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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exame da interferência coulombiana-nuclear no espalhamento inelástico de 6Li em 76Ge / Coulomb-Nuclear Interference in the Inelastic Scattering of 6Li on 76Ge.

Xinxin Zhang 25 June 2015 (has links)
A análise da Interferência Coulombiana-Nuclear (ICN) foi aplicada à distribuição angular experimental do espalhamento inelástico de 6Li de 28,0 MeV em 76Ge, na excitação do estado 2_1^+. Os dados foram adquiridos no sistema Pelletron-Espectrógrafo Magnético Enge do LAFN do IFUSP. Na detecção dos íons emergentes, no plano focal do imã, foi utilizado um detector sensível à posição (PSD) de barreira de superfície (área de detecção de 47 × 8 mm^2 e espessura útil de 500 m). No presente trabalho foi introduzida a técnica de processamento digital de pulsos (PDP) no sistema de aquisição. Foram medidos espectros associados a vinte e seis ângulos de espalhamento na região angular de interesse: 10^o_Lab 55^o. A análise foi realizada na aproximação de Born com ondas distorcidas (DWBA) utilizando o potencial nuclear de transição descrito pelo modelo do potencial óptico deformado (DOMP) e parâmetros ópticos globais. O ajuste das previsões sobre a distribuição angular experimental foi realizado pela minimização do ^2 através do método iterativo de Gauss. O ajuste permitiu a extração dos parâmetros correlacionados: _2^N, comprimento de deformação nuclear e C_2=(_2^C)(_2^N ), razão entre os comprimentos de deformação de carga e nuclear. Os valores dos parâmetros correlacionados obtidos neste trabalho foram C_2=1,101(20) e _2^N=1,08(21) fm. Testes estatísticos através da simulação de Monte Carlo de 5000 novos conjuntos de dados comprovaram a qualidade do método empregado no ajuste dos parâmetros correlacionados. A metodologia aplicada na análise da ICN, permitiu a extração da razão (B(E2))B(IS2) ,que é proporcional ao quadrado de C_2, com boa precisão devido ao cancelamento da incerteza no fator de escala, das seções de choque absolutas. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho são inéditos e permitiram análise da evolução da coletividade ao longo da cadeia de isótopos pares de germânio, em conjunto com os valores obtidos nos isótopos 70,72,74Ge estudados previamente. Os resultados ao longo da cadeia indicaram que, apesar de uma leve predominância da contribuição dos prótons em relação aos nêutrons na excitação dos primeiros estados quadrupolares dos 70,72,76Ge, a contribuição dos nêutrons é consideravelmente maior para o 74Ge. Este aumento sugere forte mistura de configurações na descrição do estado fundamental deste isótopo. / The inelastic scattering of 28,0 MeV 6Li on 76Ge in the excitation of the 2_1^+ state, has been studied with the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference (CNI) analysis. The data were measured at the Pelletron-Enge-Spectrograph facility at LAFN-IFUSP. A solid-state position sensitive silicon detector (PSD) (500 m thickness and 47 × 8 mm^2 area) was used to measure the data at the spectrometer focal plane. Digital pulse processing (DPP) was implemented in the acquisition system. Twenty-six spectra were measured at carefully chosen scattering angles in the range of 10^o_Lab 55^o to obtain an angular distribution. The analysis was performed with the Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) and applied for the nuclear transition potential, the Deformed Optical Potential Model (DOMP), under well-established global optical parameters. The fit of the predicted cross sections to the experimental data through ^2 minimization, using the iterative method of Gauss, allowed for the extraction of the correlated parameters, _2^N, the mass deformation length, and C_2=(_2^C)(_2^N ), the ratio between charge and mass deformation lengths. The correlated parameters obtained in the present work were C_2=1,101(20) and _2^N=1,08(21) fm. Statistical tests, through a Monte Carlo simulation of 5000 new data sets, validated the method employed in the correlated parameters fit. The methodology applied for the CNI analysis allowed the extraction of ratio(B(EL))(B(ISL)), which is proportional to the square of C_2, with a good precision due to the scale uncertainties cancellation of the absolute cross sections. The values of B(IS2) and of the ratios (B(E2))(B(IS2)) obtained in the present work have not been reported before and allow the study of the evolution of the collectivity throughout the even-A germanium chain together with former results obtained for the 70,72,74Ge isotopes. The results along the chain indicate that although the protons relative to the neutrons reveal a small predominant contribution in 70,72,76Ge to the first quadrupole excitation, the neutron role is strongly enhanced in 74Ge. This behaviour suggests a strong mixing configuration in the 74Ge ground state description

