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Esquemas de captura de descontinuidades para equações gerais de conservação / Stock capturing scheme for general conservation equationsRodolfo Junior Pérez Narváez 22 February 2013 (has links)
Três esquemas de captura de descontinuidade são apresentados para simular hiperbólicos de leis de conservação e equações de Navier-Stokes incompressíveis, a saber: FDHERPUS (Five Degree Hermite Upwind Scheme); RUS (Rational Upwind Scheme); e CSPUS (Cubic Spline Polynomial Upwind Scheme). Esses esquemas são baseados nos critérios de estabilidade CBC e TVD e implementados nos contextos das metodologias diferenças finitas e volumes finitos. A precisão local dos esquemas é verificada acessando o erro e a taxa de convergência em problemas testes de referência. Um estudo comparativo entre os esquemas estudados (incluido o WENO5) e o esquema bem estabelecido de van Albada, para resolver leis de conservação lineares e não lineares, é também realizado. O esquema de convecção que fornece melhores resultados em leis de conservação hiperbólicas é então examinado na simulação de escoamentos de fluidos newtonianos com superfícies livres móveis de complexidade crescente; resultados satisfatórios têm sido observados em termos do comportamento global / Three shock capturing schemes for numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are presented, namely: FDHERPUS (Five Degree Hermite Polynomial Upwind Scheme); RUS (Rational Upwind Scheme); and CSPUS ( Cubic Spline Polynomial Upwind Scheme). These schemes are based on CBC and TVD stability criteria and implemented in the context of finite volume methodologies. The local observed accuracy of the schemes is verified by assessing the error and convergence rate on benchmark test cases. A comparative study between the schemes (including WENO5) and the well established van. Albada scheme to solve standard linear and nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws is also accomplished. The scheme that has provided better results in hyperbolic conservation laws is then examined in the simulation of Newtonian moving free surface flows of increasing complexity, satisfactory agreement has been observed in terms of the overall behavior
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Shape and topology optimization of multiphysics systems / Optimisation topologique de systèmes multiphysiquesFeppon, Florian 16 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'optimisation de la topologie et de la forme de systèmesmultiphysiques motivés par des applications de l'industrie aéronautique. Nouscalculons les dérivées de forme de fonctions de coût arbitraires pour un modèlefluide, thermique et mécanique faiblement couplé. Nous développons ensuite unalgorithme de type gradient adapté à la résolution de problèmes d'optimisation deformes sous contraintes qui ne requiert par de réglage de paramètres nonphysiques. Nous introduisons ensuite une méthode variationnelle qui permet decalculer des intégrales le long de rayons sur un maillage par la résolution d'unproblème variationnel qui ne requiert pas la détermination explicite de ces lignessur la discrétisation spatiale. Cette méthode nous a ainsi permis d'imposer unecontrainte de non-mélange de phases pour une application à l'optimisationd'échangeurs de chaleur bi-tubes. Tous ces ingrédients ont été employés pour traiterune variété de cas tests d'optimisation de formes pour des systèmes multi-physiques2-d ou 3-d. Nous avons considéré des problèmes à une seule, deux ou bien troisphysiques couplées en 2-d, et des problèmes de tailles relativement élevées en 3-dpour la mécanique, la conduction thermique, l'optimisation de profils aérodynamiques,et de la forme de systèmes en interaction fluide-structure. Un