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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Biglobal Instability of the Bidirectional Vortex

Batterson, Joshua Will 01 August 2011 (has links)
State of the art research in hydrodynamic stability analysis has moved from classic one-dimensional methods such as the local nonparallel approach and the parabolized stability equations to two-dimensional, biglobal, methods. The paradigm shift toward two dimensional techniques with the ability to accommodate fully three-dimensional base flows is a necessary step toward modeling complex, multidimensional flowfields in modern propulsive applications. Here, we employ a two-dimensional spatial waveform with sinusoidal temporal dependence to reduce the three-dimensional linearized Navier-Stokes equations to their biglobal form. Addressing hydrodynamic stability in this way circumvents the restrictive parallel-flow assumption and admits boundary conditions in the streamwise direction. Furthermore, the following work employs a full momentum formulation, rather than the reduced streamfunction form, accounting for a nonzero tangential mean flow velocity. This approach adds significant complexity in both formulation and implementation but renders a more general methodology applicable to a broader spectrum of mean flows. Specifically, we consider the stability of three models for bidirectional vortex flow. While a complete parametric study ensues, the stabilizing effect of the swirl velocity is evident as the injection parameter, kappa, is closely examined.

Elastic and Magnetic Properties of Tb6Fe(Sb,Bi)2 Using Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy.

McCarthy, David Michael 01 August 2010 (has links)
Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 are novel rare earth compounds with little prior research. These compounds show high and variable curie temperatures for rare-earth compounds. This has lead to a literature review which includes the discussion of: elasticity, resonance, and magnetism. This review is used to discuss the theory and methodology which can relate these various properties to each other. Furthermore, synthesis, x-ray analysis, and RUS sample preparation of Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 were completed. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) elastic studies were taken for Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 as a function temperature from 5-300K, in various magnetic fields ranging from 0-9T. Tb6FeSb2’s and Tb6FeBi2’s elastic moduli are related to their magnetic properties. Magnetization data, primarily M v. H, provides another measure the magnetic properties are used to help correlate the data to elasticity. Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 Curie temperatures are 253(3)K and 246(5)K respectively. The low temperature magnetic transition of Tb6FeSb2 is 65-90K and Tb6FeBi2 is 55-75K. RUS suggests that this low temperature transition is somehow related to a structural transition but this transition does not occur in these two compounds. Co-substitution of Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 seem to greatly affect this lower temperature transition in RUS. It does not greatly effect the curie temperature. Low temperature XRD shows that Co-substitution also creates a structural transition in this family of compounds.

Method For Determination of Complex Moduli Associated with Viscoelastic Material

Garner, Russell Scott 01 May 2011 (has links)
The aerospace industry is utilizing low cost miniature inertial measurement units (IMUs) that employ Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology in an effort to reduce size, weight, and cost of systems. A drawback of these MEMS devices is they are sensitive to vibration, shock and acoustic environments, which limits the usefulness of such devices in the severe environments imposed by many aerospace applications. In an effort to reduce the vibration, shock and acoustic environments experienced by these MEMS devices, the desire to develop passive damping treatments to structural components used to mount these devices. The damping treatments can be applied at the printed circuit board (PCB) level, the component level, the component interface, or at the airframe level. The purpose is to reduce the overall environment and improve the usefulness and performance of the MEMS based sensors. The primary technique to introduce damping into metallic parts and PCBs is to provide a viscoelastic coating or layer. The ability to analyze structures with this configuration requires a thorough understanding of the dynamic properties. Hooke’s law of elasticity is one of the most fundamental relationships governing dynamic properties. Metals typically have a low damping coefficient, and Hooke’s law of elasticity represents a linear relationship between the ratio of stress and strain, known as the modulus of elasticity. But for viscous materials the modulus of elasticity becomes a complex value since the stress and strain are not in phase. The complex modulus of elasticity is a complex function of frequency. The complex modulus can be established via frequency response function measurements of compliance, mobility, and accelerance, and the dimensions of the block of material under test. At low frequencies (less than resonance of the block) the results are relatively straight forward, but at higher frequencies where resonances of the block occur the inertial forces begin to influence the FRF results. This thesis effort establishes techniques for measuring the complex moduli associated with viscoelastic materials, and presents methods and results from modulus tests conducted for this thesis.

Controlling Telework: An Exploratory Investigation of Portfolios of Control Applied to Remote Knowledge Workers

Wang, Jijie 06 May 2009 (has links)
Abstract Enabled by the development of information technologies, telecommuting and telework have been incorporated into organizations for around 30 years. However, there still exists resistance to this work arrangement, particularly from middle-level managers. Formal knowledge about how to manage telework is needed to keep the managers better informed. I conducted a qualitative exploratory study to investigate how managers exercise controls in the telework environment and examined the role of the use of information technologies in organizational controls in this work environment. Based on interview data with people from two work groups that participate in telework program, I found that the managers exercise a portfolio of controls that consist all four documented control forms (outcome, behavior, clan and self control), and controlling the employees’ adoption and use of information technologies is a new form of behavior control in the telework environment.

