Spelling suggestions: "subject:"court's love.""
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Italská rétorika a dvorská láska v Listáři královny Kunhuty: kritická edice sbírky Mistra Bohuslava s anglickým úvodem (Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus 526) / Italian rhetoric and courtly love in the Formulary of Queen Kunhuta. A critical edition of the Collection of Magister Bohuslav with an English introduction (Codex Vindobonensis Palatinus 526)Battista, Francesca January 2016 (has links)
In Czech historiography Queen Kunhuta has been quite neglected. Her figure has not been investigated in monographs or specific studies. She can be somehow included within the group of defamed queens, which is especially rich in the Middle Ages. This negative image of the queen finds its origin in medieval chronicles, which blamed Kunhuta for her love affair with Záviš of Falkenštejn, who was accused of being one of the promoters of the defeat of Otakar II. Kunhuta's negative portrayal has been very stable and despite its rehabilitation in the most recent studies, it probably influenced scholars' disinterest in the part she performed as a political agent. The documentary material preserved shows that her active role in Bohemian society of the thirteenth century deserves more attention. She was involved in various administrative and political tasks. The first chapter of the thesis should provide an approach to the study of the queen, which mediates between a partial point of view and Kunhuta's multi-faceted image. It should introduce a figure to whom is linked a letter collection, which represents the main theme of the present dissertation (i.e. the letter collection of master Bohuslav, probably a chaplain and notary of the queen). The analysis and the critical edition of the source can be found in...
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O amor cortês e os Lais de Maria de França: um olhar historiográficoCarvalho, Ligia Cristina [UNESP] 18 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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carvalho_lc_me_assis.pdf: 763254 bytes, checksum: 3fa5b0d06550469885ba1952ca54f735 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Durante a Idade Média Central (XI-XIII), mais precisamente na segunda metade do século XII, foram produzidos os Lais de Maria de França, escritos literários que abordam o amor cortês. Apesar de fazerem parte das literaturas de divertimento da corte, os Lais são um tipo específico de registro histórico acerca da sociedade aristocrática medieval. Propomo-nos neste trabalho, por meio de uma análise centrada na temática do amor cortês presente nesta fonte, refletir sobre a construção de uma nova representação mental de amor. Neste mesmo sentido, respeitando a especificidade da fonte, buscaremos apreender as realidades sociais e o imaginário medieval, tentando compreender de que maneira Maria de França retrata a sociedade de seu tempo, com seus preceitos e interdições, ao mesmo tempo, reafirmando certos valores e insurgindo contra outros. / During Central Medium Age (XI-XIII), exactly at the second half of XII Century, Lais de Marie de France were written, literary writings which discuss the Courtly Love. Although they are considered funny literature of the court, Lais are a specific history record about medieval aristocratic society. This work intends to reflect about the construction of a new love mental representation, according to analyses about the Courtly Love found in this source. The same way, respecting the source specificity, we will try to understand the socials realities and the medieval imaginary, trying to comprehend how Marie de France presents the society of that time, with the precepts and interdictions, reaffirming such values and, at the same time, rebelling against others.
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The Mirrored Return of Desire: Courtly Love Explored Through Lacan's Mirror StageEikost, Emily Renee 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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L'amor cortese provenzale fra hohe Minne e dolce stil novoHostert, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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The Mechanics of Courtly and the Mechanization of Woman in Medieval Anglo-Norman RomanceRobertson, Abigail G. 24 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Dvorská láska ve vrcholném a pozdním středověku / Courtly Love in the High and Late Middle AgesSalmonová, Blanka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is a contribution to the social history of the Middle Ages. It investigates a phenomenon called courtly love, fully expressed at the noble court through an analysis of Thomas Malory's and Chrètien de Troyes' Arthurian romances, letters of Christine de Pisan and auxiliary sources. Its origin and expressions in a period literature, mostly of southern France, its inspirational sources and a continuation of Celtic folklore tradition is discussed in the initial chapters. The next part deals with individual forms of the courtly love and their effects on a gender relationship in a knightly class. The actual activity of a medieval woman and her opportunity to participate in public, ascribed social roles and a development of a masculine view is discussed in following chapters. The final part is engaged in a falling of a knightly ideal as well as a significance of the knight and his dame.
