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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finanční proveditelnost a ekonomická efektivnost protipovodňových opatření / Financial Feasibility and Economic Efficiency of Flood Protection Measures

Stolařová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with topic of efficiency and possibilities of financing of flood defense in the Czech Republic. First part describes general terms related to economical calculations. The methods of calculating of efficiency in common sense take place in this part of thesis. There are also described differences in counting of efficiency of public good. Theoretical part continues with basic information about floods and types of flood defense in the Czech Republic. Last part of theory describes method of calculating efficiency for flood defense. The main aim of the practical part is to apply this methodology to particular case of flood defense in the Czech Republic.

The policing of road rage incidents in the Gauteng Province

Mfusi, Boikhutso Florencia 12 1900 (has links)
This study followed a qualitative research approach, and semi-structured interviews regarding the subject matter were conducted with the knowledgeable and experienced respondents in the Gauteng traffic-related departments. A literature review was also conducted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem in both local and international context. The research stresses the fact that motorists are continuing to lose their lives on Gauteng province, as a result of violent traffic disputes, therefore people suffer financial, physical, psychological as well as social effects as a consequence of such actions. The findings revealed that all the traffic stakeholders are working cooperatively towards implementing the crime prevention strategic plans, but for policing road rage in particular there is no specific strategy in action. In addition, this study reveals that it is impossible for the traffic police to curb road rage incidents because the latter occur as a result of unpredictable human behavior. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Policing)

Fundos de reparação dos interesses difusos e coletivos e sua efetividade

Coelho, Osvaldo de Oliveira 29 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Osvaldo de Oliveira Coelho.pdf: 1347392 bytes, checksum: 43bda0294f95028633dec3941aab16ba (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-29 / In various public actions in defense of individual interests has been common goal setting daily fine in case of noncompliance with court decisions, as well as judicial or extrajudicial agreement they signed last adjustment in terms of conduct. Also in cases where the recovery to the previous state of diffuse damages to property and collective proves unfeasible, there is condemnation in damages in money payments. In these cases, in overall, the calculated values should revert to a fund for the repair of diffuse and collective interests (national and state), according to article 13, caput , of Law n. 7.347/85. Of course, these funds is intended not only to repair the damages caused to the environment, but also to consumers, taxpayers, the disabled, the elderly, public health, housing and town planning, citizenship, assets and rights of artistic, aesthetic, historical, tourist, natural, per violation to the economic and other diffuse and collective interests, according to article 1º., §1º., of Law n. 9.008/95, which regulates the Defense Fund of Diffuse Interests in the São Paulo State. We must also mention that such funds exist at the federal and state areas, were created by the article 13 of Law n. 7.347/85, after being regulated by others laws. It is also to stress that the collected resources by such funds will be primarily for the purpose of repairing diffuse and collective interests, scientific and education events, and editing informational material related to the nature of the breach or damage caused, and may also be used to improve the administrative public departaments. Our goal is the choice of subject to analyse in depth the creation of such funds for repair, looking for a paradigm in American institutions, from where the legislation has inspired. It is, also, our goal to examine how resources are being used and the actual results of its use. This review should be performed in our study, with a focus on practical questions. With this aim, if not exhaust the matter, at least to reflect about the subject and a humble contribution to the improvement of the forms of a repair individual goals interests. / Em diversas ações civis públicas para a defesa de interesses metaindividuais tem sido comum a fixação de multa-diária para o caso de descumprimento de decisões judiciais, bem como de acordo judicial ou extrajudicial, estes últimos firmados em termos de ajustamento de conduta. Também nos casos em que a recomposição ao estado anterior dos danos a bens difusos e coletivos mostra-se inviável, há condenação em indenização em pecúnia. Nestes casos, em regra, os valores apurados deverão reverter a um fundo de reparação de interesses difusos e coletivos (nacional e estadual), conforme artigo 13, caput , da Lei nº. 7.347/85. Evidentemente que tais fundos têm por finalidade não só a reparação dos danos causados ao meio ambiente, mas também ao consumidor, ao contribuinte, às pessoas com deficiência, ao idoso, à saúde pública, à habitação e urbanismo, à cidadania, a bens e direitos de valor artístico, estético, histórico, turístico, paisagístico, por infração à ordem econômica e a outros interesses difusos e coletivos, conforme artigo 1º., §1º., da Lei n°. 9.008/95, que regulamenta o Fundo de Defesa dos Direitos Difusos, e artigo 2º. da Lei Estadual nº. 13.555/09, que regulamenta o Fundo de Defesa dos Interesses Difusos no Estado de São Paulo. Há que se mencionar, ainda, que tais fundos, existentes nas esferas federal e estadual, foram criados pela norma do artigo 13 da Lei n°. 7.347/85, sendo regulamentados por leis posteriores. Também é de se frisar que os recursos arrecadados por tais fundos terão a finalidade precípua de reparação de bens e interesses difusos e coletivos, realização de eventos educativos e científicos, bem como a edição de material informativo relacionado com a natureza da infração ou com o dano causado, podendo ainda ser utilizados para a aquisição de bens para a modernização administrativa de órgãos públicos. Nosso objetivo na escolha do tema é analisar, com profundidade a constituição de tais fundos de reparação, buscando um paradigma nos institutos norte-americanos, posto que serviram de inspiração ao legislador pátrio. Também é nosso objetivo analisar de que forma tais recursos estão sendo empregados e os efetivos resultados de sua utilização. Esta análise crítica deverá ser realizada em nosso estudo, com um enfoque prático sobre as questões colocadas. Com isso, pretendemos, se não esgotar a matéria, pelo menos trazer uma reflexão sobre o tema e uma humilde contribuição para o aprimoramento de uma das formas de reparação de interesses metaindividuais

