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Time-Domain Terahertz Studies of Strongly Correlated GeV4S8 and Osmate Double-PerovskitesWarren, Matthew Timothy January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Gibbs Sampling and Expectation Maximization Methods for Estimation of Censored Values from Correlated Multivariate DistributionsHUNTER, TINA D. 25 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance Analysis of Hybrid Wireless Networks Under Bursty and Correlated TrafficWu, Y., Min, Geyong, Yang, L.T. January 2013 (has links)
No / Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have risen in popularity for in-car networking systems that are designed to make driving safer. Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are widely deployed to expand the coverage of high-speed WLANs and to support last-mile connectivity for mobile users anytime and anywhere at low cost. Many recent measurement studies have shown that the traffic arrival process in wireless networks exhibits the bursty and correlated nature. A new analytical model is developed in this paper as a cost-effective performance tool to investigate the quality-of-service (QoS) of the WMN that interconnects multiple WLANs in the presence of bursty and correlated traffic. After validating its accuracy via extensive simulation experiments, the analytical model is then used to investigate the performance of the hybrid wireless networks.
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Tesis por compendio / The thesis is composed for four articles, where is studied either as relationships between body condition and energetic mobilization in rabbits and as the effect of selection for litter size variability in body condition and energetic mobilization, such as welfare biomarkers, and in litter size and its components after seven generation of selection.
The first article examines the relationships between measures of body condition and energetic mobilization on primiparous rabbit at mating, delivery and 10 d after delivery, using principal component analysis. Body condition was measured as body weight and perirenal fat thickness. Energetic mobilization was measured as non-esterified fatty acid concentration in blood, before (NEFAb) and after lipolysis stimulation by isoproterenol (NEFAr). All body weights and perirenal fat thickness were located on the first principal component, exhibiting high correlations between them both at the same or different times (from 0.51 to 0.83). All NEFA measurements were located on the second component, showing low correlations with body condition measurements. Both NEFAs showed high positive correlations when measured at the same time (0.65 at mating, 0.72 at delivery and 0.69 at 10 d after delivery), but low correlations when measured at different times (from 0.09 to 0.20).
The second article analyses the correlated response in body condition and fat reserves mobilization. The perirenal fat thickness and the increase in NEFAs from basal until adrenergic stimulation by isoproterenol were measured at second mating, at delivery and at 10 d after delivery. Perirenal fat thickness was similar in both lines at mating. However, the high line showed lower fat thickness than the low line at delivery (-0.16 mm, P=0.86), and this difference remained at 10 d after delivery (-0.17 mm, P=0.86). Moreover, this line exhibited 30% more concentration in NEFAs at delivery than the low one (P=0.96).
The third and fourth articles study the correlated responses to selection in litter size and its components. A laparoscopy was performed 12 d of the second gestation, in order to estimate ovulation rate and number of implanted embryos. The litter size was recorded at the second parity. In the last gestation, the embryonic development was analysed at 28, 48 and 72 hours of gestation. The ovulation rate was similar in both lines. The line selected to reduce variability in litter size showed a higher number of implanted embryos (1.23, P=1.00) than the high line. Also, this line showed a more advanced development of the embryos from 48 hours of gestation, exhibiting a lower percentage of early morulae both at 48 hours (53.32% vs 79.90%, P=0.93) and at 72 hours (3.88% Vs. 21.04%, P=0.93). More advanced embryo development is related to higher embryo survival (0.85 vs 0.78, P=1.00). A higher uterine overcrowding of embryos in the low line did not penalise fetal survival, and as a result, this line continued showing a greater number of kits born at birth (0.98, P=0.96).
In conclusion, body weight and perirenal fat thickness are good predictors of body reserves and both measurements could be used to estimate energy changes in the mid-long term, while NEFA measurements should be used in the short term. A decrease in litter size variability has a favourable effect on body condition, fat reserve mobilization, embryonic development and survival, and litter size. / La tesis se compone de cuatro artículos, donde se estudia tanto la relación entre la condición corporal y la movilización de energía en la coneja como el efecto de la selección divergente por variabilidad del tamaño de camada en la condición corporal y movilización de reservas energéticas, como biomarcadores del bienestar del animal, y en el tamaño de camada y sus componentes después de siete generaciones de selección.
