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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ar solidarioji didesnio pavojaus šaltinio valdytojo atsakomybė (LR CK 6.270 str. 3 d.), su šį šaltinį neteisėtai užvaldžiusiu asmeniu, nepažeidžia žalos atlyginimo procese dalyvaujančių asmenų interesų pusiausvyros? / Whether the joint and several liability (CC of LT 6.270 art. 3 p.) of the PPHO with the person who seized that object unlawfully, infringes the balance of interests of the parties in a process of reparation for damages?

Skulščius, Vytautas 19 June 2014 (has links)
LR Konstitucinis Teismas savo išaiškinimuose yra pažymėjęs, kad dėl neteisėtų veiksmų nukentėjusiam asmeniui visais atvejais yra užtikrinama galimybė reikalauti teisingo žalos atlyginimo ir jį gauti, o teisingumo ir teisinės valstybės principai sąlygoja, kad įstatyminės poveikio priemonės garantuotų asmenų teisėtų interesų pusiausvyrą. LR CK 6.270 str. 3 d. numato, kad didesnio pavojaus šaltinio valdytojas (toliau – DPŠV), laikomas solidariai atsakingu su neteisėtai didesnį pavojaus šaltinį užvaldžiusiu asmeniu atvejais, kai dėl šaltinio praradimo yra ir paties valdytojo kaltės, bei tai, kad atlyginęs žalą DPŠV, gauna regreso teisę į neteisėtai didesnio pavojaus šaltinį užvaldžiusį asmenį. Toks teisinis reguliavimas gali sąlygoti, kad DPŠV dėl neatsargumo praradęs tą šaltinį, gali būti priverstas atsakyti ta pačia apimtimi, kaip ir tyčiniais nusikalstamais veiksmais žalą sukėlę asmenys. Todėl kyla abejonė, ar CK 6.270 str. 3 d. ta apimtimi, kuri numato solidariąją DPŠV atsakomybę, nepažeidžia asmenų teisėtų interesų pusiausvyros. Magistro darbe buvo nustatyta ir tiriama: DPŠV atsakomybės požymiai ir atribojimas nuo kitų atsakomybės rūšių; solidariosios atsakomybės problematika deliktiniuose santykiuose; DPŠV ir nukentėjusiojo asmens teisėti interesai Lietuvoje. Darbe vertinama, kaip skirtingose valstybėse gali būti derinami asmens, valdančio objektą, kuris pagal Lietuvos teisę laikomas didesnio pavojaus šaltiniu, ir nukentėjusiojo dėl to šaltinio asmens interesai. Buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania has held in it’s decisions, that the constitutional imperative for compensation for material and moral damage is inherent in the Constitution enshrined the principle of justice that laws must be provided with all the necessary legal preconditions for just compensation of damages to victims. However, the constitutional principles of justice and the rule of law, also implies that the measures established, have to meet the legitimate and universally important objectives and guarantee of balance of legitimate interests. There is 6.270 Art. 3 p. in Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania which provides that the possessor of a potentially hazardous object (hereinafter PPHO), the latter and the person who seized the potentially hazardous object unlawfully, shall be held jointly and severally liable for the damage caused by that object, in cases where the loss of possession of a potentially hazardous object results also from the fault (as well negligence) of the possessor. Upon having compensated for the damage, the PPHO shall acquire a right of recourse for the recovery of sums paid against the person who unlawfully seized the potentially hazardous object. Having regard to the legal regulation, there is possibility of situation where the PPHO which contributed fractional share in loss of possession of potentially hazardous object should be liable for the damage caused by intentional criminal acts made by third parties. Moreover... [to full text]

Velké šelmy a jejich přijetí ve vybraném regionu / Great Carnivores and its Acceptation in Selected Region

Hadravová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on finding the relationship of primary school pupils and secondary school students to the carnivores of the Czech Republic in the Lusatian Mountains and Ralsko Upland. Among the selected carnivores are brown bear (Ursus arctos), lynx (Lynx lynx) and wolf (Canis lupus). Fox (Vulpes vulpes) is used in the thesis for comparison. The thesis collects the opinions on these carnivores and compares them. The survey was realized by questionnaire survey. The thesis includes the characteristics of carnivores and their extensions.

Road Transportation of Fuel / Silniční přeprava pohonných látek

Skopalová, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with road transportation of fuel. In theoretical part there are described the legal clauses that are related to this issue. The most detailed regulations can be found in the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (so called Agreement ADR). Hence the biggest part of the theoretical section is devoted to these regulations. Instructions for transportation of diesel and petrol have been chosen from this international agreement and explained. Practical part deals with particular carrier of fuel - company Petrotrans s.r.o. Standard of service is compared according to several different customers, established demands on safety of fuel transportation are decribed and security of consumption tax in international fuel transportation is analysed.

