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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Howling In the Paperwork: Feminist Practice in the Archives of the Caribbean

Schorske, Carina del Valle January 2022 (has links)
“A Howling in the Paperwork” explores the relationship between ethnography, archival practice, and experimentalism in the work of twentieth century women artists whose syncretic ambitions lead them on a geographical itinerary to and through the greater Caribbean. This dissertation proposes a special synergy between artists with “scattered” bodies of work, in perpetual search of the right form for their creative energy, and the space of the Caribbean with its history of genocides, migrations, and displacements. I focus on women artists, in particular, to foreground the relationship between social precarity and aesthetic innovation. The flight from one technique to another has a push as well as a pull, as women artists have been excluded or expelled from institutional homes for their work, including the university. In the absence of reliable support, the artists I consider come to rely on and refine rigorously subjective methods that prefigure the necessary crisis of objectivity, especially in the social sciences, that would enter mainstream discourse decades later. But even as the artists I consider foreground their own bodies, lives, and communities in their work, they engage diasporic theories of spirit possession, inheritance, and collective creativity that amount to implicit—and sometimes explicit—critiques of the artist as self-contained auteur. Whether or not “there is something strongly feminine” in Caribbean culture, as Antonio Benítez Rojo suggests in The Repeating Island, the idea that there is places women in particularly charged relation to their own creative production in a Caribbean context. My project pays particular attention to the ways these artists attend to one another, taking up the detritus of those who came before as the raw material for new projects. For example, the Cuban-American émigré Ana Mendieta turns to the amateur anthropology of Lydia Cabrera as inspiration for the stone sculptures she carves in the caves of Jaruco, north of Havana, on a return trip to her home island. This relational consciousness does not establish a linear narrative of descent so much as it imagines a transhistorical collaboration in which I, too, participate. Alongside traditional methodologies of close-reading and archival research, I engage their work in more personal ways: I’ve traveled to the caves of Jaruco to visit the almost-ruined remains of Mendieta’s sculptures, I’ve translated Marigloria Palma’s poetry into English, and I’ve interviewed Julie Dash for a literary magazine. Much of the meaning of their work resides in its unmistakable invitation to collaborate in its development and dissemination: the second half of this dissertation considers my own inheritance of feminist practice in the context of Puerto Rican culture.

An Analysis and Performance Guide of Selected Works for Saxophone by Cuban Composers Jorge Luis Sosa and Andrés Alén-Rodriguez

Friel, Stephan 08 1900 (has links)
A large portion of the standard repertoire for saxophone and piano has already been recorded and performed many times and has received significant scholarly study. For a performer, remaining relevant requires learning and performing new compositions. Jorge Sosa and Andrés Alén are both accomplished composers, yet outside of the Latin-American community they remain virtually unknown to most saxophonists. This project serves as an introduction to both composers. Combined, Sosa and Alén have nine compositions for saxophone. Their works include saxophone quartets, saxophone and piano, and saxophone quartet with choir. This study focuses on three compositions: La Zacapaneca by Sosa, Tema con Variaciones and Sonata para Clarinete ó Saxofón Soprano y Piano, both by Alén. Compositional background information is given about each composition to include date of composition, premiers, important recordings, length of performance and Cuban ethnic and traditional elements used as the basis for rhythmic and thematic ideas. The Cuban and Afro-Cuban influences are explained in further detail pertaining to how they were used in the construction of the works and in their being performed stylistically correctly. Dynamics, articulations, and performance considerations are studied at length.

