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Brevard Childs : the logic of scripture's textual authorityDriver, Daniel R. January 2009 (has links)
Brevard Childs argues for the inner logic of scripture’s textual authority as an historical reality that gives rise to the material condition by which the church apprehends and experiences God in Christ. The church’s use of (or by) scripture thus has a larger interiority: the shaped canon of scripture, Old and New Testaments, is a rule of faith which accrues authority in the church, through the vehicle of the sensus literalis. Childs’ work has been misplaced, however. Part one locates it internationally, attending to the way it has been read in English and German and finding that it has enjoyed a more patient reception in Europe than in Britain or North America. To illustrate, Childs’ definition of biblical theology is contrasted with that of James Barr. Their differences over gesamtbiblische theology involve opposite turns toward and away from Barthian dogma in biblical inquiry. Part two examines Childs on biblical reference, introducing why intertextuality is not midrashic but deictic—pointing to the res. This coincides with an understanding of the formation of biblical literature. Childs’ argument for canonical shaping is juxtaposed with Hermann Gunkel on tradition history, showing “final form” to be a deliberate inversion of form critical principles. Childs’ interest in the Bible as religious literature is then set alongside his studious confrontation of Judaism, with implications for inter-religious dialogue. Barr and Childs are compared again in part three, which frames their respective senses of indirect and direct biblical reference in terms of allegory. Both see allegory at work in the modern world under certain rules (either biblical criticism or the regula fidei). Their rules affect their articulations of trinitarian dogma. Finally, Psalm102 highlights divergences between modern and pre-modern interpreters. If scripture comprehends the present immediately, some postures of the church toward the synagogue may be excluded.
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Old Testament characters as Christological witnesses in the Fourth GospelAhn, Sanghee Michael 01 November 2006 (has links)
This dissertation examines the Christological witness function of the Old Testament characters in the Gospel of John. Chapter 1 discusses the problem concomitant to the bi-partite nature of the Christian Bible and the scholarly solutions suggested to remedy this issue. The importance of Christology for John and the Gospel's indebtedness to the Jewish heritage is also noted. Combining these two aspects, some scholarly attempts to account for Johannine Christology in terms of Jewish hero redivivus theories are reviewed. An important consensus has emerged from German scholarship that sees the role of the Old Testament as Christological witness. This perspective gave impetus to the present research concerning the same witness function of the Old Testament characters. The rest of chapter 1 discusses the preliminary questions, such as, the justification, contributions, methodology, terms, and limits of the present study.
Chapter 2 investigates the contribution of Jacob and Abraham to Johannine Christological understanding in view of relevant intertestamental Jewish literature. In contrast to some scholarly arguments, the main function of these patriarchs is to undergird the messianic identity of Jesus.
Chapter 3 concerns Elijah in early Judaism and John. The eschatological expectation of Elijah in the former period is marked by his militant subjugation of the gentiles along with the reconciliation ministry. The contextual reading of the passages related to Elijah in John reveals that he is a type of John the Baptist rather than Jesus.
Chapter 4 examines David, probably the most influential messianic prefiguration of the intertestamental period. He is characterized by his competence as a ruler, his loyalty to Judaism, and his status as an eschatological figure. While the first half of John's Gospel does not portray Jesus as a Davidic figure, the latter half is replete with the references to the Davidic trials. Although one can argue for a correspondence between David and Jesus in the Johannine passion accounts, the analogy is more evident between Yahweh and Jesus, let alone the suffering aspect of David, which did not constitute the messianic expectations of early Judaism.
Chapter 5 engages in a study of Moses as depicted in early Judaism and John. In contrast to the perspectives of the Hebrew scriptural traditions, in which Moses is understood as the prophet par excellence, the fourth evangelist presents him merely as a Christological witness, not as a messianic prefiguration.
