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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pré-tratamento de uvas cv. Thompson Seedless cultivadas no Vale do São Francisco com altas concentrações de CO2

MELO NETO, Manoel Luiz de 31 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T23:01:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo3862_1.pdf: 1193876 bytes, checksum: f9118d1c04aa6cd89bb1aa270bf3bd14 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Faculdade de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco / Fungos que causam podridões pós-colheita acarretam prejuízos nas Regiões produtoras de uvas no mundo, inclusive no Vale do São Francisco, Nordeste do Brasil. Para contornar este problema as uvas destinadas ao mercado externo, são tratadas com saches de SO2 colocados dentro das embalagens, cujos efeitos na qualidade da uva são discutíveis. Uma das alternativas pesquisadas com relação a este método é a utilização de altas concentrações de CO2 em pré-tratamento que até o momento não foi aplicado à uva Thompson Seedless do Vale, justificando este estudo, que visa avaliar o emprego desta técnica na sua conservação. Assim, realizaram-se três experimentos: 1. Sintomas da podridão foram reproduzidos por meio de quatro procedimentos: disco de micélio; papel de filtro; gota; pulverização e o controle, testados em uvas Itália Melhorada e Crimson , com suspensões de Botrytis (105 e 106 conídios.mL-1) a 25 ± 1 °C/80-90% UR. 2. Uvas Thompson Seedless foram inoculadas com Aspergillus niger em quatro concentrações por gota e pulverização, em três condições ambientais (Temperatura ambiente, Ar condicionado e Frigocâmara). Os dados foram submetidos ao teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. 3. Uvas Thompson Seedless foram submetidas aos tratamentos: controle sem inóculo (CSI); controle com inóculo (CCI); sache de metabissulfito; 10% CO2, 20% CO2 e 30% CO2, submetidos a 6 ± 1°C/85-95% UR por 39 dias. Os sólidos solúveis; acidez titulável; firmeza; perda de peso; compostos fenólicos totais, número de micélio por baga e análises sensoriais, foram comparados por Duncan. A atmosfera 10% CO2 conservou a qualidade das uvas

Le maximalisme dans la Popular Music : L'exemple de King Crimson et du rock progressif / Maximalism in Popular Music : The example of King Crimson and Progressive Rock

Cottin, Maxime 02 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est d'établir une physionomie du maximalisme musical présent dans le répertoire de la popular music, plus précisément celui du Rock Progressif au travers l'exemple de King Crimson. Je me suis appliqué, pour ce faire, à identifier quels sont les éléments de l'idiome rock soumis au processus de maximalisation, et quels éléments, présents dans le langage du Rock Progressif, sont empruntés à des genres musicaux extérieurs à la popular music.La thèse comporte deux grands chapitres. Le premier explore les techniques d’écriture et l’esthétique de la popular music, en s’intéressant de près aux questions du langage musical, de l’improvisation et du sens, dans un corpus allant du blues à la pop music. La seconde partie détaille la manière dont se manifeste le processus de maximalisation des structures musicales (harmonie, rythme, forme) dans le répertoire du Rock Progressif anglais. L’exemple de King Crimson est de ce fait particulièrement remarquable dans la mesure où la démarche des musiciens était de combiner l’énergie du rock afro-américain à un vocabulaire musical issu de la musique savante occidentale du début du XXe siècle. Ainsi sont utilisées des structures de hauteurs faisant intervenir une division de l’octave par l’intervalle de triton, qui engendre, entre autres, l’échelle octotonique. L’analyse de la composition « Larks’ Tongues in Aspic » montre comment se combinent des structures de natures différentes, telles que des cycles d’intervalles, des tétracordes, l’échelle octotonique et l’échelle diatonique. / He goal of the thesis is to establish a physiognomy of musical maximalism in popular music’s repertoire, specifically that of the Progressive Rock through the example of King Crimson. I applied, for that purpose, to identify what were the elements of the rock idiom subjected to the process of maximalization, and what features of the Progressive Rock’s language were borrowed from outside musical genres.The thesis comprises two major chapters. The first explores the writing techniques and the aesthetics of popular music, as interested in issues of musical language, improvisation and meaning, in a corpus ranging from blues to pop music. The second part details the way in which occurs the process of maximalization of musical structures (harmony, rhythm, form) in the English Progressive Rock’s repertoire. The example of King Crimson is noteworthy insofar as the approach of musicians was to combine the energy of African-American rock to a musical vocabulary derived from early 20th century Western art music. So are used pitch structures involving a division of the octave at the interval-class 6, which produces, among other things, the octatonic scale. The analysis of “Larks' Tongues in Aspic” shows how are combined different pitch structures, such as interval cycles, tetrachords, the octatonic scale and the diatonic scale.