dernier chapitred'ouverture est consacré à l'étude de modèles homogénéisées d'ordres élevés pour lessystèmes elliptiques perforés. Ces équations d'ordres élevés englobent les troisrégimes homogénéisés classiques associés à divers rapports d'échelles pour la tailledes obstacles. Elles pourraient permettre, dans de futurs travaux, de développer denouvelles méthodes d'optimisation pour les systèmes fluides caractérisés par desmotifs multi-échelles, ainsi que couramment rencontré dans la conception deséchangeurs thermiques industriels. / This work is devoted to shape and topology optimization of multiphysics systemsmotivated by aeronautic industrial applications. Shape derivatives of arbitraryobjective functionals are computed for a weakly coupled thermal fluid-structuremodel. A novel gradient flow type algorithm is then developed for solving genericconstrained shape optimization problems without the need for tuning non-physicalmetaparameters. Motivated by the need for enforcing non-mixing constraints in thedesign of liquid-liquid heat exchangers, a variational method is developed in orderto simplify the numerical evaluation of geometric constraints: it allows to computeline integrals on a mesh by solving a variational problem without requiring theexplicit knowledge of these lines on the spatial discretization. All theseingredients allowed us to implement a variety of 2-d and 3-d multiphysics shapeoptimization test cases: from single, double or three physics problems in 2-d, tomoderately large-scale 3-d test cases for structural design, thermal conduction,aerodynamic design and a fluid-structure interacting system. A final opening chapterderives high order homogenized equations for perforated elliptic systems. These highorder equations encompass the three classical regimes of homogenized modelsassociated with different obstacle's size scalings. They could allow, in futureworks, to develop new topology optimization methods for fluid systems characterizedby multi-scale patterns as commonly encountered in industrial heat exchanger designs.
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Physikalisch modifizierte Stärke: Thermische Behandlung von Kartoffelstärke und die resultierenden Eigenschaften in wässriger Umgebung: Untersuchung von Einflussparametern auf das Quellungs- und LösungsverhaltenTreppe, Konrad 28 August 2017 (has links)
Es wird der Eigenschaftsbereich von thermisch modififizierter Kartoffelstärke erweitert und durch viele Proben sowie eine große Probenmenge verififiziert. Ziel ist es neue Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung der Stärke-Prozesskette zu erschließen und somit das industrielle Anwendungsspektrum für den Ausgangsstoff Stärke zu vergrößern.
Native und konditionierte Kartoffelstärke werden auf neuartige Weise durch eine (Vakuum-)Mikrowellenbehandlung und durch eine konvektive Ofenbehandlung im Labormaßstab thermisch modififiziert. Um Einflussparameter auf die resultierende Eigenschaftsänderung zu identififizieren, werden das Quellungs- und Lösungsverhalten der Stärkeproben in wässriger Umgebung charakterisiert sowie das Stärkegel mikroskopisch untersucht.
Eine Steigerung der variierten Behandlungsparameter (Behandlungsdauer und -temperatur bzw. -leistung) bewirkt unabhängig vom Behandlungsverfahren eine Zunahme der Quellung und der Löslichkeit. Die schlüssige grafifische Darstellung der Ergebnisse offenbart die Unterschiede zwischen den thermischen Verfahren. Bei der Mikrowellenbehandlung verursacht der ungehinderte Eintrag der Feldenergie in die Stärke eine erheblich schnellere Modififikation gegenüber der Ofenbehandlung. Bei der Vakuum-Mikrowellenbehandlung bewirkt der große Dampfdruck-Gradient eine intensivere Behandlung gegenüber der Mikrowellenbehandlung bei Atmosphärendruck.
