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Poškozený v trestním řízení a jeho ochrana / An Injured Party in Criminal Proceedings and his/her ProtectionMenoušková, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract An injured party in criminal proceedings and his/her protection This diploma thesis is focused on position of an injured party in criminal proceedings and his/her protection, which means rights, that are given to an injured. The thesis is divided into five chapters. It draws information from legal literature, legal articles, case law and other. The first chapter focuses on definition of an injured and his/her position in criminal proceedings. This chapter contains interpretation of sections dealing with definition of an injured person (§ 43 paragraphs 1 and 2, § 44 paragraph 1 and § 310a of the Criminal Procedure Code) and interpretation of related topics such as representation of an injured, payment of the costs of an injured, distinguishing between the terms injured party and victim and the position of an injured as an entity involved in criminal proceedings and the procedural party. Procedural rights of an injured are introduced in the second part of the thesis. They are divided into two groups according to whether they are given to all injured or only to those meeting requirements in section 43 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code. There are short subchapters concerning two interesting issues - a prosecution with consent of an injured and a right to effective prosecution. Decision...
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Modélisation de la topologie des dépôts d’énergie créés par un rayonnement ionisant à l’échelle nanométrique dans les noyaux cellulaires et relation avec les événements précoces radio-induits / Modeling of the topology of energy deposits created by ionizing radiation on a nanometric scale in cell nuclei in relation to radiation-induced early eventsDos Santos, Morgane 02 October 2013 (has links)
Les rayonnements ionisants sont connus pour induire des dommages critiques au sein de la matière biologique et spécialement au sein de l’ADN. Parmi ces dommages, les cassures doubles brins de l’ADN (DSB) sont considérées comme les principales responsables des effets létaux des rayonnements. Comprendre et prédire comment ces cassures sont créées et réparées dans les noyaux cellulaires demeure un défi dans la recherche en radiobiologie. Ce travail s’inscrit dans ce contexte, dans la modélisation des cassures double brin de l’ADN (DSB) à partir des dépôts d’énergie créés par l’irradiation au niveau intracellulaire. Le détail topologique au niveau nanométrique des dépôts d’énergie nécessaire à ce travail est obtenu par modélisation Monte Carlo à l’aide du code Geant4 et, en particulier son extension Geant4-DNA pour des processus à très faible énergie. Les dommages étudiés étant ceux localisés dans l’ADN, le premier objectif de ce travail a été de réaliser une géométrie détaillée de celui-ci afin de l’implémenter dans les calculs Monte Carlo. Deux types de noyaux cellulaires, représentant un fibroblaste et un endothélium, ont été décrits afin d’évaluer l’influence de la densité d’ADN dans les résultats sur la topologie des dépôts pouvant donner lieux à des cassures de la molécule. Cette géométrie nous permet d’effectuer une première sélection des dépôts d’énergie pouvant contribuer aux cassures car situées sur la chaîne sucre-phosphate. Ces dépôts sont ensuite analysés à l’aide d’un algorithme de clustérisation de manière à les regrouper sous forme d’agrégats afin d’étudier leur localisation et complexité. Néanmoins, dans cette étude, seule les interactions physiques entre les rayonnements ionisants et la cible sont modélisées, il n’est donc pas possible d’obtenir un nombre absolu de cassures de brins car cette modélisation n’inclue pas l’étape de création et de transport des radicaux libres pouvant donner lieu à des dommages indirects. Ainsi, le but de ce travail était d’évaluer la dépendance relative des dommages radio-induits directs avec la densité d’ADN, la qualité du rayonnement, la morphologie du noyau ou encore la condensation de la chromatine. Les différentes modélisations réalisées ont permis de quantifier l’influence de ces différents paramètres dans le nombre et la complexité des dommages directs induits dans l’ADN, pouvant ensuite contribuer aux effets tardifs sur le devenir cellulaire. / Ionizing radiations are known to induce critical damages on biological matter and especially on DNA. Among these damages, DNA double strand breaks (DSB) are considered as key precursor of lethal effects of ionizing radiations. Understand and predict how DNA double and simple strand breaks are created by ionising radiation and repaired in cell nucleus is nowadays a major challenge in radiobiology research. This work presents the results on the simulation of the DNA double strand breaks produced from