El primer artículo examina las relaciones entre las medidas de la condición corporal y la movilización de energía en conejas primíparas a la monta, al parto y a los 10 días tras el parto, a través de un análisis de componentes principales. La condición corporal se midió como el peso corporal y el espesor de grasa perirenal. La movilización de energía se midió como la concentración de ácidos grasos no esterificados en sangre, antes (NEFAb) y después de la estimulación lipolítica con isoproterenol (NEFAr). Todos los pesos y espesores de grasa perirenal se situaron sobre la primera componente principal, exhibiendo altas correlaciones entre ellos independientemente del estado fisiológico donde se midieron (de 0.51 a 0.83). Todas las medidas de NEFAs se localizaron sobre la segunda componente principal, mostrando una baja correlación con las medidas de la condición corporal. Los NEFAb y NEFAr mostraron elevadas correlaciones entre ellos cuando se midieron en el mismo momento (0.65 a la monta, 0.72 al parto y 0.69 a los 10 días tras el parto), pero bajas correlaciones cuando se midieron en diferentes momentos (de 0.09 a 0.20).
El segundo artículo analiza la respuesta correlacionada sobre la condición corporal y la movilización de reservas grasas. El espesor de la grasa perirenal y el incremento de los niveles basales de NEFAs después de su estimulación adrenérgica con isoproterenol fueron medidos a la segunda monta, al parto y a los 10 días tras el parto. El espesor de la grasa perirenal fue similar en ambas líneas a la monta. Sin embargo la línea de alta mostró un menor espesor de grasa que la línea de baja al parto (-0.16 mm, P=0.86), y esta diferencia se mantuvo a los 10 días después del parto (-0.17 mm, P=0.86). Por otro lado, esta línea exhibió un 30% menos de NEFAs al parto que la línea de baja (P=0.96).
El tercer y cuarto artículo estudian la respuesta correlacionada sobre el tamaño de camada y sus componentes. Se realizó una laparoscopía a los 12 días de la segunda gestación para estimar la tasa de ovulación y el número de embriones implantados. Se contabilizó el tamaño de camada al segundo parto. En la última gestación se analizó el desarrollo embrionario a 28, 48 y 72 horas de gestación. La tasa de ovulación fue similar en ambas líneas. La línea seleccionada para reducir la variabilidad en tamaño de camada mostró un mayor número de embriones implantados (1.23, P=1.00) que la línea de alta. También, esta línea mostró un desarrollo de los embriones más avanzado a partir de las 48 horas de gestación, exhibiendo un menor porcentaje de mórulas tempranas tanto a 48 horas (53.32% vs 79.90%, P=0.93) como a 72 horas (3.88% vs 21.04%, P=0.93). Un desarrollo más avanzado del embrión está relacionado con una mayor supervivencia de éste (0.85 vs 0.78, P=1.00). Por otro lado, un mayor atestamiento de embriones en el útero de la línea de baja variabilidad no penalizó la supervivencia fetal, y como resultado, esta línea continuó mostrando un mayor número gazapos al parto (0.98, P=0.96).
En conclusión, el peso y el espesor de grasa perirenal son buenos predictores de las reservas corporales, ambas medidas podrían usarse para estimar los cambios energéticos a medio plazo, mientras que las medidas de NEFAs se deberían usar a corto plazo. La disminución de la variabilidad del tamaño de camada tiene un efecto favorable sobre la condición corporal, la movilización de reservas grasas, el desarrollo y supervivencia embrionaria y el tam / La tesi es compon de quatre articles, on s'estudia tant la relació entre la condició corporal i la mobilització d'energia en la conilla com l'efecte de la selecció divergent per variabilitat de la grandària de ventrada en la condició corporal i mobilització de reserves energètiques, com biomarcadores del benestar de l'animal, i en la grandària de ventrada i els seus components després de set generacions de selecció.