A Typology of Foredune Textures: Sand Patches and Climate Controls

Ryu, Wansang 14 March 2013 (has links)
Foredunes are formed and developed in association with vegetation. A bare sand area has been viewed as a measure of dune mobility or activity and researched in association with climate controls: particularly wind power, annual mean precipitation, and temperature, expressed in annual mean potential evapotranspiration. There has been no research that utilized the patterns of bare sand areas to classify foredune areas in coastal dune systems and investigated climate controls related to sand patch patterns, or “foredune textures” such as size, number, and distribution of sand patches Four foredune types were classified based on four landscape metrics (PLAND: percentage of bare sand area, PLADJ: proportion of like-adjacencies, NLSI: normalized landscape shape index, and ENN_RA: range of Euclidean nearest neighbor), by applying the concepts and methodologies of landscape ecology. Four climate variables (annual mean precipitation, annual mean potential evapotranspiration, Lancaster’s mobility index, and the standard deviation of annual mean precipitation) were found to affect the foredune types and help in distinguishing one foredune type from another. The amount of bare sand area on coastal foredune areas can be explained by annual mean precipitation (R^2 is 0.52 at the 99 % confidence level), standard deviation of precipitation (R^2 is 0.51 at the 99 % confidence level), and Lancaster’s mobility index (R^2 is 0.37 at the 99 % confidence level) but wind variables such as drift potential do not explain much (R^2 is 0.04 at maximum). This suggests that dune activity or stabilization in coastal dune systems is mainly controlled by vegetation cover, which is in turn affected by precipitation. Foredune textures can be a useful tool to predict foredune types in association with future climate change, and the optimal averaging period of precipitation for each bare sand area was seven years.

Iniciación al estudio de la sanidad en Catalunya (1720-1800)

Figuerola i Pujol, Iris Abril 01 April 1982 (has links)
Hace algunos años, el Departamento de Historia de la Farmacia y Legislación Farmacéutica de la Universidad de Barcelona inició una línea de investigación encaminada al estudio de los denominados "Fondos de Sanidad" existentes en el Archivo Histórico Municipal de Barcelona, documentación que proporciona información sobre los controles sanitarios establecidos por las autoridades locales, conjuntamente con las estatales, para lograr mediante medidas higiénicas y correctivas que el Principado, y muy especialmente la ciudad de Barcelona, no padeciese el azote de la enfermedad; sobre todo de la temida peste, enfermedad que llegó a provocar un pánico generalizado y un auténtico estado de terror. La posibilidad de la declaración de la peste, con sus terribles secuelas, estaba siempre presente en el pensamiento de las comunidades portuarias del Mediterráneo: por sus rutas comerciales se propagaban no solo las mercancías, sino también las enfermedades.Mediante el estudio de dichos fondos documentales es posible un conocimiento integral de la situación sanitaria en el Principado, de las epidemias y enfermedades padecidas, los medicamentos empleados, el protagonismo de las diferentes profesiones sanitarias, Academias e instituciones científicas, municipales y corporativas, el control de los alimentos, las medidas higiénicas, los sistemas de vigilancia portuaria, la inspección de barcos procedentes de zonas afectadas, los problemas derivados del funcionamiento de fábricas, el control de mercancías y, en conjunto, la totalidad de problemas sanitarios vividos por la ciudad de Barcelona durante más de un siglo. El protagonista del estudio no es, por tanto, un estamento profesional concreto, sino el conjunto de los habitantes de Barcelona durante el "Siglo de las Luces" y la primera mitad del siglo XIX, un periodo suficientemente largo para que el estudio sea significativoLa presente tesis muestra los recursos de los que dispone una comunidad cuando debe enfrentarse, unida por un objetivo solidario, a un peligroso adversario, en este caso las enfermedades infecciosas. La historia arranca en 1720, cuando en el seno del Consejo de Castilla se creó la Junta de Sanidad, que coordinaría a nivel nacional el control sanitario de todo el Estado, ayudado por las Juntas Locales que desempeñarían un intenso protagonismo durante la lucha contra las enfermedades. En el caso de Barcelona, resulta especialmente destacable el protagonismo de la Academia de Medicina y los denominados "Médicos de Sanidad", integrantes de la burocracia sanitaria municipal y cuya misión era velar por el mantenimiento de la salud pública. El enorme número de volúmenes contenidos en los "Fondos de Sanidad" del Archivo Histórico Municipal de Barcelona hacían imposible el estudio del conjunto de los mismos en el espacio de una tesis doctoral, por lo que en el presente trabajo hemos estudiado los 22 primeros volúmenes del aparato de "Órdenes y Oficios", que comprenden desde 1720 a 1800. El objetivo ha sido el conocimiento de la situación sanitaria en el Principado y las repercusiones sociales de la enfermedad, muy especialmente de aquellas que podían dar lugar a las temidas epidemias.Para realizar tal objetivo se ha seguido una serie de pasos perfectamente delimitados. En primer lugar, la lectura íntegra de las fuentes y la confección de fichas para cada documento juzgado significativo, en donde se ha resumido la información de interés sanitario, consignando siempre la ciudad, la fecha, las personas implicadas en el caso, cuando teman interés sanitario, y el tema que motivaba el documento en cuestión. La fase siguiente consistió en reunir todas las fichas -previamente numeradas- en catorce apartados; posteriormente se realizó la confección de un triple índice (onomástico, topográfico y de materias), en cada uno de los cuales se remite a la ficha correspondiente. Finalmente, se realizó el estudio crítico de la documentación así catalogada, siguiendo el orden de esos catorce temas. Como corolario de todo ello surgieron las conclusiones, completadas con la bibliografía consultada, que se ofrece al final de los mencionados índices y del índice de láminas.

