Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grown"" "subject:"brown""
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Korunní země vzdálená a neznámá. Dolní Lužice v politice Václava IV. / Distant and unknown land of the Crown of Bohemia. Lower Lusatia in the Politics of Wenceslaus IV. of Bohemia.Dufková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Wenceslaus IV. is traditionally considered as a not very capable monarch, in contrast to his successful father, Emperor Charles IV. Not even modern historiography works are without a flattened negative view on this ruler. The aim of this work is to relativize Wenceslaus' alleged ruling inability in an example of his policy in Lands of the Bohemian Crown, namely in Lower Lusatia between years 1364-1419. The issue of the crown countries in this period has been so far in the background of Bohemian researchers' interest. Emphasis is placed on the socio- cultural background of Lusatian Margrave at the end of the 14th century and it is possible to also evaluate the position of Lower Lusatia throughout the whole Bohemian Crown. The focus of the thesis is an analysis of specific Wenceslaus' political steps, mainly based on charters research. The work is also focused on exploring the relationship between the sovereign and the Lower Lusatian nobility, cities and churches. The scope is also devoted to the contribution of John of Gorlitz and Jost of Moravia to the administration of Margrave. By analyzing the above- mentioned aspects, is possible to enrich the view of the government of Wenceslaus IV. and to relativize the traditional narrative of his inability to govern. Finally, it can prove the continuity of...
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Mise au point d'une nouvelle voie d'accès aux iminosucres C-glycosides à six et sept chaînons dérivés du D-glucopyranose et de la N-acétyl-D-glucosamine / Design of new synthetic route of six and seven membered iminosugar-C-glycosides derived from D-glucopyranose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamineFontelle, Nathalie 20 December 2013 (has links)
Les iminosucres, analogues de sucres dont l'oxygène intracyclique a été remplacé par un azote, constituent une classe importante de mimes de sucres. Introduire une chaîne alkyle sur le carbone pseudo-anomérique donne accès à une classe importante d'iminosucres, les iminosucres C-glycosides, qui peuvent être des inhibiteurs de glycosidases puissants et sélectifs.Le principal défi associé à la synthèse d'iminosucres C-glycosides est la mise au point de voies de synthèse efficaces et applicables à tous types de sucres permettant ainsi d'accéder à une grande diversité de synthons et d'accélérer la découverte de molécules d'intérêt biologique.Ce travail de thèse a consisté dans un premier temps à élaborer une synthèse efficace et convergente d'iminosucres C-glycosides à six et sept chaînons, à partir d'un précurseur commun, le 6-azido-6-désoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-D-glucopyranose. Cette nouvelle méthode implique une réaction tandem Staudinger/Aza-Wittig ainsi qu'une isomérisation de cycle d'azépanes stéréocontrolée.La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit traite de l'extension de cette méthodologie à la synthèse de nouveaux D- et L-iminosucres C-glycosides à six chainons mimes de la N-acétyle-D-glucosamine.La dernière partie de ce travail a été consacrée à la synthèse d'iminosucres-aza-couronnes, qui constituent un nouveau type de récepteur moléculaire. L'étude de leur capacité à complexer des métaux a été effectuée par des techniques de RMN ou fluorimétrie et a donné des résultats prometteurs. / Iminosugars, sugar analogs in which the endocyclic oxygen has been replaced by a nitrogen, constitute a major class of sugar mimetics. Introducing an alkyl chain at the pseudoanomeric carbon position leads to another class of important iminosugars, the iminosugars C-glycosides that can be potent and selective glycosidase inhibitors. The main challenge associated with iminosugars C-glycosides synthesis is currently the design of efficient and general routes applicable to any starting sugar and enabling introduction of structural diversity from advanced synthons to accelerate the discovery of biologically relevant molecules.The first part of this work focused on the development of an efficient and convergent synthesis of six and seven membered iminosugars C-glycosides from a common 6-azido-6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-D-glucopyranose precursor. This new methodology involves a highly diastereoselective tandem ring enlargement/alkylation and a stereocontrolled ring contraction.The second part of the thesis delt with the extension of the methodology to access six-membered D- and L-iminosugars C-glycosides derived from N-acetyl-D-glucosamine.The third part of this work was devoted to the synthesis of iminosugar-aza-crowns, which constitute a new type of molecular receptors, using the synthetic route developed in the first part. The ability of these compounds to complex metals was studied either by NMR or fluorimetric techniques and showed promising results.
