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Exploring the Johannine spirituality: the experience of God in the fourth Gospel perceived from the perspective of its Familia DeiAlbalaa, Pierre Youssef 08 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 292-313) : illustrations / This thesis examines the Experience of God in the Fourth Gospel (in this research, it is also called
the Johannine Experience of God) by perceiving it from the perspective of the metaphoric Familia
Dei, found in this Gospel. This examination is done in a three-step process:
The first step consists of a literary review and a presentation of the methodology and approach
employed in this research. It intends to set the thesis within the Johannine studies.
The second step involves the articulation of essential considerations on Religious Experience, the
Johannine Community, and the Fourth Gospel. This articulation has two aims: First, to acquire a
deeper understanding of the background of the Johannine Experience of God, and second, to point
out the functionality of this Gospel’s narrative in constituting this experience.
The third step comprises the following suggestion and the elaboration on its constituents:
- The Johannine Experience of God consists of two components: the first one is the initiative of
God the Father conveyed by Jesus Christ, perpetuated by the Holy Spirit, and as it is recorded in
the Fourth Gospel. And the second one is the response of the believers (John’s readers) to this
initiative by accepting the Son and journeying spiritually under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- The Johannine Experience of God can be perceived from the perspective of the Familia Dei
metaphoric found in the Fourth Gospel.
- The narrative of the Fourth Gospel has the ability to constitute an experience of God and
accordingly creates spirituality, once it is read or heard.
This thesis aims to generate a deeper understanding of the spirituality of the Fourth Gospel at one
level, and to offer an acceptable general insight about the Johannine Spirituality at another, hoping
that its findings become an inspiration for future studies. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Christian spirituality)
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Moaning like a dove : Isaiah's dove texts as the background to the dove in Mark 1:10Chamberlain, Peter January 2016 (has links)
There is no consensus regarding the interpretation of the "Spirit like a dove" comparison in Jesus' baptism (Mk 1:10). Although scholars have proposed at least fifty different interpretations of the dove comparison, no study appears to have considered Isaiah's three dove texts as the background for the Markan dove (cf. Is 38:14; 59:11; 60:8). This neglect is surprising considering the abundance of Isaianic allusions in Mark's Prologue (Mk 1:1-15), and the growing awareness that Isaiah is the hermeneutical key for both the Markan Prologue and Jesus' baptism within it. Indeed, Mark connects the dove image inseparably to the Spirit's "descent" from heaven, which alludes to Yahweh's descent in a New Exodus deliverance in Isaiah 63:19 [MT]. Furthermore, each Isaianic dove text uses the same simile, "like a dove" or "like doves," which appears in Mark 1:10, and shares the theme of lament and restoration which fits the context of Mark's baptism account. This study therefore argues that the dove image in Mark 1:10 is a symbol which evokes metonymically Isaiah's three dove texts. So the Spirit is "like a dove" not because any quality of the Spirit resembles that of a dove, but because the dove recalls the Isaianic theme of lament and restoration associated with doves in this Scriptural tradition. After discussing the Markan dove in terms of simile, symbol, and metonymy, the study examines the Isaianic dove texts in the MT and LXX and argues that they form a single motif. Next, later Jewish references to the Isaianic dove texts are considered, while an Appendix examines further dove references in Jewish and Greco-Roman literature. Finally, the study argues that the Markan dove coheres in function with the Isaianic dove motif and symbolizes the Spirit's effect upon and through Jesus by evoking metonymically the Isaianic dove texts.