Chapter 6 summarizes the foregoing observations and offers hermeneutical implications for the study of the Gospel of John, especially with reference to the redactional capability of the fourth evangelist and the value of the intertestamental Jewish literature. / This item is only available to students and faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
If you are not associated with SBTS, this dissertation may be purchased from <a href="http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb">http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb</a> or downloaded through ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses database if your institution subscribes to that service.
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Reading the book of Daniel in an African context: the issue of leadership.Lawman Mourna, Esaie De-S Ia 10 1900 (has links)
This thesis concerns the issues of leadership in the African context, but it derives its emphasis from the stories in Daniel 1–6 in the Old Testament, in order to comment on leadership styles, competencies, skills and the state of leadership in Africa. It is a reading from a specific context, that of someone living in present times in the Republic of Chad. The research focused mainly on the following issues: What can we learn from the stories concerning leadership in Daniel 1–6? Who are the leaders in these chapters? What is the quality of their leadership? In trying to answer these questions, the researcher had to consider the following: How was the book read and interpreted in the past? How is it currently interpreted? Looking at past research, the focus fell on: (1) the pre-critical period, (2) the historical-critical period, and (3) the period in which modern literary studies abound. Following the research history a personal reading and interpretation of the stories in Daniel 1–6 are presented. A narrative analysis is carried out and the plots of the different stories are analysed according to the quinary scheme (the initial situation, the complication, transforming action, the denouement and the final situation). The focus falls on the narrator’s presentation of the main characters and what readers can learn from these stories about leadership. Although there is attention to how scholars in the past and present have interpreted the Book of Daniel, the researcher tries to present a new interpretation by carrying out a contextual reading focusing on leadership. This aspect did not receive much attention in previous research. What is gained by this reading is then applied to the situation in the modern Republic of Chad. First, there is a detailed study of current writing by scholars as well as what they are saying about leadership. Following this, the African and Chadian contexts are considered. The final chapter synthesises all the issues that have been discussed. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)
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The spirituality of ‘seeing him as he is’ according to 1 John 3:2Letang, Samuel 06 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 254-281) / Using a text-immanent multi-dimensional methodology that combines impulses from both synchronic and diachronic reading of a text, this study focuses on understanding the spirituality embedded in ‘seeing him as he is’ in 1 John 3:2. Discourse analysis has provided the structure of the entire research by identifying the different semantic networks that enhance better understanding and dynamic interaction between text and reader.it has also helped in determining the argument and rhetoric of the Elder, assisting in constructing the bigger picture by means of semantic networks that create coherent mind maps and also relating what has been read with what is still to be read.
The environs of the pericope under investigation have been used as a backdrop in order to arrive at an understanding of this envisaged eschatological phenomenon. These environs include the window provided by Judaism through the Old Testament, Hellenistic and Palestinian Judaism, extra-biblical literature, the Graeco-Roman world, mystery religions, philosophies, and the New Testament. These environs have pointed to the use of intermediaries in the visio-Dei.
While ‘seeing him as he is’ in 1 John 3:2 involves both the Father and the Son, this eschatological expectation is weaved into a matrix of discourse that the Elder used to cushion the adherents in view of the pending apostasy. The adherents’ status as ‘children of God’ is the axis from which the Elder builds his entire discourse. They will experience love (1 Jn 4:16), his purity (1 Jn 3:3), his righteousness (1 Jn 2:1), his truth (1 Jn 5:20), and his glory (Jn 17:24). Although the adherents were already experiencing all these, it would be experienced completely after the Parousia, when they ‘see him as he is’.
This study contributes towards a Johannine understanding of perceiving the divine, and reveals the climactic involvement of the Son in both the past and future perceptions including ‘seeing him as he is’ in 1 John 3:2. This study has identified the object of the Visio-Dei as Christ. It is He through whom believers will see the Father. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Phil. (Christian Spirituality)
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Traduzir a luz da cruz : uma leitura da versao portuguesa do Dao De Jing feita pelo Padre Joaquim Guerra / Uma leitura da versao portuguesa do Dao De Jing feita pelo Padre Joaquim GuerraTian, Jing January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Portuguese
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The role(s) of the spirit-paraclete in John 16:4b-15 : a socio-rhetorical investigationTuppurainen, Riku Pekka 30 November 2006 (has links)
The subject and the scope of this study are the role(s) of the Spirit-Paraclete in John 16:4b-15. The methodology applied is socio-rhetorical criticism as developed by Vernon K. Robbins.
