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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation de la structuration d'un matériau diélectrique irradié par une impulsion laser femtoseconde / Modeling of the structuration of a dielectric material irradiated by a femtosecond laser pulse

Beuton, Romain 16 November 2018 (has links)
Les lasers femtosecondes sont un outil efficace pour induire des modifications structurelles localisées en volume dans les matériaux diélectriques. Initialement transparents, les diélectriques ne commencent à absorber efficacement l’énergie laser que lorsque l’intensité excède le seuil de claquage optique du matériau. Cette propriété, couplée à une durée d’impulsion femtoseconde plus courte que les temps caractéristiques de relaxation de la matière, permet d’obtenir un dépôt d’énergie précis et localisé dans le volume irradié. Pour modéliser la formation de telles structures, un modèle thermo-élasto-plastique en géométrie 2D planaire, incluant la transition solide-liquide via un modèle de ramollissement, a été implémenté dans un code hydrodynamique lagrangien. Des études de la formation d’une cavité et de l’interaction de multiple cavités ont tout d’abord été réalisées en supposant un dépôt instantané d’énergie laser dans le volume d’une cible de silice fondue. La relaxation de la matière chauffée, portée à l’état de plasma dense, induit alors la propagation d’ondes de choc dans le solide froid environnant. Des déformations permanentes peuvent apparaître dans le matériau si la contrainte, induite par ces ondes, excède la limite élastique. Ces premières études ont notamment permis de comprendre et de décrire les différentes étapes de la formation de micro-structures, fortement corrélées au comportement élasto-plastique du solide environnante. De plus, en utilisant une loi de Weibull, tenant compte de la densité de défauts dans la matière, des probabilités de fractures dans le matériau ont été calculées. Dans un second temps, la structuration de la silice fondue par un faisceau de Bessel a été considérée. Un solveur de Maxwell 3D, couplé à une description fluide de la dynamique électronique, a été utilisé pour modéliser le dépôt d’énergie laser. Les résultats ont permis de comprendre comment s’établit le dépôt d’énergie et rendent compte des effets des différents processus d’ionisation sur les évolutions des profils de densité et d’énergie électronique. Des simulations thermo-élasto-plastiques ont ensuite étaient réalisées en utilisant le dépôt d’énergie calculé. Différents types de déformations induites dans la silice ont pu être mis en évidence en fonction de l’énergie et de la durée de l’impulsion incidente, en accord avec les observations expérimentales. / Femtosecond laser pulses are an efficient tool to induce localized structural modifications in the bulk of dielectrics materials. The dielectrics, initially transparent, start to efficiently absorb the energy when the laser intensity exceeds the optical breakdown threshold of the material. This property, coupled to a femtosecond pulse duration smaller than the caracteristic relaxation times of matter, allows to induce a localized and accurate energy deposition in the irradiated volume. In order to model the formation of such structures, a 2D thermo-elasto-plastic model, including solid-liquid transitions through a softening model, has been implemented in a lagrangian hydrodynamic code. Studies on the formation of a single cavity and several interacting cavities have been firstly performed, assuming an instantaneous energy deposition in the bulk of fused silica. The relaxation of the heated matter, transformed to a warm dense plasma, induces shock waves in the surrounding cold solid. Permanent deformations may appear if the stress, induced by the waves, exceeds the yield strength of the material. This first study allowed to understand and describe the various steps of the micro-structures formation, which are strongly correlated to the elasto-plastic behavior of the surrounding solid. Furthermore, by using a Weibull’s law, accounting for defects density in the material, cracks probabilities have been predicted. Secondly, the structuration of fused silica by a Bessel beam has been considered. For that purpose, a 3D Maxwell solver coupled to a fluid description of the electron dynamics has been used to model the laser energy deposition. Results allow to understand how the energy deposition establishes and show the effects of the different ionization processes on the electron density and energy profiles. Then, thermo-elasto-plastic simulations have been carried out including the calculated energy deposition. Various kinds of induced deformations in fused silica have been obtained depending on the incident pulse energy and duration, which is in agreement with experimental observations.

Controle da fissuração em compósitos com fibras orgânicas aplicando conceito de materiais com gradação funcional. / Control of cracking in fiber cement apply concepts of functionally graded materials.

Giordano, Brunoro Leite 09 December 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é controlar a incidência de fissuras em fibrocimentos aplicando o conceito de materiais com gradação funcional através da protensão química gerada pela aplicação de silicato de sódio alcalino entre as camadas dos fibrocimentos. Atualmente é bastante comum os fibrocimentos apresentarem fissuras ao longo das bordas devido aos gradientes de umidade gerados durante a estocagem das pilhas de telhas no pátio das indústrias. O potencial da protensão química foi avaliado através da porosidade total, da quantificação das fases hidratadas, da retração por secagem e do desempenho mecânico. A aplicação de silicato de sódio alcalino no ligante CPII F provocou retração por secagem 1,5 vezes maior que a referência aos 91 dias. O módulo de ruptura (MOR) não sofreu alteração, mas o limite de proporcionalidade da matriz (LOP) aumentou em torno de 95%. O módulo de elasticidade dinâmico foi 13 % maior. O aumento da retração por secagem e o ganho de desempenho mecânico apontam o potencial da protensão química para o controle da fissuração em fibrocimentos produzidos pelo processo Hatschek. / The objective of this work is controlling the incidence of cracks in fiber cement, using the concept of functionally graded materials through the chemical prestressing, generated by application of alkaline sodium silicate among fiber cement layers. Currently, its very common the fiber cements present cracks along the edges due to moisture gradients, caused during storage of piles of tiles in the courtyard of the industry. The chemical prestressing potential was evaluated through of the total porosity, the quantification of hydrate phases, the drying shrinkage and the mechanical performance. The application of alkaline sodium silicate in the cement CPII F caused drying shrinkage 1,5 times greater than the reference to 91 days. The modulus of rupture (MOR) didnt suffer change, but the proportional limit of matrix (LOP) increased by around 95%. The dynamic modulus of elasticity was 13% higher. The increase of drying shrinkage and the mechanical performance gain indicate the chemical prestressing potential to control the cracking in fiber cement produced by the process Hatschek.

