Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grown"" "subject:"brown""
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Rychlost vstupu do EMU z pohledu národohospodářských nákladů / Macro-economic costs analysis and time determination of joining European Monetary UnionZámečník, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to discover a suitable instant of time for the Czech Republic to join European Monetary Union. I am analyzing dependence between monetary policies of the Czech National Bank (CNB) and the European Central Bank (ECB) themselves as well as in relation to essential Czech macroeconomic indicators. My observation is focused on interest rate policies represented by operative interest rates, on monetary policies represented by indices of nominal effective exchange rates and on convergence monitoring. The analytical instruments I used in the thesis are correlation analyses, linear trends, the Granger causality test and the Impulse-Reaction test. Besides, my thesis examines fulfillment of the Convergence (Maastricht) criteria in the Czech Republic and other central European countries. This thesis also examines impact of the European monetary policy on some Eurozone member countries.
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Jezuité a hudební kultura v Praze v letech 1556-1623 / Jesuits and musical culture in Prague 1556-1623Kroupa, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This thesis contributes to our knowledge of the early (modern) Bohemian musical culture by tracing the musical production and activities at the Jesuit Clementinum college in Prague from its foundation in 1556 to the establishment of the autonomous Bohemian Province in 1623. This analysis draws on original Jesuit archival documents (diaria / diaries, memorial books, catalogi personarum / personnel catalogues, litterae annuae / annual letters, historiographical works of the period) and wider primary sources, which the author interprets within broader socio-cultural and historical realms. Authentic testimonies written in Latin that document musical activities in the Clementinum and the relationship of Prague Jesuits with music are included in the footnotes or in appendices. Individual chapters seek to illustrate (illustrare) and assess (recensere) the materials investigated from the following points of view: 1) institutional (Order, College, associated sodalities); 2) environmental acoustics (broader sound production within the spaces of the College and the rest of the city); 3) prosopographical (music prefects of the College and of the Marian Congregation); 4) surviving musical sources; 5) ceremonies with musical components (liturgical and paraliturgical ceremonies, graduations, congregational...
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Materiály ke zlatnictví na dvoře Karla IV.: zlatnické práce v zahraničí / Materials for Goldsmithing at the Court of Charles IV: Goldsmith Works AbroadKodišová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
common articles of daily use, the goldsmith's works had additional meanings and functions, and - - monarch's court. Its aim is to distinguish two types of the goldsmith's works associated with Charles IV: those based can be proved by signs or inscriptions found directly on the works, or by other written sources. If there's a lack of written altar at the time of Charles IV as a specific kind of goldsmith's work, whose use interconnects the and Vienna, the catalog includes a number of solitary goldsmith's works spread across European church treasuries a liquary Bust of St. Sigismund in Plock. Two women's crowns are also included, the the Środa Treasure. From the total of thirty here described goldsmith's works placed abroad,
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Untersuchungen zur einzelbaumverursachten kleinräumigen Variabilität und regenhöhenbasierten Dynamik des Bestandesniederschlages am Beispiel zweier Buchen-Fichten-MischbeständeFrischbier, Nico 19 March 2012 (has links)
Trifft herabfallender Regen auf Waldflächen, so wird dieser Niederschlag umverteilt zu Interzeption, Stammabfluss, durchfallenden und abtropfenden Niederschlag. Besonders hohe Stammablaufmengen im Kronenzentrum und markante Abtropfstellen am Kronenrand einzelner Baumarten lassen sich zudem nur erklären, wenn am jeweiligen Messplatz unter Baumkronen eine weitere Niederschlagskomponente zugelassen wird, mit der laterale Wasserbewegungen innerhalb der expliziten Einzelbaumkrone beschrieben und bilanziert werden (lateraler [Zu- oder Ab-]Fluss).
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es deshalb, der niederschlagsabhängigen und kleinräumigen Dynamik dieser Umverteilung im Wald am Beispiel der Baumarten Buche (Fagus sylvatica L.) und Fichte (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) durch Aufnahmen und Auswertungen in zwei Mischbeständen beider Baumarten nachzugehen. Wiederholende Niederschlagsaufzeichnungen einzelner Regenereignisse wurden hierzu in Relation zur jeweiligen Freilandniederschlagsmenge, zur Art der Messplatzüberschirmung im Kronendach und zur Distanz des Messplatzes zum ihn dominierenden Baum varianz- und regressionsanalytisch untersucht und um Ergebnisse aus Stammablaufanalysen und Streumodellen ergänzt.
