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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JAHAN, NUSRAT 19 February 2014 (has links)
Il periodo di transizione (TP) delle vacche da latte è caratterizzata da disfunzione del sistema immunitario e dalla comparsa di fenomeni infiammatori. La tesi ha presentato una vasta revisione della letteratura seguita da 3 articoli sperimentali. Nel capitolo II sono stati investigati i cambiamenti delle citochine pro-infiammatorie (PIC) nel TP. I livelli di PIC hanno mostrato una elevata variabilità in tarda gravidanza, ma i livelli più alti hanno mostrato un’associazione con i problemi di salute e le prestazioni dopo il parto. Nel capitolo III, l'attività immunitaria di vacche in transizione è stata valutata utilizzando un test ex vivo di stimolazione del sangue con lipopolisaccaridi (WBA) e un test cutaneo alla carragenina. I risultati hanno rivelato che il sistema immunitario è molto sensibile in prossimità del parto. Entrambi i test descrivono i cambiamenti del sistema immunitario durante il TP. Nel capitolo IV, è stata valutata l’espressione genica dei leucociti durante il TP con la tecnica dell’ RNA-Seq. Confrontando i geni differenzialmente espressi con i risultati del capitolo II e III sono stati resi noti i cambiamenti funzionali dei leucociti. Complessivamente, queste ricerche contribuiscono a definire meglio la fisiologia della fase di transizione della vacche da latte. / The transition period of dairy cows is characterized by immune dysfunction and inflammatory like conditions. The thesis presented a wide review literature followed by 3 research papers. Chapter II investigated the pattern of changes of pro-inflammatory cytokines (PIC) around parturition and discovered an association with periparturient health status. PIC levels showed a high variability in late pregnancy but the highest levels demonstrated a good relationship with health troubles and performance after calving. In Chapter III, immune activity of transition cows were evaluated using: an ex vivo whole blood stimulation assay (WBA) with lipopolysaccharides and a carrageenan skin test. Results revealed that immune system is very sensitive around calving in respect to both tests, with a significant increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines and a reduction of the skin thickness after carrageenan challenge. Thus, both tests are able to describe the complex changes of the immune system combined to conventional metabolic and immune parameters. In Chapter IV, changes of leukocyte gene expression were evaluated from 20 days before to 7 days after calving using RNA-seq technique. Comparing the differentially expressed genes with the results of Chapter II and III were disclosed fundamental functional changes in leukocytes. Overall, these researches contribute to define better the physiology of the most vulnerable phase of dairy cows.

Prävalenz, Morphologie und Entwicklung histomorphologischer Alterationen im Endometrium des Rindes in Abhängigkeit von Alter und Parität

