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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Υπολογιστική και πειραματική διερεύνηση φαινομένων μεταφοράς μάζας και θερμότητας σε πρότυπη εργαστηριακή εγκατάσταση μηχανικής ξήρανσης

Τζεμπελίκος, Δημήτριος 24 June 2015 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της διατριβής είναι η υπολογιστική και πειραματική διερεύνηση των φαι-νομένων μεταφοράς θερμότητας και μάζας σε πρότυπη εργαστηριακή μονάδα μηχανικής ξήρανσης δια συναγωγής, η οποία σχεδιάσθηκε, κατασκευάσθηκε και εξοπλίσθηκε με μετρητικό εξοπλισμό και ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα ελέγχου, συλλογής και επεξεργασίας των πειραματικών μετρήσεων. Στην εργαστηριακή μονάδα ξήρανσης παρέχεται η δυνατότητα μεταβολής και ελέγχου των βασικών παραμέτρων από τις οποίες επηρεάζεται η θερμική διεργασία της ξήρανσης, όπως η ταχύτητα, η θερμοκρασία και η υγρασία του αέρα ξήρανσης. Η μέτρηση της αποβολής της περιεχομένης υγρασίας στο υπό ξήρανση προϊόν πραγματοποιείται μέσω δυναμοκυψελών υψηλής ακρίβειας, ενώ η χωρική κατανομή της ταχύτητας ροής στην είσοδο του θαλάμου ξήρανσης κατά τη διεξαγωγή κάθε κύκλου πειραμάτων συνεχώς μετρείται με συστοιχία σωλήνων pitot και ενός συστήματος συγκροτούμενου από ηλεκτροβαλβίδες και μορφομετατροπέα πίεσης. Η χωρική κατανομή της θερμοκρασίας και της ταχύτητας στον θάλαμο ξήρανσης είναι δυνατή μέσω αισθητηρίων που προσαρμόζονται σε καρτεσιανό σύστημα μετακίνησης ελεγχόμενου από υπολογιστή το οποίο σχεδιάσθηκε, κατασκευάσθηκε και τοποθετήθηκε στην έξοδο του κατακόρυφου θαλάμου ξήρανσης αποτελώντας πλέον αναπόσπαστο τμήμα της εργαστηριακής μονάδας. Όλες οι μετρήσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν στον κατακόρυφο θάλαμο ξήρανσης, ενώ παρέχεται η δυνατότητα διεξαγωγής μετρήσεων και στο θάλαμο ξήρανσης οριζόντιας διάταξης. Στα πλαίσια της διατριβής, έγινε συστηματική πειραματική διερεύνηση της ξήρανσης δια συναγωγής σε φέτες κυδωνιών και μελετήθηκε η επίδραση διαφόρων παραμέτρων που επηρεάζουν τη θερμική διεργασία της ξήρανσης σε αυτό το αγροτικό προϊόν, για θερμοκρασίες αέρα 40, 50 και 60οC και ταχύτητες αέρα 1, 2 και 3 m/s. Σκοπός των με-τρήσεων ήταν ο προσδιορισμός: (i) της επίδρασης της θερμοκρασίας και της ταχύτητας του αέρα στις καμπύλες ξήρανσης κυλινδρικών φετών κυδωνιού, (ii) της επίδρασης του πάχους των κυλινδρικών φετών του κυδωνιού στις καμπύλες ξήρανσης, (iii) της επίδρασης του προσανατολισμού των κυλινδρικών φετών κυδωνιού, ως προς τη διεύθυνση της προσπίπτουσας ροής, στις καμπύλες ξήρανσης, (iv) της προσαρμογής των καμπύλων ξήρανσης σε διάφορα απλά μοντέλα ξήρανσης λεπτού στρώματος, v) των ενεργών συντελεστών διάχυσης υγρασίας για την κάθε περίπτωση με την μέθοδο της κλίσης (slope method) και οι οποίοι συσχετίστηκαν με τη θερμοκρασία του αέρα ξήρανσης έτσι ώστε ο συντελεστής διάχυσης της υγρασίας να εκφρασθεί με την εξίσωση μορφής τύπου Arrhenius και vi) των διεπιφανειακών συντελεστών μεταφοράς θερμότητας και μάζας οι οποίοι στη εκφράζονται ως συνάρτηση των αδιάστατων αριθμών Nu, Re και Pr με τη μορφή Nu=aRebPr1/3. Η προσομοίωση του ρευστοθερμικού πεδίου στο θάλαμο ξήρανσης και ο υπολογισμός των διεπιφανειακών συντελεστών μεταφοράς θερμότητας και μάζας γύρω από την επι-φάνειας του προϊόντος πραγματοποιήθηκε με χρήση της εργαλείων της υπολογιστικής ρευστοδυναμικής (CFD). Έγιναν προσομοιώσεις CFD μόνιμης κατάστασης (steady-state), θεωρώντας τυρβώδη ροή ενώ ο θάλαμος ξήρανσης και η κυλινδρική φέτα του κυδωνιού εξιδανικεύθηκε ως μια δισδιάστατη αξονοσυμμετρική διαμόρφωση. Ως μοντέλο τύρβης χρησιμοποιήθηκε το μοντέλο SST (Shear Stress Transport) k-ω, ενώ για την προσέγγιση του οριακού στρώματος στα τοιχώματα του προϊόντος επιλέχθηκε το μοντέλο LRNM (Low Reynolds Number Model). Από την επίλυση των πεδίων ροής και θερμοκρασίας προσδιορίσθηκαν οι κατανομές των διεπιφανειακών συντελεστών στην προσήνεμη και στην υπήνεμη πλευρά της κυλινδρικής φέτας του κυδωνιού για όλες τις πειραματικές συνθήκες. Από τον υπολογισμό του μέσων σταθμισμένων τιμών του διεπιφανειακού συντελεστή