Markägaren, allemansrätten och invasionen : En diskussion om ansvaret för skador på marken när kommersiella aktörer nyttjar mark med stöd av allemansrätten. Eller: Vad händer om en kommersiell bärplockare startar en skogsbrand? / The land owner, the right of public acces and the invasion : A discussion on the liability for damage to the land when commercial players utilise land under the right of public access. Or: What happens if a commercial berry picker starts a forest fire?Maja WilhelmssonHandledare: Åsa ÅslundAffärsjuridiska programmet med Europainriktning, termin 9Höstterminen

Wilhelmsson, Maja January 2010 (has links)
Under senare tid har allt fler företag börjat utöva verksamhet där mark nyttjas för olika aktiviteter med stöd av allemansrätten. HD har bedömt att sådant nyttjande; kanalisering, är tillåtet med stöd av allemansrätten, men uttalade i NJA 1996 s. 495 (”Forsränningsmålet”) samtidigt att nyttjandet bara är tillåtet så länge marken inte skadas. Eftersom skadeståndsfrågan aldrig har prövats i samband med allemansrätten har föremålet för denna uppsats varit att utreda möjligheterna att utfå ersättning för skador via allmänna skadeståndsrättsliga regler, skadestånds- och avhjälpandeansvaret i miljöbalken samt för intrång i äganderätten via expropriationslagen och möjligheten att få ersättning ur en försäkring. Expropriationsalternativet kan inte användas idag, eftersom marknyttjande med stöd av allemansrätten är ett icke ersättningsgillt intrång i äganderätten. Möjligheterna till att betrakta en skada på marken som en sakskada är stora. Det finns emellertid omständigheter som skapar komplikationer för båda skadeståndsansvarsformerna. En allmän skadeståndstalan kräver att culpa hos skadevållaren kan bevisas, vilket kan vara svårt när många människor vistas på en plats samtidigt. Kanalisatören kan betraktas som culpös enligt principerna om kumulativ eller anonym culpa, enligt vilka en principal blir ansvarig, trots att de individer han ansvarar för inte, var och en för sig, varit culpösa. Det miljörättsliga skadeståndsansvaret bygger på ersättning för störningar som inte är orts- eller allmänvanliga. När det gäller allemansrättsligt nyttjande torde många störningar betraktas som just orts- eller allmänvanliga. Avhjälpandeansvaret i miljöbalken bygger på ersättning för miljöfarlig verksamhet, och det är tveksamt om det kan tillämpas på kanalisatörens verksamhet. Expropriationsersättning på grund av allemansrättsligt nyttjande tillerkänns inte markägaren enligt gällande rätt, vilket kan tyckas märkligt eftersom många nyttjandeformer som påminner om allemansrätten, t.ex. servitut, medför sådan ersättningsrätt. Det finns vissa möjligheter att ersätta markskador ur försäkringar. Dock är de flesta skador följden av invasionsproblematik, som är mycket svårt försäkra. Samtliga ersättningsformer har visat sig otillräckliga för att ersätta skador som är estetiska och ideella, eftersom sådana skador inte kan beräknas i pengar. Beroende på hur marknyttjande med stöd av allemansrätten betraktas har man olika åsikt om i vad mån kanalisatören borde ersätta markägaren för skador på marken. Om nyttjandet uppfattas som någonting som finns vid sidan av markäganderätten är endast konkreta skador ersättningsgilla. Om man anser att nyttjandet är ett intrång i äganderätten och en förmögenhetsöverföring från markägaren till kanalisatören bör emellertid redan rätten att nyttja marken föranleda ersättning. Den ersättningsform som bäst tillgodoser markägarens intresse av att få skador på marken åtgärdade och få ersättning för ekonomisk förlust är avhjälpandeansvaret. Endast det ansvaret reparerar till fullo skador på miljön. Det krävs emellertid ett domstolsavgörande för att slutligen klargöra avhjälpandeansvarets tillämplighet. / Recently, more and more companies have come to exercise activities under the right of public access on land that belongs to whomever. The High Court has assessed that such use of land; channeling, is permitted, but in NJA 1996 s. 495 (“The Rafting Case”) also announced that this use is only allowed as