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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monitorização e mensuração tomográfica de diferentes técnicas de crioterapia em pele de cães da raça Beagle, e sua relação com as medidas da necrose estimadas pela histopatologia / Computed tomography monitoring and mensuration of different cryotherapy techniques on the skin of Beagle dogs and their association with necrosis assessment through histopathological analysis

Ronaldo Lucas 18 November 2004 (has links)
O uso do frio pela medicina é muito antigo, utilizado inicialmente de forma empírica, teve grandes avanços nos séculos XIV e XX, evoluindo juntamente com a Física. O surgimento de novas técnicas e equipamentos, possibilitou à crioterapia tornar-se uma importante opção no tratamento de neoplasias, benignas e malignas, de diferentes órgãos (tais como fígado, próstata, pâncreas e mamas) e sistemas (ósseo, neurológico e tegumentar). O grande desenvolvimento tecnológico permitiu além do maior número de indicações, melhores resultados, mormente com o uso de técnicas de imagem para o acompanhamento do procedimento. Porém, poucos são os trabalhos que enfocam a monitorização e mensuração do congelamento, pela tomografia computadorizada, bem como avaliação da necrose obtida. No presente trabalho propôs-se avaliar as relações entre as medidas obtidas pela tomografia computadorizada, em 20 cães da raça Beagle, durante o congelamento por aplicação do nitrogênio pela sonda fechada (75 segundos), spray (75 e 135 segundos) e derramamento (75 segundos), comparando estas medidas com aquelas mensuradas pela histopatologia da necrose provocada, para posteriormente avaliar a efetividade dos métodos e criar protocolos de tratamento. Os valores de diâmetro, raio, profundidade e volume do congelamento foram comparados entre si e, com os respectivos valores da necrose após 96 horas do procedimento. Os valores foram submetidos a análise de variância de medidas repetidas e teste de Bonferroni (p<0,05). Constatou-se que: a técnica de sonda fechada oferece congelamento e subseqüente necrose mais superficial que os outros métodos, sendo a técnica menos efetiva; em todas as técnicas o volume, diâmetro e profundidade são inferiores no tecido necrosado quando comparados aos seus similares naquele congelado; em nenhuma das quatro técnicas a profundidade de congelamento foi equivalente ao seu raio. Finalmente, houve a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de protocolos alternativos de congelamento a partir da profundidade de necrose pretendida (hf), obtendo-se como resultado (sonda - Di = hf / 0,29; spray I; Di = hf / 0,31; spray II - Di = hf / 0,35; derramamento -Di = hf / 0,38) o diâmetro do congelamento (Di) necessário para o êxito do tratamento / The use of cold by Medicine is a very old practice, initially used empirically, which had significant advances in the XIV and XX centuries, developing along with Physics. The appearance of new techniques and equipment turned cryotherapy into an important option in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms in different organs (such as the liver, the prostate, the pancreas and breasts) and systems (bone, neurological and tegumentary). The large technological development resulted in a higher number of indications as well as better results, especially with the concomitant use of imaging techniques to follow the procedure. However, few studies focus on the monitoring and mensuration of freezing through computed tomography, as well as the assessment of the resulting necrosis. Our study aims at evaluating the association between the measurements obtained through computed tomography in 20 Beagle dogs during freezing by liquid nitrogen use through a probe (75 sec), spray (75 and 135 sec) and overflow (75 sec), comparing these measurements to those obtained through histopathological analysis of the resulting necrosis, for later evaluation of the effectiveness of the methods and design of better treatment protocols. The values of diameter, radius, depth and volume of freezing were compared among them and also with the respective necrosis values 96 hours after the procedure. The values were submitted to analysis of variance of repeated measurements and Bonferroni test (p<0.05). We observed that the closed probe technique causes a more superficial freezing and resulting necrosis when compared to the other methods, being the less effective technique. In all techniques, the volume, diameter and depth are lower in the necrotic tissue when compared to those in the frozen tissue; none of the four techniques showed that freezing depth was equivalent to its radius. Finally, alternative freezing protocols could be developed from the depth of the intended necrosis (hf), resulting in the freezing diameter (Di) (probe - Di = hf/0.29; spray I; Di = hf/0.31; spray II Di = hf/0.35; overflow Di = hf/0.38), which is necessary for therapy success

Cryoconservation et cryothérapie de la vigne (Vitis vinifera L.) / Cryopreservation and cryotherapy of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.)