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Retratos da Provedoria : os agentes fazendários do Rio Grande de São Pedro (1748-1802)Arpini, Paula Andrea Dombkowitsch January 2015 (has links)
O trabalho se propõe a fazer uma análise da Provedoria da Fazenda do Continente do Rio de Grande de São Pedro a partir de um estudo prosopográfico dos principais funcionários que compunham o órgão fazendário. O recorte temporal se fará da criação da Provedoria da Fazenda, em 1748, até a sua extinção definitiva, em 1802. A partir disso, verificamos como as práticas individuais desses oficiais régios podem revelar aspectos importantes da trama social, contribuindo para entendermos como esses sujeitos foram tecendo suas relações sociais, em constantes negociações - com as elites locais e seus subalternos - para viabilizar sua governabilidade. Nessa perspectiva, buscamos evidenciar comportamentos à margem da lei, percebendo o que era, de fato, transgressão às normas e quais práticas políticas consideradas comuns na lógica da sociedade de Antigo Regime. Dessa forma, procuramos perceber como a corrupção permitiu aos sujeitos formar cadeias informais de mando, influência e poder na Colônia Nesse sentido, encontramos na provedoria da Fazenda Real uma instituição permeada por práticas ditas ilegais, que têm sua própria lógica de existência em redes de poder, legitimadas pela monarquia corporativa em uma concepção de ilegalidade tolerada. Por fim, mediante essas biografias coletivas, buscaremos perceber suas experiências em um campo de interesses múltiplos, bem como pensar as transformações em curso no Império Ultramarino Português na segunda metade do século XVIII, com as reformulações das instituições administrativas da Fazenda. / The paper aims to make an analysis of the Provedoria da Fazenda (Crown Purveyor) of the Continent of Rio de Grande de São Pedro from a prosopographical study of different employees who formed this Treasury agency. The time frame will be from the creation of the Crown Purveyor, in 1748, until its final closure, in 1802. From this, we investigate how the individual practices of this royal officials may reveal important aspects of the social fabric, contributing to understand how these subjects were weaving their social relations, in constant negotiations – with local elites and their subalterns – to enable their governance. In this perspective, we seek to show behaviors outside the law, realizing what it was, in fact, transgression of rules and what political practices was considered common in the logic of Old Regime society. In this way, we seek to understand how corruption allowed people to form informal chains of command, influence and power in Cologne. In this sense, in the Crown Purveyor we find an institution permeated by practices considered illegal, which have their own logic of existence in networks of power, legitimized by corporate monarchy in a conception of tolerated illegality. Finally, we will seek to understand the experiences of these individuals in a field of multiple interests, as well as to think the changes taking place in the core of the Portuguese Overseas Empire in the second half of the eighteenth century, with the reformulation of the administrative institutions of Finance.