μεταφοράς θερμότητας συνάγεται μια συσχέτιση των αδιάστατων αριθμών Nu, Re και Pr, στη μορφή Nu=aRebPr1/3, που ως εύρημα εμπλουτίζει την υφιστάμενη βιβλιογραφία. Στο τελικό στάδιο της διατριβής, αναπτύχθηκε και αποτιμήθηκε σε σύγκριση με τις πειραματικές μετρήσεις ένα μονοδιάστατο αριθμητικό μοντέλο μη-μόνιμης μεταφοράς θερμότητας και μάζας για την προσομοίωση των καμπυλών ξήρανσης σε κυλινδρικές φέτες κυδωνιών. Στο μοντέλο, η μεταφορά θερμότητας εντός του προϊόντος γίνεται με αγωγή ενώ η μεταφορά μάζας γίνεται με υγρή διάχυση, με την εξάτμιση του περιεχόμενου νερού στις φέτες του κυδωνιών να λαμβάνει χώρα από την προσήνεμη και την υπήνεμη επιφάνεια. Στο αριθμητικό μοντέλο, λαμβάνεται υπόψη η συρρίκνωση της κυλινδρικής φέτας του κυδωνιού, θεωρώντας ότι ο όγκος της προϊόντος μειώνεται κάθε φορά κατά τον όγκο του νερού που εξατμίζεται τις δύο επιφάνειες της φέτας. Στον αριθμητικό κώδικα, οι θερμοφυσικές ιδιότητες του κυδωνιού και του αέρα προσδιορίζονται από σχέσεις που συναντώνται στη βιβλιογραφία, ο ενεργός συντελεστής διάχυσης της υγρασίας εισάγεται ως αποτέλεσμα της επεξεργασίας των πειραματικών μετρήσεων, ενώ για τους συντελεστές μεταφοράς χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι μέσες σταθμισμένες τιμές των διεπιφανειακών συντελεστών μεταφοράς θερμότητας και μάζας, ως αποτέλεσμα των CFD προσομοιώσεων και για περίπτωση μη-συζυγούς προσέγγισης (non-conjugated approach). Στοχεύοντας στην καλύτερη προσαρμογή των πειραματικών μετρήσεων και των υπολογιστικών αποτελεσμάτων, χρησιμοποιήθηκε η ανάλυση μη-γραμμικής παλινδρόμησης, με τους αλγόριθμους SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) και εσωτερικού σημείου (internal point), για τον προσδιορισμό των συντελεστών της εξίσωσης διάχυσης της υγρασίας, με μικρή όμως βελτίωση των υπολογιστικών αποτελεσμάτων, σε συνδυασμό με τη σημαντική αύξηση του χρόνου υπολογισμού. Συμπερασματικά, από τη συνολική αξιολόγηση των αποτελεσμάτων του αριθμητικού κώδικα αποδείχθηκε ότι το προτεινόμενο αριθμητικό μοντέλο που βασίζεται στη διάχυση είναι ικανό να περιγράψει αποτελεσματικά τη σύζευξη της μεταφοράς της θερμότητας και της μάζας όπως και να αποτυπώσει ικανοποιητικά τη χρονική εξέλιξη της περιεχόμενης υγρασίας και θερμοκρασίας εντός του προϊόντος, με την ελάχιστη χρήση πειραματικών μεταβλητών εισόδου ενώ έχει ελάχιστες υπολογιστικές απαιτήσεις. Για αυτούς τους λόγους μπορεί να θεωρηθεί κατάλληλο για την ανάλυση της διαδικασίας της ξήρανσης δια συναγωγής σε οποιοδήποτε οργανικό ή μη-οργανικό προϊόν. / The objective subject of this thesis is the computational and experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer phenomena in a new laboratory mechanical convection drying unit, which was designed, constructed and equipped with measuring equipment and an integrated control system of collection and processing of experimental measurements. In laboratory drying unit there is an option to change and control the main parameters of which affected the thermal drying process, such as speed, temperature and humidity of the drying air. Measurement of the removal of moisture content in the dried product is carried out through high-precision load cells, and the spatial distribution of the flow velocity at the entrance of the drying chamber during of each experiment, is continuously measured by pitot tube array and a system composed of solenoids and a pressure transducer. The spatial distribution of temperature and velocity in the drying chamber is possible by means of sensors fitted to a computer controlled cartesian motion system which is designed, constructed and placed at the outlet of the vertical drying chamber, constituting an integral part of the facility. All measurements were performed on the vertical drying chamber while it is possible to conduct measurements in a horizontal layout of the drying chamber. In this thesis became systematic experimental investigation of convective drying sliced quince and studied the effect of various parameters affecting the thermal drying process in this agricultural product, for