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Institut předsmluvní odpovědnosti v teorii a praxi / The institution of pre-contract liability in theory and practiceKraus, Radek January 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit behandelt das Thema "Rechtsinstitut der vorvertraglichen Haftung in Theorie und Praxis". Die ganze Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert und zwar "Der Begriff der Vorvertraglichen Haftung", "Die Komparative Analyse der ausländischen Rechtsordnungen" und "Das tschechische Konzept der vorvertraglichen Haftung". Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist, die praktischen Aspekte der vorvertraglichen Haftung zu beschreiben, was aber ohne ausreichende theoretische Grundlagen unmöglich ist. Die Doktrin culpa in contrahendo (Verschulden beim Vertragsabschluss) wird Rudolph von Jhering zugeschrieben, denn er hat im Jahre 1861 als erstes die charakteristischen Züge der vorvertraglichen Obligationen beschrieben. Der Autor ordnet in dem ersten Teil dieser Arbeit noch die vorvertragliche Haftung in das Rechtssystem ein. Die zum Teil von dem Autor entworfene Definition dient dann in dem zweiten und dritten Teil zu dem einfacheren Vergleich der Konzepte von vorvertraglicher Haftung in verschiedenen Rechtsordnungen. In dem zweiten Teil wird zuerst das deutsche Konzept der culpa in contrahendo beschrieben, wie es sich von R. von Jhering über die Schuldrechtsmodernisierung bis zum heutigen Tag entwickelt hat. Die Entwicklung der deutschen Auffassung der vorvertraglichen Haftung von der materiellen zur formalen...
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Teoretická koncepce odpovědnosti za újmu způsobenou narozením člověka / A theoretical conception of liability for harm caused by the birth of a manSmetánková, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
in the English language Title: A theoretical conception of liability for harm caused by the birth of a man In many legal orders a new types of legal actions have appeared (in relation to the development of new methods of diagnosing congenital diseases). In these types of legal actions the claimant seeks damages for the negligence of the doctor in performing these tests. These claims are referred to as "wrongful birth", "wrongful conception", and "wrongful abortion". The "wrongful life" claim is most commonly used in a situation where while performing prenatal screening the doctor does not diagnose the existing congenital disease and therefore fails to give the parents an essential piece of information, which might have made the parents decide to abort the fetus. The claimant in this case is the child itself, who substantiates the claim by arguing it should have never been born. The "wrongful birth" claim arises from the same situation, but the claimants are the parents of the child. They claim damages for the emotional pain and increased expences related to giving birth and raising a disabled child. In the case of the "wrongful conception" claim, the most common reason for using this action is a negligently performed sterilization procedure. The "wrongful abortion" claim can be used in a situation...
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Ekonomická analýza práva v oblasti odpovědnosti za škodu / Economic Analysis of Law in the Field of Liability for DamagePrzeczek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Economic Analysis of Law in the Field of Liability for Damages This thesis focuses on the application of economic analysis of law, which is an approach enabling an alternative view of legal institutions because of its specific methodology. Although this theoretical school originated in the common law system, which is still its realm, the thesis shows potential overlaps to the system of civil law. Questions concerning civil liability for damages are examined as an example of a possible application. The initial chapter of the thesis is concerned with introducing the economic analysis of law. At first, it briefly describes its historical development including links to some related schools. Foundations, areas of resesarch, basic concepts and methodology are also examined in this chapter. The specific application of economic approach in relation to civil liability for damages is discussed in the second part. It describes the choice between negligence and strict liability, problem of causation and procedural aspects of claims for compensation for damage. Special attention is drawn to the Learned Hand test established by case-law as a method to assess the conditions of liability. This method is based on considering economic criteria using a cost analysis. The part dealing with behavioral findings extending...