Marković, Zvjezdana 09 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude visait à établir un protocole de cryoconservation pour des apex de vigne et à tester l'efficacité de la cryoconservation pour éliminer des virus de la vigne sélectionnés. Des cultures in vitro de génotypes sains de huit cultivars croates autochtones de vigne, Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip, Debit, Grk, Lasina, Plavina et Vugava et de génotypes infectés de Plavac mali ont été établies. Les différences de survie, de reprise et des paramètres de croissance observés se sont avérées spécifique des génotypes. Les cultivars infectés se sont montrés moins réactifs que les cultivars sains. Un protocole de cryoconservation basé sur la vitrification avec PVS2 a été établi. Les modifications de la préculture avec le saccharose et l'utilisation de solutions alternatives de cryoconservation n'ont pas amélioré la reprise. A l'opposé, l'état physiologique du matériel végétal a joué un rôle essentiel pour la cryoconservation. Des bourgeons en croissance active prélevés sur des microboutures mononodales ont montré une reprise plus élevée que des bourgeons prélevés directement sur les vitroplants. La position des bourgeons sur la tige des plantes-mères in vitro a affecté la reprise après cryoconservation. L'addition de benzylaminopurine au milieu de culture des microboutures a eu un effet positif sur la reprise après immersion dans l'azote liquide, alors qu'aucun effet positif n'a été observé sur la reprise avec la zéatine riboside ou la proline. Le protocole de cryoconservation établi a permis d'obtenir environ 50% de reprise avec le cultivar Portan et avec trois des quatre cultivars internationaux utilisés. Par contre, aucune reprise ou une reprise très faible a été observée avec les cultivars croates testés. En se basant sur les tests ELISA réalisés, le virus GFLV a été éliminé de 82,4% des apex non cryoconservés et de 77,8% des apex cryoconservés chez le cultivar Chardonnay et le GLRaV-3 a été éliminé de 100% des apex non cryoconservés et cryoconservés chez le cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon. Ces résultats sont à relier à nos études d'immunolocalisation, qui ont montré que le GFLV était présent dans le dôme apical et les tissus méristématiques chez le cultivar Pinot Noir and que le GLRaV-3 était présent dans les tubes criblés chez le cultivar Merlot. La stabilité génétique des plantes régénérées à partir des apex cryoconservés a été étudiée en utilisant les marqueurs AFLP. Avec les huit combinaisons d'amorces utilisées sur les 43 plantes testées, aucun polymorphisme n'a été observé après la préculture au saccharose, le traitement avec la solution de loading et la solution de PVS2 diluée de moitié. Par contre, des fragments polymorphes ont été observés sur des explants non cryoconservés et cryoconservés traités avec la solution PVS2, dont le nombre augmentait avec l'augmentation de la durée d'exposition à la solution PVS2. / This study aimed at establishing a cryopreservation protocol for grapevine shoot tips and at testing the efficiency of cryopreservation in eliminating selected grapevine viruses. In vitro cultures of healthy genotypes of eight Croatian autochthonous grapevine cultivars Plavac mali, Maraština, Pošip, Debit, Grk, Lasina, Plavina and Vugava and of virus-infected genotypes of Plavac mali were successfully established. Differences in survival, regrowth and growth parameters were genotype-specific. Infected cultivars were less reactive compared to healthy ones. A PVS2-based cryopreservation protocol was successfully established. Modifications in sucrose preculture conditions and use of PVS2-derived alternative vitrification solutions did not improve growth recovery. By contrast, the physiological state of the plant material played a critical role in cryopreservation. Actively growing buds sampled from single-node microcuttings displayed higher regrowth compared to buds sampled directly on in vitro plantlets. The position of buds on the stem of in vitro mother-plants affected regrowth after cryopreservation. The addition benzylaminopurine in the shooting medium had a positive effect on regrowth after liquid nitrogen exposure, while no such positive effect was observed with zeatine riboside or proline. The cryopreservation protocol established led to approximately 50% recovery with cultivar Portan and three of the four international cultivars tested. By contrast, no or very low recovery was noted with the Croatian cultivars tested. Based on ELISA tests, the GFLV virus was eliminated from 82.4% of non-cryopreserved samples and from 77.78% of cryopreserved samples in cultivar Chardonnay and the GLRaV-3 virus was eliminated from 100% of both non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved samples in cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon. These results may be related with our immunolocalisation studies, which showed that GFLV was found in the apical dome and meristematic tissues in cultivar Pinot Noir and GLRaV-3 in sieve elements of cultivar Merlot. Genetic stability of plants regenerated from cryopreserved shoot tips was studied using AFLP markers. With the eight AFLP primer combinations employed on the 43 plants tested, no polymorphism was observed after sucrose preculture, treatment with the loading solution and half-strengthPVS2. However, polymorphic fragments were observed in non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved samples treated with PVS2 solution, the number of which increased with increasing durations of exposure to PVS2 solution.