The effects of cover crops and tillage method on sweetpotato [Ipomoea Batatas (L.) Lam.] in North Mississippi.

Main, Jeffrey Len 08 December 2017 (has links)
Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is a major food resource of much of the world. Sweetpotato production is damaging to the soils in which it is grown due to the nature of production and the condition the soil is left to overwinter. There is potential for future regulation on the production of sweetpotato as related to runoff and nonpoint source pollution as the sediment from runoff erosion is easy to pinpoint in nearby waterways. Two studies were carried out to determine the effect of a reduced tillage practice and cover crops on the accumulation of nutrients in cover crops and yield of sweetpotato. The use of stale seed beds will reduce the number of tillage operations in a field and will allow earlier access to the field. Cover crops will benefit the soil with cover during rains while accumulating and recycling nutrients that may otherwise be lost and improving soil structure with the addition of organic matter.

Assessing Potential Solutions to Mitigate Pollution from Neonicotinoid Seed Coatings

Morrison, Benjamin Anthony 08 December 2020 (has links)
Thiamethoxam and clothianidin are two neonicotinoids used in seed coatings for crops such as corn and soybeans. Both neonicotinoids have high solubility in water, so they are prone to transport via leaching and runoff. This thesis is comprised of two studies that evaluated potential solutions to mitigate neonicotinoid transport from fields. The first study examined the relationship between soil organic carbon content and neonicotinoid transport in a field planted in soybeans. Soils with increased organic carbon leached less thiamethoxam and clothianidin during early growing season leaching peaks; however, at the end of the season, higher organic carbon content only decreased leached mass of clothianidin. The second study was to determine neonicotinoid uptake of different ground covers used as cover crops or edge-of-field buffer strips, as well as the partitioning of thiamethoxam and clothianidin throughout the plants. Ground covers, such as crimson clover, had the highest recovery of applied thiamethoxam, meaning that it may be a good candidate to retain this pesticide in fields. Thiamethoxam and clothianidin concentrations were higher in leaf tissues than in stems or roots, indicating that above-ground biomass removal may be an effective way to reduce neonicotinoid loading in the environment. From these studies, I concluded 1) practices that raise the amount of organic carbon in the soil may help decrease early-season neonicotinoid transport, resulting in lower concentrations in surrounding waterways, and 2) careful selection of plant species, such as crimson clover, may help reduce neonicotinoid transport in the environment, while potentially reducing exposure to beneficial insects. / Master of Science / Pesticides called neonicotinoids are commonly applied to seeds in row crops, such as corn and soybeans, before they are planted. These pesticides are highly soluble in water, which can lead to them exiting fields through runoff or leaching. This thesis is comprised of two studies that examined several potential solutions for decreasing the amount of neonicotinoids available for transport. The first study examined the relationship between organic carbon in the soil and neonicotinoids, and whether this relationship helps to retain neonicotinoids in a soybean field. Soils with high organic carbon content decreased the amount of neonicotinoids exiting the field during early growing season storms; however, at the end of the season, high organic carbon content only decreased losses for one of the pesticides studied. The second study was to determine which of six plant species and two mixes used as cover crops or buffers were the most effective at removing neonicotinoids from soil, as well as where in the plant these neonicotinoids go after uptake. Ground covers, such as crimson clover, had the highest recovery of applied neonicotinoids, meaning they would be good candidates for planting around fields. Ultimately, neonicotinoid accumulation was higher in leaves than in stems or roots, meaning that removing and disposing of leaves in an environmentally safe way could be an effective way to decrease neonicotinoid pollution. From these two studies, I found that 1) increasing organic matter in the soil can stop neonicotinoids from exiting the area it was applied in, and 2) careful consideration of plant species in or around the field may help intercept neonicotinoids before they exit the field.

