the methodology currently applied by the DCOM with a view to greater convergence with the methodology for assessing the performance of management advocated by GESPÚBLICA and disclosed by DAdM and that, besides not are contrary to rules issued by the TCU, whose obedience is obligatory for the bodies of internal control of MB, improve the audit methodology for assessing performance used by DCOM and create a management environment management in the UJ and the organs of internal control that might allow better decision-making of public managers, always looking for optimal performance.

A Auditoria de Desempenho e suas diferenças metodológicas com o GESPÚBLICA: uma contribuição para a melhoria das atividades de controle interno realizadas na Marinha do Brasil / The performance audit and their methodological differences with the GESPUBLICA : a contribution to improving internal controls in the navy of Brazil

Roosevelt Fitzner do Nascimento 07 June 2010 (has links)
A auditoria de desempenho tem sido muito discutida pelos órgãos de auditoria governamental em diversos países, tendo em vista a grande importância de seu resultado na melhoria das atividades de gestão das organizações públicas. Nesse sentido, o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), a Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) e a Secretaria Federal de Controle Interno já emitiram diversas orientações que fundamentam as atividades dos Órgãos de Controle Interno de cada Ministério. No entanto, tendo em vista a verificação de diferenças metodológicas existentes entre as orientações para a medição da avaliação do desempenho oriundas do TCU e dos outros órgãos de controle e as oriundas do Ministério do Planejamento, pelo programa GESPÚBLICA, os benefícios propostos pelo uso de indicadores de desempenho pode não ser plenamente atingido. Dessa forma, o propósito fundamental desta pesquisa foi realizar um estudo de caso promovendo uma discussão a respeito dos pontos de divergência e convergência existentes entre as metodologias empregadas na avaliação do desempenho realizada pela Diretoria de Contas da Marinha nas UJ, que se baseia na Instrução Normativa n57/2008 do Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), e na empregada pela Diretoria de Administração da Marinha, que se baseia no Programa Nacional de Gestão Pública e Desburocratização GESPÚBLICA, a fim de contribuir para a melhoria dos serviços de auditoria realizados pela DCoM. Para a consecução desse propósito, inicialmente foram detalhados os aspectos teóricos e práticos da metodologia de Avaliação do Desempenho da Gestão utilizada na auditoria de desempenho promovida por iniciativa da Diretoria de Contas da Marinha (DCoM) em suas Unidades Jurisdicionadas (UJ), cujos fundamentos são diretamente baseados nas Instruções expedidas pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) e Secretaria Federal de Controle Interno. Em seguida, foram abordados os aspectos específicos relacionados à metodologia de avaliação de gestão divulgada pela Diretoria de Administração da Marinha (DAdM), cujos fundamentos são diretamente baseados nos conceitos balizadores do estado da arte em gestão pública existentes no Programa Nacional de Gestão Pública e Desburocratização GESPÚBLICA. No final, foram realizadas discussões das hipóteses levantadas e apresentadas as sugestões para a melhoria da metodologia atualmente aplicada pela DCoM com vistas a uma maior convergência com a metodologia de avaliação do desempenho da gestão preconizada pelo GESPÚBLICA e divulgada pela DAdM e que, além de não contrariarem as normas emanadas do TCU, cuja obediência é obrigatória pelos órgãos de controle interno da MB, aperfeiçoam a metodologia de auditoria de avaliação do desempenho utilizada pela DCoM e criam um ambiente de gerenciamento de gestão nas UJ e nos órgãos de controle interno que poderão permitir uma melhor tomada de decisões dos gestores públicos, sempre buscando o desempenho ótimo. / The performance audit has been much discussed by the organs of government auditing in several countries, in view of the great importance of their activities result in improved management of public organizations. Accordingly, the Court of Audit (TCU), the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) and the Federal Secretariat of Internal Control has issued several guidelines that support the activities of the Organs of Internal Control for each ministry. However, in order to check methodological differences between the guidelines for measuring the performance assessment derived from the TCU and other organs of control and those from the Ministry of Planning, the program GESPÚBLICA, the benefits offered by the use of indicators performance may not be fully achieved. Thus, the fundamental purpose of this research was to conduct a case study of promoting a discussion of the points of divergence and convergence between the two methodologies employed in the performance evaluation conducted by the Board of Auditors of the Navy in UJ, based on the Normative No 57/2008 of the Court of Audit (TCU), and employed by the Board of Directors of the Navy, which is based on the National Public Management and Debureaucratization - GESPÚBLICA in order to contribute to the improvement of audit conducted by DCOM. To achieve this purpose, were first detailed theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology of performance assessment used in the management performance audit initiative promoted by the Board of Auditors of the Navy (DCOM) units in their court (UJ), whose foundations are directly based on instructions issued by the Court of Audit (TCU) and the Federal Secretariat of Internal Control. Were then addressed the specific aspects related to management assessment methodology disclosed by the Board of Directors of the Navy (DAdM), whose foundations are directly based on the concepts guide for the state of the art in existing public management in the National Public Management and Debureaucratization - GESPÚBLICA. In the end, there were discussions of the hypotheses and presented suggestions for improving the methodology currently applied by the DCOM with a view to greater convergence with the methodology for assessing the performance of management advocated by GESPÚBLICA and disclosed by DAdM and that, besides not are contrary to rules issued by the TCU, whose obedience is obligatory for the bodies of internal control of MB, improve the audit methodology for assessing performance used by DCOM and create a management environment management in the UJ and the organs of internal control that might allow better decision-making of public managers, always looking for optimal performance.