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Análise funcional de genes de Phakopsora pachyrhizi candidatos a efetores utilizando o sistema EDV / Functional analysis of Phakopsora pachyrhizi effector candidates using the EDV systemMöller, Priscilla Aguiar 29 July 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Rust fungi are obligate parasites that secrete diverse proteins during their interaction with host plants. These proteins promote parasitism by manipulating the host metabolism and interfering with its defense responses. Effector proteins can be recognized by proteins coded by plant resistance genes, in which case they are called avirulence proteins. Six loci containing genes that confer varying degrees of resistance to P. pachyrhizi (Rpp) have been reported, and several genes encoding proteins secreted by the fungus have been identified. However, effector proteins (Avr proteins) recognized by soybean Rpp proteins have not yet been identified. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify proteins secreted by P. pachyrhizi (PPUFV02) able to activate or suppress defense responses in soybean, through the functional analysis of ten candidate effector genes using the TTSS of P. savastanoi pv. glycinea 1462 (EDV system). Among the ten effectors tested in 11 soybean genotypes resistant to the mono-pustule isolate PPUFV02 of P. pachyrhizi, source of candidate genes, PHPA_RSP_71 stood out for contributing to greater disease severity in genotype PI 594538- A and lower in genotype PI 594754. The PHPA_RSP_23 effector was also interesting for additional functional studies on soybean and tobacco, since the results indicated a possible activation of defense response in soybean, in general (all genotypes), and a possible suppression of cell death in tobacco. The effector activity of these candidate genes was not confirmed by analysis of bacterial growth in soybean and tobacco (non-host plant). On the other hand, it is possible that these effects are due to an interference of the effector with the function of the TTSS, making it necessary to conduct protein secretion assays to confirm or reject these hypotheses. Overall, the genotype Williams 82 showed resistance to Psg 1462 and can be used as negative control for disease in functional analysis in soybean. It was not possible to confirm N. benthamiana as an appropriate plant for functional studies of induction/suppression of HR when using Psg 1462, since it is possible that the bacterial isolate is pathogenic to this species. The pEDV6 vector in general was stable in the Psg1462(pEDV6::PHPA_RSP) clones and did not alter the ability of the bacteria to multiply in planta, confirming the EDV as a good system for functional analysis of P. pachyrhizi candidate effector genes in soybean using TTSS of Psg 1462. The inoculation method by dipping was not suitable for functional analysis in soybean because, in general, showed highly variable results. The inoculation method by vacuum was the best suited for this purpose, since it introduced greater uniformity in the severity of symptoms observed. / Os fungos causadores de ferrugens são parasitas obrigatórios que secretam diversas proteínas durante sua interação com plantas hospedeiras. Essas proteínas promovem o parasitismo por meio da manipulação do metabolismo do hospedeiro e interferência em suas respostas de defesa. As proteínas efetoras podem ser reconhecidas pelas proteínas codificadas pelos genes de resistência da planta, sendo, neste caso, denominadas proteínas de avirulência. Seis locos contendo genes que proporcionam diferentes graus de resistência à P. pachyrhizi (Rpp) já foram relatados e vários genes que codificam proteínas secretadas por esse fungo já foram identificados. No entanto, ainda não foram identificadas as proteínas efetoras (proteínas Avr) reconhecidas pelas proteínas Rpp de soja. Desse modo o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar proteínas secretadas por P. pachyrhizi (PPUFV02), capazes de ativar ou suprimir respostas de defesa em soja, através de uma análise funcional de 10 genes candidatos a efetores, utilizando o SST3 de P. savastanoi pv. glycinea 1462 (sistema EDV). Dos dez efetores testados nos 11 genótipos de soja resistentes ao isolado monopostular de P. pachyrhizi PPUFV02, fonte dos genes candidatos, PHPA_RSP_71 se destacou por contribuir para uma maior severidade da doença no genótipo PI 594538-A e menor no genótipo PI 594754. O efetor PHPA_RSP_23 também se mostrou interessante para novos estudos funcionais em soja e tabaco, uma vez que os resultados indicaram possível ativação de resposta de defesa em soja de forma geral (em todos os genótipos) e possível supressão de morte celular em tabaco. A atividade efetora desses genes candidatos não foi confirmada pela análise de crescimento bacteriano em soja e em tabaco (planta não hospedeira). Por outro lado, há uma possibilidade de esses efeitos serem devido a uma interferência do efetor com a funcionalidade do SST3, necessitando-se de estudos de secreção da proteína para confirmar ou refutar estas hipóteses. De forma geral o genótipo Williams 82 se mostrou resistente à Psg 1462, podendo ser utilizado como controle negativo para doença nas análises funcionais. Não foi possível confirmar N. benthamiana como uma planta adequada para estudos funcionais de indução/supressão de HR ao se utilizar Psg 1462, uma vez que é possível que este isolado bacteriano seja patogênico a esta espécie. O vetor pEDV6 de forma geral apresentou estabilidade nos clones Psg1462(pEDV6::PHPA_RSP) e não alterou a capacidade de multiplicação da bactéria in planta, confirmando o EDV como um bom sistema para análise funcional de genes de P. pachyrhizi candidatos a efetores em soja, utilizando o SST3 de Psg 1462. O método de inoculação por mergulho não se mostrou adequado para as análises funcionais em soja, uma vez que apresentou de forma geral alta variabilidade nos resultados, sendo o método de inoculação a vácuo mais indicado para este fim por ter apresentado maior uniformidade na severidade dos sintomas observados.
