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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automated Tree Crown Discrimination Using Three-Dimensional Shape Signatures Derived from LiDAR Point Clouds

Sadeghinaeenifard, Fariba 05 1900 (has links)
Discrimination of different tree crowns based on their 3D shapes is essential for a wide range of forestry applications, and, due to its complexity, is a significant challenge. This study presents a modified 3D shape descriptor for the perception of different tree crown shapes in discrete-return LiDAR point clouds. The proposed methodology comprises of five main components, including definition of a local coordinate system, learning salient points, generation of simulated LiDAR point clouds with geometrical shapes, shape signature generation (from simulated LiDAR points as reference shape signature and actual LiDAR point clouds as evaluated shape signature), and finally, similarity assessment of shape signatures in order to extract the shape of a real tree. The first component represents a proposed strategy to define a local coordinate system relating to each tree to normalize 3D point clouds. In the second component, a learning approach is used to categorize all 3D point clouds into two ranks to identify interesting or salient points on each tree. The third component discusses generation of simulated LiDAR point clouds for two geometrical shapes, including a hemisphere and a half-ellipsoid. Then, the operator extracts 3D LiDAR point clouds of actual trees, either deciduous or evergreen. In the fourth component, a longitude-latitude transformation is applied to simulated and actual LiDAR point clouds to generate 3D shape signatures of tree crowns. A critical step is transformation of LiDAR points from their exact positions to their longitude and latitude positions using the longitude-latitude transformation, which is different from the geographic longitude and latitude coordinates, and labeled by their pre-assigned ranks. Then, natural neighbor interpolation converts the point maps to raster datasets. The generated shape signatures from simulated and actual LiDAR points are called reference and evaluated shape signatures, respectively. Lastly, the fifth component determines the similarity between evaluated and reference shape signatures to extract the shape of each examined tree. The entire process is automated by ArcGIS toolboxes through Python programming for further evaluation using more tree crowns in different study areas. Results from LiDAR points captured for 43 trees in the City of Surrey, British Columbia (Canada) suggest that the modified shape descriptor is a promising method for separating different shapes of tree crowns using LiDAR point cloud data. Experimental results also indicate that the modified longitude-latitude shape descriptor fulfills all desired properties of a suitable shape descriptor proposed in computer science along with leaf-off, leaf-on invariance, which makes this process autonomous from the acquisition date of LiDAR data. In summary, the modified longitude-latitude shape descriptor is a promising method for discriminating different shapes of tree crowns using LiDAR point cloud data.

