Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grown"" "subject:"brown""
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Les écuyers tranchants et la découpe des aliments dans les péninsules ibérique et italienne à la fin du Moyen Age et à la Renaissance / The carvers and the task of carving the food in Spain and Italy at the end of the middle ages and at the beginning of the renaissance periodParizot, Olivia 25 November 2016 (has links)
À la croisée de l’histoire sociale, culturelle et des techniques, ma thèse porte sur la fonction de l’écuyer tranchant, un office majeur de l’hôtel royal à qui incombait la tâche délicate de découper et servir les mets à la table du seigneur. Exercé au départ par les grands du royaume, l’office se professionnalise à la fin du Moyen Âge et au début de la Renaissance, comme l’atteste la multiplication des traités de découpe en Espagne et en Italie durant cette période. Le présent travail permet de mesurer, d'une part, les interférences textuelles entre les traités de découpe ibériques et italiens et de s'interroger, d'autre part, sur la correspondance entre les normes et la pratique. A la fin de comprendre la place occupée par l'écuyer tranchant au sein de l'hötel royal, et le rôle qu'il a pu jouer dans l'entourage du roi, un travail prosopographique a été mené durant les règnes des rois aragonais Ferdinand Ier et Alphonse le Magnanime / My thesis is at the crossroads of social, cultural and technical history. It deals with the duties of the Carver who was entrusted with a major assignment at the Royal Court: he was given the delicate task of carving the food and serving up the dishes for his Lord. This office, first performed by the royal officers, became a profession at the end of the middle ages and at the beginning of the renaissance period, as may be attested by the multiplication of treaties on carving in Spain and Italy issued at that time. The antiquity of the "arte Cisaria" (1423) led me to wonder about its influence on the Catalan and Italian treaties on carving which were the established later on. I also wondered afterwards to what extent these treaties complied with the established norms. Finally, in order to understand the place occupied by the Carver within the Royal Court, I focused my prosopographic research on the reigns of the Aragonese kings Ferdinand I, and his son Alphonse V
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Qualidade fisiológica das mudas na produção de frutas do morangueiro / Physiologic quality of transplants on fruit yield of the strawberry cropCocco, Carine 19 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this research was to determine plant growth and development and fruit yield of the strawberry crop from bare root and plug transplants with different crown diameters. Bare roots transplants were produced by rooting stolons and plug transplants from runner tips collected and rooted in a substrate growing bed. Three classes of crown diameters were compared, in a 2 x 3 factorial and randomized block experimental design, with four replications, 16 plants per plot and a density of 6.6 plants m-2. For bare root transplants, crown diameters were between 3.0 and 5.0 (class 1); 5.1 and 8.0 (class 2) and greater than 8.1 mm (class 3). For plug transplants, runner tips were screened between 2.0 and 3.9 (class 1); 4.0 and 5.5 (class 2) and 5.6 to 7.0 mm (class 3). Transplants of both types were planted at April 16th, 2008, and at this date, crown diameter, shoot and root dry mass and number of leaves were higher in all classes of plug transplants. Ripe fruits were harvested from June 15th to November 7th, 2008, and fresh fruit yield was determined. Plant growth and development were determined at last harvest. Higher growth, development and fruit yield were obtained in plants from plug transplants. For bare root transplants, crown diameters higher than 5.1 mm can be used while for plug transplants the crown diameter of runner tips does not affect plant growth and fruit yield. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o crescimento e o desenvolvimento da planta e a produtividade de frutas de morangueiro com o emprego de mudas de raízes nuas e de torrão com diferentes diâmetros de coroa. As mudas de raízes nuas foram produzidas pelo enraizamento dos estolões e aquelas de torrão a partir de pontas de estolões coletadas e enraizadas em leito de cultivo preenchido com substrato. Três classes de diâmetro de coroa foram comparadas, em um esquema fatorial 2 x 3, em delineamento blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, 16 plantas por parcela e densidade de 6,6 plantas m-2. Nas mudas de raízes nuas os diâmetros de coroa foram entre 3,0 e 5,0 (classe 1), 5,1 e 8,0 (classe 2) e maior do que 8,1 mm (classe 3). Naquelas de torrão, as pontas de estolão foram classificadas entre 2,0 e 3,9 (classe 1), 4,0 e 5,5 (classe 2) e 5,6 a 7,0 mm (classe 3). As mudas de ambos os tipos foram plantadas em 16 de abril de 2008 e nessa data o diâmetro da coroa, a massa seca da parte aérea e das raízes e o número de folhas foram mais elevados nas mudas com torrão. As frutas foram colhidas maduras entre 15 de junho e sete de novembro de 2008 e a produção de frutas foi determinada. Nesta data foi determinado também o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Maior crescimento, desenvolvimento e produção de frutas foram obtidos com o emprego de mudas com torrão. Com mudas de raízes nuas as classes 2 e 3 devem ser empregadas, enquanto nas mudas com torrão o diâmetro da coroa da pontas de estolão não influencia a produção de frutas.