The Power of Ice : Effekten på livskvalitet till följd av köldterapi i kombination med andningsövning och meditation. / The Power of Ice : The effects on quality of life following cryotherapy coupled with breathwork and meditation.

Brage, Johan, Hellström, Leonard January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Vården rör sig mot en mer patientcentrerad syn. Detta reflekteras i den fysioterapeutiska behandlingen där man kan se holistiska modaliteter göra ett inträde. En metod utanför skolmedicinens ramar som samlat uppmärksamhet det senaste decenniet är Wim Hof-Metoden. Den bygger på köldterapi, andningsövning och meditation. För var av dessa delar finns stöd, och lovande forskning har utförts på metoden i sig. Dock så är stödet fortfarande begränsat. Syfte Undersöka om utövandet av Wim Hof-metoden under tre veckor ger effekter på livskvalitet och självskattad hälsa. Metod Deltagare rekryterades via mail och annonser på social media. 8 individer utav 14 intresserade (57%) avlade medgivande och påbörjade intervention. Under tre veckor utförde de dagligen Wim Hof-Metoden. En mätning av livskvalitet med formuläret RAND-36 gjordes vid baseline och efter intervention. Så även med en generell hälsoskattning ur formuläret EQ-5L. Resultat Av 8 deltagare genomförde 5 (62,5%) studien. Således skedde ett bortfall på 3 individer (37,5 %). Efter intervention kunde man se parametriska tendenser till en ökad livskvalitet enligt RAND-36, där sammanlagt medelvärde för domänerna vitalitet, psykiskt välbefinnande och allmän hälsa ökade från 61,6 till 71,0 poäng. För generell hälsa enligt barometern från EQ-5L ökade medelvärdet från 75,4 till 85,6 enheter. Diskussion Resultatet indikerar tendenser till ökad livskvalitet och generell hälsa. Dock var antalet deltagare för lågt för statistisk analys, och gruppens förväntningar höga - vilket sänker datans tillförlitlighet. Forskning av större omfattning och med högre kvalitet behövs för att dra slutsatser kring metodens verkan.