Short continuously reinforced concrete pavement design recommendations based on non-destructive ultrasonic data and stress simulation. / Recomendações de projeto baseadas em dados ultrassônicos não destrutivos e simulação de tensões para pavimento de concreto continuamente armado de curta extensão.

Salles, Lucio Salles de 19 May 2017 (has links)
Four sections of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) were constructed at the University of São Paulo campus in order to introduce this kind of pavement structure to Brazil\'s technical transportation community. Sections were designed as 50 m long concrete slab, short in comparison to traditional CRCP, in order to simulate bus stops and terminals - locations of critical interest for public infrastructure. The thesis presented herein concludes this research project initiated in 2010. As the initial goal of this study was the development of coherent, reliable and intuitive design recommendations for the use of CRCP technology in Brazil, a profound understating of its structural and performance peculiarities was needed. For that, the cracking process of the experimental CRCP sections was recorded over a span of seven years. Due to the sections\' short length and lack of anchorage, the experimental \"short\" CRCP presented a cracking behavior quite different than traditional CRCP. There were much less visible cracks than expected. To address this issue, a novel technology in ultrasonic non-destructive testing of concrete structures was applied. Through ultrasonic signal interpretation it was possible to discover several incipient non-visible cracks within the slabs - many of these became apparent on the slab surface in later crack surveys - and to characterize visible and non-visible cracks regarding crack depth. The updated crack map with non-visible cracks showed similarities with traditional CRCP. Additionally, the ultrasonic data analysis provided important information on thickness variation, reinforcement location and concrete condition that were applied in theoretical simulations (finite element software) of the short CRCP. Simulations were attempted considering different slab geometries, firstly with transverse cracks as joints with high load transfer efficiency (LTE) and secondly with a continuous slab without cracks or joints. The latter simulation was more accurate reaching a shift factor between field and simulated stresses in the order of 0.7 to 1.0. Deflection data and LTE analysis from cracks and panels in between cracks further attested the slab continuous behavior, which contradicts current CRCP design models and performance predictors. Furthermore, critical traffic and environmental loading conditions concerning Brazil\'s climate and bus traffic characteristics were investigated and related using a selected fatigue model resulting in design recommendations in a chart format for the short CRCP aimed at long-term projects for over 20 years of operation. The design chart was successfully applied to investigate three failures presented by the experimental short CRCP due to thickness deficiencies pointed out by the ultrasonic testing. / Quatro seções de pavimento de concreto continuamente armado (PCCA) foram construídas no campus da Universidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de introduzir esta estrutura, de reconhecido sucesso internacional, à comunidade técnica de engenharia de transportes brasileira. As seções foram projetadas com uma placa de concreto de 50 m de extensão, curta em comparação ao PCCA tradicional, com a finalidade de simular paradas e terminais de ônibus - locais de grande interesse para a infraestrutura pública. A tese aqui apresentada conclui este projeto de pesquisa iniciado em 2010. Como o objetivo inicial deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de recomendações de projeto coerentes, confiáveis e intuitivas para a utilização do PCCA no Brasil, foi necessário um profundo entendimento de suas peculiaridades estruturais e de desempenho. Para isso, o processo de fissuração das secções experimentais foi acompanhado durante sete anos. Devido à curta extensão e falta de ancoragem das seções, o PCCA \"curto\" apresentou um padrão de fissuração diferente do PCCA tradicional com muito menos fissuras visíveis na superfície do que o esperado. Para abordar esta questão, uma nova tecnologia ultrassônica para ensaios não destrutivos de estruturas de concreto foi aplicada. Pela interpretação do sinal de ultrassom, foi possível descobrir várias fissuras incipientes (não visíveis) dentro das placas - muitas dessas foram observadas na superfície da placa em levantamentos de fissuras posteriores - e caracterizar fissuras visíveis e não-visíveis quanto à profundidade da fissura. O mapa de fissuração atualizado com fissuras não visíveis mostrou semelhanças com PCCA tradicional. Além disso, a análise dos dados de ultrassom forneceu informações importantes sobre a variação da espessura, localização da armadura longitudinal e condição do concreto, que foram aplicados em simulações teóricas (software de elementos finitos) do PCCA curto. Simulações foram propostas considerando diferentes geometrias, primeiramente com fissuras transversais como juntas com alta eficiência de transferência de carga (LTE) e posteriormente com uma placa contínua, sem fissuras ou juntas. Esta última simulação foi mais precisa alcançando um fator de conversão entre tensões de campo e simuladas na ordem de 0,7 a 1,0. Dados de deflexão e análise de LTE em fissuras e placas entre fissuras atestaram novamente o comportamento contínuo das placas, o que vai em contradição com os modelos atuais de dimensionamento e de previsão de desempenho para o PCCA. Ademais, o tráfego crítico e condições de carga ambiental correspondentes ao clima e tráfego de ônibus típicos brasileiros foram investigados e relacionados usando um modelo de fadiga resultando em recomendações de projeto para o PCCA de curta extensão sendo direcionado para projetos de longo prazo para mais de 20 anos de operação. O gráfico de projeto foi aplicado com sucesso para investigar três falhas apresentadas pelo PCCA curto experimental devido a deficiências de espessura apontadas pelo teste ultrassônico.

