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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eletrodo íon-seletivo de pasta de carbono para determinação de cobre baseado em um novo Lariat-éter coroa

CAMPOS, Rômulo Augusto Lins de 16 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by (lucia.rodrigues@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-16T13:10:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Romulo Augusto Lins de Campos.pdf: 5930168 bytes, checksum: 7553330ff526456aa81970434c7c3475 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-16T13:10:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Romulo Augusto Lins de Campos.pdf: 5930168 bytes, checksum: 7553330ff526456aa81970434c7c3475 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Potentiometric sensors are known for their high sensitivity and selectivity. Such sensors have versatility, low cost and robustness, which ensures their applicability in a wide variety of complex chemical samples. The ion-selective electrodes for polymeric membrane are the best known potentiometric sensors, has by these traits. However, modified carbon paste electrodes have gained prominence due a great advance in their studies. This paper proposes an electrode chemically modified carbon paste for potentiometric determination of copper (II), using a new ionophore lariat-crown ether synthesized from precursor aminopropyl triethoxysilane is a silylating agent known in the literature. Studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of pH on the potential, the best buffer as supporting electrolyte, and the experimental design of mixtures to obtain the best composition of EQMPC. The proposed electrode showed a sensitivity of 38.5 mV/decade of activity with a detection limit of 2.04 x 10-5 mol L-1, and as a supporting electrolyte buffer biftalate/HCl pH = 3.0 proving to be promising for application in the determination of Cu(II). The electrode showed no significant analytical sensitivity to Co(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) being these their main interferences. / Sensores potenciométricos são conhecidos por sua alta sensibilidade e seletividade. Tais sensores apresentam versatilidade, baixo custo e robustez, o que garante a esses sensores aplicabilidade em uma grande variedade de amostras químicas complexas. Os eletrodos íon-seletivos de membrana polimérica são os sensores potenciométricos mais conhecidos, por possuirem essas características. Contudo, os eletrodos modificados de pasta de carbono têm ganhado forte destaque devido ao avanço em seus estudos. Neste trabalho é proposto um eletrodo quimicamente modificado de pasta de carbono para determinação potenciométrica de cobre (II), utilizando um novo ionóforo lariat-éter coroa sintetizado a partir de precursor aminopropil trietoxisilano que é um agente sililante conhecido na literatura. Foram realizados estudos para avaliar a influência do pH sobre o potencial, o melhor tampão como eletrólito de suporte, além do planejamento experimental de misturas para se obter a melhor composição do EQMPC. O eletrodo proposto apresentou uma sensibilidade de 38,5mV/década de atividade com limite de detecção de 2,04 x 10-5 mol L-1, tendo como eletrólito de suporte um solução-tampão biftalato/HCl pH = 3,0 demonstrando ser promissor para aplicação na determinação de íons Cu(II). O eletrodo não apresentou sensibilidade analítica significativa aos íons Co(II), Ni(II) e Zn(II) sendo esses seus principais interferentes.

La Casa de la Moneda de Barcelona. Els col•legis d’obrers i de moneders de la Corona d’Aragó