El primer article examina les relacions entre les mesures de la condició corporal i la mobilització d'energia en conilles primípares a la muntada, al part i als 10 dies després del part, a través d'una anàlisi de components principals. La condició corporal es va mesurar com el pes corporal i la grossària de greix perirenal. La mobilització d'energia es va mesurar com la concentració d'àcids grassos no esterificats en sang, abans (NEFAb) i després de l'estimulació lipolítica amb isoproterenol (NEFAr) . Tots els pesos i grossàries de greix perirenal es van situar sobre la primera component principal, exhibint altes correlacions entre ells independentment de l'estat fisiològic on es van mesurar (de 0.51 a 0.83) . Totes les mesures de NEFAs es van localitzar sobre la segona component principal, mostrant una baixa correlació amb les mesures de la condició corporal. Els NEFAb i NEFAr van mostrar elevades correlacions entre ells quan es van mesurar en el mateix moment (0.65 a la muntada, 0.72 al part i 0.69 als 10 dies després del part) , però baixes correlacions quan es van mesurar en diferents moments (de 0.09 a 0.20).
El segon article analitza la resposta correlacionada sobre la condició corporal i la mobilització de reserves greixos. La grossària del greix perirenal i l'increment dels nivells basals de NEFAs després de la seua estimulació adrenérgica amb isoproterenol van ser mesurats a la segona muntada, al part i als 10 dies després del part. La grossària del greix perirenal va ser semblant en ambdós línies a la muntada. No obstant això la línia d'alta va mostrar una menor grossària de greix que la línia de baixa al part (-0.16 mm, P=0.86) , i esta diferència es va mantindre als 10 dies després del part (-0.17 mm, P=0.86) . D'altra banda, esta línia va exhibir un 30% menys de NEFAs al part que la línia de baixa (P=0.96).
El tercer i quart article estudien la resposta correlacionada sobre la grandària de ventrada i els seus components. Es va realitzar una laparoscopía als 12 dies de la segona gestació per a estimar la taxa d'ovulació i el nombre d'embrions implantats. Es va comptabilitzar la grandària de ventrada al segon part. En l'última gestació es va analitzar el desenrotllament embrionari a 28, 48 i 72 hores de gestació. La taxa d'ovulació va ser semblant en ambdós línies. La línia seleccionada per a reduir la variabilitat en grandària de ventrada va mostrar un nombre més gran d'embrions implantats (1.23, P=1.00) que la línia d'alta. També, esta línia va mostrar un desenrotllament dels embrions més avançat a partir de les 48 hores de gestació, exhibint un menor percentatge de mórulas primerenques tant a 48 hores (53.32% vs 79.90%, P=0.93) com a 72 hores (3.88% vs 21.04%, P=0.93). Un desenrotllament més avançat de l'embrió està relacionat amb una major supervivència d'este (0.85 vs 0.78, P=1.00). D'altra banda, un major atapeïment d'embrions en l'úter de la línia de baixa variabilitat no va penalitzar la supervivència fetal, i com resultat, esta línia va continuar mostrant un nombre més gran errors al part (0.98, P=0.96).