Resposta agroeconômica da produção de rúcula adubada com húmus de minhoca sucedida pelo cultivo de rabanete / Agro-economics answer of arugula production fertilized with worm humus succeeded by radish cultivation

Freitas, Bruna Vieira de 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Pontes (socorrop@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-07-10T14:48:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaVF_DISSERT.pdf: 1429603 bytes, checksum: bfa717968f8ac26a8c67df251a41234a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-07-18T15:06:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaVF_DISSERT.pdf: 1429603 bytes, checksum: bfa717968f8ac26a8c67df251a41234a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-07-18T15:06:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaVF_DISSERT.pdf: 1429603 bytes, checksum: bfa717968f8ac26a8c67df251a41234a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-18T15:06:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaVF_DISSERT.pdf: 1429603 bytes, checksum: bfa717968f8ac26a8c67df251a41234a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Organic agriculture aims to promote the conservation of the environment in the absence of chemical fertilizers and/or agrochemicals. Among the fertilizers used in organic agriculture there is the vermicomposting, rich in organic matter, which replaces the physical and biological structure of the soil that neutralizes the pH, besides increasing the resistance of plants against pests and diseases. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the production of arugula in function of sources and amounts of humus, earthworm and, subsequently, the production of radish in succession to the cultivation of arugula. Two experiments were conducted at the Experimental Farm Rafael Fernandes, belonging to the Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), located in the district of Lagoinha. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four replications, with treatments arranged in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme. The first factor was composed of two sources of humus (bovine and goat manure) and the second factor of five humus quantities (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250% of N) incorporated in the soil. The cultivars of arugula used was the “Cultivada” and as for the radish was the “Crimson Gigante”. The characteristics evaluated in the arugula were: plant height, number of leaves per plant and productivity of green and dry mass of the shoot. As for the radish were: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant, total, commercial and root rots productivity, fresh and dry mass of the shoot and dry mass of roots. The economic indicators were also evaluated: gross income, net income, rate of return and profitability index. There were no significant interaction between the sources and amounts of humus studied for any of the characteristics evaluated in the arugula and radish. The highest agro-economic efficiency of arugula and radish was obtained for 250% of N. As pertaining to the agro-economy, both of the sources of earthworm humus can be used. Earthworm humus is economically viable for the production of organic vegetables / A agricultura orgânica visa promover a conservação do meio ambiente na ausência de fertilizantes químicos e/ou agrotóxicos. Dentre os adubos utilizados na agricultura orgânica está o vermicomposto, rico em matéria orgânica, reconstituinte da estrutura física e biológica do solo que neutraliza o pH, além de aumentar a resistência das plantas contra pragas e doenças. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção de rúcula em função de fontes e quantidades de húmus de minhoca, e, posteriormente, a produção de rabanete em sucessão ao cultivo da rúcula. Dois experimentos foram desenvolvidos na Fazenda Experimental Rafael Fernandes, pertencente à Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido (UFERSA), localizada no distrito de Lagoinha. O delineamento experimental usado foi o de blocos completos casualizados com quatro repetições, com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 2 x 5. O primeiro fator foi constituído de duas fontes de húmus (à base de esterco bovino e caprino) e o segundo fator de cinco quantidades de húmus incorporadas ao solo (50, 100, 150, 200 e 250% de N). A cultivar de rúcula utilizada foi a “Cultivada” e a de rabanete a “Crimson Gigante”. As características avaliadas na rúcula foram: altura de plantas, número de folhas por planta e rendimento de massa verde e seca da parte aérea. No rabanete foram: altura de plantas, diâmetro de raízes, número de folhas por plantas, produtividade total, comercial e de raízes refugo, massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e massa seca de raízes. Também foram avaliados os indicadores econômicos: renda bruta, renda líquida, taxa de retorno e índice de lucratividade. Não se observou interação significativa entre as fontes e quantidades de húmus estudadas para nenhuma das características avaliadas na rúcula e no rabanete. A maior eficiência agroeconômica da rúcula e do rabanete foi obtida na quantidade de 250% de N. Agroeconomicamente pode-se usar ambas as fontes de húmus de minhoca. O húmus de minhoca é economicamente viável para a produção de hortaliças orgânicas / 2017-07-10

Efeito da sucessão de culturas e doses de nitrogênio sobre o rendimento de frutos de melancia / Effect of Succession of crops and doses of nitrogen About Fruit Yield of Watermelon