Condução eletrônica através de um contato quântico pontual / Electronic transport through a quantum point contact

Vivaldo Leiria Campo Júnior 30 April 1999 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o cálculo, pelo grupo de renormalização numérico, da condutância AC através de uma nanoestrutura acoplada a gases eletrônicos, a baixa temperatura e no regime de resposta linear. Este sistema apresenta a competição entre dois efeitos: blo¬queio Coulombiano e efeito Kondo. Nosso modelo considera gases eletrônicos unidimensionais que são unidos pelas extremidades para formar um anel, no qual a corrente é induzida por um fluxo magnético oscilante com freqüência . Nós partimos de um modelo tight-binding de vizinhos mais próximos para os gases eletrônicos e, deste modo, o potencial vetor é facilmente incorporado ao Hamiltoniano por condições de contorno torsionais. Uma barreira de potencial entre os gases eletrônicos e a nanoestrutura é simulada em termos de uma taxa de tunelamento entre a nanoestrutura e os sítios adjacentes menor que aquela entre entre sítios vizinhos no anel. A capacitância da nanoestrutura é pequena, o que implica que nós podemos considerar mudanças no número de elétrons dentro da mesma por apenas uma unidade. Como conseqüência, o Hamiltoniano é mapeado no Hamiltoniano de Anderson com correlação U entre os elétrons. Uma voltagem de gate controla a energia da impureza (da nanoestrutura), 0. Plotada como função de , a condutância mostra dois picos característicos do bloqueio Coulombiano, em freqüências correspondentes às energias para adicionar um elétron à nanoestrutura e para remover um elétron da nanoestrutura respectivamente. No regime Kondo, 0 > 0 > -U (ou seja, para voltagens de gate tais que a nanoestrutura isolada teria estado fundamental com degenerescência de spin), um pico (Kondo) adicional aparece próximo à = 0. Plotada como função de Vg, a condutância DC mostra um largo pico no regime Kondo, caindo rapidamente a zero para voltagens resultando em um estado fundamental não degenerado para a nanoestrutura isolada. Uma relação entre a condutância e a densidade espectral do nível da impureza é obtida e utilizada para interpretar os resultados numéricos. / In this work a renormalization-group calculation of the low-temperature AC conductance in the linear response regime through a nanostructure coupled to metallic leads is presented. This system shows a competition between two effects: the Coulomb blockade and the Kon¬do effect. Our model considers one-dimensional leads which are connected to form a ring, in which a current is induced by a magnetic flux oscillating at the frequency . We start from a nearest-neighbor tight-binding model for the leads and in this way the potential vector is easily incorporated in the model Hamiltonian by twisting boundary conditions. A potential barrier between the leads and the nanostructure is simulated in terms of a tunneling rate between the nanostructure and the adjacent sites in the leads, which is smaller than the one between neighbors sites in the leads. The capacity of the nanostructure is small, which implies that substantial energy changes are associated with each electron transfered to the nanostructure. As a consequence, the model Hamiltonian maps onto the spin-degenerate Anderson Hamiltoni¬an with correlation U between the electrons. A gate voltage Vg controls the impurity (i.e., nanostructure) energy 0. Plotted as a function of , the conductivity shows two Coulomb-blockade peaks, at the energy needed to add an electron to and to remove an electron from the nanostructure, respectively. In the Kondo regime 0 > 0 > -U (i.e., for gate voltages such that the isolated nanostructure would have a spin-degeneration ground state), an addition (Kondo) peak appears near = 0. Plotted as functions of Vg, the static conductivity shows a broad peak in the Kondo regime and drops rapidly to zero for voltages resulting in a non-degenerate nanostructure ground state. A relation between the conductance and the spectral density of the impurity is obtained and used to interpret the numerical results.