Estrada Rius, Albert 26 October 2012 (has links)
La tesi analitza la constitució i el desenvolupament orgànic i funcional de la Casa de la Moneda de Barcelona. La cronologia de l’estudi abasta des del segle XIII, en el qual es conforma la corporació, fins a la seva dissolució arran del Decret de la Nova Planta (1716). S’incideix, sobretot, en el paper de paradigma o model de la seca barcelonina per a altres establiments monetaris de la Corona d’Aragó –València, Mallorca, Esglésies, Càller i Perpinyà–, tant des del punt de vista organitzatiu com des del punt de vista tecnològic. Amb aquesta finalitat, es ressegueixen les relacions mútues d’aquests establiments, els trasllats de personal i les seves conseqüències jurídiques i orgàniques. L’estudi enfoca, des d’una perspectiva institucional, la realitat de la casa de la moneda en dos grans àmbits. El primer és el coneixement intern del dia a dia de la fabricació de la moneda projectada, especialment en dos organismes en cooperació simbiòtica, encara que autònoms per la seva pròpia naturalesa i missió. Es tracta, d’una banda, del Col•legi d’Obrers i de Moneders, la corporació en la qual s’emparava el personal implicat en la tasca monetària –amb el seu Capítol i la seva Cort de justícia–, i, d’altra banda, de la Casa de la Moneda o establiment monetari pròpiament dit, el taller monetari en el qual es verificava l’encunyació del numerari. El segon àmbit d’estudi és la incardinació de la seca amb les administracions reial i municipal, atès que, en diferent grau, depenia d’ambdues a nivell polític i administratiu. En tots els diferents àmbits s’analitza el personal implicat, les seves funcions, la seva organització i els processos de treball dins l’entramat orgànic. / "The Royal Mint of Barcelona. The guilds of minters of the Crown of Aragon" Summary: This research analyzes the formation and organizational and functional development of the Royal Mint of Barcelona. The chronology of the study covers from the 13th century, in which the corporation is formed, until its dissolution following the Decree of Nova Planta (1716). It particularly focuses on the role of model, or paradigm, of the Royal Mint of Barcelona for the mints elsewhere in the Crown of Aragon –Valencia, Mallorca, Vila Chiesa, Cagliari and Perpignan–, both from an organizational and from a technological point of view. For this purpose, the study focuses on the mutual relations of these mints, the transfer of personnel between them and the corresponding legal and organizational consequences. The study approaches, from an institutional perspective, the reality of the mint in two main areas. The first is the internal knowledge of the day-to-day production of coins, focusing especially in the symbiotic cooperation of two different bodies, although autonomous in nature and mission. These bodies are, on the one hand, the Guild or College of Minters, a corporation for the personnel involved in the manufacturing of coins –with its Chapter and its Court of Justice– and, on the other hand, the Mint, that is, the establishment in which the minting of coinage is verified. The second area of study is the incardination of the Royal Mint in the municipal and royal governments, since, in a varying degree, it depended on both of them from a policital and administrative point of view. In all the different areas considered the personnel involved, their functions, their organization and the work processes within the organizational framework are analyzed.


陳賜寬, Chen,Syh-kwan Unknown Date (has links)
都市更新是維持都市品質提昇機能與促進都市合理發展的重要方式,也是台灣都市發展的重要方向,為維持都市持續的生命力透過都市更新的拆除重建,就地整建及保存維護等方法,促使都市土地重新有效利用,避免低度使用、誤用或濫用,解決隨著都市化所帶來的問題,如交通擁擠、公共設施不足及空氣污染等都市內部不經濟現象,以改善居住環境及復甦都市機能。 然而政府人力、財力上有所限制,乃鼓勵私部門參與投資更新事業,提供許多獎勵措施,以增加開發業者投入意願,其中被學界及業界視為最有效的措施是建築容積獎勵。 我國土地使用規劃管制制度,分為都市計畫土地及非都市土地兩大體系,以往土地使用規劃及變更係由政府部門主導;近年來,由於經濟發展及都市快速擴展,導致民間對於土地開發的需求日益殷切,因此,現行我國土地使用變更機制,已由以往只有政府部門主導規劃方得變更,漸進為民間亦可提出變更申請。 現行都市更新之獎勵措施:建築容積獎勵、建築容積移轉、稅捐減免等等;回饋係指對於土地變更行為依外部成本內部化理念要求之變更負擔義務,以及依漲價歸公理念要求之變更增值利益回饋。回饋項目包括土地、代金、計畫道路用地、開闢計畫道路、興建公園廣場、樓地板面積等。 本研究個案為中泰賓館,係台北市著名之觀光旅館,目前歇業中,中泰賓館是歷史悠久的五星級國際觀光飯店,因年代久遠,整體土地開發利用度低,閒置土地面積龐大,在綜合考量經營環境市場變化等因素,將以開發閒置土地並充分發揮土地使用效益,調整產業經濟結構與多元化發展商機,重新開創中泰賓館的經營新風貌,提升整體經營效益,目前配合政府將基地變更為金融服務專用區,提供金融區相關之服務性設施與空間。 本案基地是敦化南北路特定專用區的一部分,位於敦北民生金融專用區南京東路金融商圈交接處也是敦化南北路特定專用區內,目前可善加利用的大面積未開發土地,若能妥善規劃提供金融特定專用區欠缺的相關服務性設施與空間,將可以提供良好的活動環境,並提升金融特定專用區功能。 基於本案土地未充分有效使用沒有地盡其利,影響經濟效益,乃透過都市計畫變更程序,重新定位為金融服務專用區,達成「人性化之計劃與建設」、「永續化之利用經營與發展」;一方面可充分發揮土地應有效益,另一方面可藉此突破中泰賓館受限於舊有建築硬體瓶頸,再次開發為國內最頂級國際觀光旅館,完成中泰的歷史性新任務。 本案開發,將產生政府、社會大眾與開發業者三個部分的計畫效益,而回饋項目包括土地、代金、計畫道路用地、開闢計畫道路、興建公園廣場、樓地板面積等,實際整個都市變更開發案所付出之代價高達2,127,336(千元),開發業者所承擔似乎太過沉重,風險與利潤實應需詳加考量,求取平衡。 都市更新,必須提升地區環境品質,使更新後的地區環境,能讓居民更安心、環境更有魅力、地區更有活力、居民更有互動的未來像(future vision ),所以更新地區之規劃基準,必須擬定合理的回饋方案,兼顧社會公平原則,並保障開發業者權益,建立協商機制與注意回饋時點,降低各個開發案所存在之差異性,容積獎勵不可缺乏原則,才能確保環境品質。 關鍵字:都市更新、獎勵措施、回饋項目、中泰賓館、金融服務專用區 Urban Renewal、Reward Measures、Feedback Item、Mandarina Crown Hotel、 Financial Service Special Zone