Nayrah de Deus Lima 31 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A cultura da melancia é uma das mais importantes no Estado de Roraima, com uma área plantada de aproximadamente 1000 ha-1 irrigados e produtividade média de 8.017 kg ha-1 de frutos. Essa produtividade é considerada baixa, levando em conta o potencial da cultura; e as razões disso são o manejo inadequado, principalmente, da adubação. Neste estudo, testaram-se três sistemas de sucessão de cultura combinados com seis doses de Nitrogênio com o objetivo de avaliar os benefícios da sucessão das culturas e doses de nitrogênio sobre a produtividade de frutos da melancia. Foram instalados dois experimentos (2010 e 2012) no delineamento de blocos ao acaso no esquema de parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, testaram-se as sucessões de cultura (mucuna preta, feijão-caupi e vegetação espontânea) e, nas subparcelas, as doses de nitrogênio (0 a 250 kg ha-1). A cultura cv Crimson Sweet foi irrigada por sulcos no espaçamento de 1,0m x 3,5m. Avaliou-se a produtividade de frutos comerciais na área útil das subparcelas (7 plantas), número, porcentagem de frutos, massa média de frutos, sólidos solúveis totais e relação polpa-casca. Os dados foram analisados por anova (p<0,05), e as médias referentes aos efeitos das doses de N foram estimadas por análise de regressão polinomial. As espécies de plantas de cobertura não afetaram a produtividade nem a qualidade de frutos de melancia, independentemente do ano de cultivo. As doses 114,77 e 115,49 kg ha-1 de N proporcionaram o maior número de fruto, (6.900 e 4.889 frutos ha-1) e massa média de frutos (9,49 e 13,15 kg fruto-1), no primeiro e no segundo ano decultivo, respectivamente. A porcentagem de frutos não foi influenciada pelas plantas de cobertura e nem pelas doses de N, independentemente do ano de cultvo. Os sólidos solúveis totais e a relação polpa/casca do fruto de melancia não foram influenciados pelas espécies de plantas coberturas nem pelas doses de N. A maior produtividade de frutos (64,02 e 55,05 Mg ha-1) obtidas com doses de 125,11 e 155,31 kg ha-1 de N, no primeiro e no segundo ano de cultivo, respectivamente. / The watermelon crop is one of the most important in the State of Roraima, with a planted area of approximately 1000 ha-1 and yield of irrigated 8.017 kg ha-1 fruit. This productivity is considered low, taking into account the potential of the crop, and the reasons are inadequate management mainly fertilization. In this study, we tested three systems of succession culture combined with six doses of nitrogen in order to evaluate the benefits of crop succession and nitrogen on fruit yield of watermelon. Two experiments were established (2010 and 2012) in a randomized block design in a split-plot with four replications. In the plots, we tested the crop sequence (velvet bean, cowpea and spontaneous vegetation) and the subplots, the nitrogen levels (0 to 250 kg ha-1). The culture cv Crimson Sweet was irrigated by furrows spaced at 1.0 m x 3.5 m. We evaluated the Commercial fruits in the useful area of the subplots (7 plants), number, percentage of fruits, average fruit weight, soluble solids and pulp-peel. Data were analyzed by ANOVA (p <0.05), and the averages on the effects of N rates were estimated by polynomial regression analysis. The species of cover crops did not affect productivity or quality of watermelon fruits, regardless of the crop year. Doses 114,77 and 115,31 kg ha-1 N gave a higher number of fruit (6900 and 4889 fruits ha-1) and average weight of fruits (fruit 9.49 and 13.15 kg-1), the first and second decultivo years, respectively. The percentage of fruits was not influenced by cover crops and not by N, regardless of the year of cultvo. The total soluble solids and pulp / fruit rind of watermelon were not affected by plant species or coverages by N The highest fruit yield (64.02 and 55.05 Mg ha-1) obtained with doses of 125,11 and 155.31 kg N ha-1, the first and second year of cultivation, respectively.