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Rustificação de plantas jovens de Coffea arabica LNovaes, Paula 06 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-06 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Young plants of Coffea arabica grafted over C. canephora were submitted to six watering cycles (WC) during 35 days. Each WC was accomplished until net photosynthesis (PN) close to zero or leaf water potential (Ψ) close to -2.0 MPa in Acauã (AC), Mundo- Novo (MN), and Obatã (OB) cultivars. After 2 WC (about 10 days) gs dropped from 0.15 to 0.01 mol m-2 s-1 in all cultivars changing the pattern of leaf gas exchange in subsequent WC. From 3 to 6 WC the cultivars showed high oscillations of water use efficiency or substomatal CO2 concentration (Ci) besides negative PN at the end of WC. After 3 WC, gs increased faster than PN after watering and Ci increased indicating some damage in photosynthetic machinery. It happened strongly in OB, which showed progressive reduction of PN after 3 WC and the lowest values of Ψ (-2.0 MPa) at the end of 6 WC. The survivorships for cultivars were 80% till 3 WC and 70% after 6 WC. The gas exchange pattern alteration could indicate the potential hardening of AC, MN and OB cultivars. After field plantation of hardened and control (without perivous hardening) Mundo-Novo and Obatã cultivars, with 180-days-old, it was observed significant (p<0.05) greater accumulation of leaf, stem and root biomass in hardened in control plants. Stem diameter, height and the number of leaf and branch were also higher (p<0.05) in previous hardened individuals. Greater differences in crown structure and biomass between control and hardened plants were observed mainly after the first period of low water availability (210 days under field conditions). The higher leaf number and leaf area in more branched crowns could carbon assimilation and grain production. For practical proposes, 3 WC before growing under field conditions are sufficient for changing consistently the leaf gas exchange pattern in 3 cultivars studied, keeping photosynthetic machinery free of damage and high survivorship. Previous hardening proportioned less interrupted vegetative development after transplantation under field conditions in both cultivars. / Plantas jovens de Coffea arabica enxertadas sobre C. canephora foram submetidas a 6 ciclos de suspensão de rega (CR) durante 35 dias. Cada CR foi acompanhado até que a fotossíntese líquida (PN) fosse próxima de zero ou até que o potencial hídrico foliar (Ψ) fosse próximo de -2.0 MPa nos cultivares Acauã (AC), Mundo-Novo (MN) e Obatã (OB). Após 2 CR (cerca de 10 dias) os valores médios de condutância estomática (gs) diminuíram de 0,15 para 0,01 mol m-2 s-1 em todos os cultivares, mudando o padrão de trocas gasosas nos subseqüentes CR. De 3 a 6 CR os cultivares apresentaram maiores oscilações da eficiência do uso da água e da concentração substomática de CO2, além de valores negativos de PN ao final dos CR. Após 3 CR ocorreu um aumento proporcionalmente maior em gs do que em PN após rega, com um aumento correspondente de Ci, indicando possíveis danos no aparato fotossintético. Este evento ocorreu de forma mais clara em OB, o qual demonstrou redução progressiva de PN após 3 CR e os menores valores de Ψ (-2,0 MPa) ao final de 6 CR. A sobrevivência dos cultivares foi de 80% em 3 CR e 70% em 6 CR. As alterações dos padrões de trocas gasosas nos cultivares AC, MN e OB podem indicar que os exemplares foram potencialmente rustificados. Após o plantio de MN e OB rustificados e controle (sem prévia rustificação) em campo, com 180 dias de idade, foi observado no tratamento rustificado valores significativamente (p<0,05) maiores do acúmulo de biomassa e do número de componentes estruturais da copa. A rustificação prévia proporcionou maior acumulo de biomassa de folhas, de caule e de raízes que nas plantas controle em ambos os cultivares. O diâmetro do caule, a altura, o número de folhas e o número de ramos também foram significativamente maiores (p<0,05) nos indivíduos previamente rustificados. As maiores diferenças da estrutura da copa e da biomassa