Mit den Verfahren können vorbestimmte Eigenschaften der Kartoffelstärke bewirkt werden, bspw. verursacht die Mikrowellenbehandlung eine geringere Löslichkeit als die Ofenbehandlung. Bei der Ofenbehandlung verringert eine Befeuchtung die Quellung und die Löslichkeit, was ähnlich dem Heat-Moisture-Effekt auf eine Modififikation der Stärkestruktur bei erhöhter Feuchte zusammen mit hoher Temperatur hindeutet. Die mikroskopische Geluntersuchung zeigt Unterschiede des Stärkegels für die verschiedenen Verfahren. Nach der Vakuum-Mikrowellenbehandlung brechen bei der Quellung einzelne Körner im Glasübergangsstadium auf und die Kornfragmente sind als Schlieren sichtbar.:1 Einleitung
1.1 Hintergrund - Marktrelevanz von Stärke
1.2 Motivation - Verfahrensrelevanz von Stärke
1.3 Zielsetzung und Lösungsansatz
2 Stand des Wissens über Stärke
2.1 Thermodynamische Modellvorstellung für hygroskopische, kapillarporöse Materialien
2.2 Aufbau
2.3 Eigenschaften in wässriger Umgebung
2.4 Thermische Behandlungsverfahren und Charakterisierungsmethoden
3 Material und Methoden
3.1 Ausgangsmaterial Kartoffelstärke
3.2 Bestimmung der Feuchte im Stärkepulver
3.3 Konditionierung zur Variation der Anfangsfeuchte im Stärkepulver
3.4 Thermische Behandlung der Stärke im Ofen
3.5 Thermische Behandlung der Stärke in der Mikrowelle
3.6 Labortechnische Charakterisierung der Quellung und der Löslichkeit
3.7 Mikroskopische Untersuchung des Stärkegels
4 Durchführung
4.1 Experimenteller Ablauf
4.2 Versuchsplanung
4.3 Ergebnisdarstellung
5 Ergebnisse und Diskussion
5.1 Einfluss der Wasserbadtemperatur auf Charakterisierungsparameter
5.2 Charakterisierung nativer Stärke mit variierter Anfangsfeuchte
5.3 Charakterisierung der im Ofen behandelten Stärke
5.4 Charakterisierung der Vakuum-Mikrowellen behandelten Stärke
5.5 Charakterisierung der Mikrowellen behandelten Stärke
5.6 Gegenüberstellung der untersuchten Behandlungsverfahren
6 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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On the Advancement of Phenomenological and Mechanistic Descriptions of Unsteadiness in Shock-Wave/Turbulent-Boundary-Layer InteractionsAdler, Michael C. 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Surface Measurements And Predictions Of Full-coverage Film CoolingNatsui, Gregory 01 January 2012 (has links)
Full-coverage film cooling is investigated both experimentally and numerically. First, surface measurements local of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer augmentation for four different arrays are described. Reported next is a comparison between two very common turbulence models, Realizable k-ε and SST k-ω, and their ability to predict local film cooling effectiveness throughout a full-coverage array. The objective of the experimental study is the quantification of local heat transfer augmentation and adiabatic film cooling effectiveness for four surfaces cooled by large, both in hole count and in non-dimensional spacing, arrays of film cooling holes. The four arrays are of two different hole-to-hole spacings (P/D = X/D = 14.5, 19.8) and two different hole inclination angles (α = 30◦ , 45◦ ), with cylindrical holes compounded relative to the flow (β = 45◦ ) and arranged in a staggered configuration. Arrays of up to 30 rows are tested so that the superposition effect of the coolant film can be studied. In addition, shortened arrays of up to 20 rows of coolant holes are also tested so that the decay of the coolant film following injection can be studied. Levels of laterally averaged effectiveness reach values as high as ¯η = 0.5, and are not yet at the asymptotic limit even after 20 − 30 rows of injection for all cases studied. Levels of heat transfer augmentation asymptotically approach values of h/h0 ≈ 1.35 rather quickly, iii only after 10 rows. It is conjectured that the heat transfer augmentation levels off very quickly due to the boundary layer reaching an equilibrium in which the perturbation from additional film rows has reached a balance with the damping effect resulting from viscosity. The levels of laterally averaged adiabatic film cooling effectiveness far exceeding ¯η = 0.5 are much higher than expected. The heat transfer augmentation levels off quickly as opposed to the film effectiveness which continues to rise (although asymptotically) at large row numbers. This ensures that an increased row count represents coolant well spent. The numerical predictions are carried out in order to test the ability of the two most common turbulence models to properly predict full coverage film cooling. The two models chosen, Realizable k − ε (RKE) and Shear Stress T ransport k − ω (SSTKW), are both two-equation models coupled with Reynolds Averaged governing equations which make several gross physical assumptions and require several empirical values. Hence, the models are not expected to provide perfect results. However, very good average values are seen to be obtained through these simple models. Using RKE in order to model full-coverage film cooling will yield results with 30% less error than selecting SSTKW.