Short continuously reinforced concrete pavement design recommendations based on non-destructive ultrasonic data and stress simulation. / Recomendações de projeto baseadas em dados ultrassônicos não destrutivos e simulação de tensões para pavimento de concreto continuamente armado de curta extensão.

Lucio Salles de Salles 19 May 2017 (has links)
Four sections of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) were constructed at the University of São Paulo campus in order to introduce this kind of pavement structure to Brazil\'s technical transportation community. Sections were designed as 50 m long concrete slab, short in comparison to traditional CRCP, in order to simulate bus stops and terminals - locations of critical interest for public infrastructure. The thesis presented herein concludes this research project initiated in 2010. As the initial goal of this study was the development of coherent, reliable and intuitive design recommendations for the use of CRCP technology in Brazil, a profound understating of its structural and performance peculiarities was needed. For that, the cracking process of the experimental CRCP sections was recorded over a span of seven years. Due to the sections\' short length and lack of anchorage, the experimental \"short\" CRCP presented a cracking behavior quite different than traditional CRCP. There were much less visible cracks than expected. To address this issue, a novel technology in ultrasonic non-destructive testing of concrete structures was applied. Through ultrasonic signal interpretation it was possible to discover several incipient non-visible cracks within the slabs - many of these became apparent on the slab surface in later crack surveys - and to characterize visible and non-visible cracks regarding crack depth. The updated crack map with non-visible cracks showed similarities with traditional CRCP. Additionally, the ultrasonic data analysis provided important information on thickness variation, reinforcement location and concrete condition that were applied in theoretical simulations (finite element software) of the short CRCP. Simulations were attempted considering different slab geometries, firstly with transverse cracks as joints with high load transfer efficiency (LTE) and secondly with a continuous slab without cracks or joints. The latter simulation was more accurate reaching a shift factor between field and simulated stresses in the order of 0.7 to 1.0. Deflection data and LTE analysis from cracks and panels in between cracks further attested the slab continuous behavior, which contradicts current CRCP design models and performance predictors. Furthermore, critical traffic and environmental loading conditions concerning Brazil\'s climate and bus traffic characteristics were investigated and related using a selected fatigue model resulting in design recommendations in a chart format for the short CRCP aimed at long-term projects for over 20 years of operation. The design chart was successfully applied to investigate three failures presented by the experimental short CRCP due to thickness deficiencies pointed out by the ultrasonic testing. / Quatro seções de pavimento de concreto continuamente armado (PCCA) foram construídas no campus da Universidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de introduzir esta estrutura, de reconhecido sucesso internacional, à comunidade técnica de engenharia de transportes brasileira. As seções foram projetadas com uma placa de concreto de 50 m de extensão, curta em comparação ao PCCA tradicional, com a finalidade de simular paradas e terminais de ônibus - locais de grande interesse para a infraestrutura pública. A tese aqui apresentada conclui este projeto de pesquisa iniciado em 2010. Como o objetivo inicial deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de recomendações de projeto coerentes, confiáveis e intuitivas para a utilização do PCCA no Brasil, foi necessário um profundo entendimento de suas peculiaridades estruturais e de desempenho. Para isso, o processo de fissuração das secções experimentais foi acompanhado durante sete anos. Devido à curta extensão e falta de ancoragem das seções, o PCCA \"curto\" apresentou um padrão de fissuração diferente do PCCA tradicional com muito menos fissuras visíveis na superfície do que o esperado. Para abordar esta questão, uma nova tecnologia ultrassônica para ensaios não destrutivos de estruturas de concreto foi aplicada. Pela interpretação do sinal de ultrassom, foi possível descobrir várias fissuras incipientes (não visíveis) dentro das placas - muitas dessas foram observadas na superfície da placa em levantamentos de fissuras posteriores - e caracterizar fissuras visíveis e não-visíveis quanto à profundidade da fissura. O mapa de fissuração atualizado com fissuras não visíveis mostrou semelhanças com PCCA tradicional. Além disso, a análise dos dados de ultrassom forneceu informações importantes sobre a variação da espessura, localização da armadura longitudinal e condição do concreto, que foram aplicados em simulações teóricas (software de elementos finitos) do PCCA curto. Simulações foram propostas considerando diferentes geometrias, primeiramente com fissuras transversais como juntas com alta eficiência de transferência de carga (LTE) e posteriormente com uma placa contínua, sem fissuras ou juntas. Esta última simulação foi mais precisa alcançando um fator de conversão entre tensões de campo e simuladas na ordem de 0,7 a 1,0. Dados de deflexão e análise de LTE em fissuras e placas entre fissuras atestaram novamente o comportamento contínuo das placas, o que vai em contradição com os modelos atuais de dimensionamento e de previsão de desempenho para o PCCA. Ademais, o tráfego crítico e condições de carga ambiental correspondentes ao clima e tráfego de ônibus típicos brasileiros foram investigados e relacionados usando um modelo de fadiga resultando em recomendações de projeto para o PCCA de curta extensão sendo direcionado para projetos de longo prazo para mais de 20 anos de operação. O gráfico de projeto foi aplicado com sucesso para investigar três falhas apresentadas pelo PCCA curto experimental devido a deficiências de espessura apontadas pelo teste ultrassônico.