The influences of budgetary system in a selection of large Chinese companies in the industry of electronic household appliances

Fu, Xiao January 2012 (has links)
Budgetary control has been used and researched for years by both Western academics and practitioners. In China, it is re-emerging as a tool to implement management control, but might be used in different ways both in terms of understanding and operation. The research objective of this thesis is to examine the applicability of Western theories of change in management accounting in the context of budgeting in Chinese corporations. Challenges can exist because of the differences between Western assumptions and Chinese reality. The current thesis focuses on difficulties Chinese companies encounter in practical and deeper ideological ways: firstly, Western market-based ideology conflicts with an ideology which has been shaped by central-planning for decades; secondly, difficulties stem from the different cultural context of China which emphasizes hierarchical politeness, kinship ties, trust based on personal relationships, collectivism and social harmony, diligence and individual modesty, and less developed modern legal regulatory systems – these all contribute to China’s own way of doing things. This thesis also focuses on the transition process in China. Based on the assumption that budgetary changes do not happen in isolation from other management accounting changes, this thesis discusses these changes which synchronically took place while the case-study companies were implementing budgetary systems. This thesis adopts a longitudinal and in-depth qualitative case study research design, after adjustments made during the learning experience of the pilot study. It takes an interpretive and constructive philosophical underpinning, which allows the researcher to observe and understand the process of change, as well as the differences between Chinese practices and Western theories. Findings show that certain Western management accounting theories of change and Western theories of budgeting work in the case study Chinese corporations. Management accounting theories using an interpretive approach (for example, Berry et al., 1985; Scapens and Roberts, 1993; Ahrens and Chapman, 2002) lead the researcher to interpret management accounting practices from the practitioner’s points of view, and they have provided a range of terms to explain success or failure of management accounting changes. This approach together with Scapens et al.’s Institutional theory approach in management accounting have been found especially useful, in explaining the differences between Chinese vs. Western context. Furthermore, the contingency theory approach in management accounting gives a ‘platform’ which allows the researcher to assess a wide range of possible factors and their relationships with budgetary systems in studied companies. This approach is found useful in this thesis to present changes in other management accounting perspectives. Last but not least, this thesis finds existing Western literature in technical perspective of budgetary objectives, budgetary evaluation and participation, and budgetary effectiveness useful in a different context of China. By describing the change management process, an aspect which is not addressed frequently in the research literature, this thesis argues that to sufficiently understand Chinese companies’ budgetary changes, one also needs to understand unique cultural, social-economical and religious circumstances, and to adjust literature and methodology to adapt to these circumstances. This thesis provides an empirical experience concerning these issues. This thesis contributes to the understanding of management accounting change in China, and the tension which exists when Chinese companies are moving into Western management accounting practices.