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Effets de perturbations magnétiques sur la dynamique de la barrière de transport dans un Tokamak : modélisation et simulations numériquesSolminihac, Florence, de 24 October 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions l'impact de perturbations magnétiques résonnantes sur la dynamique de la barrière de transport dans un tokamak. Pour cela nous avons réalisé des simulations numériques tridimensionnelles de turbulence dans le plasma de bord du tokamak. Nos simulations numériques ont reproduit les résultats expérimentaux observés dans différents tokamaks. Dans le régime de confinement amélioré (mode H), la barrière de transport n'est pas stable : elle effectue des oscillations de relaxation, qui partagent des caractéristiques communes avec les "modes localisés au bord'' (Edge Localized Modes, ELMs). Ces ELMs ont à la fois des avantages et des inconvénients. D'un côté, ils permettent d'évacuer les impuretés présentes dans le coe ur du plasma. Mais d'un autre côté, la charge thermique induite sur la paroi pendant un ELM peut endommager les matériaux de première paroi. Pour cette raison, ils doivent être contrôlés. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte du projet ITER actuellement en construction en France. Sur ITER, le contrôle des ELMs sera indispensable en raison de la quantité d'énergie évacuée. Parmi les différentes façons de contrôler les ELMs, les perturbations magnétiques résonnantes (Resonant Magnetic Perturbations, RMPs) semblent prometteuses. Ces perturbations magnétiques résonnantes sont créées par des bobines externes. Nous nous plaçons dans le cas du tokamak TEXTOR et nous considérons deux configurations pour les bobines externes : dans un premier temps, une perturbation magnétique résonnante comprenant plusieurs harmoniques, qui permet d'avoir une zone stochastique au bord du plasma lorsque les chaînes d'îlots magnétiques se superposent. / In this PhD thesis we study the impact of resonant magnetic perturbations on the transport barrier dynamics in a tokamak. In this goal we have performed turbulence tridimensional numerical simulations in the edge plasma of a tokamak, which reproduced the experimental results observed in different tokamaks. In the improved confinement regime (H mode), the transport barrier is not stable : it does relaxation oscillations, which share common features with the ``Edge Localized Modes'' (ELMs). These ELMs both have advantages and drawbacks. On the one hand, they enable to push away the impurities present in the plasma core. But on the other hand, the thermal load induced on the wall during an ELM can damage the first wall materials. For this reason, they must be controlled. This PhD thesis belongs to the frame of the ITER project, which is today in construction in France. On ITER the ELMs control will be compulsory due to the quantity of energy released. Among the different ways of controlling the ELMs, the resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) seem promising. These resonant magnetic perturbations are created by external coils. We consider the TEXTOR tokamak case and we consider two configurations for the external coils : first, a resonant magnetic perturbation with several harmonics, which enables to have a stochastic zone at the plasma edge when the magnetic island chains overlap ; then, a resonant magnetic perturbation with a single harmonic, which therefore creates a single magnetic island chain. In this PhD thesis, we focus on the non-axisymmetric equilibrium created in the plasma by the resonant magnetic perturbation.