air temperatures of 40, 50 and 60°C and air velocities 1, 2 and 3 m/s. The purpose of the measurements was to determine: (i) the effect of temperature and air velocity in drying curves of cylindrical quince slice, (ii) the effect of the thickness of the cylindrical slice of quince in drying curves, (iii) the effect of the orientation of the cylindrical quince slice, in the direction of incident flow, in the drying curves (iv) the adjusting of the drying curves in several simple thin layer drying models v) the effective moisture diffusivity coefficients for each case with the slope method which correlated with the temperature of the drying air so that the diffusion coefficient of moisture be expressed by Arrhenius type equation form and vi ) the interfacial heat and mass transfer coefficients which expressed as a function of dimensionless numbers Nu, Re and Pr in the form Nu = aRebPr1/3. The simulation of the flow and temperature fields in the drying chamber and the calcu-lation of the interfacial heat and mass transfer coefficients around the surface of the product were performed using the tools of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). CFD simulations were steady state, considering turbulent flow while drying chamber and cy-lindrical slice of quince specialized as an axisymmetric two-dimensional configuration. As turbulence model was used the SST k-ω model while on the approximation of the boundary layer near the walls of the product the LRNM was chosen. By solving the flow and temperature fields determined distributions of interfacial heat and mass transfer coefficients in front and rear of the cylindrical slice of quince for all experimental conditions. The calculation of the weighted average prices of the interfacial heat transfer coefficient indicates a correlation between dimensionless numbers Nu, Re and Pr, in the form Nu = aRebPr1/3, which as finding enriches the existing literature. In the final stage of the thesis, developed and evaluated in comparison with the experi-mental measurements, a one-dimensional transient numerical model of heat and mass transfer to simulate drying curves in cylindrical slices of quince. The heat transfer inside the quince is considered to be by conduction while the moisture transfer is considered to be governed solely by liquid diffusion. Evaporation is considered to take place only from the windward and leeward surface of the quince slice. The numerical model takes into account the shrinkage of the cylindrical slice of quince, assuming that the cylindrical volume decreases each time as much as the volume of water that evaporates on both surfaces of the slice. The numerical code used the thermophysical properties of quince and air from the literature, the effective diffusion coefficient of moisture experimentally determined by the method of the slopes, while the transfer coefficients used the weighted average prices of interfacial heat and mass transfer coefficients derived from the simulations with CFD (non-conjugated approach). In order to achieve higher accuracy between experimental data and predictions, a non-linear regression analysis, using an Arrhenius type effective diffusion equation, was also performed. However, preliminary result, obtained using the SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) and Interior Point algorithms for the minimization of the Chi-square function (χ2) showed only small improvement of the calculated results with a significant increase of the computational cost. In conclusion, the overall assessment of the results of the numeric code shown that the proposed numerical model based on diffusion is able to effectively describe the coupling of heat transfer and mass, as to capture the time evolution of moisture content and temperature within the product, with minimum use of experimental input variables and minimum computational requirements. For these reasons it may be considered appropriate to analyze the convective drying process in any organic or non-organic product.