acumulada entre plantas controle e rustificadas foram encontradas principalmente após o primeiro período de rezudida disponibilidade hídrica (210 dias em condições de campo). O maior número de folhas e a maior área foliar em copas mais ramificadas podem proporcionar um aumento da assimilação de carbono por planta e maior produção de grãos nas plantas rustificadas. Em termos práticos, 3 CR antes do crescimento em campo são suficientes para mudar consistentemente o padrão de trocas gasosas foliares nos 3 cultivares estudados, mantendo o aparato fotossintético livre de danos e proporcionando maior sobrevivência. A prática de rustificação prévia antes do plantio deve ser adotada nos cultivares estudados, pois o custo é reduzido e o desenvolvimento vegetativo inicial é fortemente favorecido após o transplante sob condições de campo.
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Ângulo foliar e lâmina de irrigação afetam a qualidade das mudas florestais / Leaf angle and irrigation depth affect the quality of tree seedlingsSilva, Richardson Barbosa Gomes da [UNESP] 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Richardson Barbosa Gomes da Silva (richardsonunesp@gmail.com) on 2017-05-29T13:50:49Z
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Tese Richardson Barbosa Gomes da Silva.pdf: 3182502 bytes, checksum: 8fa9597a7aad6e3e72ed5c66cdde181e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-05-31T16:32:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Em muitos viveiros, a experiência pessoal dos viveiristas é o principal método utilizado para determinar quando e quanto tempo irrigar. Os viveiros produzem diversas espécies simultaneamente numa mesma área. Entre as espécies, há muita variação na arquitetura foliar, especificamente nos ângulos foliares. A falta de conhecimento sobre a lâmina adequada e como os ângulos foliares afetam a interceptação e captura da água, limitam a eficiência da irrigação e, consequentemente, a qualidade das mudas florestais. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar se o ângulo foliar das mudas de nove espécies florestais nativas e as lâminas de água aplicadas no viveiro afetam a qualidade morfológica, fisiológica e nutricional das mudas; a fração de lixiviação e a condutividade elétrica da solução lixiviada; e a qualidade morfológica das plantas após o plantio em vaso. As avaliações foram realizadas ao final do ciclo de produção de cada espécie no viveiro, através das variáveis: altura da parte aérea, diâmetro do colo, massa seca aérea, radicular e total, índice de qualidade de Dickson, área de projeção da copa, conformação do sistema radicular, potencial hídrico foliar, índice SPAD, transpiração diária, teores dos pigmentos foliares clorofila a, b, carotenoides e antocianinas, fração de lixiviação, condutividade elétrica da solução lixiviada e acúmulo nutricional. A qualidade morfológica das plantas após o plantio em vaso foi avaliada em intervalos de 30 dias, durante 120 dias, através das variáveis altura da parte aérea e diâmetro do colo. Aqui mostramos que, nas espécies com ângulos foliares maiores, a aplicação de lâminas menores resulta em mudas com maior qualidade. Nas espécies com ângulos menores, é necessária a aplicação de lâminas maiores, exceto quando a área de projeção da copa é pequena. A partir desse conhecimento, o ângulo foliar poderá começar a ser adotado entre os critérios para agrupar as espécies no viveiro, a fim de que a irrigação praticada evite o desperdício de água e fertilizantes, bem como aumente a qualidade morfológica, fisiológica e nutricional das mudas florestais. / In many nurseries, the personal experience of nurseries is the primary method used to determine when and how much time to irrigate. Nurseries produce several species simultaneously in the same area. Among the species, there is much variation in foliar architecture, specifically in the leaf angles. The lack of knowledge about the proper water depth and how the leaf angles affect the interception and capture of water, limit irrigation efficiency and consequently seedlings quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate if the