Estudo do potencial de interação entre 12C e 24Mg: um exemplo de transparência anômala / Study of the interaction potential between 12C and 24Mg: an example of anomalous transparency

Wagner Sciani 13 February 1996 (has links)
Foram medidas distribuições angulares completas do espalhamento elástico do sistema \'ANTPOT. 12 C\' + \'ANTPOT. 24 MG\' nas energias \'E IND. CM\' = 10.67 e 11.33 MeV e entre \'E IND. CM\' = 12.0 e 16.0 MeV, usando feixe de \'ANTPOT. 12 C\' produzido no acelerador Pelletron. Esta faixa de energia se localiza parcialmente abaixo e em torno da barreira coulombiana, estando a barreira em 12.53 MeV. Surpreendentemente todas as distribuições angulares apresentam fortes oscilações mesmo aquelas em energias abaixo da barreira coulombiana. As distribuições angulares foram ajustadas com cálculos de modelo óptico, sendo possível determinar o potencial mais raso, sem ambigüidades contínuas. As principais características deste potencial são: potencial extremamente transparente inclusive no interior nuclear e forte dependência com a energia nas profundidades real e imaginária \'V IND. 0\' e \'W IND. 0\'. Em cinco energias também foram analisadas distribuições angulares do espalhamento inelástico e ajustadas por cálculos de canais acoplados. Os potenciais ópticos usados para diferentes canais apresentam a anomalia do limiar e cálculos de relação de dispersão conectando as integrais de volume dos potenciais ópticos reproduzem bem esta anomalia. / Complete angular distributions of the elastic scattering \'ANTPOT. 12 C\' + \'ANTPOT. 24 MG\' were measured at \'E IND. CM\' = 10.67 and 11.33 MeV and from \'E IND. CM\' = 12.0 to 16.0 MeV, using a \'ANTPOT. 12 C\' beam produced at Pelletron Accelerator. This range of energy is close to the Coulomb barrier of the system, which is 12.53 MeV. Surprisingly all the angular distributions show strong oscillations even at energies bellow the Coulomb barrier. The angular distributions were fitted by optical model calculations and we determined the shallowest real potential, without continuos ambiguity. The main features of this potential are: very transparent even at the nuclear interior and strong dependence with energy of the real and imaginary depths \'V IND. 0\' and \'W IND. 0\'. At five energies the inelastic scattering data were also analysed and well fitted by coupled-channels calculations. The optical potentials of all channels present the threshold anomaly and are well reproduced by dispersion relation calculations applied to the volume integrals of the optical potentials.

Coulomb explosion imaging of polyatomic molecules after photoionization with X-rays and strong laser fields

Ablikim, Utuq January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Daniel Rolles / Imaging the structures of molecules, understanding the molecular dynamics in onization and dissociation processes and, most importantly, observing chemical reactions, i.e. the making and breaking of chemical bonds in real time, have become some of the most exciting topics in the atomic and molecular physics. The rapid advances of experimental tools such as synchrotron radiation light sources, free-electron lasers and continuing advances of tabletop femtosecond ultrashort lasers that provide laser pulses at a variety of wavelengths have opened new avenues for understanding the structure of matter and the dynamics of the chemical interactions. In addition, significant improvements in computational techniques and molecular dynamic simulations have provided complementary theoretical predictions on structures and chemical dynamics. The Coulomb explosion imaging method, which has been developed and applied in many studies in the last three decades, is a powerful way to study molecular structures. The method has mostly been applied to small diatomic molecules and to simple polyatomic molecules. In this thesis, Coulomb explosion imaging is applied to study the structure of isomers, molecules that have the same chemical formula but different chemical structures. Specifically, by taking inner-shell photoionization as well as strong-field ionization approaches to ionize and fragment the molecules and by using coincidence electron-ion-ion momentum imaging techniques to obtain the three-dimensional momentum of fragment ions, structures of isomers are distinguished by using the correlations among product ion momentum vectors. At first, the study aims to understand if the Coulomb explosion imaging of geometrical isomers can identify and separate cis and trans structures. Secondly, in order to extend the application of the Coulomb explosion imaging method to larger organic molecules to test the feasibility of the method for identifying structural isomers, photoionization studiesof 2,6- and 3,5-difluoroiodobenzene have been conducted. In addition, using the full three-dimensional kinematic information of multi-fold coincidence channels, breakup dynamics of both cis/trans geometric isomers and structural isomers, and in particular, sequential fragmentation dynamics of the difluoroiodobenzene isomers are studied. Furthermore, for each study, Coulomb explosion model simulations are conducted to complement the experimental results. The results of the Coulomb explosion imaging reseach in this thesis paves the way for future time-resolved Coulomb explosion imaging experiments aiming to understand the transient molecular dynamics such as photoinduced ring opening reactions and cis/trans isomerization processes in gas-phase molecules.

