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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Internal Corporate Brand Building Process of a Swedish University : Case Study: Linköping University

Suleymanov, Turan, Rajapunsaen, Akraphorn January 2008 (has links)
Research Purposes: Brands are one of the important influences on our life that appear everywhere and have great impact on the way we see our world. There are several kinds of brands and numerous perspectives existing about the brand concept. However, the concept of company brand, or corporate brand, is a new topic in the literature and only in 90s was the company brand concept assessed by some communication and branding consultants. Doubtless, one of the most discussed issues in the brand literature is general brand building process. There are many studies that have been done on the general brand building process, regardless the type of the brands, which can be found by Western scholars such as Aaker (1996), de Chernatony (2001), Knox and Bickerton (2003), and Urde (2003). Even though, there are numerous models of the branding process in the literature, the lack of empirical testing has always been the source of critiques for all of them. One of the recent researches on the corporate branding was done by Ted Karlsson, Ph.D. at Umeå University. He divided the internal corporate brand process from general corporate branding process and studied it separately. He came up with a model which is based on the theories mentioned above. However, there are no studies that have been done by scholars on internal corporate brand building process at higher education institutions. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the internal corporate brand building process at Linköping University and, to examine Ted Karlsson’s model for its applicability in LiU case. Methodology The type of the research is descriptive. In order to fulfill the research purpose, the researchers have used the deductive approach and adapted the case study strategy as a research strategy. Both secondary and primary data have been used in the research. Findings In the conclusion, researchers come up with the model of internal corporate brand building process of LiU. The researchers found that Linköping University has been taking the whole steps of the internal corporate brand building process as it is described in the literature. LiU internal corporate brand building case study approved the reliability and the validity of the model presented by Ted Karlsson in 2006.

Employee Rebranding : The case of Vivacom

Velikova, Denitsa, Todorova, Georgina January 2012 (has links)
Problem: Rebranding in the services is a recent trend, which brings focus to the impor-tance of the employees in this process. Their attitudes, perceptions and views need to be considered by the management when creating the internal communication strategy related to the rebranding in order to direct the employees to the desired brand image. This raises the problem as how employees perceive the management`s rebranding efforts. Purpose: This study aims to focus on how rebranding is executed and communicated in-ternally to the employees of the company. It is interesting to find out how the employees evaluate the communication strategy that the management implements and how they perceive the new image of the company. In order to get insight to the internal rebranding process the correlation between the perceived image by the employees and the components of the internal communication strategy is presented. Methodology: The empirical approach is a case study of the Bulgarian telecommunication company Vivacom. The research includes two interviews with the management of the company and a questionnaire based on the interviews and the relevant literature, which was sent to the employees of the company. Moreover, company`s documentation and website were used to complement the information. Conclusions: The results helped us identify the decisions that the management made re-garding the rebranding and the internal communication. The quantitative data indicated the relatively positive attitudes and views of the employees for the management`s rebranding efforts. They also showed good knowledge and awareness of the new brand elements.

Kooperativa identiteter : En kvalitativ studie av KF:s motstridiga företagsideal 1977-1987

Eklann, Karin January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att empiriskt analysera detaljhandelsföretaget Kooperativa Förbundets förhållande till traditioner, företagsideal och marknadsföring under perioden 1977–1987. Mer precist kommer den interna tidningen Kooperatören att studeras med hjälp av de teoretiska begreppen corporate identity, corporate branding och history marketing. KF befann sig i slutet av 1970-talet i en besvärlig sits med en försämrad marknadsposition och en otydlig företagsidentitet. Den allmänna inställningen till konsumentupplysning och konsumtion hade sedan andra världskriget förändrats och medfört att KF befann sig på en marknad med nya krav och behov. Det innebar att KF:s gamla traditioner och ideal inte längre var lika aktuella och företaget ställdes inför en identitetskris. Hur såg den interna diskussionen ut gällande företagsidentiteten och vilka aktörer var drivande? Då krav på nyprofilering hängde över KF kan det, något förenklat, urskiljas två motstridande interna rörelser. Den ena ansåg att företaget och dess värderingar i sin ursprungsform behövdes på marknaden, bara det att konsumenterna var oförmögna att förstå det. Oro uttrycktes för att de kooperativa idealen skulle överges och man ville genom att återberätta företagets grundideal och historia bringa klarhet i vad KF stod för. Den andra rörelsen förespråkade en förändring av företagsformen för att kunna möta den nya marknadens behov. Delar av KF:s ideal och marknadsföringsrutiner skulle därmed moderniseras för att åter tilltala konsumenterna. Dessa röster hördes allt oftare under mitten av 80-talet, vilket bland annat resulterade i att mer kommersiellt inriktad marknadsföring infördes i företagets rutiner.