En conclusió, el pes i la grossària de greix perirenal són bons predictors de les reserves corporals, ambdós mesures podrien usar-se per a estimar els canvis energètics a mitjà termini, mentres que les mesures de NEFAs s'haurien d'usar a curt termini. La disminució de la variabilitat de la grandària de ventrada té un efecte favorable sobre la condició corporal, la mobilització de reserves greixos, el dese / Calle Ayma, EW. (2017). CORRELATED RESPONSE TO SELECTION FOR LITTER SIZE RESIDUAL VARIANCE IN RABBITS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/81021 / Compendio
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Theoretical studies of tunnel-coupled double quantum dotsJayatilaka, Frederic William January 2013 (has links)
We study the low-temperature physics arising in models of a strongly correlated, tunnel-coupled double quantum dot (DQD), particularly the two-impurity Anderson model (2AIM) and the two-impurity Kondo model (2IKM), employing a combination of physical arguments and the Numerical Renormalisation Group. These models exhibit a rich range of Kondo physics. In the regime with essentially one electron on each dot, there is a competition between the Kondo effect and the interdot exchange interaction. This competition gives rise to a quantum phase transition (QPT) between local singlet and Kondo singlet phases in the 2IKM, which becomes a continuous crossover in the 2AIM as a result of the interlead charge transfer present. The 2IKM is known to exhibit two-channel Kondo (2CK) physics at the QPT, and we investigate whether this is also the case for the 2AIM at the crossover. We find that while in principle 2CK physics can be observed in the 2AIM, extremely low temperatures are required, such that it is unlikely that 2CK physics will be observed in an experimental DQD system in the near future. We have studied the effect of a magnetic field on the 2AIM and the 2IKM, finding that both the zero-field QPT in the 2IKM and the zero-field crossover in the 2AIM, persist to finite field. This presents the possibility of observing 2CK physics in an experimental DQD at finite field, but we find that the temperatures required to do so are extremely low. We show that longer even-numbered chains of spins also exhibit QPTs at finite field, and argue that a 2N-spin chain should undergo N QPTs as field is increased (starting deep in the local singlet phase at zero field). We have also carried out a joint theoretical-experimental study of a carbon nanotube based DQD, in collaboration with Dr. Mark Buitelaar et al. The agreement between experimental and theoretical results is good, and the experiments are able to access the crossover present in the 2AIM at finite field. Furthermore, the experiments show the wide range of physics exhibited by DQD systems, and illustrate the utility of such systems in probing correlated electron physics.
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Fold recognition and alignment in the 'twilight zone'Hill, Jamie Richard January 2013 (has links)
At present, the most accurate approach to predicting protein structure, comparative modelling, builds a model of a target sequence using known protein structures as templates. Comparative modelling becomes markedly less accurate in the ‘twilight zone’, where the target protein shares little sequence identity with all known templates. There are two main causes of this inaccuracy: first, it becomes difficult to identify good structural templates; second, it becomes difficult to determine which amino acids in the template are structurally equivalent to those in the target. These are problems of fold recognition and target-template alignment respectively. In this thesis, new approaches are developed to address both these problems. The alignment problem is investigated in the special case of membrane proteins. These are key modelling targets as they resist structure determination and are pharmaceutically important. The approach taken here is to use ‘environment specific substitution tables’ (ESSTs)– that is, to alter the alignment scoring system for each local environment of the template structure. We show how ESSTs can be made for membrane proteins, tested for robustness of construction, and used to infer the most important evolutionary pressures acting on protein structure. The incorporation of ESSTs into a multiple sequence alignment method leads to more accurate alignments of membrane proteins, and so to more accurate models. Recently, algorithms have been developed that predict contacts in protein structures from a multiple sequence alignment of homologous sequences. We explore the potential of these predictions for fold recognition by developing an algorithm that makes no use of amino acid identity, and so should be agnostic to the existence of a ‘twilight zone’. We show that whilst this is not the case, our method is complementary to state-of-the-art approaches.
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Magnetothermal properties near quantum criticality in the itinerant metamagnet Sr₃Ru₂O₇Rost, Andreas W. January 2009 (has links)
The search for novel quantum states is a fundamental theme in condensed matter physics. The almost boundless number of possible materials and complexity of the theory of electrons in solids make this both an experimentally and theoretically exciting and challenging research field. Particularly, the concept of quantum criticality resulted in a range of discoveries of novel quantum phases, which can become thermodynamically stable in the vicinity of a second order phase transition at zero temperature due to the existence of quantum critical fluctuations. One of the materials in which a novel quantum phase is believed to form close to a proposed quantum critical point is Sr₃Ru₂O₇. In this quasi-two-dimensional metal, the critical end point of a line of metamagnetic first order phase transitions can be suppressed towards zero temperature, theoretically leading to a quantum critical end point. Before reaching absolute zero, one experimentally observes the formation of an anomalous phase region, which has unusual ‘nematic-like’ transport properties. In this thesis magnetocaloric effect and specific heat measurements are used to systematically study the entropy of Sr₃Ru₂O₇ as a function of both magnetic field and temperature. It is shown that the boundaries of the anomalous phase region are consistent with true thermodynamic equilibrium phase transitions, separating the novel quantum phase from the surrounding ‘normal’ states. The anomalous phase is found to have a higher entropy than the low and high field states as well as a temperature dependence of the specific heat which deviates from standard Fermi liquid predictions. Furthermore, it is shown that the entropy in the surrounding ‘normal’ states increases significantly towards the metamagnetic region. In combination with data from other experiments it is concluded that these changes in entropy are most likely caused by many body effects related to the underlying quantum phase transition.