Proposed South African management framework for the implementation of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments

Nolting, Janine January 2011 (has links)
South Africa, strategically situated at the southern tip of Africa, is edged on three sides by almost 3000 km of coastline surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean (South African Tourism, 2011). This vast ocean expanse is responsible for conveying approximately 96% of South Africa’s exports (Brand South Africa, 2011). Despite the positive economic effects of the shipping industry, translocation of harmful organisms and pathogens via ballast water and sediments inside ballast water tanks has far reaching global environmental (and economic) impacts (Oliviera, 2008:1; David and Gollasch, 2008:1966). Ballast water is the water that is taken on in order to manage the draft of the ship, to help with propulsion, manoeuvrability, trim control, list and stability (Oliviera, 2008:2). The discharge of ballast water into the world’s oceans has resulted in the transfer of ecologically harmful sea-life into non-native environments (IMO, 2011), resulting in major environmental threats to our oceans (Bax, Williamson, Aguero, Gonzalez and Geeves, 2003:313). Various international documents have been developed to deal with the ballast water issue, culminating in the introduction of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (“the Convention”) in 2004. The Convention aims at achieving a reduction in the transfer and subsequent impacts of aquatic organisms via the ballast water and sediment of ships. On a local level, South Africa does not have direct legislation or regulations dealing with ballast water (Duncan, 2007:34) and relies on the combination of a number of pieces of legislation relating to environmental management, coastal management, biodiversity, alien invasive species control, port control and ship safety (National Environmental Management Act, 1998, National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004, National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2009, National Ports Act, 2005 and Merchant Shipping Act, 1951). Although the Convention was ratified by South Africa in 2008 (Department of International Relations and Cooperation, 2011) it is still not in force and there still exists no other consolidated legal mechanism through which ballast water is managed. This research has investigated the various roles, responsibilities and mandates of South African competent authorities under the aforementioned legislation in managing ballast water, and has determined that there is definite legislative and institutional fragmentation as well as overlaps. A comparative analysis of management frameworks developed both locally and internationally was conducted in order to develop a management framework for ballast water management in South Africa. Various legislative, institutional and functional aspects were identified and adapted for inclusion in a South African management framework. A co-ordinated approach to ballast water management has been developed in the management framework which is anticipated to result in more definitive roles and responsibilities of the various South African departments involved in the management of ballast water and implementation of the Convention.

Vícedimenzionální přístup k WWW aplikacím / Mutli-Dimensional Access Control in Web Applications

Grešša, Pavol January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the analysis, design and implementation of authentication and authorization subsystem into the environment of distributed web application. It unifies the well-known security models into the one universal security model that can be used for the development of authorization device enabling the user to secure the applications with various security models. Furthermore, it applies this integration of models into the Takeplace system.