Towards High Speed Aerial Tracking of Agile Targets

Rizwan, Yassir January 2011 (has links)
In order to provide a novel perspective for videography of high speed sporting events, a highly capable trajectory tracking control methodology is developed for a custom designed Kadet Senior Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The accompanying high fidelity system identification ensures that accurate flight models are used to design the control laws. A parallel vision based target tracking technique is also demonstrated and implemented on a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU), to assist in real-time tracking of the target. Nonlinear control techniques like feedback linearization require a detailed and accurate system model. This thesis discusses techniques used for estimating these models using data collected during planned test flights. A class of methods known as the Output Error Methods are discussed with extensions for dealing with wind turbulence. Implementation of these methods, including data acquisition details, on the Kadet Senior are also discussed. Results for this UAV are provided. For comparison, additional results using data from a BAC-221 simulation are also provided as well as typical results from the work done at the Dryden Flight Research Center. The proposed controller combines feedback linearization with linear tracking control using the internal model approach, and relies on a trajectory generating exosystem. Three different aircraft models are presented each with increasing levels of complexity, in an effort to identify the simplest controller that yields acceptable performance. The dynamic inversion and linear tracking control laws are derived for each model, and simulation results are presented for tracking of elliptical and periodic trajectories on the Kadet Senior.

Capital controls and external debt term structure

Al Zein, Eza Ghassan 01 November 2005 (has links)
In my dissertation, I explore the relationship between capital controls and the choice of the maturity structure of external debt in a general equilibrium setup, incorporating explicitly the role of international lenders. I look at specific types of capital controls which take the form of date-specific and maturity-specific reserve requirements on external borrowing. I consider two questions: How is the maturity structure of external debt determined in a world general equilibrium? What are the effects of date- and maturity-specific reserve requirements on the maturity structure of external debt? Can they prevent a bank run? I develop a simple Diamond-Dybvig-type model with three dates. In the low income countries, banks arise endogenously. There are two short-term bonds and one long-term bond offered by the domestic banks to international lenders. First I look at a simple model were international lending is modeled exogenously. I consider explicitly the maturity composition of capital inflows to a domestic economy. I show that the holdings of both short-term bonds are not differentiated according to date. Second, I consider international lending behavior explicitly. The world consists of two large open economies: one with high income and one with low income. The high income countries lend to low income countries. There exist multiple equilibria and some are characterized by relative price indeterminacy. Third, I discuss date-specific and maturity- specific reserve requirements. In my setup reserve requirements play the role of a tax and the role of providing liquidity for each bond at different dates. I show that they reduce the scope of indeterminacy. In some equilibria, I identify a case in which the reserve requirement rate on the long-term debt must be higher than that on the short-term debt for a tilt towards a longer maturity structure. Fourth, I introduce the possibility of an unexpected bank run. I show that some specific combination of date-and maturity-specific reserve requirements reduce the vulnerability to bank runs. With regard to the post-bank-run role of international lenders, I show that international lenders may still want to provide new short-term lending to the bank after the occurrence of a bank run.

Elastic and Magnetic Properties of Tb6Fe(Sb,Bi)2 Using Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy.

McCarthy, David Michael 01 August 2010 (has links)
Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 are novel rare earth compounds with little prior research. These compounds show high and variable curie temperatures for rare-earth compounds. This has lead to a literature review which includes the discussion of: elasticity, resonance, and magnetism. This review is used to discuss the theory and methodology which can relate these various properties to each other. Furthermore, synthesis, x-ray analysis, and RUS sample preparation of Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 were completed. Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) elastic studies were taken for Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 as a function temperature from 5-300K, in various magnetic fields ranging from 0-9T. Tb6FeSb2’s and Tb6FeBi2’s elastic moduli are related to their magnetic properties. Magnetization data, primarily M v. H, provides another measure the magnetic properties are used to help correlate the data to elasticity. Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 Curie temperatures are 253(3)K and 246(5)K respectively. The low temperature magnetic transition of Tb6FeSb2 is 65-90K and Tb6FeBi2 is 55-75K. RUS suggests that this low temperature transition is somehow related to a structural transition but this transition does not occur in these two compounds. Co-substitution of Tb6FeSb2 and Tb6FeBi2 seem to greatly affect this lower temperature transition in RUS. It does not greatly effect the curie temperature. Low temperature XRD shows that Co-substitution also creates a structural transition in this family of compounds.

Integrated information and traffic control strategies for congested urban freeway corridors /

Valdes Diaz, Didier M., January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 1999. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 189-197). Available also in a digital version from Dissertation Abstracts.

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