Evaluation der Abzugskräfte von implantatgetragenen Kronengerüsten auf Zirkoniumdioxidbasis in Abhängigkeit von der Abutmentgeometrie und Zementierungsart / Evaluation of detachment forces of implant-based crown frames on a zirconium dioxide basis as a function of abutment geometry and manner of cementation

Kloß, Janine Lydia 07 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Propriétés supramoléculaires des cations diimidazolium disubstitués : des complexes d’inclusion en solution aux interactions à l’état cristallin et cristal liquide

Noujeim, Nadim 08 1900 (has links)
Les sels d’imidazolium ont un rôle important dans certaines protéines et acides nucléiques et ont été utilisés à de nombreuses reprises dans des assemblages supramoléculaires en raison de leurs propriétés uniques. Les sels de diimidazolium dérivés sont toutefois moins connus. Ils ont pour l’instant uniquement été utilisés comme des précurseurs de carbènes N-hétérocycliques. Ils sont donc à la base de plusieurs catalyseurs utilisés pour des réactions de couplage croisés mais leurs propriétés sont toutefois méconnues dans le cadre de la chimie supramoléculaire. Cette classe de composés a nottament attiré notre attention en raison de la facilité de modification de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques par modification de leur structure chimique. L’objectif général des travaux présentés dans cette thèse est l’étude des propriétés supramoléculaires des sels de diimidazolium disubstitués en solution (aqueuse ou organique), ainsi qu’en phase solide ou cristal-liquide. L’influence de l’espaceur entre les deux noyaux imidazolium ainsi que l’influence des substituants latéraux et des contre-ions a été étudiée. Dans un premier temps, les propriétés de complexation des sels de diimidazolium à des macrocycles sont étudiées. Les sels bromure sont étudiés en solution aqueuse avec plusieurs cyclodextrines et le cucurbit[7]uril, et les sels hexafluorophosphate sont étudiés en solution organique pour leur complexation avec l’éther couronne DB24C8 et un calix[4]arène. Cette nouvelle classe de composés a montré de très bonnes propriétés de complexation à ces différents macrocycles en solution et a également permis de contrôler différents assemblages supramoléculaires à l’interface air-eau. Dans un deuxième temps, l’étude des sels de phénylènediimidazolium a permis de modifier les propriétés de complexation en solution pour obtenir la formation de complexes multiples avec le cucurbit[7]util en solution aqueuse. Cette même famille de composés a également permis la formation de cristaux liquides ioniques lorsque les substituants sont des chaînes alkyles plus longues. La résolution de plusieurs structures cristallines de différents sels de diimidazolium a finalement permis de comprendre la nature des interactions intermoléculaires à l’état cristallin. La recherche présentée dans cette thèse a donc permis une étude détaillée des propriétés supramoléculaires des sels de diimidazolium dans tous les états de la matière qui leur sont accessibles. / Imidazolium salts play an important role in different proteins and nucleic acids and have been used many times in supramolecular assemblies due to their unique properties. Diimidazolium salts derived from imidazolium salts are less known. To date, they have only been used as precursors for N-heterocyclic carbenes, which are used to catalyze various cross-coupling reactions. Their properties are not well known in supramolecular chemistry. This class of compounds attracted our attention because of the ease of tuning their properties by modifying their chemical structure. The main goal of the research presented in this thesis was to study the supramolecular properties of disubstituted diimidazolium salts in solution (aqueous or organic solution), in the solid state and in the liquid-crystalline state. The role of the spacer between the two imidazolium moieties, of the sidechains and of the counterions was studied. Firstly, the complexation between diimidazolium salts and various macrocycles was studied. Bromide salts were studied in aqueous solution with cyclodextrins and cucurbit[7]uril, while hexafluorophosphate salts were studied in organic solution with a DB24C8 crown ether and a calix[4]arene. This novel class of compounds showed very promising complexation properties with these macrocycles in solution and also allowed us to control the formation of various supramolecular assemblies at the air-water interface. Secondly, phenylenediimidazolium salts were studied and allowed the modification of the complexation properties in aqueous solution. Multiple complexes can be formed simultaneously with cucurbit[7]uril in aqueous solution. The same class of compounds also has the ability to yield ionic liquid crystals when the alkyl sidechains are long. The resolution of the crystalline structures of some synthesized diimidazolium salts allowed us to understand the nature of the intermolecular interactions in the solid state. The research presented in this thesis is a complete study of the supramolecular properties of diimidazolium salts in every accessible state of matter.

