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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení po linii odpovědnostích středisek a jeho informační podpora / Controls after line responsibility centres and its information support

Fajtová, Adéla January 2010 (has links)
Subject of thesis is theoretical description of sphere responsibility controls and its subsequent aplication in information system Business Navigation. The first part is focused on organizational premises of qualitative responsibility controls, next instrumental and informative premises. The result of the thesis is to find out how Business Navigation System fills premises for efficient responsibility controls and to find eventual deficiencies of system.

Rutiner för dagens egenkontroller : Hur kan de förbättras? / Routines for today’s self-inspections : How can they be improved?

Haberland, Mikael, Loeb, Anton January 2019 (has links)
En hög rapporteringsgrad av egenkontroller är en förutsättning i dagens byggande. I varje projekt strävar alla parter mot att det både ska vara tids- och kostnadseffektivt. Egenkontrollen fungerar som en garanti för att rätt kvalitet på produkten hålls. Inte bara för beställaren men även för samhället och entreprenören själv. Denna studie har utförts i samarbete med PEAB Anläggning och har som huvudsyfte att undersöka företagets rutiner gällande egenkontrollsarbetet och därmed hitta möjliga förbättringar. Studien behandlar även vad de anställdas anser om dagens egenkontroller samt lyfter fram deras åsikter. Dessutom undersöks det hur PEAB Anläggnings pilotprojekt för BIM 360, som är ett digitalt system för hantering av bygghandlingar och dokument, har tagits emot av de anställda. En omfattande litteraturstudie har utförts för att ge information och kunskap inom ämnet. Från litteraturstudien har underlag för en enkätstudie och två intervjustudier skapats. Efter att resultatet analyserats och jämförts med litteraturstudien har det även diskuterats, både gällande resultat samt metod. För resultatet har förslag för möjliga förbättringsåtgärder lyfts fram. Förslagen kan leda till att PEAB Anläggning i framtiden kan utveckla sitt egenkontrollsarbete. Det kan i studien konstateras att det finns en del brister i dagens egenkontrollsarbete. En stor faktor är den krångliga administrationen. I studien har det även noterats att det finns ett engagemang bland de anställda att faktiskt arbeta och lära sig mer gällande förbättrad kvalitet och egenkontroller. Vidare bör PEAB Anläggning se över möjligheterna att utbilda sina anställda inom kvalitetssäkring och egenkontroller. / A high degree of self-inspection reports are essential in today's society where the construction is to be both time and cost effective. Self-inspections acts as a guarantee that the quality of the product is right. Not just for the customer but also for society and the contractor himself. This study has been prepared in cooperation with PEAB Anläggning and has as main purpose to examine the company's procedures regarding its own self-inspections work, and thereby find possible shortcomings. The study deals with employees' attitude towards today's self-inspections as well as highlighting their opinions. In addition, it examines how PEAB Anläggnings pilot project for BIM 360, a system for digital handling of construction documents is received by the employees. An extensive literature study was conducted to provide information and knowledge in the subject. From the literature study has the basis for a survey and two interview studies been created. After the results have been analyzed and compared with the literature study, it has also been discussed, both in terms of results and in terms of methods. The results have suggestions for possible improvement measures. The proposals could lead to the future development of PEAB Anläggnings self-inspections work. The study can confirm that there are some flaws in today's self-control work. A big factor is the complexity of the administration. In the study, it has also been noted that there is a commitment among employees to actually work and learn more regarding self-controls. Furthermore, PEAB Anläggning should look at the opportunities to train their employees in quality assurance and self-controls.

Non-Infectious Stabilized MS2 Virus As a Universal Full-Process Molecular Control

McGlynn, Kayleigh Erin January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Gregory R. Chiklis / Thesis advisor: Kathleen Dunn / In molecular diagnostics, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to amplify small amounts of nucleic acids found in patient samples, allowing for detection of diseases within hours of infection. This early detection allows medical professionals to diagnose and treat patients with greater success. It is crucial that internal controls, such as NATtrol™-treated microorganisms, are used in these PCR assays to avoid false-negative results and ensure accurate diagnosis of patients. NATtrol™ treatment renders microorganisms non-infectious while leaving them fully intact with their complete RNA or DNA genomes. Therefore, NATtrol™-treated microorganisms can be used in PCR as full-process internal controls that are spiked into patient samples and co-extracted and co-amplified within the sample. If the spiked NATtrol™ control returns expected results on the test, then the patient sample result can also be trusted. Here, we performed studies to validate the use of NATtrol™-treated MS2 virus as a universal full-process internal molecular control. In these studies, a quantitative, real-time, reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) assay was performed on the Roche LightCycler 480 instrument. Studies included working range validation, limit of detection, within-run precision, between-run precision, real-time stability, freeze-thaw (transport) stability, and open-vial (use-life) stability. All studies demonstrated the precision and stability of the MS2 NATtrol™ molecular control. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: College Honors Program. / Discipline: Biology Honors Program. / Discipline: Biology.