the energy deposited by the irradiation at the intracellular level. At the nanometric scale, the only method to accurately simulate the topological details of energy deposited on the biological matter is the use of Monte Carlo codes. In this work, we used the Geant4 Monte Carlo code and, in particular, the low energy electromagnetic package extensions, referred as Geant4-DNA processes.In order to evaluate DNA radio-induced damages, the first objective of this work consisted in implementing a detailed geometry of the DNA on the Monte Carlo simulations. Two types of cell nuclei, representing a fibroblast and an endothelium, were described in order to evaluate the influence of the DNA density on the topology of the energy deposits contributing to strand breaks. Indeed, the implemented geometry allows the selection of energy transfer points that can lead to strand breaks because they are located on the backbone. Then, these energy transfer points were analysed with a clustering algorithm in order to reveal groups of aggregates and to study their location and complexity.In this work, only the physical interactions of ionizing radiations are simulated. Thus, it is not possible to achieve an absolute number of strand breaks as the creation and transportation of radical species which could lead to indirect DNA damages is not included. Nevertheless, the aim of this work was to evaluate the relative dependence of direct DNA damages with the DNA density, radiation quality, cell nuclei morphology or also chromatin condensation. The results presented in this work have allowed the quantification of the influence of these different parameters in the number and complexity of directs DNA damages which can then contribute to the late effects on cell fate.
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Náhrada škody podle Úmluvy OSN o smlouvách o mezinárodní koupi zboží / Damages under the United Nations Convention on contracts for the international Sale of GoodsVeselý, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The recent decades have seen a steady growth of international trade of goods. In order to harmonize the legal environment concerning this materia, attempts for unification of international sales law have been made. In the field of sales of goods, several international instruments have been adopted. These include the (unsuccessful) Convention relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods, the model laws, i.e. the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and the Principles of European Contract Law, and, most notably, the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG). This master's thesis aims to explore one type of remedies for non-performance under the CISG, namely provisions on damages. In a great detail, articles 74, 77, 79 and 80 will be analysed. First, a detailed commentary on two major prerequisites for liability for damages, i.e. causation and foreseeability, will be given. The various factual and legal causation theories will be described. Then it will be demonstrated why it is just and useful that the CISG contains a provision for limiting liability to foreseeable loss and how foreseeability is measured. We will then move to another method of limiting damages - mitigation rule. It will be shown why it is in the aggrieved party's best...
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Mezinárodní letecká přeprava: vymáhání práv cestujících dle nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 261/2004 ve světle judikatury Evropského soudního dvora / International air transport: enforcement of rights of passengers under Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 in the light of the judgments of the European Court of JusticeUrbanová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
- International air transport: enforcement of rights of passengers under Regulation (ES) No. 261/2004 in the light of judgments of the European court of Justice The subject of this thesis is the enforcement of the rights of passengers under the Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights. The thesis is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter the particular conventions which have been concluded in the area of the international air transportation and which have influenced this area greatly are covered, in particular the Warsaw and Montreal Conventions. The second chapter focuses on the Regulation 261/2004 itself. Particular situations which establish the right for compensation to the passengers are described and analyzed. The issue of the definition of the term "extraordinary circumstances" has not been omitted either. The provisions of the Regulation 261/2004 are interpreted in the light of the SDEU judiciary. The conclusion of the second chapter consists of the future view and the view on the Regulation 261/2004 de lege ferenda. The third chapter follows the substantive regulation by its...