Research on the System Safety Management in Urban Railway

Luong, Tuan Anh 12 January 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, rail transport has become one of the most widely utilised forms of transport thanks to its high safety level, large capacity, and cost-effectiveness. With the railway network's continuous development, including urban rail transit, one of the major areas of increasing attention and demand is ensuring safety or risk management in operation long-term remains for the whole life cycle by scientific tools, management of railway operation (Martani 2017), specifically in developed and developing countries like Vietnam. The situation in Vietnam demonstrates that the national mainline railway network has been built and operated entirely in a single narrow gauge (1000mm) since the previous century, with very few updates of manual operating technology. This significantly highlights that up to now, the conventional technique for managing the safety operation in general, and collision in particular, of the current Vietnamese railway system, including its subsystems, is only accident statistics which is not a scientific-based tool as the others like risk identify and analyse methods, risk mitigation…, that are already available in many countries. Accident management of Vietnam Railways is limited and responsible for accident statistics analysis to avoid and minimise the harm caused by phenomena that occur only after an accident. Statistical analysis of train accident case studies in Vietnam railway demonstrates that, because hazards and failures that could result in serious system occurrences (accidents and incidents) have not been identified, recorded, and evaluated to conduct safety-driven risk analysis using a well-suited assessment methodology, risk prevention and control cannot be achieved. Not only is it hard to forecast and avoid events, but it may also raise the chance and amount of danger, as well as the severity of the later effects. As a result, Vietnam's railway system has a high number of accidents and failure rates. For example, Vietnam Rail-ways' mainline network accounted for approximately 200 railway accidents in 2018, a 3% increase over the previous year, including 163 collisions between trains and road vehicles/persons, resulting in more than 100 fatalities and more than 150 casualties; 16 accidents, including almost derailments, the signal passed at danger… without fatality or casual-ty, but significant damage to rolling stock and track infrastructure (VR 2021). Focusing and developing a new standardised framework for safety management and availability of railway operation in Vietnam is required in view of the rapid development of rail urban transport in the country in recent years (VmoT 2016; VmoT 2018). UMRT Line HN2A in southwest Hanoi is the country's first elevated light rail transit line, which was completed and officially put into revenue service in November 2021. This greatly highlights that up to the current date, the UMRT Line HN2A is the first and only railway line in Vietnam with operational safety assessment launched for the first time and long-term remains for the whole life cycle. The fact that the UMRT Hanoi has a large capacity, more complicated rolling stock and infrastructure equipment, as well as a modern communica-tion-based train control (CBTC) signalling system and automatic train driving without the need for operator intervention (Lindqvist 2006), are all advantages. Developing a compatible and integrated safety management system (SMS) for adaption to the safety operating requirements of this UMRT is an important major point of concern, and this should be proven. In actuality, the system acceptance and safety certification phase for Metro Line HN2A prolonged up to 2.5 years owing to the identification of difficulties with noncompliance to safety requirements resulting from inadequate SMS documents and risk assessment. These faults and hazards have developed during the manufacturing and execution of the project; it is impossible to go back in time to correct them, and it is also impossible to ignore the project without assuming responsibility for its management. At the time of completion, the HN2A metro line will have required an expenditure of up to $868 million, thus it is vital to create measures to prevent system failure and assure passenger safety. This dissertation has reviewed the methods to solve the aforementioned challenges and presented a solution blueprint to attain the European standard level of system safety in three-phase as in the following: • Phase 1: applicable for lines that are currently in operation, such as Metro Line HN2A. Focused on operational and maintenance procedures, as well as a training plan for railway personnel, in order to enhance human performance. Complete and update the risk assessment framework for Metro Line HN2A. The dissertation's findings are described in these applications. • Phase 2: applicable for lines that are currently in construction and manufacturing, such as Metro Line HN3, Line HN2, HCMC Line 1 and Line 2. Continue refining and enhancing engineering management methods introduced during Phase 1. On the basis of the risk assessment by manufacturers (Line HN3, HCMC Line 2 with European manufacturers) and the risk assessment framework described in Chapter 4, a risk management plan for each line will be developed. Building Accident database for risk assessment research and development. • Phase 3: applicable for lines that are currently in planning. Enhance safety requirements and life-cycle management. Building a proactive Safety Culture step by step for the railway industry. This material is implemented gradually throughout all three phases, beginning with the creation of the concept and concluding with an improvement in the attitude of railway personnel on the HN2A line. In addition to this overview, Chapters 4 through Chapter 9 of the dissertation include particular solutions for Risk assessment, Vehicle and Infrastructure Maintenance methods, Inci-dent Management procedures, and Safety Culture installation. This document focuses on constructing a system safety concept for railway personnel, providing stringent and scientific management practises to assure proper engineering conditions, to manage effectively the metro line system, and ensuring passenger safety in Hanoi's metro operation

Arms control and disarmament in Southern Africa: An assessment of civil society and state responses in Mozambique 1995 – 2003