Utveckling av biotopdatabas och tillämpning av landskapsekologisk analys i Huddinge kommun

Bovin, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
På grund av ökad urbanisering och exploatering av grönområden i stadsnära miljöer fragmenteras och reduceras arters habitat vilket bland annat ligger till grund för den globalt minskade biologiska mångfalden. För att stärka och förbättra arters möjlighet till spridning i landskapet, och därmed säkra en hög biologisk mångfald, efterfrågas insamling av data och utveckling av nya metoder för att identifiera ekologiska kärnområden och för att analysera habitatnätverk. Syftet med den här studien är därför att 1) kartera och sammanställa biotoper i en biotopdatabas utifrån tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri, 2) undersöka olika metoder att samla in data med hjälp av laser- och höjddata, och 3) att tillämpa landskapsekologisk analys på underlag i biotopkarteringen. Resultatet validerar att tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri är en utmärkt källa för att kartera biotoper som medför en tolkningsnoggrannhet på 86 %. Valideringen av kateringen genomfördes med fältkontroller som utvärderades i felmatriser. En metod har även undersökts baserat på tidigare studier för att uppskatta busk- och krontäckning med hjälp av laserdata, men eftersom det saknas validering av resultatet bör den användas som en indikator för att visuellt uppskatta busk- och krontäckning i dagsläget. Fortsättningsvis har ett topografiskt fuktighetsindex (TWI) tillämpats med hjälp av höjddata för att uppskatta fuktighet i vegetationstäckta områden. Eftersom det saknas validering och tröskelvärden för att avgöra hur TWI ska klassificera olika fuktighetsgradienter, bör verktyget endast användas som en indikator för att visuellt uppskatta fuktighet tillsammans med tolkning av infraröda flygbilder. Om metoderna valideras med fältmätningar kan de bidra med att förbättra kvaliteten och tidseffektivisera kartering av biotoper. Biotopkarteringen fungerar som ett bra underlag vid tillämpning av landskapsekologisk analys. Med hjälp av MatrixGreen var det möjligt att modellera potentiella habitatnätverk för två olika arter inom studieområdet. På grund av en del problem med modelleringen i MatrixGreen bör resultaten beaktas med ett kritiskt angreppssätt, men kan eventuellt användas som ett underlag för framtida artinventeringar. / Due to urbanisation and exploitation of green areas in cities during the last decades, the rate of habitat fragmentation has increased, resulting in a decline in the global biodiversity. In order to strengthen the possibilities of species migration, and to secure a high biodiversity, there is an increasing demand in the collection of data and in the exploration of methods to identify ecological core areas and to analyse habitat networks at a landscape level. Therefore, this study aims to 1) map and organise biotopes in a biotope database using interpretation of colour infrared aerial photos in digital stereophotogrammetry, 2) to explore different methods using laser and elevation data in order to improve the collection of ecologically important attributes, and 3) to apply landscape ecological analysis on the collected biotope data. The results validate interpretation of colour infrared aerial photos with digital stereophotogrammetry as a key source in mapping biotopes with an overall accuracy of 86 %. A method to estimate bush and crown cover has been explored based on previous studies using laser data. It has however not been validated in this study and should therefore be used as an indicator and as support for visual estimation of bush and crown coverage using CIR aerial photo interpretation. Furthermore, a topographic wetness index (TWI) was applied using elevation data in order to estimate moisture regimes in vegetated areas. It should also be used as an indicator due to lack of verification and limitations of arranging TWI values in relation to different moisture regimes. However, if these two methods are validated using field collected data for example, they hold significant potential in improving mapping accuracies and mapping rates of different biotopes. Collected biotope data are well suited in the application of landscape ecological analysis. Using MatrixGreen, it was possible to analyse potential habitat networks of two different species within the study area. Due to some problems in the least cost path modeling in MatrixGreen, the results should be carefully assessed, but could probably be used as a background material for future species inventories.