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Usure et endommagement de matériaux carbonés comme éléments de contact électrique pour pompe à carburant automobileCharpenay, Romain 23 November 2011 (has links)
La pompe de gavage ou pompe à carburant est un organe auxiliaire nécessaire au bon fonctionnement d’un véhicule. Elle permet d’acheminer le carburant du réservoir vers les systèmes d’injections du moteur. Cette pompe, constituée d’un moteur électrique entraînant une turbine, permet la mise en mouvement du carburant. Le passage du courant est assuré entre le stator et le rotor par le biais du contact frottant entre deux balais fixes et un collecteur tournant en composite graphite/polymère, immergé en milieu carburant. Ces travaux ont pour but de contribuer à la compréhension de ce contact glissant électrifié immergé. Un tribomètre spécifique a été développé afin de tester différents couples de matériaux balais-collecteur dans des conditions mécaniques, électriques et physico-chimiques variées, tout en mesurant l’usure, l’effort de frottement et la résistance électrique du double contact. De nouvelles nuances de matériaux carbonés s’adaptant aux contraintes chimiques des nouveaux biocarburants présents sur le marché automobile ont été testées et ont mis en évidence différents comportements tribologiques. L’usure observée est principalement due au passage du courant sous forme d’arcs électriques modifiant ainsi la topographie des surfaces. Deux endommagements distincts sont visibles : le cratère et la bosse dont les volumes augmentent avec l’énergie développée par l’arc et sont reliés à la présence subsurfacique de polymère. A partir de ces conclusions expérimentales, un modèle phénoménologique du comportement à l’usure a été proposé. Il permet d’apporter une aide à la compréhension des mécanismes complexes et nombreux, présents dans le frottement des balais et du collecteur. / The fuel pump, an automotive part, is used to transfer the fuel from the tank to the engine injection systems. This pump consists of an electric motor driving a turbine: this induces the fuel flow. The current flow is realized between the stator and the rotor thanks to the friction of two fixed brushes against a slip ring. All elements are made of graphite/polymer composites and are immersed into fuel. The aim of this work is to contribute to the understanding of immersed electrical sliding contacts. A specific tribometer was developed in order to mimic the fuel pump. It allows simultaneous measurement of friction forces, wear and electrical contact resistance for various mechanical, electrical and physicochemical conditions. New carbonaceous materials, specifically designed for new biofuel, exhibited different tribological behaviour. The wear observed is mainly due to the current flow, electrical arcs in particular, which modifies the surface topography. Two kinds of damage were depicted: craters and bumps whose volume increases with the arc-produced energy as a function of the presence of polymer at the vicinity of the surface. Issued from these experimental results, a phenomenological model of the wear behaviour was proposed. It brings new insights into the complex and numerous mechanisms occurring during the friction of the brushes and commutator.
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Poškození pacienta / Patient's damageChocholoušová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Patient's damage The goal of this presented diploma thesis is to discuss the problem of patient harm due to health care. To achieve the stated goal, the thesis is divided into five main chapters, in which the first chapter discusses the relationship between the patient. The first chapter also introduces the rights and obligations of both the patient and the physician. This chapter also deals with the issue of informed consent. The second chapter focuses on the issue of legal liability, addressing both civil liability in general and its individual types, as well as criminal liability. The next chapter is about the procedure lege artis and the related health ethics concept. Part of this chapter is also the issue of expert opinions. The fourth chapter is crucial for the thesis, because it deals with the patient's own damage. This chapter deals not only with undesirable events that could result in patient harm, but also about the subsequent compensation of the patient in the form of painful and compensation for the burden of social application. Within the subchapter on patient harm in practice are mentioned the decisions of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic issued in specific cases of patients' injuries. And for completeness, one European Court of Human Rights decision. The last chapter mentions...
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Nároky zaměstnance při pracovních úrazech a nemocech z povolání / Employee's claims in the case of work accidents or occupational diseasesŠpačková, Hana January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is employee's claims in the case of work accidents or occupational diseases, because the assessment and determination of damages is still an actual issue. The first part of the thesis deals with theoretical introduction and definition of terms which are material for the whole thesis. The first part defines the liability in labour law, the liability of employee and employer, work accidents and occupational diseases and mainly the employer's liability for damages and non-material damage caused by work accidents or occupational diseases to employees. The next chapter focuses on insurance which is obligatory for all employers who employ at least one employee. This insurance is important in case of the employer becomes liable for damage or non-material damage caused by work accidents or occupational diseases. The insurance is important especially for small and medium-sized employers for whom the compensation could be liquidating and could lead to the termination of their activities. The most importatnt chapter of the thesis is the chapter concerning individual types of employee's claims for damages or non-material damage which arise from work accident or occupational disease, or claims of survivors of employee in case of employee's death, and their assessment. The most...
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Os direitos da personalidade da pessoa jurídica de direito público / The personality rights of the legal entities of public lawHerkenhoff, Henrique Geaquinto 15 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho sustenta que as pessoas jurídicas de direito público são titulares de direitos da personalidade, inclusive a honra subjetiva, naqueles aspectos ou manifestações concretas compatíveis com o modo transindividual com que representam o ser humano. / This study sustains that legal entities of public law are entitled to personality rights, including subjective honor, in those aspects or concrete manifestations that are compatible with the transindividual manner by which they represent natural persons.