Evolution of Plants : a mathematical perspective

Lindh, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
The Earth harbors around 300 000 plant species. The rich and complex environment provided by plants is considered a key factor for the extraordinary diversity of the terrestrial fauna by, for example, providing food and shelter. This thesis contributes to the understanding of these questions by investigating how the interplay of physiology, demography, and evolution gives rise to variation and diversity in fundamental plant traits. This will help us answer questions such as: How has this amazing diversity of plant species emerged? Which mechanisms maintain diversity? How are plant strategies and plant diversity influenced by variations in the environment? A plant faces multiple problems to survive and reproduce successfully. These problems can be modeled by considering traits, trade-offs and a fitness measure. For example: How to maximize growth rate, while maximizing structural stability? I will investigate four plant models in order to understand the function of plants, and mechanisms promoting diversity.  Paper I: We study how annual plants with and without growth constraints should optimize their flowering time when productivity or season length changes. With a dynamic ontogenetic growth model and optimal control theory we prove that a bang-bang reproductive control is optimal under constrained growth and constant mortality rate. We find that growth constraints can flip the direction of optimal phenological response for increasing productivity. The reason is that the growth rate of vegetative mass saturates at high productivity and therefore it is better to flower earlier and take advantage of a longer reproductive period. If season length extends equally both in the beginning and the end of the season, growth constraints control the direction of the optimal response as well. Our theory can help explaining phenological patterns along productivity gradients, and can be linked to empirical observations made on a calendar scale. Paper II: We introduce a new measure of tree crown-rise efficiency based on the loss of biomass of the tree during growth. The more mass the tree looses during growth, the less crown-rise efficient it is. Top-heavy shapes loose more biomass than bottom-heavy shapes. Light-use efficiency is defined as the mean light assimilation of the leaves in the crown times the ratio of leaf mass and total mass. We then study the trade-off between light-use efficiency to crown-rise efficiency for tree crown shapes. We assume that the total tree mass is constant, and a constant vertical light gradient represent the shading from a surrounding forest. We find large differences in crown shapes at intermediate vertical light gradient, when both self-shading and mean-field shading are important, suggesting light-use vs crown-rise efficiency as a new trade-off that can explain tree diversity. Our crown-rise efficiency measure could easily be integrated into existing forest models. Paper III: We extend an evolutionary tree crown model, where trees with different heights compete for light, with drought-induced mortality rates depending on ground-water availability and the depth of an optional taproot. The model does not include competition for ground water. Our model explains how ground-water availability can shape plant communities, when taproot and non-taproot strategies can coexist, and when only one of these strategies can persist. We investigate how emerging plant diversity varies with water table depth, soil water gradient and drought-induced mortality rate. The taproot enables plants to reach deep water, thus reducing mortality, but also carries a construction cost, thus inducing a trade-off. We find that taproots maintain plant diversity under increasing drought mortality, and that taproots evolve when groundwater is accessible at low depths. There are no viable strategies at high drought mortality and deep water table. Red Queen evolutionary dynamics appear at intermediate drought mortality in mixed communities with and without taproots, as the community never reaches a final evolutionarily stable composition. Paper IV: We extend a size-structured plant model, with self-shading and two evolving traits, crown top-heaviness and crown width-to-height ratio. The model allows us to identify salient trade-offs for the crown shape. The most important trade-off for top-heaviness is light-use efficiency vs crownrise efficiency, and the most important trade-off for width-to-height ratio is self-shading vs branch costs. We find that when the two traits coevolve; the outcome is a single common evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), far away from the highest net primary production (NPP). When only sun angle is decreasing with increasing latitude both the crown width-to-height ratio and crown top-heaviness decrease. However, when light response in addition to the sun angle decreases with increasing latitude, the crown width-to-height ratio is nearly invariant of latitude except at low site productivity when the ratio decreases with latitude. Top-heaviness is always decreasing with increasing latitude. Finally, we