Um estudo setorial sobre as relações entre variáveis ambientais externas, modelos de gestão, controles gerenciais e desempenhos das empresas / A sectorial study about the relations of the variable of the business environment, management model, management controls and performance of companies

Reginato, Luciane 23 March 2010 (has links)
A combinação dos fatores externos e internos, intrínsecos ao ambiente empresarial, pode afetar o desempenho de uma empresa, facilitando ou dificultando a sua estabilidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em verificar as relações entre as variáveis do ambiente externo, os elementos do modelo de gestão, os controles gerenciais e os desempenhos de empresas de setores de atividade distintos. A partir disso, construíram-se os procedimentos metodológicos. Primeiramente, definiram-se as hipóteses, alicerçadas nos constructos teóricos da pesquisa. Com essa base, desenhou-se o instrumento de pesquisa, que foi aplicado, inicialmente, por meio de um pré-teste em 20 empresas da amostra, para então se dar seqüência ao trabalho de campo. A amostra da pesquisa compôs-se de 69 empresas do setor do comércio, 80 do industrial e 74 do de serviços, totalizando 223 empresas contatadas. Dessas, 118 responderam ao questionário enviado. A coleta dos dados deu-se por meio da aplicação de dois procedimentos: questionário e obtenção dos dados econômicos das empresas. O questionário foi disponibilizado em website para ser respondido pelos gestores do alto escalão da empresa, que pudessem ter a visão sistêmica da empresa presidente, diretor, gestor da área de controladoria, o que dependeu de cada empresa previamente contatada por telefone. Os dados econômicos foram obtidos a partir da Revista Exame Maiores e Melhores empresas do Brasil, para efeito da formação dos indicadores ROI (Return on Investments) e MO (Margem operacional), cujo período abrangeu os anos de 2005, 2006, 2007 e 2008. O período de realização da pesquisa de campo compreendeu os meses entre junho e outubro de 2009, sendo que antes disso, entre fevereiro e abril, foi aplicado o préteste. O tratamento e a análise dos dados coletados foram efetivados por meio da aplicação de estatística descritiva e modelagem de equações estruturais. Como resultado, verificou-se que as associações entre ambiente externo e modelo de gestão dos três setores empresariais observados se revelaram significantes, principalmente em empresas dos setores comercial e industrial. Não se constatou relação significativa entre os elementos do modelo de gestão e os desempenhos das empresas dos três setores. Verificou-se que os elementos do modelo de gestão influenciam, significativamente, os tipos de controles gerenciais adotados pelas empresas de todos os setores investigados, predominantemente aquelas do setor industrial. Os graus de relação entre o ambiente externo e os controles gerenciais mostraram-se baixos, não podendo ser considerados representativos neste estudo. Em se tratando da relação entre controles gerenciais e desempenho das empresas, puderam ser notados resultados expressivos nos setores industrial e de serviços, não ocorrendo o mesmo no comércio. Assim, esta tese atingiu o seu objetivo, demonstrando as relações entre ambiente externo, modelo de gestão, controles gerenciais e desempenho de empresas pertencentes a diferentes setores de mercado. / The combination of external and internal factors, intrinsic to the business environment, can affect a firms performance as well as its management structure. This study xamines the relations of the variables of the external environment (business conditions), lements of the management model, management controls and performance of companies in different sectors. The methodology entailed first defining the hypotheses based on the theoretical constructs found in the literature and then formulating a questionnaire, which was pre-tested in 20 companies before starting the main survey. The full sample consisted of 223 companies (69 engaged mainly in commerce, 80 in industry and 74 in services). The questionnaire was made available at a website for access by the respondents. They consisted of chief executives, other officers or comptrollers, epending on each company, contacted previously by telephone. Of the 223 firms approached, 118 answered the questionnaire. Besides the data from the questionnaires, performance indicators on the companies were obtained from the Maiores e Melhores (Biggest and Best) edition of the Brazilian business magazine Exame. The indicators considered were return on investment (ROI) and operating margin (OM), covering the years from 2005 to 2008. The main survey was carried out between June and ctober 2009, after completing the pre-test between February and April. The data were treated and analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics and modeling with structural equations. The results show that the associations between the external setting and management model in the three business sectors analyzed are significant, mainly in service companies. No significant relationship was found between the management model and performance of the firms in any of the sectors. However, the elements of the management model do significantly affect the types of management controls adopted by the firms in all three sectors, particularly in the industrial sector. The associations were low and cannot be considered as representative in this study. With respect to the relationship between the management controls and performance, the results were salient in the industrial and service sectors but not among commercial firms. On the whole, the thesis attained its objective, demonstrating the relations of the external setting, management model and performance of companies in the commercial, industrial and service sectors.