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Smluvní pokuta - frekventovaný prostředek zajištění závazkových vztahů / Contractual penalty – the frequent type of securityŠedová, Klára January 2010 (has links)
Contractual penalty is an effective and in practice often used type of security. However, we cannot consider the Czech legal regulation of the contractual penalty as ideal and there have been many difficulties connected with the application of this instrument. The thesis aims at clarification of the functions of contractual penalty, conditions for its valid and effective creation and consequences of the excessive sum of contractual penalty. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the relation between contractual penalty and other legal instruments and finally also on comparison with other types of security. Main legal sources of the final thesis are court decisions, especially judgments of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. In the thesis there are used methods of historical and comparative interpretation.
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Soukromoprávní nástroje při řešení škod způsobených lokálními povodněmi / Private law and environmental damages caused by local storm floodBuřinská, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with compensation of environmental damages. It focuses on the possibility of this instrument to reduce damages caused by local storm flood in contemporary law system. The paper describes legislation of soil protection, flood and compensation of damages and access to solution of compensation of environmental damages in common law, in the world and in the Czech Republic. At the conclusion of the thesis is introduced an example of suit about compensation of damages caused by local storm flood and the conclusions of interview and correspondence with lawyers.
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Peněžitá náhrada imateriální újmy v českém soukromém právu / Material satisfaction of immaterial loss in czech private lawČuříková, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
Material satisfaction of immaterial loss in Czech private law (summary) The purpose of my thesis is to analyze the moral and material satisfaction in Czech civil law. I wanted to provide a deep interpretation of these institutes which represent an important phenomenon in our time. The importance of protection of personality increased in the 20th century in connection with development of human and personal rights. In last years also according to mass media and global society. My aim was not only to give the interpretation of basic institutes and instruments of protection of personality but also to show more extensive circumstances of this topic, set into relevant judicial cases and European aspects. I quit the part regarding constitutional law which creates a basis for another law adjustment and other basic grounds because I have already dealt with them in my previous dissertations. Chapter one attempts to provide an introduction to the topic of my dissertation giving overview of all chapters. Chapter two and three are denoted to the basic institutions relating to the protection of personality, moral and material satisfaction. They show the meaning of the institutions and also give readers the introduction to these problems. Chapter four provides an important introduction to the history of protection of...
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Contribution au développement d'un système de surveillance des structures en génie civil / Contribution to the development of a structural health monitoring system for civil engineering structuresFrigui, Farouk Omar 13 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre de la mise en place d’une stratégie de SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) dédiée à la surveillance des structures en génie civil. Il a porté, d’une part, sur l’étude des méthodes de détection et de localisation de l’endommagement du bâti existant et, d’autre part, sur l’élaboration du cahier des charges d’un capteur « intégré » capable de délivrer des informations par transmission compacte des données pour les communiquer à une chaîne SHM. Des études numériques et expérimentales ont été réalisées dans cet objectif. L’état de l’art a clairement mis en évidence plusieurs points faibles des méthodes de détection et de localisation d’endommagements usuelles comme, par exemple, le manque de précision et/ou la complexité de mise en place. On observe aussi que la sensibilité de ces méthodes par rapport à plusieurs paramètres, essentiellement la direction de mesure, le positionnement des capteurs et la sévérité des endommagements, ne permet pas à ce jour de dresser un diagnostic précis de l’état de santé des structures. Pour répondre au cahier des charges d’une chaîne SHM, un Algorithme de Détection et de Localisation (ADL) a été élaboré. Cet algorithme fait appel à des méthodes utilisant les paramètres modaux, essentiellement les fréquences propres et les déformées modales. Leurs mises en œuvre séquentielles et itératives, judicieusement structurées et pilotées,a permis de répondre aux objectifs fixés. Les paramètres modaux requis sont identifiés à