find that crown top-heaviness increases with the NPP or leaf-area index (LAI) at ESS, but crown width-to-height ratio is maximal at an intermediate NPP or LAI. / Artikel I: Arters reproduktionsframgång (fitness), till exempel antal avkommor eller frön som produceras under livet, är ofta avgörande för huruvida de är evolutionärt framgångsrika eller inte. Här undersöker vi hur ettåriga växter med eller utan tillväxtbegränsningar ska optimera sin blomningstid när produktivitet eller säsongslängd ändras. Det är optimalt att gå direkt från tillväxt till blomning när tillväxten är begränsad och dödligheten är konstant. Vid ökad produktivitet sker blomningen tidigare med tillväxtbegränsningar men senare utan tillväxtbegränsningar, vilket beror på att med tillväxtbegränsningar ökar den vegetativa massan långsamt. Därför är det bättre att blomma tidigare och ta tillvara på en längre reproduktionsperiod. Vi får samma resultat om säsongslängden ökar lika mycket i början och slutet av säsongen. Vår teori kan bidra till att förutsäga blomningstider vid produktivitetsförändringar och säsongsförändringar. Artikel II: Tillväxten hos träd kan begränsas av brist på ljus, vatten, och näring, men också genom förlust av grenar. Vi introducerar ett nytt mått på tillväxteffektiviteten hos trädkronor baserat på förlust av biomassa under trädets tillväxt. Ju mer massa trädet förlorar under tillväxt, desto mindre tillväxteffektiva är de. Topptunga former förlorar mer biomassa än bottentunga former. Vi studerar avvägningar mellan ljuseffektivitet och tillväxteffektivitet för trädformer, där ljuseffektiviteten definieras som medelljusupptaget för löven i kronan. Vi antar en konstant totalmassa, och en statisk vertikal skuggning som representerar skuggningen från en omgivande skog. Vi hittar stora skillnader i kronformer vid en medelhög skuggning, då både självskuggningen och medelskuggningen har betydelse. Vårt mått för tillväxteffektivitet kan enkelt integreras i existerande skogsmodeller. Studien visar att avvägningar mellan tillväxteffektivitet och ljuseffektivitetet kan vara viktig för mångfalden av trädformer i en skog. En överraskande upptäckt är att konformade eller sfäriska trädkronor aldrig är effektiva, men däremot timglasformade kronor. Artikel III: Växter kan försvara sig på olika sätt mot torka, till exempel genom att rulla ihop bladen eller genom att reproducera tidigare och därigenom undvika uttdragen torka. Här undersöker vi fördelarna med en pålrot vid torka. En pålrot är en rot som växer nedåt för att nå djupliggande grundvatten. Vi utvidgar en evolutionär modell av trädkronor med grundvatten och en pålrot, där träd med olika höjd konkurrerar om ljus. Det finns ingen konkurrens om vatten. Vi undersöker hur mångfalden hos träden beror på vattendjup, vattengradient och dödlighet orsakad av torka. Med hjälp av pålroten kan träden nå djupt vatten och därigenom minska dödligheten, men den medför också en kostnad, så en avvägning måste göras. Vi ser att pålrötter upprätthåller mångfalden hos växterna vid ökad mortalitet, och att pålrötter uppstår när grundvattnet är grunt. Det finns inga strategier som kan överleva om grundvattnet är djupt och dödligheten är hög. Vår modell kan förklara hur grundvatten kan förändra sammansättningen på trädsamhällen, när träd med och utan pålrot kan samexistera, och under vilka förutsättningar endast en av strategierna förväntas dominera. Artikel IV: Träd som växer upp i en skog måste konkurrera med andra träd om ljus, framförallt större träd. Detta ger upphov till en asymmetrisk ljuskonkurrens, där de små träden hämmas av större träd. Små träd har därmed små chanser att överleva utom då skogen nyligen störts och det öppnas upp en glänta. Vid denna ljuskonkurrens kan man anta att trädkronans form har stor betydelse för trädets framgång. Frågan är hur de evolutionärt fördelaktiga kronformerna beror på latituden och produktiviteten. Vi antar att latituden påverkar solens genomsnittliga vinkel och ljusrespons. Vi utvidgar en storleksstrukturerad trädmodell med självskuggning där två evolverande egenskaper beskriver kronans topptyngd och bredd. Med modellen kan vi undersöka vilka strategiska avvägningar som bestämmer om kronans form blir konkurrenskraftig. En topptung krona har högt ljusupptag eftersom det finns mest ljus högt upp i grenverket. Å andra sidan har den en låg tillväxteffektivitet eftersom topptunga kronor måste tappa mycket grenar för att behålla sin form. En bred krona har en låg självskuggning eftersom bladen är utspridda. Å andra sidan har den höga kostnader för de långa grenar som krävs. Vi finner att när dessa egenskaper evolverar tillsammans så finns endast en evolutionärt stabil strategi (ESS), långt från den högsta nettoproduktionen. När endast solvinkeln minskar med ökande latitud minskar både kronans bredd och topptyngd, men när både solvinkel och ljusrespons minskar med ökande latitud så är bredden nästan oförändrad utom vid låg produktivitet då den minskar med latituden. Kronans topptyngd minskar alltid med latituden. Slutligen ser vi hur kronans topptyngd alltid ökar med nettoproduktionen vid ESS, medan kronans bredd har ett maxium för ett mellanvärde hos nettoproduktionen vid ESS.