Sea Breeze Circulation in the Auckland Region:Observational Data Analysis and NumericalModelling

Khan, Basit Ali January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this research is to improve our knowledge of the sea breeze circulation in the complex coastal environments, where more than one mesoscale circulations occur. Interaction of these circulations with each other and with external factors such as topographical features and large scale winds leads to pronounced changes in the thermodynamic structure of the boundary layer. The variations in sea breeze circulation also have distinct effect on the pollutant transport and dispersion mechanisms in the coastal urban areas. In this research, dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of the sea breeze circulation and their associated air pollution potential have been investigated by utilizing observational data for two summer periods and numerical modelling techniques. Effect of some external factors such as gradient flow and terrain elevation has also been examined. Observed meteorological and air quality data was obtained from a number of monitoring sites within and around Auckland while Advanced Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) and ‘The Air Pollution Model’ (TAPM) were employed to simulate meteorology and pollutant dispersion in Auckland. WRF is used to investigate the thermally induced mesoscale circulation while TAPM has been employed to examine the pollutant dispersion in the region. Both models were validated against observed data from six different sites within Auckland. Validation results of WRF and TAPM are also compared with surface meteorology. Validation and inter-comparison of the two models show that WRF performed better than TAPM for all the surface meteorology variables. WRF showed a positive bias in predicted winds speed and relative humidity and a cold bias in the near surface Temperature. TAPM on the other hand under-predicted surface winds, while near surface temperature and relative humidity are similar to WRF. Results show that the sea breeze occurred around 20% of the two summer periods of 2006 and 2007. Both observed data analysis and the numerical modelling results confirmed the existence of two thermally induced systems in the Auckland region. Bay breezes are initiated in the morning hours (0800 – 1000 hours) from small bodies of water (Manukau, Waitemata, and Kaipara Harbour, and along the Hauraki Gulf coastline), followed by mature sea breezes from the main bodies of water (Tasman Sea and larger Hauraki Gulf area) in the late morning. The cessation of sea breezes started after 1600 hours. Frequency of sea breeze days was the highest under coast-parallel gradient winds (southeast and northwest), with speeds < 6 m s-1. The predicted depth of the sea breeze inflow ranged between 200 and 600 m, while the depth of the return flow was in the range of 200 – 500 m. Sensible heat flux is an important control in the development of sea breeze over the region. Coastal mountain ranges helped early onset of the sea breeze, but also inhibited inland propagation. Strong jet-like westerly winds along the coastline near the Manukau Harbour are due partly to the narrow opening at the Manukau Head, reduced friction over the harbour water, and divergence of wind due to coastline shape. Gradient winds significantly affect the evolution of the sea breeze and modify many of its dynamics, such as the sea breeze inflow layer, return flow, inland penetration, sea breeze head, etc. Under northerly gradient flow northeast sea breeze lasts longer while under southerly gradient flow cessation of the westerly sea breeze was delayed. Over both east and west coasts, WRF predicted anticlockwise rotation, especially under easterly gradient wind conditions. However, inland stations near Manukau Harbour show partial and complete clockwise rotation, which is primarily due to orographic features of the region. The diurnal rotation of the sea breeze system may contribute to recirculation of pollutants in the morning hours under coast-parallel gradient wind conditions. Pollutants that are emitted during morning peak traffic hours and advected towards Manukau Harbour by the remnants of the land breeze may be returned by bay breezes in the mid morning hours. Mixed layer height over land before arrival of the sea breeze also varied a lot and ranged between 600 to 1400 m. A convective internal boundary layer (CIBL) forms in the surface layer after arrival of the sea breeze. The CIBL under coast parallel gradient winds was relatively shallow (200 – 400 m), while under coasts-normal gradient winds (southwest and northeast), the predicted depth was in the range of 400 to 500 m. However, the inland extent of the CIBL was greater under coast-normal winds, especially under south-westerly gradient winds. The ground level concentration of air pollutants thus can be increased during sea breeze inflow over the region. Both bay breeze and mature sea breeze contribute towards development, extent and strength of the sea breeze convergence zones (SBCZs). Gradient winds and terrain play an important role in the position and strength of SBCZs. Under strong south-westerly gradient flow, a SBCZ is formed along the eastern coastline, while under north-easterly gradient winds a SBCZ is formed along the west coastline. During coast-parallel gradient winds the SBCZ is formed in the middle of landmass, and is then gradually displaced eastward or westward depending on the balance between large scale PGF and surface friction effect. In addition to SBCZs, terrain and coastline-induced convergences were also evident. Higher ground level concentrations of pollutants are expected under coast-normal gradient winds, when SBCZs are formed in the middle of the land mass and the wind speed of the sea breeze inflow and the sea breeze front is relatively low. This may increase pollution concentration, especially in the evening hours, to unacceptable levels. Results of this research suggest that given the size, synoptic meteorology and specific geography of the region, significant recirculation of pollutants is not likely to happen to contribute to next day’s pollution. The pollutant concentration may increase in the SBCZs, but their ability to recirculate the pollutants requires more extensive research. A closed sea breeze circulation cell is unlikely to form in this region due to topographical influences and a strong gradient wind effect. The pollutant plume is expected to be advected in the return flow over the peaks of higher terrain and via the top of the convergence zones, but its remixing in the onshore flow is subject to many factors such as gradient wind speed and direction, direction of the return flow and nature (size and state) of the pollutant. In appropriate conditions, pollution levels may reach to unhealthy levels under coast-parallel gradient wind condition.

Modèles réduits pour l'etude des mécanismes et de la modulation de l'oscillation australe El Niño

