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OFDM based Time Difference Of Arrival Estimation / Approche pour la mesure de la différence de temps (TDOA) à partir de trames OFDMAbudabbousa, Ahmed 22 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une solution originale permettant d’extraire, à partir de signaux de communication OFDM, l’information liée à la différence de temps d’arrivée (TDOA) entre deux émetteurs très proches et un récepteur. Cette méthode, qui s’avère super-résolutive, permet d’extraire des TDOA en dessous de la limite de Rayleigh fixée par la bande passante utile. Dans ce travail, nous effectuons, à l'aide d'une sortie simple à entrées multiples, la caractérisation et la modélisation des canaux pour l’estimation TDOA. En gérant ces réponses ce canal de fréquence de canal de différentes manières, nous minimisons différentes fonctions de coût exprimées comme la différence entre la réponse de canal mesurée et un modèle direct prédéfini. Pour la validation, la simulation basée sur différentes topologies présente des résultats soulignant la propriété de super-résolution d'une telle approche. La performance de l’estimation TDOA proposée est comparée à la bande inférieure de Cramer-Rao. Les effets de la propagation par trajets multiples sont pris en compte et certaines solutions proposées sont discutées et simulées. De plus, la partie expérimentale de ce travail valide à la fois les modèles directs et inverses dans différentes configurations de canaux. / This thesis presents an original solution for extracting, from OFDM communication signals, the information related to the time difference of arrival (TDOA) between two closed transmitters and one receiver. This solution, which shows to be super-resolution, makes it possible to extract TDOA below the Rayleigh limit set by the useful bandwidth.Inthis work, we perform, using a Multiple Inputs Simple Output, channel characterization and modeling for TDOA estimation. By handling these channel frequency responses in different ways, xe minimize different cost functions expresses as the difference between measured channel response and a predefined direct model. For validation, the simulation based on different topologies exhibit results is compared to the Cramer Rao Lower Band. The effects of the multipath are taken into account and some proposed solutions are discussed ans simulated. Moreover, the experimental part of this work validates the direct and inverse models in different channel configurations.
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DNIDS: A dependable network intrusion detection system using the CSI-KNN algorithmKuang, Liwei 14 September 2007 (has links)
The dependability of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) relies on two factors: ability to detect intrusions and survivability in hostile environments. Machine learning-based anomaly detection approaches are gaining increasing attention in the network intrusion detection community because of their intrinsic ability to discover novel attacks. This ability has become critical since the number of new attacks has kept growing in recent years. However, most of today’s anomaly-based IDSs generate high false positive rates and miss many attacks because of a deficiency in their ability to discriminate attacks from legitimate behaviors. These unreliable results damage the dependability of IDSs. In addition, even if the detection method is sound and effective, the IDS might still be unable to deliver detection service when under attack. With the increasing importance of the IDS, some attackers attempt to disable the IDS before they launch a thorough attack. In this thesis, we propose a Dependable Network Intrusion Detection System (DNIDS) based on the Combined Strangeness and Isolation measure K-Nearest Neighbor (CSI-KNN) algorithm. The DNIDS can effectively detect network intrusions while providing continued service even under attacks. The intrusion detection algorithm analyzes different characteristics of network data by employing two measures: strangeness and isolation. Based on these measures, a correlation unit raises intrusion alerts with associated confidence estimates. In the DNIDS, multiple CSI-KNN classifiers work in parallel to deal with different types of network traffic. An intrusion-tolerant mechanism monitors the classifiers and the hosts on which the classifiers reside and enables the IDS to survive component failure due to intrusions. As soon as a failed IDS component is discovered, a copy of the component is installed to replace it and the detection service continues. We evaluate our detection approach over the KDD’99 benchmark dataset. The experimental results show that the performance of our approach is better than the best result of KDD’99 contest winner’s. In addition, the intrusion alerts generated by our algorithm provide graded confidence that offers some insight into the reliability of the intrusion detection. To verify the survivability of the DNIDS, we test the prototype in simulated attack scenarios. In addition, we evaluate the performance of the intrusion-tolerant mechanism and analyze the system reliability. The results demonstrate that the mechanism can effectively tolerate intrusions and achieve high dependability. / Thesis (Master, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2007-09-05 14:36:57.128
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Understanding corporate social investment practice in South AfricaPerrie, David 22 February 2021 (has links)
In this study, the researcher employed an inductive qualitative approach to explore the rationale and dimensions of corporate social investment (CSI) practice in South Africa. While the globalised CSI literature is robust, the South African literature is fragmented and insufficient, despite the growing social need for this type of funding in the context of South Africa. Thus, with this paper, the researcher fills this research gap by providing an exploratory analysis of the structure and evolution of CSI practice in South Africa. The motivation behind this research is to use the research to optimise the social impact that CSI participation can provide, as well as integrating corporate funding into the broader approach of addressing the country's poor socioeconomic conditions. In the study, the researcher covered a sample of 15 CSI professions operating in positions in either large South African corporations or established NGOs, with an average CSI experience of 13 years. The results of the inductive qualitative analysis show that the CSI functions operated using a traditional corporate function structure. The history and rationale of CSI practice have been key elements in defining current CSI practice. Initially, governmental regulation resulted in adherence strategies. However, growing social considerations have shifted CSI policy from adherence to impact. This has driven the growing sophistication in CSI practice in the country. The researcher breaks down this evolution and discusses the key strengths and weaknesses of each element to provide sufficient detail to the function. The findings are used to derive recommendations for CSI best practice. Internal commitment, sustainability, process management and key stakeholder relationships are prioritised in these recommendations. The exploratory findings provide a baseline in accordance with which more statistically robust or comprehensive research methods can be used to assess the identified elements of CSI more thoroughly and in more depth. The research provides a generalised benchmark for corporations to assess their CSI practice against an established peer group, while providing ideas about improving their CSI practice going forward.