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Efeitos da área de controle das plantas daninhas (coroamento ou faixa) no desenvolvimento inicial de tangerina 'Poncã' (Citrus reticulata Blanco). / Effects of weed control area in rows on initial development of 'ponkan' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) trees.Bortolazzo, Erreinaldo Donizeti 03 May 2002 (has links)
A presente pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo verificar a interferência das plantas daninhas no desenvolvimento inicial de Tangerineira 'poncã' (Citrus reticulata Blanco) enxertada sobre Limão "cravo" [Citrus limonia (L.) Osbeck], através de áreas de controle das plantas daninhas em coroamento ou em faixas de controle próximas as mudas no campo. Para tal finalidade foi conduzido um experimento em área do Departamento de Produção Vegetal, da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", localizada no município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo.As mudas de tangerina poncã foram plantadas em 10/03/1999, obedecendo o espaçamento de 6,0 m entrelinhas e 4,0 m entre plantas. As entrelinhas foram mantidas roçadas com roçadora tratorizada convencional. Os tratamentos experimentais foram dispostos em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste F aplicado à análise de variância, e as médias confrontadas pelo teste de comparação múltipla de Tukey ao nível de 1 % e 5 % de probabilidade. Cada parcela experimental foi constituída por quatro plantas. As sub-parcelas foram constituídas por duas plantas. As plantas foram mantidas capinadas, com enxada, no sentido da linha para entrelinhas, a 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm e 100 cm de distância do tronco, além da parcela sem capina, e da parcela capinada. Nas sub-parcelas as capinas foram balizadas com arame em forma de circunferência, suspenso por seis estacas de madeira, para a capina em coroamento, e balizadas com quatro estacas as sub-parcelas destinadas a capina em faixas, conforme cada tratamento.O desenvolvimento das plantas de tangerina foi avaliadotrimestralmente, de 04/05/1999 até 19/07/2001, sendo medido o diâmetro do tronco, diâmetro da copa e altura. Os dados obtidos permitiramm as seguintes conclusões: No primeiro ano de implantação do pomar, são necessárias capinas na linha da cultura, para controle das plantas daninhas, de 75 cm em coroamento, ou de 25 cm em faixas de cada lado do tronco. No segundo ano de implantação do pomar, são necessárias capinas na linha da cultura, para controle das plantas daninhas, de 100 cm em coroamento, ou em faixas de 25 cm de cada lado do tronco. Os tratamentos com capinas em faixas permitiram um melhor desenvolvimento das plantas. No terceiro ano de implantação do pomar, são necessárias capinas na linha da cultura de 100 cm em coroamento ou 25 cm em faixas de cada lado do tronco. / The objective of this research was to evaluate the weed interference on the initial development of "Ponkan" Mandarin trees grafted on "Cravo" [Citrus limonia (L.) Osbeck], through areas of weed control in rows (crown or strips) near to the young plants in the field. For that it was conducted an experiment in the experimental area of the Departamento de Produção Vegetal, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", in Piracicaba county, São Paulo state, Brazil.The young plants of mandarin were transplanted in 03/10/1999, in a 6,0 m by 4,0 m spacing. The inter rows were mowed using conventional mower powered by a tractor.The experimental treatments were set in a randomized block design with subplots, four replications. The data obtained were submitted to F test and analysis of variance, and the averages were compared using Tukey test at 1% and 5% level of probability. Each experimental plot had four plots. The sub-plots were constituted of two plants. The weeds surrounding the plants were manually hoed from the row center to the inter row direction, at 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm and 100 cm distance from the tree trunk, besides a plot weeded, and a plot entirely hoed. In the sub plots the weeds were hoed in a circle forming a crown unweeded around the tree trunk according to the treatments. The mandarin plant development was evaluated every three months from 05/04/99 to 07/19/01, being measured the trunk diameter, shot diameter and height. The obtained data allowed the following conclusions:In the first year after the orchard establishment, it was necessary weed control in the citrus row extending to a 75 cm of the crown, or 25 cm strips wide each side of the tree trunk. During the second year of mandarin orchard establishment manual weed control using hoe is necessary in a 100 cm crown diameter surrounding the tree trunk, or in the strips of 25 cm each side of the tree trunk. The treatments with manual hoe the strips allowed a better plants development. During the third year of mandarin orchard establishment manual weed control using hoe is necessary in the 100 cm diameter of the crown surrounding the tree trunk or in strips of 25 cm each side of the tree trunk.