Dynamics of heterogeneous clusters under intense laser fields

Di Cintio, Pierfrancesco 07 August 2014 (has links)
By means of N-body simulations we study the ion and electron dynamics in molecular first-row hydride clusters when exposed to intense and short X-ray pulses. We find that, for a particular range of X-ray intensities, fast protons are ejected from the system on a considerably shorter time scale than that of the screened core. As a consequence, the structure of heavy atoms is kept intact", which may be relevant in the context of X-ray based molecular imaging. Moreover the final charge states of the heavy ions are considerably lower than those of the ions in pristine atomic clusters exposed to the same laser pulses, which is in agreement with recent measurement of methane cluster at the LCLS in Stanford.

Exact diagonalization studies of a one-dimensional system at electron density rho=0.4: effect of the Coulomb repulsions and distant transfer

Ouchni, Fatiha 25 September 2006 (has links)
An extended Hubbard model with large short and long-ranged Coulomb repulsions and distant transfer is numerically investigated by use of the Lanczos exact diagonalization (ED) method to study the charge order and unconditional dimerization of a chain at density rho (ρ)= 0.4. From the analysis of the spin and charge correlation functions, a picture consistent with the formation of a dimer insulating state, which is of Wigner lattice-type (WL) charge order (CO), is obtained. The next-nearest neighbour (NNN) hopping t2 enhances the intradimer correlations and weakens the interdimer correlations. Implications for the CuO2 chains in Sr14Cu24O41 are discussed.We have also introduced a Heisenberg model which parametrically depends on hole positions. If the electrostatic hole-hole repulsion is included such a model allows to evaluate all energy eigenvalues and eigenstates (for small system size) and thus enables us to evaluate thermodynamic properties as function of temperature,magnetic field, and doping. Assuming certain exchange constants we can investigate the influence of the electrostatic hole-hole repulsion on ground state properties as well as on thermal averages like the magnetization which include contributions of low-lying spin-hole configurations.

Optical Spectroscopy of Interacting Two-dimensional Electron Systems in Semiconductor Quantum Wells

Liu, Ziyu January 2023 (has links)
Understanding the many-body behaviors of interacting electron systems remains one of the central topics in condensed matter physics. Novel correlated phases coupled to lattice symmetry, topological orders and hidden geometrical degrees of freedom could be induced and modulated by external electric or magnetic fields. Extensive attention have been drawn to these research directions which are of significant interests for both fundamental understanding and practical applications of many-body electron systems. In this dissertation I report optical spectroscopic studies on the Coulomb coupling, phase interplay and geometric fluctuations of interacting two-dimensional electron systems. The research provides a key approach to engineering many-body ground states and offers critical insights into their underlying nature. Electric potential or magnetic field modulations are applied to the electrons hosted in semiconductor quantum wells. Through lateral superlattice nanopatterning, we fabricate semiconductor artificial graphene where resonant inelastic light scattering is employed to characterize the engineered band structures. Flat bands hosting van Hove singularities are directly observed by optical emission. Coulomb coupling between electrons with diverging density of states are found to have significant impacts on the energies and line-shapes of the optical spectra. The results demonstrate a novel and tunable platform to explore intriguing many-body physics. External magnetic fields have been known to trigger a rich phase diagram in interacting two-dimensional electron systems, encompassing phenomena such as the fractional quantum Hall effect. The phase interplay gives rise to domain textures in the bulk of electron systems and affects the dispersion of collective excitations. We probe impacts of domain textures on low-lying neutral excitations through doubly resonant inelastic light scattering. We demonstrate that large domains of quantum fluids can support well-defined long-wavelength modes which could be interpreted by theories for uniform phases. Equipped with ultra-high mobility quantum wells and circularly polarized light scattering techniques, we resolve the spin of long-wavelength magnetoroton modes and provide characteristic evidence of the chiral graviton at Landau level filling factor $\nu= ⅓ fractional quantum Hall state. The results offer the first experimental evidence of geometrical degrees of freedom in the fractional quantum Hall effect.