Schalten der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit in Mikroemulsionen durch Photoisomerisierung von Solubilisaten

Bufe, Markus 22 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Mikroemulsionen sind thermodynamisch stabile, makroskopisch einphasige Mischungen aus Wasser, Öl und einem Tensid – sowie ggf. einem Cotensid –, die in drei verschiedenen Strukturen existieren: als Wasser-in-Öl- (W/O), Öl-in-Wasser- (O/W) und bikontinuierliche Mikroemulsionen mit schwammartiger Struktur. Die zwei zuletzt genannten Mikroemulsionstypen sind elektrisch leitfähig, wenn sie Ionen enthalten, wohingegen W/O-Mikroemulsionen fast nicht leitfähig sind. Demnach steigt die elektrische Leitfähigkeit stark an, wenn die Mikroemulsion von der W/O- in die bikontinuierliche Struktur übergeht. Diese Umwandlung wird als Perkolation bezeichnet und kann ausgelöst werden, indem die Zusammensetzung oder, in Systemen nahe der Perkolationsschwelle, die Temperatur verändert wird. Die entsprechende Umwandlungstemperatur im zweiten Fall wird als Perkolationstemperatur bezeichnet. Mikroemulsionen aus AOT, Isooctan und Wasser im Massenverhältnis 1 : 2,5 : 2 perkolieren bei Temperaturerhöhung. Kleine Mengen bestimmter Substanzen, die in der Mikroemulsion solubilisiert werden, beeinflussen die Perkolationstemperatur. Untersucht wurden die Solubilisate Azobenzen und Azobenzen-15-Krone-5, die photochemisch trans-cis-isomerisieren. Je höher der Gehalt an solubilisiertem Azobenzen in der Mikroemulsion ist, desto weiter steigt die Perkolationstemperatur, im untersuchten Konzentrationsbereich um fast 20 K. Azobenzen-15-Krone-5 dagegen senkt die Perkolationstemperatur mit zunehmendem Gehalt, erreicht wurden Perkolationstemperaturverschiebungen von nahezu −7 K. Unter Bestrahlung, d. h., nachdem ein Teil des Solubilisates photochemisch von der trans- in die cis-Form isomerisiert ist, perkoliert die Mikroemulsion bei niedrigeren Temperaturen als im Dunkeln. Dies gilt für beide Solubilisate, der Effekt von Azobenzen ist dabei jedoch größer als der von Azobenzen-15-Krone-5. Die größte beobachtete Perkolationstemperaturverschiebung unter Bestrahlung beträgt etwa −5 K. Wird eine Mikroemulsion mit solubilisiertem Azobenzen unterhalb ihrer Perkolationstemperatur mit langwelligem UV-Licht bestrahlt, isomerisiert das enthaltene Azobenzen. Die Perkolationstemperatur sinkt und unterschreitet die Reaktionstemperatur. Die Struktur der Mikroemulsion ändert sich von Wasser-in-Öl zu bikontinuierlich, ihre elektrische Leitfähigkeit steigt während der Bestrahlung von fast null auf etwa 1000 μS/cm. Nach dem Ausschalten des Bestrahlungslichtes läuft der beschriebene Vorgang in die umgekehrte Richtung ab und die Mikroemulsion wird wieder nichtleitend. Auf diese Weise kann der Zustand der Mikroemulsion geschaltet werden: unter Bestrahlung von fast nichtleitend auf elektrisch leitend und anschließend im Dunkeln von elektrisch leitfähig auf nahezu nicht leitfähig. Der Schaltvorgang kann bis zu zehnmal hintereinander durchgeführt werden, ohne dass die Schaltfähigkeit der Mikroemulsion nachlässt.