Intervenções contemporâneas no Bixiga: fissuras urbanas e insurgências. / Contemporary interventions in Bixiga : urban cracks and insurgencies.

Camila Teixeira Gonçalves 06 May 2016 (has links)
A sobreposição de camadas pelo tempo confere à metrópole contemporânea diferentes leituras, variadas cidades dentro da cidade que se revelam apenas ao olhar mais atento do transeunte. O tradicional Bixiga, localizado (predominantemente) no distrito da Bela Vista, na cidade de São Paulo, abriga diversas estruturas urbanas esquecidas, espaços fragmentados, excluídos e excludentes, porque deslembrados pela opacidade da vida urbana atual; mas também é palco de disputas sociais manifestadas, dentre outros meios, pelos processos de renovação e empreendedorismo urbano e consequentes gentrificação e espetacularização do seu historicismo. O presente trabalho pretende destacar as relações e confrontar os limites entre intervenções preservacionistas e renovadoras sucedidas no bairro, entre o final dos anos 1960 e 2014, que se apresentam como geratrizes ou mitigadoras de densas fissuras urbanas - que não raro têm a cultura mercantilizada em suas bases materiais [arquitetura e tecido urbano] e intangíveis [dinâmicas sociais que particularizam as áreas das cidades]. O intento é permitir a análise das transformações e os agentes envolvidos na produção da paisagem urbana local, a qual versa paradoxalmente entre 1- lócus de identidades singulares, cotidianamente vivenciada e preservada na memória dos moradores, sensibilizando novas ou habituais experiências coletivas que visam legitimar a proteção das reais especificidades e interesses locais; e 2- a banalização do espaço, cenarizado e subtraído das estruturas simbólicas da coletividade, reduzido a mero produto de consumo. O contexto abordado se ilumina dos casos das grandes renovações viárias que afetaram diretamente a tecitura urbana do Bixiga ocorridas quando das implantações, inicialmente, da Avenida Nove de Julho e, posteriormente, da Avenida 23 de Maio e da Ligação Leste-Oeste; da Vila Itororó, a qual atualmente vivencia processos de revitalização diante de inúmeros embates entre moradores e a Prefeitura Municipal; e do Teat(r)o Oficina, que motiva debates críticos e políticos sobre a destinação comercial de seu entorno por uma empresa privada e como estes instigam a tomada de consciência crítica ou mesmo a sensibilização do imaginário dos habitantes frente à identificação de espacialidades e costumes singulares - cenários de ensaios culturais, sociais, artísticos e coletivos que pretendem reconhecer identidades locais genuínas ou se inserirem nas atuais práticas de teatralização cenográfica da cidade, as quais incorporam ações culturais. Sendo assim, o trabalho traz à tona reflexões sobre intervenções em áreas centrais metropolitanas, vinculando aspectos históricos, sociais, culturais, urbanísticos e perceptivos da cidade; e avaliando as densidades das camadas urbanas perdidas, perseverantes ou resgatadas. Mesmo sendo crítico da (falta de) vitalidade urbana atual, este trabalho identifica que ainda pulsa no tecido social do Bixiga a vontade de preservar as estruturas remanescentes de sua formação, que vão muito além dos edifícios históricos atingidos, mas compreende e assenta-se nas relações sociais ali presentes. / Overlapping layers by time gives the contemporary metropolis different readings, different \"cities within a city\" that open to closer look the passerby. The traditional Bixiga located predominantly in Bela Vistas district in the city of São Paulo is home to several \"forgotten\" structures, fragmented spaces, excluded, forgotten in contemporary urban life; but also plays host to social disputes expressed, among other means, by urban entrepreneurialism processes and consequent gentrification and spectacle of his historicism. This paper aims to highlight the relationships and confront the boundaries between preservationists and renovating successful interventions in the neighborhood between the late 1960s and 2014 that are presented as generating lines or mitigation of dense urban cracks - which often have the commodified culture in its material basis [architecture and urban fabric] and intangible [social dynamics that particularize the areas of the cities]. The intent is to allow the analysis of the changes and the actors involved in the production of local urban landscape, which paradoxically weighs about 1- singular identities locus, daily experienced and preserved in the memory of residents, sensitizing new or usual collective experiences that aim to legitimize protection of real and specific local interests; and 2- the trivialization of space, less the symbolic structures of the community, reduced to mere consumer product. The approached context lights itself with cases of major roads renovations that directly affected the Bixigas urban structure occurred when deployments, initially, of the Nove de Julho avenue and, latter, of the 23 de Maio avenue and the Leste-Oeste Link; the Vila Itororó, which currently is living through revitalization processes before numerous clashes between residents and the Municipality; and the Teatro Oficina passing by critics and political debates about the commercial destination of its surroundings by a private company and how they instigate the critical awareness or even the imaginary awareness of the inhabitants opposite the identification of spatiality and unique customs cultural rehearsals, social, artistic and collective scenarios wishing to recognize genuine local identities or insert the current scenic theatrical practices of the city, which incorporate cultural activities. Thus, the research brings to light reflections on interventions in metropolitan downtown areas, linking historical, social, cultural, urban and perceptive aspects of the city; and evaluating the density of the lost urban strata, persevering or redeemed. Even being critical of the (lack of) current urban vitality, this work identifies that still beats in the Bixigas social fabric the will to preserve the remaining structures of its formation, which go far beyond the historic buildings affected, but holds and settles in social relations present there.