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Das schriftgemässe Evangelium des Paulus nach dem Zeugnis des Römerbriefes: Funktionalität und Legitimität des Schriftgebrauches = Paul's gospel according to Scripture: Paul's use of the Old Testament in his letter to the Romans : the function and legitimacy of Paul's use of ScriptureLindorfer, Marco 10 1900 (has links)
In the presentation of his Gospel in his letter to the Romans Paul often quotes from the Old
Testament. This indicates the functional significance of the OT as the foundation of Paul´s
argumentation. However, is Paul´s use of Scripture legitimate? Does Paul change and
misinterpret Scripture to fit his own ends? If Paul´s argumentation with Scripture follows
contemporary, legitimate early Jewish methods of interpretation, then he could be cleared of
the charge of manipulatively changing and interpreting Scripture. This thesis examines the
textual basis of these quotations, the interpretive methods employed and the function of
such quotations for Paul´s argumentation. The results suggest that Paul has not
manipulated the textual basis. He employs the interpretive techniques of early Judaism and
refers to Scripture mainly to affirm his presentation of the Gospel. A final section raises the
issue what contemporary Biblical studies might learn from Paul´s use of Scripture. / Biblical & Ancient Studies / M.Th.(New Testament)
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`n Sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering tot die eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoonlikheid van Jesus soos gevind in die JohannesevangelieKaiser, Elizabeth Hendrica 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study deals with the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John and follows the social-scientific approach and aims to correct the traditional views regarding the personality of Jesus. The aim is not a personality analysis but to situate Jesus as a typical person who was a part of and functioned in the first Mediterranean world.
The pivotal values of the ancient world such as honor/shame; collectivistic/dyadic personality; family and group orientation; kinship; the patronage system with the patron/broker/client relationship and the purity system are applied to reach the aim of my thesis. It is found that Jesus was a collectivistic/dyadic personality. He functioned in this family orientated as well as in a group orientated community and socially structured patronage system as a broker, totally the contrary to contemporary personality drawings of Jesus found in modern literature. / In hierdie studie, wat 'n skripsie van beperkte omvang is, word nie gepoog om 'n
persoonlikheidsanalise van Jesus te doen nie. Die studie wil die probleem van die
toepassings en interpretasies van Jesus in populere literatuur aanspreek. Jesus word deur
moderne mense en teoloe in prentjies en idees van 'n moderne mens met moderne
kategoriee, denke en perspektiewe, waardes en oordele beskryf, geteken en geinterpreteer,
en dit is nie 'n werklike getroue en realistiese weergawe van Jesus as historiese mens nie.
Jesus word in populere literatuur as 'n individualis geteken; sy persoon en emosies word
alleenlik in moderne denke en kategoriee geinterpreteer en dit word slegs op grond van
moderne individuele ervaring gedoen. Hierdie interpretasies is nie tipies van die
kollektiwistiese, groep-georienteerde eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoon nie. Afsydigheid
en terughoudendheid (4:9, 10; 13:36-38) is kenmerkend van persone in hierdie samelewing
waar warmte in verhoudings ontbreek het (2:16; 9:16)'. Emosies soos 'liefde' wat Jesus
toon, is nie 'n emosionele konnotasie wat in die moderne samelewing dui op die
gevoelslewe van die mens nie. In hierdie antieke samelewing het 'liefde' gedui op
lojaliteit, solidariteit en groepgebondenheid en as Jesus die blinde man sy sig teruggee
(9:7), herstel hy nie hier die geneesde man se plek as individu in terme van die moderne
samelewing nie, maar hy herstel die sieke in sy regmatige, groep-georienteerde sosiale
plek in die antieke samelewing waarin hy - weens sy siekte - as 'buitestaander' geetiketteer
is en dus geen deel in die groep gehad het nie.