l’aide des techniques d’Analyse Modale Opérationnelle (AMO) et à partir de la réponse en accélérations des structures. Deux algorithmes d’AMO ont été utilisés pour leur efficacité et pour leur aptitude à l’automatisation: la méthode stochastique par sous ensemble (SSI), et la méthode de décomposition dans le domaine fréquentiel (FDD). En fusionnant les algorithmes d’AMO avec l’ADL, une chaîne complète de surveillance a été créée. La validation des algorithmes et de la chaîne de surveillance s’est faite à plusieurs niveaux. Tout d’abord, basés sur la théorie des éléments finis, des modèles numériques de la tour de l'Ophite et du pont canadien de la Rivière aux-Mulets ont permis d'évaluer l'ADL. Ces modèles sont endommagés par des signaux sismiques et fournissent les données accélérométriques, données d’entrée du logiciel que nous avons développé. Les résultats obtenus sont tout à fait satisfaisants voire meilleurs que ceux issus des méthodes usuelles. Dans un second temps, nous avons traité des données expérimentales «réelles », issues des mesures accélérométriques sur la tour de l’Ophite. La confrontation entre les résultats d’identification des fréquences propres et des déformées modales issus des algorithmes d’AMO et ceux reportés par la bibliographie, a révélé l’efficacité des algorithmes développés.Enfin, une maquette d’un bâtiment à échelle réduite a également été élaborée et instrumentée.L’application de la chaine de surveillance a permis, d’une part, de détecter et localiser l’endommagement introduit dans la structure et, d’autre part, de mettre en évidence l’intérêt de la surveillance automatique. Finalement, une étude a été menée dans le but de réduire la quantité d’informations enregistrées sur les structures et de faciliter le transfert des données servant comme entrées de la chaîne de surveillance. Les résultats de ces études ont contribué à la spécification d’un nouveau système de surveillance / The work presented in this thesis is part of the development of a Structural Health Monitoring(SHM) system dedicated to civil engineering applications. First, it studies the methods of damagedetection and localization. Furthermore, it helps elaborate the specifications of an integratedsensor capable of delivering information by compact transmission of data to an SHM chain.Numerical and experimental studies have been carried out for this purpose. The study of theliterature clearly highlighted several weak points of the traditional damage detection andlocalization methods, such as the lack of precision and the complexity of implementation. Thesensitivity of these methods with respect to several parameters, essentially the measurementdirection, the positioning of the sensors and the severity of the damage, makes it impossible todraw up an accurate diagnosis of the structures. In order to overcome these limitations, a damageDetection and Localization Algorithm (DLA) was developed. By applying Vibration-Based Damage Detection Methods, following a precise order and taking into account the sensitivity, the simplicityand the SHM level of each method, this algorithm made it possible to meet the objectives set at the beginning of this work. The required modal parameters, namely eigen-frequencies and modeshapes, were identified from the structure’s output-only response using Operational ModalAnalysis techniques (OMA). Two OMA algorithms were used for their efficiency and automationability: the Stochastic Subspace Identification method (SSI) and the Frequency DomainDecomposition method (FDD). By merging the OMA algorithms with the DLA, a complete SHMchain was created. The algorithms validation was made at several levels. First, the DLA wasevaluated using a Finite Element Model (FEM) of the Ophite tower and the Rivière aux Muletsbridge. The results obtained were quite satisfactory. Secondly, experimental data were processed,from accelerometric measurements on the Ophite tower. The confrontation between the results ofeigen-frequencies and mode shapes identification using OMA algorithms and those reported in theliterature revealed the efficiency of the developed algorithms. Finally, a scale model of a buildingwas developed, instrumented and damaged. The use of the surveillance chain allowed thedetection and localization of the damage. Moreover, it showed all the interest of using automatic surveillance. The last step of this work dealt with a study carried out to reduce the amount of datarecorded on structures in order to facilitate their transfer to the SHM chain. As a conclusion, the results of these studies contributed to the specification of a new monitoring system