The Forfeited Estates Papers, 1745: a study of the work of the Commissioners for the Forfeited Annexed Estates, 1755-1784, with particular reference to their contribution to the development of communications in Scotland in the eighteenth century

Smith, Annette M. January 1975 (has links)
The Scottish Record Office collection of the Forfeited Estates Papers, 1745, is voluminous, including the documents of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland concerning all those estates forfeited in 1747 as well as those relating to forfeited estates that were annexed to the Crown in 1752 and managed by the Board of Commissioners for the Forfeited Estates. This thesis is primarily a study of the work of the Board. [Not from the Abstract - taken from the Preface].

The Prevalence of Maxillary Altered Passive Eruption in a Dental School Population.

Carlos, Francisco 25 June 2010 (has links)
AIM: The aim of this investigation is to determine the prevalence of maxillary altered passive eruption in a dental school population. METHODS: 100 subjects were examined clinically and had models fabricated of their maxilla. Demographic, periodontal, cast measurements were recorded for each subject. Demographic variables recorded included age, gender, and ethnicity, history of orthodontic treatment, presence of incisal /occlusal wear, appearance of gingival excess, and presence of gingival asymmetry. Measurements made on cast included clinical crown length, clinical crown width, papillary height, and distance from the lateral gingival zenith to the gingival aesthetic line. Clinical crown width-to-length ratio was calculated. These measurements were compared to previously published standards. RESULTS: 83% of the subjects had central incisors with a clinical W:L ratio greater than .80. Logistical regression analysis determined that subjects with central incisors with an appearance of gingival excess were more likely to have a clinical W:L ratio greater than .80 (P<.0007; OR=79). ANOVA demonstrated that clinical crown length had a statistically significant relationship with gender (P<.0001), tooth type (P<.0001) and biotype (P<0.0026). Clinical crown width and clinical crown W:L ratio had a statistically significant relationship with gender (P<0.0007, P<.0001) and tooth type (P<0.0026, P<.0001). The average clinical crown length was 0.5-1.5 mm shorter than established ideal measurements. CONCLUSION: 83% of the subject population had central incisors that displayed altered passive eruption. Subjects who exceeded the clinical W:L ratio of .80 were more likely to have been classified as having the appearance of gingival excess or “gummy smile”. Esthetic crown lengthening should be considered to achieve desired esthetics in these subjects.

Stigmata a stigmatizovaní ve středověku / Stigmata and stigmatized persons in the Middle Age

Janatová, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis examines phenomenon of stigmas and stigmatised persons in the Middle Ages. This diploma thesis contains of three parts. The goal of first part is description of Crucifixion symbolism from beginning of Christianity up to first stigmas about Francis of Assisi from 1224. Main part presents its own phenomenon of stigmas: their definition, base and reception in religious and expert field. Final part focuses on significant middle-aged holders of stigmas and analysis of their hagiography. Klíčová slova (anglicky): Stigmas, Jesus Christ, cross, crucifixion, bloody sweat, bloody tears, thorn crown, mysticism, self-identification.

Estudo das tensões em dente restaurado com coroa metalocerâmica e dois formatos de retentores intra-radiculares - método dos elementos finitos. / Finite element analysis of a endodontically treated teeth restored with two different types of post and core systems.

Rocha, Isaac José Peixoto Batinga da 06 November 2000 (has links)
O estudo comparativo da distribuição de tensões de von Mises em dente endodonticamente tratado, com dois formatos de retentores intra-radiculares, pré-fabricado cilíndrico/escalonado e fundido cônico, foi realizado pelo método dos elementos finitos em modelos tridimensionais de caninos superiores com geometria axi-simétrica e restaurados com coroas metalocerâmicas, aplicando-se uma carga oblíqua de 100N com 45 º de inclinação em relação ao seu longo eixo. Os resultados indicaram uma discreta diferença nos dois modelos (formatos) de retentores. O pino escalonado neutralizou mais as cargas no sentido corono-apical e no pino cônico ficou evidenciado o efeito de cunha. / The aim of this study was to compare the von Mises stress distribution on a human canine teeth endodontically treated and restored with two types of post and core. The analysis was made using the three dimensional Finite Element Analysis method. For the analysis was created and axy-simetric structure of the teeth, including a porcelain fused to metal crown, a cement layer, and the periodontal structures. The model was analyzed when a 100N load was applied on the surface of the crown with 45º angulation with the long axis of the teeth. The results showed that both models exhibit little difference, the “stair shape" post system neutralized the axial loads, and the conical shape post showed a wedge effect on the apical third of the root.

Fisioecologia comparativa de gramí­neas nativas e invasoras em duas fitofisionomias de um fragmento de cerrado / Comparative physioecology of native and invasive grasses in two distinct cerrado formations

