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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intéractions neuronales lors de la formation des circuits crâniens / Neuronal interactions during the formation of cranial circuits

Outin Tamraz, Eve 01 September 2015 (has links)
Deux des trois divisions du système nerveux viscéral – le système nerveuxparasympathique et le système nerveux entérique – sont associés aux nerfscrâniens (le troisième, le système nerveux sympathique, est associé aux nerfsspinaux). Cette étude est centrée sur les nerfs crâniens et sur les ganglionsqui leur sont associés ; plus précisément sur les stratégies cellulaires ayantlieu lors de leur ontogenèse.Je propose des principes unificateurs concernant les interactions neuronalesmises en jeu lors de la formation des nerfs crâniens branchiomériques ainsiqu’un nouveau mode de migration des précurseurs des ganglionsparasympathiques couplé à la migration de leurs partenairespréganglionnaires jusqu’au site de formation du ganglion. Enfin, je présentecertaines observations préliminaires suggérant que les précurseurs dusystème nerveux entériques utilisent ce même modus operandi pour envahirl’oesophage. / Two of the three divisions of the visceral nervous system —theparasympathetic and the enteric nervous systems— are associated withcranial nerves (the third one, the sympathetic division, being associatedwith spinal nerves). This work is focused on cranial nerves and associatedganglia and more particularly on the cellular strategies presiding over theirontogeny and wiring.I propose unifying principles of neuronal interactions that govern theformation of branchiomeric cranial nerves, as well as a novel migrationpathway followed by parasympathetic precursors, which use theirpreganglionic nerves to migrate to the site of ganglion formation. Finally, Ipresent preliminary observations suggesting that the enteric neuronalprecursors use the same trick to populate the esophagus.

The origin and early development of the intrinsic innervation in the foetal mouse lung

Tollet, Cecilia Jenny January 2003 (has links)
In this study, the origin and development of the intrinsic innervation in the foetal mouse lung is described and experimental evidence is provided to support the involvement of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the guidance of nerves and neuronal precursors in the developing lung. Antibodies were used to stain for neuronal precursors, neurones, nerve fibres, primordial epithelium and smooth muscle. These structures were revealed in whole mounts of foetal mouse lungs by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, and their spatial and temporal distribution was mapped from the onset of lung development and through the pseudoglandular period. The results showed that neuronal precursors, positive for neural crest cell markers, were present in the vagal tract of the foregut at embryonic day 10 (E10), the time of the evagination of the lung buds. These neural crest-derived cells (NCC) migrated into the lung at E11, along nerve processes directed from the vagus to the smooth musclecovered trachea and emerging lobar bronchi. During E11-E14, a network of nerves and ganglia became established along the dorsal trachea, and large ganglia formed a plexus at the ventral hilum. Nerve trunks issued from these ganglia, travelled along the smooth muscle-covered bronchi, providing a pathway for migrating NCC. To investigate the role of GDNF in the innervation of the lung, an in vitro model of left lung lobes was established. Lung growth and tubule branching was comparable to that in vivo, and neural tissue and smooth muscle continued to grow and thrive. A significant increase in nerve growth occurred when explants were cultured with GDNF compared to controls. Nerves extended, and NCC migrated towards GDNF-impregnated beads suggesting that GDNF may be the molecule guiding nerve fibres and NCC in the lung. The migrating NCC were negative for GDNF-family receptor α1 (GFRα1) during their migration into the lung while the nerves were positive. Since GDNF needs to be associated with its binding receptor, GFRα1, for cellular signalling, GDNF may induce the migration of the NCC if they migrate along the GFRα1-positive nerve fibres. It is concluded that neural tissue and smooth muscle become integral components of the lung shortly after the onset of lung development. The results show that the migration of neural crest-derived cells into the lung and the establishment of the innervation requires coordinated cross-talk between NCC, nerves and smooth muscle throughout development.

