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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimální odhad stavu modelu navigačního systému / Optimal state estimation of a navigation model system

Papež, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents an investigation of the possibility of using the fixed-point arithmetic in the inertial navigation systems, which use the local level navigation frame mechanization equations. Two square root filtering methods, the Potter's square root Kalman filter and UD factorized Kalman filter, are compared with respect to the conventional Kalman filter and its Joseph's stabilized form. The effect of rounding errors to the Kalman filter optimality and the covariance matrix or its factors conditioning is evaluated for a various lengths of the fractional part of the fixed-point computational word. Main contribution of this research lies in an evaluation of the minimal fixed-point arithmetic word length for the Phi-angle error model with noise statistics which correspond to the tactical grade inertial measurements units.

Numerical Modelling of Grate Combustion / Numerical Modelling of Grate Combustion

Juřena, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Předkládaná práce je zaměřena na numerické modelování spalování tuhých paliv na roštu metodami výpočtové dynamiky tekutin (CFD). Jelikož výsledky CFD simulací roštového spalování závisí na kvalitě vstupních dat, která zahrnují i údaje o teplotě, hmotnostním toku a chemickém složení spalin vystupujících z lože, pozornost je věnována především procesům, probíhajícím v loži během spalování na roštu. Velká část práce je věnována vývoji spolehlivého modelu spalování v sypaných ložích, jelikož může napomoci zkvalitnit výsledky simulací i rozšířit znalosti principů spalování tuhých paliv v sypaných ložích. V rámci práce byl vyvinut jednorozměrný nestacionární model spalování v experimentálním reaktoru a implementován do počítačového programu GRATECAL 1.3 včetně grafického uživatelského rozhraní. Zvláštní důraz byl kladen na konzervativnost modelu. Proto byla vyvinuta metoda pro kontrolu hmotnostní a energetické bilance systému a následně aplikována v řadě studií, v rámci nichž byly odhaleny některé chyby týkající se definic zdrojových členů, které byly převzaty z literatury a opraveny. Pomocí modelu byla provedena analýza šíření čela sušení a reakce hoření koksu po výšce lože pšeničné slámy. Na základě výsledků těchto analýz bylo doporučeno zahrnout i modelování změny porozity částic paliva, aby šířka reakční zóny byla predikována korektně v případě, že je uvažována změna porozity celého lože. Rovněž vyvinutá bilanční metoda byla použita k analýze vlivu kritérií konvergence na hmotnostní a energetickou nerovnováhu simulovaného systému. Bylo zjištěno, že škálovaná rezidua rovnic všech veličin by měla poklesnout aspoň na hodnotu $10^{-6}$, aby bylo dosaženo nízké hmotnostní a energetické nerovnováhy a tudíž uspokojivě přesných výsledků ze simulací v loži. Druhá část práce je věnována vývoji a implementaci knihovny uživatelem definovaných funkcí pro komerční CFD nástroj ANSYS FLUENT, které slouží k propojení modelu lože s modelem komory reálné spalovací jednotky, aby byla umožněna dynamická změna okrajových podmínek na vstupu do komory v závislosti na výstupech ze simulací v loži. Vytvořené rozhraní pro propojení těchto dvou modelů je dostatečně obecné pro aplikaci na širokou škálu modelů roštových kotlů. Popsané výsledky přispívají k lepšímu porozumění numerickému modelování spalování na roštu, a to zejména ve fázi sestavování numerického modelu a nastavení parametrů řešiče pro kontrolu konvergence.

Determination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in personal care products / Determination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in personal care products

Košík, Juraj January 2016 (has links)
Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá extrakcí nanočástic oxidu titaničitého z produktů osobní péče, konkrétně opalovacích krémů a následnou charakterizací těchto částic. Počet komerčně dostupných produktů s obsahem nanočástic TiO2 se neustále zvyšuje a to se sebou přináší potřebu vyhodnotit potenciální osud a nepřímou expozici TiO2 nanošástic o různých velikostí a tvarů a zkoumat jejich celý životní cyklus. Bylo zkoumáno použití ultrafiltrace a ultracentrifugace jako extrakční metody. Dvě metody pro extrakci TiO2 nanočástic byly vyvinuty a aplikovány na vzorky opalovacích krémů. Extrahované částice mohou být použity pro ekotoxikologické studie, případně experimenty v mesokosmu. Velikost částic byla stanovena pomocí metody dynamického rozptylu světla a transmisní elektronové mikroskopie.