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An investigation of human protein interactions using the comparative methodUr-Rehman, Saif January 2012 (has links)
There is currently a large increase in the speed of production of DNA sequence data as next generation sequencing technologies become more widespread. As such there is a need for rapid computational techniques to functionally annotate data as it is generated. One computational method for the functional annotation of protein-coding genes is via detection of interaction partners. If the putative partner has a functional annotation then this annotation can be extended to the initial protein via the established principle of “guilt by association”. This work presents a method for rapid detection of functional interaction partners for proteins through the use of the comparative method. Functional links are sought between proteins through analysis of their patterns of presence and absence amongst a set of 54 eukaryotic organisms. These links can be either direct or indirect protein interactions. These patterns are analysed in the context of a phylogenetic tree. The method used is a heuristic combination of an established accurate methodology involving comparison of models of evolution the parameters of which are estimated using maximum likelihood, with a novel technique involving the reconstruction of ancestral states using Dollo parsimony and analysis of these reconstructions through the use of logistic regression. The methodology achieves comparable specificity to the use of gene coexpression as a means to predict functional linkage between proteins. The application of this method permitted a genome-wide analysis of the human genome, which would have otherwise demanded a potentially prohibitive amount of computational resource. Proteins within the human genome were clustered into orthologous groups. 10 of these proteins, which were ubiquitous across all 54 eukaryotes, were used to reconstruct a phylogeny. An application of the heuristic predicted a set of functional protein interactions in human cells. 1,142 functional interactions were predicted. Of these predictions 1,131 were not present in current protein-protein interaction databases.
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Strong correlations in ultracold atomic gasesNunnenkamp, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate strongly-correlated states of ultracold bosonic atoms in rotating ring lattices and arrays of double-well potentials. In the first part of the thesis, we study the tunneling dynamics of ultracold bosons in double-well potentials. In the non-interacting limit single-particle transitions dominate, while in the interaction-dominated regime correlated tunneling of all particles prevails. At intermediate times of the many-particle flopping process correlated states occur, but the timescales of these processes increase dramatically with the number of particles. Using an array of double-well potentials, a large number of such few-particle superposition states can be produced in parallel. In the second part of the thesis, we study the effects of rotation on ultracold bosons confined to one-dimensional ring lattices. We find that at commensurate filling there exists a critical rotation frequency, at which the ground state of the weakly-interacting gas is fragmented into a macroscopic superposition of different quasi-momentum states. We demonstrate that the generation of such superposition states using slightly non-uniform ring lattices has several practical advantages. Moreover, we show that different quasi-momentum states can be distinguished in time-of-flight absorption imaging and propose to probe correlations via the many-body oscillations induced by a sudden change in the rotation frequency. Finally, we compare these macroscopic superposition states to those occurring in superconducting quantum interference devices. In the third part of the thesis, we demonstrate the creation of entangled states with ultracold bosonic atoms by dynamical manipulation of the shape of the lattice potential. To this end, we consider an optical superlattice that allows both the splitting of each site into a double-well potential and the variation of the height of the potential barrier between the sites. We show how to use this array of double-well potentials to perform entangling operations between neighboring qubits encoded on the Zeeman levels of the atoms. As one possible application, we present a method of realizing a resource state for measurement-based quantum computation via Bell-pair measurements. In the final part of the thesis, we study ultracold bosons on a two-dimensional square lattice in the presence of an effective magnetic field and point out a couple of features this system has in common with ultracold bosons in one-dimensional rotating ring lattices.
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Quantum Magnetism, Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Quantum Simulation of Correlated Quantum SystemsManmana, Salvatore Rosario 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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