Les conduites à risques et le Trouble Déficitaire de l'Attention/Hyperactivité (TDAH) chez l'enfant et l'adolescent : l'exemple des jeux dangereux

Aubron, Valérie 24 November 2009 (has links)
Ce présent travail porte sur l’étude des conduites à risques et le Trouble Déficitaire de l’Attention/Hyperactivité chez l’enfant et l’adolescent. Les relations entre les conduites à risques, plus spécifiquement la consommation de substances psycho-actives, et le TDAH constituent un objet d’étude important. Parmi les conduites risques nous avons voulu nous centrer particulièrement sur les jeux dangereux (jeux de non-oxygénation et jeux violents), ces conduites sont encore peu documentées au niveau de la littérature. Toutefois, certaines études mettent en évidence un lien entre ces pratiques et les troubles externalisés. L’objectif de ce travail était d’identifier les facteurs associés voire de vulnérabilité aux conduites à risques, les jeux dangereux, chez les enfants et les adolescents. Nous avons étudié les liens entre les jeux dangereux et le TDAH, puis nous avons mis en évidence l’implication de variables psychologiques et psychopathologiques. Dans notre première étude, notre échantillon est constitué de 746 collégiens. Nous avons utilisé une méthodologie quantitative visant à évaluer : les conduites à risques, la symptomatologie anxieuse, dépressive et hyperactive, les styles motivationnels ainsi que la personnalité en référence au modèle de Cloninger. Notre deuxième étude, réalisée en milieu clinique auprès de 215 enfants présentant un TDAH, nous a permis d’étudier les variables psychologiques et psychopathologiques dans le TDAH. Puis, dans notre troisième étude, nous avons évalué chez les enfants TDAH les conduites à risques et nous avons mis en évidence l’implication de facteurs de vulnérabilité. Les résultats obtenus nous permettent de dégager des profils psychologiques et psychopathologiques distincts selon le type de jeux dangereux. De plus, selon la sévérité du TDAH, les facteurs de vulnérabilité sont différents. / Present study focuses on the risk behaviors and Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents. The relationship between risk behaviors, specifically substances use, and ADHD are commonly examined. Among risk behaviors we work particularly on the dangerous games (suffocation games and violent games). In the literature some studies show a link between these practices and externalized disorders. The objective of this study was to identify factors associated to risk behaviors, dangerous games specifically in children and adolescents. We studied the relationship between dangerous games and ADHD, and then we have highlighted the involvement of psychological and psychopathological variables. In the first study, sample consists to 746 schoolboys. We used a quantitative methodology to assess: risk behaviors, anxiety, depression and hyperactive disorder, the motivational styles and personality with reference to the model of Cloninger. In second study, conducted in psychiatric hospital with 215 children with ADHD, we examine the psychological and psychopathological variables in ADHD. Then in the third study, we evaluated ADHD and risks behaviors and we have highlighted the vulnerability factors. The results obtained allow us to identify different psychological and psychopathological profiles by type of dangerous games. Moreover, according to the severity of ADHD, vulnerability factors are different.

Desenvolvimento de metodologia e aplicativo para auxílio ao monitoramento de acidentes ao transporte de produtos perigosos : estudo de caso no trecho de Osório a Torres/RS