Zlomkooktává analýza akustických signálů / Fractional-Octave Analysis of Acoustic Signals

Ryšavý, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on design and optimalization of digital octave and fraction-octave band filters. This thesis describe the behavior of filters in systems with fixed point arithmetics and investigate the impact of quantization coefficients for frequency response of filter. Filters, whitch has been designed, are implemented into simple software in C. Designed filters are in accordance with standard IEC 61260.

Dynamic range and sensitivity improvement of infrared detectors using BiCMOS technology

Venter, Johan H. 04 June 2013 (has links)
The field of infrared (IR) detector technology has shown vast improvements in terms of speed and performance over the years. Specifically the dynamic range (DR) and sensitivity of detectors showed significant improvements. The most commonly used technique of implementing these IR detectors is the use of charge-coupled devices (CCD). Recent developments show that the newly investigated bipolar complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (BiCMOS) devices in the field of detector technology are capable of producing similar quality detectors at a fraction of the cost. Prototyping is usually performed on low-cost silicon wafers. The band gap energy of silicon is 1.17 eV, which is too large for an electron to be released when radiation is received in the IR band. This means that silicon is not a viable material for detection in the IR band. Germanium exhibits a band gap energy of 0.66 eV, which makes it a better material for IR detection. This research is aimed at improving DR and sensitivity in IR detectors. CCD technology has shown that it exhibits good DR and sensitivity in the IR band. CMOS technology exhibits a reduction in prototyping cost which, together with electronic design automation software, makes this an avenue for IR detector prototyping. The focus of this research is firstly on understanding the theory behind the functionality and performance of IR detectors. Secondly, associated with this, is determining whether the performance of IR detectors can be improved by using silicon germanium (SiGe) BiCMOS technology instead of the CCD technology most commonly used. The Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) was used to realise the IR detector in software. Four detectors were designed and prototyped using the 0.35 µm SiGe BiCMOS technology from ams AG as part of the experimental verification of the formulated hypothesis. Two different pixel structures were used in the four detectors, which is the silicon-only p-i-n diodes commonly found in literature and diode-connected SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). These two categories can be subdivided into two more categories, which are the single-pixel-single-amplifier detectors and the multiple-pixel-single-amplifier detector. These were needed to assess the noise performance of different topologies. Noise influences both the DR and sensitivity of the detector. The results show a unique shift of the detecting band typically seen for silicon detectors to the IR band, accomplished by using the doping feature of HBTs using germanium. The shift in detecting band is from a peak of 250 nm to 665 nm. The detector still accumulates radiation in the visible band, but a significant portion of the near-IR band is also detected. This can be attributed to the reduced band gap energy that silicon with doped germanium exhibits. This, however, is not the optimum structure for IR detection. Future work that can be done based on this work is that the pixel structure can be optimised to move the detecting band even more into the IR region, and not just partially. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Determination of the mineral composition of water and soil samples from Tshipise thermal spring, Mphephu thermal spring and Siloam borehole using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and x-ray fluorescence spectrometry

Dube - Johnstone, Nhlalo Michael 17 May 2019 (has links)
MSc (Chemistry / Department of Chemistry / In this study, three sampling sites (Tshipise thermal spring, Mphephu thermal spring and Siloam borehole) in Limpopo Province South Africa were considered for an investigation into the mineral composition of their water and soil samples. Tshipise and Mphephu thermal springs are well developed and located within tourist resorts. On the other hand, Siloam is a borehole on the grounds of a private household. The water is used for various domestic purposes such as laundry, general cleaning of the household and bathing. Water and soil samples from the three sites were collected once per week every week in February 2018. The sampling bottles were spiked with 1M HNO3 before sampling to keep any metal ions present in the water samples in solution. The soil and water samples were analysed for their chemical composition using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) respectively. XRF analysis of the soil samples found many major oxides of which SiO2 made up 63.67%, 85.37% and 46.28% by mass of Tshipise, Mphephu and Siloam soil samples respectively. XRF analysis also showed the presence of dangerous levels of heavy metals such as As, Tl, Pb and V. The analysis of the water samples by ICP-MS found that Tshipise, Mphephu and Siloam mineral water were soft, soft-moderately hard and soft-hard respectively with regards to the water hardness scale according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Water Quality Association (WQA). Analysis of water samples also found the presence of As, Cd, Cr and V. Arsenic was found to occur at concentrations above the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) (10 μg L-1) for Tshipise, Mphephu and Siloam mineral water (13.63 μg L-1, 15.83 μg L-1 and 20.97 μg L-1 respectively). Water temperatures for the three sites ranged from 38°C (Siloam borehole) to 64°C (Tshipise thermal spring). The pH values were 7.25 (Siloam borehole), 7.40 (Mphephu thermal spring) and 8.67 (Tshipise thermal spring). Due to the presence of As, Tl, Pb, V, Cd and Cr, the mineral water from all three thermal springs is unsafe to consume as it would lead to serious negative health effects some of which are outlined in this study. / NRF