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O processo de nucleação em ambiente savânico do cerrado / Nucleation process at savanna environment of cerradoArantes, Carolina de Silvério 18 February 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Nucleation process occurs naturally at savannic areas as of the changes promoted by scattered trees that facilitate the colonization of crown area by new individuals and species, including species typical of forest environment. This process can be influenced by several factors such as the physical characteristics of the nuclei, the species of nucleus and the response of nuclei and colonizers to fire. The aim of this study was to describe the nucleation process in savannic environment of Cerrado, from: the description of the environmental changes promoted by nuclei at crown area and the influence of these changes, as well as the physical parameters (crown area and distance from forest formation) of nuclei, in the structure and composition of the community colonizing nuclei (Chapter 1); the analysis of the influence of fire on the structure, composition, functional diversity and resilience of the community colonizing nuclei (Chapter 2); and the description of the influence of the difference in the species of nucleator in the structure, composition, functional diversity and response to fire of communities colonizing the three species of nuclei. Scattered trees at savannic environments of Cerrado act as nucleating, favoring the crown area colonization by a denser and more diverse community, especially by those species typical of forest environment. The fire alters the structure and composition of the community colonizing the nuclei, which has become less dense and more diverse than the community colonizing this environment before the fire, as well as increasing functional diversity based on richness and the occurrence of resprount among individuals colonizing the community after the fire. The larger the capacity of the nucleator, regardless of species, of generating greater shading, higher humidity and higher nutrient availability, denser and more diverse the community colonizing the nuclei will be. / A nucleação ocorre de forma natural nas áreas savânicas a partir das modificações promovidas pelos indivíduos arbóreos que facilitam a colonização do ambiente abaixo da copa por novos indivíduos e espécies, incluindo espécies típicas de ambiente florestal. Este processo pode ser influenciado por vários fatores como, as características físicas do indivíduo nucleador, a espécie nucleadora e a resposta dos indivíduos nucleadores e colonizadores ao fogo. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o processo de nucleação em ambiente savânico do Cerrado, a partir da: descrição das modificações ambientais promovidas pelos indivíduos nucleadores na área da copa e a influência destas modificações, bem como dos parâmetros físicos dos núcleos (área da copa e distância até a formação florestal), na estrutura e composição da comunidade colonizadora dos núcleos (Capítulo 1); análise da influência do fogo na estrutura, composição, diversidade funcional e resiliência da comunidade colonizadora dos núcleos (Capítulo 2); e descrição da influência da diferença das espécies nucleadoras na estrutura, composição, diversidade funcional e resposta ao fogo das comunidades colonizadoras das três espécies nucleadoras. Os indivíduos arbóreos do cerrado sentido restrito atuam como nucleadores favorecendo a colonização da área da copa por uma maior densidade e diversidade de espécies, especialmente aquelas típicas de ambiente florestal. A ocorrência de fogo altera a estrutura e composição desta comunidade colonizadora dos núcleos, que se apresenta menos densa e com maior riqueza que a comunidade colonizadora deste ambiente antes do fogo, além de aumentando a diversidade funcional baseada na riqueza e a ocorrência de rebrota entre os indivíduos que compõem a comunidade após o fogo. Quanto maior for a capacidade do indivíduo nucleador, independente da espécie, de gerar maior sombreamento, maior umidade e maior disponibilidade de nutrientes, mais densa e mais diversa será a comunidade colonizadora deste núcleo. / Doutor em Ecologia e Conservação de Recursos Naturais
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Retratos da Provedoria : os agentes fazendários do Rio Grande de São Pedro (1748-1802)Arpini, Paula Andrea Dombkowitsch January 2015 (has links)