Souza, Mauricio de January 2016 (has links)
Os acidentes de trânsito são eventos cotidianos nas principais rodovias, ruas e avenidas do Brasil, esses são motivados pelo aumento da frota veicular, o péssimo estado de conservação das pavimentações, negligências dos condutores e pedestres no trânsito entre outros casos. Os acidentes podem causar vários danos (materiais, ambientais e na saúde do ser humano). Estes danos podem ser multiplicados se o veículo envolvido estiver transportando produto perigoso, que não é raro de ocorrer, é a segunda maior categoria envolvida em acidentes no Brasil. Uma forma de diminuir os danos é um resgate rápido. Por outro lado, tem-se uma crescente evolução tecnológica, smartphones, criando realidade virtual, com vários sensores, temperatura, movimento, localização etc. podendo ser uma ferramenta potencial para auxiliar as equipes de resgates. O presente trabalho investigou um sistema de informações geográficas para monitoramento do transporte de produtos perigosos em na rodovia BR 101, via internet móvel, o qual identifique acidente, informando as equipes de resgate, o local e o produto transportado. Com as integrações das linguagens HTML, JavaScript/jQuery e PHP com a API da Google Maps e o banco de dados Postgres/PostGIS buscou-se verificar a possibilidade de implementação do servidor de mapas WEB. O aplicativo para smartphone foi desenvolvido em linguagem Java para Android na versão KitKat, visando abranger o maior número de usuários possível. Como resultado conseguiu-se desenvolver o servidor de mapas com a interação das linguagens, com três níveis de acesso Comum, Operário e Administrador. O aplicativo utilizou o sensor de GPS para coletar a coordenada geográfica e a velocidade média do veículo, com essas informações foi desenvolvido um mecanismo de análise de ocorrência de acidente. O servidor de mapas e o aplicativo se comunicam através de uma página PHP o aplicativo manda informações para o banco de dados, que o servidor lê e interpreta a informação. Este trabalho serve de base para inúmeras outras aplicações, atualmente estão sendo descobertas novas aplicações para smartphone e estas aplicações visando mais segurança serão bem aceitas pela população. / Traffic accidents are everyday events of the main highways, streets and avenues of Brazil, motivated hair increasing vehicle fleet, the poor state of conservation of paving, negligence of drivers and pedestrians in traffic between other cases. Accidents cause several damages (materials, environment and the human Health) these damage be multiplied if the vehicle is involved transporting dangerous product, and not rare to occur, are the second largest category involved in accidents in Brazil. One way to lessen the damage is a fast rescue. By side other, we have a growing technological evolution, smartphones, creating virtual reality, with several sensors, temperature, movement, location etc. can be a potential tool to assist and rescue teams. The present work investigated a Geographic Information System to monitoring the transport of dangerous goods in road in the BR 101, via mobile internet, which identify accident, informing and rescue teams, the location, and the goods transported. With the integration of languages HTML, JavaScript / jQuery and PHP with the Google Maps API and the data bank of Postgres/PostGIS sought to verify the possibility of Implementation of web map server The application to smartphones was developed in Java for Android in version KitKat, aiming to cover the largest number of users possible. As a result it had developed the Map Server with the interaction of languages, with three levels of access common, worker and administrator. The application was developed used GPS sensor to collect a geographic coordinate and average speed of vehicle, with these information was developed an accident occurred analysis engine. The Map Server and the application communicate through a page PHP application sends information to the database, which the server reads and interprets the information. This work form the basis of numerous other applications, we are living in where are a moment being discovered new applications to smartphones and these applications seeking more security will be well accepted by the population.

Entre silêncios e invisibilidades : os sujeitos em cumprimento de medidas de segurança nos manicômios judiciários brasileiros