Thual, Sulian 18 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'Oscillation Australe El Niño (ENSO pour El Niño Southern Oscillation) est la fluctuation climatique la plus intense sur Terre après le cycle saisonnier. L'observation, la compréhension et la prévision de cette fluctuation aux retombées mondiales sont des enjeux scientifiques majeurs. Cette thèse documente divers aspects d'ENSO tels que ses mécanismes, sa modulation et sa prévision. Ces divers aspects sont abordés en développant une hiérarchie de modèles du Pacifique équatorial, de complexité croissante, qui s'étend de modèles conceptuels à une méthode d'assimilation de données dans un modèle de complexité intermédiaire. Nous étudions dans un premier temps les mécanismes de formation d'ENSO. Nous développons une dérivation alternative du modèle conceptuel de recharge/décharge où ENSO résulte d'un ajustement de la thermocline équatoriale à échelle de bassin. Nous implémentons par ailleurs un diagnostic original dans un modèle d'instabilités couplées équatoriales, ce qui met en avant un nouveau mécanisme de formation d'ENSO où les réflexions aux frontières océaniques jouent un rôle secondaire. La stratification moyenne de l'océan contribue à la modulation décenalle des caractéristiques d'ENSO. Cette relation est abordée dans un nouveau modèle réduit qui prend en compte les premiers modes baroclines d'un océan continûment stratifié. L'espace des solutions du modèle est exploré, indiquant un contrôle de la stabilité d'ENSO par les caractéristiques de la thermocline équatoriale. La sensibilité à la stratification au cours des dernières décennies est mise en perspective avec la sensibilité aux rétroactions thermodynamiques et atmosphériques. Nous soulignons en particulier certaines limitations des méthodes usuelles d'estimation de la rétroaction de thermocline dans le Pacifique central. Finalement, nous implémentons une méthode de Filtre de Kalman d'Ensemble dans un modèle intermédiaire du Pacifique équatorial déjà existant, afin d'assimiler des observations de niveau de la mer et d'initialiser des prévisions rétrospectives d'ENSO. Nous montrons que la contrainte majeure du modèle porte sur les modes de bassin qui sont associés au processus de recharge/décharge du Pacifique équatorial. Notre travail fournit un formalisme pour diagnostiquer la modulation des caractéristiques d'ENSO dans les observations, les prévisions et projections climatiques. Les résultats soutiennent la nécessité d'étendre la compréhension des mécanismes d'ENSO, afin de rendre compte de la diversité des régimes observés et d'améliorer les prévisions.

Investigation of Heat Transfer Rates Around the Aerodynamic Cavities on a Flat Plate at Hypersonic Mach Numbers

Philip, Sarah Jobin January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Aerodynamic cavities are common features on hypersonic vehicles which are caused in both large and small scale features like surface defects, pitting, gap in joints etc. In the hypersonic regime, the presence of such cavities alters the flow phenomenon considerably and heating rates adjacent to the discontinuities can be greatly enhanced due to the diversion of flow. Since the 1960s, a great deal of theoretical and experimental research has been carried out on cavity flow physics and heating. However, most of the studies have been done to characterize the effect downstream and within the cavity. In the present study, a series of were carried out in the shock tunnel to investigate the heating characteristics, upstream and on the lateral side of the cavity. Heat flux measurement has been done using indigenously developed high resistance platinum thin film gauges. High resistance gauges, as contrary to the conventionally used low resistance gauges were showing good response to the extremely low heat flux values on a flat plate with sharp leading edge. The experimental measurements of heat done on a flat plate with sharp leading edge using these gauges show good match with theoretical relation by Crabtree et al. Flow visualization using high speed camera with the cavity model and shock structures visualized were similar to reported in supersonic cavity flow. This also goes to state that in spite of the fluctuating shear layer-the main feature of hypersonic flow over a cavity ,reasonable studies can be done within the short test time of shock tunnel. Numerical Simulations by solving the Navier-Stokes equation, using the commercially available CFD package FLUENT 13.0.0 has been done to complement the experimental studies.

Modélisation numérique des phénomènes aérothermiques dans les machines électriques en vue d’optimisation de leur conception : application aux machines électriques des véhicules hybrides et électriques / Numerical modeling of the aerothermal behavior inside electrical machines in order to optimize their design : applications for automotive vehicles