Dynamique linéarisée totale : Application aux robots parallèles / Total Linearized Dynamics : Application to Parallel Kinematic Machines

Prades, Julien 27 November 2018 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche de ce manuscrit se concentrent sur l’analyse des fréquences de vibrations des robots. Nos applications concernent plus particulièrement les architectures à cinématique parallèle. Dans un premier temps nous avons considéré les robots parallèles redondants en actionnement pour lesquels nous envisageons d’augmenter la fréquence de leurs oscillations en utilisant les efforts internes intrinsèques à ce type de structure. L’objectif est d’utiliser leur actionnement pour mettre en tension leur structure, et par conséquent, par analogie avec une corde vibrante, augmenter la fréquence de leurs oscillations. Nous avons étudié plusieurs robots plans redondants et nous montrons que dans le cadre de robots typiquement conçus pour être rigides,l’influence des efforts internes rajoutés n’a que peu d’importance. La suite de nos travaux soutient la proposition suivante : "les trajectoires très dynamiques influencent les fréquences des oscillations de la plateforme mobile". En effet, les robots parallèles quand ils sont conçus pour être légers, peuvent atteindre de grandes accélérations. Nous avons choisi de nous intéresser à l’étude de l’impact que peut avoir les effets dynamiques sur la fréquence des oscillations de la plateforme mobile de ces robots. Les robots considérés pour nos développements sont des robots parallèles plans, redondants en actionnement ou non. Nous proposons d’étudier cette influence en nous basant sur un développement au premier ordre du modèle dynamique. Cette linéarisation du modèle dynamique se veut plus complète que celles proposées dans la littérature. Nous expliquons et vérifions la validité de notre approche par une étude sur le lien entre accélération et vitesse et la fréquence d’oscillation pour les robots série PR (pendule sur glissière verticale) et RR (double pendule en rotation horizontale). Ensuite, nous généralisons notre modélisation au premier ordre et l’appliquons aux quatre robots PRR-2 PRR-3, PRR-4 et Dual-V pour voir si nous sommes capable d’en dégager une tendance concernant l’évolution des fréquences d’oscillation. Nous constatons que, en fonction des trajectoires, la dynamique a une influence faible mais visible, souvent positive sur l’augmentation des fréquences d’oscillation de la plateforme mobile. Cependant, les trajectoires et les lois horaires étant imposées, nous ne pouvons que subir cette influence. / The research work of this thesis manuscript focus on the analysis of the frequency of robots’ vibrations. Our applications mainly revolve around architectures with parallel kinematics. First we examined parallel robots which are redundant in actuation and for which we are considering an increase of their oscillations’ frequency using the internal forces inherent to this type of structure. The aim is to use their actuation is the tensioning of their structure, and consequently, by analogy with a vibrating-wire, to enhance theiroscillation frequency. We have studied several redundancy planar robots and we demonstrate that in the case of robots which are typically designed to be stiff, the impact of added internal forces is of low relevance. The continuation of our research supports the following proposal: “High dynamics trajectories have an impact on the oscillation frequency of the mobile platform.” Indeed parallel robots, when designed to be light, can reach greater accelerations. We chose to concentrate on the study of the impact that dynamic effects canhave on the oscillation frequency of those robots’ mobile platform. The robots examined for our developments are planar parallel robots whether they have redundant actuation or not. We offer to study this impact based on a prime order development of the dynamic model. This linearisation of the dynamic model is intended to be more complete than those suggested by literature. We explain and verify the validity of our approach with a study on the link between speed and oscillation frequency on PR robots (pendulum on a vertical sliding guide) and RR robots ( double pendulum rotating horizontally). Then we will generalize our first order model and apply it to the four robots ( PRR-2 PRR-3, PRR-4, and Dual-V) to see if we are able to identify a pattern regarding the evolution ofoscillation frequencies. We observe that, depending on the trajectories, the dynamics have a low but noticeable, and often positive, impact on the increase of oscillation frequency of the mobile platform. However, since the trajectories and speed input laws are imposed, we have no choice but to be subjected to this impact.