leaf angle of nine species of tree seedlings and the water depths applied in the nursery affect the morphological, physiological and nutritional seedlings quality; the leaching fraction and the electrical conductivity of the solution leached; and the morphological quality of the plants after planting in pot. The evaluations were performed at the end of the production cycle of each species in the nursery, through the following variables: height, stem diameter, shoot, root and total dry mass, Dickson quality index, crown projection area, conformation root system, leaf water potential, SPAD index, daily perspiration, leaf chlorophyll a, b, carotenoids and anthocyanins, leaching fraction, electrical conductivity of the solution leached and nutritional accumulation. The morphological quality of the plants after planting was evaluated at intervals of 30 days, during 120 days, through the variables height of and stem diameter. Here we show that, in species with larger leaf angles, the application of smaller water depths results in seedlings with higher quality. In species with smaller angles, it is necessary to apply larger water depths, except when crown projection area of seedling is small. From this knowledge, leaf angle can begin to be adopted among the criteria to group the species in the nursery, so that the irrigation practiced avoids the waste of water and fertilizers, as well as increase the morphological, physiological and nutritional tree seedlings quality. / FAPESP: 2013/17447-8
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Estudo dos fatores interferentes na adaptação marginal de próteses confeccionadas em titânio comercialmente puro e ligas alternativas / Study of determining factors for the marginal fit of prosthesis made of commercially pure titanium and alternative alloysNatércia Carreira Soriani 08 April 2011 (has links)
O desajuste de copings obtidos por fundição por cera perdida está sujeita à vários fatores tais como: contração de fundição do metal, expansão do revestimento, uso de espaçadores, entre outros. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o desajuste marginal pré e pós cimentação de copings obtidos com três ligas de metais básicos - Ni-Cr-Be (VB), Ni-Cr (V2) e Co-Cr (KE) fundidos a partir de dois revestimentos - Termocast (TE) e Microfine (MI) e Titânio comercialmente puro (TR) fundido com dois revestimentos - Rematitan Plus (RP) e Rematitan Ultra (RU), nas condições E0, sem espaçador, E1, com uma camada de espaçador e E2, com duas camadas de espaçador. A partir de uma matriz metálica, foram obtidos 240 copings, sendo 10 para cada combinação metal-revestimento-espaçador. Foi utilizado Microscópio Óptico para determinação do desajuste nas condições pré e pós cimentação, efetuada com cimento de fosfato de zinco. Foi realizado teste de tração pós cimentação para determinação da carga de remoção dos copings da combinação KE-MI. Foram realizados ensaios dilatométricos para a definição dos coeficientes de expansão térmico linear dos metais e dos revestimentos, determinação da expansão de presa dos revestimentos, além de ensaio para determinação da variação dimensional das fundições e análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os dados de desajuste marginal foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes Anova e Student-Newman-Keulsa que revelaram significância estatística (0,05) para os fatores isolados. Para os metais, os valores de desajuste (μm) foram V2 (85) = VB (89) < KE (119) < TR (171) e para os revestimentos, MI (68) < TE (128) < RP (153) < RU (188). Para o espaçador os desajustes foram E2 (76) < E1 (125) < E0 (147). Os menores valores de desajuste pós cimentação foram obtidos pelas combinações: VB-MI-E2 (44), V2-MI-E2 (47), VB-MI-E1 (52), VB-MI-E0 (55), TR-RU-E2 (67), V2-MI-E1(70), V2-TE-E2 (77), V2-MI-E0 (86), VB-TE-E2 (103), todas as demais combinações tiveram valores acima de 120 μm, adotado como referência clinicamente aceitável. Houve diferença significante para as cargas de remoção entre as condições E2 (49 Kgf) < E1 (74 Kgf) < E0 (102 Kgf). Os valores de expansão de presa foram: TE (1,05%), MI (0,88%), RP (0,19%) e RU (0,02%). Para o ensaio dilatométrico, os valores de contração dos metais foram: KE (0,270%), V2 (0,262%), VB (0,256%) e TR (0,160%). Para os revestimentos, houve diferença significante, entre MI (0,74%) e RU (-1,63%). A análise da variação dimensional revelou diferença significante para os metais: V2 (0,08%) ≥ VB (-0,12%) ≥ KE (-0,21%) ≥ R (-0,85%) e para os revestimentos: MI (0,09%) > TE (-0,26%) = RP (-0,50%) > RU (-1,19%). Os revestimentos MI e RU apresentaram micro estrutura mais refinada, contendo cristais mais homogêneos e menos porosidade que os revestimentos RP e TE. Com base nos dados analisados, é válido afirmar que, embora a utilização de revestimentos com boas propriedades dilatométricas facilite a confecção de copings com ajuste marginal adequado, a utilização de espaçadores pode ser indispensável para obtenção de resultados clínicos satisfatórios. / The marginal fit of copings made by lost-wax casting are subject to different variation factors, such as contraction of molten metal, investment thermal expansion, die spacer use and others. This study aimed to evaluate the marginal adaptation of copings before and after cementation, obtained with three basic alloys - Ni-Cr-Be (VB), Ni-Cr (V2) and Co-Cr (KE), melted with two investments - Termocast (TE) and Microfine (MI) - and commercially pure titanium (TR) melted with Rematitan Plus (RP) and Rematitan Ultra (RU), in the conditions: E0 (without die spacer), E1 (one die spacer layer) and E2 (two die spacer layers). From a metal matrix, 240 copings were obtained, 10 for each combination metal-investment-spacer. An optical microscope was used to determine the misfit before and after the cementation with zinc phosphate cement. A tensile strength test was carried out after the cementation in order to determine the remotion load. Dilatometric tests were used to calculate the linear thermal expansion coefficients of metals and investments, to determine the setting expansion of the investments and to determine the dimensional variation as well. After the tests, the data were analyzed statistically. The analysis of variance for the marginal adaptation showed statistical significance (0.05) for all variation factors. For the metals, the misfit, in μm, was: V2 (85) = VB (89) < KE (119) < TR (171); and for investments, MI (68) < TE (128) < RP (153) < RU (188). The misfit for factor die spacer was: E2 (76) < E1 (125) < E0 (147). Having accepted the value of 120 μm as a reference limit of clinically acceptable results, the lowest misfit values for different combinations after cementation were: VB-MI-E2 (44), V2-MI-E2 (47), VB-MI-E1 (52), VB-MI-E0 (55), RU-TR-E2 (67 μm), V2-MI-E1 (70), E2-V2-TE (77), V2-MI-E0 (86), VB-TE-E2 (103). All the other combinations had values above 120 μm. There was a significant difference for tensile strength under the conditions E2 (49 Kgf), E1 (74 Kgf) and E0 (102 kgf). The setting expansion values were: TE (1.05%), MI (0.88%), RP (0.19%) and RU (0.02%). According to the dilatometer test, the values of contraction for the metals were: KE (0.27%), V2 (0.262%), VB (0.256%) and TR (0.16%), and for the investments: MI (0.74%) and RU (-1.63%). The analysis of variance revealed significant differences for metals dimensional variation: V2 (0.08%) ≥ VB (-0.12%) ≥ KE (-0.21%) ≥ TR (-0.85%) and investments: MI (0.09%) > TE (-0.26%) = RP (-0.50%) > RU (-1.19%). In conclusion, the use of investments with good dilatometric properties improves the marginal fit of the copings, but the die spacer use may be essential for obtaining satisfactory clinical results.
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”Herroja on epäiltävä aina – metsäherroja yli kaiken”:metsähallituksen ja pohjoissuomalaisten kanssakäyminen kruununmetsissä vuosina 1851–1900Ruuttula-Vasari, A. (Anne) 19 June 2004 (has links)
A study is made of the dealings of the local people with the Board of Forestry in matters connected with the crown forests of Northern Finland in the 19th century, setting out from the creation of the Forestry Board, the establishment of its ways of working and its local impact on settlement and sources of livelihood.