Intervenções contemporâneas no Bixiga: fissuras urbanas e insurgências. / Contemporary interventions in Bixiga : urban cracks and insurgencies.

Gonçalves, Camila Teixeira 06 May 2016 (has links)
A sobreposição de camadas pelo tempo confere à metrópole contemporânea diferentes leituras, variadas cidades dentro da cidade que se revelam apenas ao olhar mais atento do transeunte. O tradicional Bixiga, localizado (predominantemente) no distrito da Bela Vista, na cidade de São Paulo, abriga diversas estruturas urbanas esquecidas, espaços fragmentados, excluídos e excludentes, porque deslembrados pela opacidade da vida urbana atual; mas também é palco de disputas sociais manifestadas, dentre outros meios, pelos processos de renovação e empreendedorismo urbano e consequentes gentrificação e espetacularização do seu historicismo. O presente trabalho pretende destacar as relações e confrontar os limites entre intervenções preservacionistas e renovadoras sucedidas no bairro, entre o final dos anos 1960 e 2014, que se apresentam como geratrizes ou mitigadoras de densas fissuras urbanas - que não raro têm a cultura mercantilizada em suas bases materiais [arquitetura e tecido urbano] e intangíveis [dinâmicas sociais que particularizam as áreas das cidades]. O intento é permitir a análise das transformações e os agentes envolvidos na produção da paisagem urbana local, a qual versa paradoxalmente entre 1- lócus de identidades singulares, cotidianamente vivenciada e preservada na memória dos moradores, sensibilizando novas ou habituais experiências coletivas que visam legitimar a proteção das reais especificidades e interesses locais; e 2- a banalização do espaço, cenarizado e subtraído das estruturas simbólicas da coletividade, reduzido a mero produto de consumo. O contexto abordado se ilumina dos casos das grandes renovações viárias que afetaram diretamente a tecitura urbana do Bixiga ocorridas quando das implantações, inicialmente, da Avenida Nove de Julho e, posteriormente, da Avenida 23 de Maio e da Ligação Leste-Oeste; da Vila Itororó, a qual atualmente vivencia processos de revitalização diante de inúmeros embates entre moradores e a Prefeitura Municipal; e do Teat(r)o Oficina, que motiva debates críticos e políticos sobre a destinação comercial de seu entorno por uma empresa privada e como estes instigam a tomada de consciência crítica ou mesmo a sensibilização do imaginário dos habitantes frente à identificação de espacialidades e costumes singulares - cenários de ensaios culturais, sociais, artísticos e coletivos que pretendem reconhecer identidades locais genuínas ou se inserirem nas atuais práticas de teatralização cenográfica da cidade, as quais incorporam ações culturais. Sendo assim, o trabalho traz à tona reflexões sobre intervenções em áreas centrais metropolitanas, vinculando aspectos históricos, sociais, culturais, urbanísticos e perceptivos da cidade; e avaliando as densidades das camadas urbanas perdidas, perseverantes ou resgatadas. Mesmo sendo crítico da (falta de) vitalidade urbana atual, este trabalho identifica que ainda pulsa no tecido social do Bixiga a vontade de preservar as estruturas remanescentes de sua formação, que vão muito além dos edifícios históricos atingidos, mas compreende e assenta-se nas relações sociais ali presentes. / Overlapping layers by time gives the contemporary metropolis different readings, different \"cities within a city\" that open to closer look the passerby. The traditional Bixiga located predominantly in Bela Vistas district in the city of São Paulo is home to several \"forgotten\" structures, fragmented spaces, excluded, forgotten in contemporary urban life; but also plays host to social disputes expressed, among other means, by urban entrepreneurialism processes and consequent gentrification and spectacle of his historicism. This paper aims to highlight the relationships and confront the boundaries between preservationists and renovating successful interventions in the neighborhood between the late 1960s and 2014 that are presented as generating lines or mitigation of dense urban cracks - which often have the commodified culture in its material basis [architecture and urban fabric] and intangible [social dynamics that particularize the areas of the cities]. The intent is to allow the analysis of the changes and the actors involved in the production of local urban landscape, which paradoxically weighs about 1- singular identities locus, daily experienced and preserved in the memory of residents, sensitizing new or usual collective experiences that aim to legitimize protection of real and specific local interests; and 2- the trivialization of space, less the symbolic structures of the community, reduced to mere consumer product. The approached context lights itself with cases of major roads renovations that directly affected the Bixigas urban structure occurred when deployments, initially, of the Nove de Julho avenue and, latter, of the 23 de Maio avenue and the Leste-Oeste Link; the Vila Itororó, which currently is living through revitalization processes before numerous clashes between residents and the Municipality; and the Teatro Oficina passing by critics and political debates about the commercial destination of its surroundings by a private company and how they instigate the critical awareness or even the imaginary awareness of the inhabitants opposite the identification of spatiality and unique customs cultural rehearsals, social, artistic and collective scenarios wishing to recognize genuine local identities or insert the current scenic theatrical practices of the city, which incorporate cultural activities. Thus, the research brings to light reflections on interventions in metropolitan downtown areas, linking historical, social, cultural, urban and perceptive aspects of the city; and evaluating the density of the lost urban strata, persevering or redeemed. Even being critical of the (lack of) current urban vitality, this work identifies that still beats in the Bixigas social fabric the will to preserve the remaining structures of its formation, which go far beyond the historic buildings affected, but holds and settles in social relations present there.