Para além da inadequabilidade do regime monetário de metas de inflação no Brasil : evidências acerca da relação entre dinâmica de preços e produtividade na indústria de transformação

Piper, Denise January 2018 (has links)
A presente tese embasa-se na concepção de que a obtenção e a manutenção da estabilidade de preços na economia brasileira dependem não apenas da adoção de medidas pontuais de curto prazo, como também da contemplação da inflação, ao lado do crescimento econômico, como objetivos correlacionados no contexto de um projeto de desenvolvimento atinente a um horizonte ampliado de tempo. Em termos de políticas conjunturais de controles de preços, evidencia-se que, dado a inflação brasileira não consubstanciar-se em um fenômeno precipuamente de demanda, outras medidas, que não a mera elevação da taxa básica de juros, revelam-se necessárias; ademais, clarifica-se que aumentos nos juros, por seus significativos impactos contracionistas sobre a atividade econômica, comprometem a própria estabilidade futura de preços, consistindo, portanto, em uma conduta anti-inflacionária deveras ineficiente. No que tange ao longo prazo, argumenta-se que a inflação brasileira apresenta especificidades que a tornam variável dependente do processo de desenvolvimento econômico, social e institucional do País. Em assim sendo, entende-se que a dinâmica inflacionária brasileira vincula-se significativamente ao comportamento de determinados atributos intrínsecos ao setor produtivo nacional. Evidências empíricas obtidas neste trabalho a partir da estimação de um modelo SVAR concernente ao período que se segue a dezembro de 2009 mostram a existência de uma relação negativa entre inflação e produtividade na indústria de transformação, revelando-se tal relação, entretanto, inelástica, o que esclarece que o empresariado brasileiro tende a converter a maior parte dos ganhos de produtividade em expansões de mark-up, em vez de repassá-los primordialmente aos preços. Assim, constata-se que os problemas inflacionários enfrentados pela economia brasileira se mostram deveras complexos, e que sua resolução não depende apenas de vontade política. Desse modo, salta aos olhos a ineficiência do simplismo inerente ao Regime de Metas de Inflação no que tange à persecução da estabilidade de preços no Brasil. / The present thesis is based on the idea that obtaining and maintaining price stability in the Brazilian economy depends not only on the adoption of short-term measures, but also on the contemplation of inflation, alongside economic growth, as correlated objectives in the context of a development project related to an extended horizon of time. In terms of the cyclical policies of price control, it is evident that, given that Brazilian inflation is not mainly consubstantiated in a demand phenomenon, alternative measures, other than the mere increase of the benchmark interest rate, are necessary; in addition, it is clarified that increases in interest rates, due to their significant contractionary impacts on economic activity, jeopardize the future price stability, thus constituting an inefficient anti-inflationary behavior. With regard to the long-term, it is argued that Brazilian inflation shows specificities that make it a variable dependent of the economic, social and institutional development process of the Country. Accordingly, it is understood that the Brazilian inflationary dynamics is significantly linked to behavior of certain attributes intrinsic to the national productive sector. Empirical evidence obtained in this work from the estimation of a SVAR model concerning to the period after December 2009 shows the existence of a negative relationship between inflation and productivity in the manufacturing industry, revealing this relationship, however, inelastic, what clarifies that Brazilian businessmen tend to convert most of their productivity gains into mark-up expansions, instead of passing them along primarily to prices. So, it can be seen that the inflationary problems faced by the Brazilian economy are very complex, and that their resolution depends not only on political will. Therefore, the inefficiency of the simplicity inherent to the Inflation Targeting Regime in relation to the pursuit of price stability in Brazil is quite clear.