The fourth Gospel is called the `spiritual Gospel.' Its pneumatic connotations are not only related to its presentation of Christ but also to its frequent references to the Spirit and its cognates. Jesus' Spirit-Paraclete teaching in his Farewell Discourse is a prominent example of this. Its pneumatological content is, however, problematic. This is demonstrated by the various attempts of Johannine scholars. In addition, methodologies, goals and the scope of these studies vary. It was observed that if scholars suggest a role for the Spirit-Paraclete, they usually use `either-or' language, pointing out one role while excluding other possible roles from their conclusions or merely list explicitly mentioned functions of the Spirit-Paraclete.
This study is a response to this present situation. It deals with the last two Spirit-Paraclete sayings of Jesus in his farewell address to determine the role(s) of the Spirit-Paraclete, applying the comprehensive reading model which has not been applied to this text before. The hypothesis was that if a more comprehensive methodology is applied to the narrative, a more comprehensive understanding of the text would be gained. We applied multidisciplinary socio-rhetorical criticism which takes into account narrative-rhetorical, intertextual, social-cultural, ideological and sacred aspects of the text while not neglecting contexts in which the story took place, was recorded and is interpreted. Findings were that the roles of the Spirit-Paraclete go beyond mere theological and spiritual significance to touch sociological and psychological aspects of human experience. Thus, the roles of the Spirit-Paraclete are multidimensional. These roles are also integrated with each other. Together they support and point to one
major role of the Spirit-Paraclete, which does not, however, downplay his other roles. The central role of the Spirit-Paraclete in John 16:4b-15 is to be the divine presence who forms a performing community of the disciples called the people of the Spirit. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)
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Genesis 1-11 and the African worldview : conflict or conformity?Chalk, Jack Pryor 30 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to present an analysis of the belief systems of the worldviews behind the religions of Christianity and African Traditional Religion with a view toward aiding the Christian church in African help its converts from African Traditional Religion to hold a biblical worldview in the areas where the biblical and traditional African worldviews conflict. The two worldviews were analyzed, and compared using the philosophical elements of a worldview and the religious dimensions of how a worldview is lived out in culture.
Genesis 1-11 of the Christian Bible was used as the basis for the biblical or Christian worldview. The Christian believes that the Bible is God's inspired word to mankind and that what is recorded in Genesis 1-11 gives God's answers to the basic philosophical questions that make up a worldview. Therefore, Christian philosophy and the Christian worldview are postulated on God's special revelation as recorded in the Bible. The African worldview is based upon the sayings and traditions of the elders as received from the ancestors. The traditional African believes in the trustworthiness of the ancestors as strongly as the Christian believes in the trustworthiness of the Bible. When an African converts from African Traditional Religion to Christianity he encounters a conflict of beliefs in certain philosophical elements of his worldview.
Upon the conviction that beliefs determine practice, unless the African convert to Christianity changes his beliefs he will not change his practice, and syncretism will be the result. After analyzing the two worldviews, the areas of conflict in beliefs were presented with recommendations for bringing the African Christian's worldview beliefs into conformity with the Christian worldview. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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Redaction criticism of the Synoptic Gospels: its role in the inerrancy debate within North American evangelicalismMann, Randolph Terrance 30 June 2007 (has links)
Evangelicals have been characterized as a people committed to the Bible with historical roots to the fundamentalists who were engaged in controversy with liberals in North America at the beginning of the twentieth century. Harold Lindsell's book, The Battle For The Bible (1976), led to a great deal of discussion about inerrancy among evangelicals which resulted in major conferences and the publication of a number of books and articles discussing inerrancy in the subsequent decade. The principal doctrinal statement of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) has been from its inception a statement on inerrancy. The inerrancy debate among evangelicals took a new direction with the publication of R H Gundry's commentary on Matthew (1982). This sparked a debate concerning redaction criticism and the compatibility of using the historical-critical methodology while maintaining a commitment to the doctrine of inerrancy.