In hierdie antieke eerste-eeuse mediterreense samelewing het ander spilpuntwaardes as in
ons moderne samelewing gegeld. In hierdie kollektiwistiese en groepgebonde kultuur het
persone gedeel in 'n gemeenskap met die spilpuntwaardes, norme en ingestelde sosiale
reels van hierdie spesifieke kultuur en aspekte wat vormend op hulle ingewerk het. Jesus
se persoon en optrede moet nagevors word in hierdie sosiale sisteem waar mag deur simbole daargestel is, en waar mense, dinge en gebeure elkeen 'n simboliese werklikheid
verteenwoordig het. / New Testament / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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Babel, babble, and Babylon : reading Genesis 11:1-9 as mythOosthuizen, Neil T. 25 August 2009 (has links)
The story of the Tower of Babel (Gen 11: 1-9) has been interpreted in various ways down through the centuries. However, most commentators have ignored the genre of the text, and have not sought to interpret it within its mythological framework - therefore most interpretations are nothing short of babble. A working text is ascertained, and the complexity of the text investigated. The text is then identified as 'myth': within its mythological framework the tower is seen as a temple linking heaven and earth, ensuring the continuation of the royal dynasty (i e 'making a name'). When used by the Yahwist Levites during the Babylonian Exile, our story was inserted in the great Pre-History as polemic against the Babylonian concept of creation, temple, and dynasty; and served
as both a warning and an encouragement to the Exiles. The post-exilic Priestly Writer re-interpreted our story as a warning to the returning exiles that their society, and their temple, should be reconstructed as YHWH determines.
Interpreting the story as myth enables it, finally, to speak clearly into our context today, especially that of South Africa. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)
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Einfluss des Weltbildes auf die Interpretation Biblischer Texte Untersucht am Beispiel von Predigten von Johannes ChrysostomusBrütsch, Martin Ulrich 31 October 2002 (has links)
Text in German / This thesis gives a short overview abont the anthropological term worldview and
discusses various views of it. A historic resume of the situation of the metropolis
Antiochia in Syria in the 4th century AD is followed by an analysis of some important
aspects of the worldview of its inhabitants. A short account of the life and work of John
Chrysostom is given and followed by an analysis of four of his homilies of the Gospel of
Matthew. These are compared with own exegetical points of view of the same texts. The
focus is directed to some topics where the influence of worfdview makes itself felt. In the
last chapter some observations in connection with the influence of worldview on biblical
interpretation ensue. The thesis closes with a short discussion of some missiological and
hermeneutical consequences / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)
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Light used as metaphor in the prologue of the Fourth Gospel: the influence of this metaphor on the Maronite 'Prayer of the Faithful'Albalaa, Pierre 30 November 2007 (has links)
In this dissertation, the affinities between the Prologue of the Fourth Gospel and the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful especially the use of light metaphor are examined and new hypothetic proposals are suggested: the former has influenced the latter; both of them might have shared the same milieu or have been influenced by an existent Antiochene liturgical hymn. These proposals are discussed according to reflections on the Fourth Gospel, the Antiochene Syriac Maronite Church, the light metaphor, the work done on the Prologue from a socio-rhetorical perspective and the study conducted on the first English edition of the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful. / New Testament / M.Th. (New Testament)
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Bibelauslegung im Spannungsfeld von Methodenvielfalt und Eindeutigkeitsbestreben - Dargestellt, Untersucht und Gewertet unter Zuhilfenahme der Wirkungsgeschichte von Lukas 10,25-37 = Bible interpretation between methodological pluralityand the clarity of the text - described, examined and assessed with reference to the history of interpretation of Luke 10:25-37 / Bible interpretation between methodological plurality and the clarity of the text - described, examined and assessed with reference to the history of nthe interpretation of Luke 10:25-37Klotz, Monika 30 November 2007 (has links)
Text in German / Taking the plurality of methods in Biblical studies as starting point this dissertation shows a
way to coherent interpretation message.
An analysis of the current state and its long history identifies characteristics preventing
clear interpretation results as well as ways to work out coherent interpretation messages. It is
accompanied by five interpretations of Luke 10:25-37. An interdisciplinary excursus examines
the legal interpretation with its claim of clarity.
Three levels of interpretation are considered as essential for an adequate process of interpretation:
1. Clarification of the literal meaning on the basis of a historical exegesis. The author
calls for the interdisciplinary cooperation of the methods and introduces a synthesis
of methods.
2. Consideration of the reception history of texts. Special attention is given to the authority
of interpretation in the Roman Catholic Church. The author regards "interpretive
communities" as an alternative option.
