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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neįgaliųjų, turinčių intelekto sutrikimų, darbinės veiklos rengimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of preparing labour activities for the people, having intellectual disorders

Lukauskienė, Jurgita 17 June 2005 (has links)
Knowkedge is not the thing that can be gained at a certain period of a person’s life and is over when we graduate from school or become adults. Many disabled people have very limited possibilities to develop their academic or personal skills after graduating from school. In many cases the adult educational system is not achievable for the people with intellectual disorders. They are in need of gaining the most necessary skills of life and develop themselves. That is why, according to the author’s opinion the theme “Peculiarities of preparing labour activities for the people, having intellectual disorders“ is very urgent nowadays. All this paper work consists of the theoretical part ( 4 chapters), analyses, conclusion and summary. This paper consists of 69 pages. 60 authors are included in the list of the literature. The first theoretical part gives the analysis of pedagogical, psychological, medical and special literature about the disabled people, who have disorders of the intellect the definition of the indisposition, its classification, the definition of intellect disorder and classification. The second theoretical part discusses about the data for preparation of working activities of the disabled people, who have disorders of intellect. Seeking to avoid social isolation of the disabled people, the preparation for the work can become an effective means, which will give a chance for such people to integrate into a modern labour market. So in this part of the paper you will... [to full text]

Pasitenkinimo darbo sąlygomis, saviveiksmingumo ir subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumo sąsajos / The relationship between satisfaction with job conditions, self-efficacy and subjective evaluation of work effectiveness

Talalaitė, Agnė 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pasitenkinimo darbo sąlygomis, saviveiksmingumo ir subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumo sąsajas bei įvertinti ar pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis ir saviveiksmingumas gali prognozuoti subjektyviai suvokiamą darbinės veiklos efektyvumą. Tyrime dalyvavo 204 Kauno ir Vilniaus miestų įmonių įvairių specialybių darbuotojai ( 98 vyrai ir 106 moterys). Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis 29,75 metai. Tiriamieji buvo parinkti patogiosios atrankos būdu. Pasitenkinimui darbo sąlygomis įvertinti buvo sudarytas klausimynas remiantis literatūros apžvalga. Tai vienfaktorinis reiškinys, kuris sudarytas iš 17 klausimų. Saviveiksmingumui nustatyti buvo naudota bendra saviveiksmingumo skalė (The General Self – Efficacy Scale, Jerusalem M. ir Schwarzer R., 1993), kurią sudaro dešimt teiginių. Subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumas buvo matuojamas dviem aspektais: nedalyvavimo darbinėje veikloje skale (SPS6 scale, Koopman et al., 2002), antrasis aspektas yra neatvykimo į darbą dažnumo indeksas, sudarytas šiam tyrimui doc. Dr. L. Gustainienės ir Talalaitės A. (2012) Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didėjantis pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis siejasi su mažėjančiu nedalyvavimu darbinėje veikloje ir nebuvimu darbe. Taip pat didėjant saviveiksmingumui, mažėja nedalyvavimas darbinėje veikloje. Rezultatai parodė, kad moterų imtyje nedalyvavimą darbinėje veikloje ir nebuvimą darbe prognozuoja pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis, o vyrų imtyje saviveiksmingumas. / The aim of the study was to assess relationship between the satisfaction with job conditions, self-efficacy and subjective evaluation of work effectiveness. There were 204 employers (106 – women, 98 – men) who participated in the research. The respondents were from Kaunas and Vilnius organizations. The average age of the participants 29,75 years. For the assessment of satisfaction with job condition was made a questionnaire with reference from literature review. The questionnaire consist of 17 propositions. For the assessment of self-efficacy was used The General Self – Efficacy Scale (Jerusalem, M., Schwarzer, R., 1993). Subjective evaluation of work effectiveness was evaluating by two aspects: The first one is a phenomen as being present at work but unable to be fully engaged with the work environment so for the assessment was used Presenteeism Scale (SPS6, Koopman et al., 2002). The second aspect is absenteeism (frequency index of not being at work) – it was made with reference from literature review. Results of a study showed that increasing satisfaction with job conditions correlates with decreasing presenteeism and absenteeism. Moreover, increasing self-efficacy decreases presenteeism. Furthermore, study showed that presenteeism and absenteeism is prognosticated by satisfaction with job conditions in cluster of women and presenteeism and absenteeism is prognosticated by self-efficacy.

Šeimos politikos pokyčiai Lietuvoje pereinant iš socializmo į kapitalizmą / The shift of family policy in lithuania during the transition from socialism to capitalism

Steckienė, Aušra 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe atliekama lyginamoji LTSR ir LR vykdytos šeimos politikos analizė. Analizuojamos tokios sritys, kaip šeimos ir šeimos politikos sampratos pokyčiai, aptariama kaip pakito šalies ekonominė – politinė sąranga. Taip pat išskiriama kokios egzistavo pagrindinės demografinės problemos LTSR ir kokios demografinės problemos yra aktualios LR, kaip pasikeitė vertybinės nuostatos šeimos atžvilgiu. Analizuojant pačią šeimos politiką apimamos tokios sferos, kaip šeimos paramos priemonės ( išmokos, pašalpos, pensijos, būsto įsigijimo ir darbinės lengvatos, atostogos), jaunosios kartos ugdymas ( vaiko teisių užtikrinimas, ugdymas ikimokyklinėse įstaigose ir mokykloje), aptariami šeimos teisės pokyčiai ( santuokos, ištuokos, turtinių ir asmeninių santykių tarp tėvų ir vaikų bei kitų artimų giminaičių reglamentavimas). / This paper presents the comparative analysis of the family policy of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Republic of Lithuania. It analyses such fields as the changes in the conception of family and family policy, discusses what changes the national economic and political framework underwent. Morcover, the paper determines what major demographic problems existed in the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic and what demographic problems are current in the Republic of Lithuania and, in addition, how value-related attitudes changed in respect of family. The analysis of the family policy itself covers other spheres, such as family assistance instruments (benefits, allowances, pensions, privileges for housing acquisition and occupational privileges, vacations), education of the young generation (sefeguarding the chlidren’s rights, education at the pre-school establishments and schools), and overviews the changes in the family policy (regulation of marriage, divorse, property and personal relations betwee the parents and children or other close relatives).

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