Busenbach, Kirsten 27 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, 1. die Einflüsse von Alter bzw. Parität auf Prävalenz und Entwicklung endometrialer Alterationen beim Rind zu untersuchen, 2. einen repräsentativen Überblick über die mittels Endometriumbiopsie erfassbaren Erkrankungen bei klinisch gesunden Kühen zu schaffen 3. die Entwicklung der histopathologischen Befunde nach einer weiteren Trächtigkeit zu dokumentieren. Grundlage dieser Arbeit sind sechs Endometriumbioptate von klinisch (inklusive rektaler Untersuchung) gesunden Färsen (Gruppe A), 165 Bioptate von klinisch gesunden Kühen (Gruppe B) sowie Bioptat-Paare (Gruppe C) von 46 Tieren, die im Abstand einer Trächtigkeit entnommen wurden. Die Proben der Gruppe A dienten als Kontrollgruppe, wobei die Gefäße als Grundlage für die Normalstruktur vor der ersten Trächtigkeit herangezogen wurden. Innerhalb der Endometriumbioptate der Färsen (Gruppe A) waren keine pathologischen Veränderungen (Endometritis, Endometrose, Angiosklerose) und keine Lymphfollikel nachweisbar. Bezüglich der Endometritis-Prävalenz, die bei 23,6 % lag, ließ sich in Gruppe B keine Abhängigkeit von der Parität oder dem Entnahmezeitpunkt nachweisen. Eine Endometrose trat überwiegend bei Erstkalbinnen (24,4 %) und Tieren mit fünf Abkalbungen (41,6 %) auf. Eine Korrelation mit dem Alter lag nicht vor. Auffällig war die signifikant höhere Endometrose-Prävalenz innerhalb der ersten acht Wochen p.p. (20,1 %), im Vergleich zu später entnommenen Proben (3,2 %). Für das Auftreten von Lymphfollikel, die im Mittel bei 53,3 % der Kühe auftraten, konnten keine Korrelationen mit der Parität oder dem Zeitpunkt der Bioptatentnahme ermittelt werden. Auch scheint weder das Vorliegen einer Endometritis die Entwicklung von Lymphfollikeln zu begünstigen, noch schützen Lymphfollikel im Endometrium vor einer Entzündung des Uterus. Mit steigender Parität war eine Zunahme der Angiosklerose-Prävalenz zu verzeichnen, allerdings konnte keine statistisch signifikante Korrelation zum Grad der Gefäßveränderungen (anhand der H.E.-Färbung) nachgewiesen werden. Innerhalb der Karunkel lagen signifikant höhergradige Veränderungen vor als in interkarunkulären Gefäßen. Da das Alter der Tiere eng mit der Anzahl der Abkalbungen korreliert, war eine gesonderte Betrachtung der altersassoziierten Einflüsse anhand des untersuchten Materials nicht möglich. Mittels der durchgeführten Untersuchungen ließ sich kein negativer Einfluss der vorwiegend geringgradigen histopathologischen Veränderungen im Endometrium (Endometritis, Endometrose, Angiosklerose, Lymphfollikel) auf die Fertilität (Erstbesamungserfolg, Rastzeit, Güstzeit, Gesamtträchtigkeitsrate) nachweisen. Innerhalb der Gruppe C konnte nach einer weiteren Trächtigkeit ein signifikanter Anstieg der Endometrose-Prävalenz von 7,0 % auf 25,6 % nachgewiesen werden, während der Anteil der Tiere mit einer Endometritis bzw. Angioskerose nahezu unverändert blieb. Bei einigen Tieren wurde allerdings in der ersten Probe, jedoch nicht im Folgebioptat, eine Endometrose diagnostiziert. Bei einer Kuh lag dabei sogar zuerst eine mittelgradige periglanduläre Fibrose vor, die im zweiten Bioptat nicht mehr nachweisbar war. Im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung vaskulärer Alterationen konnte nach einer weiteren Trächtigkeit eine signifikante Zunahme der Faserzubildungen (Pikrosiriusrot-Färbung) in der Tunica media interkarunkulärer arterieller Gefäße und karunkulärer Arterien sowie in der Tunica adventitia von interkarunkulären Arteriolen nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurden im Zweitbioptat anhand der Pikrosiriusrot-Färbung signifikant höhergradigere Veränderungen (Gesamtschädigung) der karunkulären Arterien und Arteriolen diagnostiziert. Für alle übrigen Gefäßtypen lag zwar eine Zunahme der Gesamtschädigung im zweiten Bioptat vor, diese war jedoch nicht statistisch signifikant. Zu beiden Untersuchungszeitpunkten konnten innerhalb des untersuchten Materials vor allem Elastosen und Elastofibrosen nachgewiesen werden. Dabei lagen bezüglich der Art der zugebildeten Fasern keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen beiden Proben vor. Insgesamt konnten anhand des untersuchten Materials von klinisch gesunden Kühen zahlreiche pathologische Befunde im Endometrium diagnostiziert werden. Allerdings ist die Interpretation der Befunde bislang schwierig, da keine Einflüsse auf die Fertilität nachweisbar waren. Jedoch lagen besonders im Hinblick auf die Endometritis und Endometrose meist nur geringgradige Veränderungen vor, so dass sich diese vermutlich nicht negativ auf die Fruchtbarkeit auswirken. Weiterhin ist anhand der vorliegenden Ergebnisse fraglich, ob eine Endometrose beim Rind als irreversible Erkrankung angesehen werden muss. Hierzu sind weitere Studien erforderlich.

L'antibiorésistance acquise des bactéries de la glande mammaire et des intestins en fonction des traitements intramammaires de tarissement chez les bovins laitiers

Poirier, Etienne January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Il periodo di transizione della bovina da latte e l'infiammazione: un nuovo indice per valutare la risposta individuale, trattamenti pre-parto finalizzati alla sua riduzione e conseguenze sulle prestazioni produttive e riproduttive / Transition period of dairy cows and inflammation: a novel index to assess the individual response, pre-calving treatments aiming to mitigate it and consequences on productive and reproductive performances