Analysis of RED ONE Digital Cinema Camera and RED Workflow

Foroughi Mobarakeh, Taraneh January 2009 (has links)
<p>RED Digital Cinema is a rather new company that has developed a camera that has shaken the world of the film industry, the RED One camera. RED One is a digital cinema camera with the characteristics of a 35mm film camera. With a custom made 12 megapixel CMOS sensor it offers images with a filmic look that cannot be achieved with many other digital cinema cameras.</p><p>With a new camera comes a new set of media files to work with, which brings new software applications supporting them. RED Digital Cinema has developed several applications of their own, but there are also a few other software supporting RED. However, as of today the way of working with the RED media files together with these software applications are yet in progress.</p><p>During the short amount of time that RED One has existed, many questions has risen about what workflow is the best to use. This thesis presents a theoretical background of the RED camera and some software applications supporting RED media files. The main objective is to analyze RED material as well as existing workflows and find the optimal option.</p>

Using Legumes to Enhance Sustainability of Sorghum Cropping Systems in the East Texas Pineywoods Ecoregion: Impacts on Soil Nitrogen, Soil Carbon, and Crop Yields

Neely, Clark B 03 October 2013 (has links)
Overall soil productivity is declining in the U.S. due to loss of soil organic matter (SOM). Decreased SOM lowers soil water storage, reduces water infiltration, slows aggregate formation, and depletes soil of nutrients. In many systems, crop nutrients are replaced by expensive synthetic fertilizers that can lead to environmental concerns. This practice is not economically or environmentally sustainable in the long term. To secure future soil use and crop production, sustainable management practices are needed to prevent further SOM depletion. Incorporating legumes into cropping systems is one alternative that can bolster soil organic C (SOC) (key indicator of SOM) and reduce N fertilizer applications through symbiotic legume N fixation. Three studies were conducted over multiple years at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center near Overton, TX. Annual cool- and warm-season legumes were evaluated as potential green manure crops and intercrops under grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], high-biomass sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], and annual forage cropping systems. These studies quantified legume soil moisture usage and C and N contributions to the soil and subsequent crop yields in East Texas. Primary project objectives were to maintain or maximize primary crop yields at reduced N fertilizer rates and to build SOC through the integration of legume green manures and intercrops. Green manuring cool-season legumes showed the most beneficial effect on SOC, soil total N, and crop yields; however, significant increases in yield were only detected after three years in rotation. Intercropping Iron-and-Clay cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. [Walp]) decreased yield of both high-biomass sorghum and grain sorghum due to competitive vegetative growth. Iron-and-Clay did however improve biomass yields of high-biomass sorghum in two subsequent years when implemented as a green manure. Despite large N yields as high as 310 kg ha-1, impacts of legumes on annual forage crops was limited. Poor response was likely a result of previous field history in which a permanent warm-season grass pasture was cultivated for site preparation and mineralized SOC released substantial amounts of available N. Under low soil N conditions, legume green manures produce enough N to likely reduce N fertilizer requirements cost-effectively for subsequent crops in East Texas.

Effect of shading and ethephon on the anthocyanin composition of ‘Crimson seedless’ (Vitis vinifera L.)