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Quantificação de danos e controle pós-colheita de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus spp.) em pêssegos / Damage quantification and postharvest control of brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus spp.) in peachesAbreu, Fabiana Marchi de 12 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi quantificar e caracterizar danos pós-colheita em pêssegos comercializados na Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo - CEAGESP e testar produtos sanificantes no controle de podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e podridão mole (Rhizopus spp.). Para tanto, foram realizadas vinte avaliações semanais, entre as safras de 2003 e 2004, amostrando-se 1% do total de caixas de pêssegos em cinco permissionários que comercializam esta fruta. As amostragens foram estratificadas por variedade, calibre e produtor. Em todos os frutos de cada amostra foram quantificados os danos abióticos e as doenças pré e póscolheita. Os patógenos Monilinia fructicola e Rhizopus spp. foram cultivados em meio de cultura para realização dos experimentos de controle in vitro e in vivo utilizando cloreto de benzalcônio, dióxido de cloro, Ecolife40® e hipoclorito de cálcio, realizados de forma curativa e preventiva, além do gás ozônio aplicado somente curativamente. A incidência média de frutos danificados foi de 42% em 2003 e 32% em 2004, sendo subdivididos em injúrias mecânicas pré-colheita 18 e 12% em 2003 e 2004, respectivamente, e pós-colheita 12% em 2003 e 13% em 2004; doenças pré-colheita 3 e 1% em 2003 e 2004, respectivamente, e pós-colheita 4% em 2003 e 2% em 2004. O fungo do gênero Cladosporium sp. foi o patógeno que mais ocorreu nas safras avaliadas com 30% em 2003 e 28% em 2004. Injúria mecânica foi o tipo de dano póscolheita mais freqüente em pêssegos. Pêssegos da variedade Aurora foram os mais sensíveis às doenças pós-colheita. Nos testes in vitro cloreto de benzalcônio e Ecolife40®, ambos na concentração de 1000 ppm, inibiram totalmente o crescimento da M. fructicola. Nenhum dos produtos testados foi eficiente no controle de Rhizopus spp. in vitro. Nos testes in vivo, somente o cloreto de benzalcônio na concentração de 2 mL. L-1 e Ecolife40® a 3 mL. L-1, quando aplicados nos pêssegos de forma preventiva, reduziram significativamente a podridão parda em relação à testemunha, em frutos sem ferimento. O cloreto de benzalcônio inibiu a infecção de Monilinia fructicola em todas as concentrações utilizadas, quando aplicado de forma curativa em pêssegos sem ferimento. Hipoclorito de cálcio a 0,1, 0,2 e 0,3 g. L-1 e dióxido de cloro a 2 e 3 mL. L-1 também apresentaram inibição no crescimento de Monilinia fructicola nos testes curativos e inoculados sem ferimentos. Nenhum produto aplicado de forma curativa foi significativamente eficiente para impedir o desenvolvimento da podridão parda, quando a inoculação do fungo foi realizada sobre ferimentos no fruto. Nos experimentos, in vivo, realizados com Rhizopus spp. nenhum dos produtos e formas de tratamentos testados foram eficientes. O gás ozônio não foi eficiente, na concentração de 0,1 ppm, no controle de podridões parda e mole em pêssegos. / The purposes of this study were to quantify and characterize postharvest damages in peaches commercialized at the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de Sao Paulo ? CEAGESP, Brazil, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of sanitizing products in controlling brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) and soft rot (Rhizopus spp.). Twenty weekly evaluations were carried out in 2003 and 2004 and 1% of all peach boxes from five concessionaires was sampled. Samples were stratified according to cultivar, caliber and grower. Every fruit in each sample was assessed as to abiotic damages and pre and postharvest diseases. The pathogens Monilinia fructicola and Rhizopus spp. were grown in culture medium to enable the conduction of the in vitro and in vivo experiments with benzalkonium chloride, chlorine dioxide, Ecolife40® and calcium hypochlorite used curatively and preventively, and ozone gas used only curatively. Average incidences of damaged fruits were 42% and 32% in 2003 and 2004, respectively, involving 18% and 12% pre harvest mechanical injuries, 12% and 13% postharvest injuries, 3% and 1% pre harvest diseases and 4% and 2% postharvest diseases, in 2003 and 2004, respectively. The fungus Cladosporium sp. was the most prevalent pathogen (30% in 2003 and 28% in 2004) in the periods evaluated. Postharvest mechanical injuries were the most common damages in peaches. Peaches cv. Aurora were the most susceptible to postharvest diseases. Benzalkonium chloride and Ecolife40®, both at 1000 ppm, completely inhibited the growth of M. fructicola in in vitro experiments. None of the products tested in this study was effective in the in vitro control of Rhizopus spp. Only the in vivo preventive treatment with benzalkonium chloride at 2 mL. L-1 and Ecolife40® at 3 mL. L-1 promoted significant reduction in brown rot in non-injured peaches when compared to control fruits. The curative use of benzalkonium chloride at all concentrations tested inhibited the infection by Monilinia fructicola in non-injured peaches. The curative application of calcium hypochlorite at 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3 g. L-1 and chlorine dioxide at 2,0 and 3,0 mL. L-1 also inhibited the growth of Monilinia fructicola in non-injured peaches. None of the products tested in curative treatments was significantly effective in preventing the development of brown rot when the fungus was inoculated on injured fruits. None of the products tested was effective in the in vivo control of Rhizopus spp. Ozone gas at 0,1 ppm was not effective in controlling brown rot and soft rot in peaches.