La liberté selon le jeune Herbie Hancock : transcription et analyse de Inventions and Dimensions à la lumière des enjeux du jazz des années 1960

Garino, Alessandro 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une investigation musicologique du troisième album pour Blue Note Records du pianiste étatsunien Herbie Hancock: Inventions and Dimensions (1964). Si, d’une part, l’analyse de cet enregistrement permet d’envisager le processus d’expansion du langage musical qui agite le jazz au début des années 1960, de l’autre, cette entreprise jette un éclairage sur l’évolution de la poétique hancockienne. Négligé par les études sur le jazz, Inventions and Dimensions constitue un véritable manifeste de la pensée musicale du pianiste, dont la production reste jusqu’à aujourd’hui peu étudiée, en dépit de son importance dans le développement du jazz moderne. Ainsi, l’examen de Inventions and Dimensions comble-t-il une lacune musicologique sur la production hancockienne, mais en plus, il invite à réfléchir sur des questions de portée plus large, comme la pertinence des catégories historiographiques de « free jazz » et « jazz modal » et l’impact des traditions musicales afro-caribéennes sur le jazz des années 1960. Afin de situer Inventions and Dimensions dans le processus de transformation du langage jazz des années 1960 et d’évaluer son rôle dans le développement de la poétique hancockienne, la thèse s’appuie sur des transcriptions réalisées par son auteur. Cela impose quelques considérations préliminaires sur la pratique de transcription en jazz, sur sa signification corporelle, et sur les limites intrinsèques de son produit scriptural. Ensuite, la thèse se concentre sur l’analyse structurelle, motivique et rythmique du discours pianistique hancockien dans Inventions and Dimensions, en établissant un dialogue constant avec les autres enregistrements du pianiste de la première moitié des années 1960. Ce faisant, les caractéristiques de la poétique musicale de Hancock peuvent être efficacement illustrées, à la fois dans leur évolution au cours des années 1960 et dans la réalisation particulière qu’elles trouvent dans Inventions and Dimensions. Toutefois, pour encadrer l’album du point de vue historico-musical, il faut aussi en examiner le contenu à la lumière des catégories de « jazz modal » et « free jazz ». Cela amène à souligner le caractère fragmentaire et, par conséquent, problématique de ces enveloppes sémantiques. Inventions and Dimensions exploite aussi des rythmes religieux afro-cubains dont les pérégrinations dévoilent une autre dimension de l’album qui, en plus de traverser les significations musicales et extramusicales associées au « jazz modal » et au « free jazz », façonne autant le langage rythmique hancockien que l’imaginaire musical des années 1960. À l’exemple d’autres enregistrements liminaires de l’époque, Inventions and Dimensions démontre en conclusion comment la variété de langages qui fleurissent au début de la décennie peut être repensée comme le paradigme d’une koinè tournée vers l’affranchissement de canons désormais dépassés. / This dissertation proposes a musicological investigation of Herbie Hancock’s third album for Blue Note Records: Inventions and Dimensions (1964). The analysis of the recording allows us to address how jazz language was transformed in the 1960s, while also shedding light on the evolution of Hancock’s personal style. Inventions and Dimensions represents a true manifesto of Hancock’s early production, which has been overlooked by scholars despite its importance for the development of modern jazz. Thus, this dissertation addresses a gap in musicological scholarship on Hancock’s work and encourages the development of broader reflections on issues such as the use of categories such as “free jazz” and “modal jazz”, and the impact of Afro-Caribbean traditions on jazz in the 1960s. In order to situate Inventions and Dimensions in the process of the transformation of the jazz language in the 1960s and to evaluate its role in the development of Hancock’s style, the dissertation relies on the author’s (my own) transcriptions of the album, introduced by some preliminary considerations about the practice of transcription in jazz, its corporal meaning and its intrinsic limitations as a finished written product. The dissertation then focuses on the structural, motivic and rhythmic analysis of Hancock’s piano improvisations in Inventions and Dimensions, drawing a relationship between the musical content of the album and other Hancock recordings from the early 1960s. This allows us to illustrate how the main features of Hancock’s style developed during the 1960s and how they manifest specifically in Inventions and Dimensions. However, in an effort to frame the album from a historical perspective, the dissertation also examines the musical content of the record through the lenses of the categories of “modal” and “free” jazz, underscoring the fragmentary and problematic nature of such semantic envelopes. Finally, this work traces the routes of the Afro-Cuban religious rhythms incorporated into Inventions and Dimensions to determine how they shape both Hancock’s rhythmic language and the musical imaginary of the 1960s, and how do they permeate the musical and extra-musical meanings associated with “modal” and “free” jazz. In conclusion, Inventions and Dimensions, like other liminal recordings of the period, demonstrates how the diversity of idioms that flourished in the early 1960s should be reconsidered as the paradigm of a koinè that breaks away from outdated standards.