Motor Function Responses to Induced Pain and Cryotherapy

Long, Blaine Cletus 19 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: Establish and validate an experimental pain model that will create pain for at least 20-minutes and then use the model to determine if: 1) cryotherapy decreases experimentally induced pain, 2) experimentally induced pain contributes to arthrogenic muscle inhibition, and 3) cold application influences pain or arthrogenic muscle inhibition. To answer these questions we conducted two experiments, the results of which are presented in two manuscripts. Methods: Seventy (n = 30 for experiment I and n = 40 for experiment II), physically active healthy male subjects participated. Interventions: Independent variables used for experiment I were condition (5% hypertonic saline infusion/cryotherapy, no-saline infusion/cryotherapy, 5% hypertonic saline infusion/sham) and time (precondition, every minute during a condition, and 10 minutes following each condition). For experiment II, independent variables were treatment (saline infusion, saline infusion/cryotherapy, saline infusion/sham, and no-saline infusion) and time (pretreatment, posttreatment, and 30-minutes posttreatment). Dependent variables measured were pain perception, knee surface and ambient temperatures, and Hmax, and Mmax measures (experiment II only). Results: Saline caused more pain than no-saline at minutes 3, 4, and 5 during infusion. Pain caused by saline and sham application remained constant from 4 minutes during application through 1 minute following application. Cold application decreased pain for 16 minutes. Pain resulted in arthrogenic muscle inhibition following and 30 minutes following saline infusion. Cryotherapy removed inhibition following but not 30 minutes following application. Pain for the saline groups increased following infusion as measured with the pain rating index and visual analogue scale. According to pain rating index, cryotherapy did not decrease pain; however, cryotherapy decreased pain as measured with the visual analogue scales. No change in temperature occurred during the non-cooling conditions. Ambient temperatures fluctuated less than 1°C. Conclusion: Saline infusion caused anterior knee pain for over 20 minutes and resulted in arthrogenic muscle inhibition. Cryotherapy disinhibited the quadriceps motoneuron pool and reduced pain as measured with visual analogue scales. Cryotherapy did not decrease pain as measured with the McGill pain questionnaire.

The Effects of Cold Water Immersion on Fractioned Response Time

Romney, Patricia Jean 23 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives: Quantify the effects of cold water immersion of the ankle on fractioned response time of the dominant lower limb. Design and Setting: A 2x2x5x5 crossover design with repeated measures on time and treatment directed data collection. The independent variables were gender, treatment, time (pretreatment, and post 15 seconds, 3 minutes 6 minutes and 9 minutes) and trial (5 trials for each time group). Response time (Tresp), reaction time (Treac), trial and surface temperature were measurement variables. Subjects: Thirty-six subjects, 18 females and 18 males were recruited from a physically active volunteer college student population. Measurements: Fractioned response time was tested following a 20 minute treatment. Response time and Treac were recorded by the reaction timer, and Tmov was calculated by taking the difference between Tresp and Treac. For each time/subject the high and low Tresp were discarded and the middle three trials were averaged and used for statistical analysis. A 2x2x5 ANOVA was used to determine overall differences between gender, treatment and time followed by Newman-Keuls multiple comparison tests. Results: Males were faster than females for Tresp, Treac and Tmov. Movement time and Tresp were slower with cold water immersion, but Treac was unaffected. Movement time and Tresp were fastest pretreatment, and slowest during the post 15-second time group. Though both Tmov and Tresp progressively sped up from the post 15-second through the post 9-minute time group, they did not return to pretreatment values when data collection discontinued. Conclusions: Immersing the dominant ankle in cold water for 20 minutes increases Tmov of the dominant lower limb; thereby increasing fractioned response time (Tresp).

Evaluation of the Effects of Therapeutic Digital Hypothermia on Lamellar Signaling in Sepsis Related Laminitis

Dern, Kathryn V. 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Cold, Electrical Stimulation, and Combination Cold and Electrical Stimulation on Sensory Perception

Philley, Lindsey M. 26 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Crioterapia intracanal para la reducción térmica de la superficie radicular externa. Estudio in vitro