Ben Nachouane, Ayoub 21 March 2017 (has links)
Implanter une machine électrique dans un véhicule hybride pose avant tout des problèmes d’encombrement. Sous-dimensionner la machine semble légitime compte tenu de l’usage qui en est fait sur véhicule. Par contre, cela suppose que les aspects thermiques soient pris en compte non seulement lors de l’utilisation, mais aussi lors de la conception de la machine. Le phénomène majeur limitant la densité de puissance massique des machines électriques est l’échauffement interne des bobines et des aimants. La modélisation thermique de la machine est complexe compte tenu de la diversité des sources de chaleur et de la coexistence de différents modes de transferts thermiques : conduction dans la matière, convection avec l’eau de refroidissement, conduction, convection et rayonnement dans l’entrefer. En termes de géométrie, si une première approche peut être réalisée en ne considérant que des flux de chaleur radiaux, la composante axiale doit nécessairement être prise en compte dès lors qu’on veut tenir compte aussi des extrémités de machine, et notamment de la chaleur produite par les roulements et les têtes de bobines. Ainsi pour pouvoir analyser pertinemment les transferts thermiques dans la machine, des méthodes numériques de type CFD ont été utilisées pour caractériser le transfert thermique par convection. La caractérisation des échanges thermiques par convection naturelle et forcée a été réalisée à l’intérieur d’une machine synchrone à aimants permanents internes (MAPI). Des relations empiriques ont été proposées afin de prendre en compte le couplage entre la thermique et l’aérodynamique dans les cavités des machines électriques totalement fermées. Afin de valider la pertinence des modèles numériques dans le cadre de ce travail, des mesures thermiques à l’aide des moyens d’essais de l’UTC ont été réalisées. Les résultats de cette étude sont utilisés pour construire des circuits thermiques équivalents qui prennent en compte les phénomènes thermiques complexes dans les machines électriques fermées utilisées dans les véhicules hybrides et électriques. Ces recommandations de conception permettront l’optimisation de l’effort investi pour le refroidissement de la machine électrique dans ses différentes phases de fonctionnement. / The integration of an electrical machine into modern hybrid vehicles is associated with new technical constraints such as the integrability into small volume without losing certainly in performance. Therefore, the development of compacter electrical machines is a well-founded argument for car manufacturers as well as electrical machine designers. On the other hand, this finding assumes that the thermal aspects are undertaken not only during the operation of the electrical machine, but also during the design process. The internal heat generated in different areas impacts strongly the power density and the magnet health which deeply reduce the electrical machine reliability. Heat transfer modeling inside electrical machines is a tricky task because of the strong coupling between the different physics governing their operations. Indeed, the generated losses spread inside the electrical machine through three heat transfer modes which are: conduction (heat diffusion), convection(heat transport) and radiation (heat scattering). In terms of geometry, if a first approach can be carried out by considering only radial heat fluxes, the axially-transferred heat must be undertaken when it is also necessary to consider end caps effects, and particularly the heat released by the bearings. In order to carry out relevantly the thermal analysis of a permanent magnets synchronous machine, CFD based methods are used to characterize the convective heat transfer inside this machine over a large operating range. Both natural and forced convection are analyzed and the corresponding heat transfer coefficients are numerically-estimated. Empirical equations are proposed in order to take into account the coupling between thermal and fluid dynamics inside the cavities of the studied totally-enclosed machine. These correlations are integrated then into a detailed and reduced thermal network. Experimental tests are carried out using a test bench in order to measure temperature distribution in different areas of the electrical machine. Afterward, a comparison between estimated and measured temperatures shows that the results of the numerically-enhanced thermal network are in a good agreement with measurements. Thus, the proposed recommendations based on CFD modeling allow the convective heat transfer to be characterize quickly and precisely. These correlations are useful for upcoming studies dealing with convection inside automotive electrical machines as well as high speed electrical machines.

Modélisation et simulation des dispositifs de ventilation dans les stockages de déchets radioactifs / Modelling and simulation of ventilation devices in nuclear waste geological repositories

Zhang, Yumeng 17 December 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des modèles et des outils de simulation pour décrire les échanges de masse entre les circuits de ventilation (galeries) et les milieux poreux des ouvrages souterrains d'enfouissement des déchets nucléaires. La modélisation prend en compte le couplage à l'interface poreux-galerie entre les écoulements liquide gaz compositionnels dans le milieu poreux constituant le stockage et les écoulements gazeux compositionnels dans le milieu galerie libre. / The objective of this thesis is to develop models and algorithms to simulate efficiently the mass exchanges occurring at the interface between the nuclear waste deep geological repositories and the ventilation excavated galleries. To model such physical processes, one needs to account in the porous medium for the flow of the liquid and gas phases including the vaporization of the water component in the gas phase and the dissolution of the gaseous components in the liquid phase. In the free flow region, a single phase gas free flow is considered assuming that the liquid phase is instantaneously vaporized at the interface. This gas free flow has to be compositional to account for the change of the relative humidity in the free flow region which has a strong feedback on the liquid flow rate at the interface.

Variation Of Marine Boundary Layer Characteristic Over Bay Of Bengal And Arabian Sea

Rai, Deepika 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is the lowest layer of the atmosphere where surface effects are felt on time scales of about an hour. While its properties are determined by the surface characteristics, season and synoptic conditions, they in turn determine convective cloud properties and are required for the representation of cloud processes in atmospheric models. Further, interaction of the ABL with the surface layer of the ocean is a key component of ocean-atmosphere coupling. ABL characteristics over ocean surrounding the sub-continent become very important for understanding the monsoon processes during the monsoon season because the roots of many monsoon systems, that give rain to India, are over there. In this thesis data used are from three major field experiments namely the Bay of Bengal Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX, 1999), Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX, in two phases, ARMEX-I during 2002 and ARMEX-II in 2003), and Continental Tropical Convergence Zone (CTCZ) experiment (Pilot in 2009) which were carried out under the Indian Climate Research Programme (ICRP). While there have been few studies on ABL characteristics for individual cruises, a comprehensive study considering all available radiosonde data from the above cruises has been missing. This study fills this gap and focuses on the vertical structure of ABL using more than 400 high resolution Vaisala GPS radiosonde data collected over Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. The study attempts at first to look at the ABL characteristics of individual cruises and then compare and contrast them over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. ABL height Hm, estimated by using virtual potential temperature (θv) profile, shows diurnal variation during weak phase of convection while maximum in early morning during active phase of convection. Different variables i.e. moist static energy (h), specific humidity (q), convective available potential energy (CAPE), virtual potential temperature (θv) and equivalent potential temperature (θe) also differ during weak and active convection periods. Conserved variables mixing line approach gives the height up to which ground thermals penetrate in the vertical. This height, denoted by MH that represents the actual ABL height, is 2-3 times larger than Hm when shallow convective clouds are present. In general both Hm and MH are 20-30% larger over Arabian Sea compares to that over Bay of Bengal. Comparison of surface convective available potential energy (CAPE) and equivalent potential temperature (θe) between normal and deficit monsoon years shows that convective instability was as large in deficit years. This means that dynamic and not thermodynamics, controlled the occurrence of convection.