O trabalho se propõe a fazer uma análise da Provedoria da Fazenda do Continente do Rio de Grande de São Pedro a partir de um estudo prosopográfico dos principais funcionários que compunham o órgão fazendário. O recorte temporal se fará da criação da Provedoria da Fazenda, em 1748, até a sua extinção definitiva, em 1802. A partir disso, verificamos como as práticas individuais desses oficiais régios podem revelar aspectos importantes da trama social, contribuindo para entendermos como esses sujeitos foram tecendo suas relações sociais, em constantes negociações - com as elites locais e seus subalternos - para viabilizar sua governabilidade. Nessa perspectiva, buscamos evidenciar comportamentos à margem da lei, percebendo o que era, de fato, transgressão às normas e quais práticas políticas consideradas comuns na lógica da sociedade de Antigo Regime. Dessa forma, procuramos perceber como a corrupção permitiu aos sujeitos formar cadeias informais de mando, influência e poder na Colônia Nesse sentido, encontramos na provedoria da Fazenda Real uma instituição permeada por práticas ditas ilegais, que têm sua própria lógica de existência em redes de poder, legitimadas pela monarquia corporativa em uma concepção de ilegalidade tolerada. Por fim, mediante essas biografias coletivas, buscaremos perceber suas experiências em um campo de interesses múltiplos, bem como pensar as transformações em curso no Império Ultramarino Português na segunda metade do século XVIII, com as reformulações das instituições administrativas da Fazenda. / The paper aims to make an analysis of the Provedoria da Fazenda (Crown Purveyor) of the Continent of Rio de Grande de São Pedro from a prosopographical study of different employees who formed this Treasury agency. The time frame will be from the creation of the Crown Purveyor, in 1748, until its final closure, in 1802. From this, we investigate how the individual practices of this royal officials may reveal important aspects of the social fabric, contributing to understand how these subjects were weaving their social relations, in constant negotiations – with local elites and their subalterns – to enable their governance. In this perspective, we seek to show behaviors outside the law, realizing what it was, in fact, transgression of rules and what political practices was considered common in the logic of Old Regime society. In this way, we seek to understand how corruption allowed people to form informal chains of command, influence and power in Cologne. In this sense, in the Crown Purveyor we find an institution permeated by practices considered illegal, which have their own logic of existence in networks of power, legitimized by corporate monarchy in a conception of tolerated illegality. Finally, we will seek to understand the experiences of these individuals in a field of multiple interests, as well as to think the changes taking place in the core of the Portuguese Overseas Empire in the second half of the eighteenth century, with the reformulation of the administrative institutions of Finance.
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Estudo das tensões em dente restaurado com coroa metalocerâmica e dois formatos de retentores intra-radiculares - método dos elementos finitos. / Finite element analysis of a endodontically treated teeth restored with two different types of post and core systems.Isaac José Peixoto Batinga da Rocha 06 November 2000 (has links)
O estudo comparativo da distribuição de tensões de von Mises em dente endodonticamente tratado, com dois formatos de retentores intra-radiculares, pré-fabricado cilíndrico/escalonado e fundido cônico, foi realizado pelo método dos elementos finitos em modelos tridimensionais de caninos superiores com geometria axi-simétrica e restaurados com coroas metalocerâmicas, aplicando-se uma carga oblíqua de 100N com 45 º de inclinação em relação ao seu longo eixo. Os resultados indicaram uma discreta diferença nos dois modelos (formatos) de retentores. O pino escalonado neutralizou mais as cargas no sentido corono-apical e no pino cônico ficou evidenciado o efeito de cunha. / The aim of this study was to compare the von Mises stress distribution on a human canine teeth endodontically treated and restored with two types of post and core. The analysis was made using the three dimensional Finite Element Analysis method. For the analysis was created and axy-simetric structure of the teeth, including a porcelain fused to metal crown, a cement layer, and the periodontal structures. The model was analyzed when a 100N load was applied on the surface of the crown with 45º angulation with the long axis of the teeth. The results showed that both models exhibit little difference, the stair shape post system neutralized the axial loads, and the conical shape post showed a wedge effect on the apical third of the root.