Novel correlated quantum phases in moiré transition metal dichalcogenides

Ghiotto, Augusto January 2023 (has links)
In narrow electron bands in which the Coulomb interaction energy becomes comparable to the bandwidth, interactions can drive new quantum phases. In this dissertation, we achieve narrow bands by twisting two atomically thin layers of the semiconducting van der Waals material WSe₂. The resulting moiré potential from the twist angle modulates the electronic bands, yielding minibands of tens of meV on the valence band. We perform transport measurements at cryogenic temperatures and observe signatures of collective phases over twist angles that range from 4 to 5.1°. At half-band filling, a correlated insulator appeared that is tunable with both twist angle and displacement field. Near the boundary between ordered and disordered quantum phases, several experiments have demonstrated metallic behaviour that defies the Landau Fermi paradigm. We find that the metal-insulator transition as a function of both density and displacement field is continuous. At the metal–insulator boundary, the resistivity displays strange metal behaviour at low temperatures, with dissipation comparable to that at the Planckian limit. Further into the metallic phase, Fermi liquid behaviour is recovered at low temperature, and this evolves into a quantum critical fan at intermediate temperatures, before eventually reaching an anomalous saturated regime near room temperature. An analysis of the residual resistivity indicates the presence of strong quantum fluctuations in the insulating phase. We further show via magnetotransport measurements that new correlated electronic phases can exist independent of moiré commensurability, and are instead driven by weak interactions in twisted WSe₂. The first of these phases is an antiferromagnetic metal that is driven by proximity to the van Hove singularity (vHS), which trails a range of incommensurate dopings. The temperature, magnetic field and density dependence of the Hall effect carry signatures of the reconstructed Fermi surface due to itinerant magnetic ordering. The second is an excitonic metal-insulator phase that exists at high external magnetic field in the vicinity of half-filling of the moiré superlattice. For a 4.2° sample, magnetic field dependence of the longitudinal resistance shows metallic behavior at fields above 5 T, but transitions to an insulating state above ∼ 24 T. A detailed analysis of of the Landau fans and the high field 𝝆_𝜘𝛾 near the gap rules out the possibility of a trivial insulator. We propose an Ising excitonic insulator as the most likely scenario. Moreover, in the electron-imbalanced excitonic metal, a set of correlated Landau levels emerge. The observation of tunable collective phases in a simple band, which hosts only two holes per unit cell at full filling, establishes twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides as an ideal platform to study correlated physics in two dimensions on a triangular lattice.

Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Si binding and diffusion on the native and thermal Silicon Oxide surfaces

Bharadwaja, Saketh 06 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Scaling a Prismatic Revolute Joint (Pr) Manipulator Using Similitude and Buckingham Pi Techniques

Gilbert, Gregory S. Jr. 01 April 1998 (has links)
This thesis presents scaling methods for sizing a prototype micro prismatic revolute (PR) manipulator actuated by permanent magnet (PM) direct current (d.c.) gearmotors. Dimensional analysis was the principle tool used in this investigation, and addressed the problems of scaling a trajectory planner, control law, and gearmotors that exhibit internal nonlinear friction. Similitude methods were used to develop a scaleable two degree-of-freedom trajectory planner from a third order polynomial. Scaling laws were developed from Buckingham's Pi theorem to facilitate the selection process of gearmotors. Nondimensional, nonlinear, differential equations were developed to describe viscous, Coulomb and static friction in comparative PM d.c. motors. From the insights gained through dimensional analysis, a scaleable controller based on the computed torque method was developed and implemented with a cubic trajectory planner. Model and prototype PR manipulator systems were simulated using a hybrid Matlab/Simulink simulation scheme. Experimental systems were constructed with dissimilar model and prototype motors. Control was provided by an AT class PC equipped with 12-bit A/D, D/A cards operating at a sample rate of 100 Hz. The control algorithm was written in Borland 3.1 C for DOS. Results from the experimental testing showed excellent agreement between the test and simulated data and verified the viability of the scaling laws. The techniques presented in this thesis are expected to be applicable to any application that involves scaling PM d.c. micro gearmotors that have significant internal friction terms. These simple, practical tools should be especially beneficial to designers of micro robotic systems. / Master of Science

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