Sédimentologie et hydrogéologie du Néogène de l'Est valentinois et du bassin de Crest (Drôme, France)

Jeannolin, François 16 December 1985 (has links) (PDF)
L'Est valentinois et le bassin de Crest constituent une partie de la moyenne vallée du Rhône séparant le Massif Central des Alpes ; cette dépression synclinale à coeur miocène orientée N- S, est largement recouverte d'alluvions quaternaires. L' étude sédimentologique des dépôts détritiques néogènes permet d'une part , de souligner le rôle primo dial joué par les apports alpins dans le remplissage du bassin et d'autre part , de retracer la paléogéographie de la région . La transgression débute au Burdigalien dans le bassin de Crest ; au cours du Langhien la mer gagne progressivement l'ensemble de la plaine de Valence . Au Tortonien supérieur ,le régime devient continental puis, après une intense érosion messinienne, une nouvelle ingression marine pliocène envahit les paléo vallées du Rhône et de ses affluents. L'étude hydrogéologique constitue une première approche globale de caractérisation de l'aquifère molassique . La connaissance précise du contexte géologique amène à la proposition d'un schéma simple du magasin aquifère. Une esquisse de la piézométrie a été dressée . l'estimation des paramètres hydrodynamiques permet de différentier la nappe superficielle circulant dans les alluvions quaternaires de la nappe profonde circulant dans les sables molassiques . L'hétérogénéité, tant verticale qu'horizontale est manifeste et l'étude géochimique confirme l'existence d'une stratification de I'aquifère miocène. La nappe est principalement alimentée par le toit , par infiltration des pluies efficaces . D'autres modes d' alimentation possibles sont envisagés .

Analyzing PTK7/RACK1 interaction in neural morphogenesis / Die Analyse der PTK7/RACK1-Interaktion während der neuronalen Morphogenese

Wehner, Peter 30 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The function of PTK7 during Xenopus neural crest migration / Die Funktion von PTK7 in der Neuralleistenzellmigration in Xenopus laevis

Shnitsar, Iryna 14 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Myelinisierung des peripheren Nervensystems in Endothelin-Rezeptor-B-defizienten Ratten / Myelination of the peripheral nervous system in endothein recpetor B deficient rats

Keric, Naureen 01 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Distortion-based crest factor reduction algorithms in multi-carrier transmission systems

Zhao, Chunming 12 November 2007 (has links)
Distortion-based crest factor reduction (CFR) algorithms were studied in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) OFDM systems to reduce the nonlinear distortion and improve the power efficiency of the transmitter front-end. First, definitions of peak-to-average-power ratio (PAR) were clarified based on the power efficiency improvement consideration in the MIMO-OFDM systems. Next, error vector magnitude (EVM) was used as the in-band performance-evaluating metric. Statistical analysis of EVM was performed to provide concrete thresholds for the amount of allowable distortions from each source to meet EVM requirements in the standard. Furthermore, an effective CFR technique, constrained clipping, was proposed to drastically reduce the PAR while satisfying any given in-band EVM and out-of-band spectral mask constraints. Constrained clipping has low computational complexity and can be easily extended to the multiple-user OFDM environment. Finally, signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) analysis for transceiver nonlinearities in the additive white Gaussian noise channel was investigated. An analytical solution was presented for maximizing the transceiver SNDR for any given set of nonlinear transmitter polynomial coefficients. Additionally, mutually inverse pair of transceiver nonlinearities was shown to be SNDR-optimal only in the noise-free case.

Analyse du rôle de la paire de gènes A830082K12Rik/Nr2f1 dans la gliogenèse du système nerveux entérique

Charrier, Baptiste 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Auxiliary Cells for the Vascularization and Function of Endogenous and Transplanted Islets of Langerhans