Just when the debate appeared to be dying down the publication of the results of the Jesus Seminar (1993) led to several responses from evangelicals. The most controversial publication was The Jesus Crisis (1998) which accused evangelicals and some within the ETS of embracing the same methodology as those of the Jesus Seminar, refueling the debate again. Consequently this debate amongst evangelicals, particularly those associated with the ETS has continued for almost two decades.
The debate has ranged over a variety of issues related to historical criticism and the study of the Gospels, including presuppositions, the Synoptic Problem, the role of harmonization, and whether the Gospels provide a strict chronology of the life of Jesus. The role of form and tradition criticism and the criteria of authenticity and whether the Gospel writers were faithful historians or creative theologians have also been points of contention in the debate. The languages that Jesus spoke and whether the Gospels preserve the ipsissima verba or vox have highlighted the differing views about the requirements of inerrancy. The redaction criticism debate has proven to have a significant role in exposing differences in methodology, definitions, presuppositions, and boundaries among evangelicals and members of the ETS. / New Testament / D.Th. (New Testament)
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The idea of truth as the revelation of covenant faithfulness in the Gospel of JohnRoberts, Michael David 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study is concerned with the need to investigate the Johannine idea of truth in the context of the Old Testament background, with the stated aim of showing how this conception of truth could still reach those outside the boundary of Judaism. This thesis needs to be set within the larger framework of revelation. The revelation of God in the Old Testament pointed to God's final and fullest revelation given in his Son. And because Jesus is indeed the truth, as he himself explicitly claimed, it necessarily follows that every portion of this revelation is true and reliable in every way. Moreover, because this revelation has been given, there is the need for those to serve as witnesses to it. These witnesses, both divine and human, are themselves revelation by virtue of their divine origin and their consequent inclusion as part of the overall New Testament witness to Jesus.
Chapter one addresses those introductory matters relevant for understanding John's unique view of truth. There are two aspects to this view of truth as centered in Jesus: Jesus as the revelation of truth, and Jesus as the revealer of truth. Truth is the person and work of Jesus, and chapter two treats the first aspect in discussing eight ideas that explain this view of truth. The second aspect is the focus of chapter three. Because truth comes only from God, it must be revealed since human beings cannot understand it on their own. In order for this revelation to be received, witnesses are needed to testify to it. Hence, in John truth and revelation cannot be separated, and witnesses must testify to this revelation as the truth of God. Because Jesus is both the revealer and the revelation itself, he is therefore the preeminent witness precisely because his is a self-authenticating witness that receives the Father's affirmation. The last chapter applies this theological foundation using three ideas that are specifically connected with the word "truth": abiding, sanctification, and worship. Truth is more than intellectual acquirement; it is living one's life in love and service of God and others. / New Testament / D. Th (New Testament)
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Useful criteria relating to the acceptance of weak prophetic reports corroborated by other narrative chains / Timār al-yāniʻat fī aḥkām al-shāhid wa-al-matābat / Useful criteria relating to the acceptance of weak prophetic reports corroborated by other narrative chainsMohamud, M. M. 30 November 2005 (has links)
Prophetic reports, constituting the second foundational source of the Islamic
Weltanschauung, have been categorised in terms of their authenticity. The current work
explores reports occurring in single transmission chains that are corroborated in word or
meaning by other similarly narrated reports whose source at the level of Prophet
Muhammad's companions could either be the same or different.
Rules pertaining to this field have been amalgamated for the first time to simplify their
application. Appropriated practical examples have been given to illustrate harmony between
theory and praxis.
Concentration has been restricted to a corroboration of reports by other transmission chains.
An examination of the latter falls outside the scope of this investigation. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic Studies)
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