Auf dieser Basis konnten Kausalmodelle zur Schätzung des Unterkronenniederschlages mit hoher Güte hergeleitet werden, die im Detail ein baumartspezifisches räumliches Verhalten der einzelnen Niederschlagskomponenten beim Passieren der Baumkrone belegen. Neben den Besonderheiten, die sich bei Messungen in Bestandeslücken einstellen, ergeben sich so z.B. in der Vegetationsperiode je nach Messplatzposition und Freilandniederschlagsmenge Unterschiede im Niederschlag unter beiden Baumartenkronen von bis zu 35 % des Freilandniederschlages je Einzelereignis und zwar stets zugunsten der Buchenüberschirmung. Am Stammfuss von Buchen kann darüber hinaus zusätzliches Wasser durch den Stammabfluss eingetragen werden. Hierfür notwenige Wassermengen können plausibel aus dem nachgewiesenen lateralen Wasserabfluss im inneren Kronendrittel von Buchen gedeckt werden. Über ein räumlich konkretes Interzeptionsmodell, kombiniert mit Blattflächenschätzungen für Einzelbäume konkreter Dimension, konnte ein räumliches LAI-Modell für Buchen abgeleitet werden, dass höchste LAI-Werte im Kronenzentrum annimmt.
Da der Bestandesniederschlag hinsichtlich Niederschlagsmenge, Bestockung, Belaubungszustand und zum räumlich konkreten Messplatz unter der einzelnen Baumkrone veränderlich ist, wird die gewissenhaftere Berücksichtigung dieser Einflussvariablen angeregt und der bisher häufig praktizierten pauschalen Aufteilung des Niederschlages in einzelne Niederschlagskomponenten auf Basis von Flächen- und Messphasendurchschnittswerten widersprochen. / Forests redistribute the precipitation falling on their canopy into interception, stemflow, drip or direct throughfall. Extremely high amounts of stemflow in the centre of the crown and distinct drip points along the crown edge of certain tree species can only be explained by admitting an additional precipitation component at these measurement locations that describes and captures the lateral movement of water within the individual tree crown (lateral in- or outflow).
The aim of this study was therefore to analyse these precipitation-dependent, small-scale dynamics of precipitation redistribution in forests using field-measurements from two mixed stands of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Periodic measurements of individual precipitation events were examined in relation to the respective gross precipitation, the type of canopy above a plot and the distance of a plot to its dominant sheltering canopy tree using variance and regression analysis, and complemented with stemflow analyses and litterfall models.
Using this dataset, causal models for the high-precision estimation of throughfall were derived, showing tree species-specific pathways of the individual precipitation components through the tree crown. Apart from the particularities of measurements in canopy gaps, differences in throughfall between spruce and beech during the vegetation period amount to up to 35 % of gross precipitation per event, in favour of the beech canopy and depending on plot location. At the stem base of beech trees additional water can reach the forest floor via stemflow. The amount of water required to generate this stemflow can plausibly be explained by means of the verified lateral water flow in the inner third of beech crowns. Using a spatially explicit interception model combined with LAI estimates for specific individual trees, a spatial LAI model was developed for beech, showing maximal LAI values in the crown centre.
As the net forest precipitation is sensitive with respect to precipitation amount, stand type, foliage status and the spatially explicit plot location below an individual tree crown, this study recommends the consideration of these influential factors and contradicts the commonly practiced blanket partitioning of precipitation into individual components based on spatial and temporal averages.
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Tři eseje o měnových trzích ve střední Evropě / Three Essays on Central European Foreign Exchange MarketsMoravcová, Michala January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation thesis consists of three essays on new EU foreign exchange markets (FX), i.e. the Czech koruna, Polish zloty and Hungarian forint. In the first two essays, the impact of foreign macroeconomic news announcements and central banks' monetary policy settings on the value and volatility of examined exchange rates is analyzed. In the third chapter, the conditional comovements and volatility spillovers on new EU FX markets is examined. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the existing empirical literature by providing new evidence of the examined currencies during periods, which have not been examined yet (after the Global financial crisis (GFC), during the EU debt crisis and during currency interventions in the Czech Republic). The first essay (Chapter 2) examines the impact of Eurozone/Germany and US macroeconomic news announcements and monetary policy settings of the ECB and the Fed on the value of new EU member states' currencies. It is a complex analysis of 1-minute intraday dataset performed by event study methodology (ESM). We observe different reactions of exchange rates in pair with the US dollar on the US macroeconomic announcements and Euro-expressed FX rates on Germany macro news during the EU debt crisis and after it. We also provide evidence of leaking news, showing...