Identification des phases d'nitiation et de propagation de la corrosion des armatures enrobées dans un béton fissuré et carbonaté / Identification of initiation and propagation phases of steel corrosion in cracked and carbonated concrete

Ghantous, Rita maria 30 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat est réalisée en partenariat avec EDF et s’inscrit dans le cadre de la gestion du parc de tours aéroréfrigérantes des centrales nucléaires. Certaines tours présentent des fissures qui peuvent favoriser la carbonatation du béton d’enrobage et ainsi accélérer l’initiation de la corrosion des armatures. L’objectif de ce travail est de caractériser l’impact de ces fissures sur l’initiation et la propagation de la corrosion des armatures. Un programme expérimental dédié est détaillé. Dans un premier temps, un protocole de fissuration permettant de reproduire les fissures observées sur les tours est défini. Une attention particulière a été portée à la limitation de l’endommagement de l’interface acier/béton. Les éprouvettes fissurées sont ensuite carbonatées (de manière accélérée) dans le double but de mesurer la longueur de la zone d’interface altérée et de dépassiver l’armature en fond de fissure pour permettre l’initiation de la corrosion. La corrosion est contrôlée en laboratoire par l’intermédiaire de cycles de pluie/séchage et l’état de corrosion est caractérisé par différentes techniques (desquamation, microscopie optique, spectroscopie Raman, suivi de potentiel de corrosion libre). Différentes configurations représentatives du service des tours aéroréfrigérantes sont testées (3 ouvertures de fissures, 2 orientations de fissures, température, HR, etc.). Les résultats obtenus permettent de montrer qu’après une période d’initiation, la vitesse moyenne de corrosion décroit rapidement et que l’acier tend à se repassiver. Cette repassivation est liée à la formation d’une couche d’oxydes en fond de fissure qui limite l’accès de l’oxygène et de l’eau à l’armature. / This thesis is performed in partnership with EDF in the framework of concrete ageing management of cooling towers of Electricity of France (EDF) nuclear power plants. Indeed some of them can be affected by cracks which may promote the carbonation of the concrete cover and accelerate the reinforcement corrosion initiation. The objective of this work is to characterize the impact of these cracks on the initiation and propagation of reinforcement corrosion. A dedicated experimental program is detailed. Firstly, a cracking protocol reproducing cracks found in the concrete of cooling towers is defined. Particular attention was paid to limit the damage along the steel/mortar interface. Cracked specimens are thereafter exposed to accelerated carbonation for the dual purpose of measuring the length of the damaged interface and accelerating the depassivation of the rebar deep in the crack in order to accelerate the corrosion initiation. The corrosion is controlled in the laboratory via raining/drying cycles and its state is characterized by several technics (desquamation, optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, monitoring of the free corrosion potential). Different configurations representative of the cooling towers are tested (three crack openings, 2 crack orientations, temperature, relative humidity, etc.). Obtained results show that after the corrosion initiation period, the corrosion kinetics decreases rapidly and the reinforcement tends to repassivation. This repassivation is related to the formation of oxide layer deep in the crack limiting therefore the access of water and oxygen to the rebar.

Avaliação da vida à fadiga em materiais homogêneos e juntas soldadas incluindo efeitos de fechamento de trinca. / Fatigue life evaluation of homogeneous materials and welded joints including effects of crack closure.