A Phenomenological Exploration of the Non-Academic Factors that Cuban Female Non-Native English Speakers Perceived to have been Principal Influences on their Successful Attainment of a Baccalaureate Degree in the U.S.

Magana, Nelson 28 February 2018 (has links)
Cubans arrive in the U.S. with more formal education than other Latino immigrants, and they arrive to communities with long standing networks of support. Though their baccalaureate degree attainment is better than their non-Cuban Latina counterparts, Cuban women still lag behind White, non-Latina women. The qualitative study aims to explore the principal influences and non-academic factors that 15 adult Cuban non-native English-speaking women in South Florida attribute to the successful attainment of their baccalaureate degree. There are many differences among the various immigrant Latino communities in the U.S., and Cuban women are largely absent from the research. Nearly 75% of Cuban women who start Miami Dade College with English as a second language course-work drop out within one year of matriculation. Understanding the principal influences and non-academic factors related to the baccalaureate attainment rate of this group may assist educators and administrators in providing the support these women need to enhance their degree completion. The literature says that the baccalaureate degree attainment of Latinos is influenced by age-at-the-time-of-immigration, country of origin, and gender, yet little research was found on the degree attainment specifically of female Cubans who entered the U.S. having already completed most of their education in Cuba. My dissertation explores the journey of 15 Cuban women who arrived in the U.S. as teens during the 1990s and had to learn English as a second language at an urban community college prior to completing a baccalaureate degree. The purpose of the research is to describe the principal influences and non-academic factors that these women attribute to their baccalaureate degree attainment.