Grapensparr, Liza January 2017 (has links)
Type 1 diabetes develops through the progressive destruction of the insulin-producing beta-cells. Regeneration or replacement of beta-cells is therefore needed to restore normal glucose homeostasis. Presently, normoglycemia can be achieved by the transplantation of whole pancreas or isolated islets of Langerhans. Islet transplantation can be performed through a simple laparoscopic procedure, but the long-term graft survival is low due to poor revascularization and early cell death. This thesis examined the possibility of using different auxiliary cells (Schwann cells, endothelial progenitor cells, and neural crest stem cells) to improve the engraftment and function of endogenous and transplanted islets. Co-transplantation of Schwann cells with islets improved islet graft function early after transplantation, and caused an increased islet mass at one month posttransplantation. However, the vascular densities of these grafts were decreased, which also related to an impaired graft function. Islet grafts containing endothelial progenitor cells had a superior vascular density, with functional chimeric blood vessels and substantially higher blood perfusion and oxygen tension than control transplants. By culturing and transplanting islets together with neural crest stem cells it was found that islets exposed to these cells had a higher beta-cell proliferation compared with control islets. At one month posttransplantation, the grafts with neural crest stem cells also had a superior vascular- and neural density. The potential of intracardially injected neural crest stem cells to home to the pancreas and ameliorate hyperglycemia in diabetic mice was investigated. During a three-week period after such cell treatment blood glucose concentrations decreased, but were not fully normalized. Neural crest stem cells were present in more than 10% of the pancreatic islets at two days postinjection, at which time the beta-cell proliferation was markedly increased when compared with islets of saline-treated diabetic animals. Three weeks later, a doubled beta-cell mass was observed in animals receiving neural crest stem cells. In summary, islets can easily be transplanted together with different auxiliary cells. Some of these cells provide the possibility of improving vascular- and neural engraftment, as well as beta-cell growth and survival. Systemic administration of neural crest stem cells holds the potential of regenerating the endogenous beta-cells.

Cellule souche gingivale : origine et multipotence / Gingival stem cell : origin and multipotency.

Loison-Robert, Ludwig 15 December 2016 (has links)
La gencive correspond à un modèle de régénération naturelle grâce notamment à sa capacité de cicatrisation « ad integrum ». Ce phénomène est permis par sa composition en fibroblastes gingivaux. Ces cellules, composante cellulaire principale du tissu conjonctif gingival, sont au cœur de la régulation des réponses inflammatoires et de la cicatrisation. Ce tissu contient, comme d’autres tissus mésenchymateux, des cellules souches ; qui expliquent en partie ces capacités de régénération. De plus, comme le tissu gingival est abondant et facilement accessible, l’utilisation de ces cellules souches pourraient être d’un intérêt prometteur en thérapie cellulaire ou pour de la modélisation in vitro. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons pu montrer que les Cellules Souches dérivées de la Gencive Humaine (CSGH) possèdent des propriétés communes avec les cellules souches adultes dérivées des crêtes neurales. Ces cellules peuvent être qualifiées de « souche » par leur capacité d’auto-renouvèlement, d’adhésion au plastique et de multipotence. Premièrement, nous avons montré que la méthode ainsi que les produits de culture utilisés pour l’isolation des fibroblastes gingivaux in vitro à partir de biopsies de gencive avait une influence sur les cellules obtenues. Dans un second temps, une analyse clonale in vitro de populations de fibroblastes gingivaux a permis de montrer que les fibroblastes gingivaux sont composés de sous-populations qui expriment des marqueurs spécifiques des cellules souches et des crêtes neurales. Outre leur origine embryologique, l’étude de leur multipotence a aussi été caractérisée après expansion et en fonction des additifs utilisés. Pour finir, deux exemples d’utilisation de ces cellules comme modèle d’étude de la biocompatibilité de biomatériaux in vitro ont été développés; imitant la muqueuse buccale ainsi que les réactions dentaires (réparatrices et réactionnaire). / Gingiva is a natural regeneration model thanks to its "ad integrum" healing capability. Gingival fibroblasts are the main actors of this property. These cells, the main cellular component of the gingival connective tissue, regulate the inflammatory responses and healing process. This tissue contains, like many others, mesenchymal stem cells; which also partly explain these regenerative abilities. Moreover, as the gingiva is abundant and easily accessible, the use of these stem cells may interest cell therapy or in vitro model tissues responses. In this work, we demonstrated that Stem Cells Derived from Human Gingiva (SCHG) have common properties with neural crest adult stem cells. These cells can be called "stem cells" for their ability to self-renew, adhere to plastic and to differentiate. First, we have shown that the method and the culture products used for isolation of gingival fibroblasts from gingival biopsy had an influence on the obtained cells. Secondly, an analysis of in vitro clonal populations of gingival fibroblasts has shown that gingival fibroblasts are composed of subpopulations that express specific markers of stem cells and neural crests. In addition to their embryological origin, the study of their multipotency was also characterized after expansion and depending on the used additives. Finally, two examples of using these cells and dental pulp stem cells as a model to study the in vitro biocompatibility of biomaterials have been developed, mimicking oral mucosa or dentin reactions (reparative or reactional).

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