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Effects of Cinema on Juror Decision MakingHiggins, Jededia 01 January 2018 (has links)
Previous research has demonstrated how different forms of media, such as news, television, and music, can affect an individual's perceptions and attitudes. However, little research exists on how these effects may have an impact in the courtroom beyond pre-trial publicity. This could pose a threat to the constitutional right of a fair trial; and understanding this threat may be vital to impartiality in the trial process. Using cultivation theory and the CSI effect as a theoretical basis, this study examined how attitudes toward, and perceptions about, mock trial vignettes were affected by exposure to entertainment media in the form of film. A posttest only, randomized experimental design was employed. One-hundred-fifty-nine participants were recruited through social media based on their eligibility for jury duty and were then exposed to (a) a film about crime, (b) a neutral film about the human body, or (c) no film and then presented with 3 criminal trial scenarios and asked to rate their perceptions about the defendant, the severity of the crime, and the defendant's guilt. The vignettes produced 3 separate scores for each participant and the resulting data were analyzed using 3 separate one-way ANOVAs. Results of the study failed to show significant effects. This study may assist future researchers investigating this phenomenon by providing insight into the dimensional limitations of this phenomenon. For the everyday media consumer, this research contributes to the body of knowledge that helps to keep people informed of the many ways media can influence an individual's perceptions, attitudes, and ultimately, their decisions, which is vital to reducing the impact of biases created by an uncontrolled flow of selective, and at times inaccurate, information.
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Likelihood-based procedures for obtaining confidence intervals of disease Loci with general pedigree dataWan, Shuyan 30 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Socialt ansvarstagande : En studie kring arbete med CSR inom detaljhandeln ochhur media kritiskt granskar detta / Social responsibility : A study of the work with CSR in retailing and how mediacritically reviews thisAlagic, Amra, Anthonsen, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Organisationers sociala ansvarstagande har på senare tid blivit allt mer uppmärksammat, speciellt inom detaljhandeln. CSR-arbete har blivit viktigt för samhället vilket påverkar verksamheters arbete med detta. Således har även medierapporteringen beträffande deras sociala ansvarstagande ökat. Hur kan detta påverka organisationerna och deras rapportering kring socialt ansvarstagande? I samband med att CSR har blivit ett välkänt begrepp som allt fler verksamheter arbetar med har även begreppet CSI vuxit fram. Det handlar om att organisationer arbetar på ett ansvarslöst sätt i syfte att uppnå legitimitet. Företag är beroende av sina intressenter som i sin tur kan påverkas av media. Det ligger alltså i deras intresse att förmedla en positiv bild till sin omvärld och kan göra det genom att bland annat upprätta hållbarhetsredovisningar. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med kunskap kring hur ett publikt företag med många intressenter arbetar med socialt ansvarstagande och hur de påverkas av medias rapportering angående det. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie där vi analyserat 15 hållbarhetsrapporter som upprättats av H&M mellanåren 2002–2016. Det har vi gjort med hjälp av en innehållsanalys där vi utformat ett kodningsschema. Vi valde att söka på centrala begrepp och undersökte hur många gånger dessa förekom i H&Ms hållbarhetsrapporter. Vi har även analyserat medias rapportering gällande företagets sociala ansvarstagande. Vår teoretiska referensram består av forskningsom behandlar begreppen CSR, CSI, intressenter, legitimitet, hållbarhetsrapportering samt media. Vi presenterar en analysmodell som fungerade som en utgångspunkt då vi med hjälp av denna satte vår empiri i förhållande till den teoretiska referensramenoch har därefter fört en diskussion kring detta. Empirin består av vårt utformade kodningsschema samt material som är hämtat från media och H&Ms hemsida. Tillsammans med den teoretiska referensramen utgör dessa grunden för vår diskussion och slutsats. Vår huvudsakliga slutsats är att organisationens hållbarhetsrapportering främst påverkas av intressenternas krav och önskemål. Vi har inte kunnat identifiera en större påverkan från medias sida på verksamhetens rapportering gällande CSR vilket styrker detta påstående. / Corporate social responsibility has recently become increasingly important, especially in the retailing sector. It has also become more important to the society which affects how organisations choose to work with this. Therefore, media reporting on corporate social responsibility has also increased. How can this affect organisations and their CSR-reporting? Corporate social responsibility has become a well-known concept that corporations have adapted, a consequence of this is