Corporate rebranding processes in small companies:a multiple case study from the B2B software industry

Juntunen, M. (Mari) 31 May 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the present study is to build a theoretically based and empirically grounded framework that enables a better understanding of corporate rebranding processes among small companies. Corporate rebranding is addressed from a visual viewpoint concentrating on changes to corporate name and logo. The theoretical background is based on corporate branding, corporate rebranding and organisational change literature. The research setting is small software companies that operate in B2B markets. The empirical part is conducted as a multiple case study of three cases by gathering data both before and after corporate name changes. The main data gathering method was narrative interviews supported by several specifying interviews and secondary data. The results are first presented as narratives followed by process descriptions and finally combined into an empirically grounded processual framework for corporate rebranding. First, context-related characteristics influencing and reasons for corporate rebranding are revealed. Second, sub-processes of corporate rebranding are presented during three different time periods; 1) before establishing the company, 2) after establishing the company during the time when the original corporate name is in use and 3) after establishing the company when the new corporate name is in use. Third, outputs of corporate rebranding are described in the forms of the new name and logo. For small business managers the study offers four interesting findings. First, developing a new corporate name in company is cheap but may take several years. Using marketing communications agencies may result in a faster process, but in that case, the cost implications should be accepted. Second, the company should inform its stakeholders of the forthcoming name change for two reasons: 1) stakeholders may provide ideas for a new name; and 2) proactively spreading information on a forthcoming name change may avoid misunderstandings, for example, rumours of bankruptcy, when the name change is executed. Third, encouraging stakeholders to invent a new name and evaluate the potential new name may help to ensure that the new name will not cause any unwanted associations. Fourth, in launching the new name electronic devices may be far more cost-effective than expensive marketing communications campaigns to communicate the change. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda teorioihin perustuva ja empiirisesti perusteltu viitekehys, joka auttaa ymmärtämään yrityksen uudelleenbrändäykseen liittyviä prosesseja pienissä yritysmarkkinoilla toimivissa (B2B) ohjelmistoyrityksissä. Yritysbrändäys nähdään visuaalisesta näkökulmasta, ja sillä tarkoitetaan yrityksen nimen ja logon vaihtamista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta on rakennettu yritysbrändäystä, yrityksen uudelleenbrändäystä ja organisaation muutosta käsittelevien kirjallisuuksien perusteella. Empiirinen osa on toteutettu kolmen tapauksen tapaustutkimuksena. Ensisijainen aineistonkeruumenetelmä ovat narratiiviset haastattelut, joilla tuotetaan haastateltavien omia tarinoita tutkitusta ilmiöstä. Näitä tuetaan useilla tarkentavilla haastatteluilla ja kirjallisella aineistolla. Tulokset esitetään ensin narratiiveina, sen jälkeen prosessikuvioina ja lopuksi empiirisesti perusteltuna viitekehyksenä yrityksen uudelleenbrändäysprosesseista. Viitekehys koostuu kolmesta osasta: 1) yrityksen uudelleenbräyksen syyt ja siihen vaikuttavat kontekstin erityispiirteet, 2) yrityksen uudelleenbrändäyksen alaprosessit i) ennen yrityksen perustamista sekä sen perustamisen jälkeen ii) aikana jolloin yrityksen alkuperäinen nimi on käytössä ja iii) aikana jolloin yrityksen uusi nimi on käytössä, sekä 3) yrityksen uudelleenbrändäyksen lopputulema, eli uusi yritysnimi ja logo. Tutkimus tarjoaa pienyrittäjille neljä tärkeää näkökulmaa. Ensinnäkin, uuden yritysnimen kehittäminen itse on edullista, mutta sopivan nimen löytäminen voi tällöin kestää vuosia. Markkinointiviestintätoimisto voi tuottaa nimen nopeammin, mutta silloin on hyväksyttävä siitä aiheutuvat kustannukset. Toiseksi, yritysten kannattaa informoida tärkeitä sidosryhmiään mahdollisesta tulevasta nimen muutoksesta jo ennakkoon kahdesta syystä: 1) sidosryhmät voivat auttaa nimen keksimisessä, ja 2) näin voidaan välttää väärinkäsityksiä (mm. konkurssiepäilyt) varsinaiseen nimenvaihtamiseen liittyen. Kolmanneksi, kun sidosryhmät osallistuvat nimen kehittämiseen ja nimiehdotusten arviointiin, voidaan kartoittaa ja välttää ei-toivottuja assosiaatioita nimeen liittyen. Neljänneksi, suurten markkinointiviestintäkampanjoiden sijasta uuden nimen lanseeraamisessa kannattaa pohtia elektronisten viestintävälineiden käyttämistä.