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Avaliação de danos causados por percevejos, de danos mecânicos e de deterioração por umidade, em sementes de soja, utilizando a técnica de análise de imagens / Image analysis technique to evaluate chinch-bugs, mechanical and humidity damages in soybean seedsPinto, Taís Leite Ferreira 02 February 2007 (has links)
Entre os problemas envolvidos na produção de sementes de soja de alta qualidade destacam-se os causados por percevejos, os danos mecânicos e a deterioração por umidade, que resultam em perdas de germinação e de vigor. A técnica de análise de imagens (raios X) é um método de precisão que possibilita examinar, com detalhes, a região danificada ou alterada, sua localização e extensão. Por ser um método não destrutivo, as sementes em análise podem ser submetidas a testes fisiológicos e, desta forma, é possível estabelecer as relações de causa e efeito. Tendo em vista estes aspectos, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar a técnica de análise de imagens na identificação de danos em sementes de soja e avaliar sua eficiência comparando com os dados obtidos pelo teste de tetrazólio. Este trabalho foi conduzido nos Laboratórios de Análise de Imagens e de Análise de Sementes, do Departamento de Produção Vegetal, da Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo, em Piracicaba, SP. Sementes de diferentes lotes de um mesmo cultivar (BRS 184) foram submetidas ao teste de raios X e, posteriormente, destinadas ao teste de primeira contagem de germinação, de forma a relacionar os danos com os possíveis prejuízos proporcionados às sementes. Paralelamente, foi realizado o teste de tetrazólio visando comparação com o teste de raios X. Para a análise interpretativa dos testes, foram consideradas a severidade e a localização dos danos. Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se afirmar que a análise de imagens mostrou-se eficiente na detecção dos danos mecânicos, por percevejos e por umidade, havendo correlação positiva com os resultados obtidos pelo teste de tetrazólio. / Image analysis is a very promising technique to determine damages in seeds, which can result in losses of germination and vigor. This precise method examines seeds individually by using enlarged images in which damaged areas, as well their exact location and extension, can be found and examined in details. This is a non-destructive method, so analyzed seeds can be submitted to physiological tests to establish the relationship between damage and quality loss. The goal of this research was to study the use of image analysis technique (X-ray) to identify chinch-bugs, mechanical and humidity damages in soybean seeds. The research was carried out at Image Analysis and Seed Analysis Laboratories from Crop Science Department, “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo, in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Seeds of different lots of soybean, cultivar BRS 184, were submitted to the X-ray test and, consecutively, used for the first count of the germination test, in order to determine the possible relationship between cause and effect. Simultaneously, X-ray test was compared with the tetrazolium test. For the interpretation of the X-ray test, the severity and location of chinch-bugs, mechanical and humidity damages were considered. The results showed that X-ray test is efficient to detect these damages in soybean seeds.
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