Weigert, Mariana de Assis Brasil e January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese estuda o cumprimento das medidas de segurança no Brasil contemporâneo, a fim de compreender o impacto da Reforma Psiquiátrica e da Lei nacional 10.216/01 no campo dos considerados loucos criminosos. Para tanto, apresento a lógica periculosista voltada a esse grupo de sujeitos vulneráveis, examinando a maneira como ela se constitui e se mantém. Tendo como referencial teórico fundamentalmente as obras de Foucault e de Agamben, faço o mapeamento dos mecanismos atuantes no campo do considerado louco infrator que autorizam e legitimam as mais diversas violências contra os internos dos manicômios judiciários brasileiros. Esta tese, pois, centra-se nas seguintes questões: que mecanismos existem nos campos das práticas punitivas que anulam as conquistas realizadas no campo da saúde mental (Reforma Psiquiátrica)? Como as expressivas mudanças trazidas pela Lei 10.216/01 têm repercutido na forma de lidar com os loucos infratores? A partir da obra Os Anormais, de Foucault, discuto como ocorre a fusão entre as ciências jurídicas e psiquiátricas voltando-se a esse sujeito que não é nem considerado propriamente doente nem propriamente criminoso, mas um anormal. Para realizar tal objetivo, foram analisados materiais como: entrevista com Ernesto Venturini, anotações realizadas após visitas ao IPFMC de Porto Alegre, censo 2011 sobre hospitais psiquiátricos judiciários no país, Dados do Departamento Penitenciário Nacional (DEPEN), Parecer sobre Medidas de Segurança e Hospitais de Custódia e Tratamento Psiquiátrico sob a Perspectiva da Lei 10.216/01, elaborado pela Procuradoria Federal dos Direitos do Cidadão (PFDC) do Ministério Público Federal (MPF), Lei da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira (Lei 10.216/01) e Lei da Reforma Psiquiátrica italiana (Lei 180). Parte da investigação foi realizada na Universidade de Bologna, Itália, sob a coorientação do criminólogo Massimo Pavarini, para compreender de que maneira o país vem tratando o cumprimento das medidas de segurança e como a Reforma Psiquiátrica tem propugnado mudanças no tratamento do considerado louco infrator. Como resultado da tese aponto que a união entre ambos os campos do saber gera um terceiro discurso, algo distinto daquilo que sozinhas produzem as ciências jus e as ciências psi. Já que não há uma epistemologia própria, nas práticas voltadas a esses indivíduos não há uma limitação adequada, não há freios, porque também não há uma ciência definida, mas o entrelaçamento entre duas. E se é assim, o que ocorre é a legitimação de condutas violadoras de direitos que atuam sobre o considerado louco infrator, muitas vezes, de maneira inclusive letal. Pessoas amontoadas em manicômios judiciários, diferenciadas dos demais considerados loucos pelo fato de terem praticado um crime, e nas quais é possível incidir não porque a ciência médica ou jurídica simplesmente determine, mas porque a união desses saberes cria um discurso próprio voltado a um sujeito próprio chamado de anormal. / This thesis analyses the implementation of compulsory hospitalisation in Contemporary Brazil in order to understand the impact of the Psychiatric Reform and the National Law 10.216/01 on the considered insane offender field. Therefore, it presents the dangerous logic focusing on this group of vulnerable subjects, observing how it constitutes and maintains. Through the guidance of Foucault and Agamben’s works, it maps the mechanisms operating in the considered insane offender field, which authorize and legitimize the most diverse violence against inmates in Brazilian legal mental institutions. The central question of this thesis is, therefore, what are the existing mechanisms in the punitive practices field that nullify the achievements made in the mental health field (psychiatric reform)? How have the significant changes introduced by the Law 10.216/01 been reflecting in dealing with insane offenders? From Foucault’s Os Anormais book, I discuss how the merger between legal and psychiatric sciences occurs, focusing on this subject that is neither properly considered mentally ill nor strictly criminal, but an abnormal. To accomplish this objective, many resources were analysed, such as an interview with Ernesto Venturini; notes made after visits to IPFMC in Porto Alegre; the 2011 census on legal mental institutions in the country; data from the Departamento Penitenciário Nacional (DEPEN); researches on compulsory hospitalisation and Custody Hospitals and Psychiatric Treatment under the Law 10.216/01, carried out by the Federal Attorney for Citizens' Rights (PFDC) of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), the Brazilian Psychiatric Law Reform (Law 10.216/01) and the Italian Psychiatric Law Reform (Act 180). Part of this research took place at the University of Bologna, Italy, under the co-direction of the criminologist Massimo Pavarini, in order to understand how the country has been dealing with the compliance of the compulsory hospitalisation and how the Psychiatric Reform has advocated changes in the considered insane offender treatment. As a result, this thesis states that the union between the two fields of knowledge generates a third stream/speech, something different from what the jus sciences and the psi sciences produce alone. Since there is not a specific epistemology, practices aimed at these individuals do not have a limitation; there are no brakes, because there is not a well-defined science, but a merge between those two. And, as consequence, what eventually occurs is the legitimation of conducts that violate rights, acting against the considered insane offender, often in lethal ways. People crowded in legal mental institutions, differed by the other so-called "crazy people" just by the fact of having committed a crime. The law is applied to them not by imposition of medical science or legal science, but because the union of these two fields creates its own discourse, which is addressed to a person considered abnormal.

Assuming Competence: Philosophical Basis for Research in Access to the General Curriculum

Jimenez, Bree, Mims, Pamela J. 03 December 2015 (has links)
Using best-practices and supports that apply the least dangerous assumption (LDA) is a powerful tool for increasing overall student quality of life and keeping alive a vision of high achievement for all students. This presentation will focus on research and evidence based strategies to promote the LDA for students with significant disabilities regarding accessing personally relevant academic instruction with meaningful student centered outcomes. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this session, participants will be able to: a) identify four criteria to promote Least Dangerous Assumption b) discuss ways to successfully implement the four criteria in their classroom to meet the needs of a wide range of diverse students with significant disabilities c) identify resources that incorporate these four criteria and are applicable to students from diverse backgrounds