Autenticitetens regler : En studie om konstruktionen av trender och hur de påverkar företags varumärken i en viktlös ekonomi

Bergström Björn, Ludvig, Tallberg, Lars January 2017 (has links)
Företag försöker idag på kreativa och diskreta sätt möta oss på våra egna arenor. Detta är i sig inget nytt fenomen – produktplaceringar i film och TV var länge vanligt förekommande, men har minskat kraftigt under senare år. Att istället försöka tilltala oss genom våra egna val av livsstil har blivit det nya sättet för företag att bryta igenom den massa av kommersiell kommunikation vi stöter på dagligen och som vi ofta försöker stöta ifrån oss. Men dessa immateriella, viktlösa värden är idag ofta det som differentierar ett varumärke från ett annat i konsumentens ögon. Därför är det i vår tid en fundamental del i varje varumärkes uppbyggnad. Denna uppsats fokuserar på företags nyttjande av trender i samhället för att vinnlägga sig dessa värden och knyta dem till det egna varumärket. Utgångspunkten har varit att söka förstå hur företag ser på konstruktionen av dessa trender i en konsumtionsmiljö där gränsen mellan producent och konsument blivit allt mer otydlig. Uppsatsen följer en kvalitativ modell med en abduktiv forskningsansats där empiri och teori hela tiden har utformats och behandlats i ett växelspel. Resultatet av undersökning visar på tydliga paralleller till teorier bakom det så kallade Corporate branding-arbetet, där företagets kultur, vision och image måste korrelera för att företaget på ett lyckat sätt ska skapa ett starkt varumärke av sig själva. Nyckelordet, både efter denna uppsats undersökningar och i Corporate branding-processen överlag, är autenticitet. Vikten av att som företag i dessa trendnyttjanden visa på ett ärligt engagemang som går i linje med företagets interna och externa bild har visat sig fundamental. Uppfattningen om var trenden uppkommer och företags kontroll över den har däremot visat sig vara olika beroende på respondent, varpå ingen tydlig bild har framkommit.

Corporate Identity, Corporate Branding and Brand Image

Khan, Muhammad Ghayour, Khan, Omar January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation aims to address the research gap which was evident on the apparel industry. The authors identified that additional research is required on how corporate identity influences the designing of a brand image on apparel industry. In order to address the gap the authors first formed a research model based on literature review or secondary data. Later on, primary data was collected through qualitative research method from 14 garments companies in Pakistan. Moreover, the primary data and secondary data was synthesized in order to analyze and conclude the research.The finding shows that the communication is a main issue when forming the brand image and it must be in line with the corporate identity in order to form a successful brand.

Developing a Corporate Brand in a Transitional Economy

Bici, Alma January 2018 (has links)
This DBA thesis explores the development of a corporate brand in a transitional economy, a previously under-explored context. The work employs a qualitative exploratory case-study research strategy involving a leader in the FMCG industry in Albania. This helps to set a positive example for the rest of the industry in the context of a transitional economy. Agna Group, the case study in focus, is a FMCG company operating in a domestic market, thus contributing to further insights in the area of corporate brand development and management from a business context which has been under-explored to date, as main focus of corporate branding has been on MNCs. A conceptual framework of corporate brand building and management is initially introduced, and its relevance in the transitional economy of Albania is further explored. The research benefits from the privileged access of the researcher in the case study organization, and the triangulation of a variety of data collected through in-depth interviews, documentation, and observations. The research advances our knowledge and practice of corporate brand building and management by adding to empirical work in the area. It indicates the constructs and practicalities involved in corporate brand development and management in a transitional economy context. This is an important contribution as the literature to date has predominantly focused on developed countries, i.e North America and Western Europe. The research showcases the six main constructs involved in corporate brand development and management and the three main drivers behind them. Research indicates that corporate brand building and management is strongly impacted by culture, as well as market context influence.

Selling with Personality: The Role of Personal Branding in B2B Social Selling : An Exploratory Study of Personal Branding for B2B sales personnel.