long as the land remains unharmed. Since the question of damages in the context of the right of public access has not yet been treated in jurisprudence, the object of this thesis has been to investigate the possibilities to obtain restitution for damages via tort law, liability under the environment act as well as for proprietary intrusions under the expropriation act and restitution via insurance. Expropriation, however, cannot currently be made use of, since the right of public access is an intrusion which does not entail restitution. There are extensive possibilities for considering damage to the land as damage to property. However, there are ramifications for both the legal options for damages: the tort law and the environmental act. The tort law requires tortuous behaviour from the tortfeasor to be established, which is difficult when several persons stay at one place simultaneously. The canalizer may be considered tortuous under the principle of vicarious liability and cumulative or anonymous tort. According to these principles, the canalizer is responsible for the actions of certain individuals, even though they have not, individually, been negligent. The environmental liability for damage is based on restitution for disturbances that are not common to the place nor to the general public. This fact is difficult to establish in the context of the right of public access. The remedial responsibility of the environmental act is constructed for operations that are harmful to the environment, which is why it is dubious whether the responsibility is applicable to the canalizer’s activities. Currently, compensation for expropriation cannot result of use of land under the right of public access. This is peculiar, since many usufructs reminiscent of the right of public access, i.e. the easement, result in such compensation. Some forms of damage to the land can be insured. Although, most damage in this context arise from invasion, a cause of damage which is nearly impossible to insure. All forms of restitution have proven insufficient for compensating damage that is esthetic or otherwise non-pecuniary. Depending on if the right of public access is regarded as proprietary intrusion or something that exists alongside the right to property, one comes to different conclusions about the extent of compensation for damage. In the former case, only substantial damage is compensable. In the latter case, even the right to use the land occasions compensation. The liability which best meets the needs of the proprietor: compensation and restoration of damage to his property, is the remedial responsibility of the environmental code. This responsibility alone fully restores harm to the environment. However, the applicability of the remedial responsibility needs to be established in jurisprudence.

The policing of road rage incidents in the Gauteng Province

Mfusi, Boikhutso Florencia 12 1900 (has links)
This study followed a qualitative research approach, and semi-structured interviews regarding the subject matter were conducted with the knowledgeable and experienced respondents in the Gauteng traffic-related departments. A literature review was also conducted to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research problem in both local and international context. The research stresses the fact that motorists are continuing to lose their lives on Gauteng province, as a result of violent traffic disputes, therefore people suffer financial, physical, psychological as well as social effects as a consequence of such actions. The findings revealed that all the traffic stakeholders are working cooperatively towards implementing the crime prevention strategic plans, but for policing road rage in particular there is no specific strategy in action. In addition, this study reveals that it is impossible for the traffic police to curb road rage incidents because the latter occur as a result of unpredictable human behavior. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Policing)

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