Modèles cinétiques, de Kuramoto à Vlasov : bifurcations et analyse expérimentale d'un piège magnéto-optique / Kinetic models, from Kuramoto to Vlasov : bifurcations and experimental analysis of a magneto-optical trap

Métivier, David 22 September 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes en interaction à longue portée sont connus pour avoir des propriétés statistiques et dynamiques particulières. Pour décrire leur évolution dynamique, on utilise des équations cinétiques décrivant leur densité dans l'espace des phases. Ce manuscrit est divisé en deux parties indépendantes. La première traite de notre collaboration avec une équipe expérimentale sur un Piège Magnéto-Optique. Ce dispositif à grand nombre d'atomes présente des interactions coulombiennes effectives provenant de la rediffusion des photons. Nous avons proposé des tests expérimentaux pour mettre en évidence l'analogue d'une longueur de Debye, et son influence sur la réponse du système. Les expériences réalisées ne permettent pour l'instant pas de conclure de façon définitive. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons analysé les modèles cinétiques de Vlasov et de Kuramoto. Pour étudier leur dynamique de dimension infinie, nous avons examiné les bifurcations autour des états stationnaires instables, l'objectif étant d'obtenir des équations réduites décrivant la dynamique de ces états. Nous avons réalisé des développements en variété instable sur cinq systèmes différents. Ces réductions sont parsemées de singularités, mais prédisent correctement la nature de la bifurcation, que nous avons testée numériquement. Nous avons conjecturé une réduction exacte (obtenue via la forme normale Triple Zero) autour des états inhomogènes de l'équation de Vlasov. Ces résultats génériques pourraient être pertinents dans un contexte astrophysique. Les autres résultats s'appliquent aux phénomènes de synchronisation du modèle de Kuramoto pour les oscillateurs avec inertie et/ou interactions retardées. / Long-range interacting systems are known to display particular statistical and dynamical properties.To describe their dynamical evolution, we can use kinetic equations describing their density in the phase space. This PhD thesis is divided into two distinct parts. The first part concerns our collaboration with an experimental team on a Magneto-Optical Trap. The physics of this widely-used device, operating with a large number of atoms, is supposed to display effective Coulomb interactions coming from photon rescattering. We have proposed experimental tests to highlight the analog of a Debye length, and its influence on the system response. The experimental realizations do not allow yet a definitive conclusion. In the second part, we analyzed the Vlasov and Kuramoto kinetic models. To study their infinite dimensional dynamics, we looked at bifurcations around unstable steady states. The goal was to obtain reduced equations describing the dynamical evolution. We performed unstable manifold expansions on five different kinetic systems. These reductions are in general not exact and plagued by singularities, yet they predict correctly the nature and scaling of the bifurcation, which we tested numerically. We conjectured an exact dimensional reduction (obtained using the Triple Zero normal form) around the inhomogeneous states of the Vlasov equation. These results are expected to be very generic and could be relevant in an astrophysical context. Other results apply to synchronization phenomena through the Kuramoto model for oscillators with inertia and/or delayed interactions.

