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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural power in the space of political economy: A case study of China's cultural import into lithuania

白安潔 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper examines the role of the Chinese cultural production in political economy, putting some emphasis to the market aspects of culture as well as the political outcomes. The hypothesis of the paper is based on the assumption that culture is one of the main resources of soft power. Therefore, the spread of the well-favored culture through cultural trade should create an attractive image of a country represented by that culture. A specific case study of China’s cultural imports into Lithuania is provided to serve as an example to reveal this relation of politics-economics-culture and to prove that cultural interaction can influence opinion about the whole cultural group thus increasing its power. This qualitative research was conducted first of all reviewing theoretical literature on the relevant topics of political economy, culture and soft power (Chapter 2). Then a number of a recent primary data from the United Nations reports as well as the other academic and media sources was analyzed in order to establish the role of China’s cultural production in the world market, which clearly demonstrates that China is already proving the success of its cultural industries becoming the largest producer and exporter of cultural products in the world (Chapter 3). Finally, the case study, which included analysis of primary imports data, review of the Chinese services and activities in Lithuania and 25 in-depth semi-structural interviews, proved that China’s cultural products imports into Lithuania is a subsistent part of the trade market and is constantly growing since 2003 along with the cultural services proliferation. The interviews presented some insightful opinions about Chinese cultural production, Chinese culture and China in general (Chapter 4).

Sociokultūrinių paslaugų poreikis bendruomenėje:esama situacija ir lūkesčiai / Need of Socio-Cultural Services in a Community: Current Situation and Aspiration

Šimkevičienė, Viktorija 17 July 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – Nustatyti sociokultūrinių paslaugų poreikį bendruomenėje: esamą situaciją ir lūkesčius. Tyrimo objektas- sociokultūrinių paslaugų poreikis bendruomenėje: esama situacija ir lūkesčiai. Tyrimo metu taikyti metodai: atlikta anketinė apklausa raštu (taikant klausimyną). Ir statistinė duomenų analizė (aprašomoji aritmetinių vidurkių, statistinio reikšmingumo p reikšmės) analizė. Anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 272 respondentų, iš jų 90 socialinių pedagogų, 93 bendruomenių pirmininkai, 89 švietimo skyriaus darbuotojai. Darbe atlikta teorinė sociokultūrinės veiklos modelio bendruomenės teorinė analizė. Nustatyta, kad modelį sudaro: Rekreacija (poilsio ir laisvalaikio organizavimas, socialinių kontaktų užmezgimas, susitikimai, atsipalaidavimas); Švietimas ir auklėjimas (savitarpio mokymasis, bendrabūvio normų ir vertybių ugdymas); Menas ir kultūros (bendrų kultūrinių interesų nustatymas, kultūrinės išvykos); Bendruomenės kūrimo (socialinių tinklų kūrimas, bendrų interesų nustatymas) sritis. Vadinasi, galima teigti, kad sociokultūrinė veikla aprėpia žmogaus kultūrinę ir socialinę raišką. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Galima teigti, kad socialiniai pedagogai, pirmininkai, švietimo skyriaus atstovai įvairiu būdu tenkina sociokultūrines paslaugas švietimo ir socialines paslaugas teikiančiose įstaigose. 2. Taikant neparametrinę statistiką nustatyta, kad pageidaujamų gauti sociokultūrinių paslaugų formų daugiausia norėtų gauti organizavimo paslaugų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim - Set of socio-cultural services in the community. The study object - socio-cultural services in the community. The study of the methods: a survey carried out in writing (using a questionnaire ). The statistical analysis of the data (descriptive arithmetic averages, the statistical significance of p-values) analysis. Participated in the questionnaire survey 272 respondents, of which 90 social teaching, 93 community presidents, 89 employees of the education department. The work carried out in the theoretical model of socio-cultural activities in the community and the school theoretical analysis . It was found that the model consists of : Recreation (recreation and leisure , social contacts and relations, meetings, relaxation); Education and Parenting (mutual learning coexistence norms and values education); Arts and Culture (general cultural interest determination, cultural visits); Community development (social networking, identification of common interests) area. It can be concluded that the socio-cultural activities include human cultural and social expression. The main conclusions of the research: • First can be said that social workers, presidents, representatives of the Department of Education is satisfied by various socio-cultural services in the education and social service institutions. • Second application of parametric statistics showed that wanted to get the service of socio-cultural forms mainly want to get the service organization told, social educators... [to full text]