Kayano, Gabriel Massami 28 August 2018 (has links)
A invasão por gramíneas africanas é uma das principais ameaças à diversidade biológica e funcional das formações savânicas do cerrado. Uma questão central em invasões por plantas é entender como espécies oriundas de sistemas com diferentes pressões seletivas são capazes de adquirir e utilizar recursos em um novo ambiente. O objetivo deste estudo foi de comparar os padrões de uso luz e água de gramíneas nativas e invasoras em duas condições de cobertura arbórea ao longo de um gradiente de invasão em uma área de cerrado localizada no Parque Estadual do Juquery - SP. O efeito da presença da cobertura sobre os indivíduos foi investigado através de amostragens em fisionomia de campo (dossel ausente) e de campo cerrado (dossel presente). A hipótese de que o desempenho no uso de recursos de invasoras supera o de nativas em presença de cobertura arbórea foi testada através da medição de aspectos ligados à capacidade de interceptação da luz e ao desempenho de uso da luz e água associado ao potencial de ganho de carbono. As gramíneas africanas apresentaram padrões de arranjo espacial das folhas e estrutura foliar que diferem dos de nativas. As copas das invasoras apresentaram maior grau de sobreposição entre as folhas. As folhas das invasoras exibiram menores inclinações, menor espessura e menor razão de massa seca por área. A presença do dossel arbóreo favoreceu o transporte fotoquímico de elétrons de invasoras e desfavoreceu o de nativas. As principais diferenças nas dinâmicas de trocas gasosas entre nativas e invasoras foram observadas quando as razões foram expressas por massa seca foliar. Diferenças nas relações entre as variáveis indicam que a relação do padrão de investimento em tecidos foliares com o potencial fotossintético pode implicar em respostas contrastantes de nativas e invasoras aos regimes de irradiância nas fisionomias de campo sujo e campo cerrado / Invasions by African grasses constitutes one of the greatest threats to the biological and functional diversity of the cerrado savannas. A central question to understand plant invasions is how species originating from systems with distinct selective pressures are able to acquire and utilize resources in their new environments. The objective of this study was to compare native and invasive grasses with respect to their light and water use patterns in two sites with differing canopy tree cover along an invasion gradient in a cerrado area in the Juquery State Park, SP. The effect of the canopy tree cover on the grass individuals was investigated through sampling in the cerrado physiognomies of \'campo sujo\' (tree cover absent) and \'campo cerrado\' (tree cover present). The hypothesis that invaders outperform natives under the presence of canopy tree cover in terms of resource-use was tested through field measurements of traits related to light interception capacity and to the performance in light and water use associated with carbon gain potentials. Invasive African grasses showed distinct patterns of crown architecture and leaf structure when compared to natives. Invaders showed a greater degree of leaf overlapping in the crown. Invaders leaves were thinner, relatively more planophile, and showed smaller leaf dry mass per area ratios. The presence of canopy tree cover favored the invaders photochemical electron transport while disfavored natives. The main differences concerning native and invaders gas-exchange dynamics were observed on a leaf dry mass basis. The relation between patterns of leaf tissue investment and photosynthetic potentials could imply in contrasting responses of native and invasive grasses to the irradiance regime in differing cerrado vegetation types

Avaliação da infiltração marginal e da resistência à tração de coroas metálicas após abertura oclusal para terapia endodôntica: estudo in vitro / Evaluation of cast crowns microleakage and retentive strength after occlusal Access for endodontic therapy: in vitro study