3. The Holy Spirit's influence on the process of interpretation. Also in post-modern
times interpreters need to "inhabit" the biblical texts. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M.Th. (New Testament)
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Die monargale tydvak in die geskiedenis van IsraelTheron, Jacques 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie verhandeling dek oor die algemeen die groter geheel van die Monargale
Tydvak in die geskiedenis van Israel en Juda. Daar word egter meer spesifiek gefokus
op die koningskap van Josia, `n merkwaardige koning van Juda, en sy godsdienstige
hervormings wat van stapel gestuur is na aanleiding van die vonds van die wetboek in
die Tempel. Die verhaal van Josia word geskets teen die agtergrond van die politieke
klimaat in die antieke Nabye Ooste voor- en tydens sy koningskap. Aandag word dus
gegee aan ander nasies en die invloed wat hulle op Juda gehad het. Daar word ook
gekyk na daardie profete wat moontlik `n invloed op Josia kon gehad het, hetsy
profete wat aktief was tydens sy koningskap of in die jare onmiddellik daarvoor.
Laastens word ook na die Deuteronomistiese Geskiedenis gekyk ten einde die
moontlike verband daarvan met Josia en sy hervormings te bepaal / This dissertation covers, in generaL the topic of the Monarchial Period in the history
of Israel. More specific attention is given to Josiah. a remarkable king of Judah, and
his program of religious refonn, that was set in motion with the discovery of the Book
of the Law in the Temple. The story of Josiah is told against the background of the
political climate in the ancient Near East prior to and also during Josiah's reign. Other
nations and their influence on Judah is carefully considered in this regard. Attention is
also given to those prophets that could possibly have influenced Josiah. Some of these
prophets were active during Josiah's reign and others in the years preceding his reign.
Lastly the Deuteronomistic History is considered to determine the possible links to
Josiah and his refonn program / Old Testament / M.Th. (Old Testament)
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The role(s) of the spirit-paraclete in John 16:4b-15 : a socio-rhetorical investigationTuppurainen, Riku Pekka 30 November 2006 (has links)
The subject and the scope of this study are the role(s) of the Spirit-Paraclete in John 16:4b-15. The methodology applied is socio-rhetorical criticism as developed by Vernon K. Robbins.
The fourth Gospel is called the `spiritual Gospel.' Its pneumatic connotations are not only related to its presentation of Christ but also to its frequent references to the Spirit and its cognates. Jesus' Spirit-Paraclete teaching in his Farewell Discourse is a prominent example of this. Its pneumatological content is, however, problematic. This is demonstrated by the various attempts of Johannine scholars. In addition, methodologies, goals and the scope of these studies vary. It was observed that if scholars suggest a role for the Spirit-Paraclete, they usually use `either-or' language, pointing out one role while excluding other possible roles from their conclusions or merely list explicitly mentioned functions of the Spirit-Paraclete.
This study is a response to this present situation. It deals with the last two Spirit-Paraclete sayings of Jesus in his farewell address to determine the role(s) of the Spirit-Paraclete, applying the comprehensive reading model which has not been applied to this text before. The hypothesis was that if a more comprehensive methodology is applied to the narrative, a more comprehensive understanding of the text would be gained. We applied multidisciplinary socio-rhetorical criticism which takes into account narrative-rhetorical, intertextual, social-cultural, ideological and sacred aspects of the text while not neglecting contexts in which the story took place, was recorded and is interpreted. Findings were that the roles of the Spirit-Paraclete go beyond mere theological and spiritual significance to touch sociological and psychological aspects of human experience. Thus, the roles of the Spirit-Paraclete are multidimensional. These roles are also integrated with each other. Together they support and point to one
major role of the Spirit-Paraclete, which does not, however, downplay his other roles. The central role of the Spirit-Paraclete in John 16:4b-15 is to be the divine presence who forms a performing community of the disciples called the people of the Spirit. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)
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