Human, Michael Adriaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: ‘Crimson Seedless’ is currently one of the most important and popular table grape cultivars produced in South Africa, and as such it is of great economic value for table grape producers. Major concerns with ‘Crimson Seedless’ is that it is prone to inadequate colouring, and with increased yields the berry size decreases. An additional difficulty is that methods used to increase berry size, further impede berry colouring. A plant growth regulator (PGR) commonly used in table grape production, to enhance colour formation, is ethephon (2-chloro-ethyl-phosphonic acid, 2-CEPA). In recent years significant research has been done on the effect of sunlight on anthocyanin production in grapes, although this has primarily been on wine grape cultivars. Currently, there is limited knowledge on the effect of sunlight on table grapes, and how this might influence their anthocyanin composition and content. The effect of ethephon on colour of grapes and other fruit have been extensively researched and well documented. However, the effect of ethephon on the anthocyanin composition of ‘Crimson Seedless’ is not well known. The current study aimed to explore the effect of sunlight (by matter of exclusion) and management practices, namely defoliation and ethephon application, on the anthocyanin profile and content of ‘Crimson Seedless’. Four different treatments were applied to two ‘Crimson Seedless’ vineyards, the first site located in Paarl, and the second in De Doorns. The treatments were: 1. Naturally exposed bunches, 2. Exposed bunches treated with ethephon, 3. Bunches kept in shade boxes, 4. Shaded bunches treated with ethephon. At the De Doorns site an additional defoliation treatment was superimposed over the above treatments. An HPLC technique was modified for the separation and detailed profiling of ‘Crimson Seedless’ anthocyanins and was used to analyse the effect of the reported treatments on the anthocyanin profile of berry skins. The predominant anthocyanin in ‘Crimson Seedless’ is peonidin-3-glucoside (Pn-gluc), and this was found to be significantly increased only by ethephon application, and was not altered by sunlight or leaf removal. The responses of the other anthocyanin types varied according to the respective treatments applied. However, a general observation was that ethephon application more consistently increased the concentration of anthocyanins in berry skins than did sunlight. Leaf removal had the least significant effect on anthocyanin concentration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMIMG: ‘Crimson Seedless’ is tans een van die belangrikste en gewildste tafeldruif cultivars wat in Suid-Afrika verbou word en daarom is dit van groot ekonomiese waarde vir tafeldruifprodusente. ‘Crimson Seedless’ is egter daarvoor bekend dat dit te swak kleur (volgens uitvoer spesifikasies) en tweedens is die cultivar geneig om kleiner korrels te ontwikkel wanneer die oeslading vermeerder word. ‘n Addisionele probleem is dat die praktyke wat in die industrie gebruik word om korrels te vergroot ‘n verdere negatiewe impak op ‘Crimson Seedless’ se kleur ontwikkeling kan veroorsaak. Die plant-groei-reguleerder wat algemeen in tafeldruif verbouing gebruik word, ten einde beter gekleurde druiwe te produseer, is ethephon (2-chloro-ethyl-phosphonic acid, 2-CEPA). In die laaste paar jaar was daar baie navorsing gedoen oor die effek wat sonlig het op die antosianien produksie van druiwe, maar navorsing was gefokus op wyndruif cultivars. Huidiglik is daar beperkte tegniese kennis oor die effek wat sonlig op tafeldruiwe het, en hoe dit moontlik die antosianien samestelling en inhoud kan beïnvloed. Daar is ook reeds verskeie studies gedoen en data gepubliseer oor die invloed wat ethephon op die kleur het van druiwe en ander vrugte, maar die invloed wat ethephon op die antosianien samestelling van ‘Crimson Seedless’ het, is nie wel bekend nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van sonlig (deur uitsluiting) en bestuurspraktyke (blaarverwydering en ethephon toediening) te bestudeer en hoe dit die antosianien samestelling van ‘Crimson Seedless’ beïnvloed. Vier verskillende behandelings is toegedien in twee ‘Crimson Seedless’ wingerde, die eerste proefperseel in die Paarl en die tweede proefperseel in De Doorns. Die behandelings was: 1. Natuurlik blootgestelde trosse, 2. blootgestelde trosse met ethephon, 3. Trosse met skadubokse omhul, 4. Skaduboks trosse met ethephon. By De Doorns is ‘n addisionele blaarverwydering proef bygebring. ‘n HPLC tegniek was aangepas om die antosianien samestelling en inhoud van ‘Crimson Seedless’ te bepaal, en om die effek van die behandelings te ondersoek. Die HPLC data het getoon dat peonodien-3-glukosied (Pn-gluc) die primêre antosianien in ‘Crimson Seedless’ is met die hoogste inhoud van al die antosianiene. Pn-gluc was betekenisvol beïnvloed deur ethephon toediening, terwyl die ander behandelings geen betekenisvolle effekte daarop gehad het nie. Die effekte wat die ander antosianiene gehad het, het gevarieer volgens die behandelings wat toegedien was. ‘n Algemene observasie was dat ethephon toediening die antosianien konsentrasie in ‘Crimson Seedless’ druiwe skille meer konsekwent vermeerder het as die sonlig blootstelling. Die blaarverwydering het die minste betekenisvolle effek op die antosianien inhoud van ‘Crimson Seedless’ gehad.

Otimização da desidratação osmótica de uva Crimson Seedless (Vitis vinifera L.)