Kultūros paslaugų kokybės vertinimas akademinio jaunimo požiūriu / Assessment of Cultural Services Quality according to Academic Youth standpoint

Petrulevičiūtė, Ernesta 02 August 2011 (has links)
Kiekviena įstaiga, siekdama tenkinti kuo aukštesnės kokybės paslaugas, privalo nuolat tirti savo klientų poreikius bei remiantis tyrimo metu gautais duomenis, tobulinti savo teikiamas paslaugas. Tai privalo daryti ne tik privatusis sektorius, tai aktualu ir viešojo sektoriaus įstaigoms. Viena iš viešojo sektoriaus sričių – kultūros įstaigos. Šiauliuose veikia daugybė kultūros įstaigų, tačiau iki šiol nėra tirta šių įstaigų teikiamų paslaugų kokybė. Todėl ši tema tampa aktuali. Šiuo darbu siekiama įvertinti trijų Šiaulių miesto kultūros įstaigų teikiamų paslaugų kokybę (Šiaulių dailės galerijos, Šiaulių miesto kultūros centro „Laiptų galerija“ ir Šiaulių koncertinės įstaigos „Saulė“) akademinio jaunimo požiūrių. Akademinis jaunimas pasirinktas kaip vienas aktyviausių kultūros vartotojų. Darbą sudaro esminės dvi dalys: teorinė ir empirinė. Teorinėje dalyje apibendrinama mokslinėje literatūroje randami paslaugų apibūdinimai, aptariamos savybės, skiriančios paslaugą nuo materialios prekės, pateikiami paslaugų kokybės vertinimo metodai. Taip pat mokslinės literatūros analize siekiama išsiaiškinti viešojo sektoriaus teikiamų paslaugų išskirtinumą bei viešųjų paslaugų kokybės vertinimo ypatumus. Kadangi tiriama kultūros įstaigų teikiamų paslaugų kokybė, teorinėje dalyje bandoma išryškinti kultūrinių įstaigų veiklos specifiką. Empirinėje (praktinėje) darbo dalyje pateikiami apibendrinti tyrimo metu gauti duomenis. Tyrimo metu siekta ne tik įvertinti Šiaulių miesto kultūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In order to provide the service of a better quality every enterprise must regularly investigate the needs of customers and improve the service according to the data of investigation. This must be done by the private sector enterprises as will as the public sector. Cultural enterprises are those of public sektor spheres. There are numerous cultural enterprises in Siauliai still the quality of services in those enterprises is not investigation. Therefore this theme is of present interest. This work investigates the service quality of thru cultural enterprises (Siauliai art Galerry, The Culture Centre "Staircase Galerry" and Siauliai concert enterprise "Saule") from point of view of youth. The work consists of two main parts: Theoretical and empiric. The theoretical part deals with the generalization of the charakterization of the services found in the scientific literature, the qualities distinguishing the service from any materal good, the methods of service quality are present. By the analysis of is aimed to ascertain the exclusiveness of the services of the public sector as will as the peculiarities of the evaluation of public services means of the analysis of Scientific Literature. The empiric (practical) part of the work presents the data of the investigation. The investigation deals not only the evaluation of the quality of Siauliai cultural enterprises, the needs of Siauliai academic youth are also lysed. The investigation showed that only a small number of the... [to full text]

Management kina Ponrepo / Management of the Ponrepo cinema

Přádná, Alena January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to map and subsequently analyse and evaluate all the processes that are going on in the Ponrepo cinema. Even though it is an archive cinema it is currently participating in more complex and broader activities than just film screenings. Therefore, this thesis deals with the processes associated with traditional function as an intermediary of collections of the National Film Archive to the public and the processes associated with the new mission as a creative centre or platform for film education.