GROSSI, PAOLO 23 February 2012 (has links)
Il periparto è la parte più critica della vita della bovina da latte. I cambiamenti importanti ed improvvisi nel metabolismo e nelle condizioni di vita possono favorire l’insorgenza di problemi di salute e di uno stato infiammatorio. Una risposta eccessiva dell’organismo all’infiammazione può sottrarre risorse fondamentali, causando un peggioramento delle condizioni di salute e un calo della produzione di latte. Nella prima parte della tesi si propone un nuovo indice basato su alcuni parametri plasmatici utile a descrivere meglio la risposta all’infiammazione nel post-parto. Una identificazione rapida degli animali caratterizzati da una risposta eccessiva all’infiammazione, specialmente quelli senza sintomi esterni, permette un intervento efficace per evitare ulteriori conseguenze negative. La seconda e terza parte della tesi descrivono due prove sperimentali finalizzate a ridurre la risposta all’infiammazione impiegando acidi grassi ω-3 e/o acido acetilsalicilico. La somministrazione di acidi grassi ω-3 a cavallo del parto ha ridotto la risposta all’infiammazione e migliorato il bilancio energetico, mentre la loro somministrazione esclusivamente prima del parto ha evidenziato alcuni leggeri miglioramenti nella risposta all’infiammazione e nel bilancio energetico. La somministrazione prima del parto di acido acetilsalicilico ha causato l’insorgenza di alcuni problemi e pertanto dovrebbe essere somministrata solo dopo il parto. / The peripartum period is the most critical stage of the dairy cows. The sudden and major changes in metabolism and life conditions may favor the onset of health problems together with an inflammatory status. An excessive response by the organism to inflammation may subtract primary resources, resulting in a worsening of health status and in a lower milk yield. In the first part of the thesis a new index based on some plasma parameters is proposed to better describe the response to inflammation in the post-calving of dairy cows. An early identification of the animals characterized by a severe response to inflammation, especially without any external symptom, allows an effective intervention in order to avoid further negative consequences. The second and the third part of the thesis describe two experiments aiming to reduce the response to inflammation using ω-3 fatty acids and/or acetylsalicylic acid. The administration of ω-3 fatty acids around calving reduced the inflammatory response and improved the energy balance, while their pre-calving only administration highlighted some slight improvements in inflammatory response and energy balance. The pre-calving administration of acetylsalicylic acid caused the onset of some problems and should be used only after calving.

Effects of prostaglandin F₂α on neutrophil populations, uterine health and reproductive performance in dairy cows / Effects of prostaglandin F2alpha on neutrophil populations, uterine health and reproductive performance in dairy cows

Lulay, Adrienne McCracken 14 December 2011 (has links)
Incidences of uterine infections in dairy cattle are high between parturition and Day 21 postpartum. Dairy cows with uterine infections are at risk for prolonged periods of days open and multiple services before becoming pregnant. Neutrophils are the first wave of immune system defense against uterine contamination. Neutrophil function seems to be mediated by reproductive hormones and good uterine health is related to properly functioning neutrophils. To elucidate the interaction between reproductive hormones, neutrophils and uterine health in dairy cows the objectives of this research were to evaluate: 1) changes in circulating white blood cell populations during the estrous cycle, 2) the effects of prostaglandin F₂[subscript α](PGF₂[subscript α]) on circulating white blood cell populations and 3) the effects of a two-injection PGF₂[subscript α] regimen on uterine neutrophil and bacterial populations and numbers of days open and services per conception. In the first experiment, the effect of stage of the estrous cycle on plasma neutrophil numbers was evaluated. Neutrophils were observed throughout the entire estrous cycle and numbers were greatest (P<0.05) on Day 14 (mid-cycle), when the corpus luteum was the dominant ovarian structure and plasma progesterone was at its acme. In the second experiment, plasma neutrophil numbers were examined in cows after injections of saline or the PGF₂[subscript α] pharmaceutical product, Lutalyse. Compared to saline, numbers of neutrophils were greater (P<0.05) 4 and 8 hr after Lutalyse injection. In the third experiment, neutrophil numbers were examined after injections of saline, Lutalyse or the PGF₂[subscript α] analog, Estrumate. Compared to saline, numbers of neutrophils did not differ (P>0.10) from cows injected with Lutalyse or Estrumate. In the fourth experiment, uterine bacterial populations and numbers of neutrophils were quantified in cows treated with Lutalyse or saline on Days 0 and 14 or 14 and 28 postpartum. Compared to saline, Lutalyse treatment decreased (P<0.05) total bacteria present in the uterus and increased (P<0.05) the number of uterine neutrophils. In experiment five, numbers of days open and services per conception were evaluated in cows treated with Lutalyse or saline on Days 0 and 14 or 14 and 28 postpartum. Compared to saline, Lutalyse decreased days open (154.7 ± 14.1 vs. 120.1 ± 7.9 days, respectively; P<0.05) and services per conception (3.0 ± 0.4 vs. 2.3 ± 0.2 services, respectively; P=0.09). These results suggest PGF₂[subscript α] treatment can increase neutrophil and depress bacterial cell populations in favor of the dairy cow's uterine health and may explain why fertility is improved when PGF₂α is administered early in the postpartum period. / Graduation date: 2012