Mundorf, Linnea, Friberg, Ebba, Johansson, Selina January 2023 (has links)
This research aims to facilitate sales personnel and companies in understanding the interrelation of personal branding within sales and how it should be utilized effectively. Thus, the thesis explores how sales personnel develop and communicate their personal brand, and additionally how personal branding relates to social selling in a B2B context. Using a qualitative approach, the researchers conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with nine participants to achieve meaningful insights about the topic. The research utilizes a deductive approach and a form of directed analysis where the findings are closely related to the conceptual framework (Figure 1). It was found that authenticity is a major aspect when communicating a personal brand. This is since supporting other salespeople, offering expertise, and creating relationships were essential. Furthermore, findings regarding the development of a personal brand indicated changes in professional and personal life as prominent factors. The discoveries reported that processes such as self-reflection and idea-batching, in which values are at the core of evolving the personal brand, can be beneficial. Moreover, the study identifies how personal branding relates to social selling in a B2B context. The researchers found that personal branding can form the base for successful social selling in terms of the connection between the two concepts. It was indicated that social selling would function as a Pull-strategy when incorporating a strong personal brand. In summary, this thesis offers insightful information on the essential function of personal branding for sales personnel and businesses in the B2B context, elucidating the development and communication of a personal brand and its relationship with social selling.


Rantatalo, Emelie, Jonsson, Linda January 2023 (has links)
CSR-branding has gained recognition and promotes organizations to incorporate CSRinitiatives into their branding strategies. Conversely, executing an effective CSR-brandingstrategy presents challenges such as aligning relevant initiatives with the corporate brand,assessing internal resources, and engaging external stakeholders. In the beauty industry,sustainability is crucial due to concerns about its negative impact on society and theenvironment. To address these issues, companies need to prioritize social and environmentalsustainability in their practices and promote ethical and responsible consumption. In termsof communication of CSR activities and building trust with stakeholders, sustainabilityreporting plays a vital role. Companies that provide readable reports demonstrate theircommitment to ethical standards and stakeholder expectations. Although research on CSR- branding has increased in recent years, it primarily concerns the theoretical basis of theconcept, e.g., theoretical perspectives, integrative perspectives, and strategic perspectives.Practical examples of CSR- branding and related strategy and communication are relativelylimited.Hence, the thesis purpose is to analyze how a Nordic multi-brand organization in the beautyindustry integrates CSR- branding practices at both the organizational and divisional levels.Simultaneously, the thesis aims to investigate how CSR-branding is reflected insustainability reporting. The analysis is conducted by a case study of a Nordic organizationbelonging to a global organization. The global organization is one of the largest cosmeticscompanies with a presence in several countries and a portfolio of over 30 brands acrossvarious categories, structured according to four divisions. The organization has a strongmarket position, due to its wide range of products, innovative research, development,marketing strategies, and commitment to sustainability. The Nordic organization is relatedto the global one but includes the Nordic markets and their operations in that context. Theanalysis includes a qualitative method of interviews with personnel of the company and ananalysis of the organization's sustainability report in recent years.The research findings indicate that the Nordic organization holds a network perspective ofCSR- branding and prioritizes its environment, i.e., economic, social, and environmentalissues and stakeholders. Nevertheless, the organization's commitment to sustainability is notonly aimed at corporate branding, but rather as an overarching strategy embedded in thecorporate DNA. The concept of glocalization is identified, i.e., the combination ofglobalization and localization. Referring to how the organization operates with a customizedsustainability strategy based on country and divisional needs. Furthermore, the researchidentifies two types of complexities: multi-brand complexity, i.e., how there may bedifficulties in implementing sustainability initiatives in relation to brand identity. And,communication complexity, i.e., internal, and external communication difficulties tostakeholders with reference to the scope of the organization. Lastly, the research findingsare illustrated in a theoretical model and contribute to the existing research by providing acase example of CSR- branding within a Nordic organization in the beauty industry.

Brand champion behaviour: Its role in corporate branding

Yakimova, Raisa, Mavonda, F., Freeman, S., Stuart, H. 2017 August 1914 (has links)
Yes / Brand champions are responsible for encouraging employee commitment to the corporate brand strategy. They strongly believe in and identify with the brand concept—the company’s selected brand meaning, which underpins corporate brand strategy implementation. We conducted research to explore why and how brand champion behaviour operates within companies implementing a new corporate brand strategy. Against a backdrop of growing interest in brand champion behaviour in corporate branding research, we grounded our study in social identity theory and rhetorical theory from change management literature. Our findings show that articulating a compelling brand vision, taking responsibility, and getting the right people involved are the most widely used strategies by brand champions. We uncover how rhetorical strategies within brand champion behaviour generate employee commitment to a new corporate brand strategy. The dimension of brand champion behaviour that is effective depends on the type of brand evolution, involving shifts in the brand concept. We make suggestions for further studies underpinned by social identity theory and rhetorical theory to investigate brand champion behaviour processes within companies introducing a new corporate brand strategy.

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