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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La criminalité féminine / Female crime

Ben Rzig, Latifa 04 December 2018 (has links)
Les femmes représentent seulement 18% des personnes mises en cause pour des crimes et délits, 10,3% des personnes condamnées et 3,6% des personnes détenues. Les chiffres laissent apparaitre une sous-représentation des femmes au sein des condamnations et plus particulièrement pour les condamnations pour crime (5,4% de l’ensemble). Ainsi, la criminalité féminine se caractérise par sa marginalité tout autant par sa spécificité. En dépit des évolutions sociales et la promotion de la parité et de l’égalité des sexes, les criminalités féminine et masculine ne se confondraient pas, tant quantitativement que qualitativement, mais ne divergeraient pas autant que les stéréotypes sexuels ne le laisseraient présager. Si, les causes du passage à l’acte sont identiques quel que soit le sexe de l’auteur, tel n’est pas le cas du mode opératoire et du choix victimaire qui se différencient considérablement en fonction du sexe. Outre, la dissymétrie statistique traditionnelle entre les deux sexes, la criminalité féminine et son traitement pénal, manifestent certaines spécificités indéniables. Le sexe de l’auteur de l’infraction n’est pas totalement indiffèrent au droit pénal et la pratique judiciaire, les hommes et les femmes ne sont pas égaux face à la justice. Ils ne sont pas d’ailleurs plus égaux en milieu carcéral. Les hommes et les femmes font ainsi, l’objet d’un traitement judiciaire et pénitentiaire différencié. Dès lors, le sexe de l’auteur de l’infraction est non seulement un facteur de spécificité dans le passage à l’acte criminel mais également un facteur de spécificité dans la réaction pénale à la criminalité. / Women account for only 18% of those charged with crimes and misdemeanors, 10.3% of those convicted and 3.6% of those detained. The figures show an under-representation of women in convictions and more particularly for convictions for crime (5.4% of all). Thus, female crime is characterized by its marginality as well as its specificity. Despite social developments and the promotion of gender parity and equality, female and male criminality would not be confused, both quantitatively and qualitatively, but would not diverge as much as sex stereotypes would predict. If the causes of the act of acting are the same regardless of the sex of the author, this is not the case with the modus operandi and the choice of victim who are significantly different according to sex. In addition, the traditional statistical dissymmetry between the two sexes, female crime and its penal treatment, show some undeniable specificities. The sex of the offender is not totally indifferent to criminal law and judicial practice, men and women are not equal in the face of justice. They are not more equal in prison. In this way, men and women are subject to differential judicial and penitentiary treatment. Therefore, the sex of the perpetrator is not only a specificity factor in the crime but also a specificity factor in the criminal reaction to crime.


Riekwel, Annika January 2023 (has links)
According to Wikstörm’s (2012) Situational Action Theory (SAT), engaging incriminogenic behaviour is influenced by a person’s crime propensity, such as self-control and morality. Moral rules applied to a setting, and their degree ofenforcement, are stated as crucial since individuals are in constant interaction withtheir surroundings. Criminogenic exposure, such as having criminal friends and thetime spent with friends, is according to SAT (ibid.) influential on criminogenicbehaviour. The purpose of this study was, through hypothesis testing, to investigatethe applicability of SAT based on different environmental contexts. Aggressivecriminogenic behaviour was measured through bullying. Offline- andcyberbullying corresponded to aggressive criminogenic behaviour in differentenvironmental contexts. This study found that morality, self-control, andcriminogenic exposure, were significant in relation to offline bullying. Self-controland having criminal friends were significant in relation to cyberbullying. Genderwas used as a confounding variable and showed that girls are more prone tocyberbullying than boys, and that boys were more prone to offline bullying thangirls. Testing SAT applicability by comparing online and offline criminogenicbehaviour is understudied, further research on other online criminogenic behavioursis therefore encouraged, as well as the relationship between gender and anonymityas well as their influence in SAT.

L'adozione internazionale e gli effetti criminogenetici della legislazione / Intercountry Adoption and the Criminogenic Effects of Legislation

ANTONE , ADINA-LAURA 10 March 2008 (has links)
Questa tesi intende completare uno studio sull'impatto che la legislazione sull'adozione ha sul processo dell'adozione internazionale, con lo scopo di determinare se le imprecisioni della legislazione offrono delle opportunità per la commissione di abusi collegati all'adozione internazionale, per individuare quali provvedimenti della legislazione possono essere sfruttati dai criminali e quali metodi e meccanismi possono essere sviluppati per rendere la legislazione sull'adozione crime proofed . L'ipotesi principale di lavoro è che una legislazione sull'adozione di bassa qualità produce delle opportunità criminali per la corruzione ed il compimento di adozioni internazionali illegali, mentre una legislazione di alta qualità riduce tali opportunità. Per verificare quest'ipotesi, due legislazioni nazionali sull'adozione sono comparate, attraverso una comparazione orizzontale di due sistemi nazionali di adozione ed il completamento di un Crime Risk Assessment delle rispettive legislazioni (in così detto crime proofing ex post ). Il primo elemento di questa comparazione orizzontale è la precedente legge sull'adozione romena (Legge No. 25/1997), mentre il secondo, determinato attraverso un'analisi selettiva, è la legislazione lettone. / This thesis aims to conduct a study on the impact that adoption legislation has on the intercountry adoption process, with the purpose of determining if inaccuracies in legislation offer opportunities for abuses related to intercountry adoption, which provisions of legislation may be exploited by the criminals and which methods or mechanisms may be developed in order to render adoption legislation crime proofed . The main working hypothesis is that low quality adoption legislation produces criminal opportunities for corruption and the concluding of illegal adoptions, while high quality adoption legislation reduces such criminal opportunities. In order to test this hypothesis, two national adoption legislations are considered and compared, by use of a horizontal comparison of the two adoption systems and the carrying out of a Crime Risk Assessment of the two legislations on adoption (the so called crime proofing ex post ). The first component of this horizontal comparison is the former Romanian adoption law (Law No. 25/1997), while the second one, determined after the completing of a selective analysis, is the Latvian adoption legislation.

