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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DUROSINI, ILARIA 14 June 2019 (has links)
L’obiettivo generale del progetto di ricerca è valutare la percezione della qualità dei servizi offerti in due RSA del Nord Italia e proporre interventi di miglioramento. Nel primo capitolo della tesi sono stati descritti i principali modelli teorici della qualità dei servizi. La letteratura riconosce la mancanza di scale validate che esplorano la percezione della qualità dei servizi nelle RSA Italiane. Per questo motivo, è stato realizzato uno studio di validazione e adattamento della versione italiana della scala SERVQUAL. Nel secondo capitolo della tesi è stato presentato uno studio qualitativo retrospettivo. Partendo dagli eventi critici che si sono verificati nella RSA, sono stati analizzati i principali episodi positivi e negativi ricordati dai famigliari degli anziani. I risultati sono stati utilizzati per ipotizzare nuovi percorsi di intervento e per fornire strategie organizzative per migliorare la gestione degli eventi problematici. La letteratura riconosce l’importanza del coinvolgimento dei famigliari per il benessere degli anziani. Per questo motivo, in questo progetto di ricerca sono state delineate le basi concettuali per l’applicazione di un modello collaborativo di assessment all’interno delle RSA. Nello specifico, il terzo capitolo della tesi ha esplorato l'efficacia dell’Assessment Terapeutico attraverso una meta-analisi multilivello e nell'ultimo capitolo della tesi è stata applicata una componente del modello di Assessment Collaborativo e Terapeutico nelle RSA. / The general aim of the present research project was to broaden the knowledge and understanding of the ways in which elderly’s family members perceive the quality of service and propose interventions to improve services. To lay the ground for discussion about the quality of services offered by nursing homes, Chapter 1 provides a historical overview of the models of the quality of services. Given the lack of validated measures of the quality of services in Italian nursing homes, I presented data regarding the validation and adaptation of the Italian version of the SERVQUAL Scale. Chapter 2 introduced a retrospective qualitative study. Starting from critical events that occurred in nursing homes, I analyzed family members’ observations of the incidents. The results were used to generate new paths for interventions to improve the family members’ evaluation of services and to provide organizational strategies to improve the management of problematic events. Given the effect of family involvement on elder people’s well-being, I presented the conceptual underpinnings and the applicability of a collaborative model of assessment in nursing homes. Chapter 3 explored the effectiveness of the Therapeutic Assessment model through a multilevel meta-analytic study. From these results, a component of the Collaborative and Therapeutic Assessment model was applied in nursing homes, as described in the last chapter.

”Det som skrämmer mest är vad som kommer att hända sedan” : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsrapportering efterföljande attentatet i Stockholm 7 april 2017 / ”What’s most scary is what will happen later” : A critical discourse analysis of news reporting following the Stockholm attack 7th of April 2017