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Avaliação da infiltração marginal e da resistência à tração de coroas metálicas após abertura oclusal para terapia endodôntica: estudo in vitro / Evaluation of cast crowns microleakage and retentive strength after occlusal Access for endodontic therapy: in vitro studyRogério Issao Sonoki 20 September 2006 (has links)
Este estudo in vitro teve como objetivo determinar a infiltração marginal e resistência à remoção por tração de coroas totalmente metálicas, cimentadas com cimento de fosfato de zinco e que foram submetidas à abertura oclusal para tratamento endodôntico. Foram usados 20 dentes molares (Banco Permanente de Dentes Humanos da FOUSP). Os dentes foram fixados sobre uma base acrílica de secção circular e foram torneados configurando preparos para coroas totais com dimensões de altura e diâmetro padronizadas. Coroas metálicas em Ni Cr foram fundidas através da técnica de enceramento direto e cimentadas com cimento de fosfato de zinco com carga axial de 5 Kg por 10 minutos. Os corpos de prova foram divididos em: Grupos Controle GC1 e GC2, que utilizaram os mesmos corpos de prova, e Grupo Experimental (GE). Todos os corpos de prova foram mantidos em água destilada para que não se desidratassem. Os espécimes dos grupos GC1 e GC2 foram mantidos sem nenhuma intervenção e os do grupo GE foram perfurados com broca de carbide de tungstênio, simulando uma cirurgia de acesso endodôntico. As amostras dos grupos GC2 e GE foram submetidas à ciclagem térmica de 700 ciclos entre 5º e 55º C. Em seguida foram mantidos em uma solução de azul de metileno 0,5%, ph 7,2 por 4 horas a 37º C. Foram submetidos ao ensaio mecânico de tração das coroas em uma máquina universal de ensaios Kratos SV 100, regulada para trabalhar a uma velocidade de ensaio de 0,5 mm/minuto. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística pelos testes t de Student e as infiltrações avaliadas pela correlação linear de Spearman. A análise inferencial dos resultados dos testes de tração demonstrou com um nível de significância p=0,108, entre os grupos GC1 e GC2, e p=0,502, entre os grupos GC2 e GE, não haver diferença estatisticamente significante. As médias dos valores obtidos nos testes de tração e os seus respectivos desvios padrão foram: GC1 13,96+/-4, 48, GC2 11,26+/-2,269 e GE 10,09+/-4,86 (valores em Kgf). A análise visual subjetiva da infiltração nos corpos de prova indicou que o grupo GE apresentou o maior grau de infiltração marginal com presença do corante atingindo o terço oclusal das paredes axiais (mediana dos scores 3). O grupo GC2 apresentou infiltração marginal no terço médio (mediana dos scores 2). O grupo GC1 apresentou infiltração marginal no terço cervical e médio (mediana dos scores 1). / This in vitro study had the objective to determine the marginal microleakage and the retentive strength of totally metallic crowns, cemented with zinc phosphate cement and subjected to occlusal access for endodontic treatment. 20 human molars (Banco Permanente de Dentes Humanos da FOUSP) have been used for the experiment. The teeth were fixed on a circular acrylic section base and were prepared with standardized dimensions. Metallic crowns in Ni Cr were cast with the direct waxing technique and cemented with zinc phosphate cement with vertical load of 5 kg for 10 minutes. The specimens were divided in groups: Group Control 1 (GP1), Group Control 2 (GP2) and Group Experimental (GE). All the specimens were kept on distillated water so that they wouldnt dehydrate. The specimens of the groups GC1 and GC2 were kept without any intervention and the ones of the group GE were drilled with a tungstein carbide bur, simulating an endodontic access surgery. Next, the samples of groups GC2 and GE were subjected to a thermal cycling of 700 cycles between 5º and 55º C. To verify the existence of micro infiltration, it was used the methylene blue dye test, 0,5%, ph 7,2 for 4 hours at 37ºC. The specimens were subjected to the load of tension in a universal tensile testing machine Kratos SV 100 at speed 0,5 mm/min. Statistical analyses with t tests showed no significant difference between crown retention before and after endodontic access preparation (p=0,108). The mean displacement forces were: GC1 13,96+/-4,48, GC2 11,26+/-2,269 e GE 10,09+/-4,86 (value in Kgf). With the Spearmans evaluation test the microleakage was measured. The results showed a greater median of score in GE (score 3). The GC2 and GC1 showed median scores 2 and 1 in order.