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Desenvolvimento e teste de esquemas \"upwind\" de alta resolução e suas aplicações em escoamentos incompressíveis com superfícies livres / Development and testing of high-resolution upwind schemes and their applications in incompressible free surface flowsQueiroz, Rafael Alves Bonfim de 18 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados do desenvolvimento e teste de esquemas upwind de alta resolução para o controle da difusão numérica em leis de conservação gerais e problemas em dinâmica dos fluidos. Em particular, são derivados dois novos esquemas: o ALUS (Adaptive Linear Upwind Scheme) e o TOPUS (Third-Order Polynomial Upwind Scheme). Esses esquemas são testados no transporte de escalares, em equações 1D tipo convecção-difusão, em sistemas hiperbólicos 1D, nas equações de Euler 2D da dinâmica dos gases e nas equações de Navier-Stokes incompressíveis 2D/3D. Os esquemas são então associados a uma modelagem algébrica não linear para a simulação de problemas de escoamentos incompressíveis turbulentos 2D com/sem superfícies livres / In this work, results of the development and testing of high-resolution upwind schemes for controlling of the numerical diffusion for general conservation laws and fluid dynamics problems are presented. In particular, two new high-resolution upwind schemes are derived, namely, the ALUS (Adaptive Linear Upwind Scheme) and the TOPUS (Third-Order Polynomial Upwind Scheme). These schemes are tested in scalar transport, 1D convection-diffusion equations, 1D hyperbolic systems, 2D Euler equations of the gas dynamics, and in 2D/3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The schemes are then combined with a nonlinear Reynolds stress algebraic equation model for the simulation of 2D incompressible turbulent flows with/without free surfaces
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Modelagem euleriana do escoamento gás-sólido em leito fluidizado circulante: análise da influência de parâmetros físicos e numéricos nos resultados de simulação / Eulerian modeling of the gas-solid flow in a circulating fluidized bed: analysis of the physical and numerical parameters influence in the simulation resultsSilva, Renato César da 03 February 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho desenvolve-se um estudo de modelagem matemática e simulação numérica do escoamento bifásico gás-sólido na coluna ascendente de um leito fluidizado circulante. Utiliza-se o modelo euleriano de duas fases separadas considerando dois procedimentos diferentes para a modelagem do tensor das tensões da fase sólida: modelo tradicional e a teoria cinética dos escoamentos granulares (TCEG). As simulações numéricas são conduzidas com a utilização do código MFIX que é um software livre e disponível na rede (Internet). Os resultados da simulação numérica são avaliados por meio da análise da influência dos seguintes parâmetros: malha computacional, correlações para o computo do tensor das tensões da fase sólida e esquemas de discretização dos termos advectivos. Também se desenvolve estudo de caracterização de estruturas coerentes - \"clusters\". De forma complementar foram realizadas duas análises teóricas compreendendo: uma análise da influência das diversas correlações utilizadas na TCEG para o computo da viscosidade dinâmica do sólido; e uma análise enfocando o emprego de diversos esquemas de discretização para os termos advectivos presentes nas equações de conservação (Foup, Muscl, Van Leer, Minmod e Superbee). De todos os estudos e resultados apresentados no trabalho conclui-se que os escoamentos gás-sólido em leitos fluidizados circulantes são muito complexos, sendo necessário a realização de futuras pesquisas para uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos físicos inerentes a esses escoamentos. / In the present work is described a mathematical model and numerical study simulation of the gas-solid flow in the riser of a circulating fluidized bed. It is used the two fluids eulerian model considering two different procedures for the solid phase stress tensor modeling: the traditional model and the kinetic theory of granular flows (KTGF). The numerical simulation results are evaluated through the influence analysis of the following parameters: computational mesh, correlations for computing the solid phase stress tensor and the discretization of the advective terms. It is also presented a study concerning the characterization coherent structures - \"clusters\". Complementing the above studies were accomplished two theoretical analyses comprehending: an influence analysis of several correlations used in the KTGF for computing the dynamic viscosity of the solid phase; and an analysis concerning several discretization schemes for the advective terms present in the conservative equations. Considering the developed studies and the obtained results it is concluded that the gas-solid flows in circulating fluidized beds are very complex, being necessary future research works for a better comprehension of the inherent physical phenomena to these flows.