Estética e ideología en las artes visuales cubanas de la generación de los 80

Estrada Tamayo, Lázaro Pedro 02 September 2024 (has links)
[ES] En esta investigación analizo como a partir de 1984, en el panorama de las artes visuales cubanas, entra en escena una nueva generación que, desde la práctica artística, jugó con las estructuras estéticas y conceptuales que sustentas al objeto artístico y, desde ahí, logró abrir un debate que problematizó temas tabúes como la identidad nacional, el trato a la figura de los héroes, el humor, la religiosidad popular, la ideologización de la cultura, entre otros; que fueron percibidos por las instituciones oficiales como amenaza a la hegemonía narrativa del Estado, que desde el triunfo de la revolución en 1959 se propuso domesticar a los artistas e intelectuales. Sentencias como "con la revolución todo, contra la revolución nada" definieron el derrotero de la política cultural cubana, volviéndose progresivamente más represiva hasta la llegada de los años 80, periodo en el que hubo una leve relajación, oportunidad que aprovecharon los artistas jóvenes para abrir el arte cubano a tendencias internacionales. En la medida que avanzó la década, los artistas jóvenes se fueron alejando de la utopía ideológica convertida en ideología de masas, esforzándose por mantener su autonomía y capacidad crítica en un entorno altamente controlado, dando lugar intersecciones complejas entre arte y política. Los artistas jóvenes desarrollaron proyectos colectivos y cooperativos que crearon espacios artísticos independientes, investigaciones sociológicas participativas y el performance emergió como una estrategia privilegiada, que permitió llevar el arte directamente al público, evadiendo la censura estatal. Estos proyectos ampliaron el alcance del arte, transformaron a los espectadores en participantes y redefinieron la relación arte y la sociedad cubana. La politización del arte impuesta por el Estado trajo como consecuencia que todo arte que se produjo en Cuba se interpretara en clave política, ya sea de manera activa o pasiva. Esto condujo a las autoridades a creer que los jóvenes -nacidos y educados en la Revolución- no estaban comprometidos con el sistema. A pesar de su compromiso inicial con la Revolución, muchos artistas experimentaron censura y persecución; de este modo, la Revolución convirtió a su "potencial hombre nuevo" en el artista disidente y volvió a las tácticas represiva de las dos décadas anteriores, recrudeciendo la censura, persiguiendo y encarcelando a los artistas y, por último, empujándolos al exilio. / [CA] En aquesta investigació analitze com, a partir de 1984, en el panorama de les arts visuals cubanes, entra en escena una nova generació que, des de la pràctica artística, va jugar amb les estructures estètiques i conceptuals que sustenten l'objecte artístic i, des d'ací, va aconseguir obrir un debat que problematitzà temes tabús com la identitat nacional, el tracte a la figura dels herois, l'humor, la religiositat popular, la ideologització de la cultura, entre altres; que foren percebuts per les institucions oficials com a amenaça a l'hegemonia narrativa de l'Estat, que des del triomf de la revolució en 1959 es proposà domesticar els artistes i intel·lectuals. Sentències com "amb la revolució tot, contra la revolució res" definiren el rumb de la política cultural cubana, tornant-se progressivament més repressiva fins a l'arribada dels anys 80, període en el qual hi hagué una lleugera relaxació, oportunitat que aprofitaren els artistes joves per a obrir l'art cubà a tendències internacionals. A mesura que avançà la dècada, els artistes joves s'anaren allunyant de la utopia ideològica convertida en ideologia de masses, esforçant-se per mantindre la seua autonomia i capacitat crítica en un entorn altament controlat, donant lloc a interseccions complexes entre art i política. Els artistes joves desenvoluparen projectes col·lectius i cooperatius que crearen espais artístics independents, investigacions sociològiques participatives i la performance emergí com una estratègia privilegiada, que permeté portar l'art directament al públic, evitant la censura estatal. Aquests projectes ampliaren l'abast de l'art, transformaren els espectadors en participants i redefiniren la relació art i la societat cubana. La politització de l'art imposada per l'Estat portà com a conseqüència que tot art que es produí a Cuba s'interpretara en clau política, siga de manera activa o passiva. Això portà les autoritats a creure que els joves -nascuts i educats dins la Revolució- no estaven compromesos amb el sistema. Malgrat el seu compromís inicial amb la Revolució, molts artistes experimentaren censura i persecució. Consegüentment, la Revolució convertí el seu "potencial home nou" en l'artista dissident i tornà a les tàctiques repressives de les dues dècades anteriors, intensificant la censura, perseguint i empresonant els artistes i, finalment, empenyent-los a l'exili. / [EN] In this research, I analyze how, starting in 1984, a new generation entered the Cuban visual arts scene. Through artistic practice, this generation played with the aesthetic and conceptual structures that underpin the artistic object. In doing so, they initiated a debate that problematized taboo topics such as national identity, the treatment of heroic figures, humor, popular religiosity, and the ideological aspects of culture, among others. These issues were perceived by official institutions as a threat to the state's narrative hegemony. Since the triumph of the revolution in 1959, the state aimed to domesticate artists and intellectuals. Maxims like "with the revolution, everything; against the revolution, nothing" defined the course of Cuban cultural policy, progressively becoming more repressive until the arrival of the 1980s when there was a slight relaxation. This was an opportunity seized by young artists to open Cuban art to international trends. As the decade progressed, these young artists distanced themselves from the ideological utopia turned mass ideology. They strived to maintain their autonomy and critical capacity in a highly controlled environment, giving rise to complex intersections between art and politics. Young artists developed collective and cooperative projects that created independent artistic spaces. Participatory sociological investigations and performance emerged as privileged strategies, allowing art to reach the public directly and evade state censorship. These projects expanded the scope of art, transformed spectators into participants, and redefined the relationship between art and Cuban society. The state's imposition of art politicization resulted in all art produced in Cuba being interpreted through a political lens, either actively or passively. This led authorities to believe that young individuals, born and educated within the Revolution, were not committed to the system. Despite their initial commitment to the Revolution, many artists experienced censorship and persecution. Consequently, the Revolution turned its "potential new man" into a dissident artist and reverted to the repressive tactics of the two previous decades, intensifying censorship, pursuing and imprisoning artists, and ultimately pushing them into exile. / Estrada Tamayo, LP. (2024). Estética e ideología en las artes visuales cubanas de la generación de los 80 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207290