Chavez Barreto, Melba Fernanda January 2024 (has links)
La aplicación de crioterapia en endodoncia consta de la irrigación con solución salina a temperaturas bajas con la finalidad de reducir el dolor post-operatorio en un tratamiento de conducto radicular. El objetivo de este artículo fue comparar la reducción térmica de la superficie radicular externa a través de la crioterapia intracanal según temperatura y tiempo. Se realizó con un total de treinta premolares monorradiculares extraídos sometidos a 3 intervenciones de irrigaciones diferentes usando solución salina a temperatura ambiente para el grupo control (GC), grupo 1 (G1) irrigando con solución salina a temperatura 1.5 C° y grupo 2 (G2) irrigando con solución salina a temperatura 4 C° con un tiempo de 0 minutos, 1 minuto, 2 minutos y 3 minutos. En los resultados, entre los grupos y subgrupos de estudio existen diferencias significativas. Como conclusión, se encontró reducción térmica significativa en la superficie radicular externa de todos los grupos comparados en los diferentes tiempos y temperaturas criogénicas. / The application of cryotherapy in endodontics consists of irrigation with saline solution at low temperatures in order to reduce post-operative pain in root canal treatment. The objective of this article was to compare the thermal reduction of the external root surface through intracanal cryotherapy according to temperature and time. It was carried out with a total of thirty extracted monoradicular premolars subjected to 3 different irrigation interventions using saline solution at room temperature for the control group (CG), group 1 (G1) irrigating with saline solution at a temperature of 1.5 C° and group 2 (G2) irrigating with saline solution at a temperature of 4 C° with a time of 0 minutes, 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes. In the results, there are significant differences between the study groups and subgroups. In conclusion, a significant thermal reduction was found in the external root surface of all groups compared at different cryogenic times and temperatures.

Machine learning experiments with artificially generated big data from small immunotherapy datasets

Mahmoud, Ahsanullah Y., Neagu, Daniel, Scrimieri, Daniele, Abdullatif, Amr A.A. 13 December 2022 (has links)
Yes / Big data and machine learning result in agile and robust healthcare by expanding raw data into useful patterns for data-enhanced decision support. The available datasets are mostly small and unbalanced, resulting in non-optimal classification when the algorithms are implemented. In this study, five novel machine learning experiments are conducted to address the challenges of small datasets by expanding these into big data and then utilising Random Forests. The experiments are based on personalised adaptable strategies for both balanced and unbalanced datasets. Multiple datasets from cryotherapy and immunotherapy are considered, however, hereby only immunotherapy is used. In the first experiment, artificially generated data is presented by increasing the observations of the dataset, each new data is four-time larger than the previous one, resulting in better classification. In the second experiment, the effect of volume on classification is considered based on the number of attributes. The attributes of each new dataset are built based on conditional probabilities. It did not make any difference, in obtained classification, when the number of attributes is increased to more than 879. In the third simulation experiment, classes of data are classified manually by dividing the data into a two-dimensional plane. This experiment is first performed on small data and then on expanded big data: by increasing observations, an accuracy of 73.68% is attained. In the fourth experiment, the visualisation of the enlarged data did not provide better insights. In the fifth experiment, the impact of correlations among datasets’ attributes on classification is observed, however, no improvements in performance are achieved. The experiments generally improved performance by comparing the classification results using the original and artificial data.

Skeletal muscle repair after micro-damage : effect of ice therapy on satellite cell activation