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Modelagem euleriana do escoamento gás-sólido em leito fluidizado circulante: análise da influência de parâmetros físicos e numéricos nos resultados de simulação / Eulerian modeling of the gas-solid flow in a circulating fluidized bed: analysis of the physical and numerical parameters influence in the simulation resultsRenato César da Silva 03 February 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho desenvolve-se um estudo de modelagem matemática e simulação numérica do escoamento bifásico gás-sólido na coluna ascendente de um leito fluidizado circulante. Utiliza-se o modelo euleriano de duas fases separadas considerando dois procedimentos diferentes para a modelagem do tensor das tensões da fase sólida: modelo tradicional e a teoria cinética dos escoamentos granulares (TCEG). As simulações numéricas são conduzidas com a utilização do código MFIX que é um software livre e disponível na rede (Internet). Os resultados da simulação numérica são avaliados por meio da análise da influência dos seguintes parâmetros: malha computacional, correlações para o computo do tensor das tensões da fase sólida e esquemas de discretização dos termos advectivos. Também se desenvolve estudo de caracterização de estruturas coerentes - \"clusters\". De forma complementar foram realizadas duas análises teóricas compreendendo: uma análise da influência das diversas correlações utilizadas na TCEG para o computo da viscosidade dinâmica do sólido; e uma análise enfocando o emprego de diversos esquemas de discretização para os termos advectivos presentes nas equações de conservação (Foup, Muscl, Van Leer, Minmod e Superbee). De todos os estudos e resultados apresentados no trabalho conclui-se que os escoamentos gás-sólido em leitos fluidizados circulantes são muito complexos, sendo necessário a realização de futuras pesquisas para uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos físicos inerentes a esses escoamentos. / In the present work is described a mathematical model and numerical study simulation of the gas-solid flow in the riser of a circulating fluidized bed. It is used the two fluids eulerian model considering two different procedures for the solid phase stress tensor modeling: the traditional model and the kinetic theory of granular flows (KTGF). The numerical simulation results are evaluated through the influence analysis of the following parameters: computational mesh, correlations for computing the solid phase stress tensor and the discretization of the advective terms. It is also presented a study concerning the characterization coherent structures - \"clusters\". Complementing the above studies were accomplished two theoretical analyses comprehending: an influence analysis of several correlations used in the KTGF for computing the dynamic viscosity of the solid phase; and an analysis concerning several discretization schemes for the advective terms present in the conservative equations. Considering the developed studies and the obtained results it is concluded that the gas-solid flows in circulating fluidized beds are very complex, being necessary future research works for a better comprehension of the inherent physical phenomena to these flows.
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Etude analytique et numérique des instabilités spatio-temporelles des écoulements de convection<br /> mixte en milieu poreux: comparaison avec l'expérience.Delache, Alexandre 12 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude concerne l'évolution spatio-temporelles des structures thermo-convectives en milieu poreux chauffé par le bas et soumis à un écoulement horizontal. Des données expérimentales montrent que dans la région laminaire, deux types de structures ont été observés: des rouleaux propagatifs transverses à l'écoulement (R.T) et des rouleaux fixes longitudinaux (R.L). Il est obtenu que l'analyse temporelle ne permet pas de prédire la sélection de structures observées, alors que la transition convectif/ absolu dans l'espace des paramètres correspond parfaitement à la transition entre les deux types de structures. Ce très bon accord entre la théorie de l'instabilité absolue et l'expérience, est retrouvé également lorsque l'on compare les périodes d'oscillations et les longueurs d'onde des R.T. Lorsque le rapport de forme transversal du milieu et l'inertie sont pris en compte, l'interaction non linéaire des R.T et des R.L est étudiée grâce à deux équations d'enveloppes, obtenues rigoureusement au voisinage d'un point de bifurcation double. La simulation numérique de ce modèle réduit en présence du bruit permet d'expliquer certaines observations expérimentales. D'autre part la résolution numérique directe bidimensionnelle du problème en méthode spectrale montre que les caractéristiques des modes globaux non linéaires sont identiques à ceux obtenues par la théorie linéaire d'instabilité absolue. Par ailleurs le transfert de chaleur moyen est analysé et comparé à l'expérience.
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