PORTO, Maria Anunciada Leal 29 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-07-27T11:28:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Anunciada Leal Porto.pdf: 1114756 bytes, checksum: 0011c80ff1bdc5f6d7a48254d4913f7a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T11:28:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Anunciada Leal Porto.pdf: 1114756 bytes, checksum: 0011c80ff1bdc5f6d7a48254d4913f7a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-29 / Crimson Seedless Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most important seedless variety, due to its attractive bunch medium, and large dark pink berries. It features excellent sensory characteristics due to its firm texture and crisp flavor that varies from sweet to neutral and uniform color. Stands out as the second most important seedless variety of the São Francisco. Osmotic dehydration is presented as a good alternative to reduce the water activity of this grape, allowing its storage for long periods and improving its stability and quality. This study aimed to relate the influences of different parameters for efficient osmotic dehydration of fruit, in order to reduce post-harvest losses as well as offer new alternatives for the producer. To optimize the osmotic dehydration preliminary test was conducted with independent variables: temperature (T) (20ºC to 40ºC), immersion time (t) (0.5 to 4.0 hours, with breaks every 30 minutes) and concentration of osmotic solution (C) (35ºBrix, 50ºBrix and 60ºBrix) was the dependent variable moisture loss (ML). Then 26-2 fractional design was used, having as independent variables: T (30ºC and 50ºC), t (1.0 and 4.0 hours), NaOH (0% and 2%), bleach (0 and 1 minute), perforated in the fruit (0 and 16 holes/cm2) and C (30ºBrix and 60ºBrix) and the dependent variables and solids ML and incorporation of solid (IS). Proceeding was conducted a factorial design 23, with independent variables: T (30ºC to 50ºC), t (1 to 4 hours) and C (40ºBrix to 50ºBrix), being constant bleaching (30 seconds) and perforated (8 holes/cm2); the dependent variables were ML, IS and DEI (Dehydration Efficiency Index). The best conditions for osmotic dehydration using DEI as a parameter was the application of bleach for 30 seconds, 8 holes/cm2, osmotic solution at 42ºBrix, immersion time of 1.6 hours and temperature of 46 ° C. The response surface models obtained were predictive of ML and IS, except for DEI. The product selected best set Page's equation (R2 = 0.995). / A uva Crimson Seedless (Vitis vinifera L.) é uma das mais importantes variedades sem sementes, devido ao seu atraente cacho médio, e grande bagas rosadas escuras. Apresenta característica sensorial excelente devido a sua textura firme e crocante, sabor que varia do doce ao neutro, e coloração uniforme. Destaca-se como a segunda variedade sem semente mais importante do Vale do São Francisco. À desidratação osmótica apresenta-se como boa alternativa para reduzir a atividade de água desta uva, permitindo o seu armazenamento por períodos longos e melhorando a sua estabilidade e qualidade. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo relacionar as influências de diferentes parâmetros para um eficiente processo de desidratação osmótica deste fruto, com a finalidade de reduzir as perdas pós-colheita como também oferecer novas alternativas para o produtor. Para otimizar a desidratação osmótica foi realizado ensaio preliminar com as variáveis independentes: temperatura (T) (20ºC a 40ºC), tempo de imersão (t) (0,5 a 4,0 horas, com intervalos a cada 30 minutos) e concentração da solução osmótica (C) (35ºBrix, 50ºBrix e 60ºBrix); sendo a variável dependente perda de umidade (PU). Em seguida foi aplicado planejamento fracionado 26-2, tendo como variáveis independentes: T (30ºC e 50ºC), t (1,0 e 4,0 horas), NaOH (0% e 2%), branqueamento (0 e 1 minuto), perfurações no fruto (0 e 16 perfurações/cm2) e C (30ºBrix e 60ºBrix); e as variáveis dependentes PU e incorporação de sólidos (IS). Prosseguindo foi realizado um planejamento fatorial 23, com variáveis independentes: T (30ºC a 50ºC), t (1 a 4 horas) e C (40ºBrix a 50ºBrix), sendo constante o branqueamento (30 segundos) e perfurações (8 perfurações/cm2); as variáveis dependentes foram PU, IS e IED (Índice de Eficiência de Desidratação). As melhores condições para a desidratação osmótica utilizando o IED como parâmetro foi a aplicação de branqueamento por 30 segundos, 8 perfurações/cm2, solução osmótica com 42ºBrix, tempo de imersão de 1,6 horas e temperatura de 46ºC. Os modelos de superfície de resposta obtidos foram preditivos para PU e IS, exceto para o IED. O produto selecionado ajustou melhor a equação de Page (R2 = 0,995).

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