Desenvolvimento e teste de esquemas \"upwind\" de alta resolução e suas  aplicações em escoamentos  incompressíveis com superfícies livres / Development and testing of high-resolution upwind schemes and their applications in incompressible free surface flows

Rafael Alves Bonfim de Queiroz 18 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados do desenvolvimento e teste de esquemas upwind de alta resolução para o controle da difusão numérica em leis de conservação gerais e problemas em dinâmica dos fluidos. Em particular, são derivados dois novos esquemas: o ALUS (Adaptive Linear Upwind Scheme) e o TOPUS (Third-Order Polynomial Upwind Scheme). Esses esquemas são testados no transporte de escalares, em equações 1D tipo convecção-difusão, em sistemas hiperbólicos 1D, nas equações de Euler 2D da dinâmica dos gases e nas equações de Navier-Stokes incompressíveis 2D/3D. Os esquemas são então associados a uma modelagem algébrica não linear para a simulação de problemas de escoamentos incompressíveis turbulentos 2D com/sem superfícies livres / In this work, results of the development and testing of high-resolution upwind schemes for controlling of the numerical diffusion for general conservation laws and fluid dynamics problems are presented. In particular, two new high-resolution upwind schemes are derived, namely, the ALUS (Adaptive Linear Upwind Scheme) and the TOPUS (Third-Order Polynomial Upwind Scheme). These schemes are tested in scalar transport, 1D convection-diffusion equations, 1D hyperbolic systems, 2D Euler equations of the gas dynamics, and in 2D/3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The schemes are then combined with a nonlinear Reynolds stress algebraic equation model for the simulation of 2D incompressible turbulent flows with/without free surfaces

Thermal room modelling adapted to the test of HVAC control systems

Riederer, Peter 28 January 2002 (has links)
Room models, currently used for controller tests, assume the room air to be perfectly mixed. A new room model is developed, assuming non-homogeneous room conditions and distinguishing between different sensor positions. From measurement in real test rooms and detailed CFD simulations, a list of convective phenomena is obtained that has to be considered in the development of a model for a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The zonal modelling approach that divides the room air into several sub-volumes is chosen, since it is able to represent the important convective phenomena imposed on the HVAC system. The convective room model is divided into two parts: a zonal model, representing the air at the occupant zone and a second model, providing the conditions at typical sensor positions. Using this approach, the comfort conditions at the occupant zone can be evaluated as well as the impact of different sensor positions. The model is validated for a test room equipped with different HVAC systems. Sensitivity analysis is carried out on the main parameters of the model. Performance assessment and energy consumption are then compared for different sensor positions in a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The results are also compared with those obtained when a well-mixed model is used. A main conclusion of these tests is, that the differences obtained, when changing the position of the controller's sensor, is a function of the HVAC system and controller type. The differences are generally small in terms of thermal comfort but significant in terms of overall energy consumption. For different HVAC systems the cases are listed, in which the use of a simplified model is not recommended. This PhD has been submitted in accordance to the conditions for attaining both the French and the German degree of a PhD, on a co-national basis, in the frame of a statement of the French government from January 18th, 1994. The research has been carried out in the Automation and Energy Management Group (AGE), Department of Sustainable Development (DDD), at the &amp;quot;Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment&amp;quot; (CSTB) in Marne la Vallée, France, in collaboration with the &amp;quot;Centre Energétique&amp;quot; (CENERG) at the &amp;quot;Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris&amp;quot; (ENSMP), Paris, France and the Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany.

Caractérisation et modélisation de l’évolution spectrale des étoiles naines blanches chaudes