The dynamics of reforms in the delivery of public services and management controls in an Irish local authority during a period of austerity

Griffin-Bertz, Julie Marie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study, is to investigate the dynamics of reforms (i.e. why and how) in the delivery of public services and management controls in an Irish local authority, paying particular attention to the role of a newly appointed CEO and austerity measures. The case study method is adopted. Several complementary socio-political theoretical lenses are adopted to give greater emphasis to agency and structure including concepts such as institutional entrepreneurship, institutional contradictions, institutional change, organisational change and power. Such theoretical pluralism illuminates the complex nature of public service reforms in an Irish local authority, as it sought to realise services efficiency targets in times of austerity. This study makes important contributions to research on public service deliveries and management controls. As far as its author is aware, this study is the first of its kind to detail the unfolding journey of reform in the delivery of services and management controls in an Irish local authority that faced the significant challenges of austerity. Hence, for this reason alone the research contributes significantly towards the development of new knowledge in this important area. Furthermore, an in-depth process-oriented account of a purposeful institutional entrepreneur, utilising management accounting information, power and communication, in reforming the delivery of public services and management controls, is provided. Also revealed is how external factors, such as the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent central government funding cuts, enabled rather than constrained, institutional entrepreneurship. In addition, the case findings informed, how in conditions of austerity, the fundamentals of budgetary control became easier to enforce.

The Multilateral Standard of Review: Export Restrictions, GATT Exceptions and Exemptions

Schmit Jongbloed, Wouter Pieter Frans January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation argues for the adoption of a new interpretative standard that urges the WTO adjudicator to explicitly take account of the economic heterogeneity of the WTO Membership when construing exemption provisions in the GATT 1994. In particular, the judicial decision maker should construe and interpret exemption provisions using the embedded standard of review, such that the Member States’ economic conditions enlighten the contextual interpretation of the language of the provision. This multilateral standard of review compels the adjudicator to accord conditional deference to developmental policies, as applied by a Member State in expression of its preferred economic strategy to expand the trade and production of goods and services. This dissertation examines the history of the standard of review in the GATT 1947 and GATT 1994 in order to critically examine its application to the construction and interpretation of the exemption provision of Article XI:2(a) GATT 1994. The proposed multilateral standard of review overcomes the post-modern critique of judicial practice by emphasizing the collaborative intent of the Membership, as revealed through the adjudicator’s understanding of the object and purpose of the agreement.

Integração de modelos de processo e produto na fase de construção para o controle da produção e da qualidade com o apoio de BIM

Villamayor Ibarra, José Fernando January 2016 (has links)
Os controles de produção e qualidade executados no canteiro de obras têm sido frequentemente associados a trâmites burocráticos, sendo limitados a tarefas administrativas, em lugar de adicionar valor para os clientes internos e externos. Por esta razão, diversas pesquisas propuseram abordagens e indicadores para a integração entre controles de produção e qualidade. Uma das abordagens apontadas na literatura como promissora consiste no uso de dispositivos móveis, para apoiar a implementação destes controles. Tais dispositivos permitem a gestão de grandes quantidades de informações, evitando retrabalhos e erros derivados da coleta manual no papel e transcrição posterior para dispositivos digitais. Outros esforços têm se focado na integração entre os modelos de processo e produto de forma que a informação possa ser utilizada de forma mais eficaz na fase de construção. Os modelos de processo são necessários para realizar o planejamento e controle da produção, enquanto os modelos do produto são relacionados a representações 2D e 3D das obras e, mais recentemente, a modelos BIM. No entanto, a literatura sobre o uso de tecnologia da informação para implementar sistemas integrados de controle da produção e da qualidade é escassa. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em desenvolver um modelo para a integração entre processos gerenciais, representados pelos sistemas de planejamento e controle da produção e de gestão da qualidade, e um modelo BIM do produto, buscando facilitar o acompanhamento da execução da obra, incluindo o desempenho em termos de qualidade e a ocorrência de perdas. Foram desenvolvidos dois estudos empíricos em diferentes empresas construtoras, sendo adotada a abordagem metodológica da design science research. A principal contribuição deste trabalho está relacionada à execução da integração entre os resultados de controles pró-ativos no canteiro e o modelo BIM do empreendimento de forma sistemática. Além disso, o modelo proposto tem a possibilidade de ser adaptado para usos diversos, podendo, assim, incorporar informações correspondentes a outras fases do ciclo de vida dos empreendimentos construtivos. / Production and quality controls undertaken in construction sites have often been associated to bureaucratic procedures, being limited to simple administrative tasks, instead of adding value for internal and external stakeholders. For that reason, some research studies have proposed approaches and indicators for the integration of production and quality controls. One of these approaches pointed out in the literature is the use of mobile devices, to support the implementation of those controls. Those devices allow the management of large information batches, reducing rework and errors derived from manual paper-based data collection and further transcription to digital media. Other efforts have focused on the integration between product and process models so that information can be more effectively used during the construction phase of the project. Process models are necessary for carrying out production planning and control, while product models are concerned with 2D or 3D design, and, most recently, with BIM models. Nonetheless, the literature on the use of information technology for implementing integrated production and quality control is scarce. The aim of this research work is to develop a model for the integration of management processes, composed by production planning, control and quality management processes, and a BIM product model, in order to facilitate the monitoring of project execution, including the performance in terms of quality and the occurrence of waste. Two empirical studies were carried out in different construction companies, using the design science research approach. The main contributions of this investigation are related to the integration between some proactive control results and the BIM model in a systematic way. Furthermore, the proposed model has the possibility to be adapted for diverse uses, such as incorporating information from different phases of the construction project life cycle.