Henda, Mongi Stanley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to ascertain the level of success which civil society and state actors have had in dealing with issues of arms control and disarmament in the SADC region during the post- Cold War era. The main research question shall be divided into two key questions, the first being: How successful have states been in managing arms control and disarmament in the SADC region? The second question being: How successful has civil society been in managing arms control and disarmament in the SADC region? The study is therefore an evaluative study and shall be focused on the case study of Mozambique. Two arms control processes shall be evaluated in this regard. First is the “Transforming weapons into Ploughshares” or TAE project which is a civil society campaign aimed at minimizing the harsh impacts that Small Arms and Light Weapons have on Mozambican society. The demarcated time period for this project shall be 1995-2003. Second is state driven operation between South African and Mozambican police aimed at locating and destroying arms caches responsible for fuelling the illicit trade in light arms between the two countries. This project was known as Operation Rachel and shall be evaluated from the period of 1995-2001. Through evaluating these two projects, the study shall seek to make the point that in terms of arms control in post-conflict developing states, there is a role for both state and civil societies. The role of civil society organizations can be seen as one of identifying security threats, raising public awareness and democratizing security issues such as arms control so that society at large becomes active in negating the problem. The role of the state on the other hand is to live up to its duties as the chief provider of security for the designated population within the state’s territorial boundary. Arms control in Mozambique and in the SADC region in general has been mediocre at best since as shall be demonstrated, states are far too weak to offer any meaningful protection to citizens and secondly civil society organizations which have taken it upon themselves to offer this kind of protection are just not well resourced enough to undertake state responsibilities. Thus the key recommendation of this study is that Southern African states invariably need to build up their capacities. Light weapons have spread uncontrollably throughout the region because weak and fractured states could not contain the problem and continue struggling to manage a multitude of security threats. It is therefore up to civil society organizations to build strong societies which can demand stronger state action. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis se doel is om vas te stel tot watter mate die burgerlike samelewing en Staat akteurs sukses behaal het in terme van wapenbeheer en ontwapening in die Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelings Gemeenskap (SAOG) streek na die koue oorlog. Die hoof navorsings vraag sal in twee kern vrae verdeel word, Die eerste vraag is: Hoeveel sukses het die burgerlike samelewing in die SAOG streek gehad met die bestuur van wapenbeheer en ontwapening? Die tweede vraag is: hoeveel sukses het Staat akteurs in die SAOG streek gehad met die bestuur van wapenbeheer en ontwapening? Hierdie studie is dus ʼn evaluerende studie en sal op Mosambiek fokus as gevalle-studie. Twee wapenbeheer prosesse sal in hierdie tesis evalueer word. Eerste, is die “Transforming Weapons into Ploughshares” of “TAE” projek wat ʼn burgerlike samelewings veldtog is, wat hom ten doel gestel het om die negatiewe impak van ligte-wapens op Mosambiekse samelewing te verminder. Die afgebakende tydperk vir hierdie studie sal 1995-2003 wees. Die tweede proses is die staat-gedrewe operasie tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse en Mosambiekse polisie. Die doel van hierdie projek was om die wapen-opslagplekke wat verantwoordelik is vir die onwettige handel in wapens tussen die twee lande te identifiseer en dienooreenkomstig te verwoes. Hierdie was bekend as “Operation Rachel” en sal tussen 1995-2001 evalueer word. Duur die evaluering van hierdie twee projekte sal die studie probeer om die punt te maak dat daar ʼn rol is vir beide die burgerlike samelewing en die staat in terme van wapenbeheer in post-konflik, ontwikkelende lande. Die rol van burgerlike samelewing organisasies kan beskou word as die identifisering van bedreigings wat veiligheid en sekuriteit kan raak, om bewustheid te kweek en die demokratisering van veiligheid en sekuriteit kwessies soos wapenbeheer. Die rol van die staat is om hulle plig te vervul as die ‘hoof verskaffer’ van sekuriteit vir die bevolking binne die staat se territoriale grense. Wapenbeheer in Mosambiek en in die SAOG streek in die algemeen was totdusver minder suksesvol gewees, aangesien state heeltemal te swak is om enige betekenisvolle beskerming aan hulle burgers te verleen. Tweedens, het burgerlike samelewings organisasies wat die verantwoordelikheid aangeneem het om beskerming te verleen net nie genoeg hulpbronne om die staat se verantwoordelikhede te vervul nie. Dus, is die kern aanbeveling van hierdie tesis dat Suider-Afrikaanse state hulle bekwaamheid en kapasiteit sal moet versterk. Ligte wapens het onbeheersd dwarsdeur die streek versprei omdat swak state nie oor die kapasiteit beskik om veelvuldige veiligheids en sekuriteits-bedreigings te kan hanteer nie. Dit hang dus van burgerlike samelewingsv organisasies af om sterk samelewings te bou wat op hul beurt kan aandring op sterker staatsoptrede om hierdie kwessies meer daadwerklik aan te spreek.

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