Sarzosa Burgos, Diego Felipe 18 April 2012 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o efeito do fechamento de trinca sobre as previsões da vida à fadiga em materiais homogêneos e juntas soldadas. É apresentada uma metodologia para a simulação numérica do fenômeno de fechamento de trinca induzido por plasticidade utilizando o método dos elementos finitos. Ensaios laboratoriais de propagação de trinca por fadiga do aço ASTM A516 Gr. 70 à temperatura ambiente foram realizados usando corpos de prova típicos da mecânica da fratura nas condições soldada e homogênea. Estes resultados foram usados para validar a metodologia numérica do cálculo da carga de abertura de trinca. Comparações entre a vida de propagação experimental e as estimativas obtidas por meio da integração da lei de propagação, incluindo o efeito do fechamento de trinca, foram feitas usando vários critérios para o cálculo da carga de abertura. As análises numéricas permitem estimar a carga de abertura de trinca analisando a evolução do campo de tensões, deformações e deslocamentos na região próxima à trinca, que está influenciada pelo contato das faces da trinca. Menores níveis de proteção da trinca devido ao fechamento foram obtidos para o corpo com heterogeneidade mecânica quando comparado ao corpo homogêneo na modelagem numérica. Durante o ensaio de propagação o corpo homogêneo apresentou taxas de propagação de trinca relativamente menores quando comparadas ao espécime soldado. A não inclusão do efeito do fechamento de trinca resulta em previsões da vida à fadiga conservadoras em aproximadamente 20% para todos os casos estudados neste trabalho. Análises tridimensionais do fenômeno de fechamento de trinca revelam que o crescimento da trinca por fadiga no estagio II parece estar controlado pelo retardo que acontece na superfície do corpo de prova. Incluído o efeito do fechamento de trinca nas previsões, as estimativas da vida à fadiga foram bastante próximas das obtidas experimentalmente, com diferenças conservadoras entre 1% e 15% dependendo do método de cálculo da carga de abertura. Os resultados apresentados mostram que vidas à fadiga mais acuradas e, ainda, conservadoras são feitas incluindo o efeito do fechamento de trinca na metodologia de cálculo da vida remanescente de componentes estruturais. / This thesis investigates the effect of crack closure on fatigue life predictions in homogeneous material and welded joints. It presents a methodology for numerical simulation of the phenomenon of plasticity-induced crack closure by using the finite element method. Experimental tests of fatigue crack propagation on ASTM A516 Gr 70 steel at room temperature were performed using typical specimens of fracture mechanics in two conditions: welded and homogeneous; these results were used to validate the numerical methodology for calculating the crack opening load. Comparisons between experimental propagation life and estimations obtained by numerical integration of propagation law, including the effect of crack closure, have been made using various criteria to calculate the opening load .The numerical analyses allow to predict the opening load by analyzing the evolution of stresses, deformations and displacements fields in the region near the crack which is growing and is influenced by the contact of the crack flanks. Lower levels of protection due to crack closure were obtained for the specimen with mechanical heterogeneity when compared to the homogeneous specimen in the numerical analyses. During the test of fatigue crack propagation the homogeneous specimen had smaller crack growth rates when compared to the welded specimen. Fatigue life predictions without including the effect of crack closure result in conservative estimations around 20% for all studied cases. Three-dimensional analysis of the phenomenon of crack closure shows that the fatigue crack growth in stage II appears to be controlled by the delay that occurs on the specimen surface. Including the effect of crack closure in life predictions, the estimates of fatigue life were quite close to those obtained experimentally, with conservative differences between 1% and 15% depending on the method of opening load calculation. The results show that the fatigue life predictions can be made more accurate and yet remain conservative when the effect of crack closure is included on the methodology for calculating the remaining life of structural components.

Simulation of continuous damage and fracture in metal-forming processes with 3D mesh adaptive methodology / Simulation numérique d’endommagement continu et de fissure dans les procédés de mise en forme de métal avec 3D maillage méthodologie adaptatif