Nabídka služeb cestovního ruchu ve zvolené destinaci zapsané na seznamu UNESCO / Offer of tourism services in the selected destination on the list of UNESCO

KAMBOVÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this work was through the analysis of supply and demand for tourism services to define the role of tourism for the site. Secondary objectives were to the impacts of tourism on local development. Further highlight the importance of registration destination on the list of UNESCO and to suggest ways to increase traffic to destination. The paper presents proposals to improve the supply of, and practical application of one of the proposals. The conclusion summarizes the results and the objectives of the work.

Nabídka služeb pro osoby se zrakovou a sluchovou disabilitou ve vlacích, autobusech, kinech, divadlech a kulturních památkách v Jihočeském kraji / Services for people with visual and hearing disability in trains, buses, cinemas, theaters and cultural attractions in the South Bohemian Region

VOTÁPKOVÁ, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to obtain current information on services for people with visual and hearing disability in trains, buses, cinemas, theaters and cultural attractions in the South Bohemian Region, and also determine their satisfaction with the above mentioned services. Thesis in its theoretical level deals with the theme of visual and hearing disability in terms of etiology, diagnosis, terminology and classification, a closer is devoted to the problems of persons with these two specific types of disability. Indicates the possibility of their education and training organizations for these people and provides a brief look into the history of the care for people with visual and hearing disability. In the next section the theoretical analysis are described in detail currently available in social services, transportation and cultural area of the South Bohemian Region and lists a number of organizations providing such services. There are services targeted directly to the clients with both the types of medical disability. The research then brings practical knowledge of the subjects specified issues. The form of the questionnaire survey on a sample population specifically the presence of visual and hearing disability residing in the South Bohemian Region were surveyed respondents' views on the topics of research. Structured interviews with people with visual and hearing disability representatives dealing with services for this population group disseminates research on qualitative dimension and gives a more comprehensive and coherent view of individuals at the researched topic. The results obtained by means of a poll survey and controlled interviews that offer services in the areas of transport and addressed the cultural sphere in the South Bohemian Region of the relatively high level. The interviewed people with visual and hearing disability declared in his most satisfaction with these services, many of them would of course welcome and some partial improvement of their quality and availability. Data obtained from the research and the conclusions drawn from them can serve as recommendations for practice, including for organizations active in the field of the care for people with medical disability, but also for public officials giving the basic concept in the field of social services, transport and culture of the South Bohemian Region.

Využití efektů veřejných kulturních služeb v rozvojových strategiích měst / Using the Effects of Public Cultural Services in the Development Strategies of Cities

Dudová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Z. Dudová Using the Effects of Public Cultural Services in the Development Strategies of Cities Abstract This dissertation focuses on analysing the utilization of the effects of public cultural services in the development strategies of selected towns (Český Krumlov, Velké Meziříčí and Blatná) for the development of these localities. The theoretical part of the dissertation is dedicated to the research of existing approaches to the solution of the issue, the definition of key concepts and the framework of the concept of public cultural services in the context of the specific situation of strategic management and planning culture of the administrative units in the Czech Republic. It has identified a wide range of potential non-economic benefits of public cultural services, from individual benefits to social impact for the wider community. The analytical part is focused on the position and the importance of culture, cultural services, and its possible benefits in key policy and strategic documents of the selected cities. For a broader understanding of the context regarding the situation of strategic planning culture in selected Czech cities, conceptual and strategic materials related to the regional and national cultural policy, and also some of the most important Czech cultural organisations (National Museum,...

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