森岡, 昇, MORIOKA, Noboru, 近藤, 稔, KONDO, Minoru, 小木曽, 謙治, KOGISO, Kenji 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

Burning Under Young Eucalypts

Lacy, Philip Alan, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Fuels management in eucalyptus plantations is essential to minimise the impact of wildfire. Prescribed burning has the potential to reduce the fuel hazard in plantations, but is not routinely conducted due to concerns relating to tree damage. Through a series of experimental burns, the issues of tree damage are addressed and minimum tree sizes are recommended that are capable of withstanding the effects of low to moderate intensity fires. Data was collected between 2005 and 2007 over six sites, two species, and three age classes. Tree response results came from multiple measurements of over 1700 individual trees. The fuel characteristics commonly found in sub-tropical eucalypt plantations from age four to eleven are described and quantified. These fuel characteristics are related to fire behaviour and new fire behaviour models, specific to young eucalypt plantations, are presented. The fuel characteristics that most influence fire behaviour in young eucalypt plantations are fuel load, fuel height, and fuel moisture content. These characteristics can be used to predict the rate of spread of a plantation fire under benign wind conditions. A novel technique for assessing the extent of stem damage in eucalypts is developed and described. This technique enables immediate assessment of stem damage following fire; previous assessment techniques recommend waiting a considerable period of time (up to 2 years) until dead bark dropped off and fire scars were evident. This new assessment technique is likely to be suitable for post-fire assessment of any eucalypt species and will provide forest managers with the capability of deciding whether to leave a stand to ???grow-on??? or commence recovery operations. Minimum stem sizes recommended to ensure no long-term damage are between 5 ??? 8 cm DBH (diameter at breast height, i.e. 1.3m above ground level) for Eucalyptus dunnii (Dunn???s white gum) and 5 ??? 13 cm DBH for Corymbia spp. (spotted gum) depending on the quantity of fuel around the stem. Stem sizes vary between species because of the variation in bark thickness between species. This thesis provides all the necessary information to conduct prescribed burning operations in young eucalypt plantations.

Les écuyers tranchants et la découpe des aliments dans les péninsules ibérique et italienne à la fin du Moyen Age et à la Renaissance / The carvers and the task of carving the food in Spain and Italy at the end of the middle ages and at the beginning of the renaissance period

Parizot, Olivia 25 November 2016 (has links)
À la croisée de l’histoire sociale, culturelle et des techniques, ma thèse porte sur la fonction de l’écuyer tranchant, un office majeur de l’hôtel royal à qui incombait la tâche délicate de découper et servir les mets à la table du seigneur. Exercé au départ par les grands du royaume, l’office se professionnalise à la fin du Moyen Âge et au début de la Renaissance, comme l’atteste la multiplication des traités de découpe en Espagne et en Italie durant cette période. Le présent travail permet de mesurer, d'une part, les interférences textuelles entre les traités de découpe ibériques et italiens et de s'interroger, d'autre part, sur la correspondance entre les normes et la pratique. A la fin de comprendre la place occupée par l'écuyer tranchant au sein de l'hötel royal, et le rôle qu'il a pu jouer dans l'entourage du roi, un travail prosopographique a été mené durant les règnes des rois aragonais Ferdinand Ier et Alphonse le Magnanime / My thesis is at the crossroads of social, cultural and technical history. It deals with the duties of the Carver who was entrusted with a major assignment at the Royal Court: he was given the delicate task of carving the food and serving up the dishes for his Lord. This office, first performed by the royal officers, became a profession at the end of the middle ages and at the beginning of the renaissance period, as may be attested by the multiplication of treaties on carving in Spain and Italy issued at that time. The antiquity of the "arte Cisaria" (1423) led me to wonder about its influence on the Catalan and Italian treaties on carving which were the established later on. I also wondered afterwards to what extent these treaties complied with the established norms. Finally, in order to understand the place occupied by the Carver within the Royal Court, I focused my prosopographic research on the reigns of the Aragonese kings Ferdinand I, and his son Alphonse V

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