Využití bezmembránové elektrolytické cely pro elektrochemické generování těkavých specií přechodných kovů / Application of non-membrane electrolytic cell for electrochemical volatile species generation of transition metals

Kobrlová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of electrochemical generation volatile species of gold and silver. Two non-membrane electrolytic cells were constructed for electrochemical generation volatile species. These cells differ in the volume of electrode chamber. An atomic absorption spectrometry with quartz tube atomizer was used in most experiments. The equipment was performed in flow continuous mode. Experiments confirmed, that it is possible to use an atomic absorption spectrometry with quartz tube atomizer for generate volatile species of gold and silver by using two non-membrane electrolytic cells. The main part of this thesis was to find optimal conditions for the electrochemical generation of volatile species of gold and silver. These optimized parameters were: the cathode material, the type of electrolyte, the flow rate of the carrier gas, the generation current and the electrolyte flow rate. The calibration curves for both analytes were measured for both non-membrane electrolytic cells and the basic characteristics of the measurement were observed. Detection limit for electrochemical generation of gold was 1,61mg dm 3 and repeatability 3,93 %, detection limit for electrochemical generation of silver was 0,20 mg dm 3 and repeatability 7,33 %. Thanks to the experiments with a...

Numerické řešení nelineárních transportních problémů / Numerical solution of nonlinear transport problems

Bezchlebová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Práce je zaměřená na numerickou simulaci dvoufázového proudění. Je studován matematický model a numerická aproximace toku dvou nemísitelných nestlačitelných tekutin. Rozhraní mezi tekutinami je popsáno pomocí pomocí tzv. level set metody. Představena je diskretizace problému v prostoru a v čase. Metoda konečných prvk· se zpětnou Eulerovou metodou je aplikována na Navierovy-Stokesovy rovnice a časoprostorová nespojitá Galerkinova metoda je použita k řešení transportního problému. D·raz je kladen na analýzu chyby nespojité Galerkinovy metody přímek a časoprostorové nespojité Galerkinovy metody pro transportní problém. Jsou prezentovány numerické výsledky. 1

Advanced scanning magnetoresistive microscopy as a multifunctional magnetic characterization method

Mitin, Dmitriy 26 April 2017 (has links)
Advanced scanning magnetoresistive microscopy (SMRM) — a robust magnetic imaging and probing technique — is presented. It utilizes conventional recording heads of a hard disk drive as sensors. The spatial resolution of modern tunneling magnetoresistive sensors is nowadays comparable with more commonly used magnetic force microscopes. Important advantages of SMRM are the ability to detect pure magnetic signals directly proportional to the out-of-plane magnetic stray field, negligible sensor stray fields, and the ability to apply local bipolar magnetic field pulses up to 10 kOe with bandwidths from DC up to 1 GHz. The performance assessment of this method and corresponding best practices are discussed in the first section of this work. An application example of SMRM, the study on chemically ordered L10 FePt is presented in a second section. A constructed heater unit of SMRM opens the path to investigate temperature-dependent magnetic properties of the medium by recording and imaging at elevated temperatures. L10 FePt is one of the most promising materials to reach limits in storage density of future magnetic recording devices based on heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). In order to be implemented in an actual recording scheme, the medium Curie temperature should be lowered. This will reduce the power requirements, and hence, wear and tear on a heat source — integrated plasmonic antenna. It is expected that the exchange coupling of FePt to thin Fe layers provides high saturation magnetization and elevated Curie temperature of the composite. The addition of Cu allows adjusting the magnetic properties such as perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, coercivity, saturation magnetization, and Curie temperature. This should lead to a lowering of the switching field of the hard magnetic FeCuPt layer and a reduction of thermally induced recording errors. In this regard, the influence of the Fe layer thickness on the switching behavior of the hard layer was investigated, revealing a strong reduction for Fe layer thicknesses larger than the exchange length of Fe. The recording performance of single-layer and bilayer structures was studied by SMRM roll-off curves and histogram methods at temperatures up to 180 °C In the last section of this work, SMRM advantages are demonstrated by various experiments on a two-dimensional magnetic vortex lattice. Magnetic vortex is a peculiar complex magnetization configuration which typically appears in a soft magnetic structured materials. It consists of two coupled sub-systems: the core, where magnetization vector points perpendicular to the structure plane, and the curling magnetization where magnetic flux is rotating in-plane. The unique properties of a magnetic vortex making it an object of a great research and technological interest for spintronic applications in sensorics or data storage. Manipulation of the vortex core as well as the rotation sense by applying a local field pulse is shown. A spatially resolved switching map reveals a significant "write window" where vortex cores can be addressed correctly. Moreover, the external in-plane magnet extension unit allow analyzing the magnetic vortex rotational sense which is extremely practical for magnetic coupling investigations of magnetic coupling phenomena.

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