that the concept of CSI has emerged. This means that corporations are working in an irresponsible manner to achieve legitimacy. Organisations are dependent on their stakeholders, which in turn may be affected by the media. Thus, it is in the interest of businesses to convey a positive image to the society, which can be done by producing sustainability reports. The purpose of this essay was to contribute with knowledge about how a public organisation with many stakeholders workswith CSR and how they are affected by the media's reporting regarding this. We have conducted a qualitative study where we analysed 15 sustainability reports produced by H&M between 2002-2016. We have done this by conducting a content analysis where we developed a coding scheme. We searched for key concepts and examined how many times these occurred in the sustainability reports. We also analysed the media reporting on H&M's corporate social responsibility. Our theoretical framework consists of research that addressed the concepts CSR, CSI, stakeholders, legitimacy, sustainability reportingand media. We also present an analysis model that served as a starting point, with this weput our empirical data in relation to the theoretical framework and afterwards we conductedan analysis based on this. Our empirical study consists of our coding scheme and material from media and H&M's website. This, together with the theoretical framework, forms the basis of our discussion and conclusions. Our main conclusion was that the corporations' sustainability reporting is primarily influenced by the demands of stakeholders. We have not been able to identify a greater impact from the media regarding the organisations sustainability reports, which reinforces this statement.
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GLAST CsI(Tl) CrystalsBergenius, Sara January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of higher efficiency photocathodes for gas filled<br />detectorsPotdevin, Guillaume 29 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a concerné le développement d'une nouvelle génération de photocathodes pour détecteur gazeux (dans le domaine du X). <br />La thèse comprend une description de l'étude par monte carlo ainsi que des tests expérimentaux qui ont été menés au cours de ce travail.<br />Enfin, des résultats intéressant concernant le CsI3 utilisé comme précurseur au CsI (comme émetteur secondaire) sont présentés.
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Uncertainties in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis : An interview and questionnaire-based studyHerrera Velasquez, Mateo January 2019 (has links)
Forensic science is the field of study that studies crimes and crime scenes. One of the major sub-areas of forensic science is crime scene investigations (CSI). Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) is a part of CSI and refers to the study of bloodstain patterns. The purpose of this project is to investigate the needs of those involved in the judicial chain when using a laser scanner to reconstruct a crime scene and how to represent any uncertainties. An additional purpose is to look into what expectations bloodstain pattern analysts have on their work situation. Interviews were held with nine persons involved in the judicial chain and an online questionnaire was distributed to the bloodstain pattern analysts across Sweden. To analyze the interviews a thematic analysis was used which led to three themes being identified (benefit, desires, obstacles) with eleven sub-themes. For the questionnaire two types of data were presented, numeric and written. The numeric result displayed results such as how confident they felt doing work or if the amount of cases was too much or too little. The written result displayed results showing that BPA is cumbersome, not because it is hard to use but rather because each case is unique, and many factors have to be considered. The conclusion of this study is that needs can be met using the framework that combined uncertainties and visualization, and the questionnaire showed that the bloodstain pattern analyst are a group of people who seek knowledge and welcome new technology.
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CSI:Math : Ett undervisningsförsök med Storyline i matematikCheander, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Storyline är en undervisningsmetod som ursprungligen kommer från Skottland. Metoden används i hela världen, men har blivit väldigt populär främst i de nordiska länderna, Danmark och Norge, men också i Sverige. Storyline är ämnesövergripande och används oftast i grundskolan. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur storyline lämpar sig som undervisningsmetod i matematikundervisningen i gymnasieskolan. Undervisningsförsöket är baserat på ett utgångsmaterial som heter CSI:Math. Försöket observeras och utvärderas med en enkät och en efterföljande intervju. Utifrån resultaten av undersökningarna kan slutsatsen dras att storyline inte bara fungerar väl som arbetsmetod, utan också ligger väl i linje med de senaste förändringarna av gymnasiekurserna i matematik Gy2011.
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