Diagnostic de l'accessibilité aux soins de santé en Haïti

Juin, Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
L’accessibilité aux soins de santé est une priorité de nombreux gouvernements à travers le monde. En Haïti, les gouvernements se sont succédés et ont tenté à travers les années des interventions dont les résultats ne sont souvent pas satisfaisants. Le programme d’assistance médicale cubain, actuellement appliqué dans le pays, est en œuvre dans plus d’une vingtaine de pays en développement, mais il existe très peu d’évaluations indépendantes qui permettent de l’appréhender. Cet ouvrage se donne pour objectif de vérifier le bien fondé de cette intervention en tenant compte du contexte, d’établir la plausibilité en fonction des moyens du pays et finalement, de proposer des solutions qui améliorent la situation. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, l’étude de cas a été adoptée comme stratégie de recherche. Cette technique permet de mieux analyser le contexte, et de comprendre ses effets sur le programme. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées pour permettre de faire les analyses stratégique et logique nécessaires pour atteindre les objectifs sus-cités. Les entrevues ont visé successivement la compréhension du modèle théorique, la détermination des problèmes pertinents auxquels fait le système de santé, les causes de la difficulté de rétention des professionnels et finale l’analyse du modèle. L’évaluation a révélé que l’accessibilité aux soins de santé est complexe et qu’un grand nombre de facteurs l’influencent. En Haïti, ces facteurs ne sont pas différents de ceux recensés dans la littérature. Mais la composante géographique associée à l’aspect administratif du système de santé en général constituent les éléments qui auraient l’impact le plus important sur l’accessibilité du système de santé. Vu les conditions actuelles, la modernisation de la gestion représente l’avenue à privilégier en attendant que les moyens permettent d’agir sur les autres facteurs. La rétention des professionnels de santé est un facteur essentiel de l’accessibilité aux soins de santé. Pour être efficace, les mécanismes de rétention utilisés doivent s’accompagner de mesures comme l’amélioration des conditions de travail, ainsi qu’un salaire compétitif. Les conditions de vie dans le milieu rural haïtien ne peuvent en rien être comparées à celles des pays développés. On ne peut espérer les mêmes résultats avec les programmes de rétention utilisés par cette intervention. Tenant compte du contexte socioéconomique et du tableau épidémiologique haïtien, il serait peut-être plus efficient de créer de nouveaux corps de métier. Ces derniers devraient être en mesure de régler les problèmes de santé simples, et occasionneraient des coûts moins importants. Ce serait à court terme et même à moyen terme une solution viable dans le contexte actuel. Le programme actuel s’il semble respecter les données probantes en matière d’accessibilité aux soins, néglige d’incorporer les paramètres spécifiques au milieu haïtien, nécessaires à l’atteinte de ses objectifs. La politisation excessive est aussi un facteur qui à terme pourrait conduire à l’échec de ce programme. Si à court terme le programme parvient à augmenter le nombre de professionnels de santé dans le pays, il est peu probable que cela dure. Les moyens précaires du pays ne lui permettent pas de se payer des professionnels hautement qualifiés dans les milieux sous desservis. L’intervention pour réussir doit intégrer les caractéristiques particulières du milieu et mettre plus d’accent sur la gestion du système. / Health care accessibility is a priority for numerous governments across the world. In Haiti, governments have succeeded one another and attempted interventions across the years in which the results are not often satisfactory. The Cuban medical care program, nowadays applied in the country, has been implemented in more than about twenty developing countries, but little independent assessment has been conducted to allow capturing it. This assessment has given itself the objective of verifying mainly the well-founded of this intervention; by taking into account not only the context but also the practical aspect regarding the country’s wealth. The case study has been chosen as analyzing technique. It allows a better understanding of the context and its effects on the project. Some semi-structured interviews have been done to help the strategic and logic analysis important for reaching the goals of this study. The interviews enable us to do the modeling of the intervention, to understand all the problems currently existing within the health system, the causal model of the retention difficulties and finally the analysis of the logic model. The evaluation revealed that accessibility to healthcare is complex, and a huge number of factors influence it. In Haiti those factors do not differ from those found in the literature review, but geographical accessibility associated to the management of the healthcare system constitute the elements that have the most important impact in the accessibility of the system. In view of actual conditions, the modernization of management constitutes the pathway to be favored until other important aspects can be resolved. Health professionals retention is an important part of accessing healthcare, but must also be accompanied by improvement of working conditions and competitive salaries. The living conditions in rural Haitian cannot be compared to any developed country; therefore, the same results cannot be expected. New professions accounting for the socio-economic and the epidemiologic contexts of the country should provide a more efficient solution. The current program is evidence based, however; it neglects to integrate specific parameters of the Haitian context that is important to attain its objectives. Excessive political interference is also a factor that eventually could drive to its failure. In short-term, the program succeeds in increasing the number of health professionals in the country, it is unlikely that situation continues based on the country’s poor resources. To be successful, the intervention must include the specific characteristics of the environment and emphasize more the managerial aspects of the system, if it wants to achieve sustainable results.