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Vom Narren zum Gralskönig : Die Bedeutung der minne für Parzivals EntwicklungCasanova, Laura January 2011 (has links)
From an ingenious fool to the Grail King: the significance of courtly love in Wolfram’s Parzival The focus of this thesis lies on the doctrines in courtly behavior, a multifaceted system of chivalric norms and behaviors often referred to as the knightly virtue system based on the literature of the early and high Middle Ages. The aim of this thesis is to study the different aspects, such as religious, military, courtly and romantic, of the knightly virtue system. The romantic aspect of the knightly ideal is given particular attention, as it is the focus of this paper. The word minne is the bearer of the romantic aspect and is central in Wolfram’s von Eschenbach Parzival which is the main source studied. The following issues are discussed in more detail: how the knightly ideal is presented in Wolfram’s epic and to what extent the minne affects the development of Parzival to the Grail king. In the course of this thesis it will also be shown that the romantic aspect is the most influential aspect of the knightly virtue system and that this particular aspect truly defines an ideal knight.
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Courtship and courtliness : studies in Elizabethan courtly language and literatureBates, Catherine January 1989 (has links)
In its current sense, courting means 'wooing'; but its original meaning was 'residing at court'. The amorous sense of the word developed from a purely social sense in most major European languages around the turn of the sixteenth century, a time when, according to some historians, Western states were gradually moving toward the genesis of absolutism and the establishment of courts as symbols and agents of centralised monarchical power. This study examines the shift in meaning of the words courtship and to court, seeking the origins of courtship in court society, with particular reference to the court and literature of the Elizabethan period. Chapter 1 charts the traditional association between courts and love, first in the historiography of 'courtly love', and then in historical and sociological accounts of court society. Recent studies have questioned the quasi- Marxist notion that the amorous practices of the court and the 'bourgeois' ideals of harmonious, fruitful marriage were antithetical, and this thesis examines whether the development of 'romantic love' has a courtly as well as a bourgeois provenance. Chapter 2 conducts a lexical study of the semantic change of the verb to court in French, Italian, and English, with an extended synchronic analysis of the word in Elizabethan literature. Chapter 3 goes on to diversify the functional classification required by semantic analysis and considers the implications of courtship as a social, literary and rhetorical act in the works of Lyly and Sidney. It considers the 'humanist' dilemma of a language that was aimed primarily at seduction, and suggests that, in the largely discursive mode of the courtly questione d'amore, courtship could be condoned as a verbalisation of love, and a postponement of the satisfaction of desire. Chapter 4 then moves away from the distinction between humanist and courtly concerns, to examine the practice of courtship at the court of Elizabeth I. It focuses on allegorical representations of Desire in courtly pageants, and suggests that the ambiguities inherent in the 'legitimised' Desire of Elizabethan shows exemplify the situation of poets and courtiers who found themselves at the court of a female sovereign. In chapter 5 discussions of the equivocation inveterate to courtly texts leads to a study of The Faerie Queene, and specifically to Spenser's presentation of courtship and courtly society in the imperialist themes of Book II and their apparent subversion in Book VI. The study concludes with a brief appraisal of Spenser's Amoretti as a model for the kind of courtship that has been under review.
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Dvorná láska v kontextu herních aspektů dvorské kultury (Cantigas de Santa Maria a trubadúrský zpěvník R) / Courtly Love in the context of ludic elements of courtly culture (Cantigas de Santa Maria and the troubadour chansonnier R)Jaluška, Matouš January 2017 (has links)
1./1 Courtly Love in the context of ludic elements of courtly culture (Cantigas de Santa Maria and the troubadour chansonnier R) Matouš Jaluška Abstract Dissertation Courtly Love in the context of ludic elements of courtly culture (Cantigas de Santa Maria and the troubadour chansonnier R) strives to refine on the common notion that the me- dieval courtly poetry is a kind of game. It is based in the tradition of thinking about playing, which is based on the essay Homo ludens of Johan Huizinga and continues through works of Roger Cailloise, Jacques Henriot and Eugen Fink to the current trend of Game Studies. Close reading of the authorities in the introductory chapter shows that each of them assigns an im- portant role to the notion of discontinuity or rupture that enables them to establish the game as a non-binding and safe world. The concept of troubadour poetic creation as a safe activity is explored in the second chapter based on the works of the two founding figures of the trouba- dour tradition, Guilhem de Peitieu ("the Count of Poitiers") and Marcabru. The comparison shows that the safety of troubadour poetry is closely connected with the idea of binding or non-binding language. Binding speech is strongly linked to the image of female power and the ability of women to breed offspring and thus to keep...