This state of tension was perpetuated by delays in implementation of the Great Partition and by the presence of cottagers and pioneer settlers living in the crown forests. One major question was whether these forests were intended primarily to serve the purposes of state forestry or of settlement in the north of Finland. An account is given of the attitude of the Forestry Board towards the traditional modes of forest use typical of the crown forests, including swidden cultivation, tar burning and the cutting of wood for domestic use. New information is presented on the part played by the Forestry Board in regulating swidden cultivation and tar burning.
Another topic not previously addressed is illicit exploitation of the crown forests. This was common practice in the Tornio and Ii river valleys in particular, to the extent that forest wardens on the border with Sweden were supplied with pistols to deal with this threat. The sale of timber cut illegally from the crown forests to sawmills in both Finland and Sweden was widespread, and it was common in the Ii Valley to trade in the timber which the Forestry Board allowed private persons to cut as a form of relief to the poor.
The grazing of livestock in crown forests was another bone of contention between Forestry Board officials and the local people, the controversy over cows and what damage they actually did to the crown forests continuing well into the 20th century and ultimately remaining unresolved. Similar disputes arose over spruces carrying beard lichen, on which the reindeer fed, once the demand for spruce pulpwood increased.
The actions taking by the foresters in accordance with the law and the demands of their office aroused much criticism in Finland, and
this polemic spread to the newspapers, the Diet and the literature of the day. It was the fate of the Forestry Board and its officials to
become an object of suspicion and even downright hatred. Their interference with traditional sources of livelihood, modes of land use and ancient rights of exploitation was apt to give rise to friction and maintain an attitude of mistrust on both sides. The present work provides new explanations for the author Pentti Haanpää's famous saying, "Beware of fine gentlemen – and of foresters most of all", and modern forest management conflicts can be appreciated and understood better in the light of these events. / Tiivistelmä
Olen tutkinut metsähallituksen ja pohjoissuomalaisten kanssakäymistä ja suhteiden muotoutumista Pohjois-Suomen kruununmetsissä 1800-luvulla. Lähtökohtina ovat metsähallinnon perustaminen, toiminnan vakiinnuttaminen sekä metsähallinnon vaikutus paikallisiin elinkeinoihin ja asutustoimintaan. Kangertelu metsänhoidossa ja liiketoiminnan aloittamisessa sekä yhteenotot paikallisen väestön ja lehdistön kanssa sävyttivät metsähallinnon ensimmäisten vuosikymmenten toimintaa.
Hidastunut isojako sekä kruununmetsiin hakeutunut asutus, kruununmetsätorpat ja uudistilat, ylläpitivät jännittynyttä suhdetta. Suuri kysymys oli, olivatko kruununmetsät valtion metsätaloutta vai Pohjois-Suomen asutusta varten. Tutkimuksessa myös selitetään, miten metsähallinto suhtautui perinteisiin, juuri kruununmetsiin suuntautuneisiin metsänkäyttötapoihin, kuten kaskenpolttoon, tervatalouteen ja puun kotitarvekäyttöön. Metsähallinnon osuus kaskeamisen ja tervanpolton ohjailussa nousee esille uudella tavalla.
Kruununmetsien haaskaajat eli varkaat ovat myös ennen tutkimaton teema. Kruununmetsien varastaminen oli yleistä erityisesti Tornionjokilaaksossa ja Iijokilaaksossa. Ruotsin rajan läheisyydessä toimineet metsänvartijat jopa aseistettiin pistoolein metsävarkaita vastaan. Varastetun puutavaran toimittaminen niin Suomen kuin Ruotsin sahoille oli maan tapa. Iijokilaaksossa turvauduttiin metsähallinnon käsikauppa- eli lupapuihin, joista tuli köyhäinavun, mutta myös keinottelun muoto. Keinottelu varsinaisilla valtionmailla eli haku uudistilalliseksi vain puutavaran vuoksi, kuuluu myös Pohjois-Suomen metsähistoriaan.