Theological Higher Education in Cuba: A Case Study of the Eastern Cuba Baptist Theological Seminary

Esqueda, Octavio J. 08 1900 (has links)
This research attempted to provide a comprehensive overview of the Eastern Cuba Baptist Theological Seminary within the context of theological education in Cuba and the Cuban Revolution. Three major purposes directed this research. The first one was historical: to document and evaluate the rise, survival and achievements of the Eastern Cuba Baptist Theological Seminary, which has continued its mission through extraordinary political opposition and economical difficulties. The second major purpose was institutional: to gain insight into Cuban seminary modus operandi. The third purpose of the study was to identify perceived needs of the seminary. This study sought to provide information that can facilitate a better understanding of Cuban Christian theological higher education. The Eastern Cuba Baptist Theological Seminary was founded in the city of Santiago the Cuba on October 10, 1949 by the Eastern Baptist Convention. This seminary exists for the purpose of training pastors for the Eastern Baptist Convention. The school offers a four-year program leading to a bachelor in theology degree. The Eastern Cuba Baptist Convention experienced the same oppression from the communist revolution as the rest of the evangelical denominations during the sixties and seventies. The worst period for the convention and the Eastern Cuba Baptist Theological Seminary started in 1965 when many important people were recruited to work at the Military Units to Aid Production (UMAP). Fidel Castro recognized in 1991 that the Cuban Communist Party erroneously made atheism its religion. Although the Cuban communist regime never issued an antireligious policy, in subtle ways Christians suffered the consequences of the religious ideological conflict. Nevertheless, today the Eastern Cuba Baptist Theological Seminary operates independently and without the direction of the Cuban government. Communism and Christianity have learned to live together in Cuba even though they started with difficulties. Theological education in Cuba not only survived the negative effects of the Cuban revolution, but also has emerged stronger than ever. Economic resources are the primary need of the Eastern Cuba Baptist Theological Seminary. The seminary has been through many difficulties during its history. Nevertheless, these days represent the best time in the seminary history.

Analýza Československého filmového týdeníku v roce 1961 / Analysis of the Czechoslovak newsreel in 1961

Panák, Břetislav January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is analysis of the Czechoslovak newsreel of 1961. In the quantitative method, reports are sorted by the codebook into thematic groups. There are following variables: soft x hard news; domestic x foreign news; culture x politics x economy x sport x disaster x rest. As a result of this method we can find out which news were preferred (agenda-setting) and bated (gate-keeping). In the qualitative method author is analysing foreign reports chosen by quantitative method. There were chosen these topics: Soviet economy, German question, Space Race, Cuban Crises and French decolonialism. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Cartografia diacrônica do Grupo Teatro Escambray (Cuba) / -