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Att älska högt och på avstånd : En komparativ analys av kärleksuttrycket inom hövisk kärlek och klassisk persisk poesi av Jalal al-din Rumi och Fakhr al-din Araqi / To love loudly and from a distance : A comparative analysis of the expressions of love in courtly love and classical Persian poetry by Jalal al-din Rumi and Fakhr al-din AraqiSäll, Ellen January 2020 (has links)
This essay aims to examine the expressions of love in classical Persian poetry and the European, medieval courtly love. The main focus is to analyze the Persian divine love using a selection of poems from Jalal al-din Rumis Vassflöjtens sång and Fakhr al-din Araqis Gnistornas bok, both translated and commented by Ashk Dahlén. The method used for this study is to analyze the Persian divine love with the perspective of the courtly love using the questions how the love in the poems are expressed and how it relates to the rules of courtly love. The knowledge behind the Persian poetry is mostly provided by Ashk Dahlén, Bo Utas and Simon Sorgenfrei with Kärleken begär att detta tal skall fram. The divine love is in the analysis compared with different expressions of medieval courtly love throughout the century supported by Anders Cullheds chapter about courtly love in Tidens guld: essayer om kanon, liv, poesi and Carin Franzéns Jag gav honom inte min kärlek: Om hövisk kärlek som kvinnlig strategi. I do a comparative analysis between the Persian poetry and different examples from the courtly love highlighting mostly the similarities but also some important differences. It also examines the use of eros and agape with the help of Anders Johanssons Kärleksförklaring: Subjektiveringens dialektik for a more in depth analyze. In conclusion, I found that there are a lot of similarities in the expression of both worldly and divine contexts but that it is built on different foundations. The essay ends by discussing the predominant similarities and why it might be similar but also problematizes and highlights a few differences like the use of eros and agape and the use of motives. The intention of this essay is to open up for further research regarding the subject and examine why it is possible to find such similarities at the same historical time but in two different parts of the world. / Denna uppsats ämnar jämföra kärleksuttrycket i klassisk persisk poesi med den europeiska, medeltida höviska kärleken. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett höviskt kärleksperspektiv analysera hur kärleken kommer till uttryck hos två namn inom den klassiska persiska poesin, Jalal al-din Rumi och Fakhr al-din Araqi. Den gudomliga kärleken har analyserats med hjälp av Rumis samling Vassflöjtens sång och Araqis Gnistornas bok, båda översatta och kommenterade av Ashk Dahlén. Metoden för denna uppsats är att analysera den persiska poesin med hjälp av den höviska kärleken som ett verktyg. Detta kommer att göras med hjälp av frågorna hur kärleken i poesin tar sig uttryck och hur den förhåller sig till den höviska kärleksmodellen. Vetskapen om den persiska poesin tillhandahålls av bland annat Ashk Dahlén, Bo Utas och Simon Sorgenfrei med antologin Kärleken begär att detta tal skall fram. Den gudomliga kärleken jämförs i analysen med olika uttryck av höviska kärlek genom århundradet med hjälp av Anders Cullheds kapitel om hövisk kärlek i Tidens guld: essay om kanon, liv, poesi och Carin Franzéns Jag gav honom inte min kärlek: Om hövisk kärlek som kvinnlig strategi. Jag gör en komparativ analys mellan den persiska poesin och diverse exempel från den höviska kärleken och framhäver framförallt dess likheter men också en del större olikheter. Uppsatsen undersöker också användningen av eros och agape med hjälp av Anders Johanssons Kärleksförklaring: Subjektiveringens dialektik för en djupare analys. Sammanfattningsvis visar analysen en rad likheter i uttrycket inom både värdsliga och andliga sammanhang men också att dessa likheter grundar sig på olika utgångspunkter. Uppsatsen avslutas med att diskutera de övervägande likheterna och varför dessa går att finna men problematiserar och framhäver även de olikheter som går att finna som användadet av eros och agape samt användningen av motiv. Intentionen med denna uppsats är att öppna upp för mer forskning inom området och att undersöka varför det är möjligt att finna dessa likheter under samma tidsperiod i olika delar av världen.
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