Sonoki, Rogério Issao 20 September 2006 (has links)
Este estudo in vitro teve como objetivo determinar a infiltração marginal e resistência à remoção por tração de coroas totalmente metálicas, cimentadas com cimento de fosfato de zinco e que foram submetidas à abertura oclusal para tratamento endodôntico. Foram usados 20 dentes molares (Banco Permanente de Dentes Humanos da FOUSP). Os dentes foram fixados sobre uma base acrílica de secção circular e foram torneados configurando preparos para coroas totais com dimensões de altura e diâmetro padronizadas. Coroas metálicas em Ni Cr foram fundidas através da técnica de enceramento direto e cimentadas com cimento de fosfato de zinco com carga axial de 5 Kg por 10 minutos. Os corpos de prova foram divididos em: Grupos Controle GC1 e GC2, que utilizaram os mesmos corpos de prova, e Grupo Experimental (GE). Todos os corpos de prova foram mantidos em água destilada para que não se desidratassem. Os espécimes dos grupos GC1 e GC2 foram mantidos sem nenhuma intervenção e os do grupo GE foram perfurados com broca de carbide de tungstênio, simulando uma cirurgia de acesso endodôntico. As amostras dos grupos GC2 e GE foram submetidas à ciclagem térmica de 700 ciclos entre 5º e 55º C. Em seguida foram mantidos em uma solução de azul de metileno 0,5%, ph 7,2 por 4 horas a 37º C. Foram submetidos ao ensaio mecânico de tração das coroas em uma máquina universal de ensaios Kratos SV 100, regulada para trabalhar a uma velocidade de ensaio de 0,5 mm/minuto. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística pelos testes t de Student e as infiltrações avaliadas pela correlação linear de Spearman. A análise inferencial dos resultados dos testes de tração demonstrou com um nível de significância p=0,108, entre os grupos GC1 e GC2, e p=0,502, entre os grupos GC2 e GE, não haver diferença estatisticamente significante. As médias dos valores obtidos nos testes de tração e os seus respectivos desvios padrão foram: GC1 13,96+/-4, 48, GC2 11,26+/-2,269 e GE 10,09+/-4,86 (valores em Kgf). A análise visual subjetiva da infiltração nos corpos de prova indicou que o grupo GE apresentou o maior grau de infiltração marginal com presença do corante atingindo o terço oclusal das paredes axiais (mediana dos scores 3). O grupo GC2 apresentou infiltração marginal no terço médio (mediana dos scores 2). O grupo GC1 apresentou infiltração marginal no terço cervical e médio (mediana dos scores 1). / This in vitro study had the objective to determine the marginal microleakage and the retentive strength of totally metallic crowns, cemented with zinc phosphate cement and subjected to occlusal access for endodontic treatment. 20 human molars (Banco Permanente de Dentes Humanos da FOUSP) have been used for the experiment. The teeth were fixed on a circular acrylic section base and were prepared with standardized dimensions. Metallic crowns in Ni Cr were cast with the direct waxing technique and cemented with zinc phosphate cement with vertical load of 5 kg for 10 minutes. The specimens were divided in groups: Group Control 1 (GP1), Group Control 2 (GP2) and Group Experimental (GE). All the specimens were kept on distillated water so that they wouldn’t dehydrate. The specimens of the groups GC1 and GC2 were kept without any intervention and the ones of the group GE were drilled with a tungstein carbide bur, simulating an endodontic access surgery. Next, the samples of groups GC2 and GE were subjected to a thermal cycling of 700 cycles between 5º and 55º C. To verify the existence of micro infiltration, it was used the methylene blue dye test, 0,5%, ph 7,2 for 4 hours at 37ºC. The specimens were subjected to the load of tension in a universal tensile testing machine Kratos SV 100 at speed 0,5 mm/min. Statistical analyses with t tests showed no significant difference between crown retention before and after endodontic access preparation (p=0,108). The mean displacement forces were: GC1 13,96+/-4,48, GC2 11,26+/-2,269 e GE 10,09+/-4,86 (value in Kgf). With the Spearman’s evaluation test the microleakage was measured. The results showed a greater median of score in GE (score 3). The GC2 and GC1 showed median scores 2 and 1 in order.

Mudanças profilométricas de tecidos peri-implantares durante 5 anos: um estudo comparando sistemas de implantes de um e dois estágios / Profilometric changes of peri-implant tissues over 5 years: a study comparing a one- and two-piece implant system