Eläinten laiduntaminen kruununmetsissä myös asetti metsähallinnon virkamiehet ja paikallisen väestön vastakkain. Vielä 1900-luvulla lehmä kruununmetsissä oli kiistan kohteena. Lopullista selvyyttä siihen, mitä vahinkoa lehmä teki kruununmetsille, ei saatu koskaan. Lisäksi porojen käyttämät luppopuut eli naavakuuset hiersivät suhteita tilanteessa, jossa kuusipuulle oli syntymässä kysyntää paperipuuna.
Metsänhoitajat saivat kritiikkiä toimiessaan viran ja lain vaatimalla tavalla Pohjois-Suomessa. Metsäherroja polemisoitiin sanomalehdissä, valtiopäivillä ja kirjallisuudessa. Metsähallinnon ja metsäherrojen osana oli 1800-luvulla olla epäluulon ja suorastaan vihamielisyydenkin kohteena. Puuttuminen perinteisiin elinkeinoihin, maankäyttötapoihin ja muinaisiin tapaoikeuksiin synnytti kitkaa suhteisiin ja ylläpiti epäluuloa molemmin puolin. Pentti Haanpään teksti "Herroja on epäiltävä aina – metsäherroja yli kaiken" on saanut uutta, selittävää ainesta ympärilleen. Nykyiset metsäkonfliktit avautuvat paremmin ja tulevat ymmärrettävimmiksi 1800-luvun metsähistorian kautta.
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Vliv směnných kurzů na podnikovou sféru České republiky / Impact exchange rates on the companie´s sphere of Czech republicBorovička, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
In context of czech membership in the Europen Union we always discuss the question if the acceptance of the euro as official currency is for our country and czech companies beneficial or not. The aim of this thesis is to describe microeconomic benefits of join the euro for company TECHO, a.s. that I have been working for over two years. TECHO, a.s. is an important provider of comprehensive services for the furnishing of commercial interiors in the Czech republic and its products are available on three continents -- Europe, Asia and Africa. Because of this fact is the question of acceptance or non-acceptance of the euro for this company very important and actual. The method of research is the analysis of exchange rates that I apply on economic results of the firm for years 2005-2009. The analysis should answer the question if the acceptance of the euro is for the firm TECHO, a.s. profitable or not.
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KURZOVÉ RIZIKO V MEZINÁRODNÍM OBCHODĚ A MOŽNOSTI JEHO ŘÍZENÍ / Exchange rate risk management in international businessJanda, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to develop an effective hedge strategy for a Czech importing pharmaceutical company. To this goal, I used both theoretical knowledge from the first and second chapter, and internal data of the company. Particularly, this thesis is dedicated to its management, however, it may also inspire those who are interested in this issue.
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Deformačně napěťová analýza zubové spojky / Strain-stress analysis of gear couplingVondra, Róbert January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the contact analysis study of crown gear couplings during the simulation of its working conditions. The toothed coupling transmits high torque, even when the input and output shafts are misaligned due to outside tooth shape. For this reason, it is necessary to design the gear shape correctly. The inherent use of toothed couplings results in a wide range of working speeds and load transfers. This can cause several problems, if the parameters are selected incorrectly. Among the most significant of these is the generation of vibrations during gear engagement, accompanied by noise and the excessive loading of components, such as shafts and bearings. It is not possible to completely reduce uneven running, even with knowledge of the latest trends in the field of gear development. For this reason, it is necessary to eliminate the paths where the vibrations can propagate during the design itself. Inefficient and costly experiments are often used to determine the correct shape of gear teeth. For this purpose, a computational approach to describe a contact pressure on the teeth of couplings at different misalignment and loads is proposed. The model helps to understand the composition of the contact pressure during the working mode of misalignment and its behaviour within the rotation of the gear coupling. The introductory part of thesis presents the current state of knowledge of gear couplings and a description of load distribution issues, regarding the angular misalignment, torque and friction. In the following chapter, three possible approaches to the problem are described - analytical, experimental and computational. The following work offers the introduction and creation of two different computational models, varying in different tooth shape on the hub and the sleeve. Each geometry was subjected to a different load moment, a misalignment of the hub, or the rotation of the gear coupling as a whole. The main monitored parameter was the course of contact pressure in each step, when changing the degree of misalignment or the rotation of the model. Finally, three main sets of contact pressure on the teeth are presented, in connection with the reduced pressure plotted on the toothed rings. There is derivation of results and mutual comparison of each load case. The computation approach in FEM program Ansys Workbench was used to solve the problem.