Thunberg, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att urskilja och undersöka särskilt belysta diskurser i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladets nyhetsartiklar veckan efter attentatet i Stockholm den 7 april 2017. Det åligger även i studiens syfte att undersöka hur diskurserna kan förstås utifrån ett perspektiv om kritiska händelsers påverkan av meningsskapande. Utifrån studiens syfte har följande forskningsfrågor utformats: Vilka diskurser om attentatet kan urskiljas i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladets nyhetsartiklar veckan efter attentatet i Stockholm den 7 april 2017? Hur kan man förstå diskurserna utifrån ett perspektiv om kritiska händelsers påverkan av meningsskapande? Det empiriska materialet består utav tjugo utvalda nyhetsartiklar som analyseras genom en kritisk diskursanalys baserad på Faircloughs modell med tre dimensioner. Den kritiska diskursanalysen kan anses vara en paketlösning innehållande både teoretiska och metodologiska verktyg men påtalar en nödvändighet att förankra den diskursiva praktiken i den sociala praktiken som sammankopplas med ytterligare teori om samhällsfenomen. Studiens ytterligare teoretiska inslag består utav teoretiska ansatser om meningsskapande vid kritiska händelser. De diskurser som kan urskiljas är i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladets nyhetsartiklar veckan efterföljande attentatet i Stockholm den 7 april 2017 är: Formulerandet av ett ”vi” och ”dem”, Konstruerandet av förövaren & Tryggheten som vård- och blåljuspersonal skapade. I dimensionen för social praktik integrerades den diskursiva praktiken och genererade svar på studiens ytterligare forskningsfråga. I analysen framkom att diskurserna bidrar till meningsskapande i form av generering av subjektiva verklighets- och sanningsuppfattningar, självreflektioner, reflektioner om andra och förhållandet till dem, reflektioner om världen, subjektiva uppfattningar om vilka rådande normer och handlingsageranden som skapas vid en kritisk händelse. / The purpose of this thesis is to distinguish and examine prominent discourses in news articles published by Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet the week following the 2017 Stockholm Attack on the 7th of April. The purpose also includes to examine how the portrayals produced in the discourses can be understood from a perpective of critical events impact on creations of meaning. Based on the purpose of the study the following reasearch questions have been created: What discourses can be distinguished in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet news articles the week following the attack in Stockholm the 7th of April 2017? How can you understand the discourses based on a perspective on the impact of critical events on meaning creation? The empirical material consists of twenty selected news articles analyzed with a critical discourse analysis based on Fairclough's three-dimensional model. The critical discourse analysis can be regarded as a package solution containing both theoretical and methodological tools, but emphasizes the necessity of anchoring discourse practice in social practice, coupled with additional theory of social phenomena. The further theoretical aspects of the study consist of theoretical approaches to critical events. The discourses that can be distinguished in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet's news articles is: The formulation of a "we" and "them", the Constitution of the perpetrator & Security created by the care and uniformed proffessions. In the dimension of social practice, the discursive practice was integrated and generated answers to the further research question of the study. By the analysis it was found that the discourse contributes to the creation of meaning in the generation of subjective reality and truth perceptions, self-reflections, reflections about others and their relationships, reflections on the world, subjective perceptions of what prevailing norms and actions taken in a critical event.

A Cyclist Warning System to enhance Traffic Safety - Development, Implementation & Evaluation in a Bicycle Simulator

Kreißig, lsabel, Springer, Sabine, Willner, Robert, Keil, Wolfram 02 January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the research project RADimFOKUS was to develop and evaluate a cyclist waming system (CWS) prototype in order to prevent safety critical events (SCEs), such as accidents, for the specifically vulnerable group of cyclists and, in turn, contributing to an enhanced traffic safety for this sustainable and healthy mode of transport. The basic idea of the system was to warn cyclists in case a SCE is detected. Although research about CWS is rather scarce, :first evaluations of such systems are promising [1]. Considering actual developments and trends, the CWS detects SCEs based on connected traffic information and is in a fust step intended for the implementation in electrified bicycles (i.e. pedelecs), where power supply is provided by the integrated battery. In the scope of the project, we performed the following 3 stages, which are described in the current contribution: (1) Development of the waming model and user interface for the CWS prototype, (2) Development of a bicycle simulator and implementation of the CWS interface for user studies, and (3) First evaluation of the CWS prototype in the scope of a bicycle simulator user study.

Kan man dra lärdom av ett krig? : En studie av gymnasieelevers uppfattningar av ämnet samhällskunskap och dess nytta i ljuset av det pågående kriget i Ukraina / Can you learn from a war? : A study on upper secondary school students' perceptions of the subject social studies and it’s use in the light of the prevailing war in Ukraine

Westin, Tim January 2022 (has links)
In the light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the present study has studied the swedish upper secondary school students' perceptions of the subject of social studies. More precisely, the purpose of the study has been to investigate whether the students feel that the subject of social studies - and teaching has been of any use in terms of understanding the prevailing external situation. In the case of the study, the focus group interview has become the methodology that the undersigned found particularly relevant to the purpose of the study [...].

Academic dual-career couples lifetyle affects on careers in academe

Baker, Karen Cardell Parrish 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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