Sapata, Vítor Marques 12 December 2018 (has links)
Avaliar as alterações profilométricas dos tecidos moles vestibulares entre o exame inicial e os 5 anos de acompanhamento, utilizando sistemas de implantes dentários de um e dois estágios. Sessenta pacientes receberam aleatoriamente implantes dentários de dois estágios (BRA) ou de estágio único (STM). Os modelos foram obtidos no início do estudo (após a inserção da coroa), no primeiro ano e no quinto ano de acompanhamento. Os arquivos de estereolitografia foram obtidos dos modelos para superposição digital. Um implante e o dente natural contralateral foram selecionados para a análise. Trinta e três pacientes (BRA = 16; STM = 17) foram incluídos. As medidas incluíram mudanças para altura da coroa (CH) e espessura estimada do tecido mole, bem como a mudança profilométrica no implante e no local do dente. Métodos não paramétricos foram aplicados para as análises estatísticas, medianas e quartis foram apresentados. O grupo BRA perdeu -0,39 mm e o grupo STM perdeu -0,40 mm de volume entre o início e o acompanhamento de 5 anos no local do implante (p> 0,05). O local do dente perdeu -0,18 mm (BRA) e -0,12 mm (STM) (p> 0,05). As diferenças de volume entre implantes e dentes foram de -0,05 mm (inicial a 1 ano) e -0,25 mm (inicial a 5 anos) para BRA, enquanto para STM, os valores foram de 0,03 mm (inicial a 1 ano) e -0,16 mm (inicial a 5 anos). As mudanças para CH em 1 e 5 anos de acompanhamento foram de 0,10 e 0,09 mm (BRA) e 0,03 e 0,22 mm para STM. As mudanças na espessura do tecido em 1 e 5 anos no grupo BRA foram de -0,28 e -0,66 mm a 1 mm, -0,21 e -0,46 mm a 3 mm e -0,32 e -0,45 mm a 5 mm, respectivamente. As mudanças no grupo STM foram de -0,15 e -0,54 mm a 1 mm, -0,24 e -0,48 mm a 3 mm e -0,32 e -0,57 mm a 5 mm, respectivamente. Nenhuma mediana significativamente diferente foi observada. Alterações mínimas, lineares e profilométricas, ocorreram nos locais dos implantes entre o exame inicial e os 5 anos, entre os locais do implante e do dente e entre os dois sistemas de implantes. / To assess the profilometric changes of the buccal soft tissues between baseline and 5 years of loading using a one- and two-piece dental implant system. Sixty patients randomly received dental implants of either a two-piece type (BRA) or a one-piece type (STM). Casts were obtained at baseline (after crown insertion), at the 1-year and at the 5-year followup. Stereolithography files were obtained from the casts for digital superimposition. One implant and the contralateral natural tooth were selected for the analysis. Thirty-three patients (BRA = 16; STM = 17) were included. Measurements included changes for crown height (CH) and estimated soft tissue thickness, as well as the profilometric change at the implant and the tooth site. Nonparametric methods were applied for the statistical analyses and medians and quartiles presented. The BRA group lost -0.39 mm and the STM group lost -0.40 mm of volume between baseline and the 5-year follow-up at the implant site (p > 0.05). The tooth site lost -0.18 mm (BRA) and -0.12 mm (STM) (p > 0.05). Volume differences between implants and teeth amounted to -0.05 mm (baseline to 1 year) and -0.25 mm (baseline to 5 years) for BRA, while for STM, the values were 0.03 mm (baseline to 1 year) and -0.16 mm (baseline to 5 years). The changes for implant CH at 1 and 5 years of follow-up amounted 0.10 and 0.09 mm (BRA) and to 0.03 and 0.22 mm (STM). The changes in tissue thickness at 1 and 5 years in the BRA group amounted to -0.28 and -0.66 mm at 1 mm, -0.21 and -0.46 mm at 3 mm, and -0.32 and -0.45 mm at 5 mm, respectively. The changes in the STM group amounted to -0.15 and -0.54 mm at 1 mm, -0.24 and -0.48 mm at 3 mm, and -0.32 and -0.57 mm at 5 mm, respectively. No significantly different medians were observed. Minimal profilometric and linear changes occurred at implant sites between baseline and 5 years, between implant and tooth sites and between the two implant systems.

Spreading of Initially Spherical Viscous Droplets

Kotikalapudi, Sivaramakrishna 30 September 2000 (has links)
"The present work is a study of the low inertia spreading dynamics of initially spherical viscous droplets on a planar interface. The droplets are affected by gravity, surface tension and viscous forces and are modeled as two-dimensional axisymmetric bodies. The main focus of this study is the examination of the dependence of droplet stability, equilibrium shape and fluid motion within the drop on the relative magnitude of these forces. The dynamics are modeled using the unsteady, non-linear Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid. The spreading of a droplet on a solid surface is modeled with both a no-slip and a partial-slip boundary condition. In addition, the spreading of a droplet on another identical drop (two-drop problem) is modeled to study the problem without the contact point singularity. The governing equations are solved numerically using the Mixed Galerkin Finite Element formulation, augmented by the use of the Newton-Raphson iteration scheme to effectively treat the non-linearities of the problem. The Generalized Eulerian Lagrangian formulation is adopted for the treatment of the moving free surface of the droplet. Computations are performed for capillary numbers ranging from 0.01 to 100 and for Reynolds numbers from 0.005 to 50, where the velocity scale is based on the droplet radius and the gravitational acceleration. For the droplet spreading on a solid surface, three distinct behaviors are observed~: for low Reynolds numbers and sufficiently high capillary numbers, droplets deform to a stable, equilibrium shape; for higher Reynolds numbers, an oscillatory droplet behavior occurs; at still higher Reynolds numbers, the droplets shatter. Very often, a recirculation is induced near the contact point just before the droplet shatters, which is also observed for the case of stable oscillating droplets. When a partial-slip boundary condition is applied, it is observed that the stability of the droplet and the rate at which the droplet attains the static contact angle depend strongly on the velocity of slip of the droplet with respect to the solid surface at the contact point. For the two-drop problem, only two distinct behaviors are observed: for low Reynolds numbers and high capillary numbers, the droplet retains a near-spherical shape and remains stable; while for higher Reynolds numbers, the droplet deforms to a high extent and becomes unstable."

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