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Schalten der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit in Mikroemulsionen durch Photoisomerisierung von SolubilisatenBufe, Markus 07 July 2011 (has links)
Mikroemulsionen sind thermodynamisch stabile, makroskopisch einphasige Mischungen aus Wasser, Öl und einem Tensid – sowie ggf. einem Cotensid –, die in drei verschiedenen Strukturen existieren: als Wasser-in-Öl- (W/O), Öl-in-Wasser- (O/W) und bikontinuierliche Mikroemulsionen mit schwammartiger Struktur. Die zwei zuletzt genannten Mikroemulsionstypen sind elektrisch leitfähig, wenn sie Ionen enthalten, wohingegen W/O-Mikroemulsionen fast nicht leitfähig sind.
Demnach steigt die elektrische Leitfähigkeit stark an, wenn die Mikroemulsion von der W/O- in die bikontinuierliche Struktur übergeht. Diese Umwandlung wird als Perkolation bezeichnet und kann ausgelöst werden, indem die Zusammensetzung oder, in Systemen nahe der Perkolationsschwelle, die Temperatur verändert wird. Die entsprechende Umwandlungstemperatur im zweiten Fall wird als Perkolationstemperatur bezeichnet.
Mikroemulsionen aus AOT, Isooctan und Wasser im Massenverhältnis 1 : 2,5 : 2 perkolieren bei Temperaturerhöhung. Kleine Mengen bestimmter Substanzen, die in der Mikroemulsion solubilisiert werden, beeinflussen die Perkolationstemperatur. Untersucht wurden die Solubilisate Azobenzen und Azobenzen-15-Krone-5, die photochemisch trans-cis-isomerisieren.
Je höher der Gehalt an solubilisiertem Azobenzen in der Mikroemulsion ist, desto weiter steigt die Perkolationstemperatur, im untersuchten Konzentrationsbereich um fast 20 K. Azobenzen-15-Krone-5 dagegen senkt die Perkolationstemperatur mit zunehmendem Gehalt, erreicht wurden Perkolationstemperaturverschiebungen von nahezu −7 K. Unter Bestrahlung, d. h., nachdem ein Teil des Solubilisates photochemisch von der trans- in die cis-Form isomerisiert ist, perkoliert die Mikroemulsion bei niedrigeren Temperaturen als im Dunkeln. Dies gilt für beide Solubilisate, der Effekt von Azobenzen ist dabei jedoch größer als der von Azobenzen-15-Krone-5. Die größte beobachtete Perkolationstemperaturverschiebung unter Bestrahlung beträgt etwa −5 K.
Wird eine Mikroemulsion mit solubilisiertem Azobenzen unterhalb ihrer Perkolationstemperatur mit langwelligem UV-Licht bestrahlt, isomerisiert das enthaltene Azobenzen. Die Perkolationstemperatur sinkt und unterschreitet die Reaktionstemperatur. Die Struktur der Mikroemulsion ändert sich von Wasser-in-Öl zu bikontinuierlich, ihre elektrische Leitfähigkeit steigt während der Bestrahlung von fast null auf etwa 1000 μS/cm. Nach dem Ausschalten des Bestrahlungslichtes läuft der beschriebene Vorgang in die umgekehrte Richtung ab und die Mikroemulsion wird wieder nichtleitend. Auf diese Weise kann der Zustand der Mikroemulsion geschaltet werden: unter Bestrahlung von fast nichtleitend auf elektrisch leitend und anschließend im Dunkeln von elektrisch leitfähig auf nahezu nicht leitfähig. Der Schaltvorgang kann bis zu zehnmal hintereinander durchgeführt werden, ohne dass die Schaltfähigkeit der Mikroemulsion nachlässt.
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