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Qualidade e conservação de lima ácida \'Tahiti\' em função dos métodos de colheita e das etapas de beneficiamento pós-colheita / Quality and conservation of \'Tahiti\' lime depending on harvesting methods and packing line stepsBassan, Meire Menezes 03 September 2012 (has links)
Embora o Brasil ocupe a primeira posição no ranking mundial de produção de lima ácida Tahiti, somente 6,6% desta produção é exportada. Tal aspecto deve-se, parcialmente, às perdas provocadas por danos pós-colheita, as quais estão distribuídas ao longo da cadeia de comercialização da fruta, desde a colheita até o consumidor final. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os efeitos dos métodos de colheita e das etapas de beneficiamento pós-colheita de lima ácida Tahiti na sua qualidade e conservação. Para atingir este objetivo, foram realizados três experimentos. No primeiro, avaliaram-se os métodos de colheita com a tesoura, por torção, com o cesto e com o gancho, nos períodos de safra e entressafra. No segundo experimento, foram avaliados os mesmos métodos de colheita, para frutas de lima ácida Tahiti destinadas a exportação, as quais após a colheita passaram pelo processo de beneficiamento pós-colheita. No terceiro experimento, avaliou-se o efeito das etapas do beneficiamento pós-colheita na qualidade e conservação da lima ácida Tahiti. Nos três experimentos foram realizadas análises físicas, químicas e sensoriais ao longo do armazenamento a 22ºC±2 e 70±5 de umidade relativa. Nos experimentos envolvendo a avaliação dos métodos de colheita constatou-se que a colheita com o gancho foi a que mais prejudicou os atributos de qualidade da lima ácida Tahiti independentemente de terem sido beneficiadas. Este método causou maior redução da coloração verde da casca das frutas, maior degradação do ácido ascórbico, maior perda de massa, maior incidência de distúrbios fisiológicos e maior alteração do sabor do suco quando comparado aos outros métodos. A quantidade de frutos aptos para exportação foi 23% menor para a colheita com o gancho quando comparado com a tesoura. Tais resultados estão diretamente relacionados com a quantidade de injúrias mecânicas causadas nos frutos no método de colheita com gancho. No experimento com as etapas do beneficiamento póscolheita observou-se que as limas ácidas Tahiti que passaram pelo beneficiamento completo apresentaram maior redução do conteúdo de ácido ascórbico, maior perda de massa, maior incidência de oleocelose, menor quantidade de frutos comercializáveis e maior alteração do aroma e sabor do suco quando comparado aos frutos que não passaram por todas as etapas do beneficiamento. Tais resultados podem ser relacionados ao fato do processo de beneficiamento aplicado nas limas ácidas Tahiti conter etapas consideradas agressivas aos frutos, impedindo que os demais procedimentos tenham resultado eficiente. A avaliação dos distintos métodos de colheita permitiu identificar a colheita com a tesoura como mais eficiente na conservação dos atributos de qualidade da lima ácida Tahiti e também como o método que apresentou maior rendimento de frutas com padrão de qualidade exigido para exportação. O método de colheita com o gancho causa danos físicos aos frutos e prejudica seus atributos de qualidade de forma irreversível. Os procedimentos de beneficiamento pós-colheita das limas ácidas Tahiti têm sua eficiência reduzida quando aplicados em frutos que sofreram danos físicos. / Although Brazil occupies the first position among the worlds largest producers of Tahiti lime, only 6,6% of this production is exported. This situation is partly due to fruit losses caused by postharvest injuries, which are distributed along the fruit supply chain from harvest to the final consumer. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of different harvesting methods and postharvest practices of Tahiti limes on their quality and conservation. For this purpose three trials were conducted. In the first trial, different harvesting methods were evaluated on fruit picked with scissors, by twisting, with basket and with hook, both during the main harvest as well as on the offseason periods. In the second trial, the same harvesting methods were assessed on Tahiti limes classified for export on a commercial packing line. In the third trial, different postharvest stages were evaluated regarding their effects on fruit quality and storage of Tahiti limes. In all the experiments physical, chemical and sensory analyses were conducted during fruit storage at 22±2 °C and 70±5% relative humidity. For the experiments comparing different harvesting methods, fruit picking with hook was found to cause largest injuries on quality attributes of Tahiti limes, both for sorted and unsorted fruit. This harvest method caused larger degradation of green skin color and ascorbic acid content on fruits, with larger mass loss, increased incidence of physiological disorders and major alterations of juice flavor, when compared to other harvest methods. The amount of fruit classified for export was 23% lower when the harvest was performed with the hook, as compared with scissors-harvesting. These results are directly related to the amount of mechanical injuries caused by fruit harvesting with hook. In the experiment evaluating different postharvest stages it was observed that Tahiti limes that went over all the sorting and grading steps showed larger reduction in ascorbic acid content, with larger mass loss and incidence of oleocelosis, fewer marketable fruit percentage and stronger alterations on juice smell and flavor, when compared to fruits that did not undergo through all the classification steps. These results may be related with the fact that sorting and grading processes currently applied to Tahiti limes in the packing house are considered to be aggressive to fruits, and they prevent from achieving positive effects with other postharvest practices. Scissors-picking of fruits was more efficient for conserving quality attributes of Tahiti limes, and this was also the method yielding higher percentage of fruit meeting the quality standards required for export. Fruit harvesting using the hook caused physical injuries that irreversibly affected fruit quality. Postharvest practices of Tahiti limes had reduced efficiency when applied onto fruits exposed to physical damage.