Black Hole Search in the Network and Subway Models

Kellett, Matthew 06 February 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we look at mobile agent solutions to black hole search and related problems. Mobile agents are computational entities that are autonomous, mobile, and can interact with their environment and each other. The black hole search problem is for a team of these agents to work together to map or explore a graph-like network environment where some elements of the network are dangerous to the agents. Most research into black hole search has focussed on finding a single dangerous node: a black hole. We look at the problem of finding multiple black holes and, in the case of dangerous graph exploration, multiple black links as well. We look at the dangerous graph exploration problem in the network model. The network model is based on a normal static computer network modelled as a simple graph. We give an optimal solution to the dangerous graph exploration problem using agents that start scattered on nodes throughout the network. We then make the problem more difficult by allowing an adversary to delete links during the execution of the algorithm and provide a solution using scattered agents. In the last decade or two, types of networks have emerged, such as ad hoc wireless networks, that are by their nature dynamic. These networks change quickly over time and can make distributed computations difficult. We look at black hole search in one type of dynamic network described by the subway model, which we base on urban subway systems. The model allows us to look at the cost of opportunistic movement by requiring the agents to move using carriers that follow routes among the network's sites, some of which are black holes. We show that there are basic limitations on any solution to black hole search in the subway model and prove lower bounds on any solution's complexity. We then provide two optimal solutions that differ in the agents' starting locations and how they communicate with one another. Our results provide a small window into the cost of deterministic distributed computing in networks that have dynamic elements, but which are not fully random.

Black Hole Search in the Network and Subway Models

Kellett, Matthew 06 February 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we look at mobile agent solutions to black hole search and related problems. Mobile agents are computational entities that are autonomous, mobile, and can interact with their environment and each other. The black hole search problem is for a team of these agents to work together to map or explore a graph-like network environment where some elements of the network are dangerous to the agents. Most research into black hole search has focussed on finding a single dangerous node: a black hole. We look at the problem of finding multiple black holes and, in the case of dangerous graph exploration, multiple black links as well. We look at the dangerous graph exploration problem in the network model. The network model is based on a normal static computer network modelled as a simple graph. We give an optimal solution to the dangerous graph exploration problem using agents that start scattered on nodes throughout the network. We then make the problem more difficult by allowing an adversary to delete links during the execution of the algorithm and provide a solution using scattered agents. In the last decade or two, types of networks have emerged, such as ad hoc wireless networks, that are by their nature dynamic. These networks change quickly over time and can make distributed computations difficult. We look at black hole search in one type of dynamic network described by the subway model, which we base on urban subway systems. The model allows us to look at the cost of opportunistic movement by requiring the agents to move using carriers that follow routes among the network's sites, some of which are black holes. We show that there are basic limitations on any solution to black hole search in the subway model and prove lower bounds on any solution's complexity. We then provide two optimal solutions that differ in the agents' starting locations and how they communicate with one another. Our results provide a small window into the cost of deterministic distributed computing in networks that have dynamic elements, but which are not fully random.

The Study of Kaohsiung City Legal System of Dangerous Driving Prevention

Chen, Hsiang-Wei 15 August 2012 (has links)
The scene of dangerous driving (street racing) has been seen in 1986; however, the situation has not been redressed a bit after the long-term prevention by police force. Nevertheless, since the problem of dangerous driving first appeared in 1955 in Japan, by the long-term prevention, the situation has been well redressed and some talented F1 racing drivers have been cultivated. On May, 11th, 2012, a Japanese racing driver, Kamui Kobayashi, took the 5th place in Spanish Grand Prix. Dangerous driving has been banned by force in our nation; yet, the auto racing industry has not been developed in line with modern society. In a long period of time, the prevention of dangerous driving has been ineffective due to the banning manner, instead of venting, that the government adopted, which leads to a huge waste of human power and resources. Police force is the current administrative authority for preventing dangerous driving. The legal basis for police to enforce or exercise its power or right is officially available since the Police Duties Enforcement Act was promulgated on Dec. 12th 2003, followed by the interpretation of Shih-Zih No. 535 made by the Council of Grand Justices. The Police Duties Enforcement Act does not only regulate that the enforcement of police powers should be complied with proportionality by specific manner, but also provides the legal basis for the enforcement of police powers. Human right and police itself are also safeguarded. Nevertheless, whether the enforcement of the Act can redress dangerous driving, or weather it can represent that dangerous driving can be corrected only by police is worth discussing in this study. Dangerous driving has been a troublesome problem to Kaohsiung City. By this study, I found out that banning dangerous driving by strict force affects little to the prevention of it. Through the analysis of the five major frameworks of administrative law, I suggest that the government should not regard dangerous driving as a pure event of public disorder, but a social phenomenon. Except for banning illegal dangerous driving, the central government should take the advantage of the situation to allow local self-governing to promote auto-racing industry. The government should also play the role of leading and changing the illegal and dangerous driving to the legal auto racing game with reasonable and effective management, and to set a managing mechanism in terms of the platform for modified parts. Through this manner, the government can not only benefit from taxing, but also control dangerous deriving effectively, which leads to a win-win situation for both of the government and its people.

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