Scudeler, Camila Ladeira 03 August 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca, desde uma abordagem etnográfica e autoetnográfica, apresentar uma cartografia diacrônica do devir criativo e artístico do Grupo Teatro Escambray de Cuba, através das obras criadas a partir de pesquisas sobre as particularidades de seus espectadores (população camponesa) imersos em circunstâncias históricas, políticas, econômicas e geográficas que foram evoluindo e se modificando ao longo de cinquenta anos desde sua fundação em 1968 até 2018, e que dão mostra das distintas etapas do processo revolucionário levado a cabo na ilha caribenha desde 1959. O Grupo Teatro Escambray se tornou um marco no teatro cubano e no marco de teatro de grupo na América Latina por ter abandonado o contexto urbano como lugar de criação , para encarar a relação com um espectador não experimentado que vive no campo e que - no início de um período de mudanças no processo político de Cuba - enfrentou profundas contradições; uma nova maneira de criar que ecoou no chamado movimento de Teatro Nuevo na ilha e que dialogou com diferentes processos de criação em grupo que ocorreram na década de 1960 em países como Colômbia, Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina, entre outros. Esta cartografia diacrônica do Grupo Teatro Escambray foi abordada desde uma viagem íntima e pessoal da pesquisadora em uma espécie de intercambio e y retroalimentação donde tanto o objeto de estudo, como quem o estuda, experimentam as vicissitudes da mudança. / This research seeks, from an ethnographic and self-ethnographic approach, to present a diachronic cartography of the creative and artistic evolution of the Escambray Theater Group of Cuba, through the works created, from research on the particularities of its spectators (peasant population), with historical, political, economic and geographical circumstances that have evolved over fifty years since its founding in 1968 until 2018, which also show the different stages of the revolutionary process that has taken place on the Caribbean island since 1959. The Escambray Theater Group has marked a milestone within the Cuban theater and in the context of group theater in Latin America for having abandoned the urban context as a place of creation, to face the relationship with an inexperienced spectator who lives in the countryside and who - at the beginning of a period of changes within the political process of Cuba - faced deep contradictions; a new way of creating that echoed in what was called the New Theater movement on the island and that echoed with different group creation processes that took place in the 1960s in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, among others. This diachronic cartography of the Escambray Theater Group has been approached from the intimate and personal journey of the researcher in a sort of exchange and feedback where both the object of study, and who studies it, experience the vicissitudes of change.

As posições políticas de Jean-Paul Sartre e o Terceiro Mundo (1947-1979) /

Almeida, Rodrigo Davi. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Eduardo Jordão Machado / Banca: Carlos Alberto Sampaio / Banca: Célia Reis Camargo / Banca: Miguel Vedda / Banca: Isabel Maria Frederico Rodrigues Loureiro / Resumo: Trata-se de uma investigação sobre as posições políticas de Jean-Paul Sartre relacionadas ao Terceiro Mundo, entre 1947 e 1979. A investigação tem dois objetivos fundamentais: estabelecer as relações possíveis entre o contexto histórico - o mundo pós-guerra, as guerras de descolonização, a emergência dos países do Terceiro Mundo e o cenário político-intelectual francês - e a trajetória de Sartre; e analisar, por meio das fontes documentais, os problemas que o Terceiro Mundo - a Guerra da Argélia (1954-1962), a Revolução Cubana (1959) e a Guerra do Vietnã (1946-1975) - colocam às posições políticas de Sartre / Abstract: This study investigates Jean-Paul Sartre‟s political positions and their relationship with the Third World, between 1947 and 1979. Generally speaking, this research aims to establish a possible link between the historical context - the postwar world, the descolonization wars, the rising of third world countries, the French political and intellectual setting - and Sartre‟s trajectory. More accurately, this investigation, above all, aims to analyse by means of documental sources, the problems that the Third World - The Algeria War (1954-1962), the Cuban Revolution (1959) and the Vietnam War (1946-1975) - bring forward to Sartre‟s political positions / Doutor

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