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Tax implications for business rescues in South African LawDu Toit, Leo 24 July 2013 (has links)
The South African Revenue Service has in the past had difficulty in applying debt forgiveness in cases of corporate and business rescues. Taxation legislation was drafted to counter innovative section 311 schemes of arrangements where the sole purpose was to obtain maximum taxations benefits in relation to entities in financial difficulties. This approach was only concerned with the interests of the Revenue authorities. The central theme of this study focuses of the procedures now available to tax authorities and debtors alike when compromises were and are considered in South Africa in terms of income tax and company legislation. The South Africa Revenue Service’s approach the corporate rehabilitation is examined which is vital for investors, creditors and debtors alike. A comparative study with similar procedures in England is undertaken to establish how valid the procedures are in establishing a viable corporate rescue environment in South Africa in the future. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Procedural Law / unrestricted
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Kronor, kransar och diadem som rollsymboler i Rubens målningar över Maria de’ Medicis liv / Crowns, wreaths and diadems as role symbols in Rubens’s Marie de’ Medici Cycleaf Klinteberg, Kristina January 2022 (has links)
This is a study on crowns, wreaths and diadems as role symbols in Peter Paul Rubens’s 24 paintings for Marie de’Medici in Paris, 1622 – 1625. In these paintings, historic facts are shown with the addition of mythological gods and their symbols giving allegorical scenes, where sometimes also Christian symbols or subjects can be traced. A reader of these painted motifs therefore can choose to see the symbols as regal, Christian or mythological. The crown and the wreaths rarely present a challenge in modern interpretations, but the magnificent diadem does. Rubens chooses this diadem for higher goddesses, and for the queen a couple of times too. For some reason, this symbol is mostly misread in analyses. At this point in history, the crowns and the wreaths have been collected from divine spheres and turned into physical objects on earth used by the high and mighty. The large diadem has not; it is still only a symbol on a goddess. If and when put on a human in a portrait, the symbol gives the lady the abilities and characters of a goddess. Rubens uses his own design when turning this symbol into a physical picture;it is a high, pointed diadem with pearls and coloured gems set in gold. He has used it on goddesses both before and after the Medici commission. Today, we have seen numerous spectacular headpieces like this from late 18th century an onwards, wherefore it is an easy mistake to believe that Rubens copied what he saw instead of, as he actually did, foreboding a coming fashion. In addition to confirming this, I also suggest that it is the highest goddess Juno queen Marie is personifying. Juno is mostly known today as a goddess for women and childbirth. But she had far more masculine tasks in earlier days: she was seen as the saviour of the country and a special counsellor of the state. These two important roles are exactly what Marie de’ Medici took on when acting as regent for her young son, Louis XIII,after the murder of her husband, the late Henry IV. By putting Juno’s diadem on Marie’s head, when sitting on a throne, the divine abilities are manifested according to how a historic period could be transferred to the allegorical language in a painting at the time.
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The association between levels of fish consumption early in pregnancy and birth outcomes of pregnant women in Johannesburg, South AfricaAlawode, Oluwatoyin Wumi 06 1900 (has links)
Background: Neonates born with low birth weight or preterm are at an increased risk of long-term adverse health outcomes. Research studies on the association of fish consumption during pregnancy and birth outcomes, have led to inconsistent conclusions. Maternal dietary intakes during pregnancy have a significant impact on foetal development and growth. The aim of this project is to determine levels of maternal fish intake at <18 weeks during pregnancy and to determine the association with birth outcomes in pregnant women from Johannesburg, South Africa.
Methods: This Master‘s study is nested in a larger study with a longitudinal observational research design was conducted on 250 pregnant women in Johannesburg, South Africa. For this Master‘s study, data from the first 102 participants were used. Data for this study were collected early in pregnancy (<18 week‘s gestation) and at birth. The birth data were collected by the study mid-wife. Maternal fish consumption during early pregnancy was measured using a Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (QFFQ). Correlation analysis was used to examine the association between maternal fish consumption during early pregnancy and neonatal anthropometry (birth weight, crown heel length and head circumference) and gestational age at birth.