Controles da produção primária em um Córrego de Mata Atlântica / Controls of primary production in an Atlantic Rainforest Stream

Cristiano Yuji Sasada Sato 24 February 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação consiste de dois capítulos, cada um correspondendo a um estudo realizado de modo independente. Em um córrego de Mata Atlântica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, foram estudados efeitos de herbívoros e de controles ambientais no perifíton. No primeiro trabalho foram testados os efeitos do camarão Potimirim glabra, um engenheiro do ecossistema, nos parâmetros metabólicos de comunidades perifíticas (Produção, Respiração, Metabolismo Líquido da Comunidade e razão Produção:Respiração). O tratamento de inclusão de Potimirim produziu resultados inversos aos esperados, com aumento da clorofila e massa seca das comunidades perifíticas, levantando dúvida com relação à eficácia dos tratamentos. Nenhuma das variáveis metabólicas esteve relacionada aos tratamentos. Considera-se que efeitos artefato da gaiola utilizada na inclusão dos camarões podem ter prejudicado o efeito esperado de remoção de material pelos camarões. Os resultados podem indicar, entretanto, que para o efeito de herbívoros os parâmetros clorofila e massa seca sejam mais sensíveis e variáveis que os metabólicos para as comunidades estudadas. São recomendados futuros trabalhos com metodologias que reduzam os efeitos artefato, tais como exclusão de herbívoros com cercas elétricas. No segundo trabalho, foram estudados os estoques, a distribuição e os controles da biomassa perifítica para o córrego. Entre os substratos estudados, a areia apresentou os maiores estoques, com 5 vezes mais clorofila e 20 vezes mais massa seca que os substratos pedra e folha. Diferenças entre trechos com diferentes densidades do camarão herbívoro Potimirim glabra revelaram para o substrato pedra menores valores de massa seca para os locais onde o camarão é mais numeroso. Entre as variáveis ambientais, apenas a profundidade esteve relacionada aos dados de biomassa nos substratos pedra e areia. A comparação dos dados deste estudo com trabalhos anteriores pode indicar que distúrbios provocados por enchentes podem alterar os estoques e os padrões de distribuição para este córrego. / This dissertation consists of two chapters, each corresponding to an independent study. In an Atlantic Rainforest stream, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the effects of herbivores and of environmental controls on periphyton were studied. In the first experiment I tested the effects of the shrimp Potimirim glabra, an ecosystem engineer, on the metabolic parameters of periphytic communities (Production, Respiration, Net Daily Metabolism and Production:Respiration ratio). The Potimirim inclusion treatments produced results opposite to the expected, with higher chlorophyll and dry mass of the periphytic communities. This lead to doubt of the efficacy of the treatments. None of the metabolic variables was related to the treatments. It is considered that artificial effects of the cage used in the shrimp inclusion may have changed the expected effect of material removal by the shrimps. The results may hint, however, that the chlorophyll and dry mass parameters may be more sensitive to and variable with the effects of herbivores than the metabolic parameters in the studied communities. Future work is recommended with methods that reduce artificial effects, such as herbivore exclusion using electric fences. In the second experiment, stocks, distribution and controls of periphytic biomass were studied for the stream. Among the studied substrates, sand presented the highest stocks, with 5 times more chlorophyll and 20 times more dry mass than the rock and leaf substrates. Differences among reaches with different densities of the herbivore shrimp Potimirim glabra revealed for the stone substrate smaller dry mass values in the reaches where the shrimp is more abundant. Among environmental variables, only depth was related to biomass, in the substrates rock and sand. The comparison of data in this study with previous work may hint that disturbances caused by spates may change stocks and distribution patterns for this stream.

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