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Étude de la composition macromoléculaire du raisin et des vins : impact sur la qualité sensorielle / Study of macromolecular composition of grape and wine : impact on sensorial qualityZeng, Liming 10 December 2015 (has links)
Les tanins condensés et les pigments polymérisés sont deux grandes familles de macromolécules qui jouent des rôles importants sur la qualité organoleptique du vin rouge. Leurs structures oligo-polymériques ainsi que leurs évolutions durant le vieillissement du vin rouge sont mal connues. L’objectif de cette étude est d’approfondir notre connaissance sur leurs structures et leurs évolutions durant le vieillissement. Durant ce travail, nous avons caractérisé, pour la première fois dans le règne végétal, une nouvelle sous-famille de tanins condensés nommés : les tanins condensés couronnes, qui ont des propriétés spécifiques. Ils sont plus polaires que des tanins condensés de type B. Durant le vieillissement, les concentrations des tanins de type B diminuent alors que celles des tanins couronnes restent plutôt stables. Leurs concentrations sont plus élevées dans les vins issus de cépage Syrah que dans les vins issus de cépage Cabernet Sauvignon et Merlot. Au niveau sensoriel, une forte corrélation entre la concentration des tanins couronnes et l’intensité d’astringence ressentie par les dégustateurs a été montrée. Un premier test d’activité biologique du tétramère couronne montre une activité inhibitrice intéressante de l’agrégation du peptide β-amyloïde impliquée dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. En même temps, une nouvelle méthode de quantification des tanins condensés liés par pont éthylidène via un marqueur spécifique en utilisant une détection par fluorescence a été développée. Concernant les pigments polymérisés avec différents types de liaisons inter-flavonoïdes, leurs mécanismes de dépolymérisation chimique en milieu acide ont été clarifiés et une méthode de quantification sur un système UPLC-Q-TOF a été développée. Les pigments oligo-/polymériques contribuent plus à la couleur du vin vieux que les pigments mono-/dimériques. La concentration des structures oligo-polymériques ayant des liaisons de type A est plus stable que celle des pigments polymérisés par des liaisons de type B ou par le pont éthylidène durant le vieillissement du vin. De plus, durant nos investigations sur les pigments polymérisés, les structures de type A-F(type A)-F(n) et de type F(n)-A-F(type A) ainsi que les formes acétylées d’anthocyane trimère et les formes acétylées des anthocyanes dimères liées par pont éthylidène ont été montrées pour la première fois. / Condensed tannins and polymeric pigments are two families of macromolecules which play important roles on the organoleptic quality of red wine. Their oligo-polymeric structures and their evolutions during red wine aging are poorly known. The objective of this study is to deepen our knowledge of their structures and their evolutions during red wine aging. During our work, we characterized, for the first time in plant kingdom, a new family of condensed tannins named : crown condensed tannins, which have specific properties. They are more polar than B-type tannins. During red wine aging, the concentration of B-type tannins decreased while the crown tannins remained stable. Their concentrations are higher in Syrah wines than in wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes. From a sensory point of view, a strong correlation between the concentration of crown tannins and the intensity of astringency rated by the tasters was obtained. The first biologic activity assay of the crown tetramer showed an interesting inhibitory activity on aggregation of β-amyloid peptide involved in Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, a new quantification method of ethylidene bridge linked condensed tannins via a specific marker using fluorescence detection has been developed. Concerning polymeric pigments with different types of inter-flavonoids linkages, their acidic depolymerization mechanisms have been clarified for the first time and a quantification method using a UPLC-Q-TOF system has been developed. Oligo-/polymeric pigments contributed more to the color of old wine than mono-/dimeric pigments. The concentration of the pigmented oligo-polymers with A type linkages is more stable than that of polymeric pigments by B-type linkages or by ethylidene bridge during red wine aging. In addition, during our study of polymeric pigments, A-F(A type)-F(n) and F(n)-A-F(A type) structures as well as the acetylated form of trimeric anthocyanin and acetylated forms of dimeric anthocyanin linked by ethylidene bridge have been shown for the first time.