Results: Majority (88.1%) of the mothers were black South Africans between the ages of 18 and 39 with a mean age of 28 ± 5 years. At enrolment, the mean BMI of the women was 27.8±5.8kg/m2 having a mean height of 158.8±6.7cm and a mean weight of 70.4±15.2kg. Most of them were unmarried (45.4%), living in households of 2 – 5 members (86.3%), wage-earning (44.6%) and had Grade 11 or 12 schooling (58.4%). Most (76.5%) of the pregnant women consumed fish rarely (once a month) and the overall median fish intake was 4.8g/day (0; 25). In the study sample 12.5% of new-borns had a low birth weight (<2500g), the percentages of preterm births were 1.0% - extremely preterm (<28 weeks), 2.0% - very preterm (28 – <32 weeks) and 10.0% - moderate to late preterm (32 – 37 weeks). The mean birth weight was 2999.2±624.4g with boys having a mean birth weight of 3157.3±571g and girls at 2819±671g. The new-borns‘ mean gestational age at birth was 38.8±2.4weeks (271.6days). The percentage of new-born head circumference ≤ 31.49cm was 9.2% and the mean head circumference was 34.3±3.6cm with the boys having a mean head circumference of 34.5±2.4cm and the girls 34.1±4.3cm. In this study sample, 3.7% of new-borns were born with crown heel length of 31 – 40cm and the mean crown heel length mean was 49.5±4.6cm with the boys having a mean crown heel length of 49.8±4.9cm and the girls having mean crown heel length of 49.3±4.3cm. In this study, there were no statistically significant associations between fish consumption at early pregnancy and birth outcomes such as gestational age at birth (r=0.051; p=0.625), birth weight (r=-0.043; p=0.695) and crown heel length (r=0.008; p=0.943). There was a positive association between maternal fish consumption in early pregnancy and head circumference of the new-born which tended towards statistical significance (r=0.193; p=0.079).
Conclusions: In this study of pregnant women living in Johannesburg, a few women consumed fish at early pregnancy compared with women who did not consume fish during pregnancy. We found no statistically significant association in this study between fish consumption at early pregnancy and birth outcomes. / Life and Consumer Sciences / MCS (Consumer Science)
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Des œuvres d'art claquemurées pendant cent jours : l'exposition stations du centre international d'art contemporain de MontréalPressé, Suzanne 07 February 2019 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur 1 exposition Stations du Centre international d'art contemporain de Montréal. En premier lieu, j'ai analysé brièvement les conditions politiques de la naissance et la première histoire de 1'exposition d'art en tant qu'institution. Ensuite, j'ai saisi dans 1'exposition Stations un événement artistique dont les conditions de production esthétique, soit le domaine des organisateurs et des artistes, ne sauraient être isolées des intérêts politiques et économiques de ses partenaires financiers. / Montréal Trigonix inc. 2018
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Old testament texts in Malagasy contexts: an analysis of the use of the old testament in three religious contexts in MadagascarRazafindrakoto, Georges Andrianoelina 30 June 2006 (has links)
The Old Testament, which is one of the first books in the Malagasy language, plays an important role in the religious and cultural life of most people in Madagascar, for instance in an increasing tendency to use Old Testament texts in Malagasy religious contexts, which is noticeable both within and outside mainstream Christianity.
The first such case illustrating this trend within the Church is the Malagasy Roman Catholic Church's (MRCC's) application of certain texts in the famadihana (turning of the dead), a custom reflecting traditional Malagasy practices in their strongest form. Almost all the Malagasy churches from their beginning have unsuccessfully attempted to abolish it. Therefore, the MRCC decided to base it on biblical texts and incorporated it in her liturgy in order to make it a Christian celebration. Among the texts used here are: Genesis 49: 33-50: 13; Exodus 13: 19 and Exodus 20: 12. The second case is the Malagasy Lutheran Church's (MLC's) employment of Old Testament texts to create certain items for Nenilava (Tall mother), the founder of the revival movement of Ankaramalaza, who was acknowledged by this Church and the members of this movement as a prophetess and priestess. To demonstrate these roles, and at the same time to confirm her consecration, the MLC and the `children of Ankaramalaza' made for her a priestly robe modelled on the high priest's garments described in Exodus 28 and a silver crown related to Deuteronomy 28. The use of the Old Testament outside the Church is illustrated by the third case, investigating traditio-practitioners' applications of Old Testament texts in their religious practices. Examples include: 1) Exodus 3:1-3; Leviticus 14: 1-8; Jeremiah 8: 22, used in traditional healing; 2) Exodus 3: 5b; Job 33: 6a; Psalm 121: 8a, employed as religious slogans; 3) Leviticus 1-6, applied in traditional sacrifices and offerings; and 4) Psalm 113: 5-6; Genesis 2: 18, 22, employed as references for morality. This project, which describes and analyses how and why the Old Testament is used by different people, Christian and traditionalist, in Malagasy religious contexts, is aimed at developing an interpretive model based on these three cases. More specifically, it seeks to show how the Old Testament can be interpreted and used in contemporary Madagascar/Africa. / Biblical and Ancient studies / D. Th (Old Testament)
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