Yang, Fangtao 10 November 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux s'inscrivent dans le cadre des recherches menées dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre le laboratoire Roberval de l'Université de Technologie de Compiègne et l'équipe dans le cadre du projet ANR-14-CE07-0035 LASMIS de l'Institut Charles Delaunay de l'Université de Technologie de Troyes. Nous présentons dans ces travaux une h-méthodologie adaptative tridimensionnelle des éléments finis afin de représenter l'initiation et la propagation des fissures dans des matériaux ductiles. Un modèle élasto-plastique couplé à l'endommagement isotrope proposé par l'équipe du LASMIS/UTT est utilisé. Les applications visées à terme concernent principalement la mise en forme des métaux. Dans ce contexte, une formulation Lagrangienne actualisée est employée et des remaillages fréquents s'avèrent essentiels afin d'une part d'éviter les fortes distorsions d'éléments dues aux grandes déformations plastiques et d'autre part de suivre les modifications de la topologie résultant de la création de fissures. La taille du nouveau maillage doit permettre à moindre coût représenter avec précision l'évolution des gradients des quantités physiques représentatives des phénomènes étudiées (plasticité, endommagement...). Nous proposons des indicateurs empiriques de taille d'éléments basés sur la déformation plastique ainsi que sur l'endommagement. Une courbe définie par morceau représente l'évolution de la taille d'élément suivant la sévérité de la plasticité et le cas échéant de l'endommagement. Les fissures sont représentées par une méthode de destruction d'éléments qui permet une description aisée de la géométrie de ces dernières et une gestion simplifiée de la fissuration sans nul besoin de critères additionnels. En revanche, pour permettre une description réaliste des fissures, ces dernières doivent être représentées par l'érosion des éléments de plus petite taille. Un solveur ABAQUS/Explicit® est utilisé avec des éléments tétraédriques quadratiques (C3D10M) évitant notamment les problèmes de verrouillage numérique survenant lors de l'analyse de structures en matériau compressible ou quasi-incompressible. Le contrôle de la plus petite taille du maillage est important dans un contexte explicite. De surcroît, pour les phénomènes adoucissant, la solution dépend de la taille de maille considérée alors comme un paramètre intrinsèque. Une étude nous a permis de constater que lorsque le maillage est suffisamment raffiné, les effets de la dépendance au maillage se réduisaient. Dans la littérature, les coûts de maillage ou de remaillage fréquents sont souvent considérés comme prohibitifs et de nombreux auteurs s'appuient sur cet argument pour introduire, avec succès certes, des méthodes alternatives qui limitent le coût des opérations de remaillage sans toutefois les éliminer (XFEM par exemple). Nos travaux montrent que le coût d'un remaillage local est négligeable par rapport au calcul. Compte tenu de la complexité de la géométrie et de la nécessité de raffiner le maillage, la seule alternative à ce jour est d'utiliser un mailleur en tétraèdres. La stratégie de remaillage local en tétraèdre s'appuie sur une méthode de bisection suivie si nécessaire d'une optimisation locale du maillage proposé par A. Rassineux en 2003. Le remaillage, même local, doit s'accompagner de procédures de transfert de champ des variables nodales et aux points d'intégration. Les variables nodales sont, comme le fait la plupart des auteurs, transférées en utilisant les fonctions de forme éléments finis. Le transfert de champ en 3D aux points de Gauss et les nombreux problèmes sous-jacents ont été relativement peu abordés dans la littérature. / This work is part of the research carried out in the framework of a collaboration between the Roberval laboratory of the Compiègne University of Technology and the team within the framework of the project ANR-14-CE07-0035 LASMIS of the Charles Delaunay Institute of Technology University of Troyes. In this work, we present a three-dimensional adaptive Pi-methodology of finite elements to represent the initiation and propagation of cracks in ductile materials. An elastoplastic model coupled with the isotropic damage proposed by the LASMIS / UTT team is used. The targeted applications will mainly concern the metal forming. In this context, an updated Lagrangian formulation is used and frequent remeshing is essential in order to avoid the strong distortion of elements due to large plastic deformations and to follow the modifications of the topology resulting in the creation of cracks. The size of the new mesh must allow at a lower cost to accurately represent the evolution of the gradients of the physical quantities representative of the studied phenomena (plasticity, damage ...). We propose empirical indicators of size of elements based on the plastic deformation as well as on the damage. A piecewise defined curve represents the evolution of the element size according to the severity of the plasticity and, if appropriate, the damage. The cracks are represented by a method of destruction of elements which allows an easy description of the geometry and a simplified treatment of the cracking without any need for additional criteria. On the other hand, to allow a realistic description of the cracks, the latter must be represented by erosion smaller elements. An ABAQUS / Explicit@ solver is used with quadratic tetrahedral elements (C3DIOM), avoiding in particular the problems of numerical locking occurring during the analysis of structures in compressible or quasi-incompressible material. The control of the smaller mesh size is important in an explicit context. In addition, for softening phenomena, the solution depends on the mesh size considered as an intrinsic parameter. A study has shown that when the mesh is sufficiently refined, the effects of mesh dependence are reduced. In the literature, the costs of frequent meshing or remeshing are often considered prohibitive and many authors rely on this argument to introduce, with success, alternative methods that limit the cost of remeshing operations without eliminating them ( XFEM for example). Our work shows that the cost of local remeshing is negligible compared to the calculation. Given the complexity of the geometry and the need to refine the mesh, the only alternative to date is to use a mesh in tetrahedra. The strategy of local remeshing tetrahedron is based on a bisection method followed if necessary by a local optimization of the grid proposed by A. Rassineux in 2003. The remeshing, even local, must be accompanied by field transfer procedures on both nodal variables and integration points. Node variables are, as most authors do, transferred using finite element shape functions. The 3D field transfer at Gauss points and the many underlying problems have been relatively untouched in the literature. The main difficulties to be solved in order to ensure the "quality" of the transfer concern the limitation of numerical diffusion, the lack of information near borders, the respect of boundary conditions, the equilibrium, the calculation costs, the filtering of the information points, crucial problems in 3D where the number of Gauss points used is several hundred. We propose a so-called "hybrid" method which consists, initially, in extrapolating the data at the Gauss points, in the nodes by diffuse interpolation and then in using the finite element form functions to obtain the value at the point considered.

Crack Patterns in Thin Films and X-ray Optics Thermal Deformations

Kravchenko, Grygoriy A 07 November 2008 (has links)
Thin films and multilayers are widely used in many applications, ranging from X-ray optics to microelectronic devices. In service, the X-ray optics elements are exposed to the X-ray beam, which heats up the structure resulting in the thermal deformations, and consequently in distortions of the reflective surface. In addition, the excessive heating may activate interdiffusion in the multilayers coatings and result in degradation of their reflective performance and even film cracking. Therefore, analysis of the thermally-induced deformations and stresses in the X-ray optical elements is important. The presented work is organized in two major parts. The first part examines formation of the peculiar periodic crack patterns observed in the thermally loaded Mo/Si multilayers. Film stress evolution during thermal cycling of the multilayers on Si substrate is analyzed. Results of the high-speed microscopic observations of crack propagation in the annealed Mo/Si multilayers are presented. The observations provide experimental evidence of the mechanism underlying formation of the periodic crack patterns. In the second part, thermal deformations and the resulting surface curvature changes in the X-ray optics elements are analyzed. Finite element modeling is used to assess the potential to thermally control curvature in the X-ray mirrors consisting of the Mo/Si multilayers on a Si substrate. Influence of heating due to the X-ray beam irradiation on thermal deformations in the X-ray mirror bonded to a thick substrate is analyzed in-depth. The detailed consideration includes analysis of the thermal and structural mechanics simulations. Based on simulations of different model configurations, influence of structural composition on thermal distortions of the optics elements is addressed. Results of this analysis can be used to mitigate distortions of the X-ray optics caused by the X-ray beam and provide basis for further studies of thermally controlling surface curvature in the optical elements.

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