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Avaliação do dano radioinduzido, capacidade de reparo e morte cecular em células humanas tumorais (T-47D e MCF-7) e não tumorais (MCF-10) de mama / Evaluation of the radioinduced damage, repair capacity and cell death on human tumorigenic (T-47D and MCF-7) and nontumorigenic (MCF-10) cell lines of breastValgôde, Flávia Gomes Silva 25 July 2008 (has links)
Câncer de mama é considerado uma das malignidades mais comuns que acometem as mulheres, representando cerca de uma em cada três de todas as neoplasias femininas. Aproximadamente, 90% dos casos de câncer de mama são esporádicos, atribuíveis aos eventos somáticos e cerca de 10% estão associados com a história familial e destes somente 4-5% são decorrentes de fatores hereditários. Em clínica, a radiação ionizante é a principal ferramenta utilizada no controle do crescimento tumoral, além da intervenção cirúrgica e quimioterapia. Há, no entanto, poucas infomnações no que diz respeito a resposta celular frente à ação da radiação ionizante em células-alvo, isto é, em linhagens celulares originárias de câncer de mama. O presente estudo foi proposto para analisar a radiossensibilidade de células humanas tumorals (T-47D e MCF-7) e não tumorals (MCF-10), originárias de mama, submetidas a várias doses (0,5 a 30 Gy) de radiação y de 60Co (0,72 - 1,50 Gy/min). Para tanto, foram utilizados como parâmetros de radiossensibilidade, dano radioinduzido ao DNA, capacidade de reparo e morte celular, por meio das técnicas do micronúcleo, eletroforese de microgel (teste do cometa) e viabilidade celular. Os dados obtidos mostraram que as linhagens tumorais (T-47D e MCF-7) foram mais radiossensíveis que a linhagem não tumoral (MCF-10) para todos os testes utilizados. A linhagem T-47D foi a que apresentou uma maior quantidade de dano radioinduzido, um ciclo celular mais acelerado e uma maior taxa de morte celular. As três linhagens celulares apresentaram uma capacidade de reparo relativamente eficiente, tendo em vista que uma hora após a irradiação, todas elas exibiram uma redução considerável de dano radioinduzido quando comparadas logo após as exposições. Os testes empregados mostraram ser seguros, sensíveis e reprodutíveis e permitiram quantificar e avaliar danos induzidos ao DNA, capacidade de reparo e morte celular, nas três linhagens originárias de mama humana. / Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies that account women, representing about one in three of all female neoplasm. Approximately, 90% of cases are considered sporadic, attributed to somatic events and about 10% have a family history and this only 4 - 5 % is decurrent of hereditary factors. In the clinic, ionizing radiation is a major tool utilized in the control of tumour growth, besides surgery and chemotherapy. There is, however, little information concerning cellular response to the action of ionizing radiation in the target cells, i.e., cell lines originating from breast cancer. The present study proposed to analyze the radiosensitivity of the human tumorigenic (T-47D and MCF-7) and nontumorigenic (MCF-10) cell lines, originating from breast and submitted to various doses (0.5 to 30 Gy) of 60Co rays (0.72 - 1.50 Gy/min). For this purpose, DNA radioinduced damage, repair capacity and cell death were utilized as parameters of radiosensitivity by micronucleus, single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay) and cell viability techniques. The data obtained showed that tumorigenic cell lines were more radiosensitive than nontumorigenic breast cells in all assays here utilized. The T-47D cell line was presenting the highest amount of radioinduced damage, a more accelerated proliferation rate and a higher rate of cell death. The three cell lines presented a relatively efficient repair capacity, since one hour after the irradiation all of them showed a considerable reduction of radioinduced damage. The techniques employed showed to be secure, sensitive and reproducible, allowing to quantify and evaluate DNA damage, repair capacity and cell death in the three human breast cell lines.
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