Downstream purification and analysis of the recombinant human myelin basic protein produced in the milk of transgenic cows : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry, Massey University (Palmerston North) New Zealand. EMBARGOED till 28 July 2011

Al-Ghobashy, Medhat Ahmed Abdel-Hamid Unknown Date (has links)
Downstream purification and analysis of a model biopharmaceutical protein (recombinant human myelin basic protein) is described. The recombinant protein was expressed in the milk of transgenic cows and was found exclusively associated with the casein micellar phase. Binding of milk calcium to the active sites of a cation exchanger resin was used beneficially in this study in order to gently disrupt the casein micelles and liberate the recombinant protein. This approach was found superior to the conventional micelle disruption procedures with respect to product recovery, resin fouling due to milk components and column hydrodynamic properties. Further purification was carried out using Ni2+ affinity chromatography and resulted in purity more than 90% and a total recovery of 78%. A capillary electrophoresis total protein assay employing large volume sample stacking and a microsphere-based, sandwich-type immunoassay were developed and validated. Both methods were successfully integrated with the downstream purification protocol in order to evaluate various quality attributes of the recombinant protein. A onestep capillary isoelectric focusing protocol was developed in order to monitor the recombinant protein in milk samples. The results showed extra protein bands in the transgenic milk that had isoelectric points significantly lower than the theoretically calculated one which indicated that the protein had been modified during expression. The association between the recombinant protein and bovine milk caseins was explored at the molecular level using the surface plasmon resonance technique. Results showed a calciummediated interaction between the recombinant protein and the phosphorylated caseins. This selective interaction was not noted between the human myelin basic protein and milk caseins which indicated mammary gland-related posttranslational modifications, most likely phosphorylation. The co-expression of the recombinant protein and caseins in the mammary gland, along with the ability of the recombinant protein to form calcium bridges with caseins explained its association with the casein micellar phase in the transgenic milk. Despite this and owing to the low expression levels of the recombinant protein in milk, light scattering investigations using diffusing wave spectroscopy showed no significant differences between the transgenic and the non-transgenic milk samples with respect to the average micelle size and the micelle surface charges.

Phenotypic relationships between milk protein percentage, reproductive performance and body condition score in Irish dairy cattle : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Sciences (MSc) at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Yang, Linna January 2009 (has links)
A positive phenotypic correlation between milk protein percentage and reproductive performance in dairy cattle, especially during early lactation has been recently reported. The objective of this study was to quantify the relationship between milk protein percentage and different measures of fertility in Irish, seasonal calving, dairy cattle using data from experiments comparing strains of Holstein-Friesian cows under different feeding systems. The relationships between body condition score, milk production and fertility were also investigated. The data used in this study consisted of 584 lactation records over a 5-yr period. Principal component analysis and logistic regression was used to study the relationship between milk protein percentage and fertility performance of the cow. Greater milk protein percentage during the first 60 days post-calving was associated with better reproductive performance. The probability of a cow being submitted in the first 21 days of the breeding season increased with increased milk protein percentage during early lactation. Similarly, the probability of a cow becoming pregnant to its first service or to the whole breeding season also increased. Cows were classified as either high or low milk protein percentage based on their protein percentage over the whole lactation. Cows in the high milk protein group had a 7% greater conception rate compared to cows in the low protein percentage group. In conclusion, cows with higher protein percentage, especially during early lactation are submitted earlier in the breeding season, and have a higher conception rate. Physiologically, the shortage of glucose caused by negative energy balance restricts the synthesis of milk protein in the udder. On the other side, negative energy balance also causes the reduction of IGF-I, LH and oestradiol, which consequently delay the ovarian follicular development and finally reduces fertility. Therefore, there is a biological explanation for the association between milk protein percentage and fertility performance.

Whole-crop pea-oat silages in dairy production : effects of maturity stage and conservation strategy on fermentation, protein quality, feed intake and milk production /

Rondahl, Tomas, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.

Multiplex flow cytometric assays for markers of inflammation : development and application in bovine samples /

Dernfalk, Johanna, January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2008. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Milk composition and metabolism of cows selected for high or low milk-fat concentration /

Åkerlind, Maria, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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