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Characterisation and performance of fibre-reinforced composite restorationsAl-Haddad, Ala'A. January 2015 (has links)
In the modern era of metal-free minimally-invasive dentistry, there is a growing tendency toward using metal-free restorative alternatives that provide not only excellent aesthetics but also enable superior durability. Fibre-reinforced composite (FRC) is one cost-effective alternative that fulfils the requirements of aesthetics and durability, and offers favourable physico-mechanical properties. Many FRC applications are well-documented in the literature, such as crowns and fixed partial dentures (FPD); however, their clinical implementation is still limited, owing to the lack of significant knowledge about their longevity, deterioration signs, optimum design and overall performance. This in-vitro research aimed to address these uncertainties by investigating the performance of FRC restorations, and the influence of fibre reinforcement on particular physcio-mechanical properties, including surface hardness, edge-strength, shear bond strength, fatigue and wear resistance. Basic testing models were used to investigate the effect of incorporating differently-oriented FRCs on the surface hardness, edge-strength and shear bond strength of particulate-reinforced composite (PRC). The results revealed that the incorporation of FRC significantly enhanced surface hardness (by 12 - 19 %) and edge-strength (by 27 -75 %). However, this incorporation significantly reduced the shear bond strength (SBS) between PRC and other restorative materials, including lithium disilicate ceramic (10.9±3.1 MPa) and Co-Cr metal alloy (12.8±2.3 MPa), compared to the control (15.2±3.6 MPa, 15.0±3.7 MPa). The orientation of FRC was also found to affect the efficiency of reinforcement as bidirectional FRCs exhibited significantly higher hardness (76.8±1.2 VHN), edge-strength (67.7±8.2 N) and SBS (14.1±3.9 MPa) values than unidirectional FRCs (72.4±1.2 VHN, 56.8±5.9 N, 9.8±2.3 MPa).Clinically-relevant testing models, employing accelerated aging techniques, were performed to investigate the fatigue and wear behaviours of anatomically-shaped FRC restorations in-vitro. Direct inlay-retained FRC-FPDs with two framework designs, were tested for their fatigue behaviour and load-bearing capacity. Type-I design (with an additional bidirectional FRC layer incorporated perpendicular to the loading direction) yielded significantly higher fatigue resistance (1144.0±270.9 N) and load-bearing capacity (1598.6±361.8) than Type-II design (with a woven FRC embedded around the pontic core) (716.6±72.1 N, 1125.8±278.2 N, respectively). However, Type-19II design exhibited fewer delamination failures. Both framework design and dynamic fatigue were found to have a significant influence (p < 0.05) on the load-bearing capacity of FRC-FPDs. Additionally, the in-vitro fatigue and wear behaviours of FRC crowns, fabricated conventionally from bidirectional FRC and indirect PRC (Sinfony), were compared with those made of two CAD/CAM alternatives, namely Lava Zirconia (LZ) and Lava Ultimate (LU). A chewing simulator was employed to induce some fatigue wear in crowns, while an intraoral 3D scanner was used to quantify the resultant morphological changes. The results showed that FRC crowns had significantly lower mean cumulative wear (233.9±100.4 μm) than LU crowns (348.2±52.0 μm), but higher than LZ crowns (16.4±1.5 μm). The mean load bearing-capacity after fatigue simulation was also the highest for LZ crowns (1997.8±260.2 N) compared with FRC (1386.5±258.4 N) and LU crowns (756.5±290.9 N).Accordingly, the incorporation of FRC in resin-composite restorations is advocated since it increases surface hardness and marginal integrity, improves fatigue and wear behaviours, and enhances load-bearing capacity and overall performance.
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