Van Tubbergh, Karen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cryotherapy is one of the popular treatments used to alleviate muscle soreness, especially in the competitive sports arena. However, the therapeutic use of cryotherapy is unsubstantiated because of a lack of proper investigations in the literature, especially a hypothesised effect on muscle recovery. Thus, our aims were to characterise satellite cell (SC) activity in human subjects with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and to shed light on the effect of cryotherapy on SC activity. DOMS was induced in six male subjects (24 ± 3 years) by completion of a downhill-run (DHR) protocol (5 x 8 min bouts, 2 min rest between bouts) at 70 or 80% of their individual peak treadmill speed. Ice application was applied to only one leg per subject for 3 days: 30 min every 2 hours, 5 times per day. In total 5 muscle biopsies were obtained from each subject: 1 baseline and 4 post-DHR. Post-DHR biopsies: 1 from each leg on day 1 and 7 (1st group, n=3) and 1 from each leg on day 2 and 9 (2nd group, n=3). DOMS was successfully induced as indicated by significant increases in muscle soreness at days 1 and 2 post-DHR (P < 0.01), and creatine kinase activity at day 1 post-DHR (P < 0.01). No difference in muscle soreness was found between treated and untreated legs. SC quiescence and activation were characterised by their expression of the cell surface markers CD34 and CD56 respectively. No significant change in quiescent SC was observed in the untreated or treated legs over time. However, at day 1 post-DHR the number of quiescent SC was significantly lower in the untreated compared with the treated leg (P < 0.05). There was a significant increase in activated SC numbers at day 2 post-DHR in the untreated leg, which was sustained up to day 9 post-DHR (P < 0.01). However, no such increase was found in biopsies taken on days 1 and 7. Also, no change was found in the treated leg, however a significant difference between the number of activated SC in untreated and treated legs on days 2 and 9 post-DHR (P < 0.01) was seen. No significant effect of DOMS or ice treatment was observed for the expression of the myogenic regulatory factors, MyoD and myogenin. C2C12 cell cultures induced to differentiate, however, did stain using these antibodies. This is the first study to report an effect of cryotherapy at the tissue level. In conclusion, this study highlights many unanswered questions on the SC response to DOMS at tissue level, and lays a good foundation for future studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kreoterapie is een van die gewilde behandelings wat gebruik word om spierseerheid te verlig, veral in die kompeterende sport arena, maar die gebruik van kreoterapie is onbevestig as gevolg van ‘n gebrek aan voldoende ondersoeke in die literatuur, veral ‘n hipotese oor die effek op spier-herstel. Ons doelstellings was dus om satellietsel (SC) aktiwiteit te ondersoek in mens proefpersone met vertraagde aanvang spierseerheid (DOMS) en ook om lig te werp op die effek van kreoterapie op SC aktiwiteit. DOMS was in ses mans proefpersone (24 ± 3 jare) geїnduseer deur voltooїng van ‘n afdraend-hardloop (DHR) protokol (5 x 8 min rondtes, 2 min rus tussen rondtes) teen 70 of 80% van elkeen se individuele maksimum trapmeul-spoed. Ys was vir 3 dae op net een been per proefpersoon aangewend: 30 min elke 2 ure, 5 keer per dag. 5 spierbiopsies in totaal was van elke proefpersoon verkry: 1 basislyn en 4 post-DHR. Post-DHR biopsies: 1 van elke been op dae 1 en 7 (1ste groep, n=3) en 1 van elke been op dae 2 en 9 (2de groep, n=3). DOMS was suksesvol geїnduseer soos aangedui deur die betekenisvolle verhogings in spierseerheid op dae 1 en 2 post-HR (P < 0.01) en kreatien kinase aktiwiteit op dag 1 post-DHR (P < 0.01). Geen verskil in spierseerheid is gevind tussen die onbehandelde en behandelde bene nie. SC dormansie en aktivering was gekarakteriseer deur die onderskeidelike uitdrukking van die sel oppervlak merkers CD34 en CD56. Geen betekenisvolle verandering is in SC dormansie in die onbehandelde en behandelde bene waargeneem nie, maar op dag 1 post-DHR was die getal dormante SC betekenisvol laer in die onbehandelde been as in die behandelde been (P < 0.05). Daar was ‘n betekenisvolle verhoging in die getalle geaktiveerde SC op dag 2 post-DHR in die onbehandelde been wat volgehou was tot op dag 9 post-DHR (P < 0.01), maar so ‘n verhoging was nie in biopsies wat op dae 1 en 7 geneem is gevind nie. Daar is ook geen verandering in die behandelde been gevind nie, maar ‘n betekenisvolle verskil in die getal geaktiveerde SC is tussen die onbehandelde en behandelde bene op dae 2 en 9 post-DHR gevind(P < 0.01). Geen betekenisvolle effek van DOMS en ys-aanwending vir die uitdrukking van die miogeniese (myogenic) regulatoriese faktore, MyoD en myogenin, is waargeneem nie. C2C12 sel kulture wat geїnduseer is om te differensieer het wel gekleur vir hierdie antiliggame. Dit is die eerste studie wat ‘n effek van kreoterapie op weefselvlak rapporteer. Ten slotte, hierdie studie beklemtoon baie onbeantwoorde vrae oor die SC respons op DOMS op weefselvlak en dit lê ‘n goeie grondslag neer vir toekomstige studies.

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