Prevence kriminality na území statutárního města Kladna / Prevention of crime within the city of Kladno

Černá, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the crime prevention in the Czech Republic, particularly within the region of the Statutory town of Kladno. The introductory part includes the explanation of relevant terms related to criminality, and the criminality connections outline, criminology and crime prevention. This is followed by the analysis of legal norms, strategic documents, aims and crime prevention priorities at national and regional levels. Individual crime prevention management levels are described and staffing for crime prevention with the focus on Kladno Municipality is analysed. At municipal level the organisational changes caused by the need of preventive measures integration within the authority of Kladno are taken into consideration. The thesis also outlines the potential of synergic crime prevention impacts alongside the solution of social exclusion in the area of Kladno; current situation is reviewed. The empirical part of the thesis is based on the project plans for crime prevention in the period of 2009-2013. Social, economic and ethical aspects are analysed. The project plans analysis is also applied to statistical data on crimes committed within the area of Kladno, target groups and public opinion. This is integrated into public opinion survey, which has been conducted since 2009, and...

African adult sentenced male foreign offenders within the North West province incarcerated at Losperfontein (Brits, South Africa) Correctional Centre : a criminological offender- and offence- specific assessment

Mmutlane, Kagiso Godwill 02 1900 (has links)
The researcher conducted an in-depth analysis of the criminality and criminal behaviour of selected sample-specific, African, adult male Mozambican and Zimbabwean foreign offenders, incarcerated at South Africa’s Losperfontein Correctional Centre. The causes, contributory factors and motives of their crimes were determined, and their criminogenic needs and risks identified. The needs and risks of foreign offenders were found to differ from those of South African offenders significantly. To address criminogenic needs and risks of foreign offenders, and to enhance their self-development and rehabilitation, recommendations for each individual case study are made. / Boleng ka botlalo le tshetshereganyo ya thuto ya patlisiso ya boitsholo jwa bosenyi jwa monna wa mogodi wa Mozambique le basiamolodi ba boditshaba ba Zimbabwe ba ba golegilweng kwa Setheong sa Kgopololo sa Losperfontein mo Aforika Borwa (Brits, Porofense ya Bokone-Bophirima) e ne ya dirwa. Mabaka, dintlha tsa kabelo le maitlhomo a bosenyi jwa bona di tlhomamisitswe le ditlhokwa tsa keriminojeniki le ditekelelo di lemogilwe. Mokgwa wa basiamolodi o ne wa tlhaloswa mo letlhakoreng la ditiori tsa keriminoloji, tse di akaretsang karolo ya thanolo le tshetshereganyo ya data. Diphitlhelelo di tshitshinya gore ditlhokwa le ditekelelo tsa basiamolodi di farologana le tsa basiamolodi ba mo gae. Go sekaseka ditlhokwa tsa keriminojeki le ditekelelo tsa basiamolodi ba boditshaba le go oketsa boitlhabololo jwa bona le tsosoloso, dikatlenegiso tsa dithuto tsa patlisisio dingwe le dingwe di dirilwe. / Go dirilwe tshekatsheko ya nyakišišo ye e tseneletšego ya khwalithethifi ya maitshwaro a bosenyi a basenyi ba banna ba dinagašele ba Mozambique le Zimbabwe ba ba golegilwego ka Senthareng ya Tshokollo ya Losperfontein (Brits, Profenseng ya Bokone Bophirima) ya Afrika Borwa. Dibakwa, mabaka a seabe le mabaka a bosenyi bja bona di laeditšwe gomme go hlaotšwe le dinyakwa tša bona tša mabaka a tshenyo le dikotsi. Maitshwaro a basenyi a hlalositšwe go ya ka diteori tša bosenyi, tšeo di bopago karolo ya tlhathollo le tshekatsheko ya datha. Dikutullo di šišinya gore dinyakwa le dikotsi tša basenyi ba dinagašele di fapana le tša basenyi ba go belegelwa ka mono nageng. Go šogana le dinyakwa tša mabaka a tshenyo le dikotsi tša basenyi ba dinagašele le go matlafatša boihlabollo bja bona le tshokollo, go dirilwe ditšhišinyo tša nyakišišo ye nngwe le ye nngwe. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminology)


Samson, J. Jason 22 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines how military members and veterans with Operational Stress Injuries are treated by Canadian justice systems. It suggests a correlation between mental injuries sustained on operations by military personnel and propensities for military and societal misconduct. By comparing civilian and military processes with American justice counterparts, a plan to improve the existing Canadian legal landscape is proposed. Using an analysis of the underlying philosophy and purpose of military justice, a problem solving diversionary court is recommended, along with legislative and policy amendments. The use of a consent-based “Treatment Standing Court Martial” would place military justice officials parallel to civilian justice alternative measures programs, and in a better position to break the cycle of recidivism among veterans by addressing root causes. Education to reduce stigma along with military-civilian partnerships are also advocated to enhance the detection of mental illness and to foster early treatment for military personnel and veterans. The overall goals of the work include: reducing recidivism, improving operational efficiency and taking care of military members, veterans and their families.

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