Bédard, Antoine 07 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude empirique et théorique approfondie de l'évolution spectrale des étoiles naines blanches, avec un accent particulier sur les naines blanches chaudes. La composition atmosphérique (et donc l'apparence spectrale) de ces cadavres stellaires peut changer drastiquement avec le temps à mesure qu'ils se refroidissent. Ce phénomène est généralement interprété comme le résultat d'une compétition entre divers mécanismes de transport des éléments dans l'enveloppe stellaire (tels que la diffusion, la convection, les vents et l'accrétion), mais demeure mal compris à plusieurs égards. Il est impératif de remédier à cette situation pour être en mesure d'exploiter le potentiel immense des naines blanches pour notre compréhension du passé de la Galaxie. Pour mieux caractériser l'incidence de l'évolution spectrale, nous effectuons tout d'abord une analyse spectroscopique exhaustive de près de 2000 naines blanches chaudes (Teff > 30,000 K) observées par le relevé SDSS. Nous déterminons les propriétés atmosphériques (notamment la température effective et la composition de surface) de ces objets à l'aide d'un nouvel ensemble de modèles d'atmosphère calculé spécifiquement à cet effet. En examinant la fréquence relative des étoiles riches en hydrogène et riches en hélium en fonction de la température, nous obtenons pour la première fois un portrait empirique détaillé de l'évolution spectrale des naines blanches chaudes. Plus spécifiquement, nous déduisons (1) qu'environ une étoile sur quatre arrive sur la séquence de refroidissement avec une atmosphère d'hélium, et (2) qu'environ deux tiers de ces objets développent ultérieurement une atmosphère d'hydrogène. En outre, nous accordons une attention particulière aux naines blanches hybrides (qui montrent à la fois des traces d'hydrogène et d'hélium) de notre échantillon et à ce que ces objets distinctifs nous apprennent sur l'évolution spectrale. Nous étudions ensuite l'évolution spectrale d'un point de vue théorique en modélisant les transformations chimiques qui s'opèrent dans les naines blanches. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons le code d'évolution stellaire STELUM, qui inclut un traitement cohérent et réaliste du transport des éléments et nous permet donc de réaliser les simulations numériques d'évolution spectrale les plus sophistiquées à ce jour. Nous modélisons la diffusion de l'hydrogène résiduel dans une enveloppe d'hélium à haute température, qui mène ultimement à la formation d'une atmosphère d'hydrogène. Nous simulons également le mélange convectif de cette couche superficielle d'hydrogène avec la couche sous-jacente d'hélium à basse température, qui produit à nouveau une surface dominée par l'hélium. En outre, nous étudions le transport du carbone dans les étoiles riches en hélium, incluant à la fois le tri gravitationnel à haute température et le dragage convectif à basse température. Ces calculs donnent lieu à plusieurs résultats astrophysiques d'intérêt. Nous obtenons notamment une contrainte inédite sur la quantité d'hydrogène résiduel contenue dans les naines blanches chaudes dominées par l'hélium. Nous démontrons aussi que la bifurcation observée dans le diagramme couleur-magnitude des naines blanches découvertes par le satellite Gaia est une signature du processus de mélange convectif à basse température. Par ailleurs, nos modèles fournissent de précieuses informations sur les propriétés des étoiles polluées par le carbone, en particulier sur leur masse et leur zone convective. Enfin, le résultat le plus important de cette thèse est la résolution définitive du problème le plus sérieux de la théorie de l'évolution spectrale, soit le problème de l'origine de l'hydrogène à la surface des naines blanches de type DBA. / This thesis presents an in-depth empirical and theoretical study of the spectral evolution of white dwarf stars, with a particular focus on hot white dwarfs. The atmospheric composition (and thus the spectral appearance) of these stellar remnants can change drastically over time as they cool. This phenomenon is generally interpreted as the result of an interplay between various element transport mechanisms in the stellar envelope (such as diffusion, convection, winds, and accretion), but remains poorly understood in several respects. It is imperative to remedy this situation to be able to exploit the immense potential of white dwarfs for our understanding of the past of the Galaxy. To better characterize the incidence of spectral evolution, we first carry out an exhaustive spectroscopic analysis of nearly 2000 hot white dwarfs (Teff > 30,000 K) observed by the SDSS survey. We determine the atmospheric properties (in particular the effective temperature and surface composition) of these objects using a new set of model atmospheres calculated specifically for this purpose. By examining the relative frequency of hydrogen-rich and helium-rich stars as a function of temperature, we obtain for the first time a detailed empirical picture of the spectral evolution of hot white dwarfs. More specifically, we infer (1) that about one in four stars enters the cooling sequence with a helium atmosphere, and (2) that about two-thirds of these objects eventually develop a hydrogen atmosphere. Furthermore, we pay special attention to the hybrid white dwarfs (which exhibit traces of both hydrogen and helium) in our sample and to what can be learned about spectral evolution from these distinctive objects. We then study spectral evolution from a theoretical point of view by modeling the chemical transformations that take place in white dwarfs. To do this, we use the stellar evolution code STELUM, which includes a consistent and realistic treatment of element transport and therefore allows us to perform the most sophisticated numerical simulations of spectral evolution to date. We model the diffusion of residual hydrogen in a helium envelope at high temperature, which ultimately leads to the formation of a hydrogen atmosphere. We also simulate the convective mixing of this superficial hydrogen layer with the underlying helium layer at low temperature, which once again produces a helium-dominated surface. Furthermore, we study the transport of carbon in helium-rich stars, including both gravitational settling at high temperature and convective dredge-up at low temperature. These calculations give rise to several astrophysical results of interest. In particular, we obtain an unprecedented constraint on the amount of residual hydrogen contained within hot helium-dominated white dwarfs. We also demonstrate that the bifurcation observed in the color-magnitude diagram of white dwarfs discovered by the Gaia satellite is a signature of the convective mixing process at low temperature. Furthermore, our models provide valuable information on the properties of carbon-polluted stars, in particular on their mass and convective zone. Finally, the most important result of this thesis is the definitive resolution of the most serious problem of the theory of spectral evolution, namely the problem of the origin of hydrogen at the surface of DBA-type white dwarfs.

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