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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Xeno-pumice from Harrat Rahat: Understanding magma-crust interaction

Garcia, Evelyn R. Garcia Paredes 28 July 2022 (has links)
“Xeno-pumice” describes a pumice-like material, high in silica content and vesiculation, found as a xenolith in a more mafic rock. A xeno-pumice is an indicator of magma-crust interaction; however, the origin, nature, and processes behind this xenolith are still debated. Xeno-pumice has been described in a few places worldwide, including the Canary Islands in Spain, Indonesia, Iceland, the USA, Chile and Mexico. This thesis, for the first time, presents and analyzes the mineralogy, textural features, whole-rock geochemistry (major and trace element), and oxygen isotopes of xeno-pumice samples found in Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia. Harrat Rahat is a volcanic field whose last eruption was in 1256A.D. and reached the outskirts of Madinah, one of the main cities in Saudi Arabia. Harrat Rahat is characterized by a wide range of volcanic products: from basalts to trachyte. Previous studies suggested that this chemical variation has its source in the mantle and minor crustal contamination; however, the xeno-pumice samples found indicate magma-crust interaction. Thus, in this thesis, the crust-melt interaction hypothesis is addressed as a process that could modify the composition of the melt and thus the resulting volcanic products and eruptive style of the volcanic field. Indeed, the chemistry and oxygen isotope values of the studied volcanic rocks show a variation in composition, which is suggested to be the consequence of crust-melt interaction. The petrology, chemistry and oxygen isotope values suggest that the melt interacted with either the metamorphosed plutonic portion of the upper Arabian crust or with (meta-) sediments below Harrat Rahat. Finally, this thesis proved that magma-crust interaction occurred at Harrat Rahat, which has important implications for interpreting eruption mechanisms and mantle sources.

Modulation of the physico-chemical and functional properties of bread by applying surface treatments

Altamirano Fortoul, Rossana del Carmen 11 November 2013 (has links)
El pan es un alimento de gran consumo desde la antigüedad, obtenido de un proceso de panificación dinámico. Una de las innovaciones de mayor éxito en panificación ha sido el pan parcialmente cocido obtenido por la tecnología de panificación interrumpida que proporciona pan crujiente en cualquier momento del día. La crujibilidad es el atributo más demandado por los consumidores en el pan crujiente fresco. Desafortunadamente, la crujibilidad es percibida por corto tiempo después del horneado y la pérdida de ésta es uno de los atributos que causa rechazo en los consumidores. El objetivo de esta investigación fue la modulación de las propiedades físico-químicas y funcionales del pan mediante la aplicación de tratamientos de superficie con el fin de comprender las características de la corteza y el desarrollo de productos de pan con un valor agregado. Para abordar dicho objetivo se han realizado estudios para determinar el impacto de la adición de vapor, durante el horneado, sobre las propiedades mecánicas de la corteza y para evaluar la influencia de estas propiedades en los parámetros de calidad utilizando diferentes panes comerciales. Además se han realizado estudios para modular las propiedades de la corteza dirigidos a entender su microestructura y modificarla mediante tratamientos enzimáticos con amiloglucosidasa o con un recubrimiento funcional, con la finalidad de modificar la permeabilidad de la corteza u obtener panes probióticos. Los resultados mostraron que la cantidad de vapor utilizada durante la cocción (100, 200 y 400 ml) modificaron las propiedades físico-químicas y mecánicas así como la estructura de la corteza del pan. Los parámetros de calidad permitieron la diferenciación de variedades de pan parcialmente cocido, específicamente las propiedades mecánicas de la corteza junto con el volumen específico, dureza y estructura de la miga. Sin embargo, la textura de la corteza de pan fue significativamente dependiente de las condiciones de ensayo (velocidad y sección de la sonda). Los resultados mostraron que la velocidad más baja (0,5 mm / s) dio información acerca de la estructura celular de la corteza relacionada con la textura crujiente. Por otra parte, la estructura celular fue modificada por la amiloglucosidasa pulverizada sobre la superficie del pan antes de la cocción, lo que condujo a una disminución en el contenido de agua y actividad del agua de la corteza, lo cual se requiere para extender crujibilidad. La aplicación de recubrimientos comestibles con L. acidophilus microencapsulado sobre la superficie pan (disperso o en multicapa) garantizó la supervivencia del microorganismo después del tiempo de cocción y almacenamiento, a pesar de que estos disminuyeron la fuerza de fractura y actividad de agua de la corteza. El análisis de microestructura demostró la presencia de microcapsulas dispersas en la corteza de pan. Por lo tanto, L. acidophilus incluido en microcápsulas pueden ser incorporado en la superficie de pan a través de recubrimientos comestibles, abriendo la posibilidad de obtener panes funcionales. / Altamirano Fortoul, RDC. (2013). Modulation of the physico-chemical and functional properties of bread by applying surface treatments [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/33398

The formation of Earth’s early felsic continental crust by water-present eclogite melting

Laurie, Angelique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sodic and leucocratic Tonalite, Trondhjemite and Granodiorite (TTG) granitoid series of rocks characterise Paleo- to Meso- Archaean felsic continental crust, yet are uncommon in the post-Archaean rock record. Consequently, petrogenetic studies on these rocks provide valuable insight into the creation and evolution of Earth’s early continental crust. The highpressure (HP)-type of Archaean TTG magmas are particularly important in this regard as their geochemistry requires that they are formed by high-pressure melting of a garnet-rich eclogitic source. This has been interpreted as evidence for the formation of these magmas by anatexis of the upper portions of slabs within Archaean subduction zones. In general, TTG magmas have been assumed to arise through fluid-absent partial melting of metamafic source rocks. Therefore, very little experimental data on fluid-present eclogite melting to produce Archaean TTG exist, despite the fact that water drives magmatism in modern arcs. Consequently, this study experimentally investigates the role of fluid-present partial melting of eclogite-facies metabasaltic rock in the production of Paleo- to Meso-Archaean HP-type TTG melts. Experiments are conducted between 1.6 GPa and 3.0 GPa and 700 ºC and 900 ºC using natural and synthetic eclogite, and gel starting materials of low-K2O basaltic composition. Partial melting of the natural and synthetic eclogite occurred between 850 ºC and 870 ºC at pressures above 1.8 GPa, and the melting reaction is characterised by the breakdown of sodic clinopyroxene, quartz and water: Qtz + Cpx1 + H2O ± Grt1 = Melt + Cpx2 ± Grt2. The experimental melts have the compositions of sodic peraluminous trondhjemites and have compositions that are similar to the major, trace and rare earth element composition of HPtype Archaean TTG. This study suggests that fluid-present eclogite melting is a viable petrogenetic model for this component of Paleo- to Meso-Archaean TTG crust. The nature of the wet low-K2O eclogite-facies metamafic rock solidus has been experimentally defined and inflects towards higher temperatures at the position of the plagioclase-out reaction. Therefore, the results indicate that a crystalline starting material is necessary to define this solidus to avoid metastable melting beyond temperatures of the Pl + H2O + Qtz solidus at pressures above plagioclase stability. Furthermore, this study uses numerical and metamorphic models to demonstrate that for reasonable Archaean mantle wedge temperatures within a potential Archaean subduction zone, the bulk of the water produced by metamorphic reactions within the slabs is captured by an anatectic zone near the slab surface. Therefore, this geodynamic model may account for HP-type Archaean TTG production and additionally provides constraints for likely Archaean subduction. The shape of the relevant fluid-present solidus is similar to the shape of the pressure-temperature paths followed by upper levels of the proposed Archaean subducting slab, which makes water-fluxed slab anatexis is very dependant on the temperature in the mantle wedge. I propose that cooling of the upper mantle by only a small amount during the late Archaean ended fluid-present melting of the slab. This allowed slab water to migrate into the wedge and produce intermediate composition magmatism which has since been associated with subduction zones. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die reeks natruimhoudende en leukokraties Tonaliet, Trondhjemiet en Granodioriet (TTG) felsiese stollingsgesteentes is kenmerkend in die Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum felsiese kontinentale kors, maar is ongewoon in die post-Argeïese rots rekord. Gevolglik, petrogenetiese studies op hierdie rotse verskaf waardevolle insig in die skepping en evolusie van die aarde se vroeë kontinentale kors. Die hoë-druk (HD)-tipe van die Argeïkum TTG magmas is veral belangrik in hierdie verband as hulle geochemie vereis dat hulle gevorm word deur hoë druk smelting van 'n granaat-ryk eklogitiese bron. Dit word interpreteer as bewys vir die vorming van hierdie magmas deur smelting van die boonste gedeeltes van die blaaie in Argeïese subduksie sones. TTG magmas in die algemeen, is veronderstel om op te staan deur middel van water-afwesig gedeeltelike smelting van metamafiese bron rotse. Daarom bestaan baie min eksperimentele data op water-teenwoordig eklogiet smelting om Argeïkum TTG te produseer, ten spyte van die feit dat water magmatisme dryf in moderne boë. Gevolglik is hierdie studie ‘n eksperimentele ondersoek in die rol van water-teenwoordig gedeeltelike smelting van eklogiet-fasies metamafiese rots in die produksie van Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum HD-tipe TTG smelte. Eksperimente word uitgevoer tussen 1.6 GPa en 3.0 GPa en 700 ºC en 900 ºC met behulp van natuurlike en sintetiese eklogiet, en gel begin materiaal van lae-K2O basaltiese samestelling. Gedeeltelike smelting van die natuurlike en sintetiese eklogiet het plaasgevind tussen 850 ºC en 870 ºC te druk bo 1.8 GPa, en die smeltings reaksie is gekenmerk deur die afbreek van natruimhoudende klinopirokseen, kwarts en water: Qtz + Cpx1 + H2O ± Grt1 = Smelt + Cpx2 ± Grt2. Die eksperimentele smelte het die komposisies van natruimhoudende trondhjemites en is soortgelyk aan die hoof-, spoor- en seldsame aard element samestelling van HD-tipe Argeïkum TTG. Hierdie studie dui daarop dat water-teenwoordig eklogiet smelting 'n lewensvatbare petrogenetiese model is vir hierdie komponent van Paleo- tot Meso-Argeïkum TTG kors. Die aard van die nat lae-K2O eklogietfasies metamafiese rock solidus is eksperimenteel gedefinieër en beweeg na hoër temperature by die posisie van die plagioklaas-out reaksie. Daarom dui die resultate daarop dat 'n kristallyne materiaal nodig is om hierdie solidus te definieër en metastabiele smelting buite temperature van die Pl + H2O + Qtz solidus druk bo plagioklaas stabiliteit te vermy. Verder maak hierdie studie gebruik van numeriese en metamorfiese modelle om aan te dui dat die grootste deel van die water geproduseer deur metamorfiese reaksies binne die blaaie bestaan vir redelike Argeïkum mantel wig temperature binne 'n potensiële Argeïkum subduksie sone, en word opgevang deur 'n smelting sone naby die blad oppervlak. Daarom kan hierdie geodinamies model rekenskap gee vir HD-tipe Argeïkum TTG produksie en dit bied ook die beperkinge vir waarskynlik Argeïese subduksie. Die vorm van die betrokke waterteenwoordig solidus is soortgelyk aan die vorm van die druk-temperatuur paaie gevolg deur die boonste vlakke van die voorgestelde Argeïkum subderende blad, wat water-vloeiing blad smeltingbaie afhanklik maak van die temperatuur in die mantel wig. Ons stel voor dat afkoeling van die boonste mantel met slegs 'n klein hoeveelheid gedurende die laat Argeïese, die water-vloeiing smelting van die blad beëindig. Dit het toegelaat dat die blad water in die wig migreer en intermediêre samestelling magmatisme produseer wat sedert geassosieer word met subduksie sones.

Evolutionary Aspects of Archean Kolli-Massif, Southern India : An Archive of Crustal Processes

Mathews, George Paul January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The continental crust is the record of the history of the Earth, of the processes and events that have contributed to the planet's evolution. It is now understood that the continental crust is growing continuously since the early ages of the Earth. Archean-Proterozoic boundary marks one of the major transition periods in the crustal evolution processes. However, there are only few crustal remnants available to investigate this milestone of Earth history, reported with significant chemical discontinuity. The Neoarchean crustal fragments of southern India provide a window to probe the processes that happened during such transitions. The geology of southern India can be broadly divided in to the Archean Dharwar Craton (DC) of granites and greenstones belts to the north and an assembly of crustal blocks experienced granulite grade metamorphism to the south from Archean to Neoproterozoic, namely the Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT). The relationship between DC and SGT terranes are not well established, primarily due to lack of studies on the growth and evolution on each of the crustal blocks. This study focuses on the crustal tract between Salem Attur Shear Zone and the Cauvery Shear Zone of the SGT. This region lies to the east of Palghat Cauvery Shear System, which is considered as dextral shear zone, suture zone, Neoproterozoic terrain boundary and reworked Archean crust in the previous studies. However, so far no comprehensive studies had been reported from the region that consists of a spectrum of rocks charnockite, granitic gneiss, hornblende gneiss, granite and mafic-ultramafics litho-units inclusive of a layered complex. The objectives of this study are 1) to understand the crustal formation processes in Kolli-massif 2) to delineate the chronology of events or processes through radiometric dating. 3) to understand the crustal reworking and evolutionary processes in Kolli-massif . Major tools used in this study include petrology (field studies and petrography), geochemistry, U-Pb Zircon geochronology, Sr-Nd and Hf Isotopes. The content of this thesis is divided in to six chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction to the topic – crustal growth. It discusses the importance of continental crustal process in understanding the evolutionary history of the 2500 Ma Earth. It also emphasizes on the reason to investigate Kolli-massif which is a part of the Southern Granulite Terrain. Chapter 2 deals with the literature review which is relevant in the context of the study. The chapter discusses topics like structure of the Earth crust, various models proposed on the generation of continental crust (continuous as well as episodic) and also the models discussed in the literature on the generation of TTG (subduction of oceanic crust and ocean plateau and non-subduction). An overall view on crustal reworking and recycling is also included. The chapter ends with a short review on southern Indian crustal tectonics and a detailed discussion on the evolution Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone. Chapter 3 describes the geology of the study area Kolli-massif in details. This includes the structural, lithological units, field relation and geochronolgical aspects combined and their implications on the crustal assembly of southern India. Chapter 4 is a discussion on the results, interpretation and implications of crustal generation and evolution of the Archean Kolli-massif. This chapter is subdivided to four. Chapter 4.1 deals with possible source and tectonic settings for the magma generation which lead to the formation of Archean Sittampundi Complex. The whole rock and spinel chemistry two different suggests both MORB and arc signature for these rocks. Although this is such a quite contrasting scenario, such scenarios are known to occur in an intra-oceanic subduction in the Archean as well as modern analogue. The search for MOR setting lead to Kanjamalai, where major rocks like metagabbro show geochemical affinity, as described in Chapter 4.2. The presence of rocks like plagiogranite also supports MORB affinity. Based on field observations and above evidences Kanjamalai complex is interpreted as subducted remnant of an Archean Mid Oceanic Ridge. Chapter 4.3 deals with the major rock type of the region charnockite and granitic gneiss. The whole geochemical chemistry suggests arc signatures (depleted HFS elements, enriched LREE) and negative Nd and Hf isotope suggests reworked magma. However, the high HREE content and absence of Eu anomaly in the charnockite but reverse case of granitic gneiss indicates they might have of a different source and may not solely by the subduction of oceanic crust described in chapter 4.1. Combining the results from Hf and Nd isotopes that shows the presence of an older crust of age 2700-2900 Ma, it can be concluded that the an older oceanic crust, probably with an ocean plateau was part of subduction and magma genesis. The presence of garnet websterite describes accretion in operation in the generation of Kolli-massif. Chapter 4.4 deals with crustal recycling. The results on the investigation on meta-BIFs yielded results that can be interpreted that the iron formations were deeply subducted. The proposal of accretionary tectonics is also supported by the presence of meta-BIFs in the shear zone with in the Kolli-massif. Chapter 5 deals with the Neoproterozic reworking of the Archean Kolli-massif. The investigations on the sapphirine bearing granulite suggest that the rocks have undergone UHT metamorphism (6Kbar and 925˚C). The geochronogical evidences shows that the zircon rim growth ca. 550 Ma over a 2480 Ma crust. This suggests crustal reworking that would have happened during the Gondwana amalgamation happened during the Neoproterozoic time.It is therefore concluded in Chapter 6 that the Kolli-massif is having an Archean nucleus that was grown by the arc accretion. This reworked during the regional metamorphism along with the Gondwana metamorphism in the Neoproterozoic. Further scope of this study is also discussed.

Evaluation of the impact of vertical movements of the Earth’s crust on levelling networks / Vertikaliųjų Žemės plutos judesių įtakos niveliacijos tinklams vertinimas

Puzienė, Rūta 03 March 2010 (has links)
The thesis presents the analysis of the impact of the recent vertical move-ments of the Earth‘s crust on the measurements of levelling as well as levelling networks submitting the results of theoretical research and practical observa-tions. The aim of the work is to investigate the impact on the results of measure-ments in terms of levelling and levelling networks, to work out the methodology for their evaluation to be applied in compiling and maintaining of these net-works. The objectivity of the experiments deals with the levelling networks of Lithuania and data received. The following tasks were solved: 1) there was perfected the methodological approach for the evaluation of the forecasting models in terms of geoindexes of the territory with intention to improve the forecasting.; 2) there was theoretically grounded as well as worked out the methodology for the evaluation of the im-pact of the recent vertical movements of the Earth’s crust on the measurements of levelling and on levelling networks; 3) there was derived the methodology of reduction of differences of measured altitudes, taking into account the selected moment of time; 4) there were made investigations on the possibilities of up-grading the models of forecasting by applying diverse groups of geoindexes; the recommendations were prepared how to use the models of forecasting; 5) while applying the proposed methods and recommendations there were carried out the experiments and evaluation of the impact of the... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nagrinėjama dabartinių žemės plutos judesių įtaka niveliacijos matavimams ir niveliacijos tinklams. Pateikiami teorinių ir praktinių eksperi-mentų tyrimo rezultatai. Darbo tikslas – ištirti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtaką ni-veliavimo matavimo rezultatams ir niveliacijos tinklams, parengti jų vertinimo metodiką sudarant ir eksploatuojant šiuos tinklus. Tyrimų objektas – Lietuvos teritorijos niveliacijos tinklai ir jų matavimų duomenys. Siekiant įgyvendinti tyrimų tikslą, išspręsti šie uždaviniai: 1) siekiant page-rinti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių prognozės modelius, patobulin-ta jų sąsajų su teritorijos georodikliais vertinimo metodika; 2) teoriškai pagrįsta ir parengta dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtakos niveliacijos mata-vimams ir niveliacijos tinklams vertinimo metodika; 3) parengta išmatuotų aukščių skirtumų redukavimo, atsižvelgiant į pasirinktą laiko momentą, metodi-ka; 4) atlikti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių prognozės modelių to-bulinimo galimybių, taikant skirtingas georodiklių grupes, tyrimai; parengtos rekomendacijos prognozės modeliams taikyti; 5) taikant parengtas metodikas ir rekomendacijas, atlikti dabartinių vertikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtakos, suda-rant ir eksploatuojant Lietuvos niveliacijos tinklus, tyrimai ir vertinimas; 6) api-bendrinus teorinius ir eksperimentinius tyrimus, parengtos rekomendacijos ver-tikaliųjų žemės plutos judesių įtakai vertinti, sudarant ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Deformation mechanisms and strain localization in the mafic continental lower crust

Degli Alessandrini, Giulia January 2018 (has links)
The rheology and strength of the lower crust play a key role in lithosphere dynamics, influencing the orogenic cycle and how plate tectonics work. Despite their geological importance, the processes that cause weakening of the lower crust and strain localization are still poorly understood. Through microstructural analysis of naturally deformed samples, this PhD aims to investigate how weakening and strain localization occurs in the mafic continental lower crust. Mafic granulites are analysed from two unrelated continental lower crustal shear zones which share comparable mineralogical assemblages and high-grade deformation conditions (T > 700 °C and P > 6 Kbar): the Seiland Igneous Province in northern Norway (case-study 1) and the Finero mafic complex in the Italian Southern Alps (case-study 2). Case-study 1 investigates a metagabbroic dyke embedded in a lower crustal metasedimentary shear zone undergoing partial melting. Shearing of the dyke was accompanied by infiltration of felsic melt from the adjacent partially molten metapelites. Findings of case-study 1 show that weakening of dry and strong mafic rocks can result from melt infiltration from nearby partially molten metasediments. The infiltrated melt triggers melt-rock reactions and nucleation of a fine-grained (< 10 µm average grain size) polyphase matrix. This fine-grained mixture deforms by diffusion creep, causing significant rheological weakening. Case-study 2 investigates a lower crustal shear zone in a compositionally-layered mafic complex made of amphibole-rich and amphibole-poor metagabbros. Findings of case-study 2 show that during prograde metamorphism (T > 800 °C), the presence of amphibole undergoing dehydration melting reactions is key to weakening and strain localization. Dehydration of amphibole generates fine-grained symplectic intergrowths of pyroxene + plagioclase. These reaction products form an interconnected network of fine-grained (< 20 µm average grain size) polyphase material that deforms by diffusion creep, causing strain partitioning and localization in amphibole-rich layers. Those layers without amphibole fail to produce an interconnected network of fine grained material. In this layers, plagioclase deforms by dislocation creep, and pyroxene by microfracturing and neocrystallization. Overall, this PhD research highlights that weakening and strain localization in the mafic lower crust is governed by high-T mineral and chemical reactions that drastically reduce grain size and trigger diffusion creep.

Evolution of Plinian magmas from Popocatépetl Volcano, México

Sosa Ceballos, Giovanni 1975- 24 October 2014 (has links)
Fractional crystallization, magma mixing, assimilation of continental crust, and how those processes modify volatile budgets, control the evolution of magma. As a consequence, the understanding of these processes, their magnitudes, and timescales is critical for interpreting ancient magma systems, their eruptions, and the potential future volcanic activity. In this dissertation I present the results of three projects. The first explores how magmatic processes affect magma reservoirs and eruption dynamics. The second explores where in the storage system and how often these processes occur. The third explores how volatile budgets are modified by processes such as crystallization, mixing, and assimilation. Volcán Popocatépetl (central México) erupted ~14100 14C yr BP producing the Tutti Frutti Plinian Eruption (TFPE). The eruption tapped two different silicic magmas that mixed just prior and during the eruption. The influx of mass and volatiles generated during the mixing of both magmas overpressured the reservoir, which was weakened at the top. The weakened reservoir relaxed while magma was tapped and collapsed to form a caldera at the surface. Although it is known that fractional crystallization, mixing, and assimilation can greatly modify magmas, the frequency and intensity of these events is not known. I investigated the magmatic processes responsible for the evolution of magmas erupted during five Plinian events of Popocatépetl volcano. Results show that during the last 23 ky magma was stored in two different zones, and was variably modified by replenishments of mafic magma. Interestingly, little evidence for large mafic inputs triggering explosive eruptions was found. Each of these processes alters the abundances of volatiles and introduces different types of volatiles to the system. Hence, the volatile budget of magma can have a rich and complex history. To investigate how volatile budgets evolve in active magma systems, I analyzed the abundances of volatiles (H2O, CO2, F, Cl, and S) in numerous glass inclusions trapped in phenocrysts. Results show that the magmas that produced the last five Plinian eruptions at Popocatépetl volcano evolved by crystallization and magma mixing, assimilation of the local carbonate basement is not chemically appreciable. Mixing with mafic magmas added substantial CO2 and S to the system, dewatered the magma, yet produced little change in the F contents of the magmas. / text

The seismic velocity structure of the crust and uppermost mantle in Sudan and East Africa

El Tahir, Nada Bushra 22 January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 2015. / In this thesis the crustal structure beneath two areas of Africa is investigated. In Sudan, the new constraints on the crustal structure beneath the northern part of the Khartoum basin have been obtained. In East Africa, the size of the Tanzania Craton, and the differences between the Eastern and Western branches of the East African Rift System (EARS) have been determined. In southern Tanzania, the debate on the secular variation between Proterozoic and Archean crust has been investigated. The approach used in this thesis involves different data sets and methods. In first part of the thesis, the crustal structure of the northern part of the Mesozoic Khartoum basin is investigated by using two modelling methods: H-k stacking of receiver functions, and a joint inversion of receiver functions and Rayleigh wave group velocities. H-k stacking indicated that the crust is 33-37 km thick with an average of 35 km, and the crustal Vp/Vs ratio is 1.74-1.81 with an average of 1.78. Similar results were obtained from the joint inversion for Moho depth, as well as an average shear wave velocity of 3.7 km/s for the crust. These results provide the first seismic estimates of Moho depth for a basin in Sudan. When compared to average crustal thickness for unrifted Proterozoic crust in eastern Africa, our results indicate that only a few kilometers of crustal thinning may have occurred beneath the Khartoum basin. This finding is consistent with estimates of effective elastic plate thickness, which indicate little modification of the Proterozoic lithosphere beneath the basin, and suggests that there may be insufficient topography on the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Sudanese basins to channel plume material westward from Ethiopia. In the second part of the thesis, the uppermost mantle structure beneath East Africa is investigated by using a standard singular value decomposition algorithm model. Results reveal fast Pn velocities beneath the Mozambique Belt to the east of the craton, the Kibaran Belt west of the craton, and beneath the northern half of the Ubendian Belt to the southwest of the craton. These results indicate that the cold, thick lithosphere of the Tanzania Craton extends beneath the Proterozoic mobile belts and the areal extent of the cratonic lithosphere is much larger than is indicated iv by the mapped boundaries of the craton. The results also show that the Pn velocities beneath the volcanic provinces along the Western Branch are not anomalously slow, which indicates little, if any, perturbation of the uppermost mantle beneath them. This is in contrast to the upper mantle structure at depths ≥ 70 km beneath the volcanic regions, which is clearly perturbed. The fast Pn velocities beneath the Western Branch contrast with the slow Pn velocities (7.5-7.8 km/s) beneath the Eastern Branch in Kenya, indicating that the upper mantle beneath the Eastern Branch has been altered more than beneath the Western Branch. In the third part, the crustal structure beneath two Proterozoic mobile belts, the Usagaran and the Ubendian belts, is investigated by using the Non-Dominated Genetic Algorithm method. In the Usagaran belt, results show an average Moho depth of 35 km for station MAFI and 41 and 42 km for stations MOGR and MIKU, respectively. In the Ubendian Belt, results showed an average Moho depth of 43 km beneath the Ufipa sub-terrane compared to 39 km for Wakole sub-terrane. These results indicate localized thickening in the Ufipa sub-terrane, but not beneath the entire Ubendian Belt. These results indicate that is no clear evidence that Paleoproterozoic crust in East Africa is substantially thicker than Archaean crust.

Estudo sazonal do metabolismo intermedi?rio e do balan?o oxidativo de Hyalella kaingang (Crustacea, Hyalellidae) em ambiente natural

Braghirolli, Fernando Machado 09 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-07-07T13:22:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 471669 - Texto Completo.pdf: 642214 bytes, checksum: 15f92d44ec9d54a455925b6917080ee4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-07T13:22:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 471669 - Texto Completo.pdf: 642214 bytes, checksum: 15f92d44ec9d54a455925b6917080ee4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-09 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Currently, the execution of biological research that is able to classify and characterize the biodiversity and its ecological relations has been increasingly important and necessary in order to achieve environmental conservation. Conservation physiology is concerned about studying and qualifying many variables related to an organism, so that is possible to increase the knowledge about the functioning of a given species and to detail main environmental requirements or to establish periods of natural vulnerability. The genus Hyalella presents an American distribution and has a great importance on the food chain where it occurs, and becoming a fundamental link in processes of energy transference. The amphipod Hyalella kaingang, a very recent described species and so far not very studied, was used on this study of seasonal variation, and the objective of the present work was to analyze the metabolic behavior, the metabolic allocation, the levels of lipid peroxidation and the activity of antioxidant enzymes of the species. Thirty animals from each sex were used each season of the year, which were collected at Centro de Pesquisa e Conserva??o da Natureza (CPCN) Pr?-Mata, located at S?o Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul.In the field, animals were euthanized by cryoanesthesia and in the laboratory they were homogenized in order to quantify levels of total proteins, glycogen, lipids, triglycerides, glycerol lipid peroxidation and the activity of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione S- transferase. There was significative difference in the levels of glycogen, lipids, triglycerides, lipoperoxidation and in the activity of the enzymes superoxide dismutase and glutathione S-transferase over a full seasonal cycle in both males and females. The results of biomarkers from energetic metabolism and from oxidative stress indicate a feeding trend directed to the ingestion of proteins, and it is also suggested that the reproductive period of the species may be long-lasting, with this hypothesis being based also on the observation of pregnant females in many of the analyzed seasons. It is also suggested that there may be a reproductive peak during autumn. However, more studies must be done with this species so that the knowledge about its reproductive biology, general ecology and physiology can be increased. The present work also reinforces the idea that must be a greater interaction between different scientific fields so that a more precise profile of any given organism can be stated. / Atualmente, a realiza??o de levantamentos biol?gicos que sejam capazes de classificar e caracterizar a biodiversidade e suas rela??es ecol?gicas tem sido cada vez mais importante e necess?ria na busca da conserva??o ambiental. A fisiologia da conserva??o preocupa-se em estudar e qualificar diversas vari?veis relacionadas a um organismo, para que assim seja poss?vel ampliar os conhecimentos acerca do funcionamento de determinada esp?cie e detalhar necessidades b?sicas ambientais ou estabelecer per?odos de vulnerabilidade natural. O g?nero Hyalella, de distribui??o americana, tem uma grande import?ncia nas cadeias tr?ficas onde ocorrem, tornando-se uma liga??o fundamental em processos de transfer?ncia energ?tica. O anf?podo Hyalella kaingang, uma esp?cie recentemente descrita e pouco estudada, foi utilizada nas pesquisas referentes ?s an?lises sazonais, e o objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o funcionamento metab?lico, a aloca??o energ?tica, os n?veis de lipoperoxida??o e atividades de enzimas antioxidantes da esp?cie. Foram utilizados 30 animais de cada sexo em cada esta??o do ano, os quais foram coletados dentro do Centro de Pesquisa e Conserva??o da Natureza (CPCN) Pr?-Mata, no munic?pio de S?o Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul.Em campo, os animais foram eutanaziados por crioanestesia e no laborat?rio, homogeneizados para a quantifica??o dos n?veis de prote?nas, glicog?nio, lip?dios, triglicer?deos, glicerol, lipoperoxida??o e a atividade das enzimas super?xido dismutase, catalase e glutationa S-transferase. Houve diferen?a significativa nos n?veis de glicog?nio, lip?dios, triglicer?deos, lipoperoxida??o e na atividade das enzimas super?xido dismutase e glutationa S-transferase ao longo de um ciclo sazonal, tanto em machos como em f?meas.Os resultados encontrados a partir dos biomarcadores de metabolismo energ?tico e do estresse oxidativo indicam tend?ncias alimentares direcionadas ao consumo predominantemente de prote?nas, e tamb?m que o per?odo reprodutivo da esp?cie seja longo, hip?tese baseada tamb?m na observa??o de f?meas ov?geras em muitas esta??es. Sugere-se tamb?m, que exista um pico de atividade reprodutiva no outono. Contudo, mais estudos devem ser realizados com a esp?cie para que possam ser aprofundados os conhecimentos acerca da biologia reprodutiva, ecologia geral e fisiologia desta esp?cie. O presente trabalho refor?a a ideia de que deve haver uma maior integra??o entre diferentes campos cient?ficos para que se possa obter um perfil mais preciso de um determinado organismo.

Fatores ambientais e mecanismos comportamentais determinantes da ocorr?ncia de Mysida (Crustacea) no estu?rio da Laguna dos Patos e regi?o costeira adjacente

Gama, Andr?a Mara da Silva 21 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:09:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 404424.pdf: 1163257 bytes, checksum: 6c3545dc1646b5edf5fe6d8fa39fde34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-21 / Apesar da sua grande import?ncia, informa??es sobre a biologia e distribui??o dos mis?deos s?o escassas no Brasil. 0 presente estudo foi realizado no estu?rio da laguna dos Patos e regi?o costeira adjacente, utilizando amostras obtidas atrav?s de arrastos de pl?ncton realizados entre os anos de 1994 e 2000. Procurou-se identificar, atrav?s da aplica??o de equa??es log?sticas multivariadas, a influ?ncia relativa de par?metros ambientais diversos na probabilidade de ocorr?ncia das esp?cies de maior abund?ncia. Dentre os par?metros analisados incluiu-se salinidade e temperatura da ?gua, esta??o do ano e turno da amostragem, dire??o do vento e presen?a de fen?menos meteorol?gicos como El Ni?o e La Ni?a. As esp?cies encontradas nas amostras analisadas foram: Neomysis americana, Metamysidopsis elongata atlantica, Mysidopsis tortonesei, Promysis atlantica, Mysidopsis coelhoi, Metamysidopsis munda, Bowmaniella brasiliensis, Promysis orientalis e Siriella sp.. Promysis orientalis, Mysidopsis coelhoi, Bowmaniella brasiliensis e Siriella sp. t?m o seu primeiro registro de ocorr?ncia no interior da laguna dos Patos e regi?o costeira adjacente. De forma geral, considerando os par?metros ambientais analisados, as equac?es log?sticas ajustadas foram muito eficientes em predizer quando as esp?cies n?o estavam presentes no sistema. A margem de acerto de aus?ncia variou entre 89 e 98%. Por outro lado, as margens de acerto quanto ? presen?a foram significativamente menores, oscilando entre 17 e 47%. Tal discrep?ncia de resultados n?o revela inadequa??o do modelo de an?lise, mas sim a variabilidade decorrente do modelo amostral limitado. Neomysis americana foi a esp?cie mais abundante registrada durante o periodo de inverno. A segunda esp?cie mais abundante foi M. e. atlantica, amostrada principalmente na primavera. Metamysidopsis elongata atlantica ? uma esp?cie que ocorre em altas densidades em ?guas rasas de estu?rios das costas Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. Em laborat?rio, respostas comportamentais ? salinidade (10, 20, 25, 28, 30, 40 e 45), temperatura (10, 15, 20, 30+-1?C) e luz (s/n) foram testadas usando machos adultos, f?meas adultas, e juvenis. Embora n?o ocorra resposta a temperatura, as esp?cies mostraram respostas claras a salinidade e a luz. Na presen?a de luz, os organismos permaneceram no fundo do aqu?rio, por?m se moveram para a superf?cie quando as salinidades do fundo aumentaram. Na aus?ncia de luz, os adultos se moveram para a superficie do aqu?rio, mas os juvenis